HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-11-11, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1948 WOOPHAM Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Webb Ronnie, of Grand Mi’, and Mrs, Ben Sandra, of London, Saturday with Mr. Norris Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills anu Betty visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Morrison, or Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace visited on Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Roger, of Kirkton. Mr. S. Mills, Mrs. R. Kirk, Misses Florence and Lorna Kirk visited on Sunday with Mrs. ,T. Tufts, of Kirkton, Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean Copeland visited on day with .Mr. and Mrs, Switzer, of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lambert, of Melbourne, visited on Satur­ day with Mrs. M. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rohde, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Thom­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills, of Scottsville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills, M’r. and Mrs. Harold Thom- hnd and and visited on and Mrs. Bend, Webb Miss Sun- Fred SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO ROYAL agricultural WHITER FAIR Nov. 16-24 TORONTO Good going—-Nov. 15th to 17th inclusive. Return—Leave Toronto not later than midnight, Nov. 25th. FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Government Tax Extra PwZZ information from any agent. WMBi ES. Gift Sets ?»■ .......... .....——-— ■ ■■■. son and family, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with M;-s. A. Mills. Mrs. Adams has returned to Toronto after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. T. G. Wanless and Rev. Wanless. Mrs. IL Cbatten has returned home after spending some time with Mrs. Coleman, of Prospect Hill. Mr. Ken Mills and Mr. Wm. Mills visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Johnson, of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levy and Rachel, of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Mrs. Bert Rundle. Mx', and Mrs. Albert Scott and Audrey, of Farquhar, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rundle. Mr. David Shamblaw and Mr. Jack Smith are on a hunting trip at Red Bay. Mrs. Wm. Wynn spent the week-end with Misses Evelyn and Carrie Wynn, of London. Mr. and Mrs. John Tomlinson and Susan visited on Sunday with Mrs. H. .Cbatten. Mr. James Miller is all smiles on the arrival of a baby boy. Wedding Anniversary On Wednesday evening, Nov- embei’ 3 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott and Audrey entertained in lionoi' of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rundle and Mr. and Mrs, 'Clif­ ford Scott on their tenth wed­ ding anniversaries. The house wag prettily decorated with pink and white, streamers and the table was centred with a three- tier wedding cake. Aftei’ a deli­ cious supper, euchre and other games were enjoyed. During the evening the family presented Mr. and Mrs. Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Scott with wall mir­ rors. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Levy and Rachel, Mr, Roy Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Ronnie,, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Jean Scott and Shirley Rundle. THE OLD HOME TOWN By'STABLE? fast; CV>R »t«. KINO ATpfiClt iWOteATK If*. WORLD RICHtf Z THE TEACHETRS SIX WfeBKS M vacation oai a dude ranch is • /GOZA1G TO DO THAT ToUOM BRATT KIO A LOT OF<SOOD> TOO w* Scott your“Why don't you give wife an allowance?” “I did once and she spent it before I could borrow it back.” Auction Sale Mr. Alvin Walper has kindly consented to conduct an auction sale at the United Church shed Grand Bend, on Saturday, Nov­ ember 13, 19 48. This sale is sponsored by the Grand Bend Branch of the Women’s Insti­ tute and the proceeds are to help with the purchase of a piano being donated to the new Town Hall by this branch. There will be a large variety of articles offered for sale such .as blankets, home fruit, Plan W.I. ject. quilts, fancy work, made baking, vegetables, fowl, floor rugs, etc. to attend and help the in this very worthy pro- E.D.H.S. Board The November meeting of the Exeter District High School Board wag held in the Home Economics room on Monday eve­ ning, November 1. Absent, IL. C, Brisson and A. Finkbeiner. The minutes -of the regular meeting on October 5 were read and adopted. Mr, W. II. Hodgson addressed the Board regarding liability in­ surance on the construction pro­ ject. Per C. S. MacNaughton and James McAllister that the mat­ ter of liability insurance be left to' the Finance Committee for action. The correspondence was read and tabled. Per E. R. Hopper and K. Johns that application be made to the Department for approval