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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-10-14, Page 10
Page IQ The TIxneg-Advocate requests all advertising copy to be in by Monday noon at the latest. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1948 Honored at Shower Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield was honored recently at a miscellan eous post nuptial shower given in her honor by friends and neighbors and held at the home of her mother, Mrs. T. Gilmour, Clandeboye. Attention Veterans The Canadian Legion Bureau Office r, Air. Forbes, London, Ontario, visiting Branch No. 167, — on __ October 27, 1948 From 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Service A. AL. will be Exeter, i Congregation Presents Gifts A pleasant evening was spent when the congregation of the Church of God, Loudon, and friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent, Parlikill. in honour of their daughter Sylvia and pre sented her with many gifts. useful Anyone wishing information, ad vice or assistance regarding War Dissability pensions, treatments, allowances, etc., is requested to contact the service officer, or secretary, of the local branch, whose name ajipears below, to arrange an interview. A. M. EASTON, Secretary, Exeter Leavitt’s THEATRE Forms League The mess staff at the lia R.C.A.F. station has a bowling league and a ment will be held each Tuesday evening. The tournament opened this week, organized by Davis and comprised civilians, with much evident. The men’s three games was Ken 614; for a single game, Ron Eves, with 286; women's triple high, Miss Mary Cutting, with 443; single, Miss Mary ■Cutting, 174. The lucky ly, went to the Davis. The plates points, points, 0, Kitchen Rangers 0. Centra- formed tourna- Mr. Frank entirely of enthusiasm high for Jones with draw, fortunate- organizer, iFrank standing: Hot- Toasters 2 league 2 points, Vegetable Pealers 2 Hash Slingers 0, Fryers Previews its Coming Attractions THURSDAY October 14 ONE NIGHT ONLY — Two Features ‘Embraceable You ? Silver Wedding —Continued From Page One short program which consisted of humorous Allan Pfaff and a contest Mr. and Mrs. to the centre Mrs. address and Mr. Sam © Dane Clark ® Geraldine Brooks ‘Wall Flower ® Robert Hutton ® Joyce Reynolds 1 FRIDAY, SATURDAY October 15 and 16 Two Features ‘Tarzan and the Mermaids’ ® Johnny Weismuller ‘Arizona Ranger’ ® Tim Holt ® Jack Holt readings py Mrs. and Labe’lle Hill by Lois Swartz. King were called of the room and Lawrence Hill read the and Mrs. Roy Swartz King presented them with silver gifts from the brothers and sisters and Mrs., Harry Squires with a gift from the nieces and nephews. Following is the address to which Mel replied in his own humorous manner. Dear Mel and Ruth: It is with glad hearts we join with you to share your silvei* wedding anniversary. Your first consideration seemed to be al ways for youi’ own kith and kin and through the years you have made a wonderful contribution to our lives. We could not let this great event pass without having some share in youi’ hap piness and our wish is that you may happy union one with the We now ask you to accept gifts as a token .of oui’ and esteem for you both, —Signed on behalf of relatives. our wish is have many years of other th-ese love your MONDAY, TUESDAY October 18 and 19 ‘Beyond Glory’ ® Alan Ladd @ Donna Reed ‘Footlight Rythm’ Musical Comedy — Color by Technicolor COMING . . . October 20, 21, 22, 23 ‘Best Years of Our Lives’ ALDON THEATRE Ma in Street Auxiliary The Main Street Evening Aux iliary held their regular meet ing on Tuesday evening October 5 at the church when .they en tertained the ladies of the W. M.S. and the W.A. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 57 7 followed by the Lord’s prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mabel Skinner and the roll called. The president, Buelah Howey, con ducted the business. Hymn 310 was sung after which Eva Pen rose led in prayer. Joan har ness .led in the worship period, assisted by Hilda Turnbull and Grace Pepper. Hymns 308 and 54 5 were given by ed by an Mahoney, a very Thanksgiving. The meeting clos ed with hymn 39 9 and the Miz pah Benedicition. A dainty lunch was served by the group in charge. sung. A reading was Connie Wilson follow- accordian solo by Rev Mrs. H. J. Snell gave interesting talk , on GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 15-16 — An All Color Show ‘Shaggy’ A dog’s life, but you’ll love ® Brenda Joyce ® George Nokes ® Robert Shayne and ® Shaggy Short Subjects, ‘BIG SISTER BLUES’ ‘RADAR FISHERMAN’ and Cartoon, ‘WINTER DRAWS ON’ it. 1 MONDAY and TUESDAY October 18-19 MacDonald Careys’ ‘Dream Gcorgeous • Betty Hutton NEWSREEL and Short, 'SMOOTH SAILING’ The October meeting of the W.A. was held in the church basement with an attendance of twenty-four members tors being present. The meeting opened president in the chair ness. There were several visits reported and cards being sent. Final arrangements for the pre sentation of the film “King of Kings”, which is being shown in the church on October 22. Two delegates were appointed to go to the meeting at Elimville. It was moved and carried to hold the bazaar in the evening of October 28, different commu tes were named to be in charge of booths, program and lunch. The money was handed in by the collections which amounted to $146.55. The devotional part of the meeting was taken by Mrs. Brown, -which opened with a reading by Mrs. Greb, followed with a reading by Mrs. Bowden.. A demonstration on making mats was given by Mrs. Hugh Love of ing was ing the Lunch Langford, Mrs. A. L. ner. iCentralia W.A Miss Nola Perkins, of London spent Thanksgiving at the home 1 Items qf Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advoeaie is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31 w and visi- with the for busi- Exeter, and the meet- closed with all repeat- Mizpah Benediction. was served by Mrs. O. Smith, Mrs. Weiberg and Mrs. W. Skin- Kippen W.M.S. The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s United Church met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wm. Alexander for its Thanks giving meeting, temperance be ing combined. The president, Airs. Robert Elgie, presided and opened the meeting with the hymn 674. Mrs. Morley Cooper led in prayer. Scripture reading referring to temperance was gi ven by Mrs. Elgie. Mrs. Al. Coo per then read the Scripture les son. Hymn 577 was twenty - five members the roll call with the being Thanksgiving. Business was discussed and Mrs. Elgie reported that Hensall and Brucefield Auxiliaries had accepted the invitation to the birthday meeting to be held in the Sunday Shool in November. The guest speaker is to be Mrs. (Rev.) Workman of Seaforth. The nominating committee for the 19 49 slate of officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Alex McMurtrie, Mrs. B. Peck, Airs. Eldon J a r r o 11. The program committee is Airs. R. AlacGregor, Mrs. J. McLellan, .Mrs. Carl Mc- Clinchey and Airs. John Ander son. Mrs. Hinton was appointed as delegate to the Presbyterial meeting lia, October 12. Hymn 401 was Earl Sproat gave the guage Without Love, was sung by two groups respon sively. A temperance story, “Al coholic Pleasures What Is It?”, was given by Miss Alargaret Sin clair, Mrs. Mrs. Hinton. Hymn 39>9 gie pronounced the benediction. Lunch was served by Circle 1. sung, and answered text word sectional ig Centra sung. Mrs. Study Lan- Hymn 589 J. McLellan, and was sung, Mrs. El- No. HARPLEY Airs. Mark Miller and LeGrand Wright, of visited for their mother, ter. Mr. and Airs. Gordon Ulens, of London, and Miss McLinchey, of Detroit, the reception at Mr. Hayter’s on Saturday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones (Ree Donna Hayter). Mr. and Airs. Clarence Hardy and family, of Lucan, spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Mrs. Ann Ridley, of