HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-09-30, Page 11“WHAT A BREAK! Ifs the same Superb Max­ well House Coffee blend in either the Super* Vacuum Tin (Drip or Regular Grind) or the Glassine-lined Bag (AR Purpose Grind) Taxi Service Phone: Crediton lgrll Exeter 357 or Where WHAT Kind of Gravel (Fine, coarse, cement or road) WHEN You Are Ready WHERE as close to your work possible. WE DELIVER as WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs, Fred Doupe and Grace visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger, of Kirkton. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Mills, of Scottsville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ken Mills days with Mr. and Esson, of Sarnia. Mr. and and Norene, on Sunday Ray Mills, Mr. and and family with -and Airs. Henry Small, of St. Thomas. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Stone, of Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ ley Mountain, of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mrs. G. Copeland and Mrs. M, Copeland. • Rev. S. Brenton, of Londes- boro, was guest speaker ■at the church service Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Powell, Russel, Nancy and David, of Watford, and Mr. and Mrs. Mur­ ray Thomson, of Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. William Thomson. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Kennings and Mr. and Mrs. George Ken­ nings, of Denfield, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Willis. Mr. Ken Mills commenced his second year at the University Western Ontario this week. Ray spent Mrs. Mrs. Lome of Fullarton, visited with Mr. and Mrs* .the V Mrs. Norris Webb visited on Sunday latter’s parents, Mr. Walters Mills. a few William THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 HE.NSALL her ■f Sarnia. ON GUARD attended Linden- in Exeter and Bar- and Mrs. and Mrs, were Sunday and Mrs. A. Clinton, Mr. home of Mr, and. of ! Cudmore Gravel Phone Exeter 171r3 9H We Have WHITE PINE Some Dressed, Some Matched Good Quality and It Is Dry Prices Are Right A. J. CLATWORTHY — We Deliver — Phone 12 Granton ( Help Nature To Eliminate Waste A combination of valuable vege­ table remedies, blended together ■under rigid standards of purity, Milburn’8 Laxa-Liver Pills are often valuable in the relief of constipa­ tion and minor disorders of the liver, •stomach and bowels. They help the eliminatory organs and clear the system of waste which is often the cause of constipation, •sick and bilious spells, headaches •and heartburn. Once tried, you’ll be delighted by the renewed feeling of well-being which they help to produce. Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills are on sale at all drug counters. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, On«. BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mpls , Mr. and Mrs. .- , and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson and family spent Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs, Jas Mal­ oney, of Blyth. Mr. Jack Thomson and Char­ lie, Mr. Orville Steckley, all of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Jack Thomson and Mr. Fred Thomson. Charlie re­ mained for a week. Miss Shirley Mills entertained a number of her girl friends to a birthday party at her place on Saturday afternoon. The af­ ternoon was spent in playing games. Lunch was served in the form of a weiner roast. Birthday cake was also served, were Marilyn Lorna Dann, Those attending Brine, Rose, man, Ruth Carter. Mrs.. Jas. leen, Mr. Saturday in Loudon with and Mrs. Lloyd Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang­ ford and evening Gladwyn Master the week-end with his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack­ er and family and Mrs. Fred Pattison and Jimmie Hodgins attended Zion West anniversary on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and two on Woodham, Viola and Mary Swartz- Hooper and Norma Mossey and Kath- Wes. Mossey spent Mr. Walter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hooper. Jimmie Hodgins spent Mrs. Leonard Thacker Mrs. Orville Langford sang duets at Zion Sunday. Miss Audrey London, spent with her Parkinson. anniversary of week-end Mr. Fred Parkinson, the brother, The average Newfoundland in­ shore fisherman has an income of from $800 to $ 1,000-a year. Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street. Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36j Closed Wednesday Afternoon ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER. ONTARIO GLADMAN and COCHRANE DR. J. W. CORBETT D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building, Exeter Telephone 273 BARBISTERS - SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensail, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. otf RING 138 JOHN WARD Optometrist EXETER Day Except Phone 348 Chiropractor and MAIN STREET, Open Every Week Wednesday ARTHUR FRASER ALVIN WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specializing in Fann and Purebred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 R. 1 DASHWOOD Income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, etc. Ann St., EXETER, Phone 355w of WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you jour property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. dr Phone 43-2 i E. F. CORBETT LICENSED auctioneer Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER. R>R> 1 Phone Zurich 92r7 Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and. Donna, of Blenheim, visited over the week-end at the Mrs. Rigby’s parents, Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Mrs. Joseph Bolton the reception after the f iel d-Gilm our wedding Saturday. Mrs. Mary Hennessey of Lon­ don spent the week-end with with Mrs. Elsie Case. Miss Frances Carpenter, of London, was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing, of Exeter, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Moix1. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid and Mr. Eric Reid, of London, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Case. Mrs. Emma Shepherd, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Glenn, Miss Helen Swan returned home from a pleasant visit with friends in. Goderich. Mrs. Coleman, of Windsor, vi­ sited recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kirby and Miss Roberta Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrand, of Leamington, visited recently with their daughter, Miss Anita Hildebrand. Rally Carmel Sunday, Tinney, tendent. dispensed the Sacrament of Bap­ tism, bies Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. guson delivered a splendid ad­ dress on the subject “The Lord Is My Shepherd", after which Miss Marion Tinney recited the Twenty-third Psalm. United Evening Auxiliary The United Church Evening Auxiliary held its opening meet­ ing of the fall season in the school room on Monday night, September 13, with the vice- president, Mrs. J. Corbett, in the chair. After singing Song and the hymn Rest and Gladness", Prayer was repeated. Mrs. J. iFdynii took the worship service, Day service was held in Presbyterian Church on conducted by Mr. Geo. Sunday school superin- Rev. P. A. Ferguson Those presenting their ba- for baptism were- Gordon Schwalm, Frank Wright and Cameron. Rev. P. Mr. Mr. Mr. A, and and ■and Fer- the Theme “O Day of the Lord’s CENTRAUA Mr. and Mrs-. P. Jackson, of Hamilton, Miss Peggy Solinger and Mr, Carl Brunsen, of Toron­ to, wer?, Sunday visitors at the home of LAC and Mrs. L. Bus- selle, Miss Margaret Cook of Water­ loo spent the week-end at home. Mrs. Frank Trivia, Mr. Mrs. Herbert Trivia and bara, of Toronto visited over the week-end with Mr. Lome Hicks and Mr Andrew Hicks. Mr. Truman Mills, spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. IL Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Proctor and Douglas, and Mrs. Donald, •< visitors • Proctor •£ Mrs, ma Urquhart, of Kirkton, were Friday visitors at the home of Miss Winnie Field and with Mr, and Mrs. Lome Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomas were Sunday visitors with the latter's brother, lAC and Mrs. Sewell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and family visited with friend in St. Marys on Sunday. Mrs. S. Henry and family, of Listowel, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mrs. William Bowden was a Sunday Mr. and attended services. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harrison and family and Mr. Jack Reeder spent the week-end with rela­ tives in Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. E. O’Brien and daughter, of Strathroy. week-end with Mr and O’Brien. Mrs. A. Harlton. <has i home after spending with her daughter in Flint, Mi­ chigan. There will in the church of this week members sent. Mr. R. week-end Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. Mr. B. D. to his home pital. Miss couver, I weeks ; Essery. ; trice of William Skelton and of Lucan with Mr. and Doreen, Urquhart and Miss Nor- of Kjrkt<m guest nt the home of Mrs. Norman Brock and the Zion anniversary sent the Mrs. C. returned a week are be choir practice on Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. All urged to be pre- of London, was aHill, guest at the home of CREDITON 5AST Mr. Dan Truemner has re­ turned home after spending the past three weeks in Belmont with his son, Howard and. Mrs. Truemner, Mr. and Arliss and santly entertained to dinner the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rader, Zurich, last the occasion being weddinu ‘ ___ Mrs. