HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-08-26, Page 44 THE TIMES-APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1548 ROBERTSON’S 3 lbs-$1.00 9 lbs.-$2.45 Guaranteed No Filler Results will find equalled all farm considered, this powder as a tonic stock. you un- for i Your Drugs at I KIRKTON Mrs. W. Blatehl’ord, of Detroit is holidaying with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dobson. The Misses Jane and Fj McMurray, of Winnipeg, Thus. McMurray and her ghter, Mrs. John and son James, of mer's, visited with I. N. Marshall this and Mrs. little daughter, spent the past ZION Mrs. Norman Brock spent the w^ek-end and Niagara Falls. ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 I New and Used Ice Refrigerators For Sale FOR REGULAR DELIVERIES Telephone 179w Tancis Mrs. dau- Hawkesworth Brown's Cor- Mr. and Mrs week. Mr. and Mrs. Festus Ingram and little daughter, of Port Colborne, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Switzer Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray, of Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. Maxwell Gray in the village Mr. and Mrs. Don McRea and family, of Coniston, bury, are holidaying latter’s sisters, Mrs. Ross Marshall and M, B. Gallop, her mother. Sunday guests with Mr. Mrs. Garnie Doupe were and Mrs. W. Ballantyne family, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferguson and daughter, of Thamesford. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Payne and family, of Toronto, were guests this past week with Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Rathburn. near Sud- with the Mrs. Reg. Paul, •Mrs. and Mr. and with The annual parade of live­ stock champions, always a popu­ lar feature of the Canadian Na­ tional Exhibition, takes place this year on September 8, in the Coliseum Arena. The parade at­ tracts a capacity crowd not only of the farmer and. stock breeder but of people from urban cen­ tres as well. Early Shipment Suits and Overcoats We have just opened an early shipment of men’s suits and overcoats. These new garments are now' on the raeks ready for youT .inspection. We think you'll like these new styles and colourings and suggest you drop in early v/hile the choice is excellent. :v Taman’s Men’s Wear High School Registration The Principal will Be in the Office of the Exeter District High School Fit, Sat.Afternoons, Evenings August 27 and 28 for consultation and registration of pupils for year 1948-49. Students wishing consideration in drafting of a time-table or the arranging of routes are specially urged to present their needs. He is prepared to offer advice to students of adjoining High School Districts as to the new pro­ cedure being adopted this year. Book lists will be equipped on the the bus cedure being available so September 7. adopted this year. Book that students may come Students phone the office—Exeter 298. unable to visit the school should tele- Laundry The GE Way GE WASHERS The first step in getting those clothes whiter is., of " , ... - GE the course, a good washer . . . and that is where the with the three zone cleaning process steps into picture. GE IRONS and IRONERS Ironing puts the finishing touches to your washIroning puts the finishing touches to your wash and here again Jet GE do it for you. The new Feather­ weight is just about the most popular appliance in our store. You’ll understand the reason when you handle this lightweight model. Then there is the GE Ironcr that makes your weekly problem a real pleasure. We have sold several in this district with splendid reports from their ow­ ners. Mi', and and family in Toronto Miss Marion Brock returned home with them after spending the past week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill in Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Pullen Kentucky the Mrs. and Mrs. and family of been visiting during week with Mr. and Hern. A number of the in the community week-end at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslalte Ex'eter were on a mot­ or trip to Owen Sound and points north over the week-end. Wedding hells are ringing in the community. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Hern and family spent Sunday visiting with friends in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell of London spent the week-end at the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock and Tom spent Sunday visiting with relatives in Yale, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl, Mrs. Allan Jaques and Mrs. Alice Gunning spent several days dur­ ing the past week with Mr. and Mrs. William Tookey who holidaying at theii’ cottage Rondeau Park. Bi'ide-Eiect Honored On Thursday evening the dies of the community gathered at the home of Mrs. Melville Hern to do honour to Miss Aud­ rey Rodd, bride elect of this week. Following a s bort pro­ gram of musical numbers and readings, Audrey was presented with a floor lamp. Mrs. Gerald Hern read the address and Aud­ rey replied in a few well chosen words. Contests were enjoyed and a dainty lunch was served by the hostes and the ladies. WANTED Want Ads Serve You Well When You Want to Buy or Sell FOR RENT COMING EVENTS FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES have past Ross MENDING- WANTED — Neatly and promptly attended to. Apply to Miss V. M, Dearing, Exeter. 19:26* young spent men the are in la- i Ro- at of of Fontana ■of New Mrs. J. visited i DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gohn, bert and Karnlyn, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beck, Theo and Gloria and Miss Pauline Harrmann, who are at present camping Forest, visited at the home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schlunt. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Doyle, Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson and family. Miss Betty Seemol, of Brook­ lyn, N.Y., has returned home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson. Mr. William Tetter, of New York City, has returned home after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eveland. Miss Dorothy Mason spent Sunday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. N. and daughter Lauris, York, and Mr. and Burns, of Port Huron, with Mrs. Witzel last Thursday. Mr. George Wambold, of Kit­ chener, visited with relatives here last week. Miss Ella -Martinson, mira, spent a friends hei;e. Mrs. Niblock, visiting for a Mrs. Ness. Mr. and Mrs. Al Ward, of Windsor, are spending their vacation with Mrs. L. Mdsaac. Mr. and -Mrs. A. White and daughter Nancy, of Detroit, vis­ ited with Mrs. Witzel on .Wed­ nesday. Midgets Beat Lucan Dashwood Midgets won from Lucan 13-10 in an Exhibition baseball game Monday evening. Robert Wein was on the mound all the way for Dashwood and pitcheda steady game for the locals with .Corriveau behind the plate. Lucan youngsters also played well with Bonds and Butler on the hill. Eisen did the receiving. few ■of few of ,E1~ days with London, is days with MISCELLANEOUS RIVERSIDE REST HOME, Mitchell, convalescents, bed patients. Elderly Ladies and Gentlemen. Phone 69 Mitchell. 19:26:2:9c CUSTOM PLOWING, ING, HAY AND BALING—Apply Leon ner, R.R. 1, Hensail, pnuiw 171r24 Exeter between 7 and 8 in the morning* COMBIN­ STRAW Trieb- phone 8t« BARNS WHITEWASHED—Rock lime and. D.D.T. paint. Apply Fred Harburn, phone 44r9,. Dublin. tfc j PERSONAL SINUS. HAYFEVER, COLDS, Catarrhal give way to the ’ NAMELESS Cold Convincing Trial $1.00. dress Purity Products, Exeter, Ont. 5:19:26:2c HEAD- Deafness, use of Remedy. Ad- Are you a victim of constipation? Try proven FRUlT-A-TIVES, famous herbal medicine used successfully for 45 years. Brings relief quickly—tones up liver —keeps bowels active—-restores good health—RELIABLE. "IS IT PAIN from corn or cal­ lous you have? Then get ‘foot-happy’ with Lloyd’s Corn Sai re."-50c at Robertson’s Drug Store. COMMUNITY SALE in the VILLAGE OF CREDITON in the near future. If you have anything to sell contact WILLIAM H. SMITH, Auct. — Creditpn 43-2 — DUPLICATE KEYS cut for most cars and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware. , 5tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Two ideal building lots, each 70 ft. X 15 0 ft. Near scheol, residential are.a, 2 blocks from downtown. Phone 14 or 9 Exeter. 