HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-08-19, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1948 Master LeBoy Tufts spent the past week at Turnbull's Grove ■with. Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Tufts, •who had a cottage and spent th" past two weeks there. ■si What When Where WHAT Kind of Gravel ('Fine, coarse, cement or road) WHEN You. Are Ready WHERE aa close to your work possible. as Cudmore Gravel Phone Exeter 171r3 Low Rail Fares To The Canadian National EXHIBITION AT TORONTO AUG. 27—SEPT. 11 Fare and one third for the Round Trip (Government Tax Extra) Good going Thursday Au­ gust 26 to Saturday Sep­ tember 11 inclusive RETURN LIMIT—SEPT. 15 Full infromation from any Agent Canadian National i KIRKTON Miss Norina Tufts, of London, spent the week-end with act mother, Mrs. Truman Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Switzer, of Stratford, spent the with Mr. and Mrs. Switzer. Miss Nancy Parrott, ehell, is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Roger Christie. Word has been received of the death of Thomas Blake, who some 35 years ago was a resi­ dent of this community. He farmed near Seaforth. He died in Victoria Hospital August 12 after a month’s leaves his widow, who Switzer, of Anderson, Reuben Switzer) a Mrs. David McLean wvvk-vnJ Reuben of Mn- Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free o£ charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse. En­gagements 50c. Joynt, son of Mr. G. C. Joynt, of Hensail, and the ‘ H Joynt, the wedding to take place in August. * lute Mrs; CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Edward MorUwk wishes those who remem- during her membered Aimer with flowers, cards, letters, treats and called while a patient for weeks at his home, greatly appreciated. several It was e IN M EMORI AM di to thank all bered her illness. recent BIRTHS illness ami was (Tara (sister oi daughter, (Evelyn;, and a son, George, at home; also five grandchildren and a great grandson. A private funeral was held Sunday with burial at Sea- , forth Cemetery. Mrs. Edwin Tufts visited with her parents at Clinton this past week. Miss Elizabeth Shier, of Col- onsay, Sask., is holidaying at the home of I. N, Marshall. A black bear and her two cubs have been in this community the past two weeks in a bush not far from the village. The caretaker of the union cemetery saw them again this past week in an. ad­ joining field. When Mr. was walking day recently very ] They inches record. Mrs. holidaying Mr. John Williams in the village Mrs. Geo. Allen spent the past week in Ottawa. Hon, Jas. Gar­ diner, Mrs. Gardiner and daugh­ ter Beth returned to spend the week-end with her, also Mr. Millikin, of Regina, and Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Gardiner and son. of Lemberg, Sask, BURNS—LAC and Mrs. F. C. Burns are happy to announce the birth of a son, Philip John at Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, August 10, 1948. EDWARDS—At Victoria Hospit­ al, London, on Monday, Aug­ ust. 9, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Edwards, of Exeter, a son. HODGSON—On August 7, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, to Mr. and Mrs. David Hodg­ son, a son, William David. LAMPORT—At St Joseph’s Hos- Tuesday, Mr. and Crediton, pital. London, on August 17, 1948, to Mrs. Roy Lamport, a daughter, Gail. Arnold Wiseman in his garden one he long stalks measured in length MAIER—At Dr. D. Ferguson’s Hospital, Dashwood, on Satur­ day, August 14, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maier, of Dash­ wood, a gift of a daughter, weighing 8ys pounds, mother and baby fine Both noticed some of potatoes, six feet five which is some White, of Brantford, is with her brother, PRESZCATOR—At Mrs. ten’s nursing home, on Thurs­ day, August 12, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Preszcator, of Exeter, a son, Kenneth John. RILEY—In pital on 1948, to Riley, of Bat- Clinton Public Hos- .Sunday, August 8, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hensail, a daughter. PHONE 335 Exeter Stewart’s Taxi <» Make your appointments early for your special week-end trips to your favorite beach or picnic ground. All Passengers Insured Handle With Care! Fine radios are delicate in­ struments that deserve the best of care. That’s where we fit into the picture! At the first sign of trouble, call us! Our servicemen are expert at fixing radios, and they give you prompt, effi­ cient and courteous service. Our charges for services are reasonable, too. BEAVERS Hardware PHONE 86 EXETER Are You Ruptured? Our Service is Different. We Sell You a Fit in Our Private Truss