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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-07-29, Page 8
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1948 Mrs. Ida M. Sanders, and Dr. and Mrs. Borden Sanders are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs. R. J. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall, of Detroit, Mich., spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Westcott. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rowe and Mr. and. Mrs. John Lines, of Sarnia, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rowe. Little Johnny Rowe returned home with them after spending two weeks with his grandparents. IB-a Previews its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY July 28 and 29 i — MGM Feature — • Barbara Stanwyck » Van Heflin © Charles Coburn FRIDAY, SATURDAY July 30 and 31 -— Two Features — ‘Shaggy’ Color by Cluecolor with ® Robert Shayiie • Brenda Joyce • Shaggy, the Dog ‘Adventure in Silverado’ Story by Robt, Louis Stevenson - Starring - ® Edward Buchanan (Owing to length of pictures, show commences at 7:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday) MONDAY, TUESDAY August Sand 8 ‘Albuquerque’ ® Randolph Scott ® Gabby Hayes COMING . . . ‘Duel in the Sun’ ‘Mr. Blandhigs Builds His Dream House’ ‘The Pirate’ ‘I Remember Mama’ ‘The Emperor Waltz’ ‘Homecoining’ ‘The Big Clock’ ‘Fuller Brush Man’ Morgan-Clarke Elimville United Church was the setting for a midsummer wedding of Burdens Labelle Clarke, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke, to Ger ald Beverly Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan. Rev. Wm. Mair officiated. The bridal music was played by Grant Mor gan, brother of the groom. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an ivory slipper satin gown designed with an oval neckline chantilly lace yoke and bertha bound with sa tin. fitted bodice and full skirt. Her embroidered illusion veil fell from a beaded tiara. She wore the groom’s gift, strand of pearls and earrings and carried bouquet of better time The maid of honour, nelda Sholdice, of London, cou sin, of the bride, wore acqua bengaline taffeta and matching picture hat of net and velvet streamers and carried an arm bouquet of gladioli and roses. Miss Anne Morgan, of London, sister of the groom and Miss Marion Hodgert, of Exeter, a friend of the bride, wore iden tical gowns of pink silk moire taffeta and matching picture hats and carried arm bouquets of gladioli and roses. Mr. Mac Hodgert, of Exeter was groomsman and ushers were Harold Clarke, brother of the bride, and Jack Stewart, cousin of the groom.’ During the sign ing of the register, Miss Joyce Carter, of London, sang “I Love You Truly” and “Always”. The bridal reception was held at Kether's Coffee Shoppe with the bride’s mother receiving in acqua crepe dress and black ac cessories and a corsage of pink carnations and the groom’s mo ther, in black sheer crepe dress with black accessories and a cor sage of red roses. For a honeymoon trip to nor thern points, the bride donned an acqua marine jersey dress with navy accessories and. a cor sage of gold gladioli. On their return they will' reside on the groom’s farm in Usborne. a double matching an arm roses. Miss An- Announcements Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are Inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriain Notice 50e for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse. En gagements *>0e. ■» the on BIRTHS FISHER—In St. Joseph’s Hos- Irital, London, on Friday, July 23, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fisher, of Exeter, a son, (stillborn), MARRIAGES MORGAN—CLARKE — In Elimville United Church Saturday. July 24, 1948, Bur- dene LaBelle Clarke", only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke of Winchelsea, to Mr. Gerald Beverly Mor gan, second son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Morgan, of Us borne Township, Dy Rev. Wm. Mair. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dredger, Mrs. Win. Prodger and daughter Marion, of Bandon, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Caldwell on Sunday last. Mrs. Frank McKenzie and baby returned to their home in Lucknow Sunday after spending the past week with her parents^ Mr. and Mrs. Mr. George Stephen, was Hospital on Walker has not been enjoying- the best of health for some time. His many friends will be pleased to hear of a speedy recovery. Rev. Charles W. Sunders, of Stewiacte, Nova Scotia, is spend ing this week at the home of his brother Sanders, newing Exeter, Mr. Sanders will preach in his old pulpit in Lucknow on Sun day. Cecil Rowe. Walker, 3rd con., talom to Victoria Sunday last. Mr. and family, William Andrew Street, and re- old acquaintances in Clinton and Lucknow, DEATHS BONTHRON Hensail on Monday, J. W. Bonthron in year. DAVEY—At lier late al 26. Suddenly July his 74 th residence in Centralia on Monday, July 26, 19 48, Susannah Stedwill, beloved wife of Richard Davey in her eighty-first year. HUSTON—Suddenly in Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, July 23rd, 1948, Winifred M. Huston. PYM—At Elimville, on Tuesday, July 27, 1948, Samuel Pym, in his 84 th year. The funeral will take place from the Hop per-Hockey Funeral Home on Thursday at 2;30 p.m. with interment in the metery. ROWTCLIFF—In Sunday, July Thomas Rowtcliff, seventy-sixth year. ENGAGEMENTS Elimville Ce- Exeter, 25 th, in on 1948, his E. last are not PROCLAMATION Pursuant to a resolution passed by the Municipal Council, Monday, August 2, 1948 is hereby appointed a Civic Holiday and I respectfully request its observance B. W. TUCKEY, Reeve Lakeview Casino GRAND Dancing Nightly RADIO AND RECORDING ORCHESTRA Midnight Dance Civic Hdhday W^ek-End August 2nd Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Marjorie Elaine, to Mr. Charles White, of London, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. IT. C. White, the wedding to take place Sat urday August 14th at 2:00 p.m. at Calvary United Church, Lon don. , * Mr. and Mrs. G. Percy Daun- cey, of London, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Verland Elaine, to Er-, nest Colling McTavish, youngest son of Rev. and Mrs. Duncan McTavish, St. Catharines, Ont., the wedding to take place at St. James (Westminter) Church Saturday, August 14, at o’clock. 