HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-07-29, Page 1Seventy-Fifth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 29, 1948 Single Copy 6 cents Police Investigate Three Accidents An auto accident took place Friday afternooxx at the inter­ section of the 2nd concession of Stephen and the Crediton road wlxeix a car driven by Dav­ id Burgie going south collided with a car going east driven by 'Mrs. Milton Ratz, of Stephen. Mr. Burgie was on his way to Exeter from the Centralia air­ port when the accident occurred The front of his car was daxn- aged to the. .extent of about $200 while damage to the Ratz car was estinxated at $350, Mrs. Ratz was bruised about the knee. With her in the car were Mr. Ratz and Mrs. Geo. Love but they were uninjured. Prov­ incial Police John Fergusoxx in­ vestigated the accident and a charge of failing to stop is be­ ing laid against Mr. Burgie. .Provincial Constable Ferguson investigated an accident which took place four miles urday when a 1928 Studebaker coach Cloy, at axx driven by Henry Lawrence, of Zurich. 19 47 Chev. rolled over twice in the ditch and Mr. Lawrence re­ ceived two cuts on the head and a bruised shoulder. Damage to the McCloy car was slight, esti­ mated at $40. No charge is be­ ing laid. Another accident investigated by P.O. John Fergusoxx was one at the main intersection af Brucefield when a .19 46 lodge driven by Mitchell, ______ driven by Leroy Thiel, of Zur­ ich. The veiling east while the truck was north bound. Godfrey was charged with failing to stop and in magistrates court in Seaforth on Tuesday he was; fined $2.00 and costs and his license to drive was suspended. John auto north east of Hensall Sat- driven by John T. Mc- R.R. 2, Kippen, collided intersection with a car The Lawrence car, a Wm. P. Godfrey, of collided with a. truck i Godfrey car east while 1 was tra- Thiel M iss W. Huston The many friends Winifred Hustoix were shocked to learn of her sudden passing­ in Victoria Hospital on Friday of last week. Miss been hospital only before she passed in Exetei’ she was of Huston and been spent in town. One sister, Miss Lillian, predeceased hex* in May of this year. Surviving are one sister, Miss EVelyn, of Exe­ ter, and one brother, Mervin, of Ashcroft, B.C. A private fun­ eral service was held at the home Monday afternooxx conduc­ ted by Rev. H. J. Mahoney of Main St. Church of which the deceased was a member. The bearers were Messrs. Earl Rus­ sell, Harold Sturgis, Dr. Cowan, Ulric Snell, W. H. Pollen and Bert Rivers. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery. of MiSS Huston had a short time away. Born a daughter the late Henry and Mrs. all her life has Golden Wedding Anniversary Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dorey of the Beach O’ Pines Grand Bend who on Friday, July 30th will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dorey are former residents of London where Mr. Dorey was a corpor­ al with the R.C.A.M.C. and was one of the Canadians who stood guard on the occasion of the marriage of King George V. Mrs. Dorey is a great lover of flowers as is evidenced by the great variety of bloom that adorns' their summer property. of Dorey is Temporary Siding Laid A temporary, 400 foot way siding is being laid at the north end of town £orxtlxe Bren­ nan construction Company. Tlx© road paving firm has cleared a section of land on the north side of it has crusher side the has the itig No. south north, built plant er side of the road. Dan McNejl from Stratford is in charge the railway operations. rail- No. 83 highway and moved in a gravel and asphalt mixer be- railroad. The contract for 4 Highway for of Exeter and Another siding shortly for the company resurfac- 5 miles 8 miles will be waxing being erected on the otli- W' Family Reunion A family reunion was held the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Winer Sunday. Those attend­ ing were Mrs. Anna Jones, sis­ ter of Mr. Winer and her son, Amber and Mr. Jones, of King­ ston, Mich., Mrs. F. W. Winer and son Alvin of Marlette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chambers and family, of London, Dr, O. * G, and Mrs. Tremner and dau­ ghter Virginia, of Strathroy, Mi’ and Mrs. Sevorno Winer, of town, at W. Juvenile Winners at Kirkton Garden Party The following are .the results of the Juvenile Contest conduct­ ed at the Kirkton Garden Party, Mr. W. R. Goulding adjudicator. Instrumental