HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-09-30, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 ' NOTICE WHITEWASHING Atrwgements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Rhone 35rio j sa S 5 Stewart’s Taxi PHONE — Heavy SHIPKA The regular meeting of the W.A. will be held October 7th in the evening at the home of Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratz have returned home from their hon­ eymoon The community extends? congratulations. Anniversary services were well attended in the United Church oib Sunday. Fine ad­ dresses were given by Rev. H. Currie, the pastor, in the after­ noon and by Rev. K. .Wood in the evening. Excellent music was furnished by the Beach O’ Pines trio in the afternoon and by Mrs. Robins, of Crediton, in the evening with Mrs. Johnston as accompanist. LOST I Plaid Jackets LOST—Two full grown grey geese. Please return or write to Mr. Lome Devine, Dash- vood. 30c LOST—A Kodak camera at Grand. Bend at the river neai the boats. Finder please phone 3 5 J, Exeter, Carfrey Cann, 30* LOST—A lady’s gold wrist watch Sunday morning. Fin­ der please leave at Times-Ad vocate. Reward. 30c WANTED WANTED—A used metronome. W. Martin, Exeter South. 30* WANTED-—-Small or medium cook stove in good condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. 30e FOR RENT FOR RENT—3 room unfurnish­ ed apartment in Exeter, A. J. McKerral. 30* They are read by more than 8,900 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31w For an Ad Taker saw NMki FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OF DUPLICATE KEYS cut for most cars and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware. 5tfc FOB SALE —- Chesterfield, bed­ room, and kitchen suite, Elec­ tric rangette, Stromberg com­ bination radio. Call Exeter 306j. C. G. Annis. 23* HOUSES FOR SALE—If you are not in a hurry for posses­ sion we can show you two comfortable houses, well lo­ cated in Exeter, G, V, Pickard Realtor, Main St,, Exeter. 30c F. 3 Smart Checked Trousers for Students An early shipment of Ginart, stylish plaid jackets have arrived. These are of a heavy warm material with buttoned fronts and buttoned pockets, Three bright designs to choose from. 5 If you want more milk to ship, fast, switch your young calves to Purina Calf Startena. It takes very little milk the first month, none at all after that. With cooler nights, flies swarm inside. Clean them up with a shot oi Purina DDT Sprays ... on the cows, on the barn walls, in the home. Take home a supply, next time you are in. Why put up with flies when it is so easy to get rid of them? tf’S MILK you Purina DDT SPRAY FOR RENT—2 furnished rooms with all conveniences and washing machine. Phone 3 68J Exeter. 30* FOR RENT — Garden plot, approx. 20x60 yds. for rent 1 year. .Private agreement. F.L. Mahoney, William St., behind the theatre, Exeter. * She: “My father says a giyl shouldn’t kiss before twenty.” “ He: Well, personally, I don’t like a large audience, either.” Findlay Ranges For maximum heat and baking dependability Findlay Coal and Wood Stoves. Guaranteed years of service. ay Oil Heaters For clean and efficient heating this winter Findlay Heaters, designed for your comfort. YOUR GRAIN WITH COW CHOW SUPPLEMENT Fall is a tough time to keep up cow condition and milk production; yet if you let either one. of them get down, it’s even tougher to get them back up again. What’s the answer? Feed to keep up both condition and production — don’t let them go down. That calls for a ration with real balance. Ask us about Purina Cow Chow. It’s built to do the job! RAISE A GOOD CALF AND STARTENA pl ill For Farm Buildings and Stock Cattle A use by use J Purina 5 Pt RINAS Sanitation Products SOLD HERE 4 Things to Do to Get More Eggs / Feed your birds a mash ’ * that has “what it takes” to produce more eggs. We stock and recommend Purina LAYING MASH D See that your birds get the extra feed (and extra-good feed) that makes the extra eggs. Give them a noon feed, each day, of 3 to 5 lbs. per 100 birds. Purina CHECKERS 2 Knock the roundworms ♦ out of your birds. Give them a week’s treatment with Purina Chek-R-Ton, mixed in their mash. Repeat in 5 or 6 weeks. It works! Purina CHEK-R-TON ^4 Make sure your birds 9 are free of lice — lousy layers won’t lay long. Check up. If you see any signs of lice, get after them right away. We stock and recom­ mend Purina ROOST PAINT Purina LICE POWDER * Entering your flock doesn’t cost you anything . . . adds interest . . . and may win you a prize. Ask us for your copy of the folder describing contest conditions and prizes. Come on in — it’s a fair field and no favors I T raquair’s ----------------Hard ware ’4 Phone 27 Exeter THE STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN FOR SALE—25,000 ft. wool batts, also deep pump with 3B in x 14 cylinder, brass lined, 50 1% in. pipe. W. J. phone 61 Exeter, of .rock well in. ft, Melville, 2 3 tic. FOR SALE—Roasting chickens, dressed and drawn, ready for the oven. Saturday delivery. —J. N. Cowan, Hay P.O. phone Dashwood 4Or 13. 23:30:7* FOR SALE—-Girl’s 3-piece win­ ter outfit, size 4, dark brown, fur trim. Apply to Mrs. Rus­ sell Morley, phone 176rl2 Exeter. 30c FOR SALE Canning corn stalks. Apply to Albert Mit- ~ ’ . 30*chell, Exeter south. FOR SALE—Light Amber hon­ ey for a limited time at IS cents per pound. Ewart Pym, phone 338J Exeter. 30* FOR SALE—Girl’s winter coat, chamois lined, clean; also dresses and skirts sizes J1 and 14 years. Phone 33 8 J Exeter. 3 0 ” FOR SALE—1939 .Chevrolet in ' new condition, low mileage. Phone 41r5 Dashwood. 30* FOR SALE—Sugar beet rack, white ash underlays, 4x6 ce- dar sills and heavy duty rubber tired wagon. Walter Dobbs, phone 8*‘r2 Lucan. 30c FOR SALE—400 Sussex X New Hampshire pullets, started to lay. Aubrey Farquhar, Kip­ pen, 30c fallFOR SALE — Grey-blue shortie coat in excellent con­ dition, modern style dolman sleeves, size 16, buy. Phone 219M Exeter. 30c with real FOR SALE—Furnace in good condition, suitable for small or medium sized house. Apply at Times-Advocate. ;>u* FOR SALE—Child’s high chair, light wood. Inquire at Har­ vey’s Store. 30c FOR SALE—Baby pram good condition. Phone Jackson, Exeter .3 51 J. in Ted 30c FOR and tion, sail. SALE—Enamelled coal wood range, A-l con di­ Jewel. Phone 83r3 Hen- 30* FOR SALE—Little pigs. Apply Hubert Heywood, phone 3 2r 14 Kirkton.* , ■ 30* FOR SALE—Choice quality fall honey in customers’ contain­ ers; 18 cents a pound, for a limited time. D. Parker, Staffa. 3 0c FOR SALE—Gerard Heintzman piano with bench $149.00. W. Martin, Exeter South. 3 0* FOR SALE—Girl’s grey coat With tartan lined hood and matching skirt size 12-13, al­ so girl’s suit (plaid skirt plain jacket with plaid trim) price reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Melvin Moir, Hensall. 30c FOR SALE gent’s motor $28.00. C.C.M. new condition Martin, Exeter bicycle, model, -C.C.M. bike ladies bicycle, $35.00, South. W. 30* FOR SALE—4 00 N. Hamp, pul­ lets, started to lay. Robt. Ross, phone 29r7 Kirkton. 30* FOR SALE—A Coleman, room heater, used one winter. Ap- ply Russell Electric. 3 0* FOR SALE—Studio couch, in good condition. Phone 68W, Exeter. 30* FOR SALE—Electric range, use ful building 14 ft. by 12 ft. Apply at Times-Advocate, 3'0* FOR SALE—2 good Collie pups Phone 177r43 Exeter. 30* HELP WANTED WOMAN WANTED—For clean­ ing two or three days a week, Very good pay for good worker. Apply al Reth- er’s Coffee Shop. 30c WANTED—Baby sitters requir­ ed for afternoons and eve­ nings, Apply Mrs’ Bl' M. Tlal- kett secretary Officers’ Wives Auxiliary. Phone 29 4W. 30c WANTED—A capable girl or woman to assist in small mo­ dern house. Half Live in or out T. M. Webster, Exeter. Phone 9.30 ii.m. or full day. with meals. 