HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-08-05, Page 6THE TIME-S-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST S, 1948 A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-AdvocateDorothy G. Reeder, prop. Tel. 71 Exeter (north of Bell Telephone) Naturelle permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon V’s Beauty Shoppe Exeter and District's Most Modern Shoppe Have you consulted us about the NEW RADIO WAVE ? All Types of Permanents, Cold, Heat and Machin el ess All lines of Beauty Culture Vera C. Fraser, prop. Tel: 112 Exetei Paris Beauty Shoppe Have your hair short for the hot season ahead! Make your appointment now for your new permanent. —, Open All Day Wednesday — One Block East of Trlvitt Memorial Church Evelyn Paris, Prop. Phone 245w Exeter of Mi*, and Credit on, to son of Mr. and For All Branches of Beauty Culture, Try the Lucan Beauty Salon Machine, Machineless and Cold Waves, $3.50 Up “Where a wave is permanent' IONE TATLOW, PROP. Phone Lucan 109R > Brings quick relief. Greaseless, fast-drying, no strong odor. Large, economical size, 65c I Creditors Parsonage Scene of Wedding A quiet but pretty wedding took place July 17th at 2 pan- at "he United Church parsonage. Crediton, when Rev. 11. Currie united in marriage Betty Jean', youngest daughter Mrs. Sam Sims, of James Gordon, Mrs. Wm. Laye, of Parkhill. The bride looked charming in a gown of white slipper satin, fitted bodice, long tapered sleeves and sweetheart neckline, Her finger-tip veil hung from a sweetheart headdress. She wore a string of pearls and matching earrings and carried an arm bouquet of Better Times roses tied with white satin ribbons and rose buds. Mrs. Earl Shad­ dock, of Parkhill, was the only bridal attendant, wearing an. eggshell blue gown of brocaded satin and matching gloves. Hen finger-tip veil was held in place by a halo of orange blossoms. She carried an arm bouquet of mixed garden flowers. The groom was attended by Mr. Earl Shaddock, of Parkhill. After the ceremony the happy couple returned to the bride’s home where supper was served, only to the immediate family. The bride’s table, decorated pink and -white streamers, centered with a three-tier ding cake. The waitresses Mrs. John Sims, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Jim Coward, of London, cousin of the bride. The young couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and the United States. The bride travel­ led in a pearl-grey suit with white accessories. She wore a corsage of pink roses. On tlfeir return Mr. and Mrs. Laye will reside in their home in Parkhill. with was wed- were CREDITON EAST Mr. and stetter, of and Mrs. Wm. ter, visited on and Mrs. Wm. Miss Shirley by Horney, | Sisters Married in iSaintsbyry Church Summer attractive rick’s bury, ; dou blu Irene came the bride field Latta, and kinsan became Donald Gordon R. flowers formed setting at St. Anglican Church, Saints- at noon July 28 for the ceremony at which Mary tMayrene). Atkinson be- of Harvey Gar- Anne Alice At- the bride of Maguire. Canon James officiated. The brides, who acted as attendant for each other, are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Lucan. Mr. Latta’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Latta, of London, and Mr. Maguire is the son of Mr. gnd Mrs. William Maguire, of Ailsa Craig. The brides were gowned alike in white slipper satin, the panel front outlined in lace, neckline and long They wore veils length caught in cups) sweetened milk juice with V slim sleeves, in fingertip floral head­ dresses and carried cascades of red roses. Mary Irene Atkinson was given in marriage by her father, and Anna Alice Atkinson was escorted by her grandfather Richard Dickens. The ushers were Bob Latta, Lucan, and Beverly Maguire, of Ailsa Craig Miss Vera Morley presided at the organ and Mrs. Gordon Mainii sang “Because” and “I Love You Truly.” Receiving guests at the Knot­ ty Pine Inn, Mrs. Atkinson wore ----------- ------and Mrs with Maguire with blue with black accessories a corsage of red roses. Latta received in black yellow roses and Mrs. chose a yellow ensemble pink roses. The couples left later motor trip to Niagara Toronto and Northern Ontario. Mrs. IL G. Latta traveled in a California rose ensemble with navy accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. D. G Maguire wore gray-blue with brown accessories and red roses The couples will live in London. Hello Homemakers! If there is one thing that will make a gour­ met out of an otherwise simple soul, it is< the lushness, the jui­ ciness” and* the colorful array of the summer's fruits and berries. The fact that they are perishable and delicately fragrant seems to make them even more tempting. The conclusion is obvious. Even the amateur cook realizes that fruit served in its most fla-. vorsome way is best. The fruit “compote” is highly recognized in all leading dining rooms for this reason. SUMMER COMPOTE sugar boil, and 8 plums simmer Add 1 qt. fresh blackberries and let stand in the hot fruit juice a minutes. Chill in electric refrigerator. Serve plain or with half-frozen cream. ■PEACH AND MELON COMPOTE 1% 1% 2U 2 2 Bring % < up cups water to a minutes, Wash crabapples and for 5 minutes. and cook and minutes. Serve with cream. REFRIGERATOR CAKE can (l-% condensed