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Clinton New Era, 1875-05-06, Page 1
' j *< ‘ »Clinton New Era IS PUBLISHED EVERY Thursday mornIng, At the office, Isaac Street, nearly opposite xthe Post Office, Clinon• Ont, TEBMS.-$1.50 in advance or paid in two months from time of subscribing; or $2 at the end of the year. The best Job Office in the County of Huron in connection. Work executed in a first class manner on the shortest notice, and at very reasonable rates. . ADVERTISING RATES First insertien, 8 cents per line, subsequentinsertiens, 2 cents per line each time Contract rates. ' ■ ■ ’ - - ■■1 half “ jgmatii?,.. m c,,.,. oneyear, •nelf.it..•.w,v ..■ 3 mwtii^ .. ............ ■ ■ - « ■ ■ - » ' ♦ '.J half - . ‘‘ .......... i •pv t ■ . * PT8TMim.'^EgW •'. • - - 'I’.-t- ■’W ••.’ • ■ > v t ’■ *. *• /'•” ta >1 ’C‘ '*t • ’RMI L Z 'r*B-i;|& >’• ■''. '1 V" J *1>' ’ I f A Fl , • # X > r4 ' . 1 iu ■■ • .» 1‘ ■ ... • '/ ' — <r ..♦j*J4 4 ■is' I Jw { ,q—------- tqL X-'N'e.' 19—Terms, J>1.h^OjP®r soou'i'i MOotC l-Crrrss *■' J .A, I °*M II “ « Lf f |> 1 . ■ 0 nI. - >z / * • ** '• 1 i »i ■ < i. - ♦ ----T-1 » a 1 f •'. It CLINTON, ONTARIO, - MAY „ „ . 6, -1875. ' 'E. HOLMES & SON, Propbietors wm wb. ip. goA f’dlW'Biw t ■ ■ A. nWwWn0^yno^oSdd>lWn3r phai. _. - — wf if aw t A W-r kf B^airepb bore l&o a - BSSSV&.^I Aw.-Dotik appear bet‘w&WJSftdig Compl0liiiitii1lot old matas to bo trouMed ' with—ohainr opmthwgps. M “X wish I was. a pud&n., - mriMPP” H “Whyi0 - Capse X phpulo. have ancMois- -.| of sugar put into me." . ■- < ‘ . # .. . ; r A brigi^ii -boy recently told h;s . teacher * there were three - Bebt^^'j - the'm&e sect. j the femaHe B^f^it. and insec^tf^. '; • ’ *-‘*t | f There was a. 'lady' in ' chuboh - I^jt- fifom - ■' day. mining, who didn’t .look- around to 1 see who had on-^ipring hats. $he was blind. ' " ‘‘ ' v‘- Give me - a -Hss,. . dc^ir' gii:' ‘Bw^^il^■l’'"“'|:■can’t?w she ’toplled. ' ' A.. Mt English and Foreign. ■ Ouben Tictorio breakfasts oa " oatmeal. Biixty-fo^^’ suicides , occured io Poris during January oad Fobruory. ' Capt. Boynton will make aaetier at tempt. to ' swim across the charrol on fie 2j^t;h' of May. . ” Not less than from 40,000 to 50.000 souls hove already bceo converted since fle-Moody and ' Sankey revival - begao. There is, on averogO of five'- lost child- reo" picked up every day in tie streets of Paris, and the larger number of them arc purposely obaDdoned.;. ■„ -------t-4-* It boS been decided in a French court flat tie - londlord -who -fails -to - - have - its - guests duly owakoiiod to catci the trains .tley-Wtsl'.io" tako. isJlablo..io damogos. Good. j-* x ' - j ' ' . Tie Japanese are snipping 'bricks’fo- COlifornia,’ ond selling, tie m cleaper. tlao 't1eIe mode in - that State, notwith standing there is a - - ad valorem duty, of twenty per- -cent. oD - t1Oi^.i.;" ’ ’ Mile. G1'iDassi. .a ■ youog banet-glr1. omuses the Porisiaos by .eoteriug ' o coge containiog-a HoD. - a 1iooo'sI, fwo .yenus. two jackals. and fwo bears.' - - She kicks tie - lioD, - sits -upon the ' .1ioaoII. and feeds " -fle^^'bOors - wiitl- vmletefT'/v" ’ - .7 .An . English surveying pOrty - were - re cently massacred-in - -fie,, mountains,.' . of " Irdia. - , Two' regiments - of-troops will 'be - sent to . tie, scone of 'fie slaughter. wit. orders to -blot out fhe - inhabitants of ..tie fwo iativo villages to -whom "tie crime 'is ottributed. , , ; . - . '.n Tlie - Duc.oss. of ■ . EdiDburg1 - ]s ' woD- derfully- occom^^.lislod "arid ' vorso.fiio as , 'a linguist- ' At a " reception at . flo Court of tie Czar- somO - time - ago sne/addressed every - foreign Minister ' save tie - Turkish, and one other , tn" " bis " own . language, sus . fairing tie burdea ' ' of, .the , coDvorsafioa for - over aD bour arid , a ' half. - " /.-... ’- ’■" -Huod rede " of thousands - of- cb’affiacbos ood ' skylarks are onnually slaughtered " aioog fio Dutc. coasts- ; ' aod. lafii- aufumD " a birdcafc1er Deor .- the- Hogue - cought no less. "tiao . O1eve:D .toousond -toaffintoes- lo - toe courtsO of - six- wooks, -aod toeso "bir0- catclor's mayrbe counf»d^l,..IhK*1^^.u)a(fre!d1v. In Aust.ria, |t^a1y. aod Spa]D matters are worse ' still;.; -io 't1oIo countries Dpt oDly cb.affiD.toos .aDd. larks;- but ' - even ' robins, nig.tinga1es. fitmiee,' w^i^gf^at1I, . ■ fa focf all kiDds - of ' small ' birds flat moy .bo caught* are brought . to tie ■ m ork^/ for foo0.'-^. . . /■''■'■ . j " ’ - ’ ''■". ' / ' T1e catier pigeoD. w.ea tiavoHo-g Dever' feeds.'.- If tie , distance -be , loig, it fifes. oD witioDt steppiig to tahe nutri ment, - aDd at lost - arrives.-fiin'; " oxboust- Oo. _ a^st. dymg. ' |f "cilra be preseDted to if. it ' reluses.' - coatoDting . itself with driDltiDg ^Uttfe'w-ater . ao° toen sfeepfag. Two hours loter it begins - to - eot with groaf'modoration, and steeps agam - ]m- modiofely afterwards. , -' If its f^iig^lt" - las boon very" prolonged, - the - pigeon - WiU proceed tn flis . molmer foie lerty-e:^;^]ht bours before recovering ifs norma1 mdoe oI feeding. - ' - ' - ' Eng.aDd .as 4,800 mUe's" of narigobte '" rivers an°L caio'1s,' wlfi a ffoatiog ' populla- fion ' of 100,000, of- - whom 40,000 ore .chiidfeD.-^oat- of-toese' '-totidrea -livooa- ' the boats a1fegef1er, oDu often tiie, .'ord-.* est port of tie work is put on them- by Jtti^^il_^1mo3It..L^lUial parents.—Tley-got rip- education but such as, , comes, from b'Oattng . oDd , s'ctoliog ' aDd kiockiog abeuf. aDd fieir parents often give - them 1]quor to see how toey wti1 oet when Un der its' iDf1uoaceBL Thu lob’its " of/tl^^e^se •peopleOde bad as'W.el1 can. bo^-ood tDe 'women ■ -drlok . as" {^KWh1y;:’tfsW0' " meD. ' aDd - stiip oDd . fight■ 1lb^e•pugi1tsts. . J ' ■- T1er<e.lI' . on '■ feolated moDastory- m Turiuy* . iDhabite0 by-'' - ' fweoty'f.rOo- monks, , wio " have Dot -' seen - a w^^^^D' siooe"iDfancy.' . ' - Guo- of toom ls .described “By ' a visitor, as follows"-: - " He haO' dovOj seen - a ■ 'woman. . Dor'bOd bi ' anyl’ldea ' wlat - soi^t; , of -tliogs, women - were, nor whaif'toey;■ 1o,oko.d ..like.. ' He’ - . atoed me wnOtnfl't1ov . rosemb1od fie pictures- ' -pf Paaog]o .