HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-09-30, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 FOR THAT HARDWOOD & TILE FLOORS LAID Old Floors Re-Finished Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rl0 Are You Ruptured? Our Service is Different. We Sell You a Fit in Our Private • Truss Room Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 years experience. Your Drugs at Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter Lecturer: "Of course you all know what the inside of a corpuscle looks like.” Chairman: ‘‘Most of us do, but you’d better explain for those that haven’t been inside one.” Prize Winners at the^Exeter Fall Fair,^Last Week Buy it, sell it, find it, tell it, do itr—witlx Times-Advocnte WANT ADS. 2.27 class—Wee by Thomas Year- Marva Gratton, E. Sweitzer; H. A. Bailey; E. “ pastel, Sanders, ; squash—-M. E McClymont; bouquet. W. Doupe; basket of cut flow­ ers, scape, Fuss; H. A. , Mrs. J. Hodgert, Mrs. S. Mrs. M. E. —R. winter Clarke; M. E. Hooper Mrs. J. Weber, EXETERPHONE 16 Filson of Denfield; two-year-old sow—A. Hicks, W. R. j^obb & Son, G. Douglas, AV. R. Lobb & Son, A. Hicks; one-year-old sow —IL Filson, G. Douglas; sow, under one year— W. R. Lobb & Son (first and second), q, Doug­ las, H. Filson, G. Dogulas; under ' (first (third fourth and fifth); of bacon hogs—G. Douglas/ Hicks, Archie Etherington Hensail (third and fourth); hoar under six months A. Hicks, G. Douglas (second and third), H. Filson; C - —W. R. Hawkin’s rington. Judge: Poultry Brahmas—Ivan McClymont of Varna (two firsts, two seconds); Orpingtons—I. McClymont (four firsts and three seconds); AVyan- dottes—McClymont (four firsts ■and four seconds; Barred Rocks —I. McClymont (one first, and two seconds), Milne Pullen (two firsts); White Rocks—I McCly- mount (four firsts and one se­ cond); Rhode Island Reds—I. McClymont (two firsts and two seconds); New Hampshire Reds —I McClymont (two seconds), Victor Hogarth of Exetex- (two firsts), Edgar Cudmore & Son of Hensall (one first and two seconds); Black Giants—I. Mc­ Clymont (two firsts and two se­ conds), V. Hogarth (one first); Sussex—I. McClymont (two firsts and two seconds); V. Hogarth (one first); Minorcas—I. McCly­ mont (foui- firsts and three se­ conds) ; AVhite Leghorns—I. Mc­ Clymont (two firsts and one se­ cond, E. Cudmore Son (one first and one second); Brown Leghorns—I. McClymont (three i firsts and one second); Anconas '- ■I. McClymont (four firsts and j three seconds); Wein’s special —E. Cudmore & Sou; Bantams —Bruce Tuckey of Exeter (two firsts and one second ); George. Snell of Exeter (c,vo firsts), E. I Cudmore & Son (one second), IC ster, over 15.2—-A. B. Weber, Brood mare and W- Mayburry; undei’ 15.2—-W. Ailsa Mayburry, Becker & Willert, A. IB. Weber; harness tandem1—W. ■ Mayburry, J. Tye; lady driver— J. Tye, W. Mayburry, J, Tye, Clarence Shean, Road race: Mayburry, Mayburry. Boy or Ironside of W. Etherington. .Pony class: Brood mare and foal—J. Tye, C. Shean, J, Tye; foal—C. Shean, J. Tye, A. W. Etherington; saddle race, undex* ten hands—Miss Ironside, A. W. Etherington, A. Isaac; over ten hands—Whitney Coates of Cen­ tralia; best outfit—J. Tye, S. Ironside, C. Shean; saddle pony —S. Ironside, C. Shean, Becker & Willert. Special t a n d e in, heavy—P. Graham, AV. J. Dale; Sunoco special, best three horses—-AV. J. Dale; Grafton special, best horses—P. Graham. Judge of heavy horses; fred Shaw, Turneville. Judge of light horses: McCready. Cattle Shorthorns: Aged c