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherly and gandson, John Gillies and Mrs. Frank Sehudlng, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Motz. Mrs. R. Motz returned home Saturday from Toronto after at­ tending O.E.S. convention in the Royal York Hotel last week Master Ronald Motz holiday­ ed in Exeter last week with his sister, Mrs. Fred Darling. Quite a number from here at­ tended Exetei’ Fajr last Thurs­ day. Mrs. Aaron Wein, Wilmar were plea- a* M Zurich, last Saturday occasion being the 30tb g anniversary of Mr. and BRINSLEY Owing to anniversary services at Crediton United Church on Sunday next, October 3, services at Brinsley will be withdrawn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hulse and Ml'. and Mrs. A. G. Dar­ ling, of Flint, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. James Trevethick. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins and children spent Sunday af­ ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Dobbs, of Lucan. Mrs. Bailey, of Forest, spent a few Amos. Mr. Grace with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Tre­ vethick, of St. Thomas. days with Miss Mary B. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick and Ruth spent Sunday Day and night, more dependable than ever Today, telephones are four times as free from “trouble” as twenty years ago, and there are twice as many of them! Each month 10,000 are being added so that soon all may have dependable tele­ phone service and the security that goes with it. This is being done in spite of rising costs, yet up to now there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago. For you, this means greater value than ever before; for us, the satisfaction of pro­ viding “the best telephone service at the lowest cost”. THE BEU TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Have you tried a classified lately ? Your / Field has returned from Victoriacharge for consisting of responsive Scripture reading and prayer. Minutes were read and collec; tion taken. Hymn, “Fight the Good Fight", was-sung. During the business session the secretary reported the arri­ val of Christmas cards, which were distributed among t h e group. “Thank-you" letters from Mrs. J. Consitt and Miss Tate were read, referring to hymn, books presented in June. Mrs. C. Passmore sent a “thank-you" note, due to her recent bereave­ ment, while Mrs. J. Corbett ex­ pressed thanks for the get-well card received during illness. Various plans were made for the fall and winter work. The pot-luck supper will be held in the school room on Tuesday night, Oct. 12, at 6:30 o’clock. Mrs. D. Kyle will present the devotional period. Mrs. Hedden is program convener. It was moved by Mrs. Flynn and seconded by Mrs. D. Kyle that Mrs. Jones act as second vice-president till the end of the year.Mrs. Corbett, vice-president, will preside owing to Mrs. Shortt’s removal. The annual Auxiliary Bazaar will take place in the school room on November 20. Members are asked to pre­ sent a collection or souvenirs or trinkets at the October meeting. Mrs. Corbett .gave an interest­ ing talk on the Study Book, chapter 7. The hymn, “Stand Up for Jesus”, concluded the meet­ ing, after which the Mizpah Benediction was repeated. At the close, the social committee served a delicious lunch. Hensall Institute The Hensail Institute opened its fall activities in the form of a pot luck sup.per which was held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday night, Sept. 15. Fol­ lowing the tasty luncheon, the vice-president, Mrs. A. E. Munn conducted a short meeting which opened with singing the Ode, minutes were read and collection taken. The roll call “The most embarrassing _ mom­ ent of my life" proved interest­ ing. Several matters of business were discussed as follows: the secretary reported results of the booths operated at the Fro­ lic on Sept. 8. All expenses paid, proceeds amount to $181- .93; “ - ■ May hour netted 28.00; total aid the Community Fund up to date, 226.53. “Thank you note from Mrs. Forfest, was read re her eavement. A thank you was received front.. Mrs. Mickle referring to and address given daughter Margaret ara Louise daughter Schwalm was also by the group. was read from Mrs. Wm. Johns Exeter, secretary of the Elim- Ville Institute, concerning the Children’s Aid Society, of God­ erich. Members volunteering to attend this meeting are Mrs Beer, Mrs. Norminton and Mrs. A. D. McEwan. Discussion took place re holding another affair I to aid the Arena Fund. Most i members favor a Euchre and ’ tS/ifiM Aft.......