HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-08-19, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1948Page 4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESTENDERS WANTED Trousers FOR SALEHELP WANTED FOR SALE PERSONAL •<! * N. 1 With your next Tip Top suit you will now be able to have that extra pair of trousers. We, as agents in Exeter for Tip Top clothing, will be glad to show you their fine line of samples for your next garment. The years of business behind this leading firm assure you of a suit you’ll be proud to own* WANTED — Drug apprentice tboy preferred); also a lady clerk at Cole’s Rexall Drug Store, 29:5:19c FOR SALE—Spruceleigh Farm white Leghorn pullets, laying. Wm. Rowcliffe, R.R. 1, Hen- sall, phone Hensall 80r4. 19c an‘s >s ar WANTED- manent Exeter. •Man for mill, per­ job. Cann’s Mill, 19c FOR SALE—Folding organ, al­ so a desk. Phone Exeter 327. 19c FOR SALE—Cornell 595 seed wheat, smutt resistent. Apply to Andrew Christie, R.R, 1, Mitchell, phone Kirkton 10- 29:5:19e RE—TRANSPORTATION Tenders will be received for the transporting of the pupils of fi.S. No. 2 of the Township of Stephen to Crediton School for the school yeai’ of 1948-49. The distance approximately 15 miles per day. Any information required can be received from tho secretary. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Arthur J. Amy, secretary 19:26c BECOME AN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Man and your own boss. It you are ambitious, in­ dustrious and a good sales­ man, apply at once to BLUE BRAND PRODUCTS CO., 7227 Alexandra, Montreal, Quebec. 5:19; 26:2c i •i Announcement Having disposed of my Business Block and Merchan­ dise in the Village of Crediton to Mr. Lome Hodge, I wish to thank my many customers for the liberal patronage accorded ma during the time I was in business. Mr. Hodge has completely modernized the store, which, with an added supply of merchandise, competes with stores in much larger centres. I soli­ cit, for Mr. Hodge, the same loyal support given me. E. K. FAHRNER Announcement Having disposed of our General Store in Crediton to Mr. Lome Hodge, we take this opportunity of ex­ pressing our appreciation of the patronage accorded us by our many friends and customers during the many years we -were in business, and evoke the same loyal patronage for our succesor. Mr. Hodge has ta­ ken over the business and is now prepared to serve the public efficiently. Streamline Your Household Tasks! The dingy drudgery of yesterday’s kitchen is a thing of the past! Our superior home appliances prove that your household chores can be transformed into pleasant, easily completed tasks. Their higher standard of performance i s sim­ ple, certain, time­ saving. Labels of na­ tionally famous ma­ kers assure longer w e a i' and superior quality. Stop in and find the way to grea­ ter home comfort. R Phone WANTED — Thoroughly exp er- | ienced dump truck drivers living in community of Exe­ ter. Apply Mr. Walker, New Commercial Hotel, Hensall. 19* •CAR FOR SALE—’28 Whippet Six A-l condition. Apply Mrs. A. Harlto-n, Centralia. 19* FOR SALE—Used car Chevrolet 27 to 39, 29 to 31. Apply G. above Fink’s Meat parts for Plymouth Bonnalle, Market. 29:5:19c Schoo] Stipulat- a Fixed marked REAL ESTATE WANTED — Stenographer at once. Apply Canadian Canners phone Exeter 250. 19e HELP WANTED—Two wait­ resses wanted, also Woman or Boy as kitchen help. Good pay for reliable person. Call at Rether's Coffee Shop, Exe- ter. FARM FOR SALE—122 acres at Centralia, good buildings, farm in good condition, brick house, modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Her­ man Powe, phone 18rl2 Cred­ iton. 22tfc FOR SALE—Good team of Per- clieron horses, well matched, Apply to A. E. Oestreicher, R.R. 1, Dashwood. 5:19c FOR SALE—Used Beatty wash­ er, wooden top. Apply A. E. Oestreicher, R.R. 1, Dashwood 5:19r MISCELLANEOUS RIVERSIDE REST HOME, Mitchell, convalescents, bed patients. Elderly Ladies and Gentlemen. Phone 69 Mitchell. 