HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-06-03, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 3rd, 1948Page 6 » FOR REGULAR DELIVERIES Telephone 179w FOR SALE— Several Air-conditioned Refrigerators ■sa Don’t Miss the Boat" Poultry and egg market pros­ pects indicate that the produ­ cer who cuts down too far on the number of chicks he raises this year will “miss the boat”. BLANCHARD Mrs. T. Waugh, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Waugh, Joyce ahd Marion, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. Bobby Thomson of Toron­ to, spent the mother, Mrs. Mrs. W. Marys, spent with hei« mother, Mrs. Jas. Mos- sey. Mr. Marys, sister, Mr. Thomson. We are sorry to report that Mr, Wesley Mossey is still 'Con­ fined to his bed with pneumon­ ia. His friends all wish him a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hern on the arrival of a baby boy last Monday at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper spent Sunday with M.r and Mrs Mitchell Leibler, of Mitchell. The teacher, Miss Coulthard and pupils of Metropolitan school motored to Mitchell last Thursday and took part in the Music Festival held in the Unit­ ed Church under the leadership’ of Mr, Harley. Mrs. Orville Steckley and Lar­ ry, of Toronto, are spending! some time with her mother, Mrs. Fred Thomson. week-end with his Fred Thomson. B. Young, of St. part of last week Carman Rinn, of spent Sunday with Mrs. Lloyd Thomson St. his and Dies in Egmondville Funeral was held Monday at p.m. for Mrs. Margaret Gardiner, wife of Rev. Allan Gardiner, in her parish, Egmondville Church. Mrs. Gardiner in Egmondville .g illness. She 2:00 Mary Wm. husband's United died Saturday manse after a Ion;... was born in Shelburne, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs Samuel ■White, and received her early education there. After teaching school for a few years she main inied in 1918. She was an ar­ dent church worker in Egmond­ ville, and a member of the W.‘ M.S. and W.A. She was also a worker in many local plays. Sui’ viving besides her husband are a sister, Mrs. Andrew Douglas, of Shelburne; two brothers, Dr. Samuel I. White, of Orangeville and J. Edmond A. White, of Shelburne. Officiating at the funeral service were Rev. James Elford H. V. United was in LOST AND FOUNDHELP WANTED WANTED—Girl to .assist with' housework summer cottage at Oakwood, Grand Bend for July and August. No cooking, comfortable quarters, good wages. Apply Mrs, Stuart Gunn, 320 st, George St., London. 3:10o LOST—White and red yearlin Please contact Jim Crediton, oi’ 29r32. Glavin, phone Crediton 3* of Egmondville and Rev. Workman, of Northside church, Seaforth. Burial Roy’s Cemetery, Mitchell. WANTED—Woman for plain cooking for July and August at Grand Bend. Apply at 8 6 Byron Fair. Lodge, 43r23. Ave., 12771* Grand Apply at 8 6 London, phone or Coronation Bend, phone 3 c/ FOUND—A license plate No. 3W901 between Winchelsea and Kirkton. Owner may have same by proving properly and paying expenses. Apply to Geo. Davis, Winchelsea, phone Kirkton 14rl4. 3 c FOR RENT HELP WANTED—Woman able to do good home cooking, also kitchen help wanted. Good pay for reliable person. Apply Kether’s Coffee Shoppe. Bring Results APPLICATIONS WANTED .Applications will be received at the Clerk’s office, Exeter, Ont., for the position of Municipal Assessor for the Village of Ex­ eter. Assessment to be made under the new system. Salary, $600.00 per annum. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk AUCTION SALES pictures; kitchen table; <2 rugs; couch; mats; carpets; lamp s; kitchen curtains; 2 lino- 4 tables*; white flower stands; 2 ^writing small table; kitchen 2 clocks; dishes of all sealers; flower pots; a of coal and wood; lawn mower; lawn Dominion Marketing Service reports market poultry out­ look “best in years” . . . few­ er cockerels started, heavy exports, heavy demand. For the same reasons, egg market outlook is very strong. Fewer early pullets, heavy market­ ings of laying hens, strong consumer demand, all indicate short supplies and higher prices. These shortages make real poultry profits still