30 Ann, St, 377W after 30* ’ARMS—9 7 acres, 94. acres, 122 acres, 150 acres. These farms are all well located and have good buildings with and water pressure. We have 100 buildings, pressure at show you farms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. hydro also acres with good hydro and water $7,000.00. Let us these and other AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE Lumbert. Sale Yards STARTI1ROY SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1948 150 head. Choice heifers and steers. Sale at pan. Trucks to deliver. A. G. McALPINE, Auct. AUCTION SALE 100 HORSES There will be sold Public Auction at RUS-MAR FARM I miles south of Arkona, No. - ’ • - by the 3 yearling 2 FOR SALE—Six lots; brick; 2 in x 10 in. x 26 ft. joist; 2 in, x 6 in. x 17 ft. rafters; hemlock boards and 2 pieces of angle iron. R. Melnnes, Exeter. 23:30* I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SALES OPPORTUNITY for two men with ability. High earn­ ings. Course of training. Plea­ sant work. Write giving qua­ lifications to Reg. Thomas, 100 Dundas .Street West, Lon­ don, Ontario. 4tc auction sale of REAL ESTATE The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction in CREDITON on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1948 at 2:00 p.in. the real estate owned by the late Charles Roeszler, being composed of portions of village lots 20 and 21 in Brown’s, Parsons’ and Sweet’s Survey. 41 There is a one dwelling on the good water supply. TERMS: 10% cash; 1 in 30 days. Property will subject to a reserved bid. WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer HERBERT K. EILBER, Surviving Executor of Charles Roeszler Estate ft. x 16 5 ft. storey stucco place,hydro, balance be sold AGENTS—door men wanted business of their our 250 Guaranteed House­ hold Necessities. Splendid ter­ ritories vacant in your district —'Unlimited possibilities for the ambitious person. Never a dull season. Experience not essential but a car is if you select a rural territory. Very little capital needed. BEST opportunity of starting a busi­ ness of your own. Write for FREE details and CATA­ LOGUE to ’FAMILEX, 16 00 Delorimier, MONTREAL. 16:23:30:7:14 to door Sales- to establish a own with NOTICES The Huronia Male Choir will commence rehearsals Tues­ day evening, October 5 at 8.00 p.m. Jn James St. Church I School Room. Those interested in joining the choir are invited' to attend this first rehearsal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estates of Charles ltoesz- ler and Mary Roeszler, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Charles Roeszler, late of the Village of Crediton in the County of Huron, Laborer, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of June 19 38 or his widow Mary Roeszler, who died in the said Village of Crediton on or about the second day of August 1948, are required to file particulars of the same with the under­ signed Executor on or before the second day of October 1948, af­ ter which date the said Executor will distribute the estate having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this sixteenth day of September 1948. HERBERT I<. EI.LBER. Executor, Crediton, Ont,23:30 In the Estate of JAMES WIL­ SON MORLEY, K.C., late Village of Exeter, in the of Huron, Solicitor. Creditors and others ___w claims against the above estate are requested to send full par­ ticulars of such claims to the undersigned administrator on or before the twenty-first day of October next, after which date the estates’ assets will be distri­ buted having regard only to claims that have then been re­ ceived. DATED at Exeter the eigh­ teenth day of September 1948. The Canada Trust Company, London, Ontario, Administrator, by Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. 