HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-12-30, Page 1310a
and h&opiness we need no friends’, iJU Sead "rsamp e,
, . ■-.*•-■■. ■ »■ - i i x* also cattuogue.tor-.-wv viem ini»Aer.i‘a Tmn *
He’s a poor lawyer who .mistake:
The Guaranteed ONE Dye for ALL Goods
Children’s Skin Troubles, Cuts, Et
A man’s conscience seldom trou
bles him as much is the corn on
his little toe.
The man who knows it all seldom
makes good when it comes to ac
thus meets MT the needs <if the okia in that
s-npBiior and all-powerful way in which nature
alone provides.
Children like 2itra-P.uk boat Lweauso m »ocn
as applied it stupe tea pain and the smarting
■of the injury or store place. Healing then cow
in immediately.
Ate Dueoanwa akb Swmm. SO*
Painkiller in winter check, cl.-Ills, breaks np
colds and tliun prevents Bronchitis, Kogrippe
nnd■Rhsumiitism. UneqnaJlod ao st finimont Lir
frost bites, chilblains, bruises, sp.aiua. Sold by
all druggists. Only eno Falakillor—Perry Bari.’.
8«nd for free sample to Dept. W. L., Na-
llotiai Urns A Chemical Co,. Toronto.
FAZO OINTMENT if ■•ivirA’iteod to rare any
ovo nl Itchilitt. Hl'nl n’t" li 1 • or I’rutruding
l’ile.1 >11 6 to 14 days w :u >»ey rtfuinksd. 50e,
her delicate child j
; healtliilv. Mrs. T.................... ..................................i
4 t
au vvjuun «, w.v t. vx.u V
■. Williams’ Medicine
J w., ju.vJt.hlu, C.E. 4-
I 4
4 4444 4- 44 444 4444 4 4 44444.
______.____________________jw*- iAPPENDICT^I
Cured without operations. Ail who 3K fl
iliri-d with thfe diaeuno and wish
cured permanently, safely and quickly
with this great. Homeopathic remedy,
which will be sent post-paid anywhere
in the world with full instructions for
using so »n to effect a permanent oufiept
Price S2. Address
John T. Walt, Hoineopathto Pharmacy,
Always a Good Friend.—In health
$444"444 44444 4 4444 444444
t 7 now, fifty foet long, triple expaneten
engines, everything up-to-date. Will be
sold at a bargain. Apply for particular*.
O. Sorby, Guolph. ,'
Other mor may profit’ by good
luck, but every ifran admits his own
success is due to his rare good
judgment. ■
Froe-to OUr Roaders.
Write Murine Eye Jlnmocly Co., Chicago,
fnl’ 48-pago Jllustrrttqd Eye Book Free.
Write- nil about Yonr Fye Trotlblo nntl
they will advise us to the Proper Applica
tion of the Mut’lno Eva’llemoiiins in Your
Special Crae. Your Drnggipt will fell you
tbut. Murine Relieves Ror.o Eyes, Strength,
ei.s Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Sootheo
Eye P.-’.in. mid Bells for .'>0e. Try It in
Your Eyes mid in Baby’s Eyes for Sealy
Eyelids and Granulation.
A. Paris cabman was sitting on his
box, and struck a fuse (of the kind
manufactured by the Government)
to light-his pipe, when a spark from
the match flew on to his collar,
This collar was made of celluloid,
and at once took fire, with the re
sult that tho cabby was severely
burnt about the face and neck.
caught a little cold—
That was all.
the neighbors sadly . said,
they gathered round his bed.
When they heard that he was dead.
He caught a little cold—
That was all. (Pxujk.)
Dr, Morse’s '
Indian Root P fl |<!
