HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-07-01, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1st, 1948 Want Ads Serve Yoy Well When Yoy Want to Buy or Sell K LOSTFOR SALEB18 is 1 HELP WANTED Representatives of the Ontario-Quebec division of the FOR SALE BY TENDER 7-ft. guaran- Edison 34:1* Saturday chain, Office Hotel. 1* FOR SALE—-Ideal rolling home for two. Modern conveniences, insulated, very reasonable. P. 0. Box 11 or phone 345r Ex­ eter. 1* SALE—Or Chev. coach in condition with and defroster. ................................ r-W; Classified Directory LOST — In, Exeter night, a tie pin with between Hotel and Post Finder please leave at Jas. McWilliams. miscellaneous FOR SALE—-M.H. binder, cut; used very little; teed A-l condition. Forrest, Hensall. exchange on excel- good Apply 13rll 1* FOR cattle; lent heater to John Caldwell phone Exeter. Notice Re Grinding and Rolling Our mill will be closed for cleaning and servicing mot­ ors for one week from July 5th to July 10th. We have arranged with Cann’s Mill to serve you during this period. Cann’s will be closed the week I2tli to 17th and we hope to be able to serve- yon then. r District Co-op J We Have WHITE PINE Some Dressed, Some Matched Good Quality and It Is Dry Prices Are Right C.W.N.A. REPRESENTATIVES Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association photographed at New laskeard where their Nor­ thern tour was highlighted by a visit to the huge woodworking plant of Hill-Clark-1’ran- eis. Limited. IK the background is the head office of the firm whose genial president, Len Hill, can be seen eleven from the right in the front row, Four Exeter delegates can be seen in the picture. FOR SALE—Buttermilk. Apply to W. G. Medd, Exeter Cream­ ery Co., Ltd., Exeter, Ontario. 24tfc A. J. CLATWORTHY — We Deliver — Phone 12 Granton, H. S. Results —Continued from Page One Bernice Jinks (Eng. C, Hist. Fr. Ill, Lat. II, Georn. C, Chem. HI); Ruth Krueger (Eng. II, Hist. Ill, Fr. Ill, Geom. Ill, Chem. C); Bonnie McFalls (Eng. IL Hist. I, Fr. II, Lat. I, Geom. I, Chem. 1) Joan Paisley tllist, III, Fr. II, Lat. Ill, Geom. C, Chem. C); Doris Schwartz (Eng. C, Hist. II, Fr. Ill, Lat. Ill, Geom. II, Chem. Ill); Helen Sweet lEng. 1, Hist. 11, Fr. C, Lat. C, Geom. Ill, Chem. I); Frances Taylor (Eng. I, Hist. I, Fr. I, Lat. I, Geom. I, Chem, I); Marion Thomson (Fr. C, Geom. C, Chem. C); Marion Triebner (Eng. Ill, Hist. I, Fr. Ill, Lat. C, Geom. C, Chem. II); Dorothy Turner (Eng. Lat. I, Geom. Anne Wilson Chem. II). Special Commercial-—Subjects appearing after candidate’s name means that the standing was not satisfactory: Elaine Cooper (Ac­ counting, Bus. Cor., Sp., Rapid Cal.); Eleanor Hunkin (Steno­ graphy) ; Lillian Hunter-Duvar; Eunice King; Roberta Kirby; Helen Leslie; Betty Moir; Mar­ garet Rundle (Bus. Cor., Steno­ graphy, Sp., Bus. Arith., Rapid Cal.); Alice Taylor; Nora Wilds (Typing, Bus. Cor., Stenography, Sp., Bus. Arith., Office Prac.). The results for grade 13 will be published as soon as they are released by the Department of Education. II, II, Hist. I, Fr. II, II, Chem. I); Jean (Eng. C, Fr. C, N-Joy-U-AII Picnic The annual “N-Joy-U-All” Pic­ nic of the second concession of Stephen, was held on Saturday, June 26, at Grand Bend. There were about seventy-five present. The results of the sports are as follows; Peanut scramble for all under 6; races, girls’ and boys’, G to 8, Ronnie Preszcator, Chas. McCarter, Ruth Ann McCarter; boys, 8 to 12, Irvine Ford, Clif­ ford Penhale, Harry Schroeder; young men, Winston Shapton, Gerald Dearing, Lome Preszca­ tor; ballon race, Irvine Ford; biscuit race, Russel King, Nellie McCarter; Schroeder, boot contest, and Mrs. Allan Schroeder and tossing ball in Shapton’s side; on tooth pick, Carter’s side; youngest children at picnic, Ruth Gibson, Rickie Hooper; oldest person at picnic, Chas. Schroeder; guessing Mrs, Parker’s weight, Mrs. Hooper, The election of officers for 194 8 was as follows: William Stan- lake, president; Earl Shapton, secretary-treasurer Hydro Standard Struck One of Tuckey Transport’s trucks backed into a hydro standard south of their office on Monday afternoon and knocked it off at the base. Barney Flan- nigan was the driver. FOR SALE—16 ft. hay rack; also buckwheat. Apply to ■ Stuart Sweitzer, Shipka phone Dashwood 24r35. 