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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-08-05, Page 9
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST S, 1948 Stewart’s Taxi -T- PHONE 335 Exeter Make your appointments early for your special week-eml trips to your favorite beach or picnic ground. 4H Passengers Insurecl —® Sunday and Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week Open this Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout the Week BOYLE’S Service Station — Man, You’re Crazy S’orget your agot Thousands are peppy at 70. Try wlt!l Ostrex- Contains tonio lor weak, rundown reeling due solely to body's lack of iron m an.y J??? antl women call "old." Try f?™c^TonLr Tablets lor pep. younger reeling, thlk veg’ day. New "get acquainted" site only 50c. gur sale at all drug stores everywhere, EXETER 235 SEAFORTH 15 We Have WHITE PINE Some Dressed, Some Matched Good Quality and It Is Dry Prices Are Right ® A, J. CLATWORTHY — We Deliver — Phone 12 Granton HHNSALU Miss Olive Walker Reg.N., of Tampa, Florida, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Miss Helen and Mi’. Glenn McNaughton, of Toronto, spent the week-end holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaughton. Dr. John C. Goddard, Mr&- Goddard, Peggy and Beth are enjoying a two week’s vacation at Southampton. Mr. and. Mrs. A. L, Case re turned home after a pleasant holiday at Turnbull's Grove. Miss Viola Lemmon, of Tor onto, is visiting with her sis ters, Mrs. Clarence Volland and Mrs. Wm, Parke. Mr, and Mrs. R. Donaldson have returned to London follow ing a two week’s vacation with the latter's mother, Mrs, Annie Saundercocfc. Mrs. Wm. Luker is confined to her room owing to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sararus, of Toronto, visited recently with Air. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron. MucLaren Reunion A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lome McNaughton when members of Mrs. Naughton’s family gathered for a reunion. Airs. Gilbert Johns and Mrs. Alex MacBeath conducted the sports with results as follows: boys and girls under 5, Marion Bell, Ross MacBeath; boys and girls, 8 and under, Donald Mac~ Laren Earl Bell; boys and girls 14 and under, Gerald Bell, Bar bara McNaughton; young ladies, Helen McNaughton, Barbara Me- Naughton; young men, Clarencq McNaughton; married ladies, Mrs. Jack Duncan; married men, Alex MacBeath and Gil bert Johns, tie; kick-the-slipper, ladies, Mrs. Lome McNaughton, Mrs Alex MacBeath; men, Rog er Venner; ladies slipper race, Airs. Glenn Bell; bean relay race, Roger Venner’s side; grapefruit race, Glenn McNau ghton’s side; life saver race, Roger Venner’s side. A sump tuous picnic supper was enjoyed following the sports. Funeral of the late J. Bonthron The funeral of the late James W. Bonthron was held on Wednesday afternoon in Car mel Presbyterian Church con ducted by .Rev. P, A. Ferguson assisted by Rev. R. A. Brook. The brethren of the local A.F & A.M. Lodge attended in a body. The bearers were all members of the session namely, Messrs. Stewart McQueen, Sid ney MacArthur, George Tinney, James Bengough, Earl Campbell and W. R. Davidson. The flow er bearers were, Robert Drys dale, Cornelius Cook, George Hess, Walker Carlisle, W. B. Cross, Carol Passmore and Rob ert MacGregor. Interment was in Exeter Cemetery. ELJMVILLE 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch, Sr., of London, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Philip Murch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price, of Detroit, visited over the week end Mrs. ' Mr. and with Mrs. Exeter. Mrs. L. visited on Mrs, Bruce Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. >Earl Parrish, of London, visited over the week end with Mrs. Merle Sparling, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Kirkland and Malcolm, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, of Eden, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Melville Skinner, Mr, Jas. Sinclair and Mr. Lewis Woods, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods. All the Old Boys and Girls at tended the sea School 2nd. Mr. wood and Bort Boys’ week-end Hubert Heywood, Mr. and Mrs. Fred family, of Atwood, Sunday with Mr. and Johns. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Orillia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis. The community wishes to ex press theii' deepest sympathy to Mrs. Pym and family on the death of Mr. Samuel Pym, who passed away last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith O’Reil ly and daughter, Lenore, also granddaughter, Lenore O'Reilly, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Medwed, of Shelburne, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Chas. Stephen. visited over with the latter's Thomas Bell. and Mrs; Delmer family visited Edward mother. Skinner Sunday of on Johns, of Seaforth,Hodgert, Sunday with Mr. and reunion at Winchel- on Monday, August and and Miss Huron, Reunion with Thomas Hey- of Welland, off Mrs. family, Hazel