HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-09-23, Page 8Evolution of a man’s PHONE 1 1 1 1 Stewart's Taxi [Hy-Way Hank MUMS - Attention THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1948 a circus clown, like dad. a firmem an. something noble. get wealthy, make ends meet. get the old-age pension. pleasure .seeing on such a beautiful morning, Hank. Have they started rationing Sunoco Dynafuel Gasoline again?” Motor Sales Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 200 Tom Coates Fred Dobbs Seed Growers We Are Buyers of Timothy, Red Clover, Alfalfa THESE ADVANTAGES: Equipped Plant in Western On Free Anywhere in Western On- CONSIDER Newest and Best tario. Seed Picked Up tario. Highest Cash Prices—Prompt Returns, Free Storage for Growers Wanting to Hold Seed, AH Growers’ Seed Fully Insured. Write or Phone Jones, MacNaugton Seeds Ltd P.O. Box “H” Phone 207 EXETER ONTARIO Make Sure You Receive Your 1943 and 1944 REFUNDABLE SAVINGS CHEQUES (To be mailed by 31st March, 1949) JF youc name or address has changed since 1943—fill out the special “Change of Address” Card available at all Post Offices and Income Tax Offices. Maff the “Change of Address” Card before October 31st, 1948. Mail this card even if you completed one last year. You should not fill out a “Change of Address” name and address are still theCard if both your same as in 1943. I 'Hay Council | The Council of the Township I of Hay met in the Hay Township j Hall on Tuesday. September 7, I ar 8:30 p.m. at which time the i following correspondence w a s ! presented: Drain Inspector’s re­ port. E. IX Bell, regarding by­ law subdividing part of Town­ ship Lot 26 L.R.W. The follow­ ing motions were then passed: That By-law 10. September 7, 1948, of the Township of Hay approves of the sub-dividin; and the placing of on the Lot [ the O.L.S. That Thos. Laing's account for inspecting the various drains in the east portion of the Town­ ship be paid. That the clerk be authorized to notify the County Treasurer that all arrears of taxes in St. Joseph as registered against ,J. N. Cantin up to and inclusive of 1947 taxes be cancelled as per previous agreement. That tenders be let for the digging and installating of 1940 feet of ten inch tiles as per Tuc- key Drain By-law, and 600 feet of eight inch tiles. 547 feet of twelve tiles, and 9 66 feet of six inch tiles as per Forrest Drain By-law. Tenders to be inserted in the Huron Expositor and the .Stratford Beacon Herald for one of to 1. g of. restrictions subdivision of part of 26, L.R.W. as presented by engineer, S. W. Archibald, insertion during the week September 15. All the work be completed by November 1948. That a grant of $25.00 paid to the Exeter Fair Board, and a grant of $75.00 to the Zurich Agricultural Society. That accounts for Hay Town­ ship roads. Hay Township gener­ al accounts, relief, and Hay Mu­ nicipal Telephone System be paid as per voucher. Hay Municipal Telephone Sy­ stem: T. H. Hoffman, salary, ex­ tra summer help, truck, etc., $528.83'; H. G. Hess, salary, ex­ tra summer help, truck, etc., $668.60; Zurich Hydro Electric, $10.00; Automatic Electric, $51 .58; F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son. Ltd., $22.00: H. W. Brokenshire Stromberg Carlson, $22 Telephone Co., $1,393 Siebert, postage, $10. Mrs. John Suplat, $30 Edith Mason, $15.00; Bassow, $8.90; Albert be $96.82; .26: Bell 6; Wm. Relief: 0; Mrs. Emma Heideman, $5.00. Hay Township Roads: Jack Little, $406.00: Jas. Masse. $101 .25; H. W. Brokenshire, $50.00: Wm. Siebert, postage, $10.00; Wm. Gould, $3.7 5; Alphonse Masse, $53.65; Oscar 'Greb, $2 .00; Wm. Watson, $9.40; Leo­ nard Merner, $6.05; Donald Du­ charme, $4.5 0; Leo Ducharme, $2.50; Alvin Walper, $4.10; Ed­ mund Walper, $42.00; Ed Kalb­ fleisch, $14.00; Ed Erb, $5.00; Joseph Lostell, $23.00; Kenneth Elder, $32.50. Hay Township General Ac­ counts: Louis Weber, $54.00; H, W. Brokenshire, $64,75; Provin­ cial Treasurer, $11.22; H. G. Hess, $6.50; Billy Becker, $60 .00; Thos. Laing, $77.00; Mrs. Lizzie Hey, $49.31; Conrad Sie- mon, $140.69; Treasurer, Exeter Agricultural Society, $25.00; Treasurer, Zurich Agricultural Society, $75.00. That accounts for Hay Town­ ship roads, Hay Township .gener­ al accounts, relief, and Hay Mu­ nicipal Telephone System be paid as per voucher. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk Geo. Armstrong, Reeve from this the West­ last week. Wilson, ofMrs. Ben visited with Mr. and Gilfillan one day of Exeter, with Mr. WINCHELSEA Quite a number community attended ern Fair at London Mr. and Base Line, Mrs. Colin last week. Mr. Ross Veal, spent the week-end and Mrs. Don. Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke visited with relatives near Cred­ iton on Sunday. Mrs. R. E. Pooley Miss Ella Francis, B. Hagerman Exeter, called the community and Bob, 0. of R. and on on Mr. and Mrs. baby, friends in Sunday night. Mr. Billy Gilfillan and Grant spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin. Horton, of Lumley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters and Margaret visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke. News of Interest to by W. At the last Executive Meeting motion by Charles Coultes I Wilfred Shortreed was pas- , raising .the annual member­ fee of ELIMVIU-E Mr. Sam Miller and of Dashwood, and Miss Miller, of London, spent with Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack and family, of Scbmce Hill, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford on Sunday. Murray Stephen was the win­ ner of two first prizes for his art in the Beal Te*. display at London Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamont and family, of Parklull, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns. Miss Leona Pym spent a few days last week in Detroit. Mrs. Ed. Johns, of Exeter, spent Monday with Mr. Mrs. Delmer Skinner. Mr. Laurie Stephen, of don, spent the week end his parents, M-. and Chas. Stephen. Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Martin Laub at their tage in Grand Bend were, and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. Mrs. Win, Routly and j Mr. and Mrs. Wr< Horne, Jackson Woods and. boys. Elgin Skinner, of Milton. the week-end at his home. Young people's Union of Zion and Elimville are to a weinf-r roast at Mr. tnd Mrs. Ross Friday evening at Mr. spent The Eden, invited the home of Skinner on 8 p.m. Quite a community Western Fair las? A chivari was Monday evening Mrs. Ray Brook. Misses .. Marilyn Hern, day family, Mildred Sunday Madge and IjOU- witli Mrs. number from this attended London A-ek. 't*il attended Mr. and ii'id I’hyliss of Zion, vi-ited on Sun with Miss L-nore Cooper. SAINTSBURY and Mrs. Mirray family, of and Mrs. Sunday dinr.e and recently, Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. day M. Gibson. We are glad • ' report Mrs. E. Atkinson is improving but is still in the hospital. Almost community ern fair. Mr. and A. McDonald, Mr J. Dickins, __ __ ___ Dickins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Noels and Sunday Mrs. M. Mr. i visited Mrs. J. There Patrick’s last. On Harvest held with spprial speakers music by tin- choir. The members of Woodham band from this community at­ tended service in the Crediton United Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mr. were Mr. Gibson Benfield, and Harry Carroll guests with Mrs. ». larence Davis and W. F. M. H. guests Mrs. J. Du’.is Davis and Elston with M”. Henry Hodgins, Ivan, and Sun- Mrs. and Rev. were and that everybody from this attended rhe West- Mrs. T. Kooey, Mrs. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aylmer, with family, of guests McDona: and Mrs. H. recently with Turner. was no service Church on September Home service were Mr. and Hamilton Mr. and in St. Sunday 26 the will be and HIGHEST CASH PRICES Mr, and Au- with Hughes and , of Detroit, given by' Bessie Florence tKirk. George Webber A solo by Mrs. Robison, of on Tuesday Mrs. Currie visited on Tuesday with Mr. and a.m. Sav- service. Scripture lesson Mrs. ELECTRICGENERAL CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC £ Your guests and your family you pay to the many small ful dinner party. That’s why it’s so important to have just Always insist on General stay brighter longer. WOODHAM Miss Jean Copeland spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vyles, of London. Mr. and Mrs. George Ball, of St. Thomas, ‘ ‘ ’ of last week Norris Webb. Mrs. Jean John Jefferson . __ Andrew Dennett, of Strath- visited on Saturday with and Mrs. Robert Carroll. and Mrs. Gordon Dyke- Peter, Dianne and Susan, Mr. roy, Mrs. Mr man, __ ____ of Galt, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaugh­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, of Thames Road, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler, Phyllis, Verla and David, visited with Rev. and Mrs. John Cook, of Hickson, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and family, of Crediton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, of Shipka, visited on Sunday’ with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. Ronnie Sweitzer who has spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned home with his parents. Mrs. Adams, of Toronto, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. G. Wanless and Rev. Wanless. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Louch Frank, of Hamilton, spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Switzer. Mission Circle The monthly meeting of Mission Circle was held on Tues­ day evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Smith with twelve present. The theme was "The Faith Whereby the Church Must Live" and worship service was led by Lorene Jaques. Scripture lessons i were read by Mrs. J. Thomson, Mrs. J. Smith and Mrs. C. Scott. Readings were McCurdy and Poems by Mrs. and Rhea Mills. Ira McCurdy. Mrs. William Run­ dle led in prayer. Ordell Mc­ Allister gave the Study Book. The meeting closed with hymn and benediction. A lunch was served and a social time was en­ joyed by all present. Rally Day Service Rally Day service was held Sunday morning at the church hour. Mr. Fred Doupe led in the was read by John Rodd. Mrs. Fred Doupe told the story. A quar­ tette, Ruth and- Merle Hazel- wood, Helen Webber and Verla Wheeler, sang. The choir also sang a number. Rev. T. G. Wan­ less gave the address. I I t CREDITON Several from this community attended Western Fair in Lon­ don last week. Rev. and Mrs Clarkson Smith of Gowanstown, are visiting this week with Rev. and Mrs. J. V. Dahms. Miss Velma Guettinger, of Chicago, and Mrs. Rodney Bow­ man, of Windsor, and Mr. Royal Haist, of Chicago, who have been visiting at the home of their parents, enjoyed a northern fishing trip last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. left on Monday for Mich., and Marietta, Ohio they will spend a few with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. and Lewis visited on Sunday with friends in Kitchener. Mr. George Eilber was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday for observation. His many friends hope be enjoying his health. Mrs. Florence grandson, Johnny returned after spending the past month in London and Toronto. Mrs. Lena Cook, of Camla- chie, spent Monday in town. Mrs. Hy. Quehl, -of Kitchener and Mrs. Martin Morlock, ot Galt, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Young, Service in the United Church is being withdrawn on Sunday morning in favor of the anni- V. Roy ship 60% collected and that with the atives, shall provide Co-operator" for < home in the County. A motion, to amend the con­ stitution was also passed, and in due course, will ,be brought up at the Annual Meeting. A meeting of county directors was held in Clinton on ^Tuesday of the county unit to the amount raised or by the township units, the county Federation, help of County co-oper- . “The Rural every fatxn , Clark Detroit, where weeks he will former Faist soon good Sperrin Wade, .and have County Farmers evening, September 21. The National Film Board cir­ cuit in the County is again this year being sponsored by the County Federation. This service is ever increasing in popularity and is available to any organiz­ ation, school or society, wishing to sponsor ‘a showing. Applica­ tion must be made well in ad­ vance, so as not to conflict the regular schedule. The of the County Federation and the National Film Board, ‘ bring these fine educational films to as many people as pos­ sible, ahd to increase the use of films as a recreational and educational pastime. with aim is to HORSES $4.50 each, CATTLE $6.00 each, HOGS $1.75 per cwt. All According to Size and Condition CALL COLLECT Exeter 235, Seaforth 15 DARLING & CO. LTD. will appreciate the attention details that go into a success­ the right lighting in your dining room. Electric Lamps because they versary services at Shipka. Church School at 10.30 will continue on Daylight ing Time on Sunday. Mrs. W. T. burn, visited her daughter, Rev. Currie. Wear Comfort Style UNSURPASSED H A R T T Shoes for Gentlemen Now in Stock - $15.75 to $18.75 R.C.A.F. Officers Dress Oxfords by Hartt - $16.75 Work Boots for Fall Farming $4.50 to $8.35 ‘Bold Look’ Oxfords for Young Men $8.95 to $12,950 EXETER'