HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-10-14, Page 1Single Copy 6 cents’Seventy-fifth Year from previous EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1943 Third Class of Pilots at Centralia The third post-war class of pilots to graduate at the Cen­ tralia R.C.A.F. station received its wings in an impressive cere­ mony Friday. Wings were pre­ sented by Ail* Commodore W. W, Brown, chief staff officer of •Central Air Command, Trenton, ton, All but one of the graduates are new entries into the Royal Canadian Air Force, holding the rank of flight cadet. The grad­ uation exercises culminate more than one year of concentrated instruction at Centralia. Flight Cadet K. J. Thorney- croft of Swift Current, Sask., re­ ceived the R.C.A.F. Junior Pi­ lot's Challenge Trophy donated by J. D. Siddeley, C.B.E., for the best flying on course. (Flight Cadet R. M» Edwards, St. James, Man., was the class’ honor student and was presented with the scroll for top all-round honors. List of Graduates Pilots graduating and receiv­ ing their wings: F/C J. Brookfield, Simcoe; F/C H. G. Phillips, Guelph; F/O J. A. Ro­ bertson, New Westminster, B.C.; F/C M. D. Broadfoot, Tisdale, Sask.; F/C W. G. Paisley, Prince Albert, Sask.; F/C M. G. Sau­ cer, Waskatenau, Alta.; F/C II. S. Tetlock, Mazenod, Sask.; F/C K. J. Thorneycroft; F/C R. M. Edwards (class leader); F/'C J. Thorpe. Toronto. Out-of--Season Fruit Mrs. Samuel Jory during the past couple of weeks has enjoy­ ed several pickings of ripe juicy strawberries, a treat at this season of the year. Several branches were from chell treat of the year. of ripe raspberries brought into the office the gardens of Albert Mit- and L. V. Hogarth. M. and Seeking Books For Public School The regular monthly meet­ ing of the Exeter Public School Board was held in the office of Mr. W. H. Hodgson October 5, 1948, at All members of were present. The M the previous meeting were read and adopted on the motion of Mr. W. G. Seldon and seconded by Mr. C- A. Cann. Correspondence from ance (W. 1st), cipal Education, H. B, London. The snow fence used rear of the Canadian on Tuesday, 7 p.m. the Board minutes of was received the Unemployment Insur- ■Company, National Films V. Roy, county projection­ time tables from the prin- teachers, Department of London Free Beal Technical Press, School, Four injured in Crash by Hensail In a two-car head-on crash on Monday night, about three miles north of Hensall on Highway 4, a teen-aged girl, two youths and a man were injured and were rushed to Scott Memorial Hos­ pital, Seaforth, for treatment. Injured are Henry Lawrence, Zurich, chest injuries; John Lep- pinton, twenty; and Eldon Glit- ton, twenty, both of undetermined, injuries; Edna Petzke, Hensall, ; cial cuts and bruises. Provincial Constable guson, Exeter, said was driving his car south on the highway when he was in colli­ sion with the car driven by Lep- pington with Glitton and Miss Petzke as the occupants. Following the crash a nearby hydro pole was snapped off. The Leppington vehicle was described as a total wreck, while the Lawrence car had about $500 damage done to it. ' Clinton, and .Miss severe fa- Jack Fer- Lawrence Hits Barricade! Drops 16 Feet Wm. J. Barker, of London, while driving a truck for the T. B. Escot Co., of London, crashed a barrier where a new bridge is being built on High­ way 83 about three miles west of Exeter, and dropped 16 feet landing up against the opposite embankment about 10.3 0 p.m. Saturday evening. Mr. Barker ■escaped with bruises about the legs and a bad shaking up. The truck was travelling towards Exeter when the accident oc­ curred. Accompanying Mr. Bar­ ker was Mr. Hubert Sutton, aged 49, R.R. 3. Lambeth, who was cut about the face. He was attended by Dr. Milner and 13 stitches were required the wounds. A big from London with the of P. Dept., succeeded with ficulty in getting the truck out to close wrecker assistance • Hewitt of the Highway great dif- Bend Operators’ Ca se Adjourned Mr. Edward Odbert, one of the four men from Grand Bend charged with operating amuse­ ment places at Grand Bend on Sunday, September 5, contrary to the Lord’s Day Act, was the only one to appear before Mag- Holmes in Exeter and his case week, roller istrate D. E. on Tuesday absence of Stratford the ed for one operates the The other three men fo writs had been issued had not been served as they were out %£ town. owing to the lawyer from was adjourn- Mr. Odbert skating rink whom Pfof. Fred and Mrs, Johns, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McTav- ish spent Thanksgiving in Strat­ ford. Miss June Cud