(the " .o1y vfegin) wn'tob ' ,buog iD - oyory•c.urc'iL He listooed wifi great interest tilo I , told him that all . women were not exactly, -liko tlie pictures bO' bad - seen, aod thot they Offered , considerably oae from another in - - appearance, moa ners, aDO understooding."" ? • The. ’annual- , horse. ' m^a^a.. dinner in Poris this year is ' said - fo- - hove been a brilliant .affair.; - .There wos a' very, - ,lorge, atienclonce. ' and.' . a.1 f1e spa^l^i^;rs "" pro-’ nounced" tie .hr^irse-i^i^s^^ oxcolloDt. ,A - correspondent of -'f.O New York ' Timet who was of the dinner. writes tlaf horse “baaf-'ts*^i^aibal^'<'4“wfi■e‘n]^^oti^'coa ""geF'Do'^- thlog else.” , During fie siege of Poris he dined oa honse ' meaFovery .day ..for - some. six wotos ; ' but. he hays ' fiot' ID. normal times its profOreaces . orO decid-;. - '.edly for beef; - He gives os - oroats^oo . :" •The hone. is'w^'atf5} . tie eX does Doi;; and .tie ' meot •bf tho- -burse seems impregnated-' - ;^^t. ao odor ' of preapiratio1. - Ardent hmpop.agfettf, hoWever,,'.wi11 Say toaf tils "is oofaiig but prrlitdicr. ' . ' * Tlrrr ■ are rlght mo.ofe more" vafaoW tian gold, .as toe' following wili show. - Nonr of fhrrn' Are IoudO' dd .P.DM.J'ariM ■fimUg^;-- /Tt " ir^iay "ba;' Lw<^i^i^'n - 'Wlilr’ ' fo; monftoa- mat-.'. fie firat _ .fouc. . 'arrs/1^<^v^1^.r>x so1d by. " f1r" 'pouD0. buf -f.0i* " vO.ue is- quoted'no'rt^1e sokr of comparison - : |r- dlum. $w$22 J vaoaolum,'' $2.510 ■ j . ruf1- rn]um. -$]f,4pO;' rheOium," $700 ; poUo- olum.- - $650- ; uran]um. $576,'' osmiumr $325 j " nfthuffi)- $317.44 ; .goIO; '■ ft301.45,” IDOlum, .which was only , discovered - ta. 1863, is. found jOn)y to too zlnc-h1rudI. p. Frothurg, . aD0- ']i a " w.ifr ■ . m,e<;ai1'ol tor*. brilliancy. but praofloolly - ol littje- valur. “^Dadlfam - is - a- ■ Dat1^r^0 of • 'Mexl^oo ' oDO PoRb' Wiere ]t rDaU ;o ' .rod om untar f1O Dame o'yaDaOiatr of lea0.' Rut.en1- um. rhodium, - - palladium, - onO. iridium, Orr al1 ■ pjectyito.es - of p1otinum. aDO aW v0,/.- .Or0 ."metafe, too .ait iriog iiso1ii' b1e•ii1 aeiiO] J ' eX<^(^J^l^• xw.cm. oxHC;1;* None of farsr . motels . ore found '14"quan. lii^i^r or fiOr lroDt oiler , metal* pr^^^rv ors ; t^1i(Wy usf1 fet art.LLy'1iko go1O'aDO —„ ior^nav ruawor, wkuuus ruunue wvMuitfi- ...r so - tlot f.orn is vary .litla target of ft ff* mo«t of—— top^ilrg fieir supafaodiog gold aDO •lifer- for otiy- jldeDt/ ate ftawtod by tzeefttoluii Uni* AMERICAN. A. baby . in. ^waukee. Wis.. .as been- ohristened . ° Zero,” in . honor of' the cold - Hunftay upon. which he. - was born. A- young ' Chicago olork devotes. his sal ary. to toe ' support of his . and two sisters. ati three haUtual drunkards. ‘There is. in. Baltimore an actor ' named Goshen' whose height ' m eight feet. and it is recorded that a local boot-black charged ten cents a, 'shoe. for blacking the. pedal totoguments- of this artisl. . Some - of the statisticians who are in-' vestig.ating negro Me have. foh’sdi'thalt- th°tl race above ati others abhors'. suicide, - Only ' two cosos - have. been recorded - on . the police books of. Richmond,' Ta,, for several years.,.' - ’• \ . The Harristown. - X1.,/ - herd ' of- - short. - boinsi- /owned -' by- Mr.; J, ' ' H; Pickrel, .•was . sold - .ast ' 'Wednesday ' , at mwtion. 0ows brought an . average . of $1,085.. and' bitoa -$2,45O. .. - - - Tho -highest' - price ' was $6,100 for -a ' bull, ' - . -f One..,oif t^t^e '-speakers. . ' at.^ a, .rece^n*. temperanoe meeting in Boston - charged' that-- lots - - - of; '. - Boston . women.'’ Chew - tobacco,' and’. ' said, that he .could' ' get ' ten - men ' to Jeaye off chewipg where- one. W°‘. . m^M, will ;gva'mp--.the - weedv ■Jr-i¥^ -/ At l^he' fria1 pf one -Ppthara, in. . Tirgin* ia . City. - 'for, lead'ing.ftD^'idle ;and.- dissolute - life, 'the - ' .prosecutmg - - .officer- . def^jned*/ ° toummrn1 . to be' od <c , aggregated. ^oncate- mtod. Ciji^j^it^i^^e'i^'ajted. . . ' B^e^^re,^l^.ted,. ,(^(^n- taminated .oafe'ri*- ■ . The - astonfehed . jury- - immediately . found Putnam - guilty. : / " '^turdiay)' April 2'1.; was;, .toe '-mnety- sixth - day . sineet;lie opening - of. -tbs'E^eec'r her 'trial,' and . the - - seven-ty^^^n'u^itn. o'f- its ^'tuar ' prc^c^e^(^cin^|'^i^.-..It . fe . J supposed that - the _ defence' is .‘ Dearly “through its evidence, and - - that, a - few- ' weeks, of - re- tontaJ -Which is . expected. wi11 termtoate the trial. ...' - -' -.'-''.': ' .• - - - ’ Ad insane . conv-ict . in the - asylum ' of Auburn prisoD .nee1s■ - 'assured" tn°^^.<hiL will . become ui lunatic - 'if ha -'does ' Dot - wtostie eight ' hours. a.di^^.' - ; He - .as; .o- •wafcnj - and that- he.may - be su^re. of nu1- fi1li^^i^l^..^.his -task, - - - he -, - commenced' - ' o; - . day- break. -. and . o^l.^.. stops 'WheD he' falls' . •aslltep ’a^“n’ighW'w^“- A curious use - -of. steam - . fe ' -fo'uDd.;-On Duck. river. . Tern., ' .oiD 'w.ic. ' 'plamd ' stream, a steamboat, - drawing only.twelve inches ofwateiy and . - having a 'grist-mill or -board. - warders up and down. stop ping wherever - she is ' warted ' to . grind ' - a bushel or two - Q^: corn- for the farmers. ' of the territory; : j - ' - - - - ->*'■ -':. . - / ’ Ajeweller . ‘ iD Jackson;. . . Mjfclh..’/ has lately offered a warDing- to evil-doers by receiving -a .seDtence ' of impriso-niment With. - hard - lab^^for'-^^wo years' ' and -six months for. seDding' postal.c’ards coi^if^'iD- tog _ to^cent miatier . through ' 'the mails.. The judge . w.o- - -tried' . him ' 'would, nave- pronourced a much heavier' -' seDtence had not ' the crimtoa'1 . -pleaded guilty.- Mr. Squir^es^ of ^gonx "'w.il^,nurD^sn rare specimens of timber - for -the Centen nial exhibition—A ' fr plank- twe1vo feet -wide. and one .undred feet tong. cedar and larch sever feet, ' - 'aid' hemlock. five feet, and a spruce'-plank eight feet wide. - He - cod- farms. * larger - p.aDkE^,, if fra'ns- portation can ' be nurn;u3hed. and .huge planks ' of hord wood,.including- the- fa-- ,mouis.Chittem -.WJQod,--^Of.rdnLch-'. Noah-is- said to have built - 'th^ Ark. . P’j^ofesson Taylor, of the , United States Agricultural Bureou, advises the West-- - terr farmers . to . get 'rid . o^- the. grasshop pers ' by . eating'them., - - They ore - largely ' Consumed^, ir . the East, and the IDdions. our ploins-find them excellent eoting. GeneralSherman has ‘fried them,- .aDd says they . Ore by do ' means -to- -be ' despi: Red. . ' - Tnerc .- fe a - Scripture precedeiit' for- putting the'pests ' to this' uee. - J . Jo.D the Baptist- lived . - or ' them, w^tth the ad- difioD. of- a little- hdDey. . - ■ Complains- ■ are-, pouring. 'id. fo ' Mem phis- - from . oil the - ■ .surrounding country - of the -felttnu. destruction - - of - horses ' aDd - mu1es . . 'by . ' the 'buffh1o- . ,gnats;- ’ ■ . . Mftny, .Smioll planters,- . espebiaily.