HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-11-11, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1948 Page 9 Say Child Experts Child accord when it comes to emph­ asizing - tion in health and lives of children. Dr. Elizabeth Chant Robers- son. of Toronto’s Hospital for Sick children and the University of Toronto’s Department of Paediatrics is one child health expert who finds it difficult to believe that "in these enlighten­ ed days” there are still people who doubt the value of immun­ ization, In an article “Better Be Safe” in the current issue of HEALTH the Health League of Canada's official magazine, Dr. Robertson expresses the view that "it is harder to believe that there are actually people in Canada who know nothing at all about it and who don’t know what immuniza­ tion meaiis,” ' To spread the gospel of im­ munization and to emphasize to parents qf children who have not been protected.^ through immun­ ization, against such diseases as diphtheria, whooping cough and smallpox, the Health League of Canada this wbek is sponsoring “National Immunization Week”. In co-operation with official health departments, the Health League, a voluntary health edu­ cation association, is attempting to make Canadians realize that the 3 60 deaths in Canada last year from diphtheria and whoop­ ing cough were needless. It is known that toxoid pre­ vents diphtheria, that whooping cough vaccine checks whooping cough, and that vaccination has just about wiped out smallpox. Here is what Dr. Robertson has to say about these three diseases and their preventives— Diphtheria is extremely dan­ gerous in young children under five years of age. that it might be avoid contact with have diphtheria and germs in milk by pasteurization, but it is impossible, except by use of toxiod, to prevent contrac­ ting it from "carriers”—-persons who are not ill themselves but who carry the dangerous germs health authorities are in the value of immuniza- the protection of the She remarks possible to people who to avoid the KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons end Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson left last week for a motor trip to North Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs. M. Cooper were in St. Thomas on Saturday attending the wedding of Mr. William Jones. Mrs. day in London with her sister, Mrs. B. Brightmore, who is seri­ ously ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Schneider, of Stratford, visited recently with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson. J. Cochrane spent Fri- in their noses and throats. Dr. Robertson emphasizes that diphtheria toxoid is absolutely harmless and should be given first to children when they are six months the value later on. Whooping been regarded too lightly, cording to Dr. Robertson, serious in children under years of age. A whooping cough vaccine has been produced which is 80 per cent effective as a complete preventive, while the protection obtained by the other 20 per cent, while not complete, is sufficient to make the disease much less severe. Preparations containing both toxoid and whooping cough vaccine are now available. Smallpox js rare in Canada because of vaccination. However, Dr. Robertson. warns that chances cannot be taken with the disease. The more unvaccin­ ated people there are, the more chance there is of an epidemic. Dr. Robertson, also discusses immunization agents which are available but which are not as universally used'or which have not yet been proven as effective as the three above. These con­ cern tetanus (lockjaw), tuber­ culosis, scarlet fever and typhoid As the effectiveness of BCG in tuberculosis control, Dr. Rob­ ertson comments: “It may be that it will provide an additional weapon in our war against this disease.” old. She emphasizes of "booster” doses cough for years has ac- It is two TRY A CLASSIFIED TO-DAY ’ £3 i Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c- In Memorlam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, En­gagements 50c. BIRTHS Vegetables with IA Difference Vegetables with a Difference .... 