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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-10-28, Page 3
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1948 Page 3 Cider Mill will operate Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday of each week TILL NOV. 26 Fred H enni cl< Phone 181 Mitchell 7 We Have WHITE PINE Some Dressed, Some Matched Good Quality and It Is Dry Prices Are Right Get 15-Year Terms For Thedford Robbery James Shane, Parkhill, and William Shortt, Toronto, were on Friday convicted of the $3,- 434 armed robbery of the Thed ford Bank of Commerce on May 27. Each was sentenced to 15 years in Kingston Penitenti ary by County Judge E. A. Shaunessy at Sarnia. , Trial of the two men wa? held at Sarnia September 29 and 30. Judgment was deterred until Friday. Judge Shaunessy declared that, in the face of definite identification of both of the accused by persons who saw them at the scene of the robbery, and in view of the chain of circumstantial evidence he had no hesitation in finding the two guilty gs charged. Evidence at the trial was that Shortt and Shane entered the bank at Thedford on the morning of May 27, held up the manager, the staff and one cus tomer at pistol point, and es caped in a car carrying a total of $3,43 4 in bills and silver. A shot was fired by Shortt in the office of the manager. — By “Fink” Kingpin to-“You’re dancing with me night, and I suppose tomorrow you’ll be making a date with some other fellow.” my chiropodist! A. J. CLATWORTHY — We Deliver — Phone 12 Granton for light trucks. Deep, rugged studs, set in angular bar arrangement like tractor cleats, dig in . . . take hold - . . give light trucks tractor-traction. Goodyear Batteries for Truck, Tractor and Car. Ci KE£P TRUCKS ©M THE GO... WITH SURE-FOOTED NON-SLIP TRACTIOM This tire with itsfor heavy trucks. husky, wide diagonal lugs . . . gives you keep-moving traction through the toughest, tire-killing on-or-ofl-the-road service. GOOD/VeAK truck tires Standing of the E.M.B.L, Hot Shots .... Whizz Bangs Pinpoppers .. Butchers ..... Cellar Rats .. Big Six ....... In the Exeter Men’s Bowling League, Monday night, three teams rode rough-shod over their opponents. Harry Holtzman’s “Hot Shots” trounced Fred Darling’s “But chers; Bud Preszcator’s “Whizz Bangs” submerged Stan Frayne’s “Big Six”; while Doug Pryde’s “Pinpoppers” did likewise to | Don Traquair’s “Cellar Rats”. The league leaders, the Hot Shots, have turned out to fairly powerful outfit. The average 178. Of Brintnell dividual McDonald laboured well in a losing cause for the Butchers with 2 62 being his high score. In the match between the Big Six and the Whizz Bangs, the latter totally outclassed Stan Fayne’s team, winning by over 400 points. The Big Six were at a disadvantage though, having two men absent, and only being allowed to score 125 per line for them. High man for the Whizz Bangs was Irvine “Spike” Armstrong, -who ran up 226 one game, while Bob Pryde had a high of 216 for the Big Six. In the other game, Don Tra quair’s Cellar Rats were no match for Doug Pryde’s Pin poppers, losing by well over 400 points. Captain Traquair tried hard, with his 207 being their, high individual score, but the Pinpoppers came up with seve ral scores over 200, the most notable being Bob Davis’ 248. The winning teams collected the maximum seven points each for their night’s work. Lex McDonald led all indivi- scores, with his 262 being for the evening. The total of the evening by the Hot Shots. $ V ‘i* * Another town league has formed known as the Exeter Ma jor League. It starts rolling this Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. Plans call for two schedules, one before Christmas and the other after the beginning of the year. The winners of the dules will play off to championship team.* * * * So far, the high he a team was Doug l in- 259. Lex in for the evening the Hot Shots, : was their high scorer with laboured cause for FRED HUXTABLE PHONE 153w —Complete Farm. Tire Service— EXETER, ONTARIO Mis name may be George Wilson, Patrick O’Reilly or Emile Legault. He may be a farmer, a lawyer, a carpenter, a real estate agent, a banker, a teacher or one of our own employees. His wife or mother might be a shareholder. He and about 5,000 other Canadians from all walks of life are the owners of Dominion Textile Company Limited. Last year, among them, they did $57,838,394 worth of business. That was the company’s total income for the year. Let’s simplify it and say each Average Shareholder did $11,567.67 worth of business. That was the money he took in. Now let’s look at what he spent to get that money. Here it is, roughly calculated, for the average shareholder. Raw materials (principally raw cotton)....... Starches, chemicals, dyes, packing cases, other , supplies arid operating expenses 6uch as re pairs, fuel, power, light, pensions, insurance and other such items.................................- •♦« Amount paid to employees,. , Taxes................................., u Money reinvested to keep the business in a stable condition............ s........... t Net profit received by Mr. Average Shareholder (on which he pays personal taxes too)...».. $5,730.85 $2,184.68 $2,628.16 $ 457.01 $ 178.01 $ 388.96 dual high team 3406 high was been I two sche- decide the individual score made at Sweitzer Lanes is 3 73 posted up by Ken Hockey on October 13. Win First Prize Misses Pauline Paton and Christine Dobson, of Kirkton, representing Perth County, won first prize in a. food demonstra tion at the provincial inter-club competitions at Guelph last Fri day and Saturday. .They will represent Ontario in a. similar demonstration at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto Novem ber 15 and 16. BOM8NION TEXTHE WWW 8.IMETE0 PRODUCTS SHIRK A The W. A. meeting will be held Thursday afternoon, Nov ember 4th at the home of Mrs. Wray Sweitzer. Ladies please bring a donation for the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Larne Deitricli and three children visited last week-end with relatives in Win dsor. Mr. and Mrs. It visiting for a few home of Mr. air Ratz. Mr. and Mrs. C ed the 65th wedding sary of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gale in London on Saturday last.Mr - - ~ week where he few ay Collett are days at the rl Mrs.* Jacob Gale attend- anniver- Donald Tetreau left last for Saskatoon, Sask. a Saskatoon, intends spending months. HARPLEY Mrs, Bruce Eagleson, Greenway, held a shower Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones of for (nee Donna Hayter) at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ton Hayter, on Saturday ing. The couple received a num ber of lovely gifts. A pleasant evening of cards music was much enjoyed by all. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Co lin Love on Sunday were Mrs Mary Gill, of Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mr. family. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice. Murray and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley lilt, New- even very and Mr. Mrs. Ed Gill and family and Mrs. Elison Whiting family, of Centenary, and and Mrs; Wm. Love and at Corbett. Mel- EDGEWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore family visited with Mr. Mrs. William Cornish of Moores ville, on Wednesday evening. Mr. Ear] Middleton a number working at beets this week. Miss Mary Bilyea Rudd were married on Saturday afternoon. The children of Revere school are practising for a Hallowe’en party on Friday night, Miss Thelma Dunlop married on Saturday night, wish her many years of happi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zubal spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs. Kopell, London Town ship. Miss Vera Moore has been sick. We hope she will soon be better. and and has quite the sugar and Bud waf We SA1NTSBURY reception and dance in Mooresville hall on evening for Mr. and Greenlee. The friends Hay Council The Council of the Township of Hay met Hall, Zurich, her 4 at 1.30 called for the readin minutes meeting, and the dence was dealt for Power High School District, re By-Law approving sale of Debentures; Canadian Legion, Hensall; Wm. Sutherland, re Joseph Cantin, Lots. The following motions were then passed; That the Collector’s Roll as prepared by the Clerk be accep ted and that H. W. Brokenshire be appointed to prepare the tax notices, and act as 19 4 8 Tax Collector. Same confirmed by by-law. That the to approve the Village 000.00 for new High passed. That a grant of $25.00 be gi ven to the secretary South tion. That cation solicitor for Joseph Cantin, garding Lots 22, 23 and South of Bissonnette St. west of Valle St.,, St. Joseph the Council instructs the Clerk to reply statin, ship wishes clearing the lots. That the be paid as per voucher: Township Roads; Jas. Masse 82.50; .Cecil Johnston, ,80; Zur ich Motors 2.40; Zurich Herald 8.85; Alphonse Masse, 33.35; Alfred Meidinger, 15.50; Paul Ducharme, 7.50; County of Hur on, 145.55; L. H. Turnbull & Sons, 13 8.00; Klopp’s Garage, 63.20; Homer Russell, 1.50; Rudolph Becker, 10.00; Jack Adkins, 10.00. Relief: Mrs, John Suplat, 30- .00; Emma Bassow, 8.90; Mrs. Edith Mason, 15.00; A. Heide- man, rent. 5.00. General Accounts: Sehilbe, 79.42; Geo. 557.65; R. J. Lovell, C, L. Smith, 122.25; The Strat ford “ ....................... Treas. School, shire, Village, positor, ■wreath, .5 0; Treas. Robt. McKinley, 3.0 0; Wm. Edi- ghoffer, 3.45; Hy. Eckmeier, 5- .2 5 ; Wm. Siebert, 40.00; Hay Munic. Tele. System, 2,100.00; Bank of Montreal, 8.43; Earl Shapton, plowing Assoc., ~25;00. in the Township on Monday, Octo- p.m. The Reeve g .of the of the last regular These were adopted following correspon- with, Tenders Maintainer, Exeter By-law No. 11, 1948 the borrowing by of Exeter of ,$560,- the erection of a School Building be of the Huron Plowing Associa- regarding the communi- from Wm. Sutherland, re- 24, and ,g that Hay Town- to co-operate in titles on the above following accounts J. E. C. Coultis. 24.93; Herald, 2.48; District High II. W. Broken- Zurich Police The Huron Ex- W. O. Goodwin, Beaeon Exeter 2,713.24, 127.50; 500.00; 1.9 6; 10.00; Earl Thiel, 127.