HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-09-30, Page 3the; times-advocate, exetek, Ontario, Thursday morning, September so, 1943 Page 3 Scanning «•» , With ♦‘SCOOP” — High School Declares Athletic Champions BOWLING is the new pastime in Exeter and it is going over in a big way. The new Sweitzer Lanes are a real asset to this •community, thanks to the initia­ tive of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sweit­ zer. The six new alleys so far have been the busiest spot in Exeter. Thomas Pryde, M.L.A., Reeve Tuokey and the councillors offi­ cially opened the" new lanes last Wednesday. High point getters for the evening were Gord Price for the men and Elsie Gaiser for the women. Both received plaques. Gord Baynham now has the record high with a 342 score on Tuesday night. From What we understand the alleys are fairly well booked during the week nights and it is hoped that leagues will be formed after the citizens get accustomed to the game. BOSTON BRAVES clinched the National League pennant for the first time in thirty-four years ___ .2 over New last Saturday. By things the Ameri- pennant won’t be the schedule ends when they won 3-2 York Giants the looks of •can League decided until at the close of the week. It's a three-way fight among the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, and Cleveland Indians, with' the Indians now having .a comforta­ ble edge as of Wednesday/ RAY WUERTH, president of the Exeter Badminton Club, has called a meeting in the Town Hall next Tuesday evening in order to organize the club for the coming season. Last year the club enjoyed one of its best years and It is hoped to get off again to an early start. All in­ terested in badminton are urged to come out next Tuesday night to make plans fox' the 1948-49 club. TOM YEARLY had a big day with his two fine horses at the fair last Thursday. Tn the 2.20 division his Amber Gratton came in first in all three heats, while liis young colt, Wee Bobbie, had two firsts and a second in the 2.27 class. AFTER putting out Mildmay in two straight games the Clin­ ton Colts, winners of the Huron- Perth baseball championship, now meet Stratihroy. The first ■game was played Wednesday af­ ternoon in Clinton with the re­ turn tilt in Strathroy Saturday night under* lights. Clinton wdn the first game in Mildmay 8-6 and won at home 8-4. IN THEIR first game with New Flamburg, Seaforth soft’bal- lers slipped New Hamburg 12-4 in their first meeting in the W.O.A.A. “A” group semi-finals. Seaforth advanced to the semi­ finals after* ousting Centralia. GRAND BEND, by winning two straight from Sharon, have coped the Exeter Legion trophy. Tuesday night at the Bend, the home team edged out a 9-8 vic­ tory for the district softball league championship. It is hoped to have a get-together of the teams for the presentation in the near future. Senior Girls: 75 yard dash, Wanda Stephen, Audrey Camp­ bell, Frances Taylor, (time 10 see.); Softball Throw, Betty Gaiser, Janet Kestle, Dorothy Tetreau, (distance 145’ 11”); Basketball Speed Throw, Betty Mickle, Eleanor Cook, Bernice Jinks; Janet Kestle, Betty Gai­ ser, Helen Sweet; Frances Tay­ lor, Marion Rowcliffe; Jump, Betty Campbell, Janet tance 6’ GF’); Jump, Audrey Campbell, Betty Gaiser, Janet 12’ 10”); Brintnell, Standing .Gaiser, Kestle, Running Betty Broad Audrey (dis- Broad Tom Grant Rggier-Overholt Miss Korean Overholt, daugh­ ter of Mr* and Mrs. Norman Overholt, St. Joseph became .the bride of Frank Regier, son of Peter Regier, Mount Carmel, and. the late * Mrs. Regier, at St. Peter’s Church in SL Joseph Rev. F, R. Bordeaux officiated at the bridal which took place in a pretty setting Howers. Mrs. John sided at the the wedding was soloist. The bride, by her father, white satin with hooped skirt falling from a fitted bodice, A pylon yoke was enhanced by a draped pearls, held a carried Miss of the bride, sister " of the groom, in mauve taffeta, were the bridal atten­ dants. They carried bouquets of roses and asters blending in tone with their gowns and wore matching headdresses. Lee Regier was his brother’s groomsman assisted by Norman. Overholt, brother of the bride Ushers were Milford Overholt and Bob Regier. Following a reception at the Parish Hall the couple left on. a honeymoon to Niagara Fall: and ttie United States. For traveling the bride chose a wine gabardine suit with mat­ ching hat and black accessories Mr. and Mrs. Regier will live in Mount Carmel. 