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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-10-07, Page 3
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7, 1948 Beef Cattle Shem with MINARD’S LINIMENT ► Rub on trecly, note quick relief. Grca»ele«a. IARce ccoHOMicAi F®®t-dryins, ■ Page 3 «•■ One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evemngs throughout the week Open tliis Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout the Week BOYLE’S Service Station YOU Bull—Roy Nether- St. Marys; cow—R. Nether- Hirst and second), Clar- Switaer, St. Marys; heifer Nethercott (first and se ll eif er calf—R, Nether- and second); hull Nethercott; her d—R. male and female -R, Nethercott. O’Neil, milch co w—W. S. heifer—W. S. O’Neil, Granton; heifer— W. S. O’Neil; bull calf—W. O’Neil (first and second); hei fer calf, herd, male and female sweepstakes—W. S. O’Neil. ■Grades—Clarence Switzer (ten firsts, five seconds. Stall fed market cattle: Year- old steer—Roy Nethercott. Baby beef; Blanshard—-Roy Nethercott, Clarence Switzer, Usborne—Robert Kinsman, Kip pen, Warren Brock, Granton *); Agricultu- S. Thomas 4, Mitchell, War- Shorthorn; cott, cott ence —-R. cond); cott (first calf—R. Nethercott; sweepstakes- Herford: Bull—W. S. Denfield; O’Neil; Robert Hern, O’Neil;S. pen, Warren Brock. (second and third); ral Society, grade steer—-W. O’Neil, Robert Kinsman McKenzie, R.R. ren Brock. Agricultural heifer—Warren Switzer. Traquair’s special—Ross Mar Society special, Brock, Clarence Can Buy Peace of Mind aIt is not, by any means, fantastic, because, for small expenditure, you can buy peace of mind . . the. peace which copies from knowing that, with personal liability policy, you are insured aga&ist claims by someone whom you may accidentally, in jure, or who may be injured while on your premises. It’s true. You may not know it, but the law and often does . . . hold you responsible for cidents or for damage to their property. Here is an actual ease proving that you a can . . . such ac- too ©an be held responsible for such accidents . . . and if you are, YOU PAY. Phones: \y/ II LJ J Office 24 W. Herman Hodgson Residence 162J Exeter. Ontario The Insurance Man Bobby left his rol ler skates on ’ the sidewalk, someone came along, tripped, twisted his back, cracked his elbow. Dl wlib &4WCSP «E2> MEANS M0XE EGGS shall, Kirkton; Nutt special—W. S. O’Neil. Judge; James H. Robinson. Dairy cattle; Mrs, G. C. Doupe (tw-o (one (six sweepstakes). Sheep Robert Kinsman, Kippen first, five seconds; Charles Kirkton (five firsts, conds); Harry Hern, (two seconds; Elizabeth Taylor, Science Hill (three firsts); Al den Craven, Ailsa Craig (six firsts, five seconds); Donald Deering, Exeter (five firsts, three seconds); P. E, Dearing Son (six firsts, five seconds).. Judge: Lincoln J. White, Hogs Yorkshire: Boar—M. Litt Son (first and second); sow- Jos, Taylor; Tam worth—George Douglas, Mitchell (four firsts, four seconds); grade-—George Douglas; ‘bacon sow—G. Doug las; Eaton Bacon Hog Special— Allan Berry, Woodham; Alvin Crago, St. Marys; Roy Francis, Kirkton; Robt. Ratcliffe, Ander son; Keith Fraser, Science Hill; Frank Anderson, Science Hill; pen of five shoats—Alvin Hodge of Science Hill. Judge: Percy L. Switzer. The bacon hogs were sold auction to C. Schneider firm $35.90. Poultry Anconas—J. firsts, Rocks- two seconds); F. McClymont (one first, two seconds); Barred Rocks, s h o w—F. McClymont (one first); Barred Rocks, unti- lity—Thos. Crew (two firsts), Milne Pullen (two firsts); Fred McClymont (one second), Mrs. H. Hern (one second); R.I. Reds—-F red MyClymont (three firsts, two seconds); Albert Ber ry (one second); Black Minor- cas—F. McClymont (four firsts, three seconds); White & Brown Leghorns—Fred McClymont (six firsts, six seconds); Jersey Black Giants—Fred McClymont (three firsts, three seconds); Albert Berry (one first); White Wyandottes—F. McClymont (four firsts, three seconds); Colum bian Wyandottes—Thomas Crew (two firsts, two seconds); New- hampshires-—F. McClymont (foui' firsts, three seconds); AVuerth’s Special—Milne Pullen; Hogarth’s Special—Fred McClymont; Lake view Special—Newton Clark. Geese: Emden—N. Clarke (four firsts). Ducks: Rouen—Albert Berry (three firsts). Rabbit: Charles Volk (first and second). Judge: A. E. Doan, Thorndale Domestic Science syrup—Mrs. C. Routly, Rundle; . maple sugar— Berry; white bread— Doupe, Mrs. L. Stone, firsts); Newton second); Ross firsts, two seconds Clarke Marshall and (five Volk, three se- Granton Smith for at Kitchener & '' A '•■''? '' U Use Shor-Gain 17% Laying Mash In 194-5, the Canadian average egg production was 118 eggs per hen — this compared to an average of 135 eggs per ben in B.C. Better feeding made the difference. Egg production depends on good stock, good man agement and good feeding. The most common reason for the low average production is poor feeding dur ing the winter months. Follow The SHUE-GAIN WAY to TOP Production 'X CANN’S MILL LIMITED EXETER WHALEN CORNERS Grain and Seeds Fall wheat’ A. Berry, J. Harris; Hooper & oats—M, Nott; bus. M. Hooper & Son; beJns—Lome Doupe; small white beans—N, Doupe, o. Ro ger; bantam corn—N, Doupe, M. Hooper & Son; Indian corn—-M. Hooper & Son; sweet corn- Hooper & Son, J. Harris; lage corn- J. Switzer; ears, ensilage C. J. Switzer, M. Hooper Roots and Katadin vuupv, M. Hooper & Son; Chippewa po tatoes—M, ~ mountain potatoes— Fred McCly- mont; Irish cobblers—E. Nott, R. E. Doupe; dooleys potatoes —M. Hooper & Son: other varie ty potatoes—R. Ratcliffe, E. Nott; Swedish turnips—-0. Ro ger, M. Pullen; shipping turnips —J. Harris, N, Clarke; heaviest turnips—O. Roger, N. Clarke; field carrots-— Thos. Crew, M. Hooper & Son; long mangels— T. Crew, J. Harris; white sugar mangels—M, Pullen, E. Nott; red mangels—M. Pullen, Thos. Crew; heaviest mangels—M. Pul len; .garden carrots—Mrs. M. Hammond, Mrs. M. B. Gallop; short garden carrots—Mrs. M. B. Gallop, M. Hooper & Son; parsnips—M. Hooper & Son, Mrs. M. B. Gallop; beets—A. Crago, E. Taylor; flat cabbage —0. Sawyer, N. Clarke; red cabbage—-T. Crew, 0. Sawyer; round cabbage—-Mrs. G. C. Doupe, T. Crew; celery—O. Saw yer, E. Nott; red tomatoes—J. Harris, Mrs. M. B. Gallop: pink tomatoes—Mrs. H. Sawyer; citrons—M. Son, F. McClymont; kin—F. Roger, F. large pumpkin-—T. A. Wiseman, M. Hooper & Son; watermelons —M. Hooper & Son, 0. Sawyer; muskmelons—O. S a w y e r, E. Nott; table squash—A. Berry, M. Hooper & Son; mammoth squash-—M. Hooper & Son; hub bard squash—-M. Hooper & Sori, E. Nott; cucumbers T. Crew. F. Roger; onion, from seed—A. Crago, N. Clarke: Dutch set onions—T. A. Wiseman, Mrs. M. Hammond; collection of ve getables—E. Nott, 0. Sawyer; Farmers’ Club Special, wheat— M. Hooper & Son, A. Crago; J. Taylor; oats—M. Hooper & Son, N. Clarke; barley—M, Hooper & Son, N. Clarke, J. Harris, J. Taylor; Field Crop Competition —M. Hooper & Son, N. Clarke, J. Taylor. » Judge: Norman Carter. Art Landscape oil painting—T. Wiseman, Mrs. Ed Darling: other painting—T. A. Wiseman, Mrs. Darling; Mrs. Darling (six firsts for other art entries); amateur photography—Albert Berry. Judge: I)r. C. A. Campbell. Fruit; Fred McClymont, Var na, thirty firsts, two seconds; Mrs. Clarence Routly, three firsts, one second; Jim Harris, two seconds; Clarence Switzer, ' one second; Concord grapes— • Jean Hanna, Mrs. M. B. Gallop; 'Niagara grapes—Wallace Selves [Jim Harris. ‘ | Judge: W. J. Knapp. Cut Flowers Snapdragon—Mrs. W i 1 f r e c Doupe, Otis Sawyer; straiglu petalled asters—M. R. Litt & Son, Mrs. W. Doupe; curvec asters—Mrs. Burgin, Mrs. W Doupe; basket of straight asters —Mrs. Burgin, Otis Sawyer; basket of curved asters—'Otis Sawyer, Mrs. W. Doupe; cosmos —Mrs. Burgin, Mrs. W. Doupe; dahlias with foliage Alvin Cra go, Mrs. W. Doupe; miniature dahlias—M r s. B u r g i n, M r s. Doupe; show dahlias, Mrs. W. Doupe; carnations—Mrs. L. Har ris, Mrs. Burgin; single gladioli —Mrs. W. Doupe, Elgin Nott; six gladioli—Mrs. Burgin, Elgin Nott; basket of gladioli—Mrs. Doupe. Mrs. Burgin; balsams— Mrs. H. Hern, Mrs. Burgin; stocks—Mrs. A. Cole, Mrs. Bur gin; .phlox, Drummond!—Mrs. A. Cole, Mrs. Doupe; phlox peren nial—M r s. Burgin, Mrs. W. Doupe; single petunias—Mrs. Burgin, Albert Berry; double pe tunias—Mrs. Burgin; salpiglossis —Otis Sawyer, Mrs. H, Hern; salvia—0. Sawyer, Mrs. Doupe; scabiosa—Otis Sawyer, Mrs. M. B. Gallop; African marigold— O. Sawyer; Mrs. Burgin; French marigold—E 1 g i n Nott, Albert Berry; dwarf marigold—O. Saw yer, E. Nott; verbenas—'Mrs. M. B. Gallop, 0. Sawyer; pansies Mrs. Burgin; large zinnias Mrs. Burgin, Mrs. Gallop; sm zinnias—Mrs. Gallop Hammond —Mrs, display perennials Mrs. ' ‘ “ Mrs. cut Burgin; spray- Doupe; best display roses Burgin, .. Cole; miniature -garden yer, Mrs. Hammond. House Plants Amaryllis—Mrs. Burgin rous rooted begonias—M: Routly, herons Cole; mo nd: h ouse plants-- Mrs. C. Routly A. Berry; oats— Jim Harris; barley bus. fall wheat—M. Son, E. Nott; bus. Hooper & Son, E. barley- N. Clarke, large white home D o u p e; •M. . ensi- ■M. Hooper & Son, C. corn— & Son. Vegetables potatoes--N.Coupe, Hooper & Son; green & by the for C. Shean (four four seconds); White —J. C. Sean (three firsts, seconds); Maple Mrs. A. Mrs. A. Mrs. E. brown bread—R. E. Doupe, Mrs. E. Darling; buns—R. E. Doupe, Mrs. M. Hammond; tea biscuits —M. Pullen, Mrs. A. Rundle; angel cake—Mrs. H. Hern, Mrs. E. Darling; light cake—Mrs. La verne Stone, Mrs. Rundle; jelly roll—Mrs. A. Berry, Mrs. M. Hammond; bran muffins—-Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. L. Stone; sponge cake—Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. A. Berry; dark cake—Mrs. L. Stone, Mrs. A. Rundle: apple pie—Mrs. , H. Hern, Mrs. L. Stone; lemon pie—Mrs. A. Run dle; Mrs. M. Hammond; dough nuts—Mrs. E. Darling; pumpkin pie—Mrs. L. Stone, Mrs. E. Darling; tarts—Mrs. L. Stone, R. E. Doupe; oatmeal cookies—■ F. McClymont, Mrs. L. Stone; meat loaf—Mrs. A. Berry, Mrs. H. Hern; relishes—Mrs. A. Run dle, Mrs. A. Berry; jelly—R. E. Doupe, T. pickles—R. E. Doupe; sweet pic kles—Mrs. Doupe; catsup— Mrs. A. Rundle. Canning Rhubarb—Elizabeth