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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-08-26, Page 1
Seventy-fifth Year To Enforce Blue pro-was the carry off three It won the 2.28 event in EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1948 Single Copy 6 cents Law at the Bend Enforcement of the Lord’s Day Alliance Act will be left to municipal police forces, and pro vincial police "would not be call ed in," c. R. Magone, deputy attorney-general said Tuesday. Mr. Magone denied any inten sion by his department of "dis criminating" against Port Stan ley. He said orders had been is sued to all crown attorneys in the province to provisions of the that the drive tions of the act tended to Grand other lake resorts vince. Instructions Issued In that been Lake Bend "enforce the act". He noted against infrac- had been ex Bend and all in the said had the Whizzer Wh izzes Chester Crashes Chester Cornish is in St, Jos eph’s hospital with facial lacer ations received Saturday night when his Whizzer motor bicycle was dragged 17 feet over the road by a gravel truck. The truck driven by John W. Park, Toronto struck the bicycle from behind three miles south ®f Exeter at 11 o’clock. Both vehicles were travelling north. The bicycle is a complete wreck but the motor is in fair shape. The truck was owned by James Walker, Toronto, and is used on the highway paving job. Parks is charged to appear in police court Friday. Provincial ■Constable John Ferguson investi gated. w e at h e r m a n made about turn to come up with day in the Exeter Turf second attempt to stage race meet. On July original date of the the affair particular, Mr. Magone he knew instructions issued in regard to Huron resort of Grand and glso to Crystal Beach Glenn Hayes, recently appoint ed crown attorney for Huron County, confirmed Mr. Magone’s statements and said "local police in Grand' Bend have been advis ed by me of the attorney general’s instructions". Mr. Hayes said his orders were "within the past week", knowledge his predecessor ceived his instructions down on Grand Bend the past ten days". Orders to close day amusements ley were issued Brockmeyer by Crown Attorney E. W. Haines a month ago. The enforced for the the second week forced. Wide Open Sunday, Port intervals when Chief Brockmeyer was not around, was running wide open. Chief Brockmeyer made one patrol in the afternoon and per" my ran 11 p.m. Deputy Attorney - General Ma gone said all crown attorneys had been advised “of the policy of this department in regard to the L.D.A.A." and that instruc tions had been issued to close down all Sunday amusements in the province. issued To his re- to crack "within tlie S inldown at Port Stan- to Chief Ken Elgin County order was first week, was rigidly Stanley, in not but en the then "went home for sup- and stayed home. "It was da.y off." The amusements from 4 p.m. until at least Legion Building Fund Reaches $2,000 Mark Exeter Legion Building Fund rose to two thousand dollars last week when the branch re ceived a twenty-five dollar dona tion from the Winchelsea Old Boys Reunion committee. The Legion executive is continuing the drive and all donations will be accepted gratefully. At the September meeting, members will decide on how the money will be used. They hope to build a large clubhouse with adequate recreational fac ilities and banquet hall and ac commodations. The Legion decided Monday night to sponsor a junior O.H. A. hockey team this winter. A hockey meeting will be called in September for all those in terested in junior hockey in the town. The team will probably be in a league -with Seaforth, Goderich, Clinton and northern towns. A zene C rally will be held this Sunday in the local rooms. Members of the various branch es around will meet and dis cuss important matters. other Meets Death in Traffic Accident Roy Girvin, R.R. 6, Goderich, Was on his way to Mrs. H. K. Eilber’s funeral, Thursday after noon, when he met his death in a traffic accident at Brucefield. Mrs. Eilber, the former Mary Girvin, was the victim’s cousin. Mrs. Girvin, his wife, is in cri tical condition in Seaforth hos pital. Jack Westlake was driving the car in which the Girvins were riding and his wife juries sufficient to to the hospital. Their