more, of Tor­ onto, spent Thanksgiving at her homo here. at the Legion rooms* during the school term o;f 1947-48 has 'been $10.00. Mr. R. E. Russell structed to look after sold for was lights in­ in Miss Pepper’s and Mrs, Hugh­ son’s rooms. "Principal’s report for Septem­ ber: Number on roll 221, num­ ber of teaching days 18, average attendance 207.5, Miss Mackenzie, school nurse, paid a visit on September 7-8. A splendid showing of hibits was made at Exeter Fair. The annual athletic meet been held on iFriday, October 1. The following championships were declared: Junior girls, Eleanor Jones; junior boys, Douglas Wein; .intermediate girls, Loreen Venner; senior girls, Olive Petrie; senioi’ boys, Grant Cudmore. During the month, sixteen boys and girls of Room 7 had collected over $80.00 in-the in­ terests of the Navy League. Moved by R. E. Russell and seconded by H. Pollen principal’s Carried. Accounts dered paid and seconded hy Sanders. Carried, Owing to the supplementary reading books Exeter Public School, the Board would appreciate receiving suit­ able books from interested ents. These books can be posited at the retary, W. H. The meeting the motion of W. report be were by Mr. ex­ Fall had that the adopted. read C. Mrs. and or- A. Cann E.W. shortage of in par- de- sec-office of the Hodgson. was adjourned on Mr. H. Pollen. H. Hodgson, Sec. Lions Club Frolic Receipts Down From Previous Years Win Second Prize At the North Huron Plowing Match at Auburn Thursday of last week, Larry Snider, of town, won second prize in the tractor class and Allen Walper, of Stephen Township, won se­ cond for the Huron County event of not less than ten inch furrows. / Car, Truck Crash One in Hospital THE AGNES WATSON MEMORIAL LODGE, NO. 1167, of L.O.B.A., was dedicated last Wednesday night at Woodham in memory of Mrs. Agnes Watson/who before her death last spring, was Grand Auditor of the Grand Crystal Chapter. In the tdp photo are the officers of the new lodge. Left to right, top row: Miss Florence Jameson, Mrs. Myrtle Hanna, Lloyd Hern, George Davis, Fred Jameson, Mrs. Robert Ross, Mrs. Frank Epplett. Second row: Gladys Batten, Mrs. Emerson Paton, Mrs. Lloyd Hern, Mrs. Oliver Jaques., Mrs. David Stephens, Mrs. Ray Mills, Miss Kate Jameson. Bottom row: Mrs. John Cow­ ard, Pauline Paton, Mrs. George Davis, mistress of lodge; Mrs. W. F. Batten, June Wal­ ters, Mrs. F. Walters. —Free Press Photo Chamber of Commerce Urges Co-operation A meeting of the Exeter Chamber of Commerce was held in the Town Hall Friday eve­ ning with the president, E. D, Bell in the chair. Mr. Bell ex­ plained that the meeting was called to discuss the present hydro shortage and called on Mr. Lampman, hydro supt., to outline ’the situation. Mr. Lamp­ man stated that Exeter running considerably over quota but that steps had been the the was its taken to greatly reduce consumption. Following warning in the Times-Advocate last week the citizens had i operated. He advocated that ditional steps ' ' cure greater use of hydro done pulling switches might Various suggesijcrns were and the • - ■ make an consumers to co-operate fullest extent. co- ad- se- the be taken to economy in and if this were of the hydro be eliminated, made Chamber decided to urgent appeal to all to the I Charged with Theft Two men were picked Clandeboye Monday by cial Constable Jack charged with radio from the R.C.A.F. station at Centralia. They were lodged in the county jail at Goderich and will appeal’ court in Exeter next Tuesday. The men giving their names as Patrick O'Reilly and Wm. Flet­ cher, had been employed at the airport by the Brennan Paving Co. but had been discharged sometime previous. They had re­ turned looking for ment and in one of they left radio was guson was the arrest. up at Provin- Ferguson the theft of a in magistrate’s i re-employ- slept during the night the barracks. When in the morning the missed and Mr. Fer- notified and made Mount Carmel Lad Dies from Injuries After Jump from Truck Residents of the Mount Car­ mel community were deeply shocked Thursday afternoon of last week when it was learned that Gerald Regier, eleven-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regier. had passed away sud­ denly, having failed to recover consciousness after jumping from a truck qu his way to school. The driven as he lad was riding on a truck by John Mahoney and, jumped from the side platform of the truck to the ■ground, he fell as he landed. He appeared to be conscious and was carried hy Mr. Mahoney to ro Village of Exeter For the Village of Exeter the past few days, the hydro quota has been very near the