T a y 1 o r, Mrs. A. Berry; cherries-—Mrs. M. Hammond. Mrs. C. Routly; raspberries—Mrs. A. Berry, Fred Roger; pears—Orville Roger, E. Nott: plums—Mrs. M. Ham mond, E. Nott; peaches—Mrs. A. Berry, Elizabeth Taylor; strawberries—M r s. A. Rundle, Mrs. C. Routly; apples—Mrs. M. H a m m o n d, Mrs. C. Routly; grapes-—Mrs. A. Roger, E. Tay lor; corn—Mrs. C. Routly, Mrs. M. Hammond; peas—0. Sawyer, Mrs. A. Berry; tomatoes—Mrs. M. Hammond, Mrs, M. B. Gal lop; vegetable marmalade—Mrs, A, Rundle; chicken—Mrs. A. Rundle, Mrs, A. Berry; noon lunch—Mrs. A. Berry, Mrs. M. Hammond; jellied chicken-—Mrs. A. Berry. Robin Hood Specials: Bread —iR. E- Doupe; sponge cake— Mrs. E. Darling; apple pie—Mrs. oat tea A. Wiseman; sour A. Berry, R. E. ■Mrs. C. Routly A. Berry; Clymont; Clymont. Purity 'Flour cookies—F, Me- biscuits—F. Me- Specials: Bread —Mrs. E. Darling; rolls—Mrs. G. C. Doupe; tea biscuits-—Mrs. A. Rundle; plain cake—Mrs. A. Berry, Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Specials: Tea Biscuits—Mrs. G. C, Doupe, M. Pullen, Mrs. L. Stone. • Butter: Five pounds in crock, fancy display, five pounds in 1- pound prints—Mrs. A. Rundle. Judges: Mrs, R. W, Switzer, Mrs. James Stephen. Davis, 0. Hooper & pie pump- McClymont; Burgin 'gin, ■Mrs. Gallop, Mrs best display annuals Hern, Mrs. Cole; best ■Mrs. Cole, Burgin; bride’s bouquet.— Cole, Mrs. Burgin; if lowers—Mrs. Cole. ■Mrs. Cole, R. E, general display Mrs. M. Hammond rooted begonia,-—-Mrs M. Ham flowering Mrs. Hammond, ; house plants, fuschia—Mrs. •collection of foliage, asparigus, plmnosus, se cond Qtis Sawyer; asparigus Springer!—Mrs. ITammond; fancy leaf begonia—Mrs. C. Routly; terns—Mrs. M. Hammond, Robt. Spence; collection of foliage plants—-Mrs. M» Hammond; win dow box—Mrs. Burgin, Mrs. Gallop; coleus—Mrs. A. Cole, R. E. Doupe. Judge: Ralph Bailey. Ladies’ Work Appliqued quilt—T. A, Wise man, Mrs. A. Berry; fancy quilt ed quilt—Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. E. Lawson; pieced cotton qiult —Mrs. E- Darling, Mrs. T. Con stable; bedspread and wool com forter—-Mrs, E. Darling; braided floor mat—-Mrs. A. Berry, Mrs. E. Darling; hooked rag floor mat—Mrs, E. Darling, Elgin Nott; hooked yarn floor mat - Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. A. Berry. Bedroom furnishings: Cutwork pillow cases—Mrs. T. Constable, Mrs. Jaques; cross stitch pillow cases—Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. A. Berry; other style pillow"cases —-Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. A. Berry; sheet and pillow case set—Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. E. Darling. Bath towel and wash Mrs. A. Berry, Mrs. guest towel—Mrs. E. Mrs. T. Constable; dressing ta ble set—Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. E. Darling; vanity set—-Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. Jaques; laundry bag—Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. E. Lawson; ladies' bed jacket—Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. E. Lawson; boudoir pillow—Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. E. Lawson. Living room accessories: 'Ches terfield set—M t s. A, Berry, Mrs. T. Constable; wool cushion —Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. A. Ber ry; any style cushion—Mrs. E. A. Berry; afghan cushion—-Mrs. T. Constable, E. Darling; table