Room Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 years experience. Your Drugs at Robertson's Phone 50 Exeter Only the Best ® Co-op Feeds. cleaned grain and carefully mixed for your fe< ding pleasure. We endeavour to use onlv the bust and the. results are a TOP QUALI­ TY* FEED for aho do custom own iiicnls. grain and your poultry, hogs and cattle. We grinding and mixing. Bring in your have it mixed to your own require- it, we can also sell you whole♦ If you need grain. You can also obtain Oyster Shell, Sall (in­ cluding' Cobalt Block Salt), some Mill Feeds and some lines of Wire Fencing at the mill and ware­ house. ® We still have a small supply of No. 2 and 3 grade Cedar Shingles. Leave Your Orders for Your Fertilizer Requirements. We Are Anxious to Have Them in. ® We still have a good supply of Turnip Spray Ma­ terial. ® We have, a couple of Hog Weighing Outfits con­ sisting of crate and scales. These can be suspend­ ed from your beam, and raised by lever arrange­ ment, Very easy to operate, the ideal thing for checking the weight of your hogs. We still have a good supply of Twine and many other farm supplies. — BUY FROM — EXETER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Mill 287j Phonds Office 287w SCHWALM—In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, August 9, 194.8, to Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Schwalm, daughter. of Hensail, a STONE—At Mrs. sing home, on ust 16, 1948, to Gordon Stone Wein), Exeter, Sylvia Dianne, Batten’s nur- Monday, Aug- Mr. and Mrs (nee Verna a daughter WRIGHT—In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, August 14, 1948, ' to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, of Brucefield, a son. DEATHS Mon­ Mary wife EILBER—-In Crediton on day, August 16th, 19 4 8, Lindsay Girvin, beloved of Herbert K. Eilber in her 61st year. GENTTNER—At her late dence in Dashwood, on day, August 16th, 1948, Fred Genttuer, in her year. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Register for Fall Term Starting Sept, 13, ’48 Chartered under Ontario Department of EducationANDERSON — In loving mem­ ory of a dear wife and mother who passed away one year ago August 19, 1947. Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache no one can heal; Deep in our hearts a memory is kept, a mother we will never forget. —Ever remembered by husband, daughter sons. Courses: Clerical, Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial B. F, WARD, fe.A„ Principal. sincere to allI wish to thanks and ,, my relatives and friends who so kindly remembered me with letters, cards, flowers and treats and also those who called on me during my lengthy period of illness.* express my appreciation Mrs. Ernie Rader express my sincere appreciation to all I wish to thanks and . my friends and relatives who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters, flowers and gifts and also those who called on me while a patient in St. Jos­ eph’s Hospital and at home. * Freida Rader Mrs. Charles Palmer and family with to express their sin­ cere thanks to the relatives and friends for the kindness showis during Mr. Fahner’s illness and sympathy extended in their ber­ eavement, with special thanks to Rev. J. V. Dahms, T. Harry Hoffman, of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Morlock and Miss Ella Morlock and for the many floral tributes and to those who chelped in any way. Mr. wish to thank their friends, relatives and neighbors for the kind expressions of sym­ pathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement, also for the beautiful floral tributes and cards. Special thanks to Rev-. Snell, of Exeter, Mrs. Alex Baillie and Mrs. George Squire, of Whalen, and to those who helped to make the days bright and cheerful during Beverley’s illness. * Thos. Harris wishes to her sincere appreciation the kind expressions of and Mrs. Ernest Foster many resi- Mon- Mrs. 63rd lengthy Mrs. express for all sympathy extended to her dur­ ing her recent bereavement, al­ so for the floral tributes and to all who helped in any way. c Mrs. J. Simmons and Mrs. W Fraser wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered their brother, Jamest Vance while he was in London’’ and Clinton hos­ pitals with letters and cards and also for visiting him. They wish to thank all their friends and relatives who were so good to them in their time of and to all who sent and loaned ears. Special to Rev. R. A. Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and to Dr. Goddard also to Mr. and Mrs. Harold ron for their kindness. HICKS — At Toronto Westerg Hospital, Thursday, August 5. 