24:1* Cardigans Another lot of the popular sweaters has arrived. These are in plain shades of blue and grey. A neat looking j acket for dress or sportswear. T Shirts Socks Taman’s Men’s Wear “Honey, c’mere and see the swell body wash job Exeter Motor Sales is turn­ ing out!” Motor Sales Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 200 Tom Coates Fred Dobbs You can always depend on electric clocks for keep­ ing accurate time. And when that clock is a General Electric^, you know you have a dependable timepiece, attractive designs* including clocks are self-starting, from $6.95 up Choose from several kitchen models. These Priced SB— R» Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. is threading needle, Jim Russel King; lacing Winston Shapton . Richards, LeRoy Maida Richards; box, Mrs. Hilda passing the ring Mrs. Nellie Mc- Cadets Leave for Camp Cadets Gordon Cann, Wilbury Knowles, Earl Hunter, Sterling Ince and Paul Durand from the local high school left Wednesday for the Cadet Oamp at Ipper- wash which lasts until July 9. They travelled by military trans­ port. At Niece’s Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Owen S. Atkin­ son attended the funeral of the former’s niece, Mrs. Neil Thomp­ son, in Woodstock last Thurs­ day. Deceased was the daughter of Mrs. Arthur Nelson, torme-riy Blanche Atkinson, of Exeter, She died at the age or 22. FOR .SALE—Dining room table, six chairs to match, quarter cut oak, nearly new; china cabinet, nearly new; kitchen sink; inlaid linoleum, 2 yds. by l¥s yds., new. Phone 372J Exeter. lc FOR SALE—Bedroom suite in splendid condition, for quick sale. Apply to Mrs. Donald Parke, Hensall. lc Birch inner home _____w. ___ sum­ mer home. Apply J. M. Cowan phone Dashwood 40rl3. lc FOR SALE—Two piece living room suite, springs, cushions with spun covering. Ideal for FOR SALE,—'31 Chev Coupe, A- 1 condition. Phone 28 2 j Exe­ ter. 1* FOR SALE—Eighteen joists 27 feet long, 2”X10” and a few 3”X10”. R. Mclnnes, Box 252 Exeter. 1* E.D.H.S. Plans Progressing Page and .Steele, architects the new will take soil tests of the site grounds shortly. Th? working plans for the building should be ready by the end of July to per­ mit the calling of tenders late summer. 5 o£high school building FOR SALE—1931 Ford coach in A-l condition. Phone Crediton 21r32. Anthony Martene, lc FOR SALE--A modern kitchen cabinet in good condition. Ap­ ply Io Mrs. Roy Bell, Hensall. lc fey J. Verbeem, Pt. W. Broadfoot, Margaret .Dick, Mrs. Forrest; George Dick George Dick, a resident of Hay Township, died Monday night at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Forrest, Hensall, in his 72nd year. Hs is survived by four daughters, Edward: Seaforth; Strathroy;. two sons. Earl and Edwin, both of Crom­ arty; a brother, J. D. Dick, of Orillia; three sisters, Mrs. B Ball, Hensall*; Mrs. Ida Caldwell and Mrs. A. Tate, Mimico. The funeral was held from Bontiu ron’s funeral home, Hensall, on Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. with Rev. P. A. Ferguson, Carmel Presbyterian Church, officiating. Interment was in Hensall cemetery. Successful in Examinations David H. Wethey, son of J. Wethey, of Exeter, was suc­ cessful in passing the examina­ tions in third year honor mathe­ matics at the University of Wes­ tern Ontario. David is employed this summer in the actuarial de­ partment of the 'Northern Life Insurance Company, He hopes train as an actuary. FOR SALE—1938 Chev coach, nice clean car, in first class running order. ’Phone 150W Hensall. lc E. to union Picnicson A crowd of about one hundred and twenty-five gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright, Crediton, for the annual reunion on June 27. Everyone enjoyed themselves There were- different contests given and a few sports. Everyone gathered around the table at five for the picnic supper. All reported an enjoyable day. It was decided that the picnic would be held at Grand Bend the second last .Sun­ day in June. The following com­ mittee was formed: president, Lawrence Mason; treasurer, Mrs. Charlie Mason; secretary, Mrs. Don. Lucas; sports committee, Ross Johnston, Henry Hodgins, Harry Penhale, Don Lucas, Tom Ellerington, Roy Nickles; lunch committee, Doris Ellerington, Edna Penhale, Marjorie Marion Clark, Della Blanche Hodgins, Lily Edna Hodgins, Mason, Baird,' Mason, SHIPKA Rev. S. W. Hann preached his farewell sermon on Sunday last, taking for his subject “God Dom­ inions over us.” Mr. and Mrs. Hann are leaving this week for their new charge near Owen Sound. Rev. H. Ourrie, the new min- ister, will occupy tine pulpit next Sunday at 10.15 a.m. The S. S. and W. A. held theL annual picnic to Grand Bend Ou Wednesday evening last weather was ideal eryone took part. Almost 60 people well laden table, in all, it was a good picnic, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baxter of Parkhill, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shep­ pard and David and other friends Picking strawberries is the or­ der of the day in this community Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Love attend­ ed the funeral of a- relative in Toronto last week. The and nearly ev- in the sports sat down to a As usual, alt FOR SALE—Cabin trailer, new, fully furnished, sleeps four, metal cover, cedar finish, wir­ ed and insulated. Ideal for habitation or travel. Apply at South End Service Station, Exeter. 1* Preaches Farewell Sermon Rev. C- W. Down, of Exeter, who for the last six months has supplied in the vacant charges of Dungannon, Port Albert and Crewe United Churches, preach­ ed his farewell sermon Sunday morning at the Dungannon church. He spoke highly of Rev. James Bright, who follows him, and will be inducted Fri­ day night. McGill ivray Meeting The trustees of McGillivray Township School Area held their monthly meeting at the Town­ ship Hall, West McGillivray, on Wednesday, June 16th. Recently the board has had new fences erected at S.S. Nos. 4, 7,- 10 and 13. Teachers have been hired for all the schools. The board decid­ ed to advertise for tenders for music teacher, painting two schools and for transporting children from the three schools that are closed. The meeting was adjourned until the call of the chair. Household Hints . . I TO CAN STRAWBERRIES General Proportions 3 quarts strawberries 3 cups granulated sugar 2 cups water I Prepare fruit, boil sugar and water 5 minutes. Add berries to syrup, bring to boil and simmer 3 minutes. Cover and let stand overnight. ►Skim and pour i»to (sterilized jars to within one inch j of the top. D< ries or syrup, rubber rings, tops on jars. Screw down tight­ ly. then turn screw tops back two inches. Have oven tempera­ ture jars oven utes, and of processing period, remove from oven and screw tightly. STRAWBERRY i cups strawberries ; cups sugar 1 large lemon (cut or £ cup lemon juice Put ingredients in preserving kettle, But on range and Stir i not reheat ber- Place sterilized glass and screw at 275 degrees F. Place 1 inch apart bn rack in Process pint jars 25 min- ■Quart jars 35 minutes. At tons down JAM 5 3 6 in slices) FOR SALE— Strong, well-made box, 8 ft. X 3i ft. by 5 ft high . suitable for horse trailer or truck. Phone Carlyle Taylor, 52rl9 Dashwood. 1* Chev coupe, motor tires. 269 1* FOR SALE—193 7 in very good shape, just overhauled, new Graham Mason, phone Exeter. FOR SALE—Coal oil stove and heater; also Aladdin hanging lamp. Mrs. Ed. Dundas, Clan- deboye, R.R. 1. 1* FOR SALE—2 steel hay fork pulleys. Apply to Wesley Hackney, Hay P.O. j 1* FOR SALE—19 39 Chev coach, like new. Phone 3 4r8 Dash­ wood. 1* FOR SALE—Rock Elm timber 38 ft. long, 10x12. B. B. Walker, R.R. 1, Zurich, phone 99r20 Zurich. 