of night classes for new Cana­ dians. The accounts presented by the secretary were approved for pay­ ment on motion of E. L. Mickle and E, Chambers. Principal H. L. Sturgis made his report for October. The num­ ber on roll was 291 and the average attendance was 93,91 per cent. The results of student participation in the W.O.S.S.A. Field Day were very satisfac- toi'y- Activity periods were again being used for Glee Club, Ca­ dets, and drama. A new Science Club had been formed. Approval was given purchase of supplies Glee -Club and for the of some instruments for a bugle band. Per James McAllister and E. R. Hopper that the Building Committee be G. S. ton, E. L. Mickle, Johns. Adjournment was per E. R. Hopper. E. D. Howey, Sec. for the for the purchase MaeNaugh- and K. H. at 11:30 BRINSLEY The sympathy of the commun­ ity ig extended to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Watson in the death of the latter’s father, the late Mr. Jardine. Those who attended the Sun­ day school convention on Friday last were Mrs. Earl Morley. Mrs. Carl Pickering, Gertrude Amos, and Mrs. Clover Lewis. We are sorry -to report that Mrs. Turner, who is staying with ■her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Hodg­ son, is undei’ the doctor’s care. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee are happy to announce the birth of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. James Treve- thick spent Sunday with the lat­ ter’s mother, Mrs. Hess, of Zu­ rich. Mrs. Sherritt, of Parkhill, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgson; also her mother, Mrs, Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Morley spent Sunday with friends in Sarnia. Mr. John L. Hotson, Mr. Carl Pickering and Mr, Wilfred Dixon have gone on ;a hunting trip to the north country. Mrs. Murray Rowe entertained the Ladies’ Guild of St. Marys Anglican Church last, An aluminum monstration was day evening last Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven by the agent, Mr. Stewart of Lucknow. Those attending were as fol­ lows: Mr. and Mrs. Fred <Fen- ton, gins, Mr. Mrs. Amos and Miss Gertrude Amos. W.M.S. and W.A. The W.M.S. and W.A. of Brinsley United Church held their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Wed­ nesday afternoon last with an attendance of twenty-eight. Mrs. David Morley, leader of Group HI, was in the chair and opened, with a short reading entitled “I shall not pass again this way1’. Hymn “Face to Face” was sung, Mrs. David Morley led in prayer and Mrs. William Prest gave the Bible reading. Roll call and minutes were read by Mrs. Wal­ ter Morley. The first vice-presi­ dent, Mrs. Wm. Watson, then took the business part of the meeting. A solo by Mrs, Clover Lewis entitled “No Not One” was enjoyed. The study book was divided in four parts taken by Miss Kathleen Morley, Mrs. William Watson, Mrs. William Prest, and Mrs. David Morley. A piano solo was played by Miss Kathleen Morley. The president of the W.A., Mrs. George Hodgson, then took the chair. Hymn, “Wonderful Story of Bove” was sung. Busi­ ness was then discussed, the meeting (being closed by the Miz­ pah Benediction, Lunch was served by Group III. Mr. H. on Wednesday Wear-Evex- de­ held pn Tues- at the home of Motor Sales DODGE DeSOTO 1946 AVON COTTAGE (Pink) 53-piece dinner sets .. CLOVELLEY (Pale Yellow and Green) 38-piece sets ...................................... LINS AY RED (Red on White) 32-piece sets ...................... KINGSLEY MAROON or GREEN 38-piece sets ............................ BLACK MOYEN (Black on White) 66-piece dinner sets ................. FIESTA WARE SETS 45 pieces ........... ENGLISH BONE CHINA Cups and Saucers .... $21.75 $16.95 $9.95 $21.25 $63.75 $14.95 $1.45 up We will be glad to lay away any of these sets until Christmas for you. Don’t Miss Our TOYTOWN In the Basement TOYS BOOKS GAMES DOLLS SKATES SLEIGHS TRICYCLES and many other items for the children Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 * EXETER ‘Cheap’ is Cheap “I do not prize the word 'cheap’. It is not a word of hope; it is not a word of,comfort; it is not a word of inspiration; it is a badge of poverty; it is a sign of distress. Cheap merchandise means cheap men, and cheap men mean a cheap country/’ (So spoke President McKinley and so believe we at the Times-Advocate. Our policy is always to give the customer the best we are able at the most reasonable price we can and still stay in business. The Times-Advocate 'A Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hod- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis, and Mrs. Luther Morley, Beatrice Dixon, Mr. J. L. i 1940 1935 1934 1931 1929 As % -ton Fargo Express, 9- foot box. Dodge Coach. Ford Ford Chev Cliev Coach. Coach, Coach. Coach. you stop for gas or oil at the Blue Sunoco, ask for a