Heywood, attended the Old and Mr. spent the and Mrs, Long and visited on Mrs. Allen Coultis, of Mrs. EDGEWOOD and Mrs. Henry Bieber spent Monday night with her parents. Misses Audrey and Elda Til lie are holidaying .with Misses Alla and Evelyn Moore. Miss Maxine Dunlop had her tonsils removed in London on Friday morning. Master Gordon Moore under went an operation for appendi citis on Monday evening. The Granton road is being gravelled. Mr. POP’S Taxi Service Phone: CJrediton lSrlt Exeter 357 Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street. Exeter . Office 36w Telephones Res. 36j dosed Wednesday Afternoon DR. J. W< CORBETT D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building, Exeter Telephone 273 FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 ALVIN WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specializing in Farm and Purebred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 R. 1 DASHWOOD WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate Of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-0 E. F. CORBETT licensed ^votioneer Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER. R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 02r7 ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER. ONTARIO GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS EXETERs ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday 0 to 5 pan. JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist MAIN STREET, EXETER Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 348 ARTHUR FRASER income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, etc. Ann St., EXETER, Phone 355\v USBORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President ........ Wm. H. COATES Exeter Vice-Pres........ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1 Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON „ Cromarty JOHN McGRATII .. Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY Kirkton R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOMAS SCOTT Cromarty T. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER ARTHUR FRASER ....... Exeter SOLICITORS GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter SHIPKA Mrs. Arthur Gaiser and little daughter Diane, returned home by plane last week after spend ing two months visiting her mother in Victoria, B-C Mr. Louis Shroeder returned home on Saturday after being a patient in Victoria Hospital for two weeks. Mr. and .Mrs, Edgar Webb, of st. Catherines, spent the week-end' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell. Mr. John Lamport And friend of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport. Misses Elaine and Wilma Mc Nair, of Ilderton, are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs E. Lamport and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCal lum, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer. . There will be no preaching service or Sunday School in the United Church during the month of August as the minister, Rev H. Currie is on vacation. WOODHAM Miss Feme Rodd, of London, spent the week-end with Jier parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Rodd. Misses Marion and Edith Rodd, of London, spent the week-end with theii’ parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Rodd. Miss Marion Rodd is on two week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Blight and son Albert, formerly of Peace River District, Alta., now of Windsor, visited a few .days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Wil lis. Mr. and Mrs. William Thom son and Rhoda visited on Sun day evening with the former’s sister, Mrs. John Knox, of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills, of Scottsville, visited with relatives in the community over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Mills, of Toronto, visited over the week end with Mrs. James Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Switzer of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Louch and Franklin, of Hamilton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family visited on Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elgin "Webb, of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vylos and son, of London, visited on Sun day with Mrs. M. Copeland. Mrs. Henry and Miss Eva Henry, of Toronto, are holiday ing with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ■ You’ll News of Interest to Huron County Farmers (By W. V. Roy) A county directors’ meeting was held last night, Monday, July 26, in the Agricultural Of fice, Clinton, with a fair atten dance, considering the pressure of farm operations. The County President. Bert Lobb, presided. A report on the recent direc tors’ meeting of the Ontario Fe deration was given by the dele gation who attended. Charles Coultes, as chairman of the Beef Cattle Producers for Huron County, reported on the industry and the embargo was discussed. Motion by Erwin Zinn, direc tor from Ashfield Township Fe deration, and seconded by Ro bert McKercher, second vice- president. that