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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-06-24, Page 5
4 l I J 4 t ■r * i i I J THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 24th, 1948 Mrs. Gerald Lawson visited in Lucknow over the week-end with her mother, Mrs, Chas. Mason, who was quite ill. 24 inch, 36 inch and 40 inch diameter. Any height «» Lawn Chai M3 ♦ Come to CHURCH on Sunday Page 5 Teeter Totters Sand Bpxes Window Screens « Kitchen Cupboards JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. 3. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Musical Director 10 a.m.-—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—The Pilgrim Way, Anthem: "Ashamed of Jesus’ *Solo: Mr. Alt Wuerth. 7 p.m.—-Evening Worship. Solo: Selected. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald Sinclair, Minister Miss Norma M- Knight, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—'Public Worship Sub ject: "Christian Citizens,” Sat., June 26, 3 p.m.—The Mis sion Band annual picnic on the church lawn. Tom Walker Woodworking Phone 286j Sanding HARDWOOD & TILE „ FLOORS LAID Old Floors Re-Finished Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rl0 BLUE TOP Cabins for Rent Single or Double Cabins Over Night or by the Week Rate's Are Reasonable Make Reservations Now! MAIN STREET UNITED Rev, Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A, Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Worship conducted by Mr. W. G. Medd. Address by George Taylor. Anthem: "Holy Thou Art,” Vocal solo: "Dear Land of Home,” Mrs. George Taylor 12 noon—Sunday School, Note; The evening service is withdrawn. PENTECOSTAL TARERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Sunshine Cor with TRIVITT MEMORIAL '— Anglican —- Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A.. M.A. Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist 10.30 a.m.—Sunday School, -Morning Service. Wed., 4:30 p.m.- ner. A children’s hour Mrs. Sweigard. Wed., 8 p.m,—Prayer and Study. The Pastor. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Sat., 9 p.m.—Open air. Weather permitting. Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt.: Mr. E. Cdumore. — Coming for Sunday Only — 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.—Rev. M. F. Cornelius, your radio pas tor over Chatham station, Ec hoes of Truth, (6 50 on your dial) at 2:15 each day. Come and hear this grand exponent of God’s word. Bible 11.30 a.m.- ZION Evangelical-United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms F. W. Morlock, Organist June 25, 7 p.m.—Ladies’ and W.S.W.S. picnic at home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Miscellaneous Shower honour bride- shower They Frank Triebner Miss Myrtle Haist, at a miscellaneous about sixty present, the evening playing games, the games Miss Doreen read the address and Mi’S. Fri., Aid the Hill. 10 a.m.—"Crucified with Christ’ 11 a.m.'—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—"Why do you Come to the Lord’s Table?” The Lord’s Supper at both ser vices. Mrs. ed elect with spent After Triebner Masters Jackie and Ray Trieb ner carried in a lovely decorated basket full of lovely gifts Myrtle thanked them after which a dainty lunch was served. ROMAN CATHOLIC Father Fogarty in charge. Schedule of Masses for Mt. Carmel Chiu’ch and St. Peter’s Church, No. 4 Highway, South of Exeter. June 13, 27—Mass at Mt. Car mel at 11; St. Peter’s at. 9. 4 Phone 50r5 Dashwood paint your house with hulls of steamships. If You can, at no greater cost, the same paint used on the it is tough enough to withstand this extreme test, surely then it is the best available for use on your home. Lowe Bros. House Paint is made in a wide range of popular colors, is easy to apply and one quart will go as far as two quarts of cheap paint. Use High Standard Paint on your home this year and save money. 4 I ¥ V f ♦ 4 Purina Delivers the Results Want absolutely the best in starters for those poults of yours, this year . . . best in livability, best in growth, best in all-round dollar-producing RE SULTS ? Then spend a few cents a bag extra and get Purina Turkey Startena. It’s the cheapest in the end—and the end is what you’re working for! Purina Turkey Startena Delivers the RE$ULT$ STOP . . . Feed Waste With Hardware Chek-R-Ton It pays to mix Chek-R-Ton with your poultry mash. Chek * R - 'Ton helps keep them laxative, tones up appetites and expels bound worms. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson, Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Schroeder, of Amlierstburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruer and son, Richard, of New Hamburg, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mary Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ness, of London, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ness. Mr. and anil family, day visitors Mr. and Mr, Lome Preeter and Miss Ho gan and Misses Emma, Bertha and Maud Eidt, all of Detroit, visited friends here on Sunday, also attending the anniversary in the Lutheran Church, Miss Hamilton and Miss Stin son, teachers, spent the week end at their homes in London and Dresden. Rev. and Mrs. Luft, of Han over, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Merner, also attending the anniversary on Sunday. Miss Eunice Oestreicher, of London, is spending a two weeks’ ents. Miss Donald week-end with his parents, and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher. Mrs. Henderson, of Galt, ited with hex- brother, Mr. Mrs. Ed Nadiger, over 'the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Filkins, of Ho well, Michigan, Rev. P. Graup- ner and daughters, Clara and Martha, and Miss Helen Meyer, of Detroit, were week-end visit ors with Mr. and Mrs. William Nadiger. Mrs. Filkins will re main with her parents for a week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Adams, of London, and Miss Lorna Kraft spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Addison Tie man. Mrs. Joe Bruce, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, of Brantford; and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayter, of Goderich, were Sunday visitors with their moth er, Mrs. Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Siebert, of Petersburg, spent Sunday with Mrs. Witzel. Mr. and Mrs. William Nadiger attended the funeral of her bro ther in Lucan on Monday. Mr. Sam Witzel, of Toronto, spent a few days with his moth er, Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Herman Windsor, of Mrs. Gordon Calfas of Sarnia, were Sun? in town. Mrs. Walter Mundt, vacation with her Betty Murray and Oestreicher spent par- Dr. the Mr. vis- and WOODHAM Mrs, Mitchell Willis visited on Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. Har ry Rodd, Mr. and .Mrs, Clayton Hanna and Isohel, of London, were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson. Misses Feme,. Edith and Mar ion, Rodd, of London, the week-end at their here. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell ____ attended the Kirkton Horticul ture picnic held at the O.A.O. Guelph on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mi’s. LaVerne Rodd and Mr. Leonard Thacker at tended the Farm and Home week held at the O.A.C. Guelph on Wednesday of last week. Messrs. Hugh Carroll, . of Saintsbury Eli Carroll and How ard Dolan, of Bothwell, visited with Mr. and Mi’s. Robt. roll on Sunday, Miss .Ethel Copeland, of onto, spent the week-end her mother, Mrs, Levina land. Mr, and Mrs. Whitfield zer returned home from bury on Saturday evening, and Mrs. Leslie Zinn, of bury, all visited and .Mrs. Hamilton. Mr. and and family attended Fullarton church anniversary on Sunday and spent the day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Small and family of St, Thomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor ris Webb. Mr, and Mrs. Philip Brine and Nancy, of St. Marys, Mr. Lloyd Brine, of Base Line, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.1 Oscar Brine. Quite a number from this community attended Thames ,Rd. and Kirkton United Church an niversary services on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Scott and Audrey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore, of Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Rodd, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby, of Kirkton: Mr and Mrs. Ray Mills and Berry with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mor rison, of Kirkton; Mrs. Roy Kirk, Florence and Lorna and Mr. Sid Mills with Mrs. Truman Tufts, of Kirkton. Sunday School Picnic A good time was had by some 125 members of the Sun-’ day School at a picnic which was held at Queen’s Park Strat ford, on Saturday. After a bountiful dinner was partaken of a ‘ ball followed by many sports, per was served. Presentation Foi* Miss hl. On Friday evening the bers of the Mission