26c FOR SALE—125 acres, 90 till­ able, balance bush, pasture, reasonably good buildings. Handy to villages. Possession November 1. 100 acres clay loam, bush, hydro near, barn, straw­ shed, full carrier, some litter silo, basement, water bowls, driveshed, garage, brick house canning factory 4 miles. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 26* FOR SALE—Centrally located nice little house, insulated, range wired, basement, fur­ nace, hot water, partial bath, 2 bedrooms, living room kit­ chen. Possession nine days after purchase. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 26* FARM FOR SALE—122 acres at Centralia, good buildings, farm in good condition, brick house, modeni conveniences. Immediate . possession. Her­ man Powe, phone 18rl2 Cred­ itor. 22tfc THREE BEDROOM Cottage— With hydro and town water, good basement. Immediate possession, c. V. Pickard, Real Estate, Exeter. FARM FOR .SALE—100 acres, consisting of Lot sion 12, Township of Hibbert. Interested parties cate with W. Murdoch Stewart • 13 Aberdeen Road, Wellesley, 81, Massachusetts. U.S.A, 19:26:2c 9, Conces- communi- FOR SALE—97 acres with good brick house and fine barn. Hydro and water throughout. Accommodation for good herd of cattle as well as other live­ stock. 35 acres of land fresh seeded. Located on highway close to school and village. Act now for fall possession. C. V. Pickard, Real Estate. Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—9 4 acres, highway, brick house fully equipped with modern conveniences- Fine barn with good stabling and silo. Water and hydro throughout. 6 acres bush. Close to village. Owner forced to sell on account of health. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—Summer Cottage, on fine beach, near Grand Bend. 3 bedrooms, lined throughout, 2 piece bath. Fur­ nished. At present rental buyer could use cottage for two or three weeks each year and still receive good re­ turn on investment. O. V. Pickard, Real Estate Broker, Main Street, Exeter. 5e FARM FOR SALE—116 acres, the south half of Lot 5, Con­ cession 9, Township of Steph­ en. Interested parties com­ municate with W. Murdoch Stewart, 13 Aberdeen Road, Wellesley, 81, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 19:26:2c FOR SALE—100 acre dairy farm, good buildings, 22> miles west of Clinton on highway, $4,000 cash, balance terms, possession now. Tractor disc $50; cutting box with pipes $75; rubber tired wagon ,$40; 8 dairy cows; 1 yearling Holstein bull. . W. B. Thomp­ son, R.R. 2, Clinton. 19:26c FOR SALE—Storage barn, 45 x 100ft. having 24 ft. posts, mill mill ad- acre Terms Cash. Edmund ', Hensail. flaxseparate or with property of 3i acres; machinery, colony house, jacent 7 and seven-tenths field. Geiger, FOR SALE—1 Good Cheer cook stove, used one year, white enamel; 2 chicken shelters; Viking cream separator; elec­ tric brooder; coal brooder stove. Apply Martin Laub, Woodham, phone 25rl2 Kirk­ ton. 19:26* FOR SALE—Six kitchen chairs, four dining-room ehairs, twc rocking chairs. Phone Exeter, 344w. 19c USED MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE—In good condition, new tires, new battery, Buddy seat, sealed beam lights, sad­ dle bags, etc. Apply F. C. Beaupre’s General Store, Exe­ ter. 26c FOR SALE—Thirty feet 1 % inch outside steel piping, tak­ en from well; also B in. rod. Phone 236W Exeter. 26c FOR SALE—1930 Ford coach, in good mechanical condition, tires good. Phone 16r8 Kirk­ ton. 26c FOR SALE—Baby carriage, practically new. Sweitzer’s cot­ tage, phone 324w. 26* FOR SALE—50 pullets R.R. X Sussex, 6 months, starting to lay, also 100 pullets, X R.R., 3| months old. M. Green, Crediton. Sussex ■C. 26* CAR FOR, SALE— ’34 V-8 Ford, in fair condition. Phone 372W Exeter. * 26* FOR SALE—42 McCormick-Dear­ ing combine. Apply Milne Pul­ len, No. 1, Granton, phone 17 2r2, Kirkton. c FOR SALE—One Norge Oil burning space heater, model FII70A, heats with outside 0 degrees; g. ’ chimney; strainer pail, screen­ ed funnel; and spring tap for oil drum. This equipment is in excellent condition is spotless inside and Entire outfit may be chased for $135 cash, particulars phone 193R. 70 00 cu. ft. temperature of galvanized pipes to HELP WANTED and out. pur- For 26c HELP WANTED—Two wait­ resses wanted, also Woman or Boy as kitchen help. Good pay for reliable person. Call at Rether’s Coffee Shop, Exe- ter. HELP WANTED—Woman to clean office and home each week. Phone 14 Exeter. 