Green way, spent the week-end at Air. John Ridley’s. Mr. and Mrs. Howard jdrdine and Mr. and Mrs. Ridley motored to Oshawa the week-end. Mr. and Airs. Patton, of Whal en Groups Meet The October meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. met on Thurs day evening at the home of Mrs. John Hazelwood with six teen mexnbers and two visitors present. Mr,s. Wm. Hodgson pre sided over the W.A. The meet ing opened with singing a hymn and the Lord’s prayer in unison Mrs. Win. Morley and Mrs. Gordon Johnson read the Scrip ture Lesson Mrs. Weir gave the Lesson Thoughts and Mrs. Geo. Arkse.y led in prayer. Airs. Cec il Squire gave a -reading “A Prayer”. During the business meeting final plans were made $3 for the bazaar which will be in I the basement of the church on October 20. Mrs. Millson sent a message of thanks fox’ being remembered during her illness. Mrs, Weir pronounced the dietion. Mrs. Milne Pullen in charge of the W.M.S. meeting opened with quiet ic by Mrs. Duffield and Pullen led in prayer and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs, Ogden and (Mrs. Johnson gave Bible readings. Mrs, F. Squire favoured with a solo “Bless this House”. Mrs. Ogden gave an interesting talk on Study Book. Mrs. Khlare offer ed prayer. Mrs. Wm, Hodgson gave a reading “If God Forgot’ Mrs, Pullen closed the meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostess and her assistants. I bene- was The mils- Mrs. the Mrs. Detroit, a few ’’days with Mrs. Maria Hay- Eleanor attended Newton evening Des John over Mr. and Mrs. Patton, of Lon don, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bestard. Air. and Mrs. Erwin Fahner. of Grand Rapid.-, with their aunt. Sweitzer, over the Mr. and Mrs. Air. and Airs. Sidney Johnson A U and Ted, of Toronto, spent the | Mr. and week-end with Mr. and Airs. E. | spent Thanksgiving R. Hopper. jUves in WindS0i.t Air. and Mrs. Bert AIcBurney and Mr. and Airs. Howard AIc Burney of Embru, were Thanks giving' guests of Mr. and Airs. Mel Alderson. Airs. Myrtle Hunter has re turned to London after spend ing several weeks with her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Brintnell. Air. and Airs. Lloyd Weido and daughter Shirley, of Toron to, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schlunt over Thanksgiving. Air. and Mrs. Robt. Southcott and daughter Jane visited in Chatham over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton and Mr. and Airs. Ed. Wurm and daughter Shirley Anne attend ed the Slezak-Willert wedding at Dashwood on Saturday. Mrs. I. S. L. M. Curtis, of Toronto, the Thanksgiving holiday end with the former’s Mrs. John Parsons, Gidley Mrs. M. McAvoy and Annie Sanders were visitors with Mr. and Airs. Harmon Gill and family at Grand Bend last week returning home on Mon day. Mrs. Irene Hicks, Bill Maxine, of Clio, Alich., Mr. Airs. Kenneth Hern, spent Thanksgiving with and Mrs. Arthur Ford, of phen. Mr. Toronto, spent the with his parents, Mr. Thos. Collingwood and his sister, of Arkona. Mr. and and family Howard Kerslake spent the holiday week-end 'at Kirk’s Kove on Big Gull Lake in Eastern Ontario. Mr. Jas. Ferguson, of Toron to, called on relatives in Exeter Tuesday. Mr. Ferguson motored to London and Exeter in L„ Italian Fiat car for which he has the distributorship for province. Jim Wilson, who has been at Esquimalt, British Columbia, with the R.C.N.A.S., has been posted to Halifax and visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson Thursday of last week. Mi*, and Mrs. Gordon Davis and family, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Davis and Allen, of London, spent the week-end with Air. Jos. Davis. Charles Davis returned to Toronto with Gordon fox’ a week. Mr. Jean Box, Mr. Detroit, ovex' the week-end on Sunday Mrs. John Shores. Air. and Mr. and . Mrs. John Rowe, of Exeter, Mr and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and baby, Isabel Macintosh, < spent Thanksgiving and Mrs. Cecil Rowe. Holiday