19:26:2:9c GOOD BOARD AND ROOM for two elderly ladies in my home must be able to look after themselves; Mrs. of Elimville, phone Kirkton 32rl8. $8.00 a Merle Sparling, R.R. 3, CUSTOM PLOWING, ING, HAY AND BALING—Apply Leon ner, R.R. 1, Hensall, 171r24 Exeter between 8 in the morning BEDROOM Cottage—THREE With hydro and town water, good possession. Real Estate, Exeter. DUPLICATE KEYS cut for most cars and cylinder type locks. Beavers Hardware. 5tfc basement. Immediate ■C. V. Pickard, FARM FOR .SALE—100 acres, consisting of Lot 9, Conces­ sion 12, Township of Hibbert. Interested parties cate with W. Murdoch Stewart 13 Aberdeen Road, Wellesley, 81, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 19:26:2c communi- HAYFEVER, Catarrhal to the Cold HEAD- Deafness, use of Remedy, Ad- SINUS, * COLDS, give way NAMELESS Convincing Trial $1.00. dress Purity Products, Exeter, ■Ont. 5:19:26:2<5 ♦ * * •k 1932 MODEL B Ford Sedan, heater, 5 good tires, in excel­ lent running condition. Phone 63 Hensail. ‘ 5:19c FOR SALE—Tubular steel bed­ stead with cable type springs, in good condition, 5 4 inches wide, dark brown color, $15. Apply Mrs. Fred Moore, .Mill Street, Exeter. 19* Exeter District High Exeter, Ont. Sealed Tenders on a ed Sum basis and/or Fee basis and plainly "Tender, Exetei' District High School”, will be received at the office of the architects until 5 p.m. E.D.T., Wednesday, Sep­ tember 1, 1948. Plans, specifications and Ten­ der Forms for both Stipulated Sum and Fixed Fee bases, may be obtained from the architect upon deposit of a certified cheque of $50, payable to the architect. This cheque will be returned on return of plans and specifications in good condition. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. PAGE and STEELE 72 St. Clair Ave., W Toronto "NO CORN or callous will mar your joy, If Lloyd’s -Corn Salve you do employ.”-50c at Ro­ bertson’s Drug Store. 4 19:2-C SLENDOR TABLETS are effec­ tive. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks $5.00; at Robertson’s Dr.ug Store. OLD AT 40, 50, 60?” Man! You’re crazy! Thousands pep­ py at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For rundown feeling many men, women call "old”. New 'get acquainted’ size only 50c. At all druggists. 5 AUCTION SALES ¥ <• f >• week, village Exeter. 19c ■COMBIN­ STRAW Trieb- phone 7 and 8t* FOR SALE—97 acres with good brick house and fine barn. Hydro and water throughout. Accommodation for good herd of cattle as well as other live­ stock. 35 acres of land fresh seeded. Located on highway close to school and village. Act now for fall possession. C. V. Pickard, Real Estate, Main Street, Exeter. FOR AVON PRODUCTS phone 3 6 7W Exeter. 19* NEW TRAILER, winterized, for rent or for sale; 19 3 4 Chev for sale, new tires; good red brick for sale. Lloyd Ford. Exeter. 19* BARNS WHITEWASHED—Rock lime and D.D.T. paint. Apply Fred Harburn, phone 44r9, Dublin. tfc FOR SALE—100 acres, Hay Twp., brick house, bank barn, good stabling, strawshed, gar­ age, some bush. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 19* BICYCLES FOR SALE— $18 to $2®, in good condition; mag­ azines, many other articles reduced in price. The House with the signs, Huron Street west, A. H. Baynes. 19* FAIST BROS Exeter, Ont. WRECKING 1928 Buick Stan­ dard sedan, also 1931 ,Chev. truck. A. Ingram, % H. Hey­ wood, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 3 2rl4. 19* FOR SALE — Highway, 144 acres clay loam, bush, abun­ dant spring water, barn has good stabling, water bowls, milker, litter carrier, electric grinder, silo, driveshed; room insul brick house. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—75 pound Ice box, in. good shape, repainted. Phone 3 8w Exeter. 