- Huron Co., 30.00; i I evening so the lovely Dickins at- IL G. Hess, 305.94: H. W. Bro-1 kenshire, 63.50; Customs and I STARTLING FACT! More Excise, 699.41; .Bell Telephone! Co., 1,376.96; Ed. Corriveau, 1-1 people buy and enjoy Max- .87; T. H. Hoffman, 4 Northern Electric, 99.60; f phen Tp.„ 19.29; Joe Corriveau. 1.87; Lucian Corriveau, 1.87. That the meeting be adjourn- 322.44; i * Ste- well House than any other brand of coffee in the world ed to meet again on Monday, M price! For gloriously November 1st at 1.30 p.m. Geo. Armstrong, Jleeve H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk us / rich and mellow coffee say “Maxwell House.” That’s Red Indian Aviation Motor Oil, It is specially refined to remove harmful impurities that cause need less wear. Your car deserves the extra protection of this great motor oil, especially during tough winter driving. And you’ll get more miles for your money. GRAHAM ARTHUR — Your Studebaker Dealer — Give What Your Friends Can’t Buy Your Portrait It takes time to makt good photographs, so please for your membe r izf, XIH I h83 olC-Wsr. Of As Phone 343-w arrange an Xmas order early appointment of gift portraits. n PHOTOGRAPHER Hay Munic. Telephone System • A held day Earl neighbors presented them with a radio. Mr. Greenlee thanked all who made the successful and for gift. Mr. and Mrs. J. tended the Squire-Fitzgerald wedding in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kooey, of McGillivray. Mrs. M. H. Elston and Mrs. Fred Davis spent several days this past, week visiting relatives in London Township. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis spent the past and Mrs. land and Davis, of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. Latta, Mr. and Mrs. D. Maguire guests with Mr. Dickins. Mr. A. spending and week-end visiting Mr. E. B. Smyth, of Mid- also Mr. and Mrs. L. Severn Bridge. Mrs. E. Atkinson, were Sunday and Mrs. R. CENTRALIA ■ Don’t forget the bazaar in the school room of the church on Thursday evening of this week, under the auspices of the Wo men’s Association. There will be a good program and lunch will be served. On Sunday, October 31, the Sunday school will hold its an niversary services at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 0p.m. The guest spea ker for both services will he Rev. II, Swann, of Trinidad. Spe cial music will be provided by the choir. Mrs. Belle Cattermole of Lon don is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot and Joanne, of Grand Valley, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harris West. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Schenk, London spent the week-end with Mr. -and Mrs. R. J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George Bayn- ham visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. ‘Carruthers in London. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks were guests at the MacKenzie- Walden wedding in Kincardine on Saturday. The bride is a niece of Mrs.Hicks.Mr.and Mrs.Hicks remained over the week*■end and visited with rela- lives. Mr,, Fred Warner is ill in Vic- toria Hospital,London . We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. William Hodgert spent the week-end with her son-in- law, Mr. Roy Coward and family in Usborne. Miss Doreen Proctor, of Lon don, was home-last ■week owing to illness. Mrs. Wm. Bowden is spending a few days With her daughter, Mrs. Russell Schroeder at Clan- deboye. There Will be choir practice In the church on Friday .evening of this week. Mrs. of London, isDickins, several days with Mr J. Dickins. BRINSLEY The sympathy’ of the commun ity is extended to the family of the late Margaret Ann Gilbert in its recent bereavement. Dr. and Mrs. B. D. Niles of Lansing, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Archie. Webb of London, spent the week-end with Mr. J. L. Amos and Gertrude. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Swartz and Betty Lou, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cunning ham of Elginfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodg son. Miss Gladys Neil, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Neil. Mrs. Vic Manque and Sandra of Buffalo spent a Lew days with her father, Mr. William Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Ken White, of Gervin, Sask., visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Wat son. Messrs. Garnet and Clarence Pierce, of London, spent 'the week-end in Brinsley. Congratulations to Mrs. Roy Hodgins, who ed their twenty-fifth anniversary on Sunday last.Mrs. Clover Lewis is some time with her sister, (Mrs. Earl Patton, of Lambeth. A social evening was spent in School Section 8, McGillivray, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dorman (nee Sherley Heathen) and presented them with an end table find a rug, on Friday eve ning last.Mr. and Mrs. Wes Watson, Eddie and Bonnie, spent Sunday. 1 with Mr. and Mrs. John Kenne-1 I dy of St. Marys, I Mr. and cel ebrat wedding evening spending