■ro mitdo according tp n fornsulntn
uno nearly a century ago strnomr
Hie Indians, and loarned from tfiom
1>V Dr. Marne. Though repeated al-
tompta hnvo been made, by phyul-
ctnnnand chemietn, it linn been found
Jrnpn««iblB to linprovo tho formula
or thv’allis. Dr, Morse's Indian Kcal
Pllltr nre n hotrnelidld rpmerly
thron’liont the workl for. Conetfpa,
tian nnd nil Kidney nnd LIvor
trnubh'9. They net promptly and
effeotively, and
Cleanse the System
host airy thaito wwtjurul raMtop-to-itete ot Atlantia City k
alto ol tlio bod room,, avoragiug Ms fast equoTa. jEvory room commands an ocean view, bath atUohJ
bImss fn o««ry obamboa Tamparatiura yojralidH by Tbfl etoain hoaHug. Telsphona In arsry OeMysiriloi®
booklot. fl
Cleaning II
Vor yw«*’ wcrV ♦»*«(• ,
Irtsi fw la lawn,
.ronly One “BROMO QUININE”
for the »lg»»ti>t» nt K. V>’. GltOVK. Usoil the
world over to Cure a■Cphl in Ono Day.
How much, better a thing'tastes
when the doctor says you mustn't
eat it!
Jmt Think of it I With the SANE Dye .
you cancolor ANY kind of cloth Portactiy—No jk.
chance of mistakes. All colors 10 cents from K your Drug-gist or Dealer. Sample Card and *»
Booklet Free fromThe Johnsen-Richardson Co., Limited, H
Dept. O. Montreal. Que. if]
.As the bride and what she mar-1 nTel] mf. .> saij tile iovelorn
lied leaves the church, trouble S*^S:youth, ‘’'the best way to find out
busy and follows tnein home. ; what a woman thinks of you?”
juarrv her!” replied Peckham
O. .A. C. No. 21 Jtana.‘-'’lwnrf S>z rowed . .
Harley is the best. You will grow it.BOB'ptJJ.
Roonnr or later. Wliv not now ? Geo. 1
Keith & Sons', Seed Morehanta, Toronto. | Vn.
are effarins a splendid example of this >
grand Barley in 6 bu.Q>»! lots, at$1.25 jcurH
Tney who would find perfection ! He’s a poor lawver who .mistakes
without, pain are -looking only to:lhe wil] Rjl. llie deed.
put an edge on a sword of lead. 1 . ____
’ . ! Some local celebrities are fara-
Allen’ft tung Balsam h enpwiiilly intended to ous alKl some others are notorious, brtink up neglft?4o4 ciugh's nmi many hoptflaMs ■
jiiibeu have beu/v eayeu by its u,*e. Uouuiiifi no i
Qpiuiii iu Miy
The more men pi’ate of their faith ■
in God the less willing they arc to'
trust him with the, universe. I
i’?d Igeivcs tfie cli u rcli. iron Vic gets :
1............. . I ^hat a
■ "Marry
1 *
What 18 tt>a Bwt Th!n«1 to slrencthen we»!t
\y "The £> A V .Menthul VluVlei-. It will
lumlj.tK1’ «nrt thenniatiMn. SI full! make
Mjieri a .a plftotets. Davis &. Lawronuo Uo.,
Fashion |
* t
Steel ornaments are much used.
Brocade is. much favored for
bridemaids’ hats.
Blue funee, or smoke blue, is one
cf the newest color.1?.
Fur on evening gowns will be
worn well into the spring.
Dots and rings are much employ
ed in the new foulard designs.
One of {he latest tulles is a dainty
fabric dotted in silver.
Among the new shades is petunia.
It is a favorite for street wear.
Flowers arc again to be found
among the latest coiffure orna-
Among the 1910 spring silks, fou
lards aro held in high esteem.
Crowns of dull goods are a fea
ture on many of the handsome tail
ored hats.
The pretty fluffy, ruffly jabots are
still tho smartest tiling in neckwear.
There are but few stripes among
the new ginghams; mostly plaids
and checks.
Velvets, corded or plain, play
now the most important part of the
season’s wardrobe.
Changeable satin is one of the
latest materials, and is wonderful
ly beautiful.
Odd effects are gained in chiffon
gowns by mounting them over a
contrasting shade.
A charming idea is the gluing of
colored velvet petals on lace bands
«f a flower design.