-co-li^j^iB.d- --onesr Ore ruined ' by novtog their 'oD.yr.o'rsjes- or mules killed, ord being unable to re-- p.oce -toem ot a. time wneD ' they are bo bodly Deeded. A letter - from- a ploDtdr Ddor Mocon, Fayette ' County, ' soys- thot' Dot loss'thaD-' 200 horses and .iDules hove dfed dDring toe ' post toree. . doys - Witnin ten miles . of thot - -,p1oce./ - - ; ? ResototioDs recentiy. reporte.d to-the. Rhode'' Island Medical Society declore- that ' jsclhol'ors ' to t.e- - ' pub1ic ac.ools shou.d not - m^i^i^ltain tiie.some poshfen-- more - tbon.holf aD hour Ot .a time- ; toot no - chi1d - b.ou10; be ' Emitted ' fo the - S^hot^ls/ os Dow’ conducted, uDd/r seven' . yeors of age; toot; under.f^^we.ve yeors o^ age, three . bouts - h day, and -fpr twelve ond over, four hours a- day. is sufficient ly long co^'fi^i^i^i^jnt',' that" study out of schoo1 snou1d ' Dot ustfol1y beJ^;erm^i^fe(^^‘ - -“^^d -'1bs^t'.'°^11"“ 'lDceDHveB-"^' "emWtion, s.ou1d ' be used coufious1y. . especmUy Wit. gMA . . .3. v • ' . ; ■•• A destructive dre ooourred of Oohkos... Wfe. , on ' Wednesday,: ODc.third -of . the- d^ity is to - as.es. T.e engines oti 'stop ped. Ubd toe - best oD'chutDBd.upr- - 'Thsy -had to ( b1DW ' Dp --bui1dings, nopingJ'fp ftHe. spme" j^dt - of - t.e city.'" rThe .DWiip^er ' Ofli^f^^, the bonks, -'t.d telegraph offices;' the Handing - Opeir.a - House. the - post. "'qf-- tice,' tos Univef»o1ift c.urc.. bOlif1,. ond- Deotiy a.l^tba b^^^i^^esBpMrtldl^..of" t.e: city- ore- genet - - -Tw° men. were ' ktoeiXby ' fol1ing - wotis. . - The •tfHdet' state ' of frenzy. - - The burDt -dU^‘i^<’iii* Deoriy - a , mtie iqUote. . ' ' T.e" * toto1 ' lo^ii ; wti1 op- proach a . miltier - of donors. - - - . ., Fessing - By* ............ _ BY ,THE AUTHOB OF ’ '' JOHN HALOTAX, ' OENTI^EMAIS,” ‘•Jnd they told Mm that /ms of Nasarelh' pattfltk. by." O rich man lrom your happy deer, Boi^]^;i^g the eld-, the pipk, the poor, Who ask lor 'nothing soaroely woep, ‘ To wljotn even heaven means only slo^yp; • While you, given good things -without measure) Sometimes oau hardly sleep for'pleastue; ? Lot not the Messed moments tiy, ' •'enas ol' Nazareth passes bjy . A . ; Is there, a signor, toed pl.ein, Longing- anew lile to begin ? . But 'aU the gates ol help ate shut;, '' ’ 1 ‘ And all the words ol love are muto; . ^Earth’s best joys ' are sore, ' like burnt-up grass, * " And even tlie heavens sound as Mias; ' ' ' •*■ ' . Turp. not away so pitilessly-^ . Jesus ol Nazaraith passes by, Sell hardened man, ol srhooth, bland' emUo; - Woman, with heart like desert iaioBotin the pea 'ol household love, ' , , ’ To x^l^om nothing save. “• the world" call more:, At your ' white 'lie; your sneering speeob, Your backward thrust ' no sword csq renoh, . • ■ •-•’L'°°k,• your •cUild lilts 'a-woltdeling.'°y°— ' l - " Jesus ol Nazareth passes by. • ‘ 1 ‘‘ • Oh, all ye foolish onep who leel- ' ' , • . ■ A S^idden.doubt liko piorcing steol,' •. . ;-s. , - ' nWhii your dead-hearts-within you burn, '." '• ‘ And conscience sighs “Beturn, return." / Why lot yb tlie ' sweot impulse lleet, . • L°ve’s wavo wash baok from your ' ffiediqet,) . ' Know ng not him who oame so nigh—>”' . ' «’ - ' Josus ol Nazareth passes by ? ,' •. . . He must not' priBB 1 ' HoldT^im-seoure ;. “ , 4 In ' likeness' ol UiaUolpleSB poor ; ' • ’ * •• . ' Ol many, a .sick soul, sin begnilect; ' '.• ’ -In innocent lpco a little ohild ; ' ' . > Clasp Him—axite certain it ' is tie— .In every loym ol misery j, .,: . ■ And' whon thou mcot’st Him up on high, Bo sure Ho will not pass thee by. ' 'jlQW„. a N^l^^:^•olu•0l^^i^r - t’am® . fo ^^ri®n. - L»;?Mfa-xlAd'®1®1V'1'oJi■];oB'' the- - following: SeveirOl.of tie mogiciaDs- who. perform to - public , do. wist - iley-. call .the: ;“goiO^4 f^i^h 'trieb?•v,' Tba "juggler ", -sfoDOs. -upeo. tlr siag®, fbiQ^ws a 1ODO b®fc11olLQVor lis- oxteDOid - Orm. Ond proOucr's-" to , •su'ccos- sloa -tiriO ' oi - four siollow, glass - dislis, , 'Had - to -fl© brim " With weiar. - io - wlicl Hva- geid'fis1 . •t’o^.'s'^i^tmt^0^;-.''- Of course ti® disiOs-cr® ceociclad somOboW ' upeo the parson Of' ’"fi^e - pi.ilQ^•mOrt- . Peter, Lamb. .'th^e youiy - fiOlow ' who lives Dicr m®. OiBCQvrrod how ti® <■ trick - wos don®. ood la offer®!' --fo ‘ - do- ‘.ji. - 'fie " other olgli at Ma"r.lvOai's1 pcriy.-fm^' fl® - intoricinmini .of fie ' compODy. ; - , £>o tie f°ib's ' 'ot.arid.fa or® ao. • o' -t1o 'p•r1°r, aod - - in - a taw moments Lomb'iotir’ad fl® ' door - ot llO'-.Qtbevend"—-.H^-seiO r—- ”’~ _..“iLodies.-eDd giOflamiO., - V°u '1.1 "pai- cotva - "fl ah I have Oetiiag shout "me’ex-- cipt m^' Qrdloory "cloto-teg,' OoO••'y0le ' I s.e1! • piOduc.®- m^'antiy twQ'd1s1iB.-fiD®0 with - 'WU^t^^ii.i^ilO ' living - fish.- ' - Plpesa wotcb, me .aarrowly.” ' „ Tira -"I’ot^eri fuDg - fie loDdkOrcllif' ovii 11s land- oDd - arm, - end -w® , could s0® ihst - ii® wos- wQibing" ils way vigorously. - atTseociillig" b0;oos.t1 ]t. , - Ha confinuod soio® mOm'eDfs, aod - still t.O y°ldfisi did ' Dot eppicr. J TliD" bo-bagaD .to" grow vary" raO io- flr'fOca, aod ' 'we ,.saw , flat, - sOlo®-- tling W^i^1't1p".;mi^tfrr. - ' TbOD - tie , i>ars- piFatiQD''biigao fo - sionO "Ql -Pitar’s for®' ' , IroOj eDO- Mrs. Mogrudir esbad' him - if- le was will. - Tbaa ti® company biyen to- lougl, - eod’ti® mogiciao grew raOder. Bui 11 -bipii -oa - fumblioy - biDisjfl' tlot' n.sadbartolif, , eDO spporoatly - -frying fo" iiec11 - ereuf^^'d.u^oii".fe co^^1^^'tai1I. T.io wi iaord somatllDg " snep, aod . fia oixt- moment a quart .Of-water ran dowD fl® wizt^rd’s lift liy sod spread ' out ovar- tle carpet. ' By 'flis tim® 1® ' loOkld ' - as ' if tl^o. grev® would ba a wolcemi—rafug®. But] still li-c^^c^iili’i^uld " J^o till orouDd, uOOer -f.1?ijaOidkerchlef. , At lsst , an-’' ptieiDsoO.p- wis' heoiO sad caotbii quori of , wafar pluogld O°wn bis - - rlglf -lay and' formld a pool io bis Shoo. TliD .11^1^,. noer0moocir- hurriedly sold flat tlr ®x- ' pirlmPnt isd lotlrO somehow, , sod -, 11® , "dartcFd1irf'Q^^^B'e'fimipgd’Q"e’m."-"^TbinQwid btm aad-lound ' him slfiiog or , fia sofa. irylog to - Timov® ils ' , pient'alcons.' ' , Ho rxcl^i^ii'nu^d: '• ., ' ‘ ' ' . “ O.yrscious '1 ,- Como ' hire quickly aod pull , fbas® -off J ' ' T1ey"ri soclblo’ ■ wit, , sDd I’v°"got fiftiia . hyo golOflsn . fas10® ocy ' -drewars flippln' ereuad and- roIp1D' ill sktO- wifi tiiir’f:1^iiI coeiu^li'fe' set - a mar crazy., '- 0,uc.’-! O 'Moses 1 ' - Hurry. ilai sfiog.off aDd , grab tlcf fish tlc’ri" af my .ifi kDO®,- Or - "WI ..v,1 ' fo .owl ' o^t!”,.• - ' - ’.' , •te.'.- . ' . -" .Th.cD-' wo-'uDdJ^®BS1d, 1im. .rin. . pfeki0- tlr tisl' °u^' of lis ' clothes, 'ODd- , I , diBcQ1y ered, tlot bl- lad ii'ad- tWQxfull- -dts.ls - Ol wctir. . aDd . cov1!1®. . wif. • IDdie . -iubter tops. , stjDpiiid tasiOr lis li-owslrs. bh- n11Ddi' ' |0 fas struSgliAQ' git- of- 11iCS1' 11 . bad. torn. ' fii covirs, fo' ' rogs. - - Wr-'fixad him Up a " pair' ol Mogrvdir's trowsirs. which wlr®- -six ioclrx -f°Q sbert - fQr him, sod- " tliD b® climbid" , over , tl®- beek- frac® •DO . w^i^rt , lomr.. , ■ ■ H® .says O°w - fist tl® - Oixt- flm®- 11' gtv;es" ixltbiitoos - to public 1° -. intioOs - f°- coitflaQ llmsalf' to ventri loquism. r ‘ ■’ ’ .