o w—Roy Nethercott of St. Marys (first, second and third); two-year-old heifer—R, Nethercott; one-year- old heifer—R. Nethercott (first and second), Gerald Millson of Granton; heifer calf—R. Nether­ cott (first and second); bull calf—G. Millson, R. Netlxercott; two-year-old b u 11-—R, Nether­ cott; diploma—R. Nethercott. Herefords: Aged cow—AV. S O’Neil of D e n f i e 1 d, Howard Wright of Cromarty; two-year- old heifer—II. Wright (first and second); one - year - old heifer— Robert Hern of Granton, W. S. O’Neil (second and third); hei­ fer calf—W. S. O’Neil, Howard Wright (second and third); bull calf—W. S. O’Neil, II, Wright; one-year-old bull—AV. S. O’Neil (first and second); two-year-old b u 1 1—AV. S. O’Neil, Warren Brock of Granton, H. Wright; diploma—AV. S. O’Neil. Holsteins; Aged cow—Ross Marshal] of Kirkton, Dick Ja­ cobs of Clinton, Ward Hodgins & Sons of Clandeboye; two-yaar- old heifer—D. Jacobs (first and second). R. Marshall; one-year- old heifer—-R. Marshall, M. Dob­ son of Kirkton, Ward Hodgins & Sons; heifex’ calf (sr.)—W. Hodgins & Sons (first, and se­ cond), R. Marshall; lxeifex- calf (jr.)—R. Marshall, M. Dobson, R. Marshall; bull calf—W. Hod­ gins & Sons, D. Jacobs, Alvixx McGee of Goderich; bull—-W. Hodgins & Sons, R. Marshall: diploma—D. Jacobs. Grade: Heifer calf—A. Wal­ lace of Granton; steer calf—R. Hern. Herd: W. S. O’Neil, R. Nether­ cott; three animals—R. Nether­ cott, W. S. O'Neil, H. Wrighit. Baby beef: Usborne Twp.— AV. Brock (first and second), R. Hern, W- Brock; Agricultural Society—W. S. O’Neil, AV. Brock (second and third), R. Hern, W. Brock. Special prizes: Traquair’s spe­ cial—W. S. O’Neil; Canada Pac­ ker’s special, Shorthorn—R. Nethercott, Her etor d—W. S. O’Neil; T. Eaton Co. Ltd., To­ ronto, special.—R. Marshall; AV. C. Pearce special—R. Hern; Fink’s Butcher Shop special— W. S. O’Neil. Judge: Hume Glutton, R.R. 5. Goderich. Sheep Dorset horned: Aged ram— Preston Dearing & Son of Exe­ ter (first and second), Orval McGowan of Bly th; shearling ram—P. Dearing & Son (first an-d second), O. McGowan; ram lamb—P. Dearing & Son (first and second), O. McGowan; ewe —P. Dearing ■& Son (first and second), O. McGowan; shearling ewe— p. Dearing & Son (first and second), O. McGowan; ewe lamb—P. Dearing & Son (first and second), O. McGowan. Oxford Downs: Aged ram— O. McGowan, Donald Dearing of Exeter; shearling ram—D. Dear­ lamb— Dearing ewe—O. O. Mc- D. Dear- Horses Agricultural: foal—Alden Craven of Craig, first and second; foal—- A, Craven; one-year-old—E. J. ) Atwell of Belton, Arthux* Thomp­ son, R.R, 8, Parkhill; four-year- old—AV. J. Dale of Clinton, Peter Graham of Ilderton, WV J. Dale; diploma—AV. J. Dale. Heavy draft: Brood mare foal—-Petei- Graham, E. J, well; foal—H. J. Atwell; year-old—Peter Graham; year-old—Sanford Reid, Parkhill, Petex* Graham: and At- two- one- R.R. 8, four- year-old—W. J. Dale, Peter Gra­ ham, W. J. Dale; diploma—W, J. Dale. Wagon horses: Brood mare— A. Craven; foal—A. Craven; one-year-old—-A. Craven; single wagon horse—Henry Eagleson of Dashwood (first and second), E, J. Atwell; four-year-old—H. Ea- gleson (first and second). E, J. Atwell. Percheron or Belgian mare and foal­ foal—P. Graham; —-Leonard Hunter (first and second). Roadster; Brood foal—Elmer Restemayer of Zu­ rich, Milne Pullen of R.R. 1, Granton, Harvey Gelinas of Cre- diton; colt—A. Craven, H. Ge­ linas, E. Restemayer, M. Pullen; two-year-old—S. Reid Carriage class: Brood mare ‘and foal-—E. J. Atwell, A. Cra­ ven, Harold Taylox* of Exeter; colt—E. J. Atwell, H. Taylor: three-year-old—Wm. Mayburry of Woodstock; one-year-old—■Arnold Merner of Zurich, Becker & AVil- lert of Dashwood, H. Taylor. Horse in harness; General purpose­ well; P. Graham, draft.