HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-11-11, Page 6BBS BABY CHICKS FOR SALE THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1948 ORDER CHICKS NOIV First hatch December 5th. Hatching twice weekly there­ after. Setting all breeds. Gov­ ernment Approved. Neuhauser Hatcheries 81 Kings St., London, Ontario FOR SALE—Four good clean cows due to freshen January and February, in good flesh. Apply to H. Peterson, R.R. 3. Dashwood, 21 miles south of Dashwood on Lloyd Lippert’s farm. 28:4:11c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distri­ bute our 250 products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecti­ cides, Farm Products, splendid assortment of Gift Boxes. Our dealers make substantial pro­ fits! A < home! For tails, write Delorimi&r P.Q. FOR SALE—Weaner and start­ ed pigs. A. E. Oestreicher, Dashwood. Phone 57x‘10. 4:11:18c FOR SALE-—C.C.M. girl’s bi­ cycle, junior size. W. Martin, Exeter South. 11c customer in each • Catalogue and de- i to FAMILEX, 1600 Street, Montreal, 28:4:11:18:25:2c FOR SALE—Flush toilet, wash basin. R. E. Balkwill, Exeter. 11* FOR SALE—McClary electric range, practically new. Apply to G. W. Layton. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE—1936 Chev coach, good condition. .Apply to Broderick Bros., phone 277 Exeter, 11* FOR SALE—Girl’s 3-piece win­ ter suit, Wine color, used but in good condition, 5 year size. At Co-Op Store, see Geo. M. Taylor. 11 * FOR SALE—’33 Chevrolet stan­ dard, in good condition with good heater and anti-freeze. Apply to G. Bonnallie, above Fink’s Meat Market. 11!18* FOR SALE—-12 York pigs, six weeks old. Apply to George Dunn, phone 1771’43 .Exeter. 11c FOR SALE—'35 .Chev Standard •coach in good condition. Ap­ ply Broderick Bros., phone 277 Exeter. 11* FOR SALE —Young Durham calves. Phone 36r7 Kirkton, J. ,E. Stone. 11* FOR SALE—Red cedar water supply tank, 3x3x10. Ar­ thur Rundle, phone 177r32 Exeter. 11* FOR SALE—Bunch of weaner pigs. Apply to Clayton Flynn, R.R. 1, Centralia, 11* FOR SALE—Second hand fur­ niture; new and used washing machines. Apply Wm. Elliott, Centralia. lie FOR SALE—1941 Dodge sedan good .running condition, foui’ tires, nearly new. Phone 205. Chas. D. Hay, Zurich. 11* FOR SALE STRAYED NOTICES *Tt" FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINES; Electric portable and Cabinets ma­ chines. Also treadle machines. For information, write Singer Service Representative, Box iS, Times-Advocate. 11:18:25c FOR SALE—75 R.I. Red pullets ready to lay. Apply at Times- Advocate. 11c ' ' .................... ■■■"■ —>rr FOR SALE'—7-room frame cot­ tage, could be easily moved. Apply at Times-Advocate. 11* FOR SALE—19 33 Chev in good condition. Cheap for quick sale. L. D. Clark, R.R. 2, Kippen. lie strayedLot 13, concession 18? ship of stephen, cattle rising 2 Owner may have advertisement Isaac Best- — Onto my premises 7, Town- .5 head of years' old. same by and Owner paying grazing expenses, ard, phone 39r25 Dashwood. A Rink meeting will be held at Elimville Church on Monday night, November 15. All those interested from Zion, Winchel- sea and Elimville please attend. Harold Bell, president 11:18c STRAYED—From Lot 7, Con. 6 Hay Twp., one yearling heifer mark in right ear, about August 15. knowing its where please phone 176rl3 on or Anyone abouts Exeter, 28* tfc ^GOOD Christmas Offer On December 22 1948 This Store Is Giving Away FREE to Some Lucky Person a Name FOR SALEi—'Hudson Commodore Six sedan, like new, with only 17,000 miles, air condition, heater. Apply R. Grenier, B-A service. Phone 5Or5 Dashwood STRAYED—Onto i Lot 5, Con. 9, Stephen Twp., in June, 1 black steer and 1 grey steer. Owner may have same by paying for pasture and advt. Phone 47rll Crediton. . 11c NOTICES REAL ESTATE GIRIS OUS FOR farm, borne well, gravel Apply Warren Brock, R.R. 1, Granton. 11* SALE-—-100 acre grass Lot 10, Con. 10, Us- Twp., never failing windmill, bank barn, pit. Possession at once. FARMS FOR SALE—150 acres with comfortable brick house, fine barn, 18 acres bush. Close to highway, hydro. 122 acres, house with mod­ ern conveniences, large barn with good stabling and litter excellent Exeter. good house, fine steel .stanchions bowls, 6 ' COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN A Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Town­ ship of Stephen for the year 19 48, will be held in the Coun­ cil Rooms, Crediton, on Friday November 26th, .1948, at 1 o’clock p.m. F. W. M’orlock, Clerk 11:18c NOTICE OF Registration of By-Law Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Coun­ cil of the Village of Exeter on the fourth day of October 194 8, providing for the issuance of debentures to the amount of $560,000.00 foi’ the purpose of building • • • ■ - and that such by-law was regis­ tered in Goderich Huron on the twenty-third day of October, 1948. Any motion to- quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. ' Dated this twenty-fifth day of October, 19 48. C. V. Pickard, Clerk. 