-ii,,-i ’ • s . Daring - -°iUit1aw'L- , -' Tilla'is an . inviting Oppor'faatiy- tor, sofTiQ -•eitvo s1®!1-1'fo . .fetfagms. . 1im-- ikl' tD -Celiforo1e. • T.®* . b°1d' banOif, Tcs'uiz ts Do soonli dfepoisid of by ''i-" iolfar - "tlcn - -1* - B^<c^«^issQ:r. QD fia 11.1- way - applors, , and. e - Tary-- Worthy siic* Cissor ir , •poiars tO be. His Domi- is. Clevaz." oDO ■ h® is o'- pri,sin(i sQ^-ogf up rnd’Oown tii Siaie, wall loouotiO' Ond eitead. ari’d ?sat1i11ng.S0m1.LhQ.o.ty Tasv - qu®z lift'0®1100 him. ' R®3intIy C.avrz' oud two , of lis heOO rod® up fo a - . quirt" fairnlcouse -niai Son BirnorOioo. Hol f log. flay •skid. - for laid lo; .toilr lorsis. This lovlag blaa supplied firm, " they , dlsmouoiiO, -rotor®.- - t1i.1ouii,.- ond, esk-' ed io ba " sireCd; With supper. They ' ssf .own . tQ f1i"" '•b.i.'fal1®0;. -SpOiis1i. aDd . BippOO " wl^ly’untir'eO- tiiii.. sprinSiog. simultaneously*,f° - tiiefe . fo°t, . wi'to -anfl. Jc^<^1^'id iivQ1vor''- pefa'a0 cf - tie .rods o' - ilei; ivo moia bosts, - ordrri. flam to firoW up -ibii; honds. Botl,min, ..■wire tleo "fli. " so. f.® -robh®is'" raDsttCbed'i^h0 moaiy- d;owir. ■ '. T1®y iohbad - -ga11cn'f1y —Do abusr) Do vfotaac1. Dp. ;QUy1' over- hOuirng' " tJt ' 'saarc1 . _' puotar. .fate two " wOre.searcfang " for ". f.® f1irO fook; fwo- Spairo<^i:'i^i^-i®s' - ond •' slot gua fr°m f1®'. Baddies, ^octa. torrD Deor f.i .Qhr. ' " 0D - bafa. • ask®0 -00f to tei# f1i' wQmiD. 01ov^i^B ' repHed 1 w N° - •1u;f wQ«- . mroj motley. a11 t'o waDVf T1®y " ;i- moia®0 ]o "tor .ous® "stelft . 'so,t noir” . 0D .apo^ting.. ' C.ovaz safaied- Iris v]c- tims w'^t1 u Atafe j "you "cotc1 fa0- may- . b??1 ] |o fl®-- wtita Of • |^r^V0;-I^O1l£^oOlOlv- mQUntadPon.^Oimi." fQ fbe fQQfi,> "'t^h^iir- coptuia so1me lopolrss. IX.II. 1.1,1.1,11H Greot EDt^erpi^iBi^ilt Great enterprises are springing up oll over - the world. Besides tho ' Mt. CeDis tunnel - the Alps. ore being ...pierqed - by - -O- still greater bojD under Mont St. Goto- Ord, ' The - - Suez Carol finds a counter part - in the projected inter-oceODid. coD'Ol " across t.e. Isthmus of Panamo. The proble -mof a. fuuDe1 laeneath. fi© Eng lish Channel, which hod long beeD " mpotr, ed.'begins . tQ. ossume tongible shape; Ond Dow it ' is seriously proposed to ", unite Europe . aDd Africa by a tonne1 uDder fae Stroifs-ofGibraltar. . 'As now projected^. file tunnel . is. ' t^o’-e,. .constructed!- - in: straight line, aid be extended between " Tariffa and Algeziros, .on the SpaDis. j co^st - toward - CcDta- -and" Tangier -on -fne coost - of Morocco. -Tho - submarine part wiU . be 14,1 GO feet - tong. -or. nearly. "DiDe English miles. ' -This enterprise. . how ever, - presents greater ' diff^^^iul'ties thoD that under the English Cnanmel,.though , - t.e .latter- is twice os- long f^ts'-he former. The maximum depth - of - the channel. - Ot the poiDts. . fo- "he, cutthrough. is. but . 1.- G^Jjfei^it' while that of the straits amounts - to"2,621 feet, - In case .the tunnel - under Gibraltar to bored . - . at a .depth of 1,000- feet., its total - depth beneOth the surface of the sea would. ' be -more 'than. 3.000 feet while the ' gaileries.jeadiDg -to ' it or each- side woul'd>be - fli;ise^•nn^i^le’8?'^tbng^'/- ' "" ' ' .' ?• Bulls, ' ■< •■. '' "Did. an -Xr’i^Inman ever moke a greater ' .blunder' . than -On ' English lawyer ''who '; drew up ,aD indictment in - which . it was Charged- fhaf toe prisoner . of the ' bar ki.- -..19d.ADlan with a. certain wqodeD instru ment - called ' or iron pestlo 1 Or - than . Peter Harrison, ft commentator or the Penfo;®uchi,’ w.o. iD . explaining - about the - fables, 'of stotte. .or -which - Moses wrote tho _ coinmondments, said, - they were probably madetof Shittim wood!” Or than the English major - who when Jhe was-superintending o hanging of a .'rebe! . Irishman ' in 1798. 'aDd fhe ' rope broke, -ODdw the. . poor wretc.i. _ fe.U.ioJt^1ie: grcrnDd. seized him by t.e throat. cry ing - out. - “you - rascol; ' if. . you.’do 'that. 'again. agoiD l’11 Id11 you. as sure as - you . breathe — Or than a correrpondeit of tie English ' Royal Society, who talked .0f,ar . eartliqu oko tha t - had the honor of wos - toe’re -evnv . a ' . biti" more - exqmsi-te than that of an Englishman .who speak- irg Of. his Durse, soid, " “ I . h^te her, for I1o■cl)oiged me foi’ another when! was o baby ?” Aid was it Dot a bull of the first order that , was perpetrated ' by -a. FreDcimai, who, ii o quarrel with his Ifiat.ne'r. sOid . .“I oweyou. Do..grotit^u^de,; for. [iad you not beoD born -1 shoiild hove 'inherited my grandfather's property ?” ' / “t----' ’C-*-**-----------7—tJ -•. Beautilul Twin- ' Brides. • ' ■ The - Ciit^iiiiiioti -Enquirer of " Soturdoy relates: “ We . had the . .pleasure - foseo the -new-mado- twin - brides at . the- Gib son House lost Digit, and must confess that o mo^ire‘ -perfect; exemplificotion .of " tie. French story of “ Girofle-Girofla” eould hardly exist. - . - They were at sup per with their husbands - last Digit when we saw them, ond a Dico little fea-porty , 'toe foiur - made. j ' Tie bridegrooms - -are brothers. - but-Dof f^wiDs.'" “It " is not"" ofteD in a lifetime that ore is permitted to see ’t^wo brothers married 'to - twin .sisters. .T.0_nuIbaSds-"ar^/OlI^i1y/-di8tiDgui^In^^d“" f.e one from f.e- ' of.er. . - Tne older. one wears full whiskers, - while'hie younger 11OI umeljra ^fae.io. ’He faoubio to - of the be apprehended, is io . tie sameness .-oI j - ® " j' .- - the ' ' wives,. - aDd a very - pretty sameness it is. . To - uso 'a homely - but - trite phrase, t.ey - areas .ike ' as . fwo peas^’/'To- de- scribeitne odo would ' be - to -describe both.- They . . are . of medium' size. perfect brun ettes..-dross exactly alike,- .oad'seem fo - be about,. - twenty years ' old, - . ■ Br^aaoty has r.Tch1y - ' oDdowod f.eso - - fajit ' Mdes oDd . p1acod tis- . dimp1ed sea1 . oa f.e , cheoks of oacn; . ' How, io f.e- order. of. .union -pos- sioo. it came' fo-. -.pass, "that..... oiflie^ -of-. - the husbands - pOnld .'foll lp.’Jlevo ' . with - his w1-, ' fal.iog . iD. af too same time with-. her sister- .passed our. . DoderItand- tog. . It has - been' suggps-tod thot " each ol the ' Morigon brot.ers feti in , fevo ' wit. both - fie- ' Stuort- sisters, and- to settle the toattor- put thefe Sweethearts to a bag. shook , ’em- up, , and -drew- cuts'for tie - ore - fiat . . cam^i.,.