car was hit erican tourist, Mrs. ford, of Cleveland, Ohio, coming east on the Seaforth road. Mrs. Crawford ipassengers, Mrs, Mrs. C. Cummings, all of Cleve land, were admitted to the hos pital. Mrs. Crawford is being held on a dangerous driving charge, received in confine her by ail J. N. C Ann raw- and her Bertholf two and Three rinks of bowlers attend ed the Scotch doubles tourna ment of the Fairmont Bowling Club at London Tuesday eve- prir.es with thirteen and home twenty ning. 8. B Taylor and W. Pollen won third three wins plus each brought pounds of sugar. The Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter held their regular meeting Monday evening August 16 in the Council Cham ber with Reeve and Councillors well, Cochrane present. During of the meeting rane motion and Sweitzer. The minutes of the last regu lar meeting of August 3rd were read and adopted on the motion of 0 Councillors Sweitzer Allison. ■Communications were and dealt with as follows: Harrison and Company, Debentures. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Sweit zer and Caldwell that the Clerk be instructed to prepare By- Laws amending redemption clause in Waterworks Extension and Wartime Housing By-Laws. The Municipal Board. Re De bentures. Filed. Department of Health, Reply to letter re Shapton Drain. The Public Health Committee was make enquiries ways of improving and report back. Queen Alexandra re Hospitalization. Filed. Department of Highways, re resurfacing Main Street. It was moved and seconded by Council lors Cochrane and Caldwell we request our member Thos. Pryde, to make an pointment with officials of partment of Highways with purpose of having our Connect ing Link Agreement broadened. Recreational t Council, re Dis tribution of Grant. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Sweitzer and Allison that the report of the Recreational Coun cil be accepted and that the grant be disbursed as laid out in the report. _ Ontario Municipal Association, re Convention. Filed. The Public Health and Sani tation Committee ways and conditions were being Building for as follows and granted on the motion 63: Councillors Sweit zer and Cochrane. ' Herbert Southeott, renovating bathroom. F. W. Gladman, renovating kit chen; J. Hubert Jones, moving house. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Sweitzer and Cald well that the Court of Revision in regard to Shapton Drain By- Law be held at 8,3 0 p.m. Sep tember’ 21, 1948. The matter' of drainage from the- property of Mr. Charles Kerslake was discussed. It was moved and seconded by Council lors Caldwell and Allison that connection be made with 6 inch tile to drain running from Wm. May property. Mr. C. V. Pickard tendered his resignation as member o‘ Arena Board. His resignation was accepted with regret on the motion of Councillors Caldwell and Allison, Mr. Pickard to con tinue Board until new appointment is made. The read and B. ML Tuckey Allison, Cald- and Sweitzer the early part Councillor Coch- acted as Chairman on the of Councillors Allison and read re Sanitation to to possible conditions and instructed as Sanitorium. that Mr. ap- De- the reported that means of improving at Creamery Drain investigated. permits were applied as Secretary-Treasurer of following accounts were ordered paid on the motion of Councillors Cochrane and levellin. .$15.00; ing i Bros, The 2.74, I’ercli 2.95, of Huron, Moore 46.50 ities Commission, Street, lighting 250.13 plies bor labor labor labor All JennisonAllison: g ditch Times-Advocate, and supplies 200,2S; ., gas and oil, truck Bell Telephone, J, Firehall 4.00, 6.74 a & Rubber Ltd., coats 74.90, 77.85 Hospitalization Exeter Public Vtil W. F with bulldozer print- Mather 15.28 Norry Gutta Spanners ; County F. H. 2.45; 39.79; 28.73 28.73; 30.00. motions R. Anderson. Gerald Cornish 1 Id sup- la- tar Mawhinney Sam Grainger, Richard Davis were carried. Ad journment on the motion of Councillor Sweitzer. C. V. Pickard, Clerk GREETINGS FROM EXETER — The above pic ture shows Reeve B. W. Tuckey, receiving a let ter from the Mayor of Exeter. England, on the occasion of the visit of Mr. George Weeks, of Plymouth, as reported in the Times-Advocate last week. Greeting Mr, Weeks on his arrival was the above group. From left to right: J. M. Southeott. editor of the Times-Advocate; Coun cillor John Caldwell; Chief John Norry. J. H, Jones, Mr. Weeks, Reeve Tuckey, Councillor A. J. Sweitzer. Councillor W. C. Allison and R. N. Creech. —Photo by Jack Doerr ideal Club’s its annual 21, the event, the affair was called off because of rain, with only the second heat in one class being run off. While the entries were fewer and hardly up to the calibre of the July meet, good races were provided in each of the four classes. Wee Corporal only horse to firsts, handy fashion. Four district good showing at Dune Campbell horses made a the local meet, of Ailsa Craig Sells Farm Mr. J. B. Turnbull has dis posed of his fine farm on the fifteenth concession of Stephen to Mr. Geo. Link for the hand some sum. of $10,000. No. 83 Now in Good Condition Highway 83 from Exeter to Dashwood, which for the past two years has been under con struction, is now in excellent condition for travel with the ex ception of one bridge being built two and a half miles west of Exeter. For settling the dust a heavy coat of oil has been laid, and the highway itself is being wi dened to 100 feet. Farmers along the highway are being provided with new wire fences now in course of construction, in lieu of the land. Eight cement culverts and two cement bridges have been built by Looby & Looby and the third is well under way. Thousands and thousands of yards of clay and gravel have been used in widening and build ing up the road. The clay from several hillsides has been used. The top soil was saved and ground levelled and the top replaced able. New made to hydro line was removed to the first sideroad south and the telephone line moved back along the road. Trees along the high way have been preserved and add to the picturesqueness the route. Brucefield Fire Caused by Iron Fire that might have resulted in much greater damage was caused Monday morning when an electric iron was left turned on in the apartment of Mrs. Daw son at Brucefield, over Hugh F. Berr’ys store. When the blaze was first noticed smoke and flame were coming out of the window. The Seaforth fire brigade, the Clinton Radio School fire brigade and the Clinton fire brigade were all soon on the scene and were able to bring the fire under con trol, Considerable damage was done to the contents of the apart ment. Trailer Crashes Truck The P.U.C.’s~new %-ton Chev truck had its fender, hood and grill bashed in and its wind shield broken and splintered on Monday when hit by a loose trailer. Driving south along Main St. at the north bridge, Leo Hen nessey was meeting a car and trailer driven by Cliff Heywood, of town, when the trailer sud denly broke loose and crashed into the truck. No one was hurt although Mr. Hennessey suffered from shock. of to to make the land the soil till- approaches have been the abutting farms. The Hensall Juveniles Win Semi-Finals Hensall juveniles beat of Sea forth in two games this week to win a two-out-of-three semi-final series. On Monday night Bill O’Brien pitched the winners to a 6-2 victory, striking ■ men. He fanned ten batters and allowed hits/ Smith hurled for and while giving up bingles, he was wild at times. At Seaforth Wednesday night, Ron Heimrich pitched a winning 13-6 victory and collected two bingles in four tries to aid his own efort. Mickle had two for five, one a lovely triple. Smith was the losing pitcher and best batter for his team with ble and single in two Hensall now meets the of the Staffa-St. Marys St. Marys went one up on Mon day. night. out sixteen successive only two 1 the losers, only three a d-ou- efforts. winner series. Lose in Ailsa Craig Ailsa Craig took Exeter in an exhibition tilt Tuesday right, in the village to the south. Exeter kept pace with the hard-hitting crew until the fourth when the Craig team broke a 5-5 tie and were never behind. How Holtzman was on the mound for the visitors. Boyle connected for three safties three tries. Jack Hennessey, holidays from Harrow, played his old spot on first base. 11-5 in on at Exeter farmer wrote to Arthur L, , and said interested Reau me, of he was de in marrying who had ap- IT WAS NOTICED last week that an Mayor Windsor finitely an Ingersoll widow pealed to the, mayor for help in getting a mate. The mayor is rapidly