Golden flowers and jewelled but
terflies are the favorite trimming
foy. the modern ball gown.
, ■: An unusually stunning; hat is the
fur turban with, a-single pointset-
tia, a little to one side.
Rich embroiderios arid ornamen
tal buttons will-be conspicuous evi
dence the coming spring.
AH' white or all black is the
smartest thing- affected in street
wear as* well as in evening cos
Many of the evening gowns are
, made entirely of gauze net, cov.er-
ed with metallic embroideries and
• Skunk continues to trim gar
ments-of cloth-and "velvet, as well;
as the most delicate and fragile of
• evening gowns.'
Row after row of the simple chain
Btitch, done with ■ heavy silk, is
used as a finish to many a hand-
some evening gown. -
Despite the fact that jet is not
by any means a novelty and that
this is distinctly a color season,
r there is no more popular combina
tion than black and pet.
Belts are again being featured on
many of the newest costume designs
but they are different enough in
■ style to make them seem something
of a novelty. .
The latest dictates of fashion are
to the effect that the yoke must be
of metallic net or gauze,-partly con
cealed beneath a veiling of dark
chiffon or tulle.
Parasols covered .with natural
pongee and bordered with silk of
•ontrasting color have big shep
herd crook handles with chenille
tassels that are the color of the
silk border. '
There is considerable unrest in
the corset world as to just what
■ new lines the gowns for spring may
demand. The tendency toward the-
. fitted, bodices and the fuller skirts
"which is so clearly discernible in
rumors from Paris foretell corsets
which will give Lhe smaller waist
line and mark more distinctly trio
■ --------
Ill-gotten goods never sell at a
If no fight, no victory; no victory,
no crown.
The best business policy is the
best moral policy.
An ounce of action is better than
a pound of tired feeling.
It is unpleasant to turn back
though it-be to take the right way.
We all flatter ourselves that we
are' different from the people ivc
don’t like.
The individual who lives on the
creed of self generally attends his
burial alone.
■Some men seem to’be such deep
thinkers that their thoughts never
isiniggle to the surface,
- Many so-called stern-looking men
are stern and exacting with every
body but themselves.
If a man would only labor as
hard oyer his daily task as he docs
over the things he doesn't have to
do, work would be easy.
One of the most remarkable
gardens in the world is established
on the. roof of the Philadelphia Col
lege of Pharmacy. There a botan
ist is experimenting with the uso of
drugs on plants, to determiuo the
possibility of growing under attifi-
. tial conditions plants from which
valuable drugs are takfin, and also
to learn what effect drugs and. che
micals have on plan’s-
Nature Makes Demands Upon
Them Which only Such a Tonic
as Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
Can Supply.
The girl of to-day is the woman
of to-morrow, and until that to
morrow oft-times she suffers a
weariness and loss of strength and
brightness. These woes, with pa-
lid cheeks, shortness of breath and
persistent headaches, tell plainer
than words that she needs assist
ance in the form of new, rich red
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale
People are just the medicine grow
ing girls need.. Every dose helps to
make new, rich blood, thus helping
languid, despondent girls on to the
full bloom of womanhood, making
them robust, cheerful and attrac
tive. Mrs. Albert Putman, Port
Robinson, Ont., says: “A couple of
years ago my daughter Hattie, now
fifteen, was in declining health. She
complained of severe headaches,
had no appetite, was very pale, and
exhausted at tho least exertion. As
time passed on she was hardly able
to drag herself about, notwith
standing that she was under medical
troatment and continuously taking
medicine. At this juncture a
neighbor strongly advised me to
give Hattie Dr. Williams’ Pink
Pills, and I decided to do so. After
she had taken three boxes some
improvement was .noticed; the head
aches were not- so frequent, nor so
severe, and her* appetite was much
improved. This was indeed cheer
ing and she continued taking the
Pills until she had used some
eight boxes, when she was1 as well
as ever she had been in her life, and
since that time she has been as ro
bust as any’ girl could wish to be.
I would strongly urge all mothers
of growing girls to keep their health
fortified through the use of Dr.
