HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-10-28, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1348 Page 7 Crediton Mission Band The Evangelical U.-B. Mission Band held their October meet­ ing on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber with a very good attend­ ance. The meeting opened with quiet music by Mrs. Walter Weber and the hymn “My Jes­ us I Love Thee”, followed with the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Scripture lesson, Psalm 13 8 was read by Betty Anne Roesz- ler followed by a piano instru­ mental by Katherine Dinney. A poqm was given by Lillian Dundas. The study book chap­ ter was read by Jeannette Beaver. Katherine Dinney and Jeannette Schenk. The hymn “What a Friend We Have In Jesus” was sung. A Thanksgiv­ ing reading was given by Mrs. Ross Krueger. Mrs, Walter Weber favoured with a piano instrumental followed by a poem by Terry Wade. Roll call was answered and the minutes were read and adopted. Two new members joined the Mission Band. Mrs. Chris Dinney gave several violin selections. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Refreshments were served by the hostess and the committee in charge. All Mis­ sion Band members and their parents are invited to the W.S. W.§. Thankoffering meeting at the Church on November 4. r-— ba- Exeter Locker Service c Fish | Meats •! Salmon Steaks Halibut Steaks Cod Fillets Haddock Fillets Smoked Fillets Sole Fillets Smoked Kippers Oysters J Fresh & Cured Meats Wholesale & Retail The price of meat is down considerably. You will save dollars at the Exeter Locker Try our pure Pork Sausage 45c lb.J We Have . . . a fresh stock on hand of York Frosted Foods, Poultry, Turkeys, and many other food lines. Notice Starting in November, slaughtering service will be every Tuesday and Thursday. Highest prices paid for hides. Also Starting November 6th the ’Locker Open daily will close Saturday night at 10 pan. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m- except Wednesdays PIES, BORDEN’S ICE CREAM BRICKS, FRUIT ROLLS, ETC. -S3 —— ————— ——■ ....”~l > Sell with Confidence Highest Prices Paid for ' Live Poultry of All Kinds ! Weigh on the farmer’s scales at his door. \ t Riverside Poultry Co. Howard Ferguson, Manager THAMESFORD ■ ONTARIO Phone Kintore 17r9 or Hensall 80r2 © — tnnttinn K5 Wanted Dead Stock HIGHEST CASH PRICES HORSES $5.00 each 'CATTLE $5.00 each HOGS $1.50 per cwt. All According to Size and Condition CALL COLLECT Exeter 235# Seaforth 15 DARLING & CO. LTD. w —-—— GEORGE DREW Leader Progressive Conservative Party will speak Thursday Nighi NOV. 4™ ON THE SUBJECT "The Nation’s Business” Station CBL - 7.45 p.m. Progressive Conservative Party Announcements Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memorlani Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, En­gagements 50c. ......„ia BIRTHS CAMPBELL—-At Vancouver, B.C. on October 15, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell, a daughter, Nancy Ileen. Mr. Campbell was the former phy­ sical director at the Exeter High School. HALL—Mr. and Mrs. Fred E- Hall (nee Dorothy Hicks) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Stephen Freder­ ick, October 22, 19 48, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Toronto. HERN—At Mrs. Batten's nurs­ ing home, on Friday, October 22, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern, of Woodham, a daughter, Kathryn Anne. LAWRENCE—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Saturday. October 23, 1948, to LAC and Mrs, Melvin Lawrence, a son, GaYy Melvin. MATTINGLEY—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mattingley (nee Doro­ thy Cox) are happy to an­ nounce the birth of a son, born Wednesday, October 27, 19 48, at Sarnia General Hos­ pital. PFAFF—In Hensail at Mrs. Pearl Stephan’s pursing home on Saturday, October 16, 19 48, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pfaff, Dashwood, (nee Mar­ jorie Hoffman, Zurich) a son. STRANG—At Weston, on Satur­ day, October 23, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strang, of Us- borne, a daughter. DEATHS EGAN—At 504 Barrington Ave., Grosse Point, .Mich., on Mon- " day, October '25, 1948, Francis Joseph, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Egan, of Biddulph Township, in his sixty-fourth year. GILBERT—At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Alton