HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-10-28, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1948 STRAYED WORK WANTED NOTICES STRAYED—From Lot 7, Con. 6 Hay Twp., one yearling heifer mark in right ear, on or about August 15. Anyone knowing its where abouts please phone 176rl3 Exeter. 28* tfc POSITION WANTED - By middle aged lady, capable of clerk­ ing, bookkeeping; also day time practical nursing. Apply Box “C”, Times-Advocate. c NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Daslnvood Phone 35rl9 WORK WANTED—Do not wait. Now is the time to make ar­ rangements to get your corn shelled with the very latest in shelling equipment. Get your name at the head of the list so your feeding problems will be solved for all winter. Apply to II. Peterson, R.R. 3 Dashwood, 2i miles south of Dashwood on Lloyd Lippert’s farm. 28:4:11 ■< GARBAGE COLLECTION All garbage, other than ashes, cans and bottles, must be wrapped in paper. All garbage must be placed in proper con­ tainers with close fitting lids. Containers must be placed at curb. By Order of Council, C. V. Pickard, Clerk When It’s a Need to Fill - - Let Want-Ads Fill the Bill They are read by more than 8,900 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31i For an Ad Taker lltlUnHiUlllfllllllinttlinHIIIlHyiltllliHniaMaiHHMilHHMHnMIlttHilllHItlHlilMflllUllSlHtnMlflHIOHHIMHtUHHI* Made.to-Measure SUITS You’ll be right in step with your new fall and winter suit if you drop in and let us measure you for our Tip fer fail your garment. Combining own sample cloths with our Top line, we are able to of- you a fine selection. Don’t to see them now! ans Men’s Wear z- NOTICE Enameled Icebox Easy Washing Machine Mo nitor Washing Machine Graham Rangette ) Township of Vsborno A court of revision of the as­ sessment roll of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron, will be held in the Township Hall, Elimville, on Monday, November 8, 1948, at 3 o’clock p.m. HARRY STRANG, Clerk 28:4' NOTICE OF Registration of By-Law Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Coun­ cil of the Village of Exeter on the fourth day of October 1948, providing for the issuance of debentures to the amount of $560,000.00 for the purpose of building a District High School, and that such by-law was regis­ tered in the registry office of Goderich in the County of Huron on the twenty-third day of October, 194 8. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated this twenty-fifth day of October, 19 48. C. V. Pickard, Clerk. , 28:4:11 $48.00 $64.50 •> FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED $137.50 $154.50 $79.50 $10.75 $62.50 $93.50 $105.50 OIL AVAILABLE JW JO K ir ife a CO If Yes — a sow is a lot like a cow 1 To make either of them milk well, you have to feed her for condition and production. And plenty of good rich sow’s milk is important to your pocket­ book ... it gets her pigs away to a “flying start”. So feed her for milk. Turn your chop into a milk-making ration by mix­ ing in Purina Sow & Pig Chow. Put More Milk in the Cans! • Want to ship more milk? Here’s one way to do it, right away. Put your calves on Purina Calf Startena . . . save milk, save time, save money. PURINA CALF STARTENA and your Cow is like a Sow! Turning it around — your cows need a real body-building, milk­ making ration to keep up condi­ tion and production, too. It doesn’t pay to let them go down in the Fall if you can help it — and you can help it by feeding for both condition and produc­ tion. Purina Cow Chow is built to balance your grain for that double job. Ask us about Cow Chow, and what it’s doing for other people around here I Oyster Shell ■ $1.15 Bag Check-R-Ton $1.35-3 lb. Chlorena Powder $1.50-3 lb. 4 Things to Do to Get More Eggs. Feed your birds a mash that has “what it takes” to produce more eggs. We stock and recommend Purina LAYING MASH See that your birds get the extra feed (and extra-good feed) that makes the extra eggs. Give them a noon feed, each day, of 3 to 5 lbs. per 100 birds Purina CHECKERS 3 Knock the roundworms • out of your birds. Give them a week’s treatment with Purina Chek-R-Ton, mixed in their mash. Repeat in 5 or 6 weeks. It works I Purina CHEK-R-TON <4 Make sure your birds " are free of lice —lousy layers won’t lay long. Check up. If you see any signs of lice, get after them right away. We stock and recom­ mend Purina ROOST PAINT Purina LICE POWDER EGG LAYING CONTEST There’s still time to enter Purina’s Egg Lay­ ing Contest. . . get both pleasure and profit out of it. .. possibly win a substantial prize. It’s open until the end of October. Ask us , for your copy of the folder describing condi­ tions and prizes. Traquair’s ----------------Hard ware THE STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN FOR SALE—P u r e b r e d roan Shorthorn bull, 12 months old. Apply to Fred Brown, Credi- ton. _______ 21:28* DO YOU NEED to be told about Dr. Salsbury’s ROTA- CAPS? If you are a poultry raiser about to house youi flock ROTA-CAPS is the in­ dividual bird “tablet” treat­ ment fox' large round worms and intestinal capillaria worms, preferred by practi­ cal poultrymen fox' efficiency and economy. L. V, Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. 14:21:28c FOR SALE—A used hydro rang­ ette, price reasonable. Phone 395j Exeter.________ 28* FOR SALE—A china cabinet. Apply to Mahlon Watts-, Hur­ on St., Exetei'. 21:28:4* FOR SALE—Roaxx Durham bull coming one year, ready for service. Ernest W. Rader, R.R. 2, Daslxwuod. Phone 471’17. 21:28* DUPLICATE KEYS cut for most cars and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware. 5tfc FOR SALE—Mixed 12 inch dry wood, $5.00 a cord delivered. No orders undei' 5 cords. Robt. Eagleson, Ailsa .Craig, phone 6201-22. 28:4* FOR SALE—International rid­ ing plow; 24 plate tandem tractoi* disc; Coleman gas lamp. Apply G. G. Cockwill, Dashwood. 28* FOR SALE—Several dresses, skirts and blouses, sizes 12- 20', reasonable. Mrs. Cecil Robb, R.R. 2, Lucan, at Elginfield. 28* FOR SALE—'One large new Re­ frigerator with large frozen storage space. Apply Crocker Refrigeration, Huron Street. East.28c FOR SALE —Girl’s wine coat, size S,in good condition. Phone 21•Exeter.28* FOR SALE-—Feed turnips.Wm. Walters,phone 14rlG Kirk- ton.28c FOR SALE- Four good clean cows due to freshen January and February, in good flesh. Apply to II. Peterson, R.R. 3. Dashwood, 24 miles south of Dashwood on Lloyd Lippert’s farm. 28:4:111 FOR SALE—Man’s overcoat, black, size 4 2. Boy’s dark tweed overcoat, size 8 years. Boy’s Reefer blue overcoat, size 6, almost new. 2 cistern pumps. Beatty pump and jack cheap for quick sale. Apply at Times-Advocate. 28* FOR SALE—One seal fur coat, size 12; various dresses and suits, all only slightly used, very reasonably priced. Apply at Times-Advocate. 28* FOR SALE—All cream McClary enamel cook stove. Glenxx Brenner, Grand .Bend. 28c FOR SALE—A good all-W’001 tweed overcoat, fox- tall man. Will sell cheap. Phone 232M. P.O. Dox 289 Exeter. 28c FOR SALE—A numbex- of good used counters. Jones & May, Exeter,__________________28c FOR SALE—Girl’s 3-piece win­ ter suit, wine color, used but in good condition, 5 year- size. At Co-Op Store, see Geo. M. Taylor.28* FOR SALE—Girl’s winter coat size 10-12, wine color; also man’s overcoat, dark grey, tall 38. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 28c FOR SALE—Beatty gas power­ ed washing machine, in good working condition, also Cole­ man gas lantern. Mrs. Emer­ son Woodburn, 1% miles west of Greenway._______28c FOR SALE—Fax* coat, raglan. size 14, % length, beige; ladies coat, lettuce green, trimmed with Bombay lamb collax’ and cuffs, size 14 foi’ short person; one diamond ripg, 3 diamonds, $75.00. Phone .364R, Exeter. 28* FOR SALE—One Ruggles truck suitable for wagon. Make an offer. Huron Lumber Co., Exetei*. 