26c WANTED—Young lady to clerk in store in Exeter. Please write to Box 10. 26c STENOGRAPHER WANTED —- by the Exeter District High School Board for the office of the Principal Applicants avail­ able for full time or part time duties will be consider­ ed. Applications should be ad­ dressed to the Secretary, E. D. Howe.y, Box B, Exeter, by September 1, 1948. 26c WANTED—Man to paint roof of cottage in Hensail. Apply F. A. Wood, Hensail. 2-6* LOST LOST—75 0-20 truck tire and tube on a Chev wheel, be­ tween Grand Bend and Lon­ don Sunday night. Write Ray Ireland, 14 Raywood Ave., London, or phone Dashwood 52rl8. 26c Exeter Community gold signet ring with A H. Finder please Harry Holtzman, 26* LOST—At Park, a initials contact Fink’s Meat Market. TO BECOME AN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Map and your own boss. It you are ambitious, in­ dustrious and a good sales­ man, apply at once to BLUE BRAND PRODUCTS CO., 7227 Alexandra, Montreal, Quebec, 5:19; 2 6:2c FOR RENT-—'Four room apart­ ment with bath and hydro in Shipka on highway to Grand Bend. Apply to Albert Gaiser, phone 24r5, Crediton. 26c FOR RENT—Vacuum by the day or week. Hardware, Exeter, cleaners, Beavers He TENDERS WANTED NOTICES MEMORIAL SERVICE The annual Memorial Day service of the Zion Cemetery (Usborne Township) will be held in Zion Church on Sunday August 29, at 2,30 p.m, D.S.T. 19:26c AUCTION SALES R j,}—TRAN SPORT AMON Tenders will be received for the transporting of the pupils of S.S. No. 2 of the Township of Stephen to Creditan School for the school year of 1948-49. The distance approximately 15 miles per day. Any information required can he received from the secretary. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Arthur J. Amy, secretary 19:26c AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned auctioneer received instruction to sell public auction in Lucan on SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 at 1:30 p.m. the following: One range, coal or wood, A-l condition; 1 four-poster bed, walnut finish, full size, complete springs and mattress; 1 antique walnut love seat, 1 three-quarter steel bed, mattress and springs. Kitchen table; 4 chairs; roc­ ker; sideboard; dining-room ta­ ble; l room tress; stool suite; phonograph; mirrors; curtains and drapes; floor mats and pillows; hammock; dishes; ; pots and pans; garden tools and other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. AARON DAVIS, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR. Auct. has by School Stipulat- a Fixed marked table; sideboard; 6 chairs; secretary; 2 bed­ suites, springs and mat- ; White dressing table and to match; 3-piece parlor ; 2 small tables; pedestal; kitchen stool; 2 wardrobe; floor lamp; OF LAND of Middlesex by virtue of a Writ issued out of The SHERIFF’S SALE County Under and of Execution Supreme Court of Ontario anrl to me directed and delivered against the goods and chattels and lands and tenements of Wil­ liam Hector Mitchell, deceased, in the hands of Florence Fran­ ces Mitchell and Wilfred Huxta­ ble, Executors of the Will of the said William Hector Mit­ chell, deceased, at the suit of Mary Eva Cunningham, I have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by pub­ lic auction at my office in the Court House, in the City of Lon­ don, in the County of Middlesex, on Friday the Third day of Sep­ tember, A.D, 1948, at the hour of Eleven o’clock in the fore­ noon, all the right, title inter­ est and equity of redemption of the estate of the said William Hector Mitchell, deceased, in, to and that certain