23:30:7 of the County having In the Estate of HENRY RA­ DER. late of the Village of Dashwood in the County ron. Drover. Creditors and others claims against the Estate above deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned execu­ tors on or before the .fifteehth day of October next, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having ’regard only to claims that have then been received. DATED at Exeter the eigh­ teenth day of September 1948. Eim est Henny Rader* Dashwood, Ontario. Donis Henry Rader, Dashwood, Ontario, by their Solicitor, Elmer J). Bell, Exeter, Ontario. 23:30:7 of Hu- (having of the Buy it, sell it, find it, tell it, d o i t(—w i t h (Times-Advocate Want ads. 2tc AUCTION SALE OF “TWIN GABLE” TOURIST CAMP EQUIPMENT Tbs undersigned auctioneer received, instructions to sell by public auction at GRAND BEND on OCTOBER 2, 1948 pm., the following: cabinet, buffet, new;' radio, battery radio, stove, cupboard, couch combination dresser and ward­ robe, 15 scatter rugs, rug 8x10 rug 9x12. 6 kitchen chairs, 1 leather rockers, 3 day beds, 5 small tables, 3 end tables, 5 beds, dining-room table, ches­ terfield and 2 large chairs, felt mat- has SATURDAY, at 1.00 China electric heating mattresses, innerspring tress, mirrors, dishes, pots and pans, vases, fern stands, ery, bird cage, water jugs, oak shelving, carved; large flour can, 3 dressers, pictures and picture frames, trunk, several rolls of wallpaper, 3 screen doors, electric plate, large tin boxes, 6 window screens, rub­ ber stair treads, 2 clocks, 2 fancy baskets, 3 magazine racks 3 end tables, tables, 3 door stops, 2 sad irons, 1 xylophone, 3 toasters, organ and stove pipes, set .of ■typewriter, Underwood; 15 spreads , 3 lawn mowers, boiler, bedroom screen, bag, 15 pairs sheets 20 pillow cases, 18 pair scarves. 10 lunch clothes, J washing machine, copper tub, 1 wringer, electric; 1 couch and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH NORMAN TURNBULL, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. fern- stool, 10 shelves, 1 bed­ wash club pairs 9 mattress covers, pillows, 11 dresser 10 lunch clothes, .machine, copper tub electric; 1 couch AUCTION SALE OF IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 12, Con. 1, STEPHEN Twp 2 miles south of Exeter on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 5, at 1.30 p.m. the following: HORSES: years; bay CATTLE: ing, due in milking, due in Feb.; ’ cow, milking, due in Jersey cow, due in Feb.; 1948 12Black mare, horse, aged. Durham cow, milk- •Mar. ;_Durham cow, Durham . Feb.; ■>.. w—Jer­ sey cow, making, due in Dec.; Holstein cow, milking, due Mar.; 3 heifers, 1-i years; spring and winter calves. IMPLEMENTS: I.H.C. single disc fertilizer drill; C. hay loader, new; I.H..C. 4 row sugar beet scuffler; I.H.C. 7 plate in-throw disc; Cock- shutt scuffler and bean harves­ ter; Cockshutt walking M.H. mower, rake; set sleighs; M.H, rake; fanning rack; stock rack; in 14 13 I.H. I.H.C. harrows; Deering tor; hay wagon; delivery flat and. crate; cutter; sling hay fork rope; sion straw pipes .chains, root heavy harness collars arator; quantity of hay; 650 bus, mixed, grain; bags and sacks; and many oth- 01’ £Ll*ticl(3S» HOUSEHOLD Effects— Cook stove; 2 heaters; washing ma­ chine; phonograph and single bed springs and battery radio; crocks; hre rifle; gas lantern; heater; lawn mower. TERMS—CASH MRS. .ANNIE CHAMBERS, Prop, GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. section 7 ft.; cultiva- single scuffler plow; 4 binder 5 ft.; M.H. steel wheel ♦ side mill; scales ropes; externlumber ; shovels, forks pulper; 2 sets single harness; Anker Holt cream sep- about grain records; mattress 22 call- coal oil . on7 Highway, ip Township of Warwick WED., OCTOBER Oth .At 12.30 p.m. sharp Shetland Pony Colt. Useful Saddle Horses. Indian Ponies, broken. .Clyde Mares, of them registered. 