becoming Canada’s Doro thy Dix, He answers all sorts of letters from people in distress and runs quite a pen-pal agen cy, Three other men wrote about, the Ingersoll widow. ditch'AN AMERICAN tourist ed his car near Sliipkn and bumped in the front. No one was hurt. A CALF was killed over the week-end on the Shipka road near Roy Ratz’ farm. The ow ner has not yet been found. Elected Delegate Mrs. Ida Sanders, formerly Exeter, was elected delegate attend the Conservative conven tion in Ottawa on September 30 and October 1, at a meeting of the Women’s Progressive Con servative Association held in the committee rooms m London. Mrs. Sanders-is president of the association. Town Top ics Miss Helen Herdman of Eliin- ville, has been visiting with Mr and Mrs. Henry Delbridge for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ander son and Mr. and Mrs. James Squire spent a half day recently at Grand Bend. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, Jack and Lynda, of Chatham, visited over the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Ed Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. and Mr. and Mrs. Westcott and family week-end in Detroit. Mr. Byrne Gifford Angela Freeman, of spent. Sunday with Mr. Jas. McAllister of Zurich. Mr. Jack Francis and Horton and Arlene, of Ferguson attended of his sister-in-law, Hicks, in Windsor Mrs. Westcott Roylance spent the and Miss Toronto, and Mrs. getting along nicely. Mrs. William Henry, and Margaret, of visited with Mr. and after holidaying for a Northern Michigan, go- far north as Higgin’s Mrs. Jos. Folliok vis- tlieir daughter and Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Newtonbrooke, during Mrs. Glencoe, were with Mr. Dorey and Mrs. Maybee over the week-end. Mrs. Albert Mitchell is a pa tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, suffering with a broken hip. She is Mr. and Cameron Brucefield, Mrs. Charles Harris on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Prout have returned week in ing as Lake Mr. and ited with son-in-law Warner, the past week. Gordon May. of the Bank Commerce staff in Jarvis, speeding two weeks holidays the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May. Mr. P. N. Tyerman, Exeter North, received word on Thurs day last of the death of his brother, Dr. Howard Tyerman, of Ashcroft, B.C. Miss Annie Foote of Detroit, sister of Rev. J. Foote, formerly of Exeter, visited for a few days with friends in Varna and the Parr Line recently. Mr. and liess took week, goin Kingston, boro Mr Greb Mo., in ess sever i of is at Ferguson had Hicks for six Turnbull and Elizabeth Ann Mr. Roy Kirk is holidaying up north. Mrs. D. A. Anderson is spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McAlister at their summer home ‘Timber Cove’, Bayfield. Mr. John the funeral Mrs. Frank last Friday, been with Mrs. weeks. Mr. Wilfred G. little daughter have returned to Toronto after spending two weeks with Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs, David Millar, Mrs. Eva Seacord and son Er nest, of Oakland, and daughter and son-in-law, and their son, Ralph, of Detroit, spent Satur day with Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss Annie Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey and Mr. Charles Tuckey were at Cass City, Mich., visiting with the former’s son - in - law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tuc key and attended Tuckey wedding on Dr. and Mrs. A- of Richmond Hill, Pulfoi’d-Haberer wedding in Zur ich, Saturday and visited over the week-end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Rose H. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Post and two children, of Windsor, spent two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell and were accompanied home by little Mary Lou who spent the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Margison of Plaster Rock, N.B., Mr. and Perley McDonald and of Woodstock, N.B., M. J. Margison London, were Johns over the i Mrs. Maxwell liar- dor trip east last > such places as iva, Hull, Peter- Henry. Grab, of .the o.r Kansas City, > resume his bus- re after spending weeks hero. Fisher, Mr. and 1 and Marilyn past week-end a m< ig to mt a and Fort Gordon X-Ray C lifts left ft duties