we aim to have all townships, on the mill levy, in lieu of a township grant, was carried unanimously. A motion by Robert McKer cher and Harry Sturdy that we approach the County Council, at | the November session, regarding a grant to help finance the Na tional Film Board project, was also carried. Hazlewood for some time. Mr. Clarence Johns is the first one in this community to commence threshing. The induction service for Rev Mr. .Wanloss, of Thornloe, will be held on Friday evening of this week. Lunch will be served GREENWAY Rev. Britton, of Thamesville will be the .guest speaker in the United Church on Sunday at 2.45 p.m. Miss Lillian Ulens, of Wind sor and Mr. Dorman Ulens, of London spent their vacation with Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Miss Marie Larkin, of Wind sor, is spending her holidays- with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewardson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honsber- ger and family, of Vineland, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. Mastei* Gordon Brown spent a .few days last week with his cousin, Miss Donna Turnbull, of Grand Bend. Mrs. E. Mason, of Sarnia, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickering and Barry, of London, ave spending their vacation with relatives here. Mr. .and Mrs. Hugh Horner and daughter, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Horner, A motion, was passed that we; pay $606.00 to the Ontario Fe deration, as part payment of our affiliation fee for 1948, The County Secretary was | chosen as a representative from | the County Federation, to go on ■ the United Farmers’ Co-opera-J live tour of Ohio, in SepetemberJ to study Co-operative Automo bile Insurance in the United States. The secretary was instructed to send a resolution to the County Council asking the Coun cil to do everything possible to place Huron as a restricted T.B, area. It was unanimously decided to hold a dinner, to extend a wel come to our two new Agricul tural Representatives. Clarence Rennie. Assistant Representative who arrived recently, and R. Gordon Bennett, Agricultural Representative from Glengarry County, who is expected to com mence ihs duties in Huron on August 3. The secretary, in reporting on the annual field day, stated that total expenditures were $1,956- .21 and total receipts were $2,- 425.36, leaving a net profit on the day of $469.15, as compared with a loss last year of $25.0 6.1 These figures do not include the Year Book.I The secretary was instructed! to write to the Mayor of Goder-j ich, the ToWn of Goderich, the Goderich Board of Trade, the | ladies of Knox Presbyterian ’ Church, and the Goderich Public i Utilities Commission, thanking j them for their wonderful co operation and help in making the day a huge success. As this goes to press, we deeply regret having to say adieu to our present Agricultu ral Representative, Leroy Brown. We hope that he may carry away pleasant memories of his stay in Huron County, and we wish him every success ,in his I new undertaking in Victoria; County. I love its long, low silhouette ... and there’s plenty of road clearance! 1 GET MORE OUT OF YOUR HOLIDAYS Freedom from tire trouble is youri when you buy Firestones! Let us outfit your car with dependable, mileage-proved new Friestones now, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Helps to cleanse impurities from the body and tone up the digestive organs. It has helped thousands who suffer from dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousness, headaches or minor com plaints of the liver or kidneys. It should do the same for you. On sale for more than 60 years, Burdock Blood Bitters is available at drug counters everywhere. The T, Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. w«w®f>wTlie49 Seats this wide— really sofa-wide! New "Flight Panel" dash with new no-glare "Black Lighting".i set Distinctive Air Foil Grille—lor the look of the year! g! 1949 The new "Deep Deck” Luggage Locker is 57% roomier! •4» It's lower, yet roomier with a "Lounge Cor" 1 Interior, __ 'V V( al Mv 5. New springs— "Hydra-Coil" in front, "Parci-Flex" in rear! ih j Xi 3. It’s a dream) You'll say it looks like a custom-built car, \ SEE IT AT YOUR FORD DEALER’S if you haven’t yet learned all about the Ford "Forty-Niner”, make a beeline for your Ford Dealer's right now. The '49 Ford is coihpletely new, from the ground Up . . . with new "Magic Action” King-Size Brakes . . , "Picture Window” Visibility . . . 59% more rigid "lifeguard” Body on new 5 cross-member box section frame . ». new 100-Hp. V-8 Engine, packed with "zip” and "go”. Featuring Up ta 10% Saving in gasoline .., new 57% roomier ’‘Deep Deck” luggage locker . . . new "Hydra- ceil” Front Springs . . . new "Para-FleX" parallel Rear Springs .., Hew "Mid Ship” Ride that cradles you between the wheels, where the going’s smoothest. AH these Hew features . . . and many mere ... with an overall new design. Inside and out, that makes Ford "The Car of the Year"! FORD AND MONARCH DIVISION FORD MOTOR COMPANY©? CANADA,LIMITED 5