Williams’ Pink Pills.’-’
Dr.. Williams’ Pink Pills can be
had from any medicine dealer or
by mail from The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., at
50 cents a box or six box.es for
Advertisements Which Appeared in
English Papers.
Curiously worded advertisements,
which are funny without the au
thor’s intent, are to be-found in al-
jn so any number of any newspaper.
The following announcements wore
printed in all good faith in the ad
vertising columns of various Eng
lish newspapovs, and, as a whole,
they won a prize offered’by a Lon
don periodical for the best collec
tion of such speciipcng of unconsci
ous humor; '
Annual sale on now. Don’t go
elsewhere to be eheated—come in
here. .
A lady wants to sell her piano,
as she is going away, in a strong
iron frame.
Wanted—Experienced nurse for
bottled baby.
Furnished apartments suitable
for gentlemen with folding doors.
Two sisters want washing.
■Wanted—A room, by two gentle
men about thirty feet long and
twenty feet broad.
■ Lost—-A collie dog by a map on
Saturday answering to Jim with a.
brass collar round his neck and a
Wanted, by a respectable girl, her
passage to New York; willing to
take care of children and a good
Respectable widow wants washing
on Tuesdays.
For Sale—A pianoforte, the pro
perty of a musician with' carved
legs. ■
Mr. Brown, furrier, begs to an
nounce that he will make up gowns,
capos, etc., foi ladies out of their
own skins.
A boy who can open, oysters with
Bulldog for sale ; will eat any
thing; very fond of children.
Wanted—An organist and a boy
to blow the same.
Wanted—A boy to be partly out
side and partly behind tho coun
ter. ■
Hamish was a thrifty Scot, like
many of his race, an enthusiast over
golf. But one day Hamish had such
peculiar and unpleasant feelings
that he reluctant’y consulted a phy
"You’ve overdone the matter of
exercise, man,” said the doctor, af
ter Hamish had detailed his symp
toms. "You must give yourself a
day’s quiet now and then, and
avoid exposure. How oftc-n do you
play golf?”
"Every day but the Sabbath,”
said Hamish, rising.
"Yoti must be more temperate at
it,” said the physician. "Twice a
week in good weather is enough for
"Good day!” said Hamish, mov
ing toward the door.
"You’ve not paid me for my ad
vice,” said the doctor, who knew
hja man. _
"Nae, for I’m nae takking it,”
said Hamish, as he reached' the door
and made his escape. ' ■
The tail of Halley’s comet is
transparent, just like the tale that
is told by the man who gets homo
late with a breath that is strong
enough for him to lean-on.
Mother (tenderly)—"And just to
think, Bobby, the little Eskimo boys
never wash their faces or cut their
nails or go to school.”
Bobby—"Oh, ma, why couldnlt
I have been an Eskimo boy?”
Every deli-cate babj- starts
life with a serious handicap. 4-
Even a trivial illness may end 4
fatally and the mother is kept *
in a state of constant dread. 4
Baby’s. Own Tablets have (4
done more than any other +
medicine to make sickly ba-. 4
bias well and strong. They Y
-wt n -factl'incF Ar Ct'O— 4give mothers a feeling of se-
’t’ ourity as through their use -4.
X she Bees her x
developing healthily.
Theodore Morden, Bala, Ont.,
J says:—"I can say with con-
4 fidenco that Baby’s Own
4- Tablets saved my baby’s life.
I did not know1 what it was to
4 have .a good night’s rest un-
4 til we started using the Tab-
Yf .lets, but they have made him
■4 a strong, healthy child.” Sold
by medicine dealers or by
T mail at 25 cents a box from 4
4 Tho Dr. ..._____ .
4 Co., Brockville, Ont.
^EsasssBaasEsssssE^^ \
Fair Millionaire—-"Oh, Vladimir,
they say you aro a fortune-hunter,
and are only naanrying me for my
wealth. Tell me that this is not
true.” Lord Dcdbroke—"Why, my
dearest, I. would marry you if you
were penniless.” Fair Millionaire.