—W. J. Percheron or ter; carriage burry; road burry, A. B. pony teams— 2, New Hamburg, A. AV. Ethe- rington, Hensail; single carriage, over 15.2—AV. Mayburry; underW. Mayburry; single road- I i I I i I Brood •Peter Graham; four-year-old of Clinton mare and in -H. Eagleson, E. J. At- agricultural—W. J. Dale, A. Craven; heavy Dale, P, Graham; Belgian—L. Hun- teani—Wm. May­ team s—AV in. M ay- AVeber, Kitchener; -Jack Tye of R.R. that after a hard sum-We don’t need to explain mer of driving, your car should have a thorough check-over to save costly repair bills. Let us look over your car today. South End Service RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 WIN A FREE TRIP TO ISLES Open to Winners of "Esso” Classes at O.P.A. Branch Matches AGAIN THIS YEAR, Imperial Oil Limited offers a grand prize of a free trip to the British Isles to each of the two top men in the "Esso Champions”' Tractor Class at the International Plowing Match at Lindsay on October 15th. The "Esso Champions” Class is open to winners of "Esso Champions Special” classes at O.P.A. branch matches. Don’t fail to enter this class at your local county match. You may be one of the "lucky two.” Get full particulars from the secretary of your county branch of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association. NOTE: Winners of Esso classes at O.P.A. branch matches held last fall, after the 1947 International match, are eligible for the "Esso Champions” class oil October 15th. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Farm Division W. May burry, , Mitchell. A, B. Weber, A. B„ Weber, W. W. i girl rider: Sandra Arva, C. Shean, A. _; sow, six months--G, Douglas and second), a. Hicks pair , A. of Canada Packer’s Lobb & Son; special Archie special George Ethe- five Wil- Carl McGowan; ram Donald third); Dearing, shearling ewe— 0. McGowan (second and ; ewe lamb- ing, O. O. McGowan, (second and McGowan, D. Gowan ing, third; ewe lamb—D. Dearing, O. McGowan, D. Dearing. Shropshire Downs: Aged ram —0. McGowan (first and se­ cond), George A. Armstrong of St. Pauls; shearling ram—O. McGowan (first and second): ram lamb—G. Armstrong O. Mc­ Gowan, G. Armstrong; ewe—O. McGowan (first and second), G. Armstrong; shearling ewe—O. McGowan, G. Armstrong, O. Mc­ Gowan; ewe lamb—0. McGowan, G. Armstrong (second and third). Lincolns: A. D. Steeper of Ailsa Graig (six firsts and four seconds). Leicesters: George Armstrong (three firsts). Southdowns: J. B. Kennedy of Ilderton (six firsts and six se­ conds). Pen long wool: A, D. Steeper; pen short wool: P. Dearing & Son, J. B. Kennedy. judges: A. D. Steeper, John B. Kennedy. Hogs Bacon hogs: Two-year-old boar —Andrew Hicks of Centralia, W. R. Lobb & Son of Clinton, George Douglas of Mitchell; one- year-old boar—G. Douglas; boar under one year—A. I-Iioks, Hugh Mrs. AV. Doupe, Mrs. H. Hern; hand bouquet, Mrs. J, Hodgert; novelty in cut flowers, Mrs. j. Hodgert; spray of flow­ ers, Mrs. W. " Doupe; J. A, Jenkins Ltd. special, Judge, Ralph Bailey. Fine Aids and Crafts Oil Paintings: scene, Donald Petrie, Exeter, Mrs. Edgar Dar­ ling; fruit or vegetables, Mrs. E. Darling; flowers, D. Petrie. Mrs. E. Darling; animals: I). Petrie, Mrs. E. Darling; marine view, D. Petrie, Mrs. E. Darling, portrait, D, Petrie, Sheila