Isaac, McGillivray Twp., on Tuesday, October 19, 1948 Margaret Ann, beloved wife of the late John Gilbert, in her S5th year. HAMILTON — In McGillivray Township, on .Saturday, Octo­ ber 23, 19 48, William J. Hamilton, in his S’Oth year. READ—In Toronto, .on Sunday, October* 24, 1948, at her late residence, 1 Cheritan Avenue, Isabella, beloved wife of the late William Read and dear mother of May and Eva Car­ ter, (Alma) Mrs. T. D. Kelly ■and Charles Read, of Toronto. Interment was in St. James' Cemetery, Clandeboye. TAYLOR—In Strathroy Hospit­ al on Friday, Octobei' 22, 1948, Robert John Taylor, in his 86th year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright, Cromarty, announce the engage­ ment of their only daughter. Jean Elizabeth, to Mr. William Ross Pepper, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper, Mitchell, the marriage to take place the latter part of this month. x MARRIAGES McLACHLAN — McEWEN — At Avondale United Church Manse, Tillsonburg, Ontario, on Thursday, October 21, 1948, Donald A. McLachlan, of London, to Mrs. Elizabeth Mary McEwen, of Tillsonburg Ontario. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ernest Cowdrey wishes to thank her friends who so kindly remembered her with treats and cards while a patient in Victoria Hospital, Special thanks to those who looked after the children while she was away and to all who helped in any way, * Mr. Chas. P. Dietrich wishes to thank all the many friends who remem ib ered him with treats, cards and visits while he was a patient in Victoria Hospi­ tal, London. * IN MEMORIAM HARNESS—In loving memory of a dear sister, Lucinda Har­ ness, who passed away one year ago. Your memory to me is a keep­ sake With which I will never part, Though God has you in his keeping, We . still have you in our ■hearts; God knows how much we miss her, Never shall her memory fade, Loving thoughts shall ever wan­ der To the spot where she is laid. —Sadly missed iby brother and sisters. * Frayne-Brown At a lovely autumn ceremony on Saturday, October 23 in Zion Evangelical United Brethren Church,, Crediton, Marion Jean Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Brown. Crediton, was united in marriage jo Stanley Graham Frayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne. Exeter. The service was con­ ducted by Rev. ,J. V. Dahins. Pastel shaded . chrysanthe­ mums were attractively arrang­ ed in the church. M-s Freeman Morlock presided at the organ and Mrs. .Garnet Passmore, of Forest, aunt of the groom, sang “The Lord’s Prayer' and “At Dawning.” The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in heavy white taffeta with net yoke and real lace trim. A halo headdress of pearls held • her full-length veil. Her cascade bouquet was red ro^s and white baby mums. The matron of honour was Mrs. Robt. Prout, the bride’s younger sister, of London. She wore pink tulle with pink £atin bodice and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The bridesmaid Miss Mary Geddes, of Strathroy. wore aqua .moire and carried a bouquet of bronze baby mums. Their headdresses were tulle with velvet bows. The little flower girl, Mary Anna Grant, of Lambeth, cousin of the bride, was dressed in pink taffeta, sash of blue and a pink bonnet. She carried ,a dainty bouquet of pink roses and baby mums. Mr. Ray Frayne was best. man. Mr. Charles Brown and Mr. Eldrid Simmons were ushers. The bride’s mother wore light navy with accessories to match and a corsage of red roses. The groom’s mother .chose nile green with accessories to match and wore a corsage of yellow roses and mums. After a reception in the church school room, the bride and groom left for Montreal and New York. For traveling, the bride wore a fine brown wool suit and biege accessories. Out of town guests present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brown, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Brown and Tommy, Dearborn, Mr. and Mrs. John McGraw, Highland Park, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. W. Robin­ son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shuert, Miss Luella Robinson and Mr. Robt. Conkel, all of Grosse Point, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. G. Passmore, Forest, Mrs. Harry Hinton, Windsor, Mrs. Maurice Brown, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lovely, Yarmouth Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mann, Yarmouth