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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-07-29, Page 6
Page 6 Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (north of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon Dorothy G. Reeder, prop. Tel. 71 Exeter V’s Beauty Shoppe Exetei* and District’s Most Modern Shoppe Have you consulted us about the NEW RADIO WAVE ? AU Types of Permanents, Cold, Heat and Machine!ess All lines of Beauty Culture Vera C. Fraser, prop. Tel: 112 Exeter Paris Beauty Shoppe Have your hair'short for the hot season ahead! Make your appointment now for your new permanent. — Open All Day Wednesday — One Block East of Trivitt Memorial Church Evelyn Paris, Prop. Phone 245w Exeter THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 29, 1948 Summer EXETERMacDonald-MacLaren At Knox Presbyterian Manse, Goderich, Rev. R. G. MacMillan united in marriage Lois Marg aret MacLaren, Reg.N., eldei Mrs. W. A. of Hensall, MacDonald, MacDonald. Her. veil em- She A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate FOR REGULAR DELIVERIES Telephone X79w For All Brandies of Beauty Culture, Try the Lucan Beauty Salon Machine, Machineless and Cold Waves, $3.50 Uj> “Where a wave is permanent” IONE TATLOVV, PROP. Phone Lucan 1O9R LADIES: READ THIS! Unwanted hair removed instant ly from face, arms, legs, Avith Flash Hair Remover. Harmless- smooth, promptly back af- with no leaves skin soft and You can’t lose. Money refunded if hair grows ter third application questions asked. Complete treat ment §2 postpaid. (C.O.D.’s —■ Postage extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 333) Box 22, Station B. Montreal, Que. daughter of Mr. and MacLaren, formerly and Robert Tweedie younger son of Mrs. Goderich, and the late Captain Angus MacDonald. The charming bride chose a portrait gown of white slipper satin with gather ed bodice, SAveetheart neckline and long tapered sleeves, floor-length embroidered was held by a Juliet cap broidered with seed pearls, carried a cascade bouquet of Briarcliffe roses and white lark spur. The bride’s sister, Mrs. J. C. Thorneloe, as matron of hon or, was gOAvned in rose-pink net over taffeta Avith lace insertions. She carried a colonial bouquet of com flowers, sweet peas and blue streamers which matched hex* headdress. J. C. Thorneloe was groomsman. Following the ceremony a dinner Avas served at Knotty Pine Inn, Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. MacDonald left on a motor trip to Northern Ontario. The bride travelled in a powder blue silk jersey dress, grey shortie coat Avith matching accessories and corsage of pink carnations. They will reside London. in CHESTERFIELDS and OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired and Re-covered Free Pick-up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. 42 BrunsAvick Street Phone 579 Stratford Enquire at Hopper-Hockey Furniture Store Exeter Oaick lelief From Summer Complaints To get quick relief from diarrhoea, intestinal pains, sea sickness or summer complaint, use DOCTOR rOWLEB’S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAW BERRY, This dependable family remedy is one of the most effective and best known medicines for bowel complaints. Insist on DOCTOR FOWLER’S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY. A combination Of valuable vege table remedies, blended together under rigid standards of purity, Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills ate often valuable in the relief of Constipa tion and. minor disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels. They help the eliminatory organs and clear the system of waste which, is often the cause of constipation, sick and bilious spells, headaches and heartburn# Once tried, you’ll be delighted by the renewed feeling of well-being which they help to produce. Milbum’s Laxa-Livor Pills are oh sale at all drug chunters, Th# T. Milburn Co., IM, Wmonio, Oafc Revington-Jarvie In a double ring ceremony St. Mary’s Anglican Church, London. Canon H. M. Lang-Ford united in marriage Jarvie. daughter of Mrs. Robert and Donald Mr. and Mrs. Lucan. The bride, by her father, ganza, lined Avith a bertha. Satin bows trimmed the tiered skirt and she carried shasta daisies and piiik roses in hei' bouquet. Miss j Winifred Jarvie, bride, Avas at Elizabeth Mr. and Windsor, son of I Jarvie, Bevington. Wesley Bevington, given in. marriage ., wore eyelet or tho wide neckline out- sister of the maid of honor in coral crepe. Miss Audrey Rev- ington, sister of the groom, and Miss Madeline Black, as brides maids wore aquamarine crepe. The attendants wore picture hats and carried bouquets of daisies. Charles Weir, of Lon don, was best man and the ush ers were William Jarvie, bro ther of the .bride, and Harvey Bevington, brother of the groom Miss Betty Green was soloist. Following a reception at The Manor the couple left on ,a mot- oi- trip to Quebec. For traveling the bride wore a navy dress with tiered skirt in crepe ,and taffeta, and white accessories with a corsage of pink and white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Revington will live in Lucan . Robilliard.Kestle A beautiful wedding took place in Giles Blvd. United Church -on Saturday, July 24. 