Bailey Exeter. Water Colors: land- Darling, H. A E. Darling, ,or flowers, Petrie; Fuss; and Darling; ‘ S. “ E. Darling; pen i H. A. Fuss, S. g, Mrs. E. sepia scene, H. A. Fuss; . A. Fuss; artcrafts: , Marie Cutbush, Grant wooden projects, II. collection of snaps, . Water Mrs. E. seascape, Mrs. Fuss; fruit Mrs. E. Darling, D. iginal study, trait, ject, cellaneous, Mrs. sketch, pencil drawini S. Bailey; Darling, 1 study, H. new craft, Cudmore; A. Fuss ; Mrs. J. Hodgert, Lorna Taylor; Robertson’s special, Mrs. J. Hodgert. Judges, H. L. Sturgis. C. Wilson. or- por- sub- mis- Bailey, and ink . Bailey, Darling. Mrs. E. crayon ■Cecil Jones of Exeter, R.R. 1, & Son; F. Mc- & Son; Pooley. long Exe- heets Mrs, sugar —-N. Clarke, C. Jones; wintex* cabbage—0. Jones; collection of vegetables—R. Sanders, E. Sweit­ zer; W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. Limited, special—R. Sanders, E. Sweitzer. Judge: K. R. Hillier. Commercial Vegetable Feature Cabbage—Mrs. AVilfred Doupe, Archie Etherington, C. Jones, R. E. Pooley, Mrs. AY Doupe Verne Pincombe of Exeter, N Clarke, P, Dearing & Son; tux- nips—R. E. Pooley, Roy Johns, Earl Slxapton, Archie Ethering­ ton, P. Dearing & Son, V. Pin- combe, F. Hicks, C. Jones, N, Clarke H. Pym; sugar beets— A, Etherington, Ar. Pincombe, C. Jones, R. E. Pooley, R. Ethe- rington, A. W. Etherington, F. Hicks; potatoes—<C. Jones, E, Sweitzer, H. Pym, F. McCly­ mont, E. Shapton, M. E. Hooper & Son, P. Dearing & Son, R. E. Pooley; carrots—N. Clarke, E, Shapton, R. E. Pooley, C. Jones; l’ed beets—C. Jones, E. Shapton, R. E. Pooley, P. Dearing & Son. Judge: Stanley. Horse Races First heat, Bobbie, owned ley, Crediton; __ owned by Norman Tedball, Park­ hill; Pine Ridge Orcus, owned by Frank Taylor, Exeter; Eva Braden, owned by Bob Kirby, AValton. Second heat, 2.27 class—AVee Bobbie, Marva Gratton, Eva —Please Turn to Page Ten Vegetables Early potatoes- Exeter, R. E. Pooley of Mrs. George Wright, of Centralia, M. E. Hooper late potatoes^—C. Jones, Clymont, M. E. Hooper group of potatoes—R. E. Ed Sweitzer of Crediton; beets-—Robert Sanders of ter, F. McClymont: globe —N. Clarke, R. Sanders, Cecil AVilson of Exeter; beets—C. Jones; intermediate mangels—H. A. Fuss; tomatoes —-Lorna Taylox- of Exeter; inter­ mediate earrots—-N. Clarke, Mrs. Cudmore & Son (-me second) J C. AVilson: long carrots I. McClymont i one second >; I ders: field carrots— Guineau Fowl- -1. McClymont j M. E. Hooper & Son; (foui* firsts). Utili-ty pens: Clymont, E. McClymont; & Son, I. and third); inont, M. Pullen, E. Son; Minorcas—I. (first and second). Rabbits; G. Snell; pair geons: G. Snell, M, Pullen. Judge: Jack Weber. Grain and Seeds Sheaf of wheat—M. E. & Son of St. Marys, Strang of Hensall, H. A. Zurich; sheaf of oats- Hoopex- & Son; sheaf of barley —Jim Harris; bushel fall wheat —-Harry Strang, M. E. Hooper & Son; bushel spring wheat—Har­ ry Strang; bushel feed barley— M. E. Hooper & Son, Newton Clarke, H. A. Fuss, Frank Hicks of Centralia; oats—Gerald Glenn of R.R. 1, Hensall, H. Strang, M, E. Hooper & Son, N. Clarke­ bushel timothy seed—M, E. Hoo­ per & Son, Mrs. Edgax- Darling of Clandeboye, H'. A. IFijss; col­ lection grain ixx ear—Fred Mc­ Clymont of Varna; ensilage corn —-Earl Shapton of Exeter, M, E. Hooper & Son; two bushel -malt­ ing barley—M. E. Hooper & Son, H. Strang; malting barley —M. E. Hooper Strang, N. Clarke; alsike—Mrs. Edgar Agricultural Society Maurice Coates; husking corn— Howard Pym of Centr-alia, Roy Johns, M. E. Hooper ■& Son, Judge: K. R. Hillier, London. Flowers Tuberous begonia, otlxei’ vari­ ety begonia, Mrs. John Hodgert, Exeter; foliage, Mrs. G. Wright Mrs. J. Hodgert; novelty in pot­ ted plants, Mrs. G. Wright, Mrs. Vernon Heywood, Exeter; Cut Flowers: snapdragons, Mrs. AV. Doupe, .Mrs, Waltex- Dashwood; collection of Mrs. J. Hodgert, Mrs. Hern, Granton; white Mrs. G. Wright, Mrs. W. mauve asters, Mrs. H. purple asters, Mrs. H. Mrs, W. Doupe; pink Mrs. AV. Doupe, Mrs. H. coxcombs, coxcombs Mrs. J.