visitors with Fred Hogarth were his family Mrs. W. F. Andersoxi and Ronald, of Windsor, Mr. Airs. Fred Mitchell, Marion and Douglas, of London, and and Mrs. R. J. McNaughton, Linda and Nancy, of Stratford. . i Mr. A. J. Traquair is confined mJ's: 'CT ws TB 'vlth “bM coltl- week-end. I . Miss M, Vie Wilson,! *S„ Libke, of Hamilton, with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Chester Rowe with rela- Clubine and Mrs. spent week- aunt, St. Miss and and of Ziou, Mr. Ste- ofGrant Collingwood, week-enci and Mrs also with Alderson,Mrs.Roy Mrs. and Everard Miller Air. and Mrs. and family an the and Airs. Frank T'aylor. and Jeanette also Mrs. of Stephen, visited with and Airs. Norman Ford, of and visited .with Mr. and Taylox* at St. Claire Mrs. Richard Welsh. Mrs. B. M. Francis, of Lucknow, of and Miss Hamilton with Mr. Mr. son and Mr. Legion Bingo Five Miles West of Exeter on Huron Street Friday/ October 22 Asa Penhale Vice-Pres. Earl Shapton Sec.-Trcas. Thursday/ October 21 EXETEIR OPERA HOUSE 1948 South Huron Arnold Becker’s Farm ’ Miss Mary Layng, of London, visited with Miss Norma oyer the week-end. Mr. Edward Coombes, confined to lxis home badly twisted right knee. Mr. Allan Hobbs, of Galt, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. .Southcott. Mr. and Mrs, A. J, Penhale and Grace spent the Thanks giving holiday in Windsor, Mr. and Airs. E. Lindenfield spent the week-end visiting with Air. and Airs. N. Floody, Wind- so?, Owing to the I’lianksgiving holiday on Monday, the Times- Advocate is one day late this week, Mr, and Airs. King, of Clande boye, home Road. Gordon May, of Commerce staff in the holiday week-end with his parents. Air, Charles Ferguson and daughter Eva, of Bryanston, spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. J. W. Powell. Miss Helen Penhale, of To ronto, and Bill, of London, spent the week-end with Air. and Mrs. L. J. Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson and Darlene, of London, visited with •the former’s ‘parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Barton Powell, of London Township, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Hodgson were in Toronto last week at tending the Ontario Insurance Agents’ Convention. Mrs. Hillary Horton and Air. and Mrs. E. Edworthy, of Till- sonburg, called on Mr. and Airs. J. W. Powell on Sunday. Misses Alice Pfaff and Mary Easton attended the Presbyter ian Young People’s 'Convention in Ottawa ovex’ the week-end. Mr. and Airs. C. V. Pickard and family, Mrs. Sweet and Miss Helen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Waddell, of Listo- wel, on Sunday. Airs. Edgar McQueen, of Hen sail, and Airs. Bertha Henry, of Pontiac, Micli., visited last Wed nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tuckey and Judy and Mr. J. D. Tuckey, of Cass City, Midi., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey. Mrs. Ida Smith, of Toronto, attended the Armstrong-Sweitzer wedding Saturday and will visit for a few weeks with relatives in Exeter. Mr. Neil Jones, of Ottawa, and Miss Gwenneth Jones, of the University of Western On tario, spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Airs. J. H. Jones. Airs. Olive Hopkins, of don, spent several -days week with Mrs. Valeria strong and attended the strong-Sweitzer wedding on Sa turday. / Miss Florence Southcott, o>£ London, and Don, of the Uni versity of Western Ontario, spent home. for a few Mr. and Brantford, Thompson, lets, Jean, Thompson, of Arthur, called on Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott on Sunday. ■Mr. and Mrs. Bert North and Miss Audrey North, of Wood- stock, were week-end visitors with Mrs. North’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins and at tended the Armstrong-Sweitzer wedding on Saturday. Miss Isabelle Anthony, of Hamilton, and Miss Helen An thony, of Toronto, visited with their parents, Rev. Janies and Mrs. Anthony for Thanksgiving. Helen is in Montreal this week in connection with the O.R.E.C. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Wuertli aiid Reynold, of town, and Reginald and Miss Henderson, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Long of Royal Oak, Michigan. On Sunday they witnessed the Cleveland - Boston world series vision which interesting. Guests of for Thanksgiving were her two sons, Wilbur and his wife, of Toronto, Earl and his friond, of Toronto, Mrs. Alex Johns, Earl and Betty Johns and friend, of London. Air. and Smith and family, Miss Bonnie Smith of London. Miss have rented on the farm Wilson Jr., with ls a S. Stanlake’s •on the Lake the Bank of Jarvis, spent Lon- last Arm- Arm- Thanksgiving at their Don has been laid up days with tdnsilitis. Mrs. Herb Hutton, of and l^r. and Mrs. David and the trip- James and John game through tele proved to be mighty Mrs. Alice Mitchell Percy Passmore President Mrs. Fred of Exeter, and friend, Geraldine Prout, of Exeter, also Mrs. Matilda McFarlane, of McGregor, I Mich. All enjoyed a lovely' dinner. I I of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins. Mr, Charles Schroeder has re turned home after relatives in Detroit ham, Michigan. Mr, and Mrs. J. and daughter Mitzi, of Toronto, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May. Mr. Everett Sims, who bought the home of Wm. Ware ing on Ann Street, has moved his household effects in. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kernick and Bob, of Cannington, Ont., visited with friends and rela tives over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardiner, of Meaford, attended the Bailey- Ricliard wedding on Saturday and visited with relatives. Alias Ann Kernick, of London spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Kernick. visiting with and Birxning- R. 0. Moffatt COMING EVENTS The annual Bazaar sponsored by the Woman’s Association of Main Street Church will be held in the Legion Rooms on Saturday,u November 13. -Keep this date in mind and watch, for further announcement. 14c EUOHRE — in the Parish Hall, Monday, October 25. Everyone welcome, Doo r prize. Good prizes. Sponsored by the Trivitt Memorial Club, c Official Opening Exeter Badminton Club Tues. Oct 19 A r r X. c round robin will be run off during the evening. Lunch will be served. Dancers DO YOU KNOW ADAM BROCK and his Orchestra are playing for one nite only at LUCAN OPERA HOUSE This Sat. Night October 16? ADMISSION 50c “The height of injustice,” says t h e Cracker-barreler, “c o m e s when a man who hasn’t kissed his wife for five years, shoots a man who has.” ABERDEEN HALL,' KIRKTON Wednesday, Oct. 27 SKIPPER’S ORCHESTRA Auspices of the Kirkton Ball Team ADMISSION 50c Everybody Welcome! Reception and Dance for Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webber Fri./ Oct. 22 EXETER OPERA HOUSE Flannigan’s Orchestra ADMISSION 50c Everybody Welcome 0. Be Sure to keep the following Oct. 27, Nov. 3 Dec. 1, Dec. 15 Watch for Further Details DANCE T During the summer, Centralia, Crediton, Kirkton and Elimville organized a Softball League. Tills League proved successful and, as a grand finale of the softball season, a dance is being held at thedance is being held at the EXETER OPERA HOUSE Friday, October 15, A Softball Trophy will be presented to the Crediton team, having obtained the liighest score during the sea son. Dancing will be from 9 to 1. A booth will be inw operation. — Admission 50 cents —- Come one & all. Bring your friends & have a good time. Entire proceeds to go to the ball team for next season. The King of'Kings’ Cecil B. DeMille’s religious masterpiece, seen by 600,000,000 people, will be presented at the following places: >0 Mon., Oct. 18—James St. United Church, at 8:15 p.m. Tues., Oct. 19—United- Church, Crediton Wed., Oct. 20—Evangelical U.B. Church, Dashwood Thurs., Oct. 21—Evangelical-U.B. Church, Zurich Fri., Oct. 22—United Church, Centralia ay FUN GALORE! ■•4 per’s Famous Eight Piece Band from London OPERA HOUSE, EXETER