28c FOR SALE—Ladies bicycle .us­ ed Jess than two weeks, low mileage, save $9.95. W. Mar- - tin> Exeter South. 28c FOR SALE—Pr. roller skates tube skates and boots, size 10, man’s suit, grey worsted, size 38, Airforce greatcoat size 3 8, C.’C.M. man’s bicycle. Kodak folding camera Box 26, Hensall._____ 2811 FOR SALE—Kroehler sofa. bed. 9-piece dining room suite, 3- piece bedroom suite. Used only a month. Apply Hopper- Hockey Furniture store. 28.4c FOR SALE—’35 Terraplane coach. Apply to Glenn Bell, Hensall, 2 8; 4 c FOR SALE—Girl’s' coat and leggings, size 6 years; blue jacket size 6 years, snowsuit, size 6 years. Apply Mrs. A. Broderick. 28* FOR SALE-—1947 Ford, 2-dooi’ heater, lovely black finish; 19 46 Chevrolet, 2-door, G.M. built in radio, heater, slip covers and other extras, in excellent condition; 1946 Hu­ dson sedan, built-in radio, air conditioned; 1937 Ford coach re-conditioned; 1927 Essex sedan. If interested in pur­ chasing a good used car see these. Open on Saturday night. Bob Cook Motor Sales, Hensall, Ont. 28* FOR SALE—Chesterfield suite; McClary table top electric stove; rug and pad, 9x10%; two single beds, blonde elm; one library table; portable ra­ dio, a.c d.c. J, P. Shorey, Main St., 28c FOR SALE — 10' Leghorns, starting to lay $1.95; oil brooder stove with all acces­ sories $12.00; electric parts; lawn rakes 30c; magazines, trade or cash. Many other articles all reduced foi' quick sale. A. H. Daynes, Huron St. West, over the tracks. The house of signs. 28* WANTED—10 head of cattle for rough feeding .fox’ winter months. Apply Clifford Weido, 3 % miles east of Hensall, 1 % miles north. Phone 99rl8 Zu­ rich. 28:4c WANTED—Cattle to feed foi’ winter. Lots of feed and en­ silage. Apply Russell Morley, Phone 176rl2 Exeter.28c WANTED — Employment. A country girl wishes employ­ nitent in Exeter. Apply Box H Times-Advocate. 28* MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU NEED A baby sitter' evenings at youi’ house or mine. Phone 16 2W, Exeter. 28c drum steel roller; 4-section har­ rows; disc; Cockshutt sulky plow; Fleury walking plow; 2- wheel trailer; rubber tired wa­ gon; 16-ft. hay rack; 1-horse scuff ler; harrow cart; gravel box; Clinton fanning mill, com­ plete with sieves; electric fencei’ new; chicken shelter; 160-foot hay fork rope, like new; set sling ropes; light sleiglx; cutter; watei' containers and barrels; 3 to 4 tons 0-14-7 fertilizer; nu­ merous twine sacks; set new collar tops; brass mounted liar- ness; shovels; forks; neckyokes; doubletrees; etc. HAY AND GRAIN: 10 ton of good mixed hay; 500 bushels mixed grain, oats and barley. TERMS: Cash. MILFORD MERNER, Prop. ADDISON TIEMAN, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct. 28 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Brick house with three apartments, 3-piece bath and hot water heater in each apartment. Price $4,500. Yields over 15% on invest­ ment. Phone 379W. 28* FARMS FOR SALE—15 0 acres with comfortable brick house, fine barn, 18 acres bush. Close to highway, hydro. 122 acres, house with mod­ ern conveniences, large barn with good stabling and litter carriers. Laud in excellent condition. Close to Exeter. 10 0 acres, good house, fine barn with steel stanchions and water bowls, 6 acres bush, hydro, close to school. Price $7,000.00 with liberal terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor Main Street, Exeter. FARM—150 acres, choice, level, tillable, 5 acres bush. T bank barn with good stabling, littex' carrier, water system, milker, silo, garage, hen house, good brick house, furnace, hydro. Mitchell. $11,000 includes mil­ ker. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 21c FOR SALE IN CREDITON— Comfortable brick house close to main 'corner, furnished, could be used by two families Immediate possession. C. V Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. FARM—144 acres, 24 bush. Go­ derich highway, dairy farm, G-room insulated house, drive shed, barn fitted fox- dairy herd, litter carrier, silo, elec­ tricity, $8,50 0. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 21c FOR RENT FOR RENT — A comfortable apartment, unfurnished. Will be ready November 6. Apply at Times-Advocate. 28* HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—Meat - cutter at the Exeter Lockei’ Service. Experience preferred but not necessary. 28 •WANTED — Neat, intelligent young oi' middle age man fox' clothing and shoe store. Ex­ perience preferred hut not es­ sential. Apply George Wright Exetei’. 28c WANTED—A man to clean up garden and tear down small garage. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. * Written applications for the position of caretaker for the Exeter Arena will be received at the office of the Secretary, on or before October 30, at 5 p.m. Exeter Arena Board, O. V. Pickard, Sec. Salesman Wanted FOR EXETER AREA Good Commission Rates Excellent Opportunities Must have car and good references. This is a well- established company. Apply Box "S’S Times-Advocate NOTICE — I have excellent equipment tor white washing youi’ buildings. L. V. Hogarth phone 266 Exeter. 14:21:28c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distri­ bute our 250 products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Flooi' "Wax, Insecti­ cides, Farm Products, splendid assortment of Gift Boxes. Oui' dealers make substantial pro­ fits! A customer in each home! For Catalogue and de­ tails, write to FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier Street, Montreal, P.Q. 28:4:11:18:25:2c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received instructions to .sell by public auction the household effects of the late Mrs. A. Scruton on Queen Street, in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL on SATl’R., OCTOBER 30, 1948 at 1.3 0 P.m. the following: Oak dining room suite, 2-i piece velour chesterfield suite I new; odd chesterfield chair, 3 > bedroom suites, one walnut, in j excellent shape; 2 hall racks < with mirrors; combination buf­ fet and china cabinet; 5 bed springs; 3 iron beds; wooden bed; spring filled mattress, felt mattress; 2 iron daybeds; couch 2 large chest of drawers; Phil- co electric radio; phonograph and records; ,3 small tables; 2 square extension tables; round table; 6 kitchen chairs; 2 cup­ boards; hiking table; Duo Therm oil burner, Classic range. Quebec heater; coal oil stove; electric heater; ironing board; Congoleuni rung 9x9; stair car­ pet; quilts, kitchen clock, 2 electric irons; hand wringer; crocks and dishes; .step ladder: lawn mower; garden tools and. other articles too numerous to mention. In case of rain, sale will be held in Community Shed. TERMS—CASH ALMA HORTON, HAROLD SCRUTON, Executors. ED. CORBETT, AUCT. _________________________ 28c CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVESTOCK AND FARM IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction On Concession 13, Stephen Twp. (first farm south of Dashwood) on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3, 1948 commencing at 1 o’clock sharp HORSES: Black mare, 7 yrs. old; black gelding, 11 years old; grey mare, 4 years old, supposed to be in foal; sorrel gelding, 4 years old. These horses are all of express type and are guaran­ teed reliable. CATTLE: Red Durham cow, 5 years old, with calf at (foot; Hereford cow, 4 years old, with calf at foot; Hereford cow, 7 years old, with calf at foot; polled Angus cow, 5 years old, with calf at foot; ;blue roan cow, with calf at foot; red Durham cow, 3 years old, with calf at foot; brindle Jersey heifer, car­ rying first calf, due at time of sale: red Durham heifer, carry­ ing her second calf due in Feb­ ruary; 11 good quality Hereford and Durham feeder cattle, aver­ aging 850 lbs.; Hereford heifer, 1 yeai’ old; roan Durham bull, 2 years old. HENS: 60 yearling