—"Prove this, my own Vladimir,
and I shall be absolutely happy.”
Lord Dedbi'oke—"Settle the whole
ot your vast fortune upon me, leav
ing yourself destitute, and I will
wed you in the face of the whole
B Golds are*tbs most dangerous of oil t
v] forms o( diteesi. A neglected cold lends §
gl to Brdncbits, Consumption, Btieunionia. s '
H “Coughs” are the result of Irrkttiecl bron- (
la chia!tubes. "PSYCHlNE”curescougbt 5
ife by removing the irritating particlei and
ra healing tbs inflamed membrane. It is a
g< germicide and destroys the tubercle garni- 5
' It is a tonic that tlrengthenii the lungs. tbo f
livcf, and tonAi Up the cyalerm It makes 5
forbertor health in all conditions of human- , 5
ity, Gstsirongnndtlieeougli wHidisappeaf. g
"PSYCHINE’’ makes weak people 3
strong. It cutes coughs of the most nbdu-
W rate kiniand bfeoks. up a cold in a few 5
hours. uY - 5
Writi for Free Sasapk- 5
ir»t Safi ty *11 Dritsaftfs »ad Dealers 50c. ft $1 s
per Utile, s
1 H. naax a Bl ti w w Bms» p
, '.7 4 s
Iler’s Was a Terrible Caso and flic
Doctors were Powerless lo Check
It, but the Great Kiditey Remedy
Cured It.
Holt, Ont., Jan. 31 (Special).—
Ali the country side about here is
talking of the wonderful cure of
Mrs.- Samuel Thompson of this
place. She was taken sick with
Jaundice, ftnd though the doctor
was called in she grew steadily
worse, Her stomach was so bad
she eould not keep, anything on it.
Dropsy set in and she bloated to
a terrible size. The doctor came
three times to.tap her, but her hus
band would not allow him to do it,
saying that if she could not get
better they might let her die in
peace. Finally she dropped the
doctors and tried other medicines,
but they did her no good. Her leg
burst and the water streamed from
it. Then someone told her about
Dodd’s Kidney Pills .and so she
asked her husband to get her a
After taking them a. while she.
took a bad turn. Something would
come in her throat and .she would
vomit. The water would just fly
from her- mouth. But from that
time she commenced to get better,
and to-day she is a well, woman.
Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured her.
Dodcl’s Kidney Pill’s cure Dropsy
by putting the Kidneys in condition
to take the surplus'water out of the
blood. They always cure it.
Many a man would climb higher
up the ladder’ of fame if lie didn’t
spend so much of his time trying
to keep some' one else from doing
but -when pain and prostration
come we look for friendly aid from
sympathetic hands. These- hands
can serve us no better than in rub
bing in Dr. Th'omas’ Eclectric Oil,
for when, the Oil is in the pain is
out. It has brought relief .to thou
sands who without it would be in
deed friendless.
Many a man with a will of his
own has a codicil added to it by his
wife.. . :
Faultless in Preparation.—Unlike
any other stomach regulator. Par
melee’s Vegetable Pills are the re
sult of long study of vegetable
compounds calculated to stimulate
the stomachic functions and .main
tain them a.t the normal condition.
Years of use have proved their
faultless character and established
their excellent reputation. And
this reputation they have maintain
ed for years and will continue to
maintain, for these pills must al
ways stand at the head of the list
of standard preparations.
r,a Fira Epreado In dry grass, so doos an inflam
mation in t-l 10 thr'-at nrrow di wn into the hruga.
])o»l promptly with .-1 osld ft» with n ffro, nnd
n hoajon bi'£in to outigii use AllSn'a.LutisBniBam.
The professional point of view is
rarely that of the humanitarian. A
passenger on a London omnibus
calls out to the conductor:
"’Ere, there I Whoa!. There’s
an old chap fallen off the bus!”