border line of the allotted kilowatt hours. This is very encouraging and we would like to thank our for their ter. We continue power. The necessity of saving elec­ tricity is still great. Let ub all save a bit more where possible and avoid cut-offs if We can. Remember* the days are getting shorter and this means a rise in consumption and requires a greater saving, EKETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION the nearby residence of James Dalton. Dr. Donald Ferguson of Dash­ wood was called but the lad had passed away when he ar­ rived. Coroner Dr. Dunlop was called from Exeter and he or­ dered a post mortem in ordei* to determine the cause of death. A coroner’s jury was empaneled to review the remains and was adjourned until a future date. Members of the jury are: Harry Zimmer, Chris Anderson, Milford Merner, Elgin Merner and Aaron Restemayer. According to Provincial Con­ stable John Ferguson, of Exeter, the lad, along with two brothers and several other children, was picked up by Mr. Mahoney in a truck owned by J. IT. Dalton. At Mount Carmel Mr. Mahoney stopped to let the children mount when the accident |curred. I The body was removed to | T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home at Dashwood where it rested until Saturday when requiem high mass was sung at the Church of Oui’ Lady at Mount Carmel with Rev. Father Bec­ kett, of Parkhill, officiating in the absence of Rev. Father Fo­ garty. The children of the school formed a guard of honor as the casket approached the church. Four cousins acted as pallbear­ ers. Gerald was the second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Regier and is survived by three brothers, William, Paul and Robert; and three sisters, Joan, Sheila and i Elizabeth, all at home. District High School Board The October meeting of Exeter District High S c h< Board Economics room of the High School on Tuesday evening, Oc­ tober 5. Absent L. C. Brisson. Tlie minutes of the special meetings of September 10 and 20 were read and adopted. The correspondence was read and tabled. Per E. R. Hopper and A. Finkbeiner that the Board apply tor Certificates of , Permanency from the Unemployment Insu­ rance Commission for t-\e secre­ tary and the caretaker under the new regulations. Carried. No action taken on the letter from the Cadet Services regard­ ing affiliation with a reserve unit. Per E. L. Mickle and C. S. MacNaughton that no action be taken regarding Exeter District pupils now attending Clinton Collegiate. Carried. Requisitions from several partments were presented approval by the principal. The accounts the secretary for payment were approved on motion of E. R. Hopper and E. Chambers. Principal H. L. Sturgis pre­ sented his report for September. Number on roll 29 6. Classes were operating on the schedule prepared in August. Rooms are a bit crowded and some minor difficulties in accommodation are hard to overcome. For Public School Shop and Home Econo­ mics classes, only Grade 8 could b e accommodated. The J o c a 1 Field Day was well organized and the students had won the major points in a three-school meet at St. Marys. The report was adopted on motion of Jas. McAllister and C. S. MacNaugh­ ton. The phone Steele __ —_ ______ garding the building ^contracts. It was decided to await further action by the department. Mr. A. Dixon and Mr. J. Mc­ Allister were named the Board’s representatives to a committee meeting of the Federation of Agriculture. Adjournment at 11:45 per E. L. Mickle. the o o 1 was held in the Home » Entertained on Silver Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Willert entertained in honour of the 25 th wedding anniversary the latter’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Melvin R. King on Sunday October 10. A ‘most delicious turkey ner was enjoyed by candle from a table decorated pink and white streamers balloons and centred three-tiered During the recipients of several gifts, a chest of silver, a flower centre, a silver and sugar on a tray ,and ver bread tray, brought two of theii* Dianne Willert and Jimmie Neil in a prettily decorated wagon. Mr. King thanked them in his own pleasant manner. Those present were, Mr. M. King and Melba, Mrs. Russell King, Mr. Earl Neil and Jimmie, King, Mrs. Lillian Blair, of and din­ light with and with a wedding A?ake. the evening4 they were lovely silver cream a sil- in by grandchildren, Mrs. Nelson Squire, borne, aged 48, was to Victoria Hospital, Tuesday afternoon from injuries received the car she was driving was in collision with a truck driven by Lloyd Wilson, of Stoney Creek, while hauling gravel for