1* FOR SALE — Building 16x14, suitable for colony house. Whilsmitli, phone 259. A. FOR SALE—6 acres of hay. Phone 172r21 Exeter. lc TENDERS WANTED by the EXETER DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD the purchase of the frame CUSTOM PLOWING, COMBIN­ ING, IIAY AND STRAW BALING—Apply Leon Trieb­ ner, R.R, 1, Hensall, phone 171r24 Exeter between .7 and 8 in the morning St* BARNS WHITEWASHED—Rock limo and D.D.T. paint. Apply Fred Ilarburii, phone 44r9, Dublin. tfc WE NOW HAVE ill stock, Bliz­ zard Ensilage Cutter and Hay •Chopper, a Smalley Forge and Grain Blower. Call and look these two items over. Harris West, Centralia. Goodison, Oli­ ver dealer. SURGE MILKERS V Heaters. J. B. Higgins, dealer, Seaforth, Harris West, Centralia, Phone Crediton 27r24. Itc WANTED WANTED — Someone to share a ride to London Monday mornings for summer months, leaving 7.30 a.m. Phone 31J. WANTED — 5/8 horse power gasoline engine. Phone 83 or white Box S3 Exeter. 1* WANTED TO RENT—Furnished two or three rooms for an Air­ force couple and baby by end of July. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 1,8* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Nice building lot, reasonably priced. Highway frontage south, suitable for tourist cabins, W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 1* FOR SALE—50 acres level clay loam, 5 acres bush, good buildings with electricity, Staffa area. Possession in­ cluding crop if ’ desired. 100 acres rolling sand and clay loam, 5 acres bush, brick house, bank barn. Hay Twp. Possession arranged. 150 acres level clay loam, S acres bush, good buildings, el­ ectricity, water bowls, litter carrier, milker. Mitchell. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. lc FOR SALE—On No. 4 Highway south of Exeter. Brick house, with hydro and furnace. In good repair. Three acres of land. Close to store and school. C. V. Pickard, Real Estate, Main St. Exeter. FOR SALE—Highway 125 acres west of Hensall, good soil, nice frame house and good barn and shed. Possession Nov. 1. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor. lc FOR SALE—Lot on Huron St. East. Apply to Mr. E. D. Bell Exeter. 24:1:8. HOUSE FOR SALE—Well locat­ ed in Exeter, 11 storey brick. All modern conveniences. Nice lot. C. V, Pickard. Realtor. Exeter, LOTS FOR SALE—Desirable building lots for sale. G. V. Pickard., Realtor, Exeter. TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE — We can give immediate pos­ session on this Exeter home. All modern conveniences. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will •• be received by the undersigned up to June 30tli for the score card and concession privileges for the race meet of July 21st. Tenders may be sub­ mitted foi’ either of the above or for both. George W. Lawson, Sec.-Treas.. Exeter Turf Club WANTED—A congenial woman to be a housekeeper compan­ ion to an elderly lady. Light work, good home and good pay. Apply to Mrs. W. L. Sei­ bert, Zurich, Ont. 24:2c About 2,500 ft of good hem­ lock plank 2x8, 8 ft. long, Ten­ ders will be received by P. Passmore, R.R. 3 Exeter, Chair­ man of the Board, up until Monday, July 15th. 1:8c NOTICE OF EXPROPRIATION BY-LAW the to lay the TAKE NOTICE that the ’Cor­ poration of the Township of Ste­ phen proposes, after the publi­ cation of this notice in four suc­ cessive issues of the Exeter Times-Advocate and the posting up of copies of this notice in six most public places in the im­ mediate neighbourhood of lands hereinafter mentioned, pass a by-law, establish and out a highway persuant to powers of the said municipal Corporation of the Township of Stephen under the Municipal lands described 7 (seven) Lake cession of the Township of Ste­ phen, described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of lot 7 (seven) aforesaid, 10 (ten) rods westerly from the westerly limit of the King’s Highway, thence .Easterly along the Southerly