19* NOTICES RE—WEEDS I hereby give notice that all weeds are to be destroyed before going to seed as provided for by the Weed Control Act, Chapter 344, Section 4. Any person or persons failing these provisions will be a penalty as provided Any person to comply with liable to by the Win. R.DougalL Huron County Weed Inspector 29:5:19 MEMORIAL SERVICE e annual Memorial Day service of the Zion Cemetery (Usborne Township) will be held in Zion Church on Sunday August 29, at 2.30 p.m. D.S.T. 19:26c I 7- W. 19* FOR SALE—9 4 acres, highway, brick house fully equipped with modern conveniences. Fine, barn with good stabling and silo. Water and hydro throughout. 6 acres bush. Close to village. Owner forced to sell on account of health r Terms. 0. V. Pickard, Realtor Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—-Summer Cottage, on fine beach, near Grand Bend. 3 bedrooms, lined throughout, 2 piece bath. Fur­ nished. At present rental buyer could use cottage for two or three weeks each year and still receive good re­ turn on investment. Pickard, Real Estate Broker, Main Street, Exeter. c.V. 5c FOR SALE—25 New Hampshire pullets, laying 5 0 pei’ cent. Archie Etherington, phone Ex­ eter 171rll. 19c FOR SALE—Sunshine rangette, used months. Under manu­ facturer’s guarantee. Apply to Box G Times-Advocate. 19* FOR SALE—Two male collie pups, mother real good heeler Frank Parsons, R.R. 1, Hen- sall, phone 33r92 Hen sail. 19* FOR SALE—Used slop brick, reasonably priced. Apply to Murray Neil, Crediton, R.R. 2, Centralia. 19c FOR SALE — Raymond machine, cabinet style: pump; 2 good sinks. Hunter phone 113W sewing cistern R. D. Exeter. 19* E. RUSSELL 109 WEED NOTICE The council of the Township of McGillivray will pay rate­ payers two cents per rod for cutting weeds o-n roads along­ side their property and three cents per rod when fence bot­ tom is included. Weeds to be cut to the approval of the Road Superintendent not later than October 1, 19 48. A. D. STEEPER, Road Superintendent Phone 615r42 Ailsa Craig FARM FOR SALE'—116 acres, the south half of Lot 5, Con­ cession 9, Township of Steph­ en. Interested parties com­ municate with W. Murdoch Stewart, 13 Aberdeen Road, Wellesley, 81, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 19:26:2c FOR SALE—19 3 8 International % ton stake body truck, in good running order. Apply Lloyd McLean, Kippen, phone Hensail 84rll. 19c SHERIFF’S SALE OF LAND County of Middlesex Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of The Supreme -Court of Ontario and to me directed and delivered against the goods and chattels and lands and tenements of Wil­ liam Hector Mitchell, deceased, in the hands of Florence Fran­ ces Mitchell and Wilfred Huxta­ ble, Executors of the Will of the said William Hector Mit­ chell, deceased, at the suit of Mary Eva Cunningham, I have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by pub­ lic auction a’t my office in the Court House, in the City of Lon­ don, in the County of Middlesex, on Friday the Third day of Sep­ tember, A.D. 19 4 8, at the hour of Eleven o’clock in t-he fore­ noon, all the right, title inter­ est and equity of redemption of the estate of the said William Hector Mitchell, deceased, in, to and out of all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Biddulph in the County of Mid­ dlesex, being composed of the North half of Lot Number 2, in the First Concession of the said Township, containing fifty acres be the same more or less, save and except the westerly ten feet thereof as described in register­ ed instrument Number 144 Mis­ cellaneous containg 0.153 acres more or less, subject to taxes since the year 19 46 and a mort­ gage dated the 20th day of Ap­ ril 1931 made in the amount of $850 to one Catherine Annabelle I-Iicks and assigned by her to one HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AUCTION SALE OF W. E. Nairn auctioneer will sell by public auction in the Village of Granton (One block off main st. south) on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 Commencing at 3:00 pan. A full line of household fur- iture, linen, bedding, china, odd dishes, three bedroom suites, three linoleum rugs, wool, rug, cushions, wool blankets, electric lamps, kitchen cabinet and cup­ boards, Princess Pat stove, coal heater. Positively No Reserve, TERMS—CASH W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer for the estate of AMBROSE POWELL r 4 * ¥ 4 FOR SALE—Flush toilet and wash basin. R. E. Balkwill. 