cup lemon egg yolk Few grains salt cups raspberries or halved strawberries egg white pound graham crackers Combine the condensed milk, lemon juice and salt. Add the egg yolk and mix well. Add the fruit and fold in the stiffly bea­ ten egg white. Line a round or oblong pan or mold with graham crackers and cover Add another layer crackers, then the mixture. Cover with crumbs, Chill several hours over-night in the electric refri­ gerator. Unmold and serve iced all and Ties. Young Couple Honored at Crediton A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims recently when their friends and neighbors gathered .there to honor their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Laye (nee Betty Jean Sims). The evening was spent in a social time after which Miss Arliss Wein read an address and Misses Beverly Neil and Gather ine Dinney brought in a decor­ ated basket laden with miscel­ laneous articles. After opening the gifts the couple both thank­ ed the people. Everyone sang “For they are jolly good fel­ lows” after which a dainty lunch was served. All wished the bridal couple a happy and prosperous wedded life. The Correct SUPPORT Makes you feel better as weH as look better! That’s .why smart women like the entirely different principle of design used in Spirella FOUNDATION GARMENTS It will do the most for your figure. For an interview phone 125 MRS. V. ARMSTRONG A Favourite Remedy For the past hundred years DOCTOR FOWLER’S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY has been a favourite remedy for bowel complaints is safe, pleasant and effective. Prescribed for Diarrhoea Intestinal Pains Sea Sickness Summer Comp­ laint. You will be surprised how and how much DOCTOR quickly it works i better you feel. FOWLER’S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY, Dull, aching pains in the back may be a warning of kidney dis­ orders. Don’t neglect these pains. Doan’s Kidney Pills stimulate the action of the kidneys, help to elimi­ nate the wastes which may be the cause of backache and minor urinary and bladder ailments. Thus Doan’s Kidney Pills help the kidneys to clear the body of impurities. Do as thousands of other Cana­ dians have done. When troubled with backache, take Doan’s Kidney Pills. On sale at all drug counters. Mrs. Arnold Gaclc- Kippen, and Mr. Hurney, ol' Exe- Sunday with Mr. Motz. and Master Bob- o£ Ridgeway, who have been holidaying with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz, went to Kippen on Sunday to holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Laye, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims. Mrs. J. Coward, of London, J. 1i I I } who was spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • J. Sims, was taken ill with ap- J nendicitis and was rushed to I the hospital for an operation. We are pleased to state she is • improving nicely. I ..-............ Kippen East W.l. Mrs. Arthur Varley was ess for the meeting of Kippen East Women’s Institute. Mrs. William Kyle presided. Plans were made to hold a picnic at Jewett's Grove, Bayfield, Aug- appointed Mrs. and and the Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ; lunch, Mrs. E. Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Love, Mrs. B. Peck; J. Grove, 17. Committees Sports. Mr. Broadfoot, Chapman, ust were: liain Ross Campbell Eyre captains, clair, layson and Mr. Mr. and i host-> The T, Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.i FORTUNE SMILES on those j who use WANT ADS. Phone 31w THS8R SW/W TO $ Two million or more motorists from the States visit us each year . . . thousands of them just for the beauty of our Ontario countryside. Let’s see to it that our hospitality matches the perfection of our lakes and hills.t; 1 y IT'S EVERY* BOUTS BUSINESS Ontario profits almost as much from tourist business as from gold mining. It's , 6 up to us to keep ' tniSs businessgrowing. Wil- Mrs. Mrs. ball Sin- Fin- Jarrott. Mrs. R. ice cream> Mrs. J. McLellan. The motto, “Grandma’s Recipe for Sociabil­ ity’, was presented by Mrs. R. Chapman. Gerald Smith favored with violin solos,- accompanied by Miss Greta Lammie, of Ben­ gali. The topic ‘Winston Church­ hill's Memoirs of World War 1.1 was McKay latest Storm”. E. given who book, by Miss Margaret also reviewed his “The Gathering KIPPEN and Mrs. Grant Love Nancy, of 'Caro, Mich., spent the week-end with rela­ tives in this community. Mrs. Cook, of London, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. James McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith of Guelph, spent a few days last week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ferguson, Mary Jane and Grant returned to their home in St. Thomas on Thursday .last several days sister and and Mrs. A. Mr. and visited on and Mrs. near Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ulch, Windsor, spent last .week with the latter’s parents, Mrs, Norman Long- after spending with the former’s brother-in-law, Mr Gackstetter. Mrs. Harold Jones . Sunday with Gordon Westlake, Mr of of Mr. and Bob Dalrymple is all smiles girl has cups diced melon cups diet (1 peaches cups granulated sugar cups water tablespoons ginger syrup tablespoons finely ginger Prepare fruit. Make a sugar and water, when thickened add the ginger and ginger syrup. I peaches and slowly