the Brennan Paving Company. Mrs. Squire suffered from shock, an injured left shoulder, multiple cuts and bruises and possible internal injuries. She was treated by Dr. F, J. Milner, of town, before taken to hospit­ al. The accident occured about 1.30 p.m. at the intersection of the 7th concession of Us- borne, three and three-quarter miles west of Exeter on street. Mrs. Squire was ling west while the I truck was northbound. Mr. Wilson suffered shock, concussion, an right shoulder *and facial cuts. He was treated by Dr. Milner. Considerable damage was done to the truck and damage to the car was estimated at from $200 to $300. Provincial Constable William Gardiner, of Goderich, investigated. Latest reports from al authorities said that Squire was resting fairly com­ fortably. of Us- admitted London, suffering when Huron travel- Wilson from injured hospit- Mrs. presented de- for by secretary reported tele­ conversations with Mr. and the department re- E. D. Howey, Sec. Mrs. Andrew Dougall is ill ii Victoria Hospital, London, suf­ fering from pneumonia. She is getting along nicely. and JMr. and Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Eli Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reid and Mr. Les Thomas. Entertained by Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. King were pleasantly surprised at their home by about forty of Mr. King’s relatives on Monday evening, October 11 on the oc­ casion of their silver wedding anniversary. After enjoying two hours of progressive euchre there was a j —Please Turn to Page Ten i Mr. Thos. Pryde, M.L.A. is in Toronto, to attend a caucus of the Progressive Conservative members cuss the successoi’ premier, national leadership of the party. of parliament to dis- method of selecting a to Hon.. George Drew, who has accepted the Rev. J, V. Dahms, of Credi- ton, assisted at the marriage of his sister, Miss Alice Veda Dahms, of Sebringville, to Rev. Milton MacDonald Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin, of Meacham, Sack., at Sebringville on Saturday. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s father Rev. Nelson E. Dahms. Supreme Court Actions Settled Or Adjourned in Fall Assizes The fall assizes of the Sup­ reme Court opened in Goderich Tuesday presided over by Jus­ tice G. A. Gale. Justice Gale was welcomed to Huron 'County by Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays, who congratulated him on his elevation to the bench. Mr. Hays concluded by announ­ cing there were no criminal cases on the docket and the traditional white gloves were presented by Sheriff Nelson Hill “It speaks well for you and the law enforcement officers that there are no criminal cas­ es in this populous 'County” Justice Gale said in reply. The long list of civil actions scheduled to * either settled adjourned. A total of was asked for Roland Motz,t Wonder Bakeries, and their truck driver, John E. be out of heard were court or 562,500 in the : Exeter j Ltd., London, damages action of *, against we consumers efforts in this mat- would urge you to in conservation of MEMBERS OF COURSE 3, who received their pilots’ wings at Centralia, Friday of last week, on graduating from the Flying Training School there, arc shown above. Left to right they are (back row'll Flight Cadet M, D. Broadfoot, FHohl Cadet J. AL Brookfield, Flight Cadet II. S. Tetlock, Flight Cadet F. J, Thornevcroft. Flight Cadet IL G. Phillips. Flight Cadet W. G. Paisley; (front row) Flight Cadet R. Af. Edwards, Flight (’h’dt t M. G. Sander, Flying Officer J. A. Robertson, Flight Cadet J. Thorpe. —-RCAF1 Photo Ribbings. The plaintiff claimed he was struck by a motor ve­ hicle owned by the Wonder Ba­ keries and driven by Bibbings while he was standing on pro­ vincial highway No. 4, south of on March 3, 1947. He internal and external which resulted in Exeter, suffered injuries, amputation of a leg. Allan Fraser. Exeter, also tered an action for stated mages of $31,5 00 against Won­ der Bakeries, for injuries he received in the same accident. It was claimed that the plain­ tiff’s motor vehicle became stuck in the snow. While he was endeavoring to free the ve­ hicle, the defendant’s truck crashed into It, crushing the plaintiff against a motor ve­ hicle owned by a Mr. Roe, who was stopped a short distance behind the plaintiff’s car. Bell ICC. the plaintiffs eases court both plain- Mr. E. D. counsel for we understand both been settled out of liberal tiffs. The versed Mr. damages to the en- da- was and have with vase however was tra- to the next sitting when Bell staled that the defen­ dant's counsel, E. L. Haines is in