Circle gath ered in the basement of the church to present Miss Margie Laing with a going-away gift. Mrs. Kenneth Langford led in a sing song followed by reading "Try a little kindness” by Flor ence Kirk; Audrey Rodd led in a contest; a poem “Nightingale and Glow Worm” by Phyllis Wheeler; piano solo .by Bessie McCurdy; reading "Civilization Goes .Smash” by Mrs. Jas. Mil4 ler; another contest was- enjoy-, ed; poem ‘‘Father 'makes a Speech” by Mrs. LaVerne Rodd. Florence Kirk read the address and Lorene Jayues presented Margie with a matching pair of bedroom lamps. Margie thanked the girls, All joined in singing "For She’s A Jolly Good Fel low”. Lunch was served and a social time was enjoyed Young People’s Meeting On Monday evening week members of the People’s Union met in the school grounds where a ball game was enjoyed, regular the Church basement, to Worship was given Hazlewood followed 92; scripture lesson by .Winnie Gordon; poem "Rich es” was read by Rhoda Thom son; story "The Good Samaritan Act” was Kirk. Roll spent homes .Willis Car- Tor- with Cope- Swit- .Sud- Mr. Sud- Theyaccompanied them, on Sunday with Mr. Franklin Louch, of ■Mrs. George Wheeler Saturday. dinner was game was enjoyed Sup- Laing mem- •f last Young- After the game the meeting was held in The Call by Ruth by hymn was read read by Florence call and minutes were read and adopted. Hymn 94 was followed with prayer by Verla Wheeler. A Japanese Mis4 sionary qtiizz was led by Phyl lis Wheeler and Ruth Hazle wood. A piano solo was given by Bessie McCurdy. Hymn 99 was sung. The meeting was closed with the Young 'People’s Benediction. of Centra- the past Mrs, I-Iar- visited on Zimmer, of spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr.- and Mrs. Colin Heinley, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kimple, of Kitchener, were week-end visit ors with her mother, Mrs. Bec ker. Mrs. Wm. Mason is in London ■hospital undergoing treatment. Dr. and Mrs. Lorn© Tiernan, Of New York City, are visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman. Harry Hoffman attended a telephone convention in London •n Tuesday. ZION Mrs. Wm. Bowden, lia, visited during week with Mr. and old Hern. Miss Jean Brock Sunday with Miss Marion Fran cis, of Kirkton. Church services will be can celled next Sunday. The Sunday School classes will be held on Sunday July 4th at 10.30 a.m. Misses Irene and Anna Brock Visited on Sunday with Mrs. Hilda Henderson, of St. Marys. The annual Sunday school picnic was held at Seaforth Park on Saturday last. Quite a large crowd enjoyed the laden dinner table. The dinner hour was fol lowed by a rousing ball game. A full -line of sports completed the afternoon activities. Eno to a heavy rain the supper hour was cancelled. Hence another successful Sunday School picnic came to a close. KIRKTON Mr. Hugh Berry is attending the Good Roads Convention at Chicago this week. Congratulations to the four young ladies who were former pupils at Kirkton Public School now first year students at the St. Marys Collegiate, who were all promoted on their year's work. They are Misses Grace Col lier, Joyce Ross, Mary Willis and Gladys Switzer. Mr. Robert Robinson return ed from an eight day holiday in the western provinces. He ac companied Mi*, and Mrs. Roy Switzer as far as Winnipeg. The Switzers went on to Calgary. The weather was ideal and Bob enjoyed the trip, returning by train. Some in the community have started haying, Mr. Cecil Dobson being the first to start. Mrs. Violet Walker, of Strat ford, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs E. Stone. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Burgin and daughter, of London, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G, H. Burgin. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rath- burn and son, George, of Gran ton. visited with friends in the village Sunday and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rath- burn, Miss Eleanor Doupe, R.N., of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Harding Anniversary Services Large numbers assembled at the Kirkton United Church on Sunday, A. H. spoke to morning, under the win Tufts, At Thos, gave a Mrs. Dr. Campbell was at the organ and the young ladies and boys classes supplied the music THAMES ROAD The Thames Road. Sunday School anniYei’sary was marked Sunday, June 20th by special services which were largely at tended. Guest speaker for the morning service