until transparent. Remove fruit to a serving dish and cook the syrup till thickened Pour over fruit. Chill well in electric refrigerator and serve tapped with whipped cream. If desired, sprinkle with chopped nut-. BAKED PEACHES large p cm-lies tablespoons brown sugar tablespoons butter cup lint water chopped the '/ring to boil, add melon, Simmer fruit is slightly 6 6 2 % Peel peaches, cut in half and remove pits, Place tablespoon of sugar and dot of butter in each hall. Place in shallow bak­ ing dish. Add the water. Bake in electric oven at 375 degrees for a few from this attended the in Exeter on ; com- Legion Friday of Sar- WINCHELSEA Quite m unity­ carnival night. Mr. Harold .Denham, nia. spent, the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. The Old Boys’ at Winehelsea 2 was largely the afternoon eryone had a reunion held School on August attended both in and evening, good time, with l’rnit. of graham remaining cracker or meeting Mission church morning over with whipped cream garnished with whole ber- Serves six. Thames Roa Mission Band The regular monthly of the Thames Road Band was held in the basement on Sunday during church service hour with Mrs. Mair and Dolores Allison as leaders. The meeting opened with a hymn followed by all re­ peating the Lord’s prayer and the Mission Band Purpose. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Business was discussed. Mildred Ballantyne was chosen for program conven­ er for the next meeting. Roll call is to -he answered by nam­ ing your favorite car. Mrs. Mair gave the Bible story after which questions were asked on the story. John Pym was in charge of the program which was as follows, a duet by Mildred Bal­ lantyne reading by Barry Jeffrey and an instrumental by Jane Morgan. Dolores Allison took a chapter of the Study book. The colllec.- tion was taken ,and the meeting closed with a hymn followed by prayer by Joanne Mair. and Lexie Lostell, a When You Accept Christ as Saviour “If any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creature: old tilings are nassed away; be hold all things are become new.” . 11 Cor. 5:17 John 3:7 he cannot see the 3:3 life: but 3:36 “Ye must be borne again.” “Except a man be born again, kingdom of God.” John “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; the wrath of God abideth on him.” John : ETERNAL LIFE IS YOURS—RECEIVE IT TODAY Tune In: Hear Chas. Fuller on Station CKLW, Windsor, 12« 12:30 E.S.T. Sunday noon. Chas. E. Fuller, P.O. Box 123. Los Angeles 53, Cal “THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST.’ PHONE 376EXETERis EHJ U WIiMllM'—II^UI ■iHUtUWMMllMllU DASHWOOD Visiting with Martha Becker for the past week were Misses Dorothy, Bernett and Bernice Petznick, of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. daughter Elsie, Clayton Siebert Margaret and Mrs. Kitchener, with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack family, of Bolton, week-end with Mr. Th os. Hopcroft. Mr. George Tieman in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Guenther and family are spending their vacation with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Kleinstiv- er spent the week-end in Bow-’ manville. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mclsaac and family, of Detroit, are spending their vacation With his mother. Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. Mr. George Wolfe, of Toron­ to, is spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe. Master Tommy Evans, Richmond Hill, is spending his holidays with his grandparents, Mr " Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, spent with her parents, C. Steinhagen. , Mrs. S. Currie, past four months in London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Alvin Kellerman has re­ turned from London hospital presenting her husband with a Bon. Harry Hoffman is all at the arrival of a son Ferguson’s hospital. Mrs. Cowan, of Hanover, visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Reiferman. and Lloyd were Witzel. Ed. Siebert ,and Mr. and Mrs. and daughters, Joyce and Mr jSnyder, all of Sunday visitors Brine and spent the and Mrs. is visitin Dr. Nilssom COMFORT LAST TWO HEEL HEIGHTS Ties and Pumps BLACK AND BROWN KID BROWN CALF /■ This Line is Most Complete Your Size is Here NOW these days, a baby come to stay at his home. Rev. and Mrs. A. Hinton spending some holidays Rev. and Mrs, Woods at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. S. family, of Wingham ing a few days with Mr Mrs. Robt. McBride. Misses Saloma and Finkbeiner, of Crediton the week-end with their and brother-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Herbert Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ferguson and daughter, Leslie June, .of Fort Erie, Mr. Leverne Fergu­ son and Grant, of St, Thomas, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. are with and Mrs. Henry Hoffman. Hazen Dark, of the , Mn Beattie and , are spend- and week-end and Mrs.Every4 tourist dollar is shared thia way: 1. Hotels; 2.SI ores; 3* Restaurants; 4. Taxes, etc.; 5. Amusements; 6. Garages. Lefs make them want to come back1. BY JOHN LABATT UMltEIJPUBtiSHEO IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Lucinda spent pister and WANT ADS DO MOR® WHEN you tell more. Rhone 3iw who spent the smiles at Dr