HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-09-02, Page 10Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1948 Mrs. Frances Batteraby Mrs. Frances Battersby, wife of the late Nathaniel Battershy, and mother of Launce Battersby of Hamilton, formerly of Exeter and Frank, of London, died suddenly Thursday of last week in her 59 th year. The funeral was held Monday with inter* ment in the Mt. Pleasant ceme­ tery, London. . THE OLD HOME TOWN U. Ol'nj $*<•By STANLEY r 7^ V»»**** OTEY— J BOKieoWEP AN ou> Z ^ELECTRIC BELT* POR MY LUMBAGO- ( AN> TH'E>ANGEb TH/NG IS W|RET> 5 V FOR .ALTERNATIN' CURR’ENT-- I JUST \ CANT SSStA TO (SET //M STEP WITH \ J L . TUP? A I At AT I Al C - •tWJhW ALTERNATIONS If Ladies* Softball uraui lournament Labor Day, Sept. 6 Casino Diamond Grand Bend First, Game 1:30 pan. Dashwood vs. Clifford Second Game 3:30 p.m. Brussells vs. Dublin Winners to Play Off at 6:30 p.m. X——*A J. /jUlg" Leavitt’s THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions THUR., FBI., SAT. September 2, 3 and 4 — Comedy Drama - Starring ® Irene Dunn e Edgar Bergen ® Pliilip Dorn ® Rudy Vallee and All Star Cast MONDAY, TUESDAY September 6 and 7 "Silver River1 ® Ann Sheridan ® Errol Flynn COMING . . . ‘Scudda Hoo Seudda Hay’ ‘Foreign Affair’ ‘Thunderfoot’ ‘The Fuller Brush Man’ ‘The Bishop’s Wife’ vs- Guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Cook last week were Miss Grace Ferris, of Courtland, Miss Marion Swance, of North Bayham, and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Maguire, of Windsor. Mr. Ma­ guire is with the Windsor Daily Star and has Harry Parsons, formerly of the Times-Advocate, under him. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Clerk C. V. Pickard, Mrs. Pic­ kard, Marguerite and Trudy, have returned home after holi­ daying at Grand Bend. Mr. William Hyslop has re­ turned to his home in Windsor after visiting ents, Mr. and Centralia. Mrs. Grace and daughter Mrs. Nelson Hid returned day week’s visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman and Audrey enjoyed a trip to Manitoulin Island, going by Sudbury, North Buy the shrine at Midland. Miss Olive Wood R.N. ed to Toronto Sunday after spending the past of months with her parents, Mr and Mrs. W, H. Wood. Mrs, Jas, Grassick is ill in Victoria Hospital, London, hav­ ing gone down on Tuesday treatment. Her in any friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley family and Mr. Elmer Dunn, of Toronto, have returned home af­ ter spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston visited with Mrs. G. F. Rouls­ ton and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald Wednesday of last week Miss Gail Roulston returned with them after holidaying here. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor, Shirley and Lorna, and Mrs. Beavers and Jeannette, of 'Credi­ ton, left Tuesday to spend a couple of days at the Toronto Exhibition. Mr, and Mrs. Hobbs, of La- Porte, Ind., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lawson. During the latter part of last week Mr. and Mrs. Lawson has as their ■guests Mr; and Mrs. Ehrenseld, of Pittsburg. Mrs, Frank Buchanan, of Cal­ gary, Alta., ter-in-law, Buchanan, of cent visitors W. H. Wood and relatives Mr. and Mrs. Francis of Crediton, Miss Janet of town, and Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ sel Clarke and Glen, of Detroit, have returned after spending the month of July at Sundridge and August at Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, of Lambeth, spent Sunday at the home of .their and Mrs. son, Bill returned home them after spending a few holi­ days .with his grandparents. Visitors with Mr. and G. W. Layton during the past week were Mr. an,d Mrs. Wil­ fred Medd and son, of Ottawa, Mr. Charles Layton, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, John Shorey and three children of Lake Cou- chiching. Mrs. James Hookey St. Joseph’s Hospital, She underwent an Wednesday morning condition is as well expected. Her many friends wish her a Hookey London. Mrs. daughter, Mrs. William England of Shakespeare, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl England, of Albert, called on friends in town Thursday. Mrs. Taylor is a mer resident of Crediton, despite her ninety-four years is in good health. with his grandpar- Mrs. E. J. Hughes, to Toronto, after a son and Fri- two Powe motor and to Town Topics— Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w Mrs. Reamun and Carol are visiting in Toronto. Shirley Moir has returned home from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis are visiting with relatives at Comber. Mr. and Mrs, Claude Blowes are vacationing at Grand Bend this week. Mr. Laird Jacobe, of Zurich, spent Sunday with friends at West Lome. Mr. W. G. Medd was in Tor­ onto the latter part of the week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robin McAllister of Hillsgreen, spent the week­ end at Tobermory, Mr, Roy Hunter underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, Saturday morning. Miss Jaqueline