15 pointe, runners up, Haley 14 points and Morgan 12 points. Junior Boys: luo yard Ronald Heimi'ich, Douglas O’Brien yard dash, John Haberer, (25-4/5”); Ronald Helmrich, Lloyd anan, Ross Alexander 8*’); Running Broad Douglas O’Brien, John Haberer Ross Alexander (14’ 3”>; Run­ ning High Jump, Ronald Heim- rich, Lloyd Buchanan, Ross Alexander (4’ 4”i; Shot Put, Ross Veal, Glenn Schroeder, Donald, Adkins (25’ 3”) Jun­ ior Boys Champion: Ronald Heimricli 20 points, runners up Douglas ‘— * * ------- John dash John Haberer (11.3”); 220 Ronald Ileimrich, Douglas O’Brien Hop, Step & Jump ......................Buch- (32‘ Jump, organ music. given of fall-toned Denemy pre- and played Mr. Denemy inamarriage wore a gown of bertha looped with Her shirred headdress floor-length veil and she a shower of red roses. Beatrice Overholt, Kestle (distance Basketball Throw, Betty Rowcliffe, Janet Kestle, Doris Schwartz (distance 69’ 2”); High Jump, Audrey Camp­ bell, Wanda Stephen (height 3’ 11”); ----- " ~ ' “* Janet Maida phen, Jinks Senior way tie, Audrey Campbell, Jan­ et Kestle, Betty points, runner .up phen 11 points Sweet 8 points. Intermediate Girls: 75 dash, Evelyn Wright, Jean Donald, Margaret Bray 11 sec.); Softball Throw, Bell, Doris Haist, Grace Picker­ ing (distance 133’ ,8”); Soft- ball Speed Throw, Betty Love and Grace Pickering, Joanne McCurdy and May Schroeder, Doris Haist and Ellen Bell ,(37 rev. in 1 minute); Standing Broad Jump, Joanne McCurdy, Lois Alexander, Jeanne McDon­ ald (6’ 7A”); /Running Broad Jump, Joanne McCurdy, Jeanne McDonald, Evelyn Wright (12’ 5F'); High Jump, Lois Alexan­ der, Barbara Gascho, Bell (4’ F’)J Basketball Betty Love. Ellen .Bell, Haist (66’); Basketball Throw, Jeanne McDonald, bara Gascho, Nancy Armstrong; Joan Batten, Evelyn Wright, Wilma Coates; Eileen Fraser, Shirley Thomson, Ida Blanchard tied with Joanne McCurdy, May Schroeder, Lois Alexander (47 rev.). Intermediate Girls Cham pion: Joanne McCurdy, points; runner up, Jeanne Donald 12 points, Ellen and Betty Love 10 points. Junior Girls: 75 yard dash, Marion Wildfong Softball Speed Throw, Kes tie and Helen Sweet, Richard and Wanda Ste- Betty Mickle and Bernice (37 rev. in 1 minute). Girls Champion, Three Gaiser, 1G Wanda Ste- and Helen yard Mac- (time Ellen O'Brien 11 Haberer, 9 points, HENSALL points, sister LL,, in yellow moire, Miss Anna Marie Regier. Miss Helen .McNaughton, Toronto, is holidaying at home of her parents, Mr. Mrs, Lome McNaughton. Mrs. George Thompson visited in London during the week with her sister, Mrs. Lee. who is ill. Mrs. visiting Emalie Harold Mr. Bruce Glenn day for Guelph where he will resume his studies at the O.A.C, Mrs. H. O. Dayman, of Lon­ don, visited recently with friends here. Mrs. Barrie Williams and of Kitchener, visited over week-end with her parents, and Mi;s. G. M. Drysdale, Mr. Clarence McNaughton Mrs. Lome McNaughton spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. A program of publie speaking, spelling and recitations will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall, on (Friday, October 1. Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary The Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Miss Jean McQueen with Mrs. Melvin Moir co-hostess. Mrs. Glenn Bell presided and the meeting hymn and prayer by Mrs. Hildebrandt. The Scripture read by Mrs. A Kerslake. ; P. A. Ferguson presented of the and L. Muir, of Seaforth, is with her Parker and Parker. sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. left on Mon- and Hydro Cut-Offs Are Ordered if Areas Exceed Their Quote All Hydro Municipalities and Rural Areas are now on a daily reduced allotment of kilowatt hours, due to■fiaeaaoatn- the Hydro shortage. In the Exeter Area all Municipalities and Rural users are still exceeding their quotas and unless Exeter OFFS WILL BE NECESSARY Extra It is true that many Hydro users are co-operating in this emergency BUT MANY OTHERS ARE NOT Free If we are to have 24-hour Hydro service, each and PLEASE let us all do our bit K. J. Lampman son the Mr, > and . here your dash, May (11- Ont., 1948 everyone must do his part in saving Electricity. Marilyn Carol Elaine •Marion dash, ette, 14 Mc- Bell Here’s an Announcement Of Unusual Interest! yard Murray Marilyn Pfaff, up Marilyn Pooley, 13 Ellen Throw Doris Speed Bar- Pfaff, Jean Taylor, Basket- September 25 to October 15 MUGGS AND SKEETER were served. Hensall, Sept. 24, Laura: your many friends WAKNINb WRIGHT Clothing and .Slices Your favorite program is going into the “mike” perfectly. "How is it com­ ing through your radio? If the program isn’t clear . . . your radio is probably in need of a check-up. Maybe a minor adjustment will fix it. Trousers We have contracted with Firth Bros, to supply Extra