Centre, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frayne and baby, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Grant and Jamie, of Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. L. Worden, Staffa, Mrs. J. Hack­ ney, Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. O. Moir and Kathleen, St. Cathar­ ines, and Miss Susan Barber, Chicago. Associate Helpers Meet The Associate Helpers of the James Street Church met Mon­ day evening at the home of Ca­ therine Southcott, with Evelyn Ramsden’s group in charge. Ca­ therine Southcott discussed the business, after which Marjorie Delbridge gave a reading on “The Word of Truth”. Gwen French read a poem. The remainder of the evening consisted of the making of quilt patches and making scrap books. The group in charge served a dainty lunch. a I Family Shoes & Wallpaper Home Lovers, Brighten Your Home with Wallpaper See Our Low priced range from .18 to .25 per roll Better priced range from .30 to .60 per roll Medium priced range from .65 to $1.45 per roll ----------------- Patterns to Suit Every Room ----------------- Notice of Arrival PHONE 376 CREDITON Mrs. Geddes Malcolm, of Re­ gina, Sask,, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mack during the past two weeks. Schwalm-Pearce A lovely autumn wedding took place on October 23 at the home of Rev. A. E. Moor­ house in Sarnia, the contracting parties being Eva Pearce, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Pearce, Exeter, and Austin Schwalm, son of Mrs. Schwalm. Hensail, and the late Peter Schwalm. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Moorhouse, a pastor of the bride’s parents forty years ago. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a blue tailored suit white blouse and black accessories. She wore a corsage of piuk roses and lily of the valley. The bride’s mother wore a blue crepe gown and a corsage of pink roses while the groom’s mother chose a black silk gown with a corsage of red roses Following the ceremony Mrs. A. E. Moorhouse served a tur­ key dinner and was assisted by Mrs. C. J. Moorhouse, Lambeth, whose husband was a former pastor of the bride. The officiating minister and his genial wife were celebrating their wedding anniversary also. A reception followed at the home of the bride’s parents In Exeter in honour of the bride and groom when relatives of both gathered to offer congratu­ lations and good, wishes. Pouring tea were Mrs. V Armstrong, Mrs. F. Huxtable Mrs. S. Lawson and Mrs. E. Harness’ and those serving were Misses W. Harding, H, Humes­ ton, London and C. Gaiser Crediton and Mrs. Redmond Grosse lie, Mrs. R. Cox, Detroit Mrs. C. Pearce, Brantford and Mrs. W. Gaiser, Crediton. As­ sisting in displaying the gifts were Misses .Lois Schwartz and Marion Hodgert. Amid showers of confetti the happy couple left by motor on a trip to Ottawa and Algonquin Patk. On their return they will reside in Stratford. Ladies Medcalf Shoes Pump style, fine polished calf, in colors blue and wme, ' sized in widths wp to AA to fit. Boys’ and Youth Calf or kip, leather, Sisman quality, full range up to 5% When thinking of work boots, rubber or leather, call at Buswells. Your special line is here. EXETER WWTMHZiMG SERVICE 1104 FORD OF CANADA dealers Complete winterizing service means more than just anti-freeze—more than j’ust a change of oil. Ford of Canada dealers from coast to coast now introduce a new, com­ plete 5-WAY WINTERIZING SERVICE that will give you trouble-free1 driving for the winter months ahead. Your Ford of - Canada dealer is ready to completely winterize your car and offer friendly advice regarding necessary adjustments and repairs. His factory-trained men—factory- approved methods—specialized equipment and Genuine Parts provide a complete 5-Way Winterizing Service for safe, dependable, comfortable winter motoring. YOUR CAR NEEDS ALL '5’-SET COMPLETE S-WAY WINTERIZING SERVICE TODAY! DAtTERY—Cold weather driving i<t tough on batteries, A new "Ford’' battery wilt give you best winter performance. Heater—Quick, dependable heat is yours with a new Ford of Canada "(resh»atr'' heater. Ensures real driv­ ing comfort. SPARK PLUGS—New Spark Plugs save gas on every mde of winter driving. Install a complete "factory.specified” set. mi motod company of c a hi a»a, limited