1948, when Miss Vera Alberta Kestle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kestle, Exeter, was unit ed in marriage to Mr. Robillard, Robillard, The bride satin and Hun drum honor, Mrs. Clare Cook, sister of the bride, carried a roses. Mr. best man. ____ at Lappan’s after bride and groom left on to Muskoka. Guests were in at tendance from London, Stratford Detroit and Exeter. Herbert son of Mr. and Mrs. of Remington Park. Avas dressed in ivory carried a bouquet of lilies. As matron of wore blue net and bouquet of yellow Hugh Ferguson was A reception followed which ,the a trip Grand Bend W.l. to Sponsor Tag Day Mr. Alfred W. Sparks, in com puny with Mr. J. W. Compeau, a sightless veteran of World War II, called recently at the horn© of Mrs. Emery DesJardins to make finals arrangements for the annual Tag Day for the Blind. .This Tag Day will be held on Saturday, July 31st under the direction of Mrs. Herb Pfile, Convener for the Institute. Sparks, Avlien he Institute tance of ian Institute for the Blind. W.l. asks erous as and her predate canvassing, ing to help please contact Pfile or Mrs. DesJardins. New and Used Ice Refrigerators For Sale of Community Welfare Grand Bend Women’s Those who heard Mr. Avho is also sightless/ addressed the Women’s Avill realize the impor- the work of the Canad- The everyone to be as gen- pobsible. committee help in g. Anyone Avho is Mrs. would doing Pfile ap- the will- Mrs. Married in Alberta The home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil D. Ross, of High River, Alta., was the scene of a pretty house wedding on Saturday, July 10, at 5 p.m. when Mrs. Ross’ sister, Nellie Irene Dun ean, youngest daughter of Mr. David Duncan and the late Mrs. Duncan, exchanged marriage voavs Avith Charles Clarence Cart er, son of Mrs. Carter, of Haney, B.C., and the late Mr. Carter. The Avedding music Avas played by Mrs. J, Bryant. Given in mar riage by her father, the bride was charming in a full length gown of Avhite embroidered silk nylon with long fitted bodice and bouffant skirt, SAveetheart neckline and short puffed sleeves. With this she Avore long lace mittens. Her floor-length veil Avas held in iilace by an orange blossom headdress. She carried a bouquet of red rose buds and ferns. Her only jeAvel- lry Avas a pearl necklace with matching earrings. Miss Margar- et Dougall the groom W. Duncan, The soloist nedy. Following the ceremony a reception Avas held at the home of Mrs. C. A. Hartell, sister of the bride. The bride and groom left on a trip to Banff and Jas per. Avere borne and there are numerous relatives in this community. Caven W.M.S. Caven Auxiliary, W.M.S. in the Sunday school room on July 22 in the evening Avith Mrs, Strang presiding. Mrs. Mil lar and Mrs. Sillery were -hos tesses. Mrs. Kydd had charge of the devotional exercises. The Glad Tidings secretary reported that five copies ordered for the balance of the year to be dis tributed to non-subscribing mem bers and Home Helpers to intro duce the magazine Avith a view to obtaining more subscriptions for next ymir. Current events given by Mrs. Earl Mitchell and the ,b°ok revierv, an article on the hymn, -oil God Our Help in Ages Pi.-t”, Avas Miss BroAvn. Mrs. Strang gave ail interesting on the sixth chapter Study Book, in Formosa.’’ met Hello Homemakers! Enjoy ment of the feAv minutes Ave can spare to relax during the busy hot Aveathei* days is more com plete with a tall, cool drink. There are many commercially p a c k aged mixtures, available which make the preparation very very simple. On the Other hand, look in the refrigerator for left over fruit juices to make youi’ OAvn combination. We believe that the tartness there is to a drink, the more cooling Lemon juice, .grapefruit or rhubarb juice are effective refreshing ingredient, Recalling the days Avhen rasp berry vinegar Avas made at home with the soft berries, and bot tled fruit juice Avas put away the threshers, Ave submit the stand-by recipes. more brisk it is. juice for old was bridesmaid and was attended by A. brother of the .bride, was Mrs. John Ken- I The parents of the bride former residents of Us- took 6 2 ■Combine Pour over to stand RASPBERRY VINEGAR quarts red raspberries pints vinegar cups water sugar Crush