* Hodgert: cosmos, W. Doupe, Mrs. W. AA^eber; ora live dahlias, pompom lia, Mrs. W. Doupe;’ pinks, J. Hodgert; gladioli, Mrs. Doupe, Lorna Taylor; six gladi­ oli, Mrs. W. Doupe, Lorna Tay- - ixn-nf H. Hern mari- R. San- ■R. Sanders. i ax. riuoper <v quo, sweet corn | - M. E. Hooper & Son, E. Sweit- Leahorns—I. Mc-jzer; bantam corn—R.Cudmore. & Son, I. j E. Sweitzer; watermelons- Reds - E. Cudmore r- vT«ri McClymont (second Rocks —I. McCIy- Cudnxore & McClymont Pi- Hooper Harry Fuss of -M. E. & Son, H. half bushel Darling; s p e c i a 1— Weber, asters, Harold asters, Doupe. Hern; Hern. asters, Hern: feathered, Mrs. dec- dah- Mrs. W. lor; collection gladioli, Taylor; balsams, Mrs. G. Wright golds, Mrs. AV, Weber “ J. Hodgert Mrs, J. Hodgert perennial phlox, Mrs, single petunia, Mrs. W. Doupe Mrs. Cann, roses, roses, Smith Doupe, Ibsis, Hern; gert Mrs. J. Mrs. dahlia flowered Hern play zinnias, Mrs. IL Hern avals, Hodgert ixials, Mrs. H. Affenfion Seed Growers We Are Buyers of Sanders, 1—-M. E. Hooper & Son,’ F. McClymont; rpumpkins-—R. Sanders, M. E. Hooper & Son; Hooper & Son, F. mu skmel o n s—L or n a Taylor, McClymont; sweet Clarke; H. A. white or yellow onions—H. Fuss, onions—H. A, Fuss, N. Clarke; citrons—F. McClymont, Hooper & Son; parsnips- Sanders, E. Sweitzer; squash—R. Sanders, N, summer squash- & Son, R. Sanders; fall cabbage turnips— turnips, other- variety Fuss, Harold Cudmore; A. Spanish Timothy, Red Clover, Alfalfa CONSIDER Newest and Best tario. Seed Picked Up tario. Highest Cash Prices—Prompt Returns. Free Storage for Growers Wanting to Hold Seed. All Growers’ Seed Fully Insured. Write or Phone THESE ADVANTAGES Equipped Plant in Western On Free Anywhere in Western On- Jones, MacNaugton Seeds Ltd P.O. Box “H” EXETER — Phone 207 ONTARIO For the Man Who Takes Pride in His Appearance Mrs. ; African Doupe, Mrs. W French marigolds, Mrs drunnnondi Mrs. G. H Mrs. H. ; double : pansies, Mrs. G. ’ Taylor; Taylor salvia, . Weber j. Hodgert, , Mrs. Wright ; verbenas, curled Mrs. zinnias, Mrs. II. Lorna Taylor; best dis- Mrs. J. Hodgert. collectfon of an- Mrs. .1. pereii' bride’s Hern; Exeter, Lorna Lorna Exeter: Mrs. ,W Mrs. scabiosis, Mrs. G. W. Doupc; Hodgert: G, Wright, phlox Wriglu Bern; Hern petunia Carfrey Wright; single Helen Mrs. AV. salplig- Mrs. H. J. Hod­ stocks. Mrs. zinnias. H. Hern: Mrs. H. Hern. ; collection of G. Wright; Men, have you seen the. fall samples of our new line of made-to-measure cloth­ ing by Savile-Row, Canada’s second largest clothiers? Smart cloths are here for you to choose your fall and winter suit/ topcoat or overcoat. We invite you to come in and inspect them. Handsome tailoring, smart designing and quality materials go into a garment by Savile-Row assuring the man takes pride in his appearance of a topcoat or overcoat that will that well-groomed looked. Inlaid Linoleum give who suit, him Congoleum Rugs New congoleum rugs and inlaid linoleums have just arrived. Several rolls patterns. Come in and look them over.