Class Mary Waldie, Downie; Maureen Smibert, St. Marys, Vocal Class ■—• ,1st, Helen Car- bert, Motherwell; 2nd place in this class was a tie between the duet by Donna Dunseith and Roy McKay, pownie, and Ronald Webb, Dashwood. Comedy Class — 1st, Elaine Hern and Dalton Skinner, Win­ chelsea; 2nd, Donald Perkin, Downie. Special Class — 1st, Wilma Walters (reading), Winchelsea; 2nd, Noreen Anderson (guitar), Blanslxard. Others taking part in the con­ test'included Gwen Stephen and. Muriel Levy, Anderson; Allan Lofft, St. Marys; Junior Irvine, St, Marys; Donald Ferguson, Downie; Doreen Turnbull, St.i Marys; Anna Routly, Winchel­ sea; Merle Hazelwood and Verla Wheeler, Leroy Tufts, Dorothy Henderson, Rilla Gowan, Allan Slater, Robt. Louch and Marg­ aret .Walters. ANTHONY EDEN IN BERLIN 2nd, '>■>; 'A||1 Mr. Anthony Eden, deputy leader of the Opposition, Is at present on a tour of Berlin where he is inspecting the "air lift" taking food to the Berliners. He made a speech to 2,000 Germans in the British min­ istry of Centre in the British sector of Berlin. Above he is seen at Gatow airport upon his arrival with General Robertson, commander­ in-chief of the British zone in Germany. Russian fighters have swept across the British airfield at Gatow, breaking all air safety rules which the Soviet military administration has been citing so sanctimoniously in its protests against the Anglo-American air supply of Berlin. Ninetieth Birthday Congratulations to Mrs, Monteith, who on Saturday will observe her ninetieth birthday. Geo. Seriously Ill in Hospital Mr. Jonathan Kydd, who been ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital London, has been moved to Vic­ toria Hospital. His many friends will regret to know that quite ill. has he is Field Crop 'Results The field crop competition conducted by the Exeter Agricul­ tural Society in Beacon oats was judged last week by Robt. Mc- Kercher, of Dublin. There was evidence of root rot in some fields. The results were as fol­ lows: M. Coates 93; EarlJShap- ton 90; Chas. Prout 89; Gilbert Johns 88; Elmer Powe 864; Roy McLeod '85; Harry Strang 8 4;. Richard Etherington 81. , Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald have returned after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roul- ston at Simcoe. Gail and Karen Roulston returned with them on a visit Misses Irene Brock, Lois Laing, Eleanor Dawson, Deris Westcott and Hilda Henderson ■of London, and Misses Anna Brock, Anita Hildebrand and Helen Westcott, of Exeter, spent last week vacationing at Grand Bend. Eminent Hensall one most died andf as a Mr. good Man Passes Mr. James W. Bonthron, of Hensail’s earliest and prominent businessmen, suddenly Monday morning the news of his death came shock to the community. Bonthron^ apparently in health, had arisen in the morn­ ing and when his appearance at breakfast was delayed an in­ vestigation revealed that he had passed away on the bathroom floor. On Sunday he had been car riding with Mrs. and was planning to leave Tues­ day for their summer vacation at Southampton. For many years Mr. Bonthron was in partnership with M. G. Drysdale conducting a hardware plumbing and undertaking bus­ iness. After the partnership was dissolved Mr. Bonthron with his son Harold conducted the under­ taking business and in that cap­ acity he has ministered in a' sympathetic and efficient way in many homes of bereavement- over a wide territory. Deceased was a member of the Masonic Order, the Chamber of Commerce and was a valued member Church clerk of years. He was born at Rodgerville, one and a half miles south of Hensall, and Mrs, resided in life. Surviving are his wife, the former Bertha Yungblut, of Au­ burn; one daughter (Jean) Mrs. McAllister Greer, of Lon­ don and on© sou, Harold, also two brothers, F. G. Bonthron, postmaster, Hensall and William three sis- of of Bonthron of Carmel Presbyterian being an elder and the session for many* a son of the late Mr. Robert Bonthron and Hensall most of his of 'Pasadena, Calif, ters, Mrs. Edith McMartin Barriej Mrs. Margaret Vair Toronto and Mrs, Louis Simpson of Hensall. The body rested at the Bon­ thron funeral is being held afternoon at fan Church homo and service this (Wednesday) Carmel Presbyter- with Rev. P. A, Ferguson officiating. Interment will -be in the Exeter cemetery. Home From Trip Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper, Pat and Joan, returned home Tuesday