berries, gar and water, ries and leave night. Strain and measure. ___ 1 cup sugar for each cup of li quid, utes. vine- ber- over- Add Bring to boil for 20 min- Bottle and seal. given by H. H. G. talk of the “Our Commission paying tribute to the Avork ox Rev. George Leslie MacKay and Mrs. MacKay, and to Dr. Guslme Taylor fox* his work in the leper colony; also to the wornm missionaries. Once more the Presbyterian Church in Canada is at work in iFbrmosa after it was necessary to recall all workers years. Rev. the meeting date of the the 23rd, is Fair, the meeting Avill be on September 19th at 8:00 at RHUBARB PUNCH quart diced rhubarb quart water cups sugar cup orange juice during the Avar Mr. Sinclair closed with prayer. As the September meeting, the date of Exeter held p.m. the home of Mrs. Laing. 1 1 2 y3 % cup lemon juice 1 quart soda Avater Combine rhubarb, Avater sugar. Stew until tender. Strain through very fine sieve. Chill. Add fruit juices and chill thor oughly. Add soda water and crushed ice just before serving. Yields about 2^2 quarts. MINT JULEP cups sugar syrup 6 stalks fresh mint 2 tablespoons lemon juice % cup grapefruit juice 1 1 2 applied and when the thermo meter reading reaches 145 de gress F. keep heat moderate for 30 minutes. 'Cool quickly for best flavour. For small quantities — Heat in a double boiler to 145 de grees, as indicated by dairy ther mometer; hold at that tempera ture in the covered pan for 30 minutes. Then cool quickly in several pans of cold Avater. You may bring milk quickly to boiling point, stirring con stantly, then cool immediately to assure safety from harmful bacteria, but sometimes the fla vour is not as good since milk scorches easily. Miss (1) In salt (2) Be is pure at this time of year. Floor Sanding HARDWOOD & TILE FLOORS LAID Old Floors Re-Finished M. S. suggests: hot weather use more in your diet. sure your water supply Wallace Bowd en WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 531-10 A Delicioys Cool Drink Directions: Make tea exactly as usual . . . While still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste Denomy-Etue Two prominent families of Zurich were united when Mabel, daughter of Edward Etue, Zur ich, and the late Mrs. Etue, be came the bride of Lome Den- omy. son of Mr. and Mrs. Max ims Denomy, of Sarnia, formerly ( of Zurich. Both bride and groom are the third youngest of fami lies of eleven children, and both are the last members of their families to marry. The bride is a graduate of St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London. The wedding took against a rich background of red roses in St. Peter’s Church on the BlueAvater highway, with Rev. Bourdeaux officiating. Solo ists were Mrs. Lloyd Etue and John .Denomy, accompanied by the organist, Mrs. John Denomy. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride was lovely in a gown of nylon net, featuring fit ted short-sleeved bodice and full skirt with lace inserts. A coronet of net and lace held her three- quarter length veil, and she car ried a prayer book and a bou quet of red garden roses and white heather. Miss Anna Marie Etue, of De troit. niece of the bride, attend ed as bridesmaid, wearing a floor-length frock of blue mar quisette with matching head dress and carrying a muff of pink and white roses. Regis Au bin, of Clinton, was best man, -and the ushers were Gerald Srenan and Raymond Denomy, of Zurich. A reception Zurich hotel, bridal couple through the Georgian Bay trict. For this the bride wore a suit of gray and white silk with navy accessories and a corsage of white carnations, Mr, and Mrs. Denomy will reside in Sar nia. place •was held at after which left for a the the trip dis- Lamond-Squire A pretty July wedding place on Saturday at James St. United Church parsonage, Exe ter, when Rev. H. J. Snell unit ed in marriage, Merle Irene, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire, Exeter, to Richard Saunders Lamond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex La-mond, London. The bride looked charming in a gown of white Mousseline de soie in French period style. The neckline daintily accented Ayith a sheer yoke setting the square neckline caught at the side Avith seed pearls. The skirt was drap ed to hoops I satin boAvs to ruffles at the crusted with her finger-tip ed illusion and she carried arm bouquet of Better roses and gypsophilia and satin streamers tied with petals and fern, Mrs. Squire as matron of honor a floor-length goAvn of pink net over taffeta with pink floAverlet headdress and carried sweet heart roses with blue cornflow4 <ers. The groom Avas attended by the bride’s brother, Mr. Cecil Squire, of Granton. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the prettily decorated home of the bride’s parents, where Mrs. Squire re ceived wearing pink eyelet silk jersey dress Avith black acces sories and corsage of sweet peas and roses. Mrs. Lamond, moth er of the groom assisted wear-' .ing red crepe, with white acces sories and corsage of snapdrag ons and roses. The waitresses Avere Miss Myrna Pym, E cousin of the bride and Mary Bilyea, London. For a. wedding trip to Sound and points north bride wore a blue gabardine suit with pink blouse and white accessories. On their return couple will live in London. and caught with show French lace hem. A tiara env seed pearls held veil of embroider- an Time white rose Cecil wore Ixeter, Miss Owen , the the thatFirst. Aid Nurse: pain in your leg is old age?” Elevator Operator This other leg, he’s the same ago an4 he’s alright.” '’Maybe just due to 'Nonsense HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rannie family are holidaying at Eckel’s Beach. Mr. Roy Soldan and his moth er, Mrs. I-I. Soldan, accompanied by Mrs. Elsie Gase Melvin or trip Miss a and and Mrs. Moir are enjoying a mot to Western Canada. Alma Bell, of Toronto, Aveek-end visitor at the Mr. and The many are pleased improving follow- was home of her parents, Mrs. Wm. Bell, friends of Mr. Bell to hear he is ing his recent illness. Mrs. Emma MacDonald visited recently at Varna with liei' sister Mrs. Rathwell, Avho has been ill. Miss Connie Corbett is holi daying Avith her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz, at Grand Bend. , Miss Shirley Coleman visited during the past week, home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Morenz, DashAVOOd. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Chapman, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz, Grand Bend, visited recently \vith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Chiselhurst S.S. Picnic The annual congregational and Sunday School picnic of Chiselhurst United ,Church Avas held at. Lions Park, Seaforth, on Tuesday with a very large at tendance. Following ti delicious picnic supper the sports Avere enjoyed Avith the following re sults: races: and under, LeRoy Ross; 6-9, Marlyn Ross, boys 6-9, Doug Brintnell, rence Eyre; girls 12 and under, Fay Ross, Mary Lou McLellan; boys 12 and under, Murray Ven- ner, George Parker; girls 15 and under, Barbara McNaughton, Mary Lou McLellan; boys 15 and under, Bob Kinsman, John Taylor; young ladies, Velma Ferguson; young men, Bruce Glenn; married ladies, Mrs. T Brintnell; married men, Mr. T Brintnell; ladies kick the slippe) Mary Kinsman; men kick the slipper, Howard Brook; three legged race, 12 and under, Ken Murray 'Venner race, Murray Ven Parker; umbrella 1; orange race, race, Wes Venner graceful walk- Mrs. men i; youngest oldest jires- at the and .Mi'S- Hugh girls and boys, 6 girls Fay Ross; Law- neth Parker, wheel barrow ner, race group 2 and er, Wm .. Ohly, Calvin Morton present, Eric Ross; i ent, Mrs. (Sole. George group tie Mrs.- Glenn. married laddes only, Brifttnell; shoe race, cup ice water cup ice Avater cups ginger ale Heat syrup, add the crushed leaves of mint and let stand % hour. Strain. Add fruit juices and chill in electric refrigerator. Just before serving add ginger ale. Serve in tall glasses with crushed ice and a sprig of mint. FRUIT JUICES Wash so u n d, well-ripened fruit thoroughly, drain, crush. Prepare small quantities. Avoid over-cooking. Heat to simmering for several minutes. Extract juice in fruit, by straining through several layers of cheese cloth. If desired, add sugar— to 1 cup pei’ gallon of juice. Heat to simmering point, fill hot sterilized containers to with in 3/s inch of top of glass jars or cans, and Avithin 1 inch of bottle rims. Seal. If bottles are used, lay in water bath. Process at boiling point* for 15 minutes. THE QUESION BOX Mrs. T. J. asks hOAV to pas teurize milk at the cottage. Answer: HOME PASTEURIZATION For large quantities — Filled bottles of milk, with a dairy thermometer inserted through the cap of one bottle, are placed in a deep kettle (preserving pan), in cpld water .about one inch from their tops. Heat is ■ Melvin’s Feature A How About Treating Yourself to a new bathing suit, in. the latest style ? Our choice is going very quickly. Now is the time to shop for one, as our Cole of California BATHING SUITS are reduced $2.00 — We also carry Suits, Coats, Dresses, Blouses, Skirts, Housecoats, Underwear Handbags, etc., and quite an assortment in Children’s Wear! It’s Smart . . . It’s Thrifty To Shop at . Melvin’ EXETER Keep Your Westinghouse Appliances uniu tiw T/vrv? Parts are available for all Westinghouse appliances. Wa use genuine Westinghouse renewal parts. Expertly trained servicemen are ready to give you prompt attention. S3® • ° '• 1 Beavers Hardware