"AU right I” responds the con
ductor, cheerfully, “ ’E’s paid his
' w. st?! wawcm m
Gives instant relief when little throats i
ars jnitated and sore. Contains
no opiates and is as pleasant to take ;
■ as it is effective. } 5
AU Druaatiilo, 28 cents. A f
When lavender pillows are put in
sunny apartment they are charm
ing, and the more they are shaken
.up the more fragrant they-become.
Lavendar was called by the Ro
mans lavandnla. At cutting-time
people travel from‘long distances
to inhale the fragrance of the
fields, l’n the eighteenth century
lavender-water was the principal
perfume of the ladies of that peri
od. Then the fashion changed.
Chemically-prepared perfumes im
ported from the Continent become
the mode, and "sweet.” lavender-
water became'almost 'unknown, ex
cept in country cottage". A lacly
who still cultivated the plant' arid
manufactured the scent'wrote to
Queen Victoria asking her Majesty.'
t? use her great inll.uence to. re
store Ibis old English perfume to
popularity, and she ,acquiesced.
If you are a sufferer from colds
get, a bottle of Bickle’s Anti-Con
sumptive Syrup and test its quali
ties.. It will be found that _ no
praise bestowed- on it; is too high.
It does all that is claimed for it,
arid does it. thoroughly. Do not
take any substitute for Bickle’s
Syrup, because it is the best, hav
ing stood the test of years. All
I he best dealers sell it.'
Mr._ Robert W. Yerkes raises the
question whether kittens are born
with a propensity to eat mice.
Three Manx kittens kept in a cage
for six weeks with a mouse, which
was introduced when thoy were five
months old, made no attempt to in
jure it, although they were hun
gry, until the mother cat was in
troduced and showed how mice
should be treated. Other observers
have noted the indisposition of kit
tens to attack mice, but the ques
tion whether mouse-killing is in
stinctive or educational with them
can hardly be said to have been
settled.AMBITIOUS reproeentation wanlcckhil.
eicry locality to bo.)I. :MA<sU4rti" sp<>- ciitltinn. Sooure your territory now. “Tui'O
tiino into sold." S5.00 to $10.00 a day can
. bo easily- made. Write to-day. Modern
'is Co. of Canada. Owen Sound. Ont. '
Neglect of a. cough or cold often
loads to .serious trouble. To break
up a cold in twenty-four hours and
cure any cough that is curable, mix
two ounces of Glycerine, a. half
ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com
pound pure and eight ounces of
.pure W,hisky. Take a teaspoonful
every four, hours. You can buy
these at any good drug store and
easilj' mix-tjiem in a large bottle.
The Teacher—Bow many eggs are
(here in a dozen?
The Pupil-Five fresh ones, five
doubtful ones, and two bad ones.
A lady writes: "I was^ abled
to remove tile corns, rdo^tend
branch, by the use of BolloWay's
Corn Cure.” Others who nave
tried it have the same experience.
FARM TO RENT, between MeafordandOww .
Sound. Two hundred acres under cnlliyatiou; |
tiiro puistmo. farm house and good outbuilding ?
3. W. G. Whitney, 25Toronto Street, ToroW"*
Kteelo,IBrlggn Seed Co„ Ltd., Toronto)
Hope for the deaf—in acousticon-X<.n<! of tho nmivolB of the dmiteJcat a««.
io Uiionghout Um world. Write for oater-’ Jogiio. General AcouMic Co., of CuTEja, XtdJ
4tf8 Yoniso Hhect. Toronto. •
MarJatt’s Hair Promoter:
Crows Hair on any Bald Head
On sale at the Robt. Simpson Co., Toronto,
Canailn, or the Merluot Hair Proxnotitag.