19* FOR SALE—9 piece walnut dining room suite. Phone 253R Exeter, 19c FOR SALE—'100 acre dairy farm, good buildings, 2S miles west of Clinton on highway, $4,00 0 cash, balance terms, possession now. Tractor disc $50; cutting box with pipes $75; rubber tired wagon ,$40; 8 dairy cows; 1 Holstein bull. W. B. Thomp­ son, R.R. 2, Clinton. FOR SALE—Beef ring heifers. Garfield Hill, R.R. 2, Crediton 19* yearling 19:26c FOR SALE—Way Sag-less Dav­ enport, in plain wine color, excellent condition. Apply 35 Ann Street. 19* FOR SALE—Wicker baby buggy Apply at Times-Advocate. 19* H. J. Heinz Company of Canada Limited Male Help is Required at the Leamington Factory to Process the 1948 Tomato Crop -Storage having or with barn, 45 24 ft. posts, flax acres; Free Sleeping Quarters «■ Good Pay - Excellent Working Conditions For Further Information Contact «n Cann’s Mill Limited ■*r Otto Harvey Brown. RUSSELL H. BEATTIE, Sheriff, County of Middlesex Sheriff’s Office, London, Ont., May 14, 1948. 29:5:19:26c „ AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned auctioneer has- received instruction to sell by public auction in Lucan on SATURDAY, AUGUST 38 at 1:30 pan. the following: One range, coal or wood, A-l condition; 1 four-poster bed, walnut finish, full size, complete­ springs and mattress; 1 antique walnut love seat, 1 three-quarter steel bed, mattress and springs. Kitchen table; 4 chairs; roc-1 ker; sideboard; dining-room ta­ ble; 6 chairs; secretary; 2 bed­ room suites, springs and mat­ tress; white dressing table and stool to match; 3-piece parlor suite; 2 small tables; pedestal; phonograph; kitchen stool; 2 mirrors; wardrobe; floor lamp; curtains and drapes; floor mate and pillows; hammock; dishes; pots anti pans; garden tools and. other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. AARON DAVIS, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. ✓ 1 Why Our Local Insurance Service IS Important We k now what to do when a loss occurs t V FOR SALE- x 100ft. separate property of 31 machinery, colony house, jacent 7 and seven-tenths field. Terms Cash. Geiger, Hensail. mill mill ad- acre Edmund 5:19:26c FOR SALE—1 Good Cheer cook stove, used one year, white enamel; 2 chicken shelters; Viking cream separator; elec­ tric brooder; coal brooder stove. Apply Martin Laub, Woodham, phone 25rl2 Kirk­ ton. 19:26* FOR SALE—Exeter, 4£ acres sand loam, small house, fur­ nace, partial bath, town wat- 250 hens. Wm. 19* er, henhouse for Possession August t Pearce, Realtor. 28. I GRAND BEND, ONT. Number of , choice building lots for sale | in village, 66 ft. 8 in x 180 ft. 20 per cent cash, balance four equal payments 5 per cent. Contact Herman M. Gill. Realtor, Grand Bend, Ont. 19:26c FOR SALE—Ladies’ .bicycle, man’s bicycle with 24 inch frame; ten foot power boat; lawnmower; garden hose; twc Winnipeg couches. C. F. Hunt Hunter-Duvar Apts. 19* FOR SALE—Large size ice box in good condition. Phone Exe­ ter V7r32. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Cottage at Grand Bend from August 22 on; all conveniences, sleep 8, reduced rates. Apply Box 251, Exeter. 5-2tc FOR RENT — Two three-room apartments, furnished and un­ furnished. at Grand Bend. Hydro and soft water. Apply W. J. ,Whiteford, Clandeboye, phone 42r2 Lucan. 19c PIANO WANTED—In good con­ dition, plain case preferred State make and price for cash. Write or Apply Box L Times-Advocate. 19 < FOR SALE—Six kitchen ■chairs, four dining-room chairs, twc rocking chairs. Phone Exetei’ 344W. 19c Eh 162J W■ Herman Hodgson Exeter. Ontario The Insurance Man WANTED MENDING wanted — Neatly and promptly attended to. Apply to Miss V. M. Dearing, Exeter. 19:26* For RENT—Vacuum by the day or week. Hardware, Exeter. cleaners, Reavers lie YOUNG BUSINESS GIRL would like a small apartment, would ftohsider room and board. Ap­ ply at Times-Advoeate. 19*na- <T * I •I