HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-07-08, Page 4withtrousers in four weeks. Tip Top Tailors now : their made-to-measure suits. supply extra ...... Delivery THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 8th, 1948 Don’t Freeze Classified Directory This Winter LOSTFOR SALE PERSONAL FOR RENT Nut Phone 33 Buy Your Tickets FOR SALE BY TENDER on the Exeter Legion Don’t Freeze This Winter! Be warm and comfortable, cleaners, Beavers 11c Egg Stove Nut Pea and Mrs. relatives in FOR RENT—Vacuum by the day or week. Hardware, Exeter. Lump Briquettes — Coke and Mrs. A. and Mrs. FOR SALE—Buttermilk, Apply to W. G. Medd, Exeter Cream­ ery Co., Ltd., Exeter, Ontario. 2 4 tfc LOST—On Main St. in Exeter on Saturday night, a round shell broach. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. Reward. 8* Stewart, daugh- G. Stewart, De- and granddaugh- Mrs. J. A. Stew- was quietly mar- FOR RENT—3 room furnished apartment, all conveniences; quiet couple, no children. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. 8c J. Cochrane Clinton re- Order your coal NOW!! Anthracite Anthracite Anthracite Anthracite Pocohontus Stove Alberta Alberto Stoker Jas. P. Bowey Casulty, Auto and Fire Insurance Agent Trousers Cool and comfortable for summer wear, our odd t r o u s e r s will add that well-dressed look to sport or dress wear, and check your Plain Cherry-Stewart Miss Joan E. ter of Mr. W. troit, Michigan ter of Mr. and art, of Exeter, ried on July 2nd to Mr. William Cherry, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Cherry will reside in Waynes­ ville, North Carolina, following a short motor trip through the southern states. patterns. Tam ar/s Men’s Wear LOOK AT THESE PRIZES! 1. General Electric Refrigerator (7 cu. ft.) 2. Electric Washing Machine. 3. Firestone Pilot Bicycle. 4. Four Consolation Prizes. !Buy your tickets from the members of the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion Draw to be made at Monster Carnival being held in the Exeter Arena, Friday evening, July 30th, 1948. The Legion asks for public support to finance facilities for the veterans of two wars. KIPPEN Mrs. J. V. Cluff anfl daugh- ter Wendy, of Montreal and Master Derrick Richards, of St-. Hubert, Que., are visiting the former’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. Hinton at the Manse. Mr, and Mrs. Ellison Whiting and family, of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake and family, of Bayfield, and Mrs. J. Love and family, of Varna were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mr, visited cently. Mr. and Mr. called on Mr. John Victoria Hospital, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Casey in Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fergu­ son and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gack­ stetter attended the social eve­ ning in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cann, near Clinton, on Friday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Damm and son, of Kitchener, were re­ cent visitors with the former’s parents, Damm. Many first of Gackstetter W, Horney Hunkin in and /■ Notice re Cann’s Mill Mr. and Mrs. Harvey CLOSING from July at Grand Bend, exchange on excel- good Apply 13rll 8* FOR SALE—Or cattle; Chev. coach in lent condition with heater and defroster, to John Caldwell phone Exeter, FOR SALE—Dining room table, six chairs to match, quarter cut oak, nearly new; china cabinet, ■ nearly new; kitchen sink; inlaid linoleum, 2 yds. by 1% yds., new. Phone 372J Exeter, ■' 8* FOR SALE—1938 Chev coach, nice clean car, in first class running order. -Phone 150W Hensail. 8c FOR SALE—Cream separator in good condition. Apply to Mr. Sol Pollock, Grand Bend or phone Dashwood 38r2, 8c FOR 'SALE—Mixed hay, stand­ ing. Whitney Coates, phone 48r3 Kirktoil. 8* 5 for $1.00Tickets 25c T?