Leghorn and Rock hens. IMPLEMENTS: Massey Harris pony tractor, with 2-row scuf- fler attachment, only used one season; McC. Deering binder, 6- foot cut, like new; Massey- Harris 11-hoe fertilizer disc drill; Deering mower, 5-ft. cut; Massey - Harris b e a. n scuffler; Deering 10-ft. hay rake; 3-horse c u 1 t i v a t o r; Deering manure spreader, in good condition; 3- AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND REAL ESTATE in Village of Hensall, Queen Street, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 at 1:00 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Que­ bec cook stove; heavy duty 3- burnei’ electric rangette; drop­ leaf table; glass cupboard; kit­ chen chairs; oak buffet; exten­ sion table; 4 dining room chairs; no. small tables; no. rocking chairs; gramaphone; platform rocker; wall clock; chesterfield and chair; 2 complete bedroom suites; love seat; 4 upholstered chairs; walnut finish single bed, springs & mattress; floor lamp; electric lamps; pictures and books; small rug; hall runner; scatter mats; linoleum rug; bed linens; quilts; curtains; table linen; large quantity dishes and kitchen utensils; lawn mower; garden tools; electric washer; tubs and stand; sealers; fruit; 3% tons coal; wood; etc. PROPERTY: Lot 43, Queen Street, Hensall; white frame cottage, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3- piece bath, practically new fur­ nace, pressure watei’ system, hoi. and cold watei’ on tap. House in excellent condition, will be sold subject to reserve bid. TERMS: Chattels, cash, pro­ perty, 10% down, balance in 30 days. Prop.: Estate of the late MRS. ANNIE MCDONALD EDWARD A. McASH, Executor Auct.: HAROLD JACKSON Clerk: E. P, CHESNEY 21:28c Addilional Classifieds Will lie Found On The Next Pago CLEARING AUCTION OF FARM STOCK, AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction On Highway 83, Lot 17 (south boundary of Stephen, 2 miles east of Dashwood or 5 miles west of Exeter) on WEDNESDAY, NOV. .10, 1948 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sharp HORSES: Bay mare, 7 years old; bay mare, 12 years old; good reliable work team. , CATTLE: Red brindle cow, 7 yx’s. old, milking, due in Jan,; black lieil’er, carrying second calf, due in Dec.; brindle cow, 8 yrs. old, milking, due in Jan.; Hereford Holstein heifer, with calf at foot; black Jersey heifer, with calf at foot; Durham hei­ fer, milking, due in iFebriiary; ■brindle Hereford cow, 9 years old, milking, due in March; black heifer, carrying second calf, clue in Jan.; Hereford hei­ fer, carrying second calf, due in January; black heifer, carrying first calf, due in Feb.; 5 heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 2 steers, ris­ ing 2 yrs. old; 1 yearling Here­ ford steer; 9 summer calves;f polled Hereford bull, 2 yrs. old; Hereford bull, 7 months old, can be registered. These cattle- are all of good quality. IMPLEMENTS: A McCormick. Deering tractor, on steel, 15-30, in good condition; McC. Deering 3-furrow tractor plough; McC.. Deering tractoi’ disc, like new; McC. Deering binder, 7-ft. cut; McC. Deering mower, 5-ft. cut,, good as new; M-H 15-run disc; grain drill; Deering 11-run disc; fertilize!’ drill; Maxwell hay loa­ der; M-H 3-lxorse cultivator; McC. Deering 1-horse scuffler; rubber tired wagon; 16-ft. hay­ rack; McCormick riding plough; low, steel truck-wagon; 3-drum steel roller; out-throw 14-plate disc; stiff tooth cultivator; 6- section diamond harrows, with evener; 2 walking ploughs; gang plough; McC. Deering cream se­ parator, 750 cap; strainei’ pails, milk pails; 2 wagon boxes; Clin­ ton fanning mill, complete with sieves; 2000-lb. platform scales; chicken shelter; bag truck; root pulper; 2 sets bob sleighs; cut­ ter; buggy; 2 sets double har­ ness, collars, doubletrees; sho­ vels, forks, various barrels, etc*. TERMS: Cash. MRS.’ HARRY RADER, Prop. MILFORD MERNER, Clerk Alvin walper, Auct. 28:4-