HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-07-01, Page 10X Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1st, 1948 * Mr. John Hunkin is at present in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, undergoing treatment. Mr. Jas. Creech, of Rochester, N.Y, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Dearing, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Catharine Creech. Miss June Cutting celebrated her 16 th birthday on Saturday having a birthday party at the home of Mrs. Ed. Coombs, Exe­ ter North. About twelve girl friends attended. The table was decorated with white and pink streamers. The birthday supper was at 5 o’clock after which June opened her gifts. June received many lovely presents. Everyone departed for home af tar wishing June many happy returns of the day- We extend a happy birthday wish to June Ross Tnckey and Eldred Sim­ mons have returned home after a short course in embalming at Toronto. Mr. and George and home toulin Dr. Mary mavis month’s holidays. Mr. Frank Taylor, who six horses pasturing on Gibson farm south of Exeter, lost one of them by lightning Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller Friday, July 9th FARQUHAR HALL Howe’s Orchestra Everybody Welcome Leavitt’s THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY June 30 and July 1 ‘Adventures off Robin Hood’ -— Color by Technicolor — © Errol Flynn © Olivia de Havilland FRIDAY, SATURDAY July 2 and 3 — Two Features — ‘Caged Fury’ © Buster Crabbe © Richard Denning ‘Western Heritage’ • Tim Holt MON., TUES., WED. July 5, 6 and 7 ‘State of the Union’ — M.G.M. Picture — with ® Spencer Tracy ® Katharine Hepburn — PLEASE NOTE — Student Prices Will Be Discontinued Beginning July —. Adults’ Prices — 42c Including Tax — Children’s Prices — 15c Including Tax and 25c Including Tax for Holidays, Saturday and Special Pictures By STANLEY 1 THE OLD HOME TOWN 1 for u. eratson Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Fred have returned holidaying at Muni*after Island. and Mrs. Fletcher and left Wednesday for Beau on Lake Muskokti The bills are out for the Exe-Miss Nancy Webber of Varna. The bills are c... — —... is visiting with her grandmother | ter races to be held Wednesday, Mrs. Valeria Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kruse, of Santa Ana, California, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Mrs. Kruse is a niece of Mrs. Creech, being a daughter of the late Mrs. Aird, formerly May Sanders. I Speaker at Former Charge Rev. H. J. Mahoney, Mrs. Ma­ honey and family, were at Un­ derwood on Sunday where Mr. Mahoney was the morning spea­ ker at special anniversary ser­ vices. In the evening, the Mod­ erator, Rev. T. W. Jones, was the guest speaker. Underwood is a former charge of Mr, Mahoney and while there they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Howe. H.S. Students Honor Teacher The pupils of Grade IDA of the Exeter and District High School, at the term’s close on Thursday, presented their teach­ er, Mr. Bert Watson, with an I attractive pair of racing grey­ hound book-ends as a remem­ brance and as a token of their appreciation for the help given them during the year. The pres entation was made by Joao Hopper. In reply, Mr. Watson, who is leaving to head the new commercial department of Kin­ cardine High School, expressed his thanks for the gift and the pleasant time that he had with them and with student body during the four years. 1st. for has the past Exeter Old Boy Passes Suddenly Word was received in, Exeter Monday of - the sudden death from a heart -attack, on Sunday, June 27th, of Mr. Wm. Gould, of Miami, Manitoba. Mr. Gould, who was in his 82nd year, was raised in Exeter, leaving here sixty-one years ago. About forty- five years ago he bought a gen­ eral store in Miama* which he operated until retiring three years ago. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs. H. Lea­ thers, of Miama; a son, Wkn- ston, of Cleveland, and two granddaughters Harriet and Eli­ zabeth Gould. Mrs. Jas. Shapton, Mrs. Emily Salter and Mrs. Wal­ ter Cutbush of Exeter are sis­ ters and Mr. Harry Gould, of Windsor is a brother. Goderich vs, Exeter Monday, July Sth St Marys vs. Exeter ADMISSION 35c and 25c EXETER COMMUNITY PARK OLD BOYS' REUNION St. Peter’s Church, St. Joseph, Ontario July 3rd, 4th and Sth Afternoon and Evening Entertainment —- Dinners and Suppers Served with Music .Speeches —* Band Concert (Towns *— Airplane Rides and others — Booths o£ many kinds —• Valuable Frizes and hand-made articles to be raffled —- Bingo —* Gaines of Chance —• Games of Dexterity <—» Sports and Contests *-* Raby contest for babies between 6 months and Races for children Saturday —* Tug-of-war and adults Sunday and Monday Dancing in open , evening and from 12 to 2 a.m. Sunday night one year races for air every i .7 has the Town Topics— Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate 13 always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers aro interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w and Ruth are visit­ aunt and Wm. J. is visiting in was at Wat- attending the COMING EVENTS GARDEN PARTX — July 21st, Kirkton 'Community Association Garden Party. Fireworks, air show, all professional program, super juvenile contest, ball game, Advance sale tickets avai­ lable to July 17th at the Times- Advocate office or Anderson’s Stationery. J-uly 21st. Mrs. Blanche toria Hospital, London to under­ go treatment. Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Sweitzer spent Sunday in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barr and family. Mr. Richard Welsh is reeup-> erating nicely following an . op­ eration in St. Joseph’s Hospital. London. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers had the misfortune to fall at the rear of the store on Tuesday sprain­ ing the ligaments of his back. With Thursday, July 1st, a holiday the Times-Advocate goes to press a little earlier and has had to omit some of the corres­ pondence. Boyle is in Vie Assessing Begun Messrs. Alex Alexander, coun­ ty assessor, and Eric Carscad- den, the newly appointed asses­ sor for Exeter, have commenced the assessment of the property in Exeter under the new county system Landscaper at Work Grounds around the 5 0 time houses constructed within the past year in Exeter are now being landscaped by Charles Hoy, of Zurich. Sidewalks will be laid shortly to complete the project. wa r- New Bank of Montreal Mural A new mural painting now adorns the walls of the Local branch of the Bank of Montreal. The mural, in on painting, de­ picts a fanner breaking the sod in pioneer days by oxen and also of the more modern method of farming with, a tractor. The work was done by Douglas Hendry, son of the manager of the bank and a student of the Ontario College of Art, Toronto. Union Services Union services by the Main Street and James Street United Church congregations will be held during the months of July and August. During the month of July, service will be held in the Main Street Church in the morning only, conducted by Rev. H. J. Mahoney, The Main Street Church choir will have charge of the music. During the month of August, service will be held in the James Street Church with Rev. H. J. Snell in charge. The first of the union services will be held next Sunday in Main Street For World On the occasion of the 2 6th International Co-Operative Day, the international co-operative al­ liance which stands for econom­ ic and social justice, liberty and the peaceful ; whole human that one of for the present affairs is the lack five spirit in the economic relations the nations. But is affirms co-operative organization, ionai and international with its tested and tried principles, the people of the world have in their own hands the instrument to overcome the prevailing dis­ tress and disunity. The International .Co-opera­ tive Alliance further declares that the progress of co-operation is one of the most powerful factors for the preservation of universal peace, and that ,the causes of friction in the world will disappear as the social and economic life of every nation becomes organized according to the co-operative principles. The International Co-Opera­ tive Alliance, therefore appeals to the people of every country to join the Co-operative ment and to apply its principles in all walks of life; Calls upon the Co-operators of the World to work with all the means in their power to secure uphold and defend Freedom, Justice and Peace; Urges the Co-operative organizations of all lands to give their wholeheart­ ed support of all earnest endea­ vours which may be made nat­ ionally or internationally with the sincere object of re-estab­ lishing goodwill between nations of promoting economic security, and of raising the standard of living world; Reaffirms the belief that by the application of the prin­ ciples forms button goods rationalization and expansion of production, and the establish­ ment of a just, free and effici­ ent system of 'distribution. . Co-operators of the world, unite and work for freedom from want, freedom from fear, in a world where peace is se­ cured by Co-operation. Sponsored by the Exeter trict Co-Operatives. association of the' family, declares the main reasons state of world of a co-opera­ political between and the Church Evening for Choir choir of the James Street Church enjoyed a social Social The United evening at the summer cottage of their leader, Mr. Lawrence Wein, on Lake Huron, Thursday evening of last week. Members of the choir with their wives or husbands, numbering 45, accom­ panied by Rev. H. J. Snell