Vancouver. By a settlement arranged out of court by consent, in the ac­ tion of Arnold Des jar dine and Edward Gill, Stephen Township farmers, against. .Percy Hewitt. Exeter trucker, claiming dam­ ages respectively of $2,600 and $575. The plaintiff, Desjardine was allowed $750 and Gill $50. A counter claim was dismissed Frank Donnelly, K.C., acted for the plaintiffs; E. for defendant. The plaintiffs ages for injuries accident on Aug. a car driven by in which Mr. Gill and his dau­ ghter were passengers, was in collision with a vehicle driven by the defendant. The defendaiv had entered i counter claim for $700.00. D. Bell, Showers that were welcome to the farming community were not so welcome as fax* as the Exeter Lions Club was concern­ ed on the occasion of their an­ nual frolic Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week. In spite of the downpour Thurs­ day evening there was a pretty fair attendance although down considerably years. The frolic was held Wednes­ day and Thursday instead of Thursday and Friday as former­ ly because members of the club found that the late Friday evening session left them weary for Saturday’s business, Tlie program each evening was provided by Don Roderick, magician; Ben Silverton and Margaret Lewis, of Toronto, and they did a fine job the lat­ ter upholding their reputation as a popular Canadian musical team. Lion President H. L. Sturgis outlined something of the work of the Lions club and extended a welcome to those present. Following the entertainment the barkers let loose and the various games of chance, draws for chickens, draws for grocer­ ies, bingo, darts, and the re­ freshment booth all drew their quota of customers. Dancing to •Flannigan’s orchestra took place in the Ten tickets drawn for Wednesday evening and tlie lucky winners were: Keith Strang, Hensail; A. F. Austin, Windsor; Dr. George, Lucan; Mrs. Eva Gill, Grand Bend; Betty Hunkin, Bel­ more; Larry Williams, Exeter; P. Bluett, 57 5 Victoria Ave., London; Mrs. H. H. Atkinson, 519 Glenroth, Toronto; Sandra Beptie, 814 Adelaide St., Lon­ don; Margaret Bice, Clande­ boye. Door prizes went to Marie Cutbush, Mrs. Norman_ Seaman, Eugene Beavers, Sutherland, J. B. Prize Winners ■On Thursday Marconi combination radio phonograph, value $125, to Mrs. Edna Murphy, of Grand Bend; electric rangette to Reg. Knight, Exeter; lady’s dress, to Mrs. Reg. Beavers, Exeter; el­ ectric toaster to Mrs. M J Samson Burke, R.R. 6, London; electric fan to Norman Harburn, Exe­ ter. Ten prizes of $7.50 each were won by Ronald Fletcher, Woodham; Mrs. W. R. Sillery, Exeter; Garnet Shipman, Exe­ ter; Stella Kazmer, 72 Byron. Ave., London; Eleanor Hunkin, Exeter; Donald Bray, Kirkton; Wm. Harris, 8 Taylor Ave.. London; Cl____ ________ ter; Chas. A. Smith, 300 borne St., Simcoe; Miss ■Lloyd, Pt. Credit. Door won Thursday Harness, Mrs. Passmore, "Wm. Jack Stewart. A mystery prize of $5 to the holder of book tickets number­ ed 4135 ■claimed. book of them in P, Bowey. Financially the returns be down quite from former years. gym. five sold dollai’ prizes for the draw were ■on A. C. A. Mrs, Creech. evening Eric the ■and went ILllOj o Luijlwl Charles McCarter, Exe- Col- Ruth wereprizes of $5 each by Miss Greta Lawson, Aimer ■Chambers and to 4140 is yet to be Anyone holding tickets to the secretary. should this turn Jas. will considerably Wheat Club claimed received 15, 1947 Mr. Des Jardine dam* in an when Names Wi nners The following are the* results of the 50 Bushel Wheat Club, conducted under the sponsorship of the local ■committee of the Crop Improvement Association in 1948. Those scores are on the basis of actual yield, and also th© Held score. Name, address, yield in bushels per acre, field score and total score are listed in that order. The total score is arrived at by multiplying the yield by two and adding the field score. Harvey < 8 7, 204.8: sail 60.1, Hargrave, 89, 107.2: boro 53.0. Bradley 188.2: 54.0, Strang, John Bradley, 81, 183.8: Seaforth. 2 John Taylor, 84, 178.2; pen 39-3, 1 Underwood, 67, 149.8; ... „ Seaforth 36.5, 73, 146.0; Ken­ neth Johns, Woodham 40.4, 65, 145.8; Allan Waiver, Parkhill 33.4. 78, 144.8, Craig, Walto Jim McEwa 82. 202.2; Gowanstown, Roy Bros., . s:i. , Goderich, 3 R. E. SOI, Exeter L 58.9, n, Hen- Edgar 53.6. Lond.es- Eldon ■ 6, 85, Exeter Harry 187.2; 189.0; 51 Pooley, lss.i' : 52.6. 82, Goderich, 3 51.4, W. J. McDowell, .46.7, 86, 179.4; Wingham 3 47.1, Wm. McKenzie, Kip- 82L 160.Nelson , Wingham, 1 41.4, J. Arnold Jamieson, •-* E?. A ft A • | Mrs. Hanna tn, of Victoria, j B.C., is visiting at tho homes of L. J. and A. I. Penhaie. w