boundary of the said Lot 7 (se­ ven) 10 (ten) rods to the said King’s Highway. Thence north­ erly along the easterly limit of the said King's Highway 100 (one Hundred) feet. Thence Westerly parallel with the Sou­ therly limit of the said lot 2' (two) rods. Thence in a south­ westerly direction to the place of beginning. AND TAKE NOTICE that the said by-law expropriate the said lands as provided in the Munici­ pal Act and that any persons who claim that their lands are prejudicially affected by the By­ law must give notice to the un­ dersigned clerk of his intention to be heard by the council on or before 30 days from the date hereof, otherwise the by - law shall be passed without notice to him. AND FURTHER take that the By-l-aw shall that in default of agreement as. to price of the lands being ex­ propriated that the question as to compensation shall be mitted to arbitration as statute provided. DATED at Exeter this day of June, A.D, 1948. Elmer Lawson, F. W. Morlock,. Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Section 495 of Act, upon the as a part of lot Road West Con- further notice provide sub- by PERSONAL Tortured by constipation? Try proven FRUIT-A-TIVES, famous herbal medicine used successfully for 45 years. Brings relief Quickly — tones up liver — keeps bowels ac­ tive -— restores good health —RELIABLE. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for the construction of a drain known as 'the Woodburn Brain. Plans and profiles may amined at the office clerk. All tenders must companied by a marked of $200.00 and must be hands of the Clerk on or before j the 5th day of July. F, W. Morlock. Clerk, ex- •the be ■of be ac- clieQue in the until sugar is dissolved. Boil at. a full rolling boil for 12 min­ utes. Remove scum that collects. Remove lemon slices and pour into sterilized jars. Seal with paraffin when cold. Yield about 12s pints. Makes a soft jam. for building known as the Brierley residence. The said building to be the the day moval of the said building shall not day The sible with ation. remove shrugs or down trees or injure them cept One tree in the centre of the front lawn. Tenders for the shall be mailed or of Elmer D. Bell, ario on or before of July A.D, 1948 a certified cheque of the purchase. The balance of the payment by ,the successful tenderer, shall be paid on or before September 2nd A.B. 1948 The Exeter J&istrict High School ’Board , l!8!15c removed at the .expense purchaser and to be said lands before the of November 1948. The of off 1st re- commence before the 2nd of September A.D. 1948. purchaser shall be respon- for the removal of debris the .exception of the found- . The purchaser shall not flowers or cut ex-- said purchase’ in the hands Exeter, Ont- the 24 th day together with for one-tenth AUCTION SALES at AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL on AVEDNES,, JULY 7, 1948 1.30 pan. the following: Dining room table and six .chairs; electric radio; sewing ^machine; bedroom suite; organ,. 2 rocking chairs; arm chair; settee; writing desk; kitchen table; baking table; Bissel car­ pet sweeper; 6 table lamps; book-ends; coal oil stove with oven; 2 beds; clock; pictures; sink; bedding; pillows; all sorts of odd dishes; utensils; knives and flower vases; coppei' tennis rackets; 2 bowling balls; 2 snowshoes; golf clubs; sealers 2 lawn mowers; garden tools;. 2 burner hot plate; coal oil heater; hand sleigh and articles too numerous to tion. MRS. BERTHA BELL, ED CORBETT, Auct. linens; baking forks; boiler: other men- Prop. 24:1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND PROPERTY The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL on WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1948, at 8 o’clock p.m,. the following: Two storey 8 room frame stucco house, bath, furnace, jhlll basement, hot and cold running water. House would be suitable for a Duplex, Terms of Sale made known ®n day of sale, J, HEWITT, Prop, ED. CORBETT, Auct. 't It Sc