Co.. Toronto, Canada. - . 'L 1
Impurities of the Blood, Counter
acted.—Impurities -in the blood
come from defects in the action of1
the liver. They arc revealed by!
pimples and unsightly blotches on] -Oh,-Rachel!- And what is the
the skin. They must be treated 111- name of-this other one?”
wardly, and for this purpose therej “Wretch! You • would’ .(jo him
be used than Parmelee’s Vegetable |
r" ”” . ; ” - -
and by setting up healthy processes
have a beneficial effect upon The
blood, so that impurities are elim
, /'l give, you your f-eedom, Solo-
j mon. * Here'is, the ring you gave1
1 me. I cannot marry you, for 1 love i
'’ another.”
is no more effective compound toi^ann$>i
be used than Pa.rmelec s Vegetable j "JJot at all. . But perhaps I could
Pills. They a<jt directly on tne-ver < gc]]i t^le rjng at a bargain,”
<rvi.fl >VV’ DYi. hAflll-nv ’nriWPSRPfi - ‘
Go ahead when you think you arc
right, but don’t expect the crowd
to follow you.
Worms derange the whole system.
Mother Graves W.01 in Extermina
tor deranges worms.and give's rest
Lo’ the sufferer. It only, costs 25
cents to tiy it and be convinced.
First Boy—-"The preacher said
that when the contribution box
went round everybody thought to
themselves aot how much the}- could
give, but- how little they could give
without feelin’ ashamed. Now, l;d
jest like to know how ho can tell
whAt- people is thinkiu’ about.”
Second Boy—"Of course he knows
how folks feel. -Before he got to
be a minister he used to'sit'-in bios
congregation himself.” ,
The farmer makes a let of money
fo>* the middle man.
Do you trap ar buy Fins' I am Cabada's
largest dealer, I pay
higlie,-itprices. Year
hbipments solicited.
1 pay mail and express charges: remit
promptly. Also largest dealer in Beefliidas,
Sheepskins, ulc, Quotations and shipping tags
sent free. (I
Re iiidcpendi'nt, Sell ou.r HOCKFY
TAPI?. Everybody buys at sight.
Ilnelwy, lacrosse. buspball players,
atitemoMlW, bleytllsts, electricians,
and others use it. to wind hntidlcs,
punctured tires, leaky garden hose,
mending broken furniture, factory bells,
insulating wire and thonatxnds of other
Uses. Wo .malto it in swnll rolls, U5 to tho
pound, 10 feet to fho roll, nicely wrap-
pod in tin foil. Th6y sell fast nt 10cents
ea<fh. Will send sample (.rial pound pnoli-
ngo by registered mull. 7a cents. Write
quiclt nnd get the agency for yonr lowu.
Dept. 19, Montreal.
ralgia, Rhouwstisiu. Cold Ciiuls. Ague Chilli, Chil
blains, Frostbites quicker
enroll by
fte&Ws Ready Balisfc
Inflammation cf AA
th Kid noys, of Uie Bladd.el-. of tho vX,
Bo w01 s, o f t ho <2*
Ijungs, Sore Throat, fi
Bionehitils, Difficult r
Brcutiiinff, Croup. Ca- ’
tarrb, lnnvonza. Head
ache. T’ootshacho, Neu
Some people, are too honest to
takeadiice they haven’t paid for,
and others are too wise”.j
Every healthy child gets them, and
every mother has to “put something
On." What do YOU put on?
When you put sn ointment on to a
ohiid'n akin .it gets into the blood
through the pores just as surely as if
you put it into tho child's stomachs
Did you ever think of that ? How im
portant, therefore, that the salve or
balm should be puye 1
Zum-P.uk is abaalntsly pare ; contains no i
anitaal fat; no minor.il coloring matter; no f
oaid Astrinite s-rtKaptrns—
it is antiseptic I lc -j*" pn.-cly herbal, and j
Tbci {nmcuis new discovery of the age,
positively, quickly, completely relieves
vtnd cures Soil re/Thick Neck, Sclalfea,
Swellings, IhurionS, <*hu»*y, etc. $1,00,
or 6 for Sp.oo, mailed on receipt of price by
Lyle ModiBl'ne Co., TtS Qttteh W„ Toronto,
Kindly merman the name at this
paper adveriiserm
"What ate you moving the church ■
"Well, stranger, I’m mayor of
those diggin’, aD* I’m for law en
forcement. Wo’vC got an ordinal
ance what says no saloon shall bcT
nearer than 300 feet from a church.
I give ’em threj? jjays to move the