possible, provided you start vigorous, fast - growing, fast - developing chicks, right away ... or you can cut your cost of liv­ ing by starting that kind and having your own eggs and poultry. Bray Clucks are that kind! Order today. Fred W. BRAY, Ltd. 120 John St. N., Hamilton BRAY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 246, Exeter Eric Carscadden, Manager and majority in Can­ not Do You Pay by Cheque? Tiiis Method is Safer Handier Than Cash Why are the great of business transactions ada now made by cheque, cash? If you still pay your bills in cash, you may be interested in the advantages of payment by cheques. One is simply that this meth­ od enables you to avoid carry­ ing too much cash on your per­ son. Like most people, you doubtless know what ,a headache lost cash oi’ receipts can cause before they are found—if they ever are. But prompt notice to your bank stops payment on a mislaid cheque. And once cash­ ed, your cheque becomes a re­ ceipt, thus protecting you. You can enjoy this .time-sav­ ing convenience by opening an account at the local Bank of Montreal branch. Jim Hendry, the manager, and his staff, will welcome .the opportunity to be helpful. (advt.) Kirkton Congregation Held Banquet Friday On Friday evening, May 28th, a congregation banquet was held honoring the members of the casts who put on the plays in 1947 and M was held in room of the the catering W omen’s church, assisted by some young girls. After the wonderful re­ past, they assembled in the au­ ditorium of the church where Mt. Pleasant and Anderson join­ ed with Kirkton. A program of local talent from all churches was enjoyed. At the close of pro­ gram, Mr. Archie Levy read a very fine address and Mr. Clay­ ton Colquhoun presented Rev. and Mrs. Goodger with a large mirror. Mr. and Mrs. Goodger replied and they all said fare­ well to them. 1948. The banquet i the Sunday school > United Church and ; was done by the Association of the Attending Conference Revs. H. J. Mahoney J. Snell, of town, and Hy. Delbridge and W. C. are H.and Messrs. Pearce in Windsor this week tending the annual meeting the London Gonference of United Church. at- of the i i FOR SALE FOR SALE—Buttermilk. Apply to W. G- Medd, Exeter Cream­ ery Co., Ltd., Exeter, Ont. 20tfc FOR SALE—Parts for a ’33 Chev truck and a ’29 Chev car; 2 wheel trailer, ’29 Ford car. Apply to Walter Diebold, Zurich, after 7 p.m. 20:27:3* FOR SALE—19 42 Chev coach in good condition, will trade foi’ cheaper car. Apply to Alvin Gingerich, Zurich 27:3* FOR SALE—3 furrow plow, on rubber. O’Rourke, phone 23r41. tractor Dennis Crediton 27:3* COME AND BUY AND, SAVE MONEY—I have many Hard^, ware and Electrical supplies; Gift novelties; fishing reels, 85 cents; magazines, 5 cents; (Good used bicycles, reason- * able. The house with the signs. A. H. Daynes, Huron St. West, Exeter. 27:3* BARN FOR SALE—55 x 80; al­ so rolling home, 20x10, mounted on rubber; also rot­ ted manure, by load or ton. Apply Box ,221, Zurich, phone 214 Zurich. 27:6:13* FOR RENT—Vacuum by the day or week. Hardware, Exeter. GRAND BEND—Lots in old Orchard sub-division; restricted area, priced $450.00 to $700.00. Write or see Her­ man M. Gill, Real Estate and Business Broker, phone 59rll Grand Bend, Ont. 3c cleaners, Beavers 11c for Sale FOR RENT—2 rooms furnished, hydro, 3-piece bath; use of washing .machine; garden if desired. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. 3* TO RENT—3 room suite of furnished rooms, quiet couple. Phone 274 Exeter. 3c FOR RENT—A small cottage), cooking equipment, at Grand Bend for June and first two weeks in July. Apply Curtis' Gratton, Grand Bend, phone 62r22 Dashwood.3* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR BUSINESS — Join the leading company of HOME SERVICE IN CANADA. Let your effort determine your income. Very little capital needed. If you have travelling equipment, here is your chance to use it with benefit. Write for full details. FAMIL- EX, 1600 Delorimier, Mont­ real. 27:5tc NOTICE Shirts JUST ARRIVED! and wools. All-wool the the in­ FOR SALE—1 young Short­ horn bull, O.A.C. Ramsom,' weighing 800 lbs., also a few registered