after a pleasant three weeks’ motor trip visiting with relatives and friends in Kenora, Winnipeg and Escanaba. They covered almost three thousand miles and enjoyed excellent wea­ ther throughout the trip. Contribute to Legion Fund The Exeter branch of the Ca­ nadian Legion is in receipt of a cheque for twenty-five dollars from a former resident of Exe­ ter, Judge J. G. Stanbury, of St. Catharines, as a contribution to­ wards its. new hall. Further con­ tributions have been from Elgin Rowcliffe and mas Pry de. received Tho- Centralia Postmistress Injured in Crediton Mrs. parsons, postmistress at Centralia, met with an accident at Crediton Monday afternoon when she alighted from a car on the main street and was knocked down by an automobile. Mrs-. Parsons alighted from a car on the south side of the street and was going to the office of Mr. H. K. Eilber when she stepped into the .path of a car driven by Mr. Wm. Oestreicher. She was driven to her home in Centralia by Mi's. Gerald Zwicker and Dr, Milner was called when is was found -she was suffering from multiple, bruises, a slight con­ cussion and a bad laceration of the scalp. County Constable John Ferguson investigated accident. Attend Tournament Messrs. Harp Rivers, Harvey Pollen, Ulric Snell, Russel Snell, William Sanders and Merle Mode attended the trebles tournament at Clinton on Tuesday. W. G. Cochrane, Bert Rivers and Chas. MacNaughton went to Parkhill where another trebles was held. the Ferguson Clan picnic, was held at Springbank for the past few years, Ferguson Reunion The which park was held last week with an at­ tendance of 95. Old and young alike sat down to two meals of good things as only the women of the clan can provide. Mrs Jos. Linden, of Denfield, was the oldest lady present and Jos. Linden was the oldest man pres ent, while Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson, of Kippen, was the youngest. Mr. Wm. Parsons, of Winnipeg, Man., who is visiting Mr. Arch­ ie Parsons, of Hensall, came the longest distance. The sports were in. charge of the committee Lome Attwell, Belton, Ferguson, Kirkton, Joe Clandeboye and Denfield. follows, Jaques, Gregory, Carter, guson, guson, Lome Austin x , per, Jean Ferguson, fat ladies, Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, novelty race, Jos. Ferguson and Alice Parsons. John Simpson, of Exe­ ter, was elected president for 1949 and Velma Ferguson, Hen­ sall, ' com: Kippen, Austin Attwell, stock, Murray Attwell, lock and Art Ashworth, Ilderton while the table committee is Mrs. Kenneth Simpson, Cfromar- ty, Mrs. Austin Attwell, Wood- stock, boye, Exeter dertoix stetter, Norman Carter, Verna Linden, Prize winners were 4 and finder, 6 and under, 10 and under, young ladies, Velma Fer young men, Russell Fer married ladies, Attwell, married Attwell, kicking the as Harold Milton Maire, Mrs men, slip- is sec.-treas. The sports ittee is Wilmer Ferguson, Wood- Tavis- Kippen Joe Carter, Clande- Clifford Blanchard, Art Ashworth, Il- Mrs. Arnold Gack- Winchelsea’s Old Boys Will Reunite Monday Winchelsea 'School will open its doors to all its former pu­ pils day, and vey tee sible to make the day a big success. Sports and speaking will fill the afternoon and a picnic supper wilt be served on the lawn, entertainment will consist of readings, tap - dancing. Scotch songs, bingo and dancing. and friends on Civic Holi- to celebrate an Old Boys' Girls* Reunion, Mr. Har- Sparling and the commit- have done everything pos- In the evening Look for Lucky Legion Leaflets Tonight Exeter* will be bomb­ ed! But you’ll like it. The legion will droj) leaflets from the air to advertise their monster carni­ val and draw. Among the paper sheets there’ll be a number of lucky ones and, when presented at the carnvial, will be honour­ ed by Mr man of mittee. More carnival Larry Snider the Ticket chair- Sales Com- Hunters Look for Bears Seen in Usborne Woods Ninety-First Birthday Mrs. C. J. Murdy, Lucan, Mrs R. Weaver, Edmonton, and Mrs C. Hicks spent Friday with John Essery, of Centralia, District men went on an old-* fashioned bear hunt Monday af­ ternoon and beat through an eight acre bush in Usborne township north of Exeter. Arm­ ed with high-powered rifles, the posse was looking for a mother bear and four cubs seen by Rowcliffe at the edge of farm on Sunday night. The bears were not found signs indicated that they been around. The animals roaming, apparently, and men