'Consumption of vegetables is increasing, although probably the average Canadian still does not eat them in adequate amounts. Vegetables are an inexpensive food which, if fussed up a little may be most appetizing but they are very easily ruined by care­ less cooking. For four months of year gardens are luxuriant with a variety of vegetables but with cold weather such things egg plant, celery, vegetable marrow, and scallions soon become plea­ sant memories. Other perishable vegetables such peas, beans and tomatoes may still be enjoyed as they come from cansv or sealers which were .put away during the sum­ mer. The all-winter standbys are cabbage and root vegetables If these are always just boiled the family will soon find them monotonous. The home econo­ mists of the Consumer Section, Dominion Department of Agri­ culture, offer many suggestions for variations in ables. The coarse, stalks of celery branches cooked, vegetable, to serve combined atoes. Minted 3 2 J H COLBY—--Mr. and Mrs. Keith Colby (nee Shirley Penhale), of Melbourne, Australia, wish to announce the arrival of a son, Peter James, at St. He­ len’s Hospital, on Tuesday, Novembei' 9, 1948; a brother for Susan Kathleen. MacKAY—At Mrs, Hunter’s nursing home on Monday, No­ vember 1, 1948, to Cpl, and Mrs. C. McKay, of Exeter, a daughter, Marilyn Ann. MILLER—At Mrs. Batten’s nursing home on Friday, No­ vember 5, 1948. to Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, a son Ro­ bert Charles, POST—At Windsor, on Thurs­ day, November 4th, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. W. >G. Post (nee Marion Powell) a ten-pound baby boy. ROWE—At Mrs. Hunter’s nurs­ ing home on Thursday, Octo­ ber 28, 1948, to LAC and Mrs. F. A. Rowe, of Centralia, a daughter, Constance Ahn (Connie). WOLFE'—Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wolfe (nee Gloria Swanson, London) are happy nounce the arrival < son, Barry Sinclair, Michael’s Hospital, on November 3, 1948. to an- of their ■at St. Toronto, MARRIAGES DOBBS day, Oreemore the Rev. Elizebeth, Mr. and Mrs. George Mattice, of Creemore, to Glenn Osweld Dobbs, of of — MATTICE—On Fri- October 15, 1948, in at the manse of Mr. Sanders, Sarah only daughter of second youngest son Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs Glencairn. DEATHS each as cauliflower, cucumber as asparagus, serving veget- stringy outer nr misshapen are a delicious If there isn’t enough alone they may be with carrots or tom- Carrots And Celery carrots, sliced celery, cut in 1-inch cups cups pieces tablespoons butter, melted2 Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons mint, chopped finely Wash, scrape and slice Wash celery and cut lengths. Measure cook and celery together in salted water. Drain and re- car­ in to car- boil- Gpderich Team Installs Rebekah Officers At a recent meeting of the Exeter Rebekah Lodge, The Pride of Huron, the District Deputy, Mrs. Iona Beachler, of Goderich, with her installing Staff, was present and installed the -officers for the ensuing term. Following the installation refreshments were served and a social The Lena Gladys Gertrude Adeline Norah Mabel Mary Gardiner; Inside 'Guardian Mrs. Gwen Gibson; Outside Guardian, Mrs. Amy Ethering- ton; Chaplain, Miss Irene Sweet, R.S.N.G., Mr, Wm. Etherington, L.S.N.G., Mrs. Olive Cole; R.S V.G., Mrs. Jean Morgan; L.S, V.G., Mrs. Grace McKnight; J.P.N.G., Mrs. Kay Cann; Musi­ cian, Mrs. Lena Willard. On Thursday evening of last week the degree team from the Exeter lodge visited the Victoria Rebekah Lodge at London and conferred class of candidates. They also visited the Edelweiss Rebakah Lodge at Seaforth Monday even­ ing and again conferred the degree, hour enjoyed, officers are; N.G.. Kirkland; V.G., Chambers; R.S., Hamilton; F.S., Ford; Trees,, Taylor; Warden, McKnight; Con. the degree upon a r A Mitchell Ministerial Association1 Jake: ”w““ haprened afterJYiinibienai /wssociaiion iyou were thrown out the back The South Huron Ministerial I door of Association held their regular meetng on Mbnday afternoon at the home of Rev. and Kenneth Wood, Grand The Mrs. Bend. devotional exercises were conducted by the president, Rev C. W. Down, Exeter. Rev. Don­ ald Sinclair, of Exeter, present­ ed a paper on the history and achievements of the Zionist Movement which introduced a discussion on Israel and the relation of the Christian Church to the situation in Palestine to-, day. Lunch was served by the hostess. At the December meet­ ing Rev. G. A. Cowper-Smith of London, will give a report of the meeting of the World Council of Churches in Amster­ dam this past summer. the bar?” "X told the waiter I be- ■to a very prominent “So “So, what?” he begged my pai> me in again, and Red: longed family.” Jake: Red: don, asked threw me out the front door.” One .garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week DO YOU BELIEVE GOD? The Drink for Health For the Utmost in Dairy Products Phone 331 