28:4:11 a District High School, the registry office of in the County of AUCTION SALES carriers. Land in condition. Close to 100 acres, barn and bush, hydro, close to Price $7,000.0'0 with liberal terms. C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter. with water Giant Christmas Stocking Full of Toys Stocking on Display in Our Store Further chances may be This coupon, returned to secured with every $2.00 purchase of toys or gift-our store, entitles holder Christmas Draw ware between Novemberto one free chance. WORK WANTED15and December 22, Good for One Free Chance Giftware Tinware Guns Aluminum WareDolls HELP WANTEDCars Trucks « Pyrex Ware Kitchen Ware Silverware Z' WANTED Glassware 0 Sleighs Wagons Toboggans Tricycles Trailers Realtor Phone Labourers Hardware revenue Pearce, 11* FOR SALE—Brick house with "three apartments, 3-piece 'bath and hot water heater. Price $4,500^ Yields over 15% on investment. Phone 379w. 11c WANTED—M i d d 1 e aged lady would like work as a ibaby sitter, afternoon or evening. Mi’s. Snyder, % Mrs. Frank Sagriff. 11* HELP WANTED—An experien­ ced baker. Apply -Mayfair Bakery. Phone 52 Exeter. GIRL WANTED for dining­ room work. Dominion Hotel, Zurich. Phone 70 Zurich. 4:11:18:25* for at 11c CLERK WANTED — Girl hardware stor.e Apply Traquair’s Hardware. Apply to McKAY-COCKER CONSTRUCTION, LTD. Exeter District High School 4:11c Toys Games GREYHOUND I acres school, COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER The first sitting of the Court of Revision, for the revision of the 1948 Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter, will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, November 22, 1948, at 2 p.m. Dated at Exeter, Ont., Novem­ ber 10th, 19 48. 11:18c C. V. Pickard, Clerk Traquair’s Hardware Minor Electrical Appliances Christmas Offer Monitor Apartment Washers Yuletide Offer $69.50Regular Price $79.50 FOR SALE IN CREDITON— Comfortable brick house close to main corner, furnished, could be used by two families Immediate possession. C. V Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE — An apartment house with modern conveni­ ences, all rented. The pur­ chaser could live in one suite and have a good from others. W. C. Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—100 acres clay loam with full set of build­ ings, phone, stores, church, chopping mill, handy. Hydro at gate. Some 'bush. Full price $5,300. Early posses­ sion. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 11* WORK WANTED—Do not wait. Now is the time to make ar­ rangements to get your corn shelled with th’e very latest in shelling equipment. Get your name at the head of the list so your feeding problems will be solved for all winter. Apply to H. Peterson, R.R. 3 Dashwood, 2J miles south of Dashwood on Lloyd Lippert’s farm. 28:4: lie WANTED — Saleslady in Exeter, have good willing to A, Times- tic HELP for full time work Retail store. Must personality and be work. Apply Box Advocate. HELP WANTED—Stenographer, able to take dictation, exper­ ience preferred, but not essen­ tial. Apply stating salary ex­ pected to Box “E”, Times- Advocate. 11c Carpenters and RE—INSURANCE Policy-holders of The Hay I-Iay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company who operate Tractors on Barn ,Floors are, according to recent regula­ tions passed by the Board of Directors, obliged to attach to their Tractors an approved Fire Extinguisher. Failing to do this voids your insurance. Contact the nearest Director who has a supply of Pyrene Extinguishers on hand. .Price $10.00. H. K. Eilber, Secretary, Crediton. 4:11:18c CLEARING AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 1948 at Lot 6 Oon. 3, Tuckersmith Twp. 1% miles east of Hensail, at 1 p.m. the following: ■CATTLE: Heifer due Feb. 5; red cow .due Feb. 26; white­ faced cow, roan cow, both milk­ ing; 2 yearling steers; 1 year­ ing; Hereford cow due in Feb.; Ayrshire cow due in Mar; 4 yearling steers; 1 yearling heifer; 2 heifer calves. PIGS: 1 sow bred Oct. 11; 2 other sows; 4 pigs, 9 weeks old; 6 pigs 12 weeks old; 8 pigs weaned time of sale. GRAIN: 150 bus. oats; 600 bus. mixed grain; mangels. 