Currie, of Wingham, visited with Joan and Pat Hopper for a few days. Provincial Constable John Ferguson was on strike duty at Goderich over the week-end. Mr. Aquila Sheere has return­ ed to Lansing, Michigan, after spending several weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Emmett of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. David Logan, of London, visited with Miss Stella Southcott at Grand Bend on Sunday. Miss Aileen Munn has accept­ ed a position as stenographer with the Bell Telephone Co. in London. Miss Ella Sanders, of Miami, Florida, visited with her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Aiken, in Lucan last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. M. IF; Gladman and Dianne have r eturned to Hamilton after holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. Garnet Jacobe received an urgent call to Sarnia, owing to the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Sneider. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lucier, of Windsor, spent a few days over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Triebner. Mrs. George Geddes and Mrs. William Pearce visited Mrs. Charles Aidworth in Stratford, returning' Sunday. Mrs. Frank Brierley has mov­ ed to Rogerville where she will make her home with her brother Mr. Bob Jackson. Elmer McFalls spent last week at London. Jean Anne and Peter Bilyea returned with him to spend a week in Exeter. Mrs. Charles Aidworth and Mrs. Ross McLellan visited friends and relatives in Exeter and at Sexsmith a few days. Mrs. W. W. Edmunds and son Barry, of Flint, Mich., are holidaying with the former’s father, Mr. Enoch Rowcliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge Horace and Mrs. Squire Herd­ man attended the funeral of Mr. Peter Gardiner in London last Thursday. Miss Emma Moffat, of Tees- water, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MacNau- ghton. Miss Alice Handford is visit­ ing this week with her brother, Mr. Gus Handford at Renfrew, Ontario. Miss Margaret Ritchie, of London, accompanied her. Firemen and their wives and families held a picnic, in River­ view Park Wednesday afternoon. Results of games and contests will be announced next week. Mr. Francis Hill, of Hamilton visited with Mr, and Mrs. M. Beckler on .Sunday and was ac­ companied home by his son Craig, who was holidaying here. Mrs. Manford Belling and son Donald, of Detroit, who have been visiting for 'the past week with the former’s mother, Mrs. Arthur Francis, have returned home. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Triebner and Roy, ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lucier, of Windsor, visited in London with Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Collins. Mr, W, J. Horton, of the Do­ minion Bank, Toronto, and Mrs. Horton, after holidaying in Nor­ thern Ontario, spent a tew days with friends in and around Hen­ sail and Zurich. Mr. Bill Moise Jr. of Blenheim was visiting with friends here ovei’ the week-end. Bob Hender­ son accompanied him. Bill has accepted a position with the Bank of Montreal, Mrs. John Thomson enjoyed a motor trip to Wasaga Beach and surrounding district with her son, Mr. George Thomson of Lu­ can, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Pen- berthy of Victoria, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Murdoch Mr. and Mrs. Ben Atwood, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Murdoch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood and sister, Miss Olive Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Eichel­ berger and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Koehler and family, of Hebron, Ind., visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Beckler over the week-end. return­ evening coupleV"' —s * V I SW1C>N AGENT t>AP» KEYES SEEMSTO '"ALTER* WHEN HE SHOULO V4ATE*OR VICE-VERSA- com, yq KiNO F|CATURjta giHCKATt; tvontp wiotfn mtni'Wgp _ SxalJ for will and Record Crowds Expected for Final Week at Toronto C. N. E. The final big week at the Canadian National Exhibition gets under way Monday, with record breaking throngs expect­ ed Labor Day. From 8 a.in. Monday, Sept. 6, until midnight Saturday, Sept. 11, the mile_and a half will be jammed with from all parts of Canada and the nearby American states. Events of special interest to labor will he the annual Labor Day parade through the C.N.E. park, the directors’ luncheon ad­ dress by A. R. Mosher, presi­ dent of the Canadian Congress of Labor, and Labor Day races at the C.N.E. softball diamond. Other special days during the week are: Tuesday, Internation­ al Day; Wednesday, Agricultur­ ists’ and Livestock Revieiv Day; Thursday, Transportation and Commercial Travelers' Day; Fri­ day, Interprovincial and Service Clubs' Day; and Cadet marked by ed cadets Park. The National I-Iorse Show opens Monday evening and will continue nightly throughout the week at the Coliseum. Many of the finest horses in Canada will compete for top trophies in .the equine elude breed pigeon Canine breed do. long Exhibition