•* •*■•*■ » Hos- Van- two • M. McKillop, of ’ is spending ■Miss Beatrice accompanied Bea- a on the Jean B.C., with Jean home and visited for week with friends and relatives in Toronto, Montreal and tawa. i Rally Day Service Mr. Sam Skinner was leader for the annual Rally Day service in the church. on Sunday mor­ ning. Music was provided by members of the Sunday school under the leadership of the su­ perintendent, Mr. Cecil Skinner. A story, “The Llama and the Silver Bird”, was told by Bon­ nie McFalls. The Scjiptue lesson was read by Doreen Proctor. An address wag given by the pastor, Rev. Weir, on the theme “Go Teach All Nation". i t Meeting Cecil Skinner was of the program for the W.M.S. Mrs. charge W Oman’s Missionary Society when they entertained the mem­ bers of the Baby Band with their mothers at the September meeting. The worship service was followed as printed in the monthly. The leader was assisted by several of the members in introducing their new study book on China, A temperance leaflet, “What Price 'Freedom’’, was given by Mesdames Hicks, Penwarden, Gates. Skinner and Bowden. The Baby Band super­ intendent, Mrs. Arthur McFalls, spoke briefly to the mothers and treated all babies to an orange. The lunch committee served a deMcious lunch at the close of the meeting. banker works s a depositor or borrower, you value privacy in money matters. Your banker ' EDGEWOOD Mrs. Young, Arleen and Linda and Mr. J. Hodgins, of Lucan, called on Mrs. R. Moore Saturday afternoon. Mr. Earl Middleton spent Saturday afternoon in London. Miss Vera Moore is working at Chester McCombs’, of Elgin- field, for awhile. Messrs. Vernice and Ivan Paff and Archie May spent Sun­ day with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zubal and Barbara Ann spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs Roy Moore. protects that privacy. Your banking transactions are not open to the eyes and ears of your competitor, your neighbor, your community. In other words, the manager of your branch ■/ the Institute euchre 19 netted 16.60: baking sale qn July 1 givings Building . A I. C. ber- letter i. L. Bank Book her infant Ann. Barb- of Mbs. G remembered Correspondence bank and his whole staff are working for you.J to ,1, the home of with Mrs. Gamer- Speaker will be Seaforth. This ‘s meeting, se members Blue Cross have pay* n* Mrs. F. tendered a Will be held i. Geiger assisting i. Paul Dot. the Grandmother tho Ing- Mrs, on Mrs, is 1 At this meetin enrolled with the plan are asked t ments on hand Beer vote National Mrs. IL Norminton were ses at this . . Bingo was featured minton and Mrs. Horton as callers) Mrs. C. Armstrong, Mrs- Cross, Mrs. A. A. D. McEwan, Mrs. Sheritt, Mrs. F. Corbett, Mrs. C. social evening to take place at W. gangster, Mrs. GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter a later date. The October meet- Mrs. Munh. USBORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President ........ Wm. H. COATES EXeter Vice-Pres.......ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1 MltCheU directors JOHN HACKNEY Ktrktoii, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON .. Cromarty MARTIN FEENEY ...... Dublin MILTON McCURBY Kirkton R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOMAS SCOTT Ctoiharty T. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER ARTHUR FRASER ........ Exeter SOtiCITORS are on hand b Gladys Luker of thanks after which the Anthem was sung. W, Horton and Mrs. apable hostes- enjoyable affair. (Mrs. Nor­ acted . prize ,winners were Stephenson, Mrs, Graham, Motisseau, Mrs. G, Beer, Cook, W. Lt. Mrs. Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Mrs. Smale, Contrast this Canadian way with conditions in lands where freedom is denied—where every bank is a political tool, every banker a public official Working for the State! State monopoly of bonking, proposed by Socialists here, would open your banking transactions to political intrusion. j 4