-"' out first. - . Wo suppose - they know, ' but we . . ' doo't' see " how . oltier-- ol thori knows, ' to- ', which one - of - tie , . fwiDs ' hB - is- married. - They came li-to supper. oDd by tadfefousossortmon-. were seated each at the. rigif hand of .ef- bus- baid.. ' WneD-- thoy-;woot from - f.e din lag-room, oae' couplo- wos alloWed to.got . some -distooce - in -advance before tie other, Affirijed;- to -prevent conlusi^or^.* .' -----------' ; *>«»»■«». -'---.L.. .. ' AD Exlraerdiiory “Blrt1^:M^l^•b^’" About tlroe montls - ago. in fhe edge of Russel . county. Kentucky, a child Was ' born into a family . io which other, crii]^i^^en; hod - previoi^isiiWmOde1 "fhOiir - op? ' pearanco from time to time. - all (except tie lost) bolog Wo11-lormod and healthy. This is oa unusual, product of Daturo. Tie body, from fie" .Ood dowD" fo about, toe .]ps. is.io form and co.or, wit. low' oxceptioos, --vory-muo^- -like other - white - chitdren; around tie hips it is porfe'ctiy Lblato." lts 1Ogs-.-bitiig ' toose of --aa or.> diiory c1]1d. Tlie head a.so ]s spotted. and flO iai^i^: upon ' it is - as -stiff .as - tie b'rEtios of a 1og. T.e ' mot.or g]ves- tie following exploration of tie lroab..■ A , shj^^ittf.^^ma-^.c^ifor’O .'. t.e " bhrt1 - . of -flO'- c.i1d a . ' viclous - wild<1leg brokO out ' of . Rin pen, wnicn was near-tho ^us-o. . . Idi0" wlti. devouring intent immediately mode- ot fie child flat was ploying in' -fie - yard; - T.o- motoer witi'essod too sceDo. - aDd so- imminent wa3 " tie danger flat che was gmtiy" terrified’. Slie . Iprang fo - too little one's' assistance just m- ■ -tlmo fo save it from fie- furious animal ' Tlio . log wos of flat ^ad. kDowo omoog fOrmors as . u 1inei^J^’’ l.ftt ls. .aviog a strips soro^lns s.ouidots ; f1] remoWer of 1]s tady was- spotte°. Tie. motos on t.o ' cni1d corrospoDd fo 'those . color, motos-''O'D-'tifm '- .o^**-The- na]'r -oD ' f^1^(* child's lead is simply a Dumber - of stiff brisBes projecting ouf febm toe nMo. Up ]o ti]s time ]f han .been 1ealt1y oDd bltlliU" gr’dW . Dp U yoUthnooOt L. 0. L. No. 710. W. J. GRACEY, M.B.. GRADUATE OF TRINITY • College, Toronto, Physician Surgeon, & c. Biyth, Ont. Office:-Opposite Shane’s Hotel. 'Blyth, Jan. 20,1875. .. < Dr. APPLETON.-Office AND. ' RESIDENCE— The House latoly occupied by Mr. James Fair, op posite the Wesleyan'Church, Rattenbury Street, Clinton..Clinton, Nov. 1, 1878." ' . 8-ly JAMES STEWABT, M. D., C. M., GRADUATE OF McGill University, Montreal; Physician,Surgeon and AccoucheurcsidencQ—B, Residence - Brucefield. January4,1871... , , ;.^„,. .. . ' ; , .28 Dr. REEVE, Physician, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for County of Huron. Residence and Office—Corner ol' Albert and Mill Streets., Clinton ' August 9th, 1869.' x- tI— 7-Jf Dr.. STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THE MEDICAL Department of Victoria Unlversity, Toronto, for merly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for the County ol Huron. Bayfield,' Ont.' ’ ‘July 22,1874. . . Dr. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, Accoucheur, Licentiate' of the College ol Physicians And Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licenti ate and Coronor for the County ol Huron. Office—The building lately ocoupiedby Mr. Thywaites, Huron Street, Residence next to Central School. ' . Clinton, Jan.' 1,1871. / ' '27-ly..< •'•- . Dr. H. DOWSLEY, M.D., L.R.C P.S.K„, MEMBER of Collage of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario late House Surgeon of Kingston General and Lying-in Hospital, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher, Profes sional calls punctually attended to, both in town and country, . Office—Opposite Commercial Hotel, Clinton ; Clinton, Aprii 21,1875.' . -. ' - . • ' • •• ■ J. • CAMPBELL. M. D.,C. M., . - . SEAFORTH, ONT., GRADUATE OF McGILL COLLEGE; MONTREAL, VA and Member of the College of Physicians And Sur* ’ geons; Coroner for the County of Huron. Offlce and Residence—Main Street south, near the Railway station, . Hotel Cards - ............-------------------------------------------------------- FARMER’S HOTEL, BELGRAVE. —William BROWNNLEE, Proprietor, lately kept by William. Mor rison. The above hotel is fitted up in good style; and affords every accommodation for the convenience- and comfort of travellers and the public generally. The bar is supplied with good wines, liquors, and choice cigars. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. '‘‘ ' Belgrave, Dec. 8,1874. 50' THE RATTENBUBY HOUSE—I. RATTENBURY, Jr. Proprietor.—One door south of the Post Office, Victoria Street, Clinton. The fittings and frunishings of this house are all new, and everything is provided to meet the wishes and wants of the travelling public, and he feels confident, from long experience, of being able to make comfortable all who may favor him with their company. Good Stabling and attentive hostlors. • . Clinton, Juno 2, 1874. ' • . . ■ ; Miscellaneous Cards. MONEY TO LEND. IN LARGE OR SMALL SUMS, on good mortgage security, at moderate rates of Interest. . H. Hale, •L .".--• , "’ •,“Clinton, August 9th, 1869. ' ' . ■ 7-t CHARLES HAMILTON, BUSHFIELD, LICENSED- Auctioneer lor the County of Huron. Sales of Farm Stock, Real Estate, & co., attended to at reasonable rates.. ° ‘ . Bushfield^d, May 6,1874. 20. JAMES •HOWSON, CLINTON, LICENSED AUC TIONEER for the County of Huron, is prepared to . attend to sales of Farm Stock and Real Estate at rea-. sonable rates. - ■ • ' .Clinton, Nov. 18,1878. 5 S. MALCOMS0N, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, Solicitor in -Chancery, and Conveyancer, Office—Market Square. MONEY TO LEND REAL ESTATE Clinton,-April 22,1874 17-ly J. M. LEET, SOLICITOR, WINGHAM, HAS BEEN appointed Agent for the Colonial Securities Com-, pany of England; he is also agent for several private capitalists of Toronto, who loan money at very reason able rates. Interest-payable yearly. Charges moderite. Also Solicitor for the St. Lawrence Bank. Wingham, April 7, 1875 ■ J BIDDLECOMBE, HURON ST., opposite the Commercial Hotel, begs respectfully to inlorm his -friends - and the public generally, that he keeps constantly on hand a- largo and well assorted stock of Clocks/Watches and Jewellery which he will sell at mo derate prices. Repairing of every description promptly executed at reasonable ratos. The celebrated Russell Watch kept constantly in stock. Clinton, Nov. 8th, 1869. ' 20-Jy TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. C. CAITTWRIGHT, L.D.S., Surgeon Den- tist, extracts Teeth without pain by the use of the Nitrous Oxide Gas.Gob. Office ; Over the “ Beacon Store, Stratford., Attendance in Goderich, at his office on tbo corner of West Street and the Market Square, on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thursday and , Friday. The remainder of the time in his Stratford office. Parties requiring now teeth are requested to call if it Goderich and Clinton, on tho first days of attendance. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, at Dr. Coulton's offices, New York. use ol the Gas,-at Dr. Cotdton’s ' officos, Now York. Stratford, 'Feb. 4th, 1870., ■ -----. . 7 HIGH SCHOOL —THE CLINTON COUNTY High School is open to pupils of both sexes, lrom all parts of the County and Province on equal terms. Instruction is given in all the higher branches of a Commercial, English and Classical Education, and in the French and German languages. Students are 1 prepared for the Universities the learned professions . mercantile, pursuits. Special attention is paid to the studies requisite for Common School Teachers. Tution Fees, $2 per quarterly term. Students from a distance can obtain board in the village at very moderate rates. The Summer Term will commerce on Monday, 19th Aug., 1872.; Further information will be giver on application (personally or by letter) to any member of the Board of Ttrustees, viz: Messis, H. Hale, R. Coats, A. S. Fisher, J, Reave, M.D., Rev. F, McQuaig,- ' und A. 'Worthington, .M D.or to the Head Master, Mr. James Turnbull. B.A. CONVEYANCING AND LOAM AGENCY OFFICE, BLYTH. W. .H. COLLES.- ConveyaNCER, Solicitor in Chancery and Attorney of the Law and Equity Courts of Ireland, Genealogist, Land, Loan, and Estate Agent; Law, Life and Fire Insurance, and General Agent, Deeds, Wills Mortgages, &c., carefully prepared Titles, and claims to Irish And Foreign Estates investigated and law business in Europe transacted in connection with First Class Europen Firms; Genealogies traced and Pedigree pre pared-; Forty Years Experience; Charges moderate. Money to Loan—private funds, and for Public companies. . Debts and Notes collected. Blyth, Jan. 13 1875. Mrs. Beesley, Milliner, I N RETURNING THANKS TO THE LADIES OF Clinton and its vicinity, for past favors, begs to in form them that she still continues the Hat and Bonnet business at the OLD STAND, OPPOSITE THE BANK, And that she has become agent for Messrs. Buttrick & Co's European and New York patterns of garments; all sizes and descriptions are kept on hand, which she will- sell at prices specificed in the Catalogues, and hopes, by strict care and attention, to secure a liberal patronage: all ORDERS Promptly - Attended To; Clinton-, Feb. 24, 1875. . ' Marriage Licenses W. McHAFFIE, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, , Express Office. , Clinton, Sept. 16,1874. ' E. D. GREEN, L. D. S., dentIst, Mr. GREEN. DENTIST, STRATFORD, WILL BE at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, the third Tues- .day and Wednesday of each month. CLINTON LODGE, NO. 83, I. O O F. THIS LODGE HOLDS ITS MEETINGS EVERY TUESDAY evening, at Eight o'clock' in the Hall known as Core's Hall, Huron Street. Visiting brethren cordially invited. • “ ROBT. WISEMAN, Secretary. Clinton on, February 7, 1872 Meeting regulary at their Hall, nearly opposite Knox's Hotel, Huron Street, on the second Monday of every month, at half past Seven o'clock p. m, VisitingBrethren are cordially invited.T.C. DOHERTY Secretary i ..$75.00 .. 40.00 .’ 25.00 ..''0..00 .. 20.00 ,. 12.00 ..- 20,00 .. 12.00 .. 8.00 ;.“12.00 - 8.00 5.001,. 8.0CT 5.00 3.00 4.00 . Qno column,- hnf y0“r» ■ ' <». Half One‘fQurth,. one year “ .'J half ‘‘ ■ ? v • _ 3 months, One-ulicl^rth, '"one year,.' J'; -*s- - . - - . half “ ' 3 months................... One-twelfth, one year, *<■■■■- H - ' - half «» •< 3 months,.......... Business Cards,8 hnes and. under, 1 yenr. AdV^eritBome1nta. -of Strayed, - tost, Found, &0.. not eteeediug 10 faes. first month, §1 ; after first month. 50 c°nts eimh ,month.. Advertisements Of' Farms _ °nd Be^. Ktatie f°r s°Ie, not e’tceeding 1.0 linca.. iii’at month, ndt e.tceedmg 15 fines, tirst montii, §1.50 ; e°ch subsequent month,. 50 °nd 75 c°nts.. .. Advertisements withrnit -. specify dmectio^ will be -irn^'ei^lteil' ’till forbid, and charged a.c* . “cordingly. - ' • ' ■ ; ' Advertisements measured by a sc^o of solid Nonpareilr ■ .--. ;.:. ■ ‘. . -J.. J - E. - HOLMES & -SON. - - << « << •H- « j* j 4 i 4 ■ oameron- & mcfadden, BARRISTERS &C.. MARKET " SQUARE;" % M. C. Cameron. . W. H. MFaaddeNv- Canada Company Lands. AMST OF LANDS iNhURON - FOR SALE BY - (,ho Canada Company may he seen at; • the office of th5 undersj8ned- ■"■■•- ' . ''' .. TTATJC. -•Clinton, Jan. 17,1871. . . ... XSJfBT V® MORTGAGES, NOTES, AND O^HEB Good Securittos purcnased. 1 W.' W. FABBAN; Ciiilton, Nov. 9,1874. Notice to' the Public The undersigned' haying' been appOint ed Issuer °l Marriage Lieon6eB,' by the .°ntario G°vennment, lor 'the County of Huron, • is.now prepped t° du uo at hj.i residence in opposite l’Mloch s Hotel. Fees: Two Dollars. Ho is also a Commissioner for teWng Affidavits m the . Queen’s 'Bench, lor Counties ol Huron and Brucc. . C'onv°yanoing donc, sucli as Leises, Bonds, Ccntrncte . Wills, Deeds, and Mortgages. Fees small. . ■ . MONEY ADVANCED ON HEAL ESTATE. . . • • J. • C. ' MolNTOSH Bayfield, ScpC 22,1874. 40 $5,000 TO •- LOAN. PKITATE FUNDS.' APPLY TO " Barrister, &c. Clinton, Sept. 7, 1874. ______,,, ' '' ■ -, —-_ Royal GsDcdiso Bank. CAPITAL, $2,000,000. CLINTON AGENCY. Interest from Four to . Fwe per c°nt ffitowed on Deposits. ' M. - LOUGH, Agent. Clinton. - Oot; 20. 1673. Ly-? NEW . ' ' . GROCERY STORE. O. C^-A'WF^OBD, j^EALEB IN GENEBAL GB^l^TES. The placo where you wni get your Go°dg aa • • Clasp es ' fhe- - ' Cheapest. And as good as tho best. The flnest Teas olwAya on • _ hand. » PBICES MODEBATE. CaU and see for ^utboWos. ’ A ll kinds of produce taken in exchangefor goads VICTORIA ST., OPPOSITE THE BANK CLINTON; ONT. Clinton, Jan. 27,1875.5-tf Clinton Marbir Works. HUBON S.TBEET. MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES. And work ol all kinds In Amorican and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best style, and at roason- . . te.L3itnA.prcci»-~....~-^ M^i^ltlcs ol Various Colored Marble Sup- pUed on Short No'tice. ' *’ BANITE MONUMENTS .AND HEADSTONES IMPORTED TO O:HDSa. , 1ST A call rospeottally ffollaUoJ. ’ ‘ W.H. COOPER, Jn. Cltatom Jun. 14.1874. * 12 O A U T I O - N. MYBTLE ' NAVY. NONE IS GENUINE 1 VNtXBS arAMMD T , &; ' ' B ,\ \ \ .( S. — Tood , Advice , fo Glrty. ? Gei^Jti’uO(^,'"j^v, fell me yu have , bora fwo yrors in ' a - boarding school, aoO /bate-just finished - yiiro. edukosbuD, and , want fu ■ koo - 'what- yu '' i1ai1 do next. its-ter, , mi gushing Gertruda, ond I will ' fell yu. ' Get' up lo, toe•merD]og , tn good seoson. go ' dowo -lDfo ' fbe kitchen. wze a - potofo by fir ' tiroof, with one Mod and a- knife wit. flo other; , Skin - the - -pototo aod a - - dozen - - more -just ' ' like' it; stir up thr. 