will wait until more word their where- L. Mrs. the special occasion being her 91st ......... Essery, of Eden, Mr. Bob Avery, Misses Evelyn and Doris Avery and Mr. A. Avery, of Kincardine, also were there; and many friends sent messages and called during the day. In the evening a family party was held. M. Margaretbirthday.the the an- in on when four consolation prizes were nounced. Somebody who doesn’t win one of the big three gifts will receive either a one hour airplane ride, a woollen blanket, an electric toaster, or a chime clock. There’ll be plenty of games Friday night for every member of the family. A monster bingo and dance will be other tions. it’s a good way to give to a fine cause and have fun doing it. We’ll there. news came this week attrac- money lots of see you Fine weather prevails for big field day Crediton .when will join in a sports and amusements. being held young and big program the at old of Mr. Harrison J. Kastner,of Sebringville, was elected D.D.G. M. of South Huron district of the A.F. & A.M. at the annual meeting of Grand Lodge in onto last week. Tor- wasNeil family gathering over the week-end at the summer cottage of J. Bill his but had are the Take Tour of Eastern Canada Messrs. Reynold Wuerth, Bob Pryde, and Arnold Lindenfield left Sunday on a motor through Ottawa, Montreal Quebec City. trip and A held “Mayflower” Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones at Grand Bend. Those present were Dr. W. L. and Mrs. Neil, of Al­ bion, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neil, of Hazel Park, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Altoix Neil and Karen Mr. and Toronto. Trip Covers 10,300 Miles Mr. and Mrs. William Cann, of Usborne. and Mr. and Mrs. Ted McIntyre, of London, re­ turned home Monday after an enjoyable motor trip to Califor­ nia and British Columbia. They left here on June 6. crossing into the U.S. at Sarnia and go­ ing on to Detroit, Chicago, Salt Lake City, visiting ffie Bry Can­ yon, the Utah and Grand Canyon and the great Boulder Dam. In California they visited San Ber­ nardino, Los Angeles and San Francisco. They motored up the coast through Oregon and Wash­ ington and crossed into Canada at Victoria, B.C., spending some time on the island. From Nanai­ mo they crossed and motored up Okanagan Valley and Revelstoke on ise, Banff and Jasper Park. They crossed the state of Montana,' visited Yellowstone Park and re­ turned home by way of Duluth, the American Soo and Manitou- lin Island. The distance covered was 10,300 miles. to Vancouver through the to Kamloops to Lake Lou- and Mrs. H. H. Atkinson Mrs. R. L. Johnston, of Town Topics— ■ Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w is received as to abouts. Rowcliffe saw dusk Sunday night cutting grain near the bush. He approached them and watched as they stood cm their back legs eating the tops off some sheaves of oats, Bill said the four of them presented quite a sight, all gathered around one stook. fluffy, brown and black, ■weighed between forty and fifty pounds,’’ he said. Presently he hear.d the heavy cracking of underbrush and the mother bear, estimated by Row­ cliffe as between three hundred and four hundred pounds, lum­ bered into view. She, however, was not angry. Rearing on her hind feet, she made no attempt to attack, or approach the cubs, which were closer to the edge of the field. She soon lowered herself. Rowcliffe, with only a pitch fork in his hand, decided it was time to leave. He went back to the house with the tractor and binder and got his gun. Returning to the scene he found the gone. The next morning went back to the spot the cubs at when he was the edge or “They were and animals To Hold Picnic A picnic is being held for all Oddfellows, Rebekahs and their families at the Exeter Commun­ ity Park on Tuesday August 10. Miss Tenie McCurdy, of Jones & May, is holidaying this week. Miss Claude Blowes Toronto. Mrs. E. J. Johnson of London with Mr. Olive Wood and Mrs. are visiting in Aquilla Slieere, is holidaying family in town. Marjorie Richards to work at Robertson's of Flint, with the re- Glen days Darling the U.S. to visit spent the week-end and Mrs. E. Squire. Mr. Mich., Sheer e Miss turned after holidays last week. Mrs, Greta Hodgins and visited in Sarnia for a few last week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bland and Caroline, of Windsor, are visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. A. Pen- hale. Mrs. R. Weaver, of