was Rev. True blood, of Stratford, and for the evening service Rev. H. Johnson of Mitchell. The Sunday School choir, under the direction of Mrs. A. Morgan, rendered special music for the morning service and the regular church choir with Mr. Gi’ant MacDonald and his sister, Jean MacDonald, of Exeter, were guest singers for the evening service. On Tuesday evening a Ham and Strawberry Supper, follow ed by a program with Willie Bell Scotch Comedian, was weR enjoyed. Mr. and of Guelph, last with -Mr. and Mi's. Melvin Gardiner and also called on some of the neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCul lough, of Vancouver, and Mrs. Chas. Grobe, of Calgary, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pass- more on Sunday. We are glad to report that Mr. J. Selves returned home from St. Joseph’s Hospital^ Loh- don, last week after undergoing an appendicitis operation. We are sorry to report that Mrs, A. Hunkin has been under the doctor’s care. We wish her a speedy recovery to health again. Rev. W. -Mail’ attended the service of the laying of the cor ner stone at the Goshen Church on Monday evening, June 21st. There will be no Sunday School or Church service at Thames Road this Sunday, it being Elimville anniversary. Mrs. Wm. Mair returned home from Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday of last week. Mr. Wm. Jeffery is undergo ing treatment in Westminster Hospital, London. of London, attended and much Mrs. Peter McPhail, visited on Thursday and Mi's. also NEED AUTO PARTS? Come here f it.«« They save money. Factor y-A p p r o v e d GM Parts and Accessor ies from stock. Snell Bros. & Co. Phone 100 ORDER NOW!! the LADIES’ AND MISSES’ Cotton Dresses New Cotton Prints on the dresses 50. We etc., at We have an exceptionally fine stock of summer ready for the hot weather in all sizes from 12 to are featuring this -week outing dresses for picnics, very moderate prices. Your entire Season’s Supply of COAL Make Sure You’ll be Warm Next Winter — Phone 33 — Cotton Pillow Cases and Sheets We. have a large range of Wabasso and Cannon brands, pillow cases and sheets — an exceptionally nice wedding gift — at reasonable prices. SPECIAL!! Clearing 2 webs heavy slub cloth — new floral designs 'Reg. price $1.15 yd. On sale at 79c yd. Be Safe From Next Winter’s COLD Exeter ... 54c Prices Quoted Are Good for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of This Week Read the want ads and get results. June 20 th when. Rev. Johnston, of Mitchell; the children in the Two junior classes, direction of Mr. Ed- supplied the music, the evening service Rev Hazelwood, of Toronto, very' excellent addresss. MOUNT CARMEL Mr. Austin Boland has com pleted his paint job on his house and barn which looks very nice. Mr. and Mrs. John Barry and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. William Dietrich and family and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hambly, of St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sharpe and son spent Sunday with Mrs. Matthew Regan. Mr. James Carey is on sick list. The very welcome rain Tuesday was a great help to many farmers who were short of water. Store Closed^ Wednesday Noon to Friday Morning Wind, Auto and Fire Insurance We have the largest range of cotton prints we have had for some time at from 45c to 65c yd. Just Arrived Ladies Cotton Vests and Bloomers — Watson’s make just arrived — very scarce merchandise. Congoleum RUGS Congoleum rugs are very scarce. This week we have a good sand mottled de sign with brown and red borders, suitable for any type room — sizes 6’ x 9’; 7y2’x 9’; 9’x9’; 9’x 101/2’ and 9’ x 12’. Also I roll 3 yd. wide block patterns by the yard. A few good suits in worsteds and tweeds to clear at above prices. Sizes 36 to 44. Bathing Suits See our large stock of bathing suits for ladies men and children. Make your selection while there is a large range to choose from. ONTARIO POTATOES, TABLE STOCK — No. I Grade $4.35 per 75 lbs. 93c per pk. Would do for planting. Supply limited. NABOB COFFEE I lb. bags ....................... DEVON CANNED PEAS Sieve no. 4 ............................... 2 for 23c QUAKER PUFFED RICE SPARKIES Price .....T............................... 2 pkgs. 27c ROYAL COOKING RICE 1 lb. pkg. .......................... OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Pei* tin..................... PARD DOG FOOD Price ...................... Phone 32 Your Superior Store ^5