enjoy­ ed a ball game in the afternoon together with other sports. Fol­ lowing a picnic supper of sand­ wiches, cake and ice cream* games and contests were enjoyed on the lawn in the evening. Miss Margaret Melville was in charge of the sports and Mrs. M. Cud- more convener of the lunch committee. The choir are on vacation for the month of July. Delegates for Liberals At a well attended meeting of the Executive of the Huron- Perth Liberal Association held recently, Albert J. Kalbfleisch, Whyte, Seaforth Tuer, Mitchell to represent the National Liberal Zurich, W. L. and William were named riding at the Convention being held in Otta­ wa early In August fleisch is Whyte Is Secretary of the As­ sociation named were Gordon Shortreed, Clinton, S. G. Dorrance. Sea­ forth and George Edighoffer, of Mitchell. In addition to the del­ egates the riding will be repre­ sented by W. H. Golding, M.P., Frank Fingland, K,C„ Clinton and Mr. u, W, Tuckey, Exeter, the latter two being candidates in recent elections. Mr. Kallr president and Mr, Alternate delegates that, in the nat- move- basic Rev. L. C. Harvey, of Byron, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. J. S. Harvey called on friends in Exeter Tuesday afternoon. Misses Jean Christie Chappell, of Toronto, ing with the former's uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson. Messrs, Donald Traguair, El­ dred Simmons and Glen McTuv* ish are on a motor trip to the West and hope to take in the Calgary Stampede. Mr. and and Allan, and Mrs. Chatham, Mrs. Jos. Davis on Sunday. Miss Lena Steinhagen, Cleveland, is holidaying at heme of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and with her brother, Mr. Chas. Steinhagen, of Dnshwood. Mr. and Mrs. W. R . Harris, son, Hugh and daughter, Mollie, of Ottawa, Harris’ Charles tives ■Mrs, and Mrs. Samson McFalls visited in London the forepart of the week at the homes mer’s daughters, Quinton, Mrs. Bob Miss Helen McFalls, P. Avery and daughter, of Molina, Illinois, left Miss Vera Rowe Hamilton, Mr. • Ted Walper erloo on Saturday Waterloo Band festival. Mrs, Hattie Bissett, of Lon­ don, is visiting with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Ralph Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. M. Becklei' and wed- of the peoples of the of Co-operation to all of production and distri- the present shortages of can be overcome by the Dis- very S. S. 5Z Usborne Enjoys Picnic S.S. No. 5 Usborne had a enjoyable picnic at the school on Friday, June 25th. After a bountiful supper races and games were held. Winners of the pre-school children’s races were Kathyrn Hicks and Gerald Gackstetter; Grades 1, 2, 3, Douglas Sillery; Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, girls Dorcas Sillery; boys} Bennett Fisher: young ladies, Margaret Rundle, married ladies Mrs. Garnet Hicks; sack race. Bennett Fisher and Elmer Mc­ Falls; pie plate race, Margaret Rundle and William Kernick:1 tie race, Marian Rundle and Ar­ thur Rundle; needle and thread race, Elaine Kernick and Mr. Gackstetter; clothes pin Elaine Kernick and Mr. stetter; life-saver race, Frank Lostell’s side. In the evening Mr. V. Roy, of Londesboro, showed some very interesting films among which was “Life in Holland” as well as the “Royal Wedding.”. A presentation of a lovely table lamp was given to Miss Anita Hildebrand, the teacher, as she is leaving the section. The address was read as follows by* Mr. A. Garnet Hicks. Miss Hildebrand: We would like to take opportunity to express thanks and appreciation to race, Gack- Mrs. this our you. During your stay of two years with us xve have found you ef­ ficient, pleasant and always willing to co-operate and use your talents in the best interests of the community. We are gori’y to see you leave hut what is our loss will be someone else’s gain and we shall always have pleasant memories of you and we wish you every success in the future. As a small token of our love and appreciation please accept this gift not for its Intrinsic value but for the spirit in which it is given and With it our very best wishes. S.S, No. 5, Usborne Mrs. Clifton Davis of London, Norman visited with Mr. and Mr. Millan, of and of the are visiting parents, Mr. and Harris and other Mr. Mrs. rela- Arthur McFalls, Lucan, of the for- Mrs. W m. Lilley and Mrs. Persis, Monday night for Toronto after visiting several ‘days with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Appleton and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Appleton and family. Mr. Charles MacNaughton has arrived home after attending the Dominion Seed Trade Con­ vention at Winnipeg. He was accompanied to Exeter by his sister-in-law, Miss Grace Fulch­ er, of Brandon, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mr. and Mrs. George