parcel land and premises situate lyin.. and being in the Township of Biddulph in the County of Mid­ dlesex, being composed of the North half of Lot Number 2, in the First Concession of the said Township, containing fifty acres be the same more or less, save and except the westerly ten feet thereof as described in register­ ed instrument Number 144 Mis­ cellaneous confeaing 0.153 acres more or less, subject to taxes since the year 1946 and a mort­ gage dated the 20th day of Ap­ ril 1931 made in the amount of $850 to one Catherine Annabelle Hicks and assigned by her to one Otto Harvey Brown. RUSSELL H. BEATTIE, Sheriff, County of Middlesex Sheriff’s Office, London, Ont., May 14, 1948. 29:5:19:26c out of all and singular or tract of g Exeter District High Exeter, Ont, Sealed Tenders on a ed Sum basis and/or Fee basis and plainly “Tender, Exeter District High School’’, will be received at the office of the architects until 5 p.m, E.D.T., Wednesday, Sep­ tember 1, 1948. Plans, specifications and Ten­ der Forms for both Stipulated Sum and Fixed Fee bases, may be obtained from the architect upon deposit of a certified cheque of $5 0. payable to the architect. This cheque will be returned on return of plans and specifications in good condition. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. PAGE and STEELE 72 St. Clair Ave., W. Toronto 19:26 /A V NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rl9 _________________ ._____J WANTED YOUNG WOMEN YOUNG MEN for Harvesting; Peaches, Plains, Ap­ ples, Pears, Grapes, Tomatoes, and other Fall fruits and vegetables. Accommodation in Farm Service Force Camps August 15 to November 15 Campers must bring blankets, sheets and pillow cases. For further information, write: ONTARIO” FARM SERVICE FORCE 9 Richmond Street East, Toronto 1, Ontario Auspices: Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee ’•FOR dead or DISABLED j ANIMALS WATCH DAILY1 PAPERS ‘ for; current prices — Phone EXETER 235 SEAFORTH 15 PHONE• COLL EC-T 8 a Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes Province of Ontario, County of Huron wit: BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT under the hand of the Warden and .Seal of the County of Hu­ bearing date the 10th day of July, 1948. and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the (lands mentioned in the following list, for arrears of taxes thereon together with all costs incurred, acres |1 hereby give notice that unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell the fur-J said lands, or as much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges wat-, thereon, at my office in the Court House in the Town of Goderich, by public .auction On Novem- hens. Wm. 26* 5:19:26c Ton FOR SALE—Exeter, 4£ sand loam, small bouse, nace, partial bath, town er, henhouse for 250 Possession August Pearce, Realtor. 28. GRAND BEND, ONT. Number of choice building lots for sale in village, ft. 20 per cent cash, four equal payments cent. Contact Herman Realtor, Grand Bend, 66 ft. 8 in x 180 balance 5 per M, Gill Ont. 19:26r "Father, will you give me ten cents for a poor man outside crying?" "Yes, son, here it is. he crying about?" "He’s crying ’fresh peanuts, five cents a bag'? who is What is roasted her 9th. 1948, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon in compliance with the statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby given that if any of the said lands remain unsold an adjourned sale will -he held on November 16th. 1948, at the .same time and place, and at which the Municipalities may serve the right to purchase any of the said lands. Goderich. Ontario. July 23, 1948. Name and Description A. H. ERSKINE. Treasurer of the 'County of Huron. Years in Arrears STEPHEN , 1945_g_7 Taxes Costs I Total TOWNSHIP OF L.R.W.................................. VILLAGE OF : 1330, 1331, S. Simcoe St. 1.945—6—7 lots are patented. Dated July 23, 1948. Published in THE ONTARIO GAZETTE, August Wm. H. Dunbar—Lot 158, Ernest Cooper-—Lots 1329, All of the above EXETER $70.40 202.36 7th. 1948. $3.75 $74.15 7.05 <24)9.41