Trousers FREE on our 2000, 3'00b or 4000 ranges. This Offer Demands Speed and Action . The cloths in these ranges are worth con- sidei'ably more than they are priced and ■this generous saving carries the same gua­ rantee of Firth’s Fi­ nest Workmanship. It is possible for students and others to obtain a really fine 4-piece suit, tai­ lored t o individual specifications for $32.50 and up Get Here Early! Offer Closes October 15 R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Marilyn Hern, in«uivU rumwas Dorothy Pooley; Softball Throw Marilyn Carol Webb (133’ 2”); hall Speed Throw, Loma Tay­ lor, Dorothy Pooley, Hern; Nancy Tieman, Webb, .Peggy Rowcliffe; Becker, Mary Snell, Wildfong Standing Broad Jump Mary Snell, Marilyn Pfaff ning . Pfaff, Pooley* Throw,' Taylor, 3”); “ _levy, Dorothy Pooley, Marie Boyd ,(3’ Hi”); Softball Speed Throw, Betty Allison and Jean McAllister, Melba King and La­ bel! Hill (tie); Carol Webb and Nancy Tieman, Lillian Gow­ an and Mary McKnight. Junior Girls Champion: 16 points, runners Hern and Dorothy points. Senior Boys: .10D William O'Brien, and William Mickle (tie) 3/10’); 220 yard dash, William O'Brien, Murray May, Dennis Fleam (24.5'); 44.0 yard dash. William Mickle, Campbell Krue­ ger, Donald Ducharme (1:02- 3/5’); half mile, Orville Taylor Jim Cann, Donald Ducharme (2:25); mile, Gordon ,Cann. Jim Cann, Donald Ducharme; Hop, 'Step & Jump, William O’Brien, Murray May, Paul Durand (36' 8”); Running Broad Jump, Murray May, Wil­ liam Mickle, Paul Durand (17’ 3”); High Jump, Ralph Sweit­ zer, 'Mickle William George Dobbs (3>8’ ior Boys O’Brien, 20 points, runners Murray May, 14 points and Bill Mickle, 12 points. Intermediate Boys: 100 yard Gerald Webb, Joe Char- Tom Haley (11-3/5”); yard dash, Gerald Webb, Charette, Bob Wade (27. half mile, Grant Morgan, Haley. Fred Dobbs (2’ 38”); Hop, Step & Jump, Tom Haley, Ken Moir, Grant Morgan (32’155”), Running High Jump Gerald Webb, Ken Moir, W. Knowles (4’ 6F’)l Running Broad Jump, Tom Haley, Grant Morgan, Neil Taylor; Shot Put, Fred Dobbs, Grant Morgan, W. Knowles (33’). Intermediate Roys Champion: Gerald , Webb Broad Marilyn (12’ Marilyn Mary : High Dorothy Dorothy (6’ 6F’); Jump, Hern, 8”); Pfaff, McKnight Jump, Dorcas Pooley, Pooley, R un­ Marilyn Dorothy Basketball Jean (61’ Sil- Dennis Flear, William (4’ 9%”); Shot Put, O’Brien, Jim Cann, ■" 6”); Sen- Champion, William up> opened by singing a ~ “ . A. was Mrs. the topic for the evening in her usual pleasing manner. Arrange­ ments were made to hold the annual thank-offering meeting in October. Refreshments were served. Bride Honoured A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mrs. Le­ titia Sangster on Friday eve­ ning when a number of relatives and friends gathered in honour of her daughter, Mrs. Stan (Laura) who was married re­ cently. During the evening the bride was presented with many beautiful gifts, presented in a decorated basket by Misses Mar­ garet Stephen and Andrey Walsh. Miss Eleanor Venner read the accompanying address. The bride expressed her appre­ ciation and a social hour was enjoyed during which refresh­ ments Dear We neighbours, have gathered to-night to honour you? on recent marriage. We are happy to know that the friendships you have formed here may still be continued. London is a short distance, and, no doubt, you will share in some of our ac­ tivities as you have done in the past. We want to show our esteem and .good fellowship for you by asking you to accept these gifts with our best wishes for a long •and happy wedded life. Signed on behalf, Your friends and neighbours ELIMV1LLE Murray Stephen returned London this week where he a position with Skidmore’s dustrial Designers. Mr. Jim Sinclair, of St. Thom­ as, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. - - - - — - Mr. also spent his brother Mr. sons, of Thorndale, were Sun day visitors with Mr. and Mrs W. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Johns vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins, of Exeter. Misses Eilene and Ethelene Johns spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long, Atwood. and Mrs. Jackson Woods Lewis Woods, of Malton the week-end with and family. and Mrs. Ken Hogg anf of Thorndale. consumption is greatly reduced, CUMPULSORY CUT * Manager, Exeter Area U S PittM Oit BY WALLY BISHOP SO THAT'S HOW YOU STUDY, YOUNG MAN ' > ARE YOU.SURE YOU HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN J ANYTHING? WELL, NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT. GRAMPS.. WOULD YOU¥/ ( MINO GETTING AAK/ DllODI titMY GUM BUBBLE OUT OP ... COAT POCKET??