centre— E. Lawson, Mrs. E. Darl- table runner—Mrs. E. Law- Mrs. E. Darling; accessory—Mrs. T. Mrs. Jaques; card •Mrs. E, Darling, cloth-— Jaques; Darling, apron— Mrs. E. Darling; work apron—-Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. A. Berry; tea apron—Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. E. Darling; slip—Mrs. E, Darling; pyjamas—Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Constable; handerkerchief Dawson, Mrs. T. Con- E. Lawson, scarf and glove suit—Mrs. E. Darl- sweater—Mrs, A. H. Davis; carriage A. Berry, Mrs. E, infant's jacket, bonnet E, —Mrs. E. stable; gloves—Mrs. Mrs. Darling; set, knitted ing; fancy Berry, Mrs. cover—Mrs. Darling; and booties—Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. E. Darling; child’s knitted or crocheted dress—Mrs, Jaques, Mrs. H. Davis; child’s cotton dress—-M r s. Jaques, Mrs. E. Darling; infant’s dr es s-—M r s. Jaques, Mrs. E. Darling; boy’s sweater—Mrs. T. Constable, Mrs. E. Lawson'; men’s wear, shirt— Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. T. Consta ble; pyjamas—Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. E, Lawson; gloves—Mrs. T. Constable, Mrs. E. Lawson; mitts—Mrs. A. Berry, Mrs. E. Darling; fine wool socks—-Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. A. Berry; coarse wool socks—Mrs. A. Ber ry, Mrs, E. Darling; pullover-— —-Please Turn to Page Eight PHONE HARDWOOD & TILE FLOORS LAID Old Floors Re-Finished Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rlO Darling, Mrs. and Mrs. Mrs. ing; son, ing ble, cover— Jaques. Dining room furnishings: Buf fet set—Mrs. Harold Davis, Mrs. A. Berry; tablecloth—Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. E. Lawson; lun cheon set—Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. Jaques; luncheon set—Mrs. Constable, Mrs. E. Darling; viettes—Mrs. T. Jaques; tatted Mrs. L. Harris, any style centre Berry, Mrs. Jaques; Mrs. T. Constable, E. Nott; kit chen accessories, tea towels and pan holders—Mrs. E. Darling; kitchen curtains—Mrs. E. Darl ing, Mrs. T. Constable; curtain tie back—Mrs. Jaques. Personal wear; Housecoat— Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. E. Darl ing; smock—Mrs. E. Law’son, Mrs. E. Darling; housedress and new liv- Consta table Mrs. T. I ser- | Constable, Mrs. i centre piece-—! Mrs. Jaques; piece—Mrs. A. tea cosy— G A R AX Q E BODY NOISE5 REMOVED 'OK Son-You’ve Got a Job There are some noises we can’t stop. But if they’re coming from the surely can. Drive you’ll drive away Our Greases and Regularly I body or chassis of your car, we on to our grease rack—in jig time in a “hushed” smoother riding car. Aviation Oil Are Tops—Use Them. A.— Your Studebaker Dealer — basket Mrs. GRAHAM ARTHUR For the Man Who Takes Appearance Inlaid LinoleumCongoleum Rugs EXETER New congoleum rugs and inlaid linoleums patterns. Come in and look them over. Men. have you seen the fall samples of our new' line of made-to-measure cloth ing by Savile-RowCanada's second largest clothiers ? Smart cloths are here for you to choose your fall and winter suit, topcoat or overcoat. We invite you to come in and inspect them. Handsome, tailoring, .smart designing and quality malerials go into a garment by Savile-Row assuring the. man who takes pride in his appearance of a suit, topcoat or overcoat that will give him that well-groomed looked. PHONE 16