'b’u"bkwheat ; look ' In toe ovoD ". ahd'Si^^0.. "Wow t.r bfecuita are floing, bustle areuDd' geieroliy ;- step on fie caCs _tai1, ard .".rip - your good, bld 'mother get " breakfast. , : "After brooklaIt put up fir yuig cbiidreD’s luncheon for skool, 'help " wash up "flO, disles.. Sweeps put things iD orOer.- ond sometime" Our- iDg -f.bft.Oay .nit ot" leOst" two.- Oarles - - oDO • a- loll on sum' onr“ov yure brotier’s.' 'lit tle biur wooUrn , stockings lor Daxt w-iD- forL . - , Ir - other- words - make yureself use-. lul, Dow tlot yu lav. .-bOkum- ornamoh- fa1, aDd if yu hav ■ rDiuyfimr lof-t.. ofter tie 'beds ore all made aod fie ducks lov brea led, pifchnlnto- fie old - pianna. - and make -fir ' old ,' 'roftle-box ' rkream ' -wifi musik Dp ' torn ,for "One ycor. .ond' sum 1iJ^<^j^;y yung .- fr11ow. ip ..o n'aborhoeO wti1 hear - ov - if,. - ani^-'wlll, begin to land around , yu, Ond- say,, sweeter., Itlil^ng^s^xt^hoD. ■ yu ever .card Wore; " aDd ■ fina.ty w]11 glv yu a chance .to keep louse ' oa ' yur, own hook. - . Yu follow " mi advice, Gerty; arid' " seefif be Oor’i. —-Josh Billings. '■ Why Brother - DieksoD - left tie - Clh^^rcl. Mr" Dfetaoi. a cotorr0- " barber fa a Now , Englond town, " was , sbavl.g one of . his - customers,' a .respOctablo - citizen, one morning. When - a conVorsaf1eD aroIr' bOfworD' them respecting Mr; D1icbsoD's- formOr. connection '-with a coterrd -ciurci in flat - plaK^./ - “ I " brltrvr ' vou' are , cor rected with ' tie - ciurch - lD. Elm street, - Mr. Dickson ?” - said tie- customer,-1 - “No sab liot of all?" “'.W.a^'ae you '" Dot' a member of, tho Africoo Church - -’— ■ “ Not flis - year, sab.”- - '. “ Wiy dlcl you leavr tleir .com'munloo,, Mr.' - Dickson,, if . | - moy ' be- permitted "fo osk ?’" , “ Wly, I. te11 you- -.sa-h. .(said - Mr. D1CbsoD, ' strop ping a concave - razor . on , fhe palm ol lis lard). it" was just- like dis. I - jioeO - , t.e" cUUrcl tn gooO.laf*'--I/-gib' lon doll'Or's pill de, lust ' year. aDd. tie . church ' -pepple all calhDe Brudder Dickson. ' Tlr sec ond year "my- buslaess Was het—good. aDO Ien1y-g1Lh--fivo dollors.',' - Dat year ' fie church .people - call mo,- Mister - .Dickson. Da razor iurty^^ou,.Ia. ?’" , “No ! rozer gors -tolerably wrli.” , “ Well , 'Sal I. fie- tocl " year" "I- feel " very -peor—sickaoss in my fomily—anO . I diOn’t- give rtulflD lor preatofa- ' . We11 sa. . 1 - arter dof 'tay- call -me ' Old Diggar- Dickson? , an" so " I left'em,”' te ' \ ■''----• --''i«-'i •-------■ -' 0 Bcmorkable Digestive , Pewers'/'7" "' .'•’ The , casr is mrr^'tior^i^cli^'l ' aa American so11'!* w.o oir'd 'o Guy’s Hospita1,■ ' Lea- doo, - 'a - post-mortrm', ' rxamtoofioo ' of whoso body- slowed., tiOt lils disease was due to. his i^opeafe'O,oxp1^i.fs of sWaltew- iog knives. from ' fhe effects of -wllcl lo had been sick fob -firoe years. ' ' The first tlmOjlj^sjwal 1ow<^(^-lo^■rcren—bD^ves~”-b'~ coma sick.- bub roCovorrO, ond commori- 'erd oWoiD, betting from time to time oa ils bravOdo - exploits... Wlilr - on.....an. . ’Eng11sb s1ip-1e swai1owrd .' sovor.eoo kaivos ta two successive doys ; , but tils appears tohavr "bOGotQOrituC1.-aDO after - knives .were found lo liis . stomach, but, skraDgr. to . soy. . portiy digcsfco. .-fbr"iron^. paI^;gL'aa..w^^11as Ala .horn. ' noird1esl ' . ..e ' ‘ ktomoc..-"' "ltsalf was Duf ' - at " ;aU . lojuraO. Ha had ft good oppetita ' fo flo last, , and " lis sickness i^nd deofl 'warr , oloae caused by the laft ' of a " lorgO ., 'knife becoming immovably ' lxad , across tie - intestines. . _ , j, ■ • * _ _ . • ' • - w* VUUIUU AU-. * -A . , glU toll UUJiiU wamL©- letqU-Oe* towrar ds de sfof®d preaclii.’ of the - ' Gos- TXF«OC? - T OA'*A -Cnov « kill v\Ar\Mn ... — «. I There arc numerous Imitations on the Market UA , ft 19, W»/ fC' When tacn the wind °i««rvo ttpioof ? mW U WhUltta though the leMt. ? - . - A B^iraeiiious . Curo, •, Tbe .foilowidg. smgular- . story. . is. toM. by the - -Lewiston .(Ill.)- ..Democr'at. - and- - copied 'into- •the’New York Times: . “Rev.- , Mr.- . Wood., the -preacher--on - - the - - Cuba Mr E.- -circuit, has- informed some ' of our citizens- ' of. a.mirade - performed in . Avon- hist. week. ■ - .The story goes- toat b^e was- called - to - - A von, On' -. Wendesday - -. of last- ' week.- we believe,. - . to . attend . at- the. bed side o'f a sister. that-wos'-"-dving’■, ----Bhe had been .til for some time, and enti^ely helpless . for ' some. days, not bein'g aUe ' even to-rake her . head.. . At; Doon of- tiu^x day named - her- physician .ninolly ' pro nounced her case Wpless. and said toe - patient . must die. - She '.^j^j^i^iri^nitly . 'con-. tinDed ' to sink . until,- -p6rh"apBJffili^<*gi|bCk’ that. evening, when she called the family andtfriends abo^it her to receive her . fi- n'al farewell. as s.o supposed jfier .hst houri had come. S|ie asked her brother, the minister ' above named, 'to pray for her, and the . company kneeled while an ' Di^i^.Gi^lt.petltion . in --bef^^o^I^..OJn ;*tihes:dyin’g: one'WaS made. ” During the prayer Mr. ‘ Wood felt a hand 'upon Bis ' shoulder,, And opening. his eyes beheld ' his sisten - sitting up in bed, her face beaming with rapture. Slio toU him he need pray no longer, as .she was cured, soul . . arid body;- - He supposed Jier' ' to 'bo ' - In- “hef- last - death-struggle- -(as hiLIr•t^c^liiir^ltfy physical - - Btr6ngth::•doBs - of ten-’ - uDmer’’tO‘ the dying). and dmning ' .is- thought.' she aasuredtoim toa 'it Was- no.t . death, but that s.e was indeed fully restored to health, and that her -soul wOs blessed equally. With her- - body. . - - She arose ' from-, toe bed. . ^aMng God, tnoved - around °mong her friends. went to -su'pper. wi'to them, .and ' remained . up- until eleven o’dock* toling .in. rapturous 'strains the -. great things God .ad donb for her- . soul and body. The physician - came. in, meantime, and, os may be supposed,’ Was astounlod . to see- Ms dying: patieht, Jfor whose - recovery he had n° expeota- tit^fl..siting up in a °bair Wking , wit. every one. ' S*he told him of her inwtafi“- taneOus cure.- . . oii! hfte’r. a wretol . amtoation of . her vitol organs, he .. pro nounced the cure complete I*- « * * ■“■“'7 ' te tejlli t - i "lb 11 x ' ‘ - * v A man in Newark, . Ohio, is a .mur derer because he was too- cowardly to be a tbiC. Ke a boy who would not Mi a ptfibt ion nl^f«i I ‘ he;. (........................................n. lef'h^l^bistlby - hr cofaad fate fDKfaoyi ser tooi ffirO". x-ivcm-t i-ttll "taSosui-"°r s ;1 ' f1 ' ............ fid. vi’'."8al4 ..ft . i. • .... ,i.©.b.Jf-v*41"do oof mfad - •laaffio'g'you. qd©- buf - -' I’ - M^t .ova.,if aol^ujua0 fo.