demonstration. CREDITON The November meeting of the Crediton Women’s Intitute will be held in the Council Chambers on the evening of Wednesday, November 17, . The topic of “Home Economics” will (be un­ der the convenorship of Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser. Mrs. D. Lewis, of Brinsley, missionary representative of the D.R.E.C., visited the United Church school on Sunday mor­ ning and gave a very interesting and vivid talk on conditions in China. Mrs. iLewis and Douglas were also present at the church service when Mrs, Lewis contri­ buted a well rendered vocal solo. Service in the United Church on Sunday morning was con­ ducted by Rev. R. Bates, of Avonbank. The pastor, Rev. H. Currie, conducted anniversary services on Rev. Bates’ charge. Evening service in the Evan­ gelical Church was withdrawn on Sunday. Several of the con­ gregation attended the Youth Convention at Dashwood. K. Eilber, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Green and Miss Harriet Bowen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. William Bennin- ger and daughter, Gayle, of De­ troit, visited ovei1 the week-end with Mrs. Samuel Lamport who returned to Detroit with them on Monday, Mrs. John Wein is visiting friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morlock of Galt spent the week-end at the homes of their parents here, Mr, Warren Green of Chicago was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stevenson have returned after spending .a week with members of their family in Windsor. Mrs. Ed Lawson of Lucan and son, Bruce, of London, visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert King. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Coote and some time at her home here af- ■ter spending the past six weeks with relatives in London. Mr. Lloyd Lamport is enjoy­ ing a hunting trip at Manitoulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Edvin Coote and family of Elkton, Micli., spent a few days recenly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm'. Smith. Mr. Howard Finkbeiner, of Brantford, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mi's. D. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Oestrei­ ch er spent the week-end in Windsor. Messrs. Ken Kerr and Jack England have returned from a fishing trip in Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Beaver and daughter, Jeannette, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Truemner mont. Mr. and Mrs. Robert and daughters, Lorraine len, are spending two weeks id the Peterhoro district. Mrs. H. M. Faist and Mrs. Lome Hodge spent Monday in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sisson and baby, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. England. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Finkbeiner on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. Treitz and family, and ~ Mr. nia, Finkbeiner and family. The Ladies’ Aid and W.S.W.- S. of the Evangelical U.B. Church held (heir Thank-offer­ ing meeting on Thursday even­ ing in the Sunday School rooms with a large attendance. The Mission Band gave several selec­ tions and a ladies quartette sang. Mrs, N. E. Dahms, of Seb- rlngville, gave an interesting talk on “Thanksgiving and Thanksliving” aftei’ which the Thank-offering boxes were brought to the platform. All sang “Take My Life and Let it Be” and Rev. Dahms dedicated the offering,’ Lunch ,was served in Bel­ Switzer and El- Mrs. Foster, of Harriston, and Mrs. E. Treitz, of Sar- and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Some paint brushes, used for making a superfine line, consist of a single bristle—that one being a single rat whisker. to all present. The first use of granulated sugar apparently took place in Egypt in the seventh century A.D. Greater Feed Consumption Presenting Shur-Gain 17% Hatching Pellets Bulk $3.95 17% Laying Pellets New Bags $4.10 SHUR-GAIN D17 I I r T QIt jtL ILj Li Li 1 3 Greater Savings in Labor Less Feed Waste The PRICE will be LOWER because (a) (b) Manufactured locally, there will be no transportation charges. This saves you $4.00 per ton of feed. We will supply Pelletts in bulk if you wish. The cost of new bags saved is $5.00 per ton. Increased volume reduces cost. We discounts on ton orders. allow -s Shur-Gain New Bags J Our Pelletts, manufactured locally as the de-1 mand calls, will always be FRESH. HIGH QUALITY of Shur-Gain Mashes will be rigidly maintained in Shur-Gain Pelletts. Our ders Feeds are mill is as close to you as your phone. Or- are delivered PROMPTLY on request. f Shur-Gain Shur - Gain known nation wide and from fed by feeders coast to coast. with some prideIt is that your local mill is the FIRST to manu- facture Shur-Gain PELLETTS. Manufactured by CANN’S 20% Turkey Pellets New Bags $4.60 Shur-Gain 13% Fattening Pellets New Bags