-----"7. .X.2_ h We know she’s wonderful . . . but there are some, things that our expert repairmen can do better! Kit­ chen ranges get temperamental now and then—and the trouble may be difficult to locate and correct. That’s where we fit into the picture! Our service­ men are trained to make repairs—promptly and ef­ ficiently. (’all us! here spent the f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parsons, of Hensail, Mrs. M. Seymour of N. Dakota, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Par­ sons. SMILES Proud Mother: oui* All’ would i Army. They’ve Court Martial.” at : "I told you get on in the made hina a There will be no grinding or rolling done during’ the week of July 12th to 17th. Tliis is to allow part of our staff to take a vaca­ tion. The Exeter District Co-op has kindly consented to do this service for our customers during tliis per­ iod and. we and our staff wish to convey our thanks. We will be back with re­ newed vigor to serve you the following week. Our mill will be open for the purchase of feeds. FOR SALE—Weiners and chunks. Apply Allan Westcott phone 176r32 Exeter. 8c FOR SALE—193 6 Plymouth se- 1937 Dodge coupe, 1934 1A ton truck and dan, Chevrolet two cabin trailers. South End Service Station, Exeter.8c FOR SALE—10 acres of Tim­ othy hay. Ross Love, Shipka) phone Crediton 24rl5. 8c FOR SALE — Kitchen cabinet, white, practically new. Apply at Times-Advocate. 8* 3- * * An amateur artist invited his neighbour, a doctor, to see a painting he had finished—a pic­ ture of a man apparently in great agony. After the doctor had looked at the painting for a few min­ utes. the artist asked: “What do you think of ;t?” And “It me.” the doctor replied: looks like pneumonia to * * old lady kept a parrot was always swearing. Sunday she kept a cover the cage, removing it on thus prevent- An which Every over Monday morning, ing the parrot from swearing on the Sabbath. One Monday she saw the min­ ister coming toward the house so she replaced the cover over the cage. As .the minister was about to step into the parlour, the parrot remarked: “It’s been a damned short week!” -x- 7V We quote from the graduation address of a happily married college president: “Gentlemen; Many of you will marry. Let me entreat you to be kind to your wives. Be patient with them. When you are going out togeth­ er, do not woiTy if your wife is not ready at the appointed time. Have a good book nearby. Read it while you wait. And, gentle-* men, I assure you you will be astonished at the amount of in­ formation you will acquire.” FOR SALE—Cook stove; burner coal oil stove and oven Rogers Majestic mantle bat­ tery radio, in very good con­ dition; 2 Aladdin lamps, near­ ly new; bedroom chair. Apply at Irwin Apartments, Apt. No. 2. 8* Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week Open tliis Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout the Week SOUTH END B.A Service Station SLIP OF THE TYPE FOR SALE—-2 piece Birtch liv­ ing room suite. Inner spring cushions, with homespun cov­ ering, in good condition. J. N. Cowan, 1 mile east of Daslv- wood. 8:15:22c FOR SALE—19 40 Indian motor­ cycle in excellent condition. Apply to J- E. Duncan, corner of Ann and Albert Streets, be­ fore Friday noon. 8c FOR SALE—25 acres of hay, on the field. H. Banting, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig. 8a TENDERS WANTED by the EXETER. DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD the purchase of the frame Liver Upset — feel squeamish? Try proven FRUIT-A-TIVES, famous herbal medicine used successfully for 45 years. Brings relief quickly — tones up liver — keeps bowels ac­ tive —- restores good health —RELIABLE. BABY CHICKS Neuhauser Chicks Hatching all breeds through July, Immediate delivery on most breeds. Newly hatched chicks twice weekly. Neuhausel* Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ontario WANTED WANTED TO RENT—Furnished two or three rooms for an Air­ force couple and baby by end of July. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 1,8* WANTED — One row 2-liorse scuffler. Apply to Box T. Times-Advocate. 8* WANTED — University graduate (now stationed with R.C.A.F. at Centralia), married with 1% year old boy, requires suitable housekeeping accom­ modation. Will pay any rea­ sonable rent. Excellent refer­ ences if required. Apply Box M, Times-Advocate. 8* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Nice building lot, reasonably priced. Highway frontage south, suitable for tourist cabins. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 1* FOR SALE—50 acres level clay loam, 5 acres bush, good buildings with electricity, Staffa area. Possession in­ cluding crop if desired. 10 0 acres rolling sand and clay loam, 5 acres bush, brick house, bank barn. Hay Twp. Possession arranged. 150 acres level clay loam, 8 acres bush, good buildings, el­ ectricity, water bowls, litter „ carrier, milker. Mitchell. W. " C. Pearce, Exeter. lc FOR SALE—On No. 4 Highway south of Exeter. Brick house, with hydro and furnace, In good repair. Three acres of land. Close to store and school. C. V. Pickard, Real Estate, Main St. Exeter. HOUSE FOR SALE—In Hensall iyz storey, 6 rooms, hydro, hard and soft water, full base­ ment; garage, in good condi­ tion, immediate possession. R. Y. MacLaren, Hensall. Sc FOR SALE—Highway 125 acres west of Hensall, good soil, nice frame house and good barn and shed. Possession Nov. 1. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor. lc FOR SALE—Lot on Huron .St. East. Apply to Mr. E. D. Bell Exeter. 24:1:8. HOUSE FOR SALE—Well locat­ ed in Exeter, 1| storey brick. All modern conveniences. Nice lot. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. Exeter. LOTS FOR SALE—Desirable building lots for sale. G. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE — We can give immediate pos­ session on this Exeter home. All modern conveniences. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. TENDERS WANTED About 2,500 ft. of good hem­ lock plank 2x8,8 ft. long, stall plank from Thames Road church shed. Tenders will be received by P. Passmore, R.R. 3, Exeter, Chairman of the Board, up un­ til Thursday, July 15th. 1:8c MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM PLOWING, COMBIN­ ING, HAY AND STRAW BALING—Apply Leon Trieb- ner, R.R. 1, Hensall, phone 171r24 Exeter between ,7 and 8 in the morning 8t* BARNS WHITEWASHED—Rock lime and D.D.T. paint. Apply Fred Harburn, phone 44r9> Dublin. tfc STRAYED STRAYED—Onto the farm of R. E. Davis, 4th Con. Hay Twp., two Hereford heifers* 1 year old. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. G. G. Cock­ well,, Dashwood, phone 4Or 16. S* NOTICE OF EXPROPRIATION BY-LAW said municipal the Township of Section 49 5 of Act, upon yie- as a part of lot Road West Con-FOR SALE:—Rubber-tired wagon $40; hay loadder, $70; tractor disc, $70; 2 - furrow tractor plow, like new, $70; 16 gauge double barrel shot gun. W. B. Thompson, Clinton, 2y2 miles west. 8:15c. TAKE NOTICE that the Cor­ poration of the Township of Ste­ phen proposes, after the publi­ cation of this notice in four suc­ cessive issues of the Exeter Times-Advocate and the posting up of copies of this notice in six most public places in the im­ mediate neighbourhood of the lands hereinafter mentioned, to pass a by-law, establish and lay out a highway persuant to the powers of the Corporation of Stephen under the Municipal lands described 7 (seven) Lake cession of the Township of Ste­ phen, described as follows; COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of lot 7 (seven) aforesaid, 10 (ten) rods westerly from the westerly limit of the King’s Highway, thence- Easterly along the Southerly boundary of the said Lot 7 (se­ ven) 10 (ten) rods to the said King’s Highway. Thence north­ erly along the easterly limit of the said King’s Highway 100 (one Hundred) feet. Thence Westerly parallel with the Sou­ therly limit of the said lot 2 (two) rods. Thence in a south­ westerly direction to the place of beginning. AND TAKE NOTICE that the said by-law expropriate the said lands as provided in the Munici­ pal Act and that any persons who claim that their lands are- prejudically affected by the By­ law must give notice to the un­ dersigned -clerk of his intention to be heard by the council on or before 30 days from the -date hereof, otherwise the by - law shall be passed without notice to him. AND FURTHER take ........„ that the By-law shall provide- that in default of agreement as to price of the lands being ex­ propriated that the question to compensation shall be mitted to arbitration as statute provided. DATED at Exeter this day of June, A.D. 1948. Elmer Lawson, .