Edmonton, Alberta, spent last week with her friend, Mrs. L. C. Hicks, of Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. Percy McFalls visited over the week-end at Penetang with Mr. and L. Street Mr. and Mrs. Fred are on a motor trip in this week. They intend Pennsylvania and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Schlimme, of London, are with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mason and Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Deni ham and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc­ Allister, Neil and Dale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner and Sam. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Neil were guests at the Huglies-Collishaw wedding and reception in Wy­ oming on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs.’ W. C. Harvey have returned home after daying for two weeks at Bay and Wasaga Beach, also visited with Mr. and R. G. Gillies at Midland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sandvik, of are visiting With • and son-in-law, Reginald Beavers, spent the in Orillia, returned a week’s holi- Red They Mrs. Amherstburg, their daughter Mr. and Mr, and forepart Miss home holidays at. Kirkland Lake. Reginald Wuertli, of London-, is spending the second week of his holidays at Kirkland Lake. Mr. George Cook, of London, won first prize in the trebles tournament held on the local gieens last Friday night. Second went same from Mr and days Mrs. Mrs. and __ Jeanette spent, the week-end at Collingwood, Mr Mrs. Beavers of the week Jane Farrow Sunday after M. How of the Harry Porterfield to Mr club. Mitchel took third. , and Mrs. Norman Dianne visited for a at. the home of Mr. Frank Taylor. Ford and Dianne Mrs. Taylor Mr. and Jean Ford , few , and and : Mr. and Mervin Dearing to Sarnia after Practice Not Sold In view of the many persis­ tent rumours, Dr. F. J. Milner, of Exeter, wishes to state that he is uot disposing of his prac­ tice and has no intention doing so. of Font­ sister, other Nornxa and have returned visiting at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Curtis, of Tillsonburg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pollard on Wed­ nesday of last week. Mrs. Ellen Bedford, of Lon­ don, is visiting with her daugh­ ters, Mrs. Gordon Heywood and Mrs. Valeria Armstrong. Mr. Philip Johnson, of hill, is visiting with his Mrs. Petex- Frayne and relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lamport, of British Columbia, spent Wed­ nesday with his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. R. Hedden. Mr. Stewart Fuke has return­ ed to Winnipeg aftex’ holiday­ ing fox* a couple of weeks his mother, Mrs. K. Fuke. Mr. and Mrs. Al Jacobs Betty, of Chatham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nerval Jones ing the forepart of the week. Mrs. Jennie Brintnell was tak­ en to St. Joseph’s Hospital xxl London, fox' a. consultation, but is expected home in a few days. Miss Violet Warren and her mother, Mrs. Richard Warren, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamp­ man, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Heddexx .and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hedden, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden, of town, , Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Quarier, oil London, also Mr. James Wicken of Riverview, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hookey last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Emmett a few days at and Mrs. Wm. home oix Wed- with and with dur- Jack Hedden of Strathroy, and Mrs. Ronnie during .the week with the s parents. a week’s and Mrs. and Mrs, G. Ronnie remain* holidays. Roland Wight, Edwards and of London, spent tho home of Mr. Fraser, returning nesday. Mr and son, visited former ed for Mr. Mr baby Linda, of Thedford, visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire and Merle. Mr. William McLaughlin and daughter Hird and Brantford, with Mrs. Belanger. and Mrs. II. of Vancouver M, Grope from Calgary, Altai have boon visiting with the two ladies* sister, Mrs. Will Pass- more. tor tlie last month. Mr. and Mrs. McCullaugli left Mon­ day for San Diogo, to visit with Mrs. Waller left Tuesday ana, to visit Margaret. Nelson visited M. Amy Miss Wardle, on and Jean , of Sunday Mrs. L. Mr. laugh C r<I. MeOtil- and Mrs. California, daughter, Mrs. Grope Indi- their Eton, for Kokomo, with relatives, Rowcliffe and sa w the old bear at the edge of bush. The cubs were not sight. At noon, Harold Parker Mr. bush to look for the family. Berry bushes which had not been picked and which were so far away and so scarce that no one would attempt to pick them, were stripped of their fruit. Several old, rotten stumps had been smashed sects. In the afternoon, man and .