Park visitors Saturday, Citizens’ Day, which .will be a parade of uniform- through Exhibition 1 judging competition, and horse judging. The at the Exhibition’s new grandstand another week on nson’s Laffacade played to packed the first week Six more of the 14 automobiles (Chevrolet) will be given away to some lucky grandstand spectator, one every night. From its repertoire of British music, the band of Majesty’s Welsh Guards 61)0,0 00 watt spotlights tremendous will focus for Olsen & John- of 19 48, which houses during of the C.N.E. brand-new FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 3-4 ‘The Senator Was Indiscreet’ ® William Powell the screen’s most hilarious character, in the funniest picture of our time, with ® Ella Raines SHORT SUBJECTS i I world. Other events in- the International All­ Dog Show; the poultry, and pet stock show; Breeders’ Association all >g show, boys’and girls’ DANCE in the Open Air at Exeter Roller Rink Wednesday, September ON THE NEW TERRAZZO FLOOR Dancing from 9 to 12 New and Old Time FLANNIGAN’S ORCHESTRA - Refreshment Booth 8 Rev. Geo. A. Parkinson 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Greenway 2:30 p.m. — Subjects — Morning: “This Waste” Afternoon: “Angels on the Ladder” Evening: “The Unrecognized Christ” Chairman i Mr. H. Wainwright GOD SAVE THE KING all His will continue to entertain thousands bandshell, will give at the waterfront Other bands which concerts during the final C.N.E, week are the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, Royal Reg­ iment of Canada, Royal Canadi­ an Air Force C.A.C., 4Sth High­ landers, Governor Generals’ Horse Guards, Queen’s York Rangers, Originals’ Club Queens Own Rifles, Royal Canadian Ar­ tillery, and the Kitchener Musi­ cal Society bands. Some of the major sports ac­ tivities will be staged in the final week. These include cham­ pionship motor boat races, the dog swimming derby, yacht races, international softball, high diving and thrilling water ski­ ing. Monday next will be Labour Day and a public holiday. Times-Advocate will be one late in consequence. The day Boys and Old Girls re- was held recently, was in 1919. The .contractor brick work and masonry Mr. John Heywood, of The Winchelsea School, where an Old union erected for the was Elimville, who was assisted by three sons, Wesley, Thomas and Hubert, who later were ates of this 'school. gradu- Still Unconscious The condition of Mrs. Fletcher, who has been Victoria Hospital since August 7, remains about times she has provement but an unconscious M. ill C. in the same. At shown some im- still remains in condition Help those who seek homes; advertise your vacancies! and son and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Toronto, were re­ wit. h Mr. and Mrs. and othei' in town. SUNDAY MIDNIGHT 12:05 a.m. MONDAY and TUESDAY September 6-7 If You Knew Susie’ (Oh What a Gal!) ® Joan Davis ® Eddie Cantor Newsreel ‘PLUTO’S BLUE NOTE’ ‘RACING DAY’ W.H. friends Clarke, Nestle, parents, Mr. Wood. Their with Mrs. Is ill ill London operation and ' her as can be speed}' recovery. Mr. is spending the week in John Taylor and her Many bets are lost on World Series, but never on Want Ads. Phone 31w. last for- and she the our LORD TEDDER INSPECTS CANADIAN CADETS Sunday, September 12 In Grand Bend United Church Monday, September 13 at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Parkinson Will Deliver his Very Popular Recital on Charles Dickens. SILVER COLLECTION OF LONDON, ENGLAND Will Preach Admission 50 Cents cadets and officers from all parts of the country areAbout 1,500 Ccmcvo aww vuitcis num au pam ut „ --- taking part in a mass rally at the R.A.F apprentices’ training camp Halton, Eng. Canadian cadets, who recently arrived by air, were among the guests. This picture shows Lord Tedder, chief of the air staff, inspecting the Canadian air cadets.'Ha liii IBIB PLEASE If Anyone . . . —Dies —Is III —Elopes —Goes Away —Has Guests —Has a Party —Comes Back —Has a Baby —Gets Married —Wins a Prize —Buys a Home —Gets a Degree —Builds a House —Makes a Speech —Has an Accident —Holds a Meeting —Has an Operation —Becomes a Nudist —Shoots his Employer —Or Takes Part in Any Other Unusual Event That’s News ... We Want it The Exeter WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY September 8-9 A guy geared l’or action . . . A dame designed for danger . . . ‘Riff Raff’ ® Pat O’Brien ® Anne Jeffreys -• Walter Slezak — Also — ‘PHOTO FRENZY’ Duke Ellington and his Band ............... .................................—■———..—a For H ealth’s Sake Roller Skate at the | Exeter Roller Rink Come & enjoy yourselves on the new Terrazzo floor! SKATING NIGHTLY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY FROM 8 TO 11 Adults 35c, Children 25c Saturday Afternoon from 2 to 4:30 Adults 25c, Children 20c REFRESHMENT BOOTH llllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Lakeview Casino “W. Dancing Nightly To Labor Day September 6 - 12:05 a.m. Last D ance of Season Labor Day Nite Girls' Softball Tournament Labor Day - 1 p.m.