20 Weanlings, Hawk-Magic Man- Arnheim, (A number of these out of half-bred mares). , 5 Half-bred Yearlings. Number of two-year-old Colts 2 outstanding three quarter bred two-year-olds, 20 Weanling, Clydes, Bel­ gians, Percherons. 25 Useful Mares, (a number of them in foal ’ " ' studs. A number of and Bridles. Horses will be No Reserve. TERMS— Rus-Mar Farm and Lester Bros. Proprietors. Sale Held at Rus-Mar Farm In case of rain—sale, will be held under cover! 30c E. M. Lester, Auct. 1 5 2 well 20 700 lbs., a by number Briar to thoro-bred Good Saddles sold as listed. ■CASH AUCTION SALE OF IMPLEMENTS AND LIVESTOCK ’ 18, CON. 12, McGillivray Township for DEAN WHITE on WEDNES., OCTOBER 6, 1948 at 1,30 p.m. the following: CATTLE: Red cow, old, fresh and bred again; heifer, 4 years old, bred; cow, 6 years old, bred July 2; black heifer, supposed to be in calf; farrow cow, milking; 3 two-year-old steers, Hereford; 1 three-year-old heifer; 11 year­ ling steers and heifers; 5 spring calves; 3 summer calves; two- year-old Hereford bull. Farrow sow. HORSES: Black mare, 8 years old; yearling filly. IMPLEMENTS: Rubber tired wagon; set of sleighs; Frost & Wood mower, oil hath; Massey- Harris binder, 7 foot; Deering drill, 13 disc with fertilizer at­ tachment; horse cultivator; set of harrows; stone boat; walking plow; 2-wheel trailer; 3 2 ft. ex­ tension ladder; disc; hay rake; hay rack; buzz saw; set of double harness; 2 collars; sling ropes; barrels, vice, single har­ ness; ropes and pulley stretcher, Renfrew cream separator, near­ ly new: wheel barrow, 3 logging chains; brooder stove; post auger; whiffletrees, forks, shov­ els, spades and other numerous articles. LOT J. R. R. R. 6 years roan roan TERMS—CASH McLEAN, Auctioneer, 2. Parkhill. 30c COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE SATURDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1948 CREDITON at Mrs. Dan Oestreicher’s yard, Main Street, at 1.30 p.m.: Four dining room chairs, leal’ table; 2 wooden beds; stove couch; stretcher; grain corner tables: sausage 3 milk cans; hanging knives and forks; coal pipes; box; 4 pump; lamp; stove; hall rack; dinner set; 8- piece tea set; coal oil oven; two burner electric plate; 2 bed room toilet sets; Sunshine baby carriage, adjustable runners; 9x12 rug; 8x7 Wilton rug; wicker rocker; stove mat 18x47, Rogers silver dinner .knives and forks; window frames and doors with locks; of clothes, black and „ . Beauty rangette, new; plenty of other merchandise. If you have anything to sell, bring it to this sale. Every ar­ ticle articles will be sold to the high­ est lawn mower; suits new, colors blue, grey; Canadian in good condition. All bidder. TERMS—CASH WM. H. SMITH, Auct. Crediton 43r2 30c 7c has been in- by public King Street 1948 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned structed to sell auction in the Village of Hensall, on WEDNES., OCTOBER 13, the following: Sideboard; china cabinet, .din­ ing room table and five chairs: cook stove; wardrobe; studio couch; Philco electric radio: 2 bed room Suites; several rock­ ers; kitchen table, several small tables; electric lamps; uphol­ stered chair; odd chairs; foot stools; couch pillows; paintings, clock; cupboard; Perfection coal oil stove; antiques; serving trays; sewing baskets; all sorts of dishes; drapes; Superior Royal vaccum cleaner; set of ■chesterfield covers; hall rack; clothes rack; dish tack; silver­ ware; copper boiler; several suitcases and othel* articles. MRS. CHAS. JINKS, Prop. ED CORBETT, Auct, 30:7