j or Contact Our Drivers EXETER DAIRY Pasteurized Milk ★ Homogenized Milk ★ Buttermilk, Butter and Our Chocolate Flavoured Dairy Drink FLETCHER—-In Victoria Hospi­ tal, London on Wednesday, Novembei’ 3, 1948, Emma Lil­ lian Nightingale, beloved wife of Dr. M. C. Fletcher. NEEB—In St. Joseph’s Hospital London, on Saturday, Novem- 6, 19 48, Alex Neeb, in 72nd year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. Craig, meat of his youngest daughter, Annie Laurine, to Mr. Robert Mills, of London; the wedding to take place the latter part November. George Dixon, of Ailsa announces the engage- CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Bill Glenn wishes of♦ to thank her many friends who so kindly remembered her with cards, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’-s Hospi­ tal. Special thanks to the boys who gave blood for transfusions and to those who so generously offered to do so; also to those who helped in any way. c The family of the late Richard Tapp wish to express their sin­ cere thanks to relatives and friends for kindness and sym­ pathy shown them in their re­ cent bereavement and also for the beautiful floral tributes. c Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire wish to thank all their friends and neighbors who remembered Mrs. Squire-~with flowers, cards and treats and those who lielp- ------- — ------ aj. c ed in so many other ways the time of the accident. Mr. thank kindly cards ■oth Cl­ ient in the hospital returning home. Mr. John Prance thank all those who remembered him in HE HAS SAID: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately Wicked.” "There is none righteous, noj not one: o © © "The wicked shall be turned into Hell.” "The Lord Jesus came on the Lord Jer. 17:9 all have sinned.” Rom. 3:10, 23 Psalm '9:17 save sinners.” 1 Tim. 1:15 thou shalt be Acts 16:31 with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, into this world to Jesus Christ, and © shalt confess believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him dead, thou shalt be saved.” Rom. 10:9 shall call upon the name of the Lord shall Rom. 10:13 "Believe saved.” "If thou and shalt from the "Whosoever be saved.” Tune In: Hear Chas. Fuller on Station CKLW, Windsor, 12- 12:30 E.S.T. Sunday noon. Chas. E. Fuller, P.O. Box 123. Los Angeles 53, Cal. "THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST.” rots, inch rots ing, serve the water in which they were cooked, for soup stock or sauces. Season, vegetables with salt and pepper. Arrange in a hot greased dish and pour over them 2 tablespoons of melted butter. Just before serving, sprinkle with two tablespoons of mint, chopped finely or sprinkle 2 teaspoons dried mint between layers. Yield: Six servings. RED CROSS NEWS Red Crossv Packing will held on Friday, November 12 the Canadian Legions Rooms 2 p.m. Executive meeting to be held prior to .packing. ON MOTOR TRIP be at at Mr. and Mirs. Joseph Fergus­ on, of Chiselhurst, and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, of Kippen, left last Thursday on a motor trip to Pollock, South Dakota, to visit Mr. Parsons’ Ferguson’s sister and in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ryckman and family. .and Mrs. brother- David Cider Mill will operate Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday of each week TILL NOV. 26 Fred H ennick Phone 181 Mitchell _______________________ Regular elimination of wastes from the body is one of the para­ mount rules for good health. Mil­ burn ’s Laxa-Liver Pills are of help to faulty elimination. The combina­ tion of laxative and tonic drugs .contained in these pills make them one of the most useful and best remedies for minor disordered con­ ditions of the eliminatory organs. Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills help to stimulate the liver, clean the coated tongue, sweeten the breath and eliminate waste from the sys­ tem. As an “after-dinner” pill they relieve that bloated feeling and help indigestion. Sold at drug counters everywhere. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. EL1MVILLE Don’t forget the National Film Board is showing its pictures in Elimville Church on Friday, No­ vember 19. The special film will be "Let There Be Light”. Lunch will be served foy the Institute. Silver all! Mr. ly of . with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carscadden and family, of Exeter, Sunday with Mr. and net Miners. Mr. Elgin Skinner, spent the week-end at Murray and Open tills Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout the Week SOUTH END B.A. Service Station collection; come one, come and Mrs. Shade and fami- Zurich visited on Sunday visited on Mrs. Gar- of Milton, his home. LaurieMessrs. Stephen, of London, spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Denham, of Kirk­ ton. Miss Wanda the week-end in Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Mr. Bruce Sitler, of Mt. Brydges, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and family, of Atwood, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Johns. Stephen spent London. Wm. Curtis and /” x. “X US' Mow Open Bean Growers Now is the time to have your bean harvester knives hammered or sharpened so as to avoid the push when the knives are needed next season. This is important so that the work may be done this winter. Also new knives made to order. Louis Zimmer BLACKSMITH & WELDER Dashwood, Ontario Exeter Radio & Electric House and Farm Wiring WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Gordon Triebner and Donald Jolly Give Your Home © Hal! Say 'Welcome'? Dining Room Say 'Be Hearty*? Living Room Say 'Relax*? Bedroom Say zThis is My Room*? Kitchen Say 'Good Morning* MODERN WALLPAPER 450 PATTERNS You can make them say these things, and in any tone you wish. It Is Easy and Economical with Corner of Huron and Main Streets Radios and Appliances SOLD AND SERVICED Mrs. Robert Higgins and fam­ ily wish realtives kindness them in eavement, tributes and many cards. Speci­ al thanks to Rev. Mahoney. Mr. Noble thank all his membered him with cards, flowers and treats jvhile a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and also those who v.isited him while there and to those who wer e so kind in so many other ways. * Mrs. Wilson Morley wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered her with cards, flowers and treats while a pa­ tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. * to and and sympathy shown their also for extend thanks to friends for the recent sad ber- the floral Dr. Dunlop and c Scott wishes to friends who re- with treats ; PERSONALITY to so Bill Gilfillan wishes his many friends who with any pat- since c remembered and treats I way while he him and in ; was a and wishes to so kindly any way while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, .London, and since re­ turning home. c , The daughters of the late Mr. John Hunkin wish to thank all the friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their bereave­ ment; for the beautiful floral tributes and to those who help­ ed in any way. , c The family of the late Jane Ann (Moodie) Simpson wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness in their recent bereavement, ial thanks to Canon James. ' and Mrs. Coursey, George. Hospital, Mrs. who remembered hor in during her illness. Mrs. Hunkin, wife of John Hunkin and her family, of Exeter, wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for sympathy recent sad the many and those their ; also Revs, Elston, Mrs. Drs. Patterson the staff of .Mason Bastow their kindness and shown thefn in their bereavement; also for floral tributes, cards who so kindly loaned or helped in any way cial thanks to the Snell and Mr. Mahoney. Spec- Rev. Irene and Villa and any all way c the late cars spc- Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft and Russell wish to thank their many friends for .treats and kindnesses while Russell was a patient in Victoria Hospital. c Mrs. LeVerne Morley and Mr. Thomas Morley wish to thank all those who so kindly remem­ bered them in any way while they were patients in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks .to the staff and nurses of Ward 12. c IN MEMORIAM DESJARDINE —In loving mem­ ory of a dear hubsand and father, Maxima Desjardine, who passed away two years ago, November 14, 1946. Father, clear Father, Thou art at rest, We do not weep for Thee For Thou art now when of’t on earth, Thy spirit longed to be. -—Ever remembered by wife and family. c EDWARDS- of a clear Mr. John ed away November We are sad Lonely are our hearts to-day For the one we loved so dearly Has forever been called away We think of him in silence, No eye may see us weep, But many silent tears are shed, When others are asleep. —Sadly missed by wife and family. * -Ill loving memory husband and father Edwards, who pass- three years ago, 8, 1945. within our memory Reduce Mess Save Time Use “Sunworthy WALLPAPER REMOVER 49c per bottle are available at Your Decorator will recommend “Canco” Cold Water PASTE We have it