19 48, Alice Mary Press, wid­ ow of Geo. Hicks, 313 Bleeker ■St., and dear J. R. Newburg • Douglas and body rested at eral Home, 525 Sherbourne Street. Funeral was from Church of St. Simon, Howard Street to St. James Cemetery. mother of Mrs. ; (Anne), Maude Earle G. The ; the Stone Fun- 525 Funeral MARRIAGES v. Of her and twd * ANDERSON — Ip. loving mem­ ory of a dear grandmother who passed away August 19, 1947. —Ever remembered by granddaughter, Thelma, ANDERSON — In loving of my dear Brook, for trouble flowers thanks also to singing thanks Bonth- •u Bender ! their deep ap- the Exeter Fire the quick re- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard wish to express predation to I Department for sponse and excellent service ren­ dered at the time of the fire Thursday morning of last week, with special thanks to Mr. Wm. Cutting for his heroic efforts in saving the house. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore wish to thank all the friends and neighbors who so kindly re- 14, 1948, at United Church Rev. H. J. Pauline, dau-j Char-I DYCK—GODBOLT — On Satur­ day, August James Street parsonage by Snell, Dorothy ghter of Mr. and Mrs. les Godholt, Exeter, to L.A.C. j H. Dyck, Watson Lake, son 1 of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dyck, of Clarkboro, Sask. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake of Usborne, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Olive llene, to Archie liam, only son of Mr. and Roy Webber, of Exeter; wedding to take place on ember 4th in James United Church. hen * mem­ ory of my dear mother, Phoebe Anderson who passed away one year ago August 19 s 1947. often sit and think of youI When no eyes can see me weep, Many a silent tear is shed When others are asleep. Sleep on dear mother and take thy rest, I miss you most who Loved you best. —Sadly missed by son, Oscar, c M', A. STONE, Coin. Specialist, Vic<>Principal. -* Prizes Gaioref SOME OF THE PRIZES 1949 MOTOR CAR RADIO COMBINATION GORGEOUS FUR COAT ® ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR ® FOUR BICYCLES • WATER SOFTENER ® VACUUM CLEANER ® FIVE $100.00 BONDS ® TWELVE $50.00 BONDS To be given away FREE! « VALUE OVER $6,000.00 ADVANCE SALE TICKETS Buy advance sale tickets early .,. only hold­ ers of these tickets elegible to participate. Advance Sale Tickets , . . 3 For $1 INCLUDING PRIZE DRAWING PRIVILEGE EACH TICKET ADMITS 1 ADULT OR 2 CHILDREN WESTE1N FAIR SEPT. 13 to 18 LONDON ONTARIO W. D. Jackson, Secretary Septic Tanks, Pressure Systems, Water Softeners Gurney Furnaces, Kitchen Sinks & Cabinets Toilets, Basins, Bathtubs, Our God dear mother, Mrs. this life August 16, with COOPER — In loving memory of our William H. Cooper who de­ parted 1945. silent thought, a secret tearA Keeps her memory ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. —Ever fondly remembered by her family. * DEVINE—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Annie Devine, who passed away two years ago, August 15, 19 46. What would we give her hand to clasp, Her patient face to see; To hear her voice, to see smile, As in the days that used to Our hearts still ache sadness, eyes shed many a tear; alone knows how much we miss herAs this ends the second year. 4 —Sadly missed by her husband- Albert, son Wilbur and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Lloyd MacGregor and husband. R. T. McBride Plumbing and Heating 168 Ontario St., STRATFORD, ONTARIO Phone 911 Rodd, Sept- Street,5p Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. of Woodham, wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Audrey Pearl, to Mr. Lome Robert Passmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore, Thames Road, the wedding take place Woodham 2.30 p.m. Mr. and Granton, wish to announce the engagement; of their only daughter, Jean Lillian, Edwin Miller, youngest Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Exeter, the marriage place in Zion United September 4th at 2 p.m. MT. and Mrs, Nelson Schenk, Crediton, wish to announce the engagement of their only daugh­ ter, Gladys Etoil, to Andrew John, only son of Mr, and Henry * Bierling, Exeter, marriage to take place early part of September. Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Morgan. Heimuli, announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Anne Wilson, to Carey Bonthron on August 28th United Church Mrs.Warren Brock, to John son of Miller, to take Church', 3s too ever 350 acres on beautiful Lake Ontario’s shore packed with thrilling, interesting, instructive things to see. Agriculture, sport, pageantry, music, foreign exhibits, industry, motor show, electronics, science, transportation. Don’t miss this year’s C.N.E. Col. K. R. Mor*halt President Elwood A. Hugfioi General Monogor Mrs.