tin al enjoyahi Mrs. Cl ar It Mrs. Glonn Fisher Yvonne spent the in Port Huron with Mr. tmdJMr Amos Lee. Mrs, for a her son Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Grayer, at the home, of Miss Annie Iland- Wanvii'.li Grayer, <5 few days and Gary and Terry Toronto, visited last week with daughter-in-law, tire D’Archy- Saturday. J. MacKinnon attended the and Marlene , returned evening after Mrs. Jimmy, and Mr. and Mrs. and Bobby, of guests of Mrs. Ed week-end. Misses Donna Stone. of Kirkton home Saturday spending last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Squire. Donna was recuperating from an appendicitis operation performed at St. Joseph’s Hos pital. Mrs. Sid Sanders left Thurs day of last week for Barwick, Northern ©ntario, where she will spend a few weeks with her fa mily. Mr. her as^ far spent "a daughter and Mrs. After a fishing land, Mossrs. Harty Gteb for entertained M Otterbein Rive Sanders accompanied as Toronto, where ho few days with and son-in-law, R. A. Dale. spending it trip to Mi his Mr. >n days initouliii Is- and ( camped at Grand Bend a wook. While there and Mrs. and ‘dale, Mirh Campbell, from Ideal relatives no from Mrs. Dave roll a friends. and >11 ordoii they Men- daughter, Mr and Pet- and Seeking Leadership John W. Hanna, member of the Ontario Legislature Huron-Bruce, announced in opto last week that he will candidate for the national ership of the Progressive servative party at its convention opening in Ottawa, September 30. for Toi”- be a lead- Con- Resurfacing Job Half Completed The work of resurfacing No._ ... 4 highway from Kippen to Exeter by the Brennan Construction Company has been completed and the company is now resur facing Exeter morial This work. Exeter Huron pleted, through the business section of the town which will probably be left to the last. j The problem to settled is just how much of the Main Street will be resurfaced. The provin cial highway department will surface twenty feet through town. It is estimated that to surface the remaining width Exeter’s Main Street from North to the Trivitt Me- Church. completes half of the Another five miles from to the south boundary of County is still to be com as well as resurfacing re tire re- -------- -----------„ ------ to the gutter will cost the munici pality about $5,000 and to re surface to the curb about $8,000. The municipal council, through the sitting member, Mr. Thomas Pryde, is endeavoring to arrange a meeting with the Hon. Mr. Doucette to see if some adjust ments can be made. C.A.H.A. Official Here After Hockey Talks in Switzerland Mr. Allan W. Pickard, of Re gina, Sask., president of the Ca nadian Amateur Hockey Associa tion, who has been visiting with his brother, C. V. and Mrs. Pic kard and family and Mr. and Mrs. M. >F. Gladman and family at a summer cottage at Grand Bend, leaves Thursday for the west. Exeter ___ „ __ ______ where, in company with Dr. W. G. Hardy, of Edmonton, he at tended a meeting of the Inter national Ice Hockey Association, of which Dr, Hardy is the presi dent. The meeting was held at Zurich, Switzerland, a name fa miliar to Mr. Pickard as in his younger days he crossed sticks with the Zurich Ontario players, a fact which he referred to while in Switzerland. M r. Pickard spent some time in England where he attended the Olympics and also visited in France. He was d'elighted with the splendid reputation the Canadian Ama teur Hockey team had gained for themselves, as everywhere he went people spoke highly of its splendid sportsmanship deportment. Mr. Pickard arrived in from a trip overseas and Celebrate Birthdays Sharon celebrated their first and fourth birthdays children of Mr. and Mrs. Sanders and same day of them celchra Mrs, (’ourtlai of Benmiller and and Miss Lillian Kerr who has been staying and Mrs. Sanders fox’ returned home Sunday and Brian Sanders on Sunday. They are Al joe were born on the the year. Helping d Kerr and family and Misses Elaine Gail Kiri on, Ethel Fisher having the best day. His Mary Volo came in second in the first- heat of the 2.20 and. then went on to win the next two heats. In the 2.15 Campbell’s Margaret Grattan won the second heat and placed in the first and third. Silver Prince, owned by Eric McIlroy of Grand Bend, was In front