6 and 8 inch tile. IMPLEMENTS: Co-Op .trac­ tor on rubber with starter and lights, A-l condition; 3 furrow Fleury plow; 3 section spring­ tooth harrows; 8-ft. John Deere stiff-tooth cultivator; tedder; M McC. Deering mower, 6-ft.; row scuffler; NOTICE OF FIRST OF VOTERS’ LIST Lists, 19 48, Munici- Exeter, County of CLERK’S POSTING Voters’ pality of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied .with section 8 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my of­ fice at Exeter on the ,5th day •of November, 19 4 8, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Muni­ cipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspec­ tion. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the ing the 1948, Dated ember 5th, 19 48. C. V. Pickard, Clerk 11:18c last day for appeal be- 26tih day of November, at Exeter, Ontario Nov- COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of Huron County 'Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich commen­ cing, Tuesday, November 16th, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of depu­ tations and other business re­ quiring the attention of Coun­ cil should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 13th, 1948. the N. W. Miller, ' County Clerk Goderich, Ontario 4:11c Ratepayers of Exeter re New Assessment A new system of Assessment is being set up in the County of Huron. A County Assessor is in charge of this work and the as­ sessment of the different Muni­ cipalities will 'be made uniform throughout the County. In order to secure this uniform assess­ ment, measurements are made and a manual of rates used to determine the amount of the in­ dividual assessment. Largely, as a result of using this new system, our Total Assess­ ment has been raised from $1,049,830 in 1947 to a total of $1,909,825 for 1948. This means that to raise the same amount of money in 1949 as we have raised in 1948, the mill rate would be approximately 27 mills instead of 49 mills, which is 'the rate this year. In other words, your assessment may be almost double d, yet the amount of taxes you will -be required to pay in 1949 will 'be the same as in 1948, If the total expenditure of the Village remains the same. If the total expenditure of the Village increases, your taxes would increase under dither the old or new Tian of assessment. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk H. hay loader; spreader; M.H. bean puller; 2 inthrow disc; M.H. binder, 6-ft.; pea puller, complete; 15 run Cockshutt .drill with fertilizer attachments; 4 wheel trailer with rack; wagon; sleighs; cut­ ter; 5 and 7 inch drive hay stove; stoves. fork; oil burner 2 coal burner belts; colony colony TERMS—CASH PEPPER, Prop. ED. CORBETT, Auct. HAROLD PARKER, Clerk. 4:11c WM. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND GRAIN ,W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 5, Con. 10, Blanslmrd Twp. 1 mile east of 23 Highway on WED., NOVEMBER 17, 1948 commencing at 1 o’clock sharp- the following: HORSES: Good team .of work horses. •COW'S: 1 Holstein cow due first of March; 1 Holstein cow, due last of . FOWL: hens. GRAIN: grain. IMPLEMENTS: 1 70 tractor on new rubber tires, lights and starter and road gears; Whites threshing mach­ ine 24 inch, nearly new; 120’ ft., -6 inch threshing belt; 6 ft. Cockshutt binder; M:cC.-D mow­ er, 6 hay dump plow, disc; Cockshutt 4 row beet cultivator, nearly new; McC.D. 11 hoe fer­ tilizer drill; steel Cockshutt manure wheel trailei' with new rubber tired hay rack and beet ed; “ May, ,T.B. About 60 tested. yearling Quantity of mixed Cockshutt ft. .cut; Frost and loader; M.H. side rake; Cochshutt 3 furrows; Bissell 3 section Bissell Wood rake; tractor 16-14 drags; land roller; spreader; 2- stock rack; wagon; new box, combin- 5 section drag harrows; 3 section drag harrows; walking plow; ine, milk cans. Lister clutch pulley; grinder; 2 wooden water tanks; gravel box and flat rack; hog scales and crate; set of Stewart electric clippers; grass seed sower; fanning mill; root pul­ per; buggy; cutter; electric fencer; % h.p. electric motor; 3 steel troughs; set double har­ ness; set single harness; 10x12 colony house; coal brooder stove; 3 chicken shelters; water fountains and feeders; 500 and' 250 chick size electric bfooders, nearly new; ers; trip ropes, trees; tele; crate; pipes, Universal milking mach- double and single unit; i, pails and strainer; cream separator with Woods electric rope wire stretch­ sling ropes, sling chain, hay fork, whiffle- neckyokes; 2 steel bar­ logging chains; 1-horse scufiler; forks, shovels chicken furnace and a number of articles too numerous- to mention. No reserve. Farm is sold. TERMS—CASH EARNEST FOSTER Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auct.