Maynard, of Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stauffer, of Washington, Mrs. Helen Bouchier and Miss Florence Batstone, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Anderson. Mr. Fred Hogarth, Mrs. Mur­ iel Anderson and son, Ronald, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McNaughton, Linda and Nancy, of Stratford, were in London Wednesday to celebrate the 20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ave. ding They beautiful table lamp and cups and saucers. Mr. and Mrs, Mc­ Naughton and family remained for a. few days. King and Fred Mitchell, Evergreen A lovely one-storey wed- cake centred the table, presented them with a ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 2nd, 3rd ‘Adventure Island In Technicolor © Rory Calhoun ® Rhonda Fleming © Paul Kelly Intrigue, adventure and romance, in the greatest Stevenson yarn ever filmed. Color Cartoon, and Three Other Short Subjects Cal attended the Jantz-Eib ding at Baden, Saturday. Miss Orena Lutxon, of City, Mich., visited with Junior Farmers’ PICNIC will be held at SUNDAY MIDNITE MONDAY and TUESDAY July Sth, 6th ® Dana Andrews ® Merle Oberon ® Ethel Barrymore ® Hoagy Carmichael in ‘Night Song’ screen rises to hew heightsThe of glory in a story that will tug at your emotions. Newsreel WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY July 7th, 8th I of the Turtle’ © Ronald Regan. ® Eleanor Parker $ Evo Arden ® Wayne Morris Delightfully radiant romance . * Here’s the charming, witty talc of a girl who played at love. Technicolor Sport Short, ‘LOS VEGAS FRONTIER TOWN* ‘ITNCONQUERED’ Cecil B. DcMille’s Epic Of Revolutionary Days Filmed in Glorious Technicolor COMING TO THIS THEATRE Friday, Saturday, July Oth, 10th Bay ........ .. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Coates over tlie week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E< Payne, of Port Dover, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Davies and family, who have spent the win­ ter at Grand Bend, have moved into their new homp at Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knight of Loudon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Martyn, Andrew St., West. Mr. and Mrs. Roylance West­ cott, of Usborne and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foster, of Wingham, were in Detroit over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Greb, Mr. Lenard Greb and Mr., Ed­ ward Kellar visited with friends and relatives in Detroit week-end. Mr. Thomas Dinney Toronto the forepart week attending the post-gradu­ ate course at the Canadian School of Embalming. ■Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver and family and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Beaver, of Thames Road, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell. Mr, and Mrs. visited with Mr. and Mrs. ard Elliot at Wallaceburg day of last week. They the trip in Larry’s plane. Mr. and Mrs. Seymore Watson of Vancouver, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore, of Seaforth, visited at the home of Mrs. Alice Cudmore one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell visited with their daughter Helen in London on Sunday and attended the evening service at Wellington St. United Church. Miss Helen Ramsay, of Toron­ to, and Mr, Millar Ramsay, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. David Millar. Mr. and Mrs. ,Hei'b Sanderson’ of Petrolia, Mr. and Mrs. Arth­ ur White, of Inwood, Jos. Rob­ inson and John Robinson, of Alvinston, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. El­ liot. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sturgis, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and Mr. A. J. Traguair left the latter part of the week for Timmins to attend the annual convention of Clubs. Mrs. George and Gary, of and Mrs. Eric Humphreys and Helen, and Mrs. John McElrea, of Kirkton. were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Springbank Park, Zone 4 July 7th Supper Will Be Served at 6:00 p.m. sharp . Everyone bring own cutlery All Junior Farmer members and friends are invited Willert Reunion — will be held at — Lakeview Casino Grand Bend over the was in of this Larry Snider How- Fri- made District Al Lions Grant, Don, Mack St. Thomas, Mr. Sat., July 3rd Relatives and friends are welcome, please attend, Bring lunch baskets Murray Holtzman 2390 Allen Rd., Ortonville, Mich. President I for tlie day. Otto Willert Dashwood, Ontario. Secretary Coming.. LEGION BUILDING FUND Frolic Watch for Further Announcement J ■> Winchel sea S. S. 6 Usborne is holding an Old Boys’ & Girls’ RE-UNION August 2, 1948 Afternoon and Evening Old Boys and Girls are asked to keep this date In mind. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Every Night Neil McKay RADIO AND RECORDING ORCHESTRA VOCALS BY MONICA TURNER n Hill