^<^j^j^j^’w-"t . -...—. -4 •. .■Wfty ip a . ■ nmpAWer- rikt^'. o^;-- toQt1 jliusil 1 . ;. ''DO'y^Ou.8.]^v^a^<]ii- 'UJ^.1 . ' ,Brcauso 'De s.oulid' .avr Qr© 'f-ftis. ow.D. ■ ODd not be 'borrowing lis" Delgl^jOr?1- . ' A ■ •'MQr'faDO,'" justice 'off'f1e'"■'peOCe- f^|^<^^^h't- splurge . 'anyi wlri - - hr ' ' ff^i^irrlOs a - C^i^]^'10. ' ■. ' Hr-, sayja; T ' Ati's<g^iibi’nhinds' —nifciad—six .dUaH", ADo^^bO"sw^iii..... there is 'fo it. ' - - J" , . WieD a bashful1 tevar .as. " managad fp 1oDg .up 1ts Ii^11 and" get’s Ly lDfo fia Par1or,,-Defblng conn^saS1iff1 "Do muc. as - to find a saucer. pf- tacks on ' -the. ' first [ chair- he" -.drQps - 1ht^OL1*L uol’W* -0^^ :- - .; ■ 010 MrS■S^m^iLt1lih3ft.il1^I^l^eteD;^'OIr^1■rD . 9PaD JOs's SaCu.jOjiy-' fQ- ..jamissL •.•Ioq1 ftQm >. .ow .. takeD out->after -aD-ffQur’s-QbuiiDmg was.-- iib<n aHrveiy. ' ta . Lw1O1'tt j1impfOt lm’-- .". '/'A- sC1oolhOy<-heing■ta•e^ : . ar-now''1'r';’sbQiuia ,filbg ■ KTLtD‘,£ejp^i^i^fdt .■‘‘'^If you -plrase, j^iir. X.snQuIdiL^l.be--t^QAiili^v^^^iit; ' .on. whe .l|II;,"lmu-^;f1]lSt,oQwf•i^hJ ^'.sj/y at.pkl-s ' ' upwaids. .aDd ffip " d'wu QDaSjWyhf?”x,f/' . p AD. Ilis1.ptasynf he;i^lnlyialSlj;^’^l1v1,:iie permitted' life plg "to -fOkest]p?j^;^s '"quar- far^-' wtir. Bfe? ' ■ fni^:^^ly"".."Wm^<^w -ftnsWo.: ‘.‘--Wiy -■.- D^osmi’fvt1l]^0'ip^1^lOce"'onlQ1"0 every.; . co'ovraiance -- toat- -fo-; ju.’ -caiD-le' ..^0?”" . “,l -W^^;^».‘wJ^i^it' drovp; . yqa -inrem-?bom^L - * " such a. bitter" Digit as Ltl^.is.-j-L;osked a . wo- ' - - ■ mao Qf a' , pooi’ '1ltUclbQ,/shiveringapd ' Crying ot " fia corner. .Qla" streOt?; " i' "Cross , , Words?’- be oasw^i^j^£^,-;W^t1 - - -the" - - feors ’strOaiDing - dowD hio- clreki^s.-;; - - - - w^tv^^--’ “T.an " you wQD"f.1l^i^cL'..me;i]laf^rdtme. ooyeli*aii- 1” 'lnquiL'ern "QDe boy 'ol , aDOfler In -tie post . office-DD-" Saturday., won’t.” - J- “ A.lkrlgbfytlrD,;time .Qu^r"q^1iltQy’^^^mit^ii?itoiffi^^^ fate f.e yard, aod 1o1^*?i’/" * ' j'*. *•; y . t - A Dubuque , printer .I’OcaiyoO .tie , , fol- • .oW^i^j^'r^of^e: frQra.'lis" yi'rl'.'* 14 Moy" 1 ' yif— yonked -b^ii- "Of bad -'ot ' - miODlylt ' eveiry- -'ntte-.h^yo1C^vsI ' Eta T1ayOoro’Ti1 tQn," “^i0’' - > - carried .upp .a -i^idliQD - pair - of’ stares, - .iff aver.1 srse fo love , youy, Jim?," , - ,.;« A'N^fjwlouoOlaDd dQgsgQfagjteUpne . ol - _ fhrLwnalyrs tD RoiilODd, -M^eL•J‘. gild pqrr ce^vj^irg'f1Ot ftWOssel ir. rxp'acird. fQ fin. tlere- lad S^^il1^l^,•-jumpod - OverbOard'-and swam.’.ofier ;jl^..-.'H© laO yonr.ail^ODyili^m- , fance dowaflbc , 1irhQ.r. ■ .when .e, ■ . ^as p1cbrd, 'up ax.aus.ed;’„"."i*;"?.*■'J 4 -,' « , A. hQQihia^c^1c-" fe1iQ wed' a'" ma0" O'rouDd. . • fQr - several , - - mtoute's, - -rrp^^loy fie” lDi qulry, - “Have - a - slloe - ’ , oDO- finally - tio mo.D Oxclamed,,. “DidD'fl'ii folkyou, .l^’^e - -. mioutes agQ t.at"1 dtdD"i "wianib ioy..bpots Uache0?”’- “Yqu dtO. mistai.”- .rapliedlle -y " toy. “bu^. 1 toeught you" m-ft - ba 1yl^ig. about ii ' 1”, . - - -r - - - - -'" - - < -»te- -a .21 ■ ' A Detreit- was; soDtL'nQi_;fr.’50efbr._ ; 1li^s'''mpf.1ler^." EelDg' vary. t11j _ wieDdoQkiny;’ down tlr street . lb ,sow*a - great- .erey-d.., - ■ T1rD came a strug.te brfwooD' .tay' and' - - cuiiosity,'but --hcfioo11y- -S^^TiiOd --ffi^r - -i1i0—" "’ crowd so.yioy -:- -“ T1e1iold-L; - lady’s/praft^y^; badly off,. Omt-T know she, woJvldn't . - mo to miss that -fight?’,,j vvpi’/ 3 ’ lAD-- lodloDapolis -, ' mother,, ,, wl'oi^e. ' taU'htor was ' sooa" ".fQ ■ ma:rry,.-fr1d' " tiat’* fpmOte- "-.of' s.^o ' mig<1it - S^^^l^iifEIQtrl "“ft" 1QtS Ql- -furntiura - .slk^^rd - to fir -< yarraf.; such - • articles as s.O,dcsirrd - lorihQQUO.doe001>lfe ’ - T.ir .old . fomily. .crad1© I'lDi04 l0., .’-c°nfrr - Qf" f1a. ptia. ■ sr^d s'0' - astOr - . tp" "a°%, . , tor/aDO0.wl-' -porm1sItOii"L"'“ *} ftr 1 . . BensitivO ,L^1•tielStO’hiti11hy;-Stte1O1^in" ’ ■ --XLteted--1ii- T ira 4h’TeXX^oS^wDWy's^. ■/ ' DeariyosQ' faDt OO’0^hb?;^isienIi1V'i]n'^|.*. - " tarstood tojfti - snDiyp- jbe/te^iiD - * . my'1rad,QD roT'14' ■" - biji-0 pr-oit“ sUCn.iidtCuiqus 'Xlfoitfonsmadlr . Qf*me. , ^lolmODCos'•frpM0'" tQ- te" .Oft -a1Qo0?*^^"; jttifofesbv B1ayh1r, .ir^^-suro<^f^i^t- 1Q’Q_toi«^^?;n sa^i^dl'1, “A.Wc^moo 9?-rni^^u?1ititl?ii«Jil'll^-«?^^‘^0k °nit from o.mODios .a.fifewer . A^,&Aie®,?.-ffi to® bos mQir ■ biOuty aDd ife"'0" -frogio0ce,\ “ . tef." fe^ '‘Iirei^i^tt^1"''-■Shrh-'Wili1'1'11iO fiti®0-'■' m toeloou'l.au0 l'.orjoyi ?•'0ally ’.<>f'fl ?lCn^t-2-f moBCuUn®. llrO0Oi3i]oOh•]tSilJinn^0P/1,li »?«. ■ .•qc-^iil.JoQO! - C,tesnii s00, »?m- herd sluO; DPt .eOoD®',-... , w s • , A -10vair Ql goQd coffa®. . W.0 1as -Qr;D’ . severe! ' fimas swindled. eDtefBWfc^’' ^ ■ rary roe®ot1y, "end 1'Q1dloy ,iiip'a-<li^!^tiuiP of yr°uDd? coff®® from " fi® ■ - Wif faquHota “Ar®. toer®.’. “e^.y.h®e0i>lsL^nSl.'«0 " cofl®®1” “No. sk?? " promptiy ’I^^iM-f.ft".. . .rocer.. “How OO; you e*Rfid- " to® mefi; ' ' “ " BiC^iui^^1 Ws^^«1tb-^h^^* arid hc^d" fo i^’ut peas - tn ... • sweri’'-i' « . Til® lQX1Qwiioy -'’ po®m,")laaijehi'0uh-'- W" 1isb®d- lD •bout • .ozeD, .p—E* e^i.;Oi^'gsjffi. M, ' aDd •^-vaCo^f^d. CQrrosPQnO®°- .s5^0^>d?."lf. • SOy’iny i.ot' 1® just' writ ;0. "P -D .-Tbii ■ .”“ eod’wouid h1®. tQ- s®®“ if ■ iD 'o^tn^*u .j A •nOcf -Of lis- 1avlng -st010D £ - couraye .im- ■ nrom lufure- ®ffQit*- . . - ,-r s-j -wona -■Oea'itt»n« m«^<ti- ■ ■ - Or rof.ir fh°u8y1i | .baO l . . . t j , /«* Bui WleO' I - ask®!111 do^l- - ■ ■ “i° Ca k X JWWd ••••^ X idt—A^trW'ldt ' ,.' M ft .. . -' g Ao. wiaD * • - y , I,“dUlrt®d'•qttl1*W r.icy . &,rr Jjcob • JimmyMt<; “WlrthJiWtt* «**•- ’•SC0Dw0 ' .:■ I'd1'-- “01. deor. ^e.' t^<°Db* f ' Se°,ow1D. ; aeQidOnaYe■c1epp1rlad.-l;0yy^l^)]""^^S • ” y°i uliY- en^^lr-b°1f* ,wogyQtil^?f4d Dig trOil dowot'o^^2r. OVD1— —? wlra thlrife 1tt;loW1“aat^^’L ^^ViWT; Qrv. - Mi;.'tlirlees, te bDtis o'-.WTe'* 4» 'W.Vl wbeit .o ymimeoD 1 OD,. Dovt- Kor11^w"“^o'1lo'-yQV- PU®.' "fw -fj •Do Dot K*sfii^O '7“w°iv»- y*1. 'O0].-} ■ ■ ■ *• wX.oo was paIstoy 'Vo® "honb1Oya"; ' ■ •Dd " 1® '•* litiSog tiDder ftalDy, " * iiolid toe HUIS rewii1, " Lt^Dy -t^init rt fie op4o iQ1 \ . .1 j>A >m(“m* ' " a* "bor1®1...0'tor " s^^iWtrons'maid!®- . of/me. 1: A law -ha^- .been puuod^,- by the.- Ohio- iD Leghtatwr/mftking.iit < mU^m'eam' with a fin* - of - nftt n^i^rf th'axififty or -Id’^i than Ava dQllarii to'nt0nHionoi^y, . . wlti*- out- malioe, Mm - - a - fir'wthRt any ^raon,- and a fin* of one- hun,dr*d ddl^i^in ou - JmpriMfttat-- -for -- - lorn month* or both,-for ifo dlo‘taryl.■ « ,w«apon - eb.iifftW,- if .tha-Diaty/'ia mimed air t« . not' ^urmd,bu' & oaie- (duty the flwo - shall - be flfty doll*rTan;t two- y°ir*4 ibipp^i^oon^eofrkL^O^iifiadU^(ij - hied -Juit