HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-10-28, Page 8Page 8 THE TIME5-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1948 A man begins to make pro­ gress when he has so many troubles that nothing* worries him.Circle Road ELIMVILLE The Elimville Mission are entertaining Thames Mission Circle to a Hallowe’en party Thursday evening in the church basement at Ji p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Donald 1’enhah and family, of Wim-hehea, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Philip March. The Elimville Young People’s Union held a successful Hal­ lowe'en party in the Town hall , on Monday evening. A masquer­ ade of •.astnims paraded the room and the i id.ges gave their de.-isor.' Gainer were played and Inn’ll wu- served ut the close. The judges. Mrs. Frank­ lin Skinner. Mrs-. Clifton Brock and Mrs. Harold Bell c to.se the following in their classes: best disguise. Gladys Batten (down) best conib-. Phvliss Hern (Baby ’’ '• best Boh IhP inson coffees. True economy says; dt-es.ed• ’ , • Little | costume, ; best si* Taxi Service Phone: Crediton 18rll Exeter 857 YOU GET SO MUCH xnore' for so little more when you. buy Maxwell House. It’s a* supremely delicious blend: of the world’s choicest* >’ | Bob i.“ . ^Buy Maxwell House" Do You Want Sure Footing? hot we can put you on a sure foundation by calling mar. best Sinclair Hallowe’en Elaine Hern* (ghost)' drest-ed couple. Wanda ! Stephen, June Walters (gypsys* Mr. and Mrs. Russell King of Crediton. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kers- lake. Don't forget the Hallowe’en party at Winchelsea School on Friday evening. The Elimville anniversary ser­ vices will be held Sunday, Rev. guest be provided man. b iy i; dressed i Clown i; June best Oc- Dale, of speaker. Cudmore Gravel Phone Exeter 171r3 toher 31 with Fullarton, as Special mu*ie will by the choir. Mr. and Mrs. of Regina, Thursday with Grant Ford. The Elimville entertained Zion on Friday evening in the church basement. The judges. Mrs. Wm Johns and Mrs. JackSon Woods their and were Car­ best Skinner (t. Sask., Mr. Vatainanick visited and Mission Mission on Mrs. Band Band Sanding HARDWOOD & TILE FLOORS LAID Old Floors Re-Finished . Re-modelling General Contracting Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton. 53rl0 •a Summer Complaints To get quick relief from, diarrhoea, intestinal pains, sea­ sickness or summer complaint, use DOCTOR FOWLER’S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAW­ BERRY. This dependable family remedy in one of the moBt effective and beet known medicines for bowel complaints. Insist on DOCTOR FOWLER’S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY. then gave the winners prizes. Games were played lunch was served. Winners as follows: best fancy girl, ol Johns, fancy Grant Grace Floyd couple, Bobby "Woods and Ug- ene Powell (bride and groom): best impersonation, Bruce Del- bridge (Superman). Grace Johns: boy, Edward Skinner: best comic girl. Iioutly: best comic boy. Cooper; best dressed HENSALL The Institutes of South Hur­ on District have chosen Citizen- ship conferences, Developing Community Enterprises, as ont type of seiwi-’e for the year. The meetings will be held a: Exeter on November 4 and at Seaforth on November 5. This type of meeting should be of interest and benefit to all In­ stitute members and to non members of the community. Please plan to attend and helj to make these meetings a sut- •cess. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reid and Miss Mavis Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid. Owen Sound, Mis.- Minnie Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Traqnair and Ruth Anne, of Hensail, visited recently wit’s Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and Jerry spent the week-end with relatives in Teeswater. Mrs. R. M. Kirby spent a day recently with relatives in Ext- te.*. The Main Street in Kensal’ has received a new surface. The w ork was done by the Brennan Paving Co. Miss Violet McClymont has accepted a position at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hem phill and commenced her duties there this week. Friends of Mr. Gordon Parker of Exeter, are pleased to hear he is improving following’ his recent operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital. London. Mrs. John Simmons is conval­ escing following her recent ill­ ness. Dr. Norma Cook, of Orillia, spent the week-end ut the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Petty, of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petty. Mrs. F. G. Bonthron. whe has been confined to her room owing to illness, is improving. Miss Mae Schwalm, of London spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm. Miss Florence Welsh visited during the past week with rela­ tives in Toronto. Mr. A. A. Spencer and Miss Mavis Spencer spent a few days during the past week in Toron­ to, Mr. Gordon Moir has accepted a position at the Bonthron Fur niture store and has commenc­ ed his duties there. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Barker and famly spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr-. Otis Minor and family ia post Huron. Mr. and Mrs N. K. Cook spent a few days in Toronto during the past >u>ek. Mrs. Susan Workman, of Kip­ pen, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. John MucBeath. Miss Grace Br-ek, of London, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Fh -sie Brock. Mr. E. L. Mi’-Ve visited re­ cently with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mi kle in Ridge­ town. Mrs. Hannah Workman re­ turned home foil twin.g a visit with her sonin-lua and daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mr.-,. Herb Britton Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. a..d Mrs. Geo. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Finch, of Grand Bend, vi-ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Morley San­ ders. Mr. and Mrs. Curi Passmore spent the weekend at their summer home at Lions Head. Mrs. Dr. J. A. Mui-Lean spent several days during this -week in Toronto with her father who is ill. Rev. R. A. B’->-'K conducted anniversary servb n the .Unit­ church at Wyoming on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy and Audrey, of oturville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle and family. “Have you noticed how un­ tidy Old Maid Jones' house has become lately?” asked the first gossip. “Yes,” replied the second. “Ever since the minister said, ‘Man sprang from dust’, she quit sweeping under her bed. KIPPEN We are pleased to report Mr Archie Parsons was able to re­ turn to his home from Seaforth Hospital on Saturday last and is progressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook, of Goderich, and Miss N. Dick, of Hensall, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dawson. Miss Jean Alexander, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mrs. P. Love and family, of near Varna, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. II. Jones. We are pleased to report that Mr. Jack Deitz returned to his home here on Saturday after nearly three months a patient in Victoria Hospital London, with polio, Mrs. J. Cochrane spent Fri­ day and Saturday with her sis­ ter, Mrs. B. Brightmore, who is seriously ill in St Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London. Mr, and Mrs. J. Linden and Verna, of Denfield, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ chie Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mero and son, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E, Dawson, Mrs. E. Mousseau and- Mari lyn also Mrs. E. McBride and Sharon and Mrs. A. McMurtru- and Carol spent Saturday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones visited on Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. Art Jones in St. Thomas. Mrs. H. Hyde and family, of Hensail, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alec McMurtrie. The local hunters returned to their homes here on Sunday af­ ter spending a week near North Bay. Mrs. John Anderson, Kathryn and Keith spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rumble in Clinton. Give an article with mud spots repeated short soakings in clear, cool water and launder as usual. Teacher: “If I had four pota­ toes for five boys, how could I divide them evenly?” "Willie: “mash ’em!” Life is just an everlasting struggle to keep money coming in and teeth and hair from com­ ing out, A PERSONALITY “PLUS” BY< WESTINGHOUSE UGH! JUST LIKE UM PAPOOSE - HANG UM UP ON WALL! Beavers Hardware on Sunday at the home Leslie Robinson, Thames and Mrs. Harold Camp- WINCHELSEA Quite a number from this community attended the Thames Road anniversary services on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer, North Eattleford, Sask., called on Mr. and Mrs. Don Penhale on We.d- | nesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock visited of Mr.I R-oad. I Mr. ; bell and baby, of Exeter, visited I on Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. I W. F. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skin­ ner and family, of Elimville, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke ' and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bev Morgan, of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hern and I Helen, visited on Sunday with | Mr. and Mrs. Ed Alexander, of I Lumley. j Mr. Philip Hern is all smiles ( these days. It’s a baby girl. -Mr. Jack Bailey spent the week-end with relatives at Wal­ ton. m&te and. tn&ce people aee a^/teeln^ The Durability... the Dependability... tie Dollar-Value — ML IRE.IN CHEVROLET! Yes... Chevrolet alone gives the Big-Car Quality and Big-Car Value that have caused more people to buy Chevrolets than any other car! Chevrolet alone gives these Big-Car Advantages at lowest cost! Plan Your Feeding Program On SHUR-GAIN FEEDS The Shur-Gain Way Ensures Greater Profits for You ® Freshly made for greater palatability and vitamin strength. ; ® Lower cost because of direct sale from the manufacturer. j ® Superior quality backed by one of the •: most extensive research organ- : izations in Canada. in Riding Luxury! Your own tests will prove that Chevrolet has more riding comfort! One reason is Chevrolet’s Body by Fisher — better by far. Another, the gliding smoothness of Chevrolet’s Unitized Knee-Action . , . proved and improved by Chevrolet’s experi­ ence in building 6,000,000 Knee-Action units in use today. These two great contri­ butions to riding luxury are offered only by Chevrolet in its price field! FEED: Cwt.Bulk SHUR-GAIN Laying Mash $3.85 $3.60 SHUR-GAIN Hatching Mash 3.90 3.65 SHUR-GAIN Fattening Mash 3.70 3.45 SHUR-GAIN Egmaker Cone.5.35 SHUR-GAIN Hatchmaker Cone.5.60 SHUR-GAIN Hog Cone.4.70 SHUR-GAIN Sow Cone.5.10 SHUR-GAIN Dairy Ration 3.25 3.00 I CANN’S MILL LIMITED s EXETER WHALEN CORNERS ! in Performance with Economy! Chevrolet valve-in-head “World’s Cham­ pion” engines have delivered more miles, to more owners, than any other automobile power plant built today! With this engine you get performance and pleasure . . . you get thrills and thrift — for in Chevrolet the valve-in-head engine (employed only in Chevrolet and in costlier cars) has been de­ veloped and improved to top-flight effi­ ciency ! CHEVROLET in All-round Safety! It’s a comforting feeling to know that once you have purchased your Chevrolet you and your family will have the triple protec­ tion of the Unitized Knee-Action Gliding Ride, Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes and Fisher Unisteel Body Construction I These super-fine safety factors combine to form another Big-Car Value, found only in Chevrolet in the low-priced field I in Tasteful Beauty! On the highway and on the boulevard your Chevrolet will command attention for its smooth over-all design and its world-fam­ ous Body by Fisher. With this most-desired of all car bodies —• supremely beautiful in­ side and out, and available only on Chev­ rolet and higher-priced makes — you will be sure of beauty-leadership as well as fine workmanship and sturdy construction I c. 104GB Snell Bros. & Co. " Exeter