- F. W. Morlock, Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OFi THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN The typographical error, Is a slippery thing and sly, You can hunt till you are dizzy, But it somehow will get by. Till the forms are presses, It is strange how still it keeps, It shrinks down into a corner, And it never stirs or peeps. The typographical error Is too small for human eyes, Till the ink is on the paper When it grows to mountain size. The Boss, he stares with horror, Then he grabs groans, The copy-reader Upon his hands, The remainder of the issue, May be clean as clean can be. But that typographical error Is the biggest thing you see. Irish News Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. his hair, and drops his head and moans. off the R. E. RUSSELL The Times-Advocate It Makes Us Feel Good To get your printing order before you are completely out. We can give you. better work It also made us feel good when one our customers came into the office and said: "You did a very fine job of printing us on those letterheads and envelopes . want to place another ordeh now FOR SALE—-Quantity of Alfal­ fa and timothy hay. Phone 172r6 Exeter. 8c FOR, SALE—Dent's wool gabar­ dine suit, size 38, practically new bargain at $30.00. Phontf 136 Exeter. 8e FOR SALE—Mixed 3 ft. wood, $10.00 a cord delivered. Ap­ ply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 620r22. 8:15:22 FOR SALE — Renfrew cream separator $20.00 and Domin- ’ ion Stove Co. cook stove, like new $50.00. Apply Lot 4, Con. 2. Phone 19r5 Hensall 8:15* FOR SALE— 7x9 Broadloom rug, very good condition. Ap­ ply J. G. Lortie, Newton’s Apartments. 8* ZION Sunday guests with Mr. Mrs. Ross Hern were Mr. and and Mrs. Walter Pullen and Ben, of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl vis­ ited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hannam, of Mit­ chell, the occasion being Mrs. Sadler’s eightieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell, of London, spent several days dur­ ing the past week with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph Hern. Mr. and Mrs, Warren Brock visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.Tom Dickenson, of Den- field. Mr and Mrs. Allan Taques and Ray were Sunday guests with Mr.and Mrs. Wm.Rodd, of Woodham. Mrs. J.T. Hern visited with Mr.and Mrs. Earl Hern, of Kirkton, on Friday. Mr and Mrs. Russell Peart, of Rockwood. Mrs. Geo. Jaques, of Exeter, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. Mrs. L. Kyle, of Exeter visit­ ed on.Monday evening with Mr and Mrs. Ross Hern. 'Would yon clean sport?” "Well, I got way the other call horse racing cleaned out that day.” for the purchase of the frame building known as the Brierley residence. The said building be removed at the expense the the said lands before the day of November 1948. The moval of the said building not. day The sible with ation remove shrugs or flowers or cut down trees or injure them ex- cept one tree in the centre of the front lawn. Tenders for the shall be mailed or of Elmer D. Bell, ario on or before of July A.D. 1948 a certified cheque of the purchase. The balance of the payment by the successful tenderer shall be paid on or before September 2nd A.D. 1948 The Exeter District High School Board 1:8:15c to of off 1st re­ shall commence before the 2nd of September A.D. 1948. purchaser’ shall be respon- for the removal of debris the exception of the found- . The purchaser shall not purchaser and to be said purchase in the hands Exeter, Ont- the 24th day together with for one-tenth further notice as. sub- by AUCTION SALE8 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND PROPERTY The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL on JULY 14, 1048*. in. the following: 8 room frame WEDNESDAY, at 8 o’clock p, Two storey stucco house, bath, furnace, ,full basement, hot and cold running water. House would be suitable for a Duplex, Terms of Sale made known on day of sale. J. HEWITT, Prop. ED. CORBETT, Auct. 1:3a