‘Mike’ H. Frayne entered Rowcliffe went into the in and the Bill said apart for in- Tuckersmith School Appointments Made The Trustee Board of Tucker­ smith School Area elected Stan­ ley Jackson to fill the vacancy created Lillico, board. The McIntosh as old Parker, the balance of the year. Clarence A. Trott, supervising principal of the school area, was appointed to spend three half­ days each week .teaching special subjects in the various schools in the area, and to supervise generally. by the death of Alex former member of the board appointed James chairman and Har- vice-chairman fori i Mrs. El izabeth Hawke Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Blatch­ ford were at Hensall Monday afternoon attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Blat­ chford Hawke, widow of Rev. Charles Hawke, who died Friday of last week in her 88th year. For the past three years Mrs. Hawke has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks and she passed away following a sev­ en weeks illness. Deceased a native of Devonshire, and for many years was a dent of Clinton where Hawke died several years In former years they visited on occasions with the Blat- connection in* this com- The funeral Monday eld from the Bonthron home conducted by Rev. A,. Brook, A duett was sung Hess and Mrs. Hedden^ Livermore G. Dunn. II, Wood Interment various chford munity. was h funeral R. by Mrs, The bearers were Mr, ; F. Down, Brown, Wm. II. Blatchford Clinton cemetery. Clinton Mervin and J- was in was Eng resi- Mr< ago*. in Times-Advocate Will Close August 9-14 According to our custom, order to give our staff a holi­ day there will be no publica­ tion of the Times-Advocate on August 12, and the office will be closed from August 9 to 14 inclusive. Correspondents and advertisers are asked to kindly take note, and we ask the indulgence of the public while the staff is on vacation, Mervin, Her- Dayman and _ ___ __ _____the bush but didn’t see the bears. Later Bill Etherington, Constable Helmer Snell, of Seaforth, John Bell and. Stanley Mitchell arrived and they started tramping through the bush at Rowcliffe’s. Huron County Game Warden Kenneth Juck, of Goderich, Les Gibson, Gerald Lawson and Lea. Harvey, of Exeter, bushed south of the other party through A. Morgan’s and woods. Tuesday morning ty ventured in and excitement when it ground hogs and other targets with their high-velpcity wea­ pons. The Rowcliffe farm is two miles and a half north and two miles and a half east of Exeter., M. Bechler’s another par- caused some practiced on Sudden Death at Edmonton Mr. G. A. Hawkins received word this week of the sudden death of lxis sister, Mrs. James Bawden, of Edmonton, Alta. Born in Exetex’ her maiden name was May Hawkins, daughter of the late Thomas Hawkins. Be­ sides lxei' husband, axx Exetei* Old Boy, now clerk of the City of Edmonton, she is survived by two children, Jim and Beth. The funeral took place in Ed­ monton Tuesday. Samuel Pym Mr. Samuel Pym, a life-long resident of Usborne, and fox* many years tax collectoi* for the township, died Tuesday at his home in Elinxville in his eighty- fourtlx year. Deceased had been ailing fox* about six months but Ixad been confined to his bed only about a week. He was a. membex* of the Elimvxlle United Church and was well known and highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends. Surviving besides hiS« bereaved widow, name was Eliza Rowcliffe, three sons and two daughters, Alvin, Exeter; London Usborne lord whose' maiden are of of Ewart,of > Usborne. Mrs. Harry Cole. ; Mrs. Jaad. Kirkland, o£ and Mervin, of Thed- also two brothers, William of Wingham, and Cephas, of Us* borne; and W. P. Reed, of St. Marys, and Mrs. . borne. Davis, Pym, ceased take at 2 lianx Wilt terv two sisters, Mrs, in Us- Ffranfc Albert prede* Jas. Horne, residing One sister, Mrs. and one brother, of Saskatchewan, _ I him. The funeral will place Thursday afternoon 30 o’clock with Rev. Wil- Mair officiating. Interment bo in the Elimvtlle Cemn-