all the way in the first <gv of the 2.25. The time was 2,11- 1/5, a new record for the horse. In the second heat he broke on the first turn and fell away back. Trying to regain his lau rels in the third event after a slow start in last position, Tom Elliot pulled Silvei’ Prince out and took over the leadership on the outside from Real T on the back stretch but again the Mc Ilroy horse broke. But for these mishaps Silver Prince appeared to be the fastest in the 2.25, Tom Yearly, a member of the Club, drove his Amber Grattan, also in the 2.25 class, into se cond place in the final heat. The Crediton horse was fourth in the first two. Yearly also started his Wee Bobbie in the 2.15 ■ class. It was the colt’s first race and it came in last in the four horse race. Omar Cunningham, of Clande boye, driving his Miss Corporal Grattan, finished third, third and second in the 2.20 class. The 2.28 class headed the afternoon’s race card. Harvest Moon and Marva Grattan gave Wee Corporal the best competi tion. The race winner came from behind each time to win handily but Harvest Moon and Marva Grattan made it a real race for .the next two positions in each heat. The green horses stepped off the first race in 2.12%. Real T, full sister to the fa mous Dr. Stanton now burning up the tracks across the border, was the race winner in the 2.25. The Fraser horse finished third in the first event behind Silver Peter and Gladys Grattan and then went on to win the next two. Lee Hy was second in the second heat, while Amber Grat ton showed his best form of the afternoon to nose out Lee Hy for second spot in tlie final run. Only four horses went to the wire in the 2.20 class. However, this event chalked up the fastest average of the afternoon. The first two heats were real races between Bud Brayden and Mary Volo with Bud Brayden winning the first and leading almost to the wire in the second when nosed out by Mary Volo. This was the fastest heat of the af ternoon with the time 2.10 1/5. The third go was a three-horse race right down to the wire. Mary Volo, Miss Corporal Grat ton and Bud Brayden came down the finishing drive abreast and. finished closely in that order. Four horses ran it out in the 2.15 race, with Dan Axworthy and Margaret Grattan featuring in the event. Dan Axworthy finished first in the opening heat, while the second was a split finish given to Margaret Grattan. Dan Axworthy lead all the way in the final race. 2.28 Trot or Paco, Purse $300 Wee Corporal, Farr Bros., Weston Harvest Moon, McIntyre, Port Elgin ..................... Marva Grattan, R. Mc Intosh, Parkhill ............. Bell Volo, Belore, Mount Elgin ................................ Easter Lily, Ruthig, New Hamburg ....................... Be 11 y Allen Axworthy, Linden, Denfield ............ Rosalee, MeCan, Clande boye ............................... Kelly the Kid, Houze, Mitchell ......................... Pine Ridge Louie, L. James, London ............... Time; 2.12 1/2, 2.13 2/5, 3/5. 2.25 Trot or Pace, Purse Real T, Fraser, Forest .. Silver Peter, M c I l*r o y, Grand Bend ................... Gladys Grattan, McLellan Lee Hy, Neely, Petrolia .. Amber Grattan, Yearly, Crediton ......................... Time: 2.11 1/5, 2,13 2/5 1/5. 2.20 Trot or Pace, Purse Mary Volo. Campbell, Ail sa Craig ..... Bud Braden, Strathroy ... Miss Corporal Cunningham, Princess Emma Lee kett, Strathroy .... Time: 2,1'2 *4. 2.12 1/10 2.15 Trot or Pace, Purse Dan Axworthy, McKinnon, Owen Sound .................. Margaret Grattan, Camp bell ............... Tony ton W ee diton ........ Time: 2.13 2/5. 1 1 1 I of Bluevale, of London. Benmiller, with Mr. two weeks of Meet Sebringville Sharon, champions of the Hu- M ■ C’ soft* meets Sebringville ron-Perth Intermediate ball league. this Friday night in a play-off fixture. The t in Dashwood, nor in its Monkton in The hard-hitting will be out for homo diamond, ame will be played Sebringville, group an win- eliminated earlier series. Sharon gang a win on its 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 2 3 4 6 5 8 7 3 2 7 4 5 6 x 9 2.18- X X $300 3 1 2 5 1 5 3 2 4 1 5 4 3 2 $300 2 1 Bannerman, Gratia n, Clandeboye Bec- 1 1 3 3 3 2 Ailsa Wk Bobble 4 1 4 1 Craig . Kirby, Yearly, Wai Ore' 3/5, 2.14 3/5 2 1 2 4 3 3 44 2.12-