6* CARD OF THANKS toMrs. M. Hardman wishes publicly thank Mr. Garnet Flynn for returning the change purse which was lost. * Mr. and Mrs. Jack McAllister wish to thank all those who sent cards while Alma the hospital. was in* Richard all the who so Mr. Welsh letters, patient It was Mr. and Mrs. wish to thank and neighbors, remembered flowers, cards, and calls while a Joseph's Hospital, ly appreciated. The family Sidney Snell their sincere neighbors and kindness and sympathy in their recent with special thanks Mahoney and to loaned cars. Welsh friends kindly with treats in St. great- $ of the late Mrs. wish to thanks friends KYDD—In loving memory of a dear mother. Mrs. Jonathan Kydd, who parsed away four years ago, July 27, 1944. Her faint last wish, we should like to have heard, And breathed in her ear one parting .word. c'‘ Only those who have lost able to tell The pain of the heart in saying farewell. There’s a sad but sweet remem brance, There’s a memory fond and true, There’s a token of affection, mother, And a heartache still for you. •—•Ever remembered by the family. * OKE-—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Mr. John seven 1941. do we think of you often and will to the end; Gone and forgotten by some, dear father, But in our hearts you liveth still. —Ever remembered by his wife, and family. * Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Hatter have returned after holidaying at Harriston and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Forrester are spending a few days at Wasaga Beach. Mr. Ira Bissett daughters, of London, Tuesday with Mr. and Ralph Bailey. Mr. Ralph Bailey spent one day last week in Port Huron at tending the funeral Mrs. Jos. Philips. Mrs. McLaren, McLaren and Mrs. of Niagara Falls, guests of Mr. and Forrester. Mrs. Douglas Triebner and Roy returned home on Monday after spending a iveek’s vacation in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lucier and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sanders and daughter, Mrs. Perkins, of Windsor, are holidaying with the former’s sister, Mrs. S. J. San ders and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Pearce accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Gais- er, Sharon and David on Friday attended the funeral Marion church town. ' Mrs Arthur weeks Pollen, have returned home accompan ied by Mr. and Mrs. Pollen who are holidaying here. and Jour spent Mrs. of his aunt, Miss Lottie McCormack, were recent Mrs. F. G. of Miss Turville at St. 'Peter’S and cemetery, Wallace- We We Oke, who passed away years ago, July 23, not forget you, nor do intend, Decoration Service Elimville Cemetery will be held on Sunday, August 1 Service in the church at 8 p.m. AFTERNOON SPEAKER! Rev. H. Snell, and others Silver the Special collection in aid of ('einetery Fund Music by the Choir ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS express to the for the extended bereavement, to Rev. Mr. those who 29* thanks besincere some small manner who helped in an,y FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 30-31 Lootin’ the West with laughter is . . . Mr. gnd Mrs. Allen Gould, Mary and Shirley, of London, spent the past week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Dearing visited on Sunday with Mrs. Violet Quance and with Mr. and Mrs. McDougall at Harrington West. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths whohave been holidaying for the past two weeks at the home of the latter’s sister Miss Annie Handford, returned to Toronto on Friday last with their son, Mr. Morris Griffiths, who spent the day with his aunt. Sidney Davis and Mrs. Mitchell visited for three i with Mr. and Mrs. Sim | Of Flint, Michigan. They Presentation and Dance — for — Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tufts Aberdeen Hall Kirkton Friday, July 30 Skipper’s Orchestra ADMISSION 50c One Mile South of Cromarty admission r>oc May our conveyed in to all those way during the illness and death of our beloved father. Our spe cial thanks to Mrs. Harold Bell for her gracious care of our fa ther and mother during the past months. * Mervin, Olive and Pym family Mrs. Colin Gilfillan wishes to express her sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly remembered her while in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. James Parsons niece and nephews of Thomas Rowtcliff wish to press their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy ex tended in their bereavement, with special thanks to Rev. Mr. Sinclair, Mrs. Wm, Webster and Mrs. Wm. Smith. IN MEMORIAL © Marjorie Main with © Abbot & Costello ‘Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap' Cartoon, ‘WACKY WEED’ and Two Additional Shorts a patient c and the the late ex- DES JARDINE—-In loving mem ory of our dear mother who passed away two years ago, August 1st, 1946. God took her from this world of pain To let her tired body rest. Wo wondered why she had to go Bitt God alone know best, Her chair looks oh so empty, And we miss her smiling face, Words can’t express our lonli- ness Without her In her place. —Lovingly remembered by Dor othy, Verna, Hazel, Mervin and Leonard. * in SUNDAY MIDNITE MONDAY and TUESDAY August 2-3 • Jack Carson © Ami Sotliern ® Bobby Ellis a tune-drenclied deluge of joy ‘April Showers’ Newsreel, add ‘FISHING WITH THE FLORIDA. KEYS’ (lit Technicolor) WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY August 4 - 5 it Mystery and Intrigue hi the High Sierras with ® Anna Dee ® Gilbert Roland and ® Warren Douglas On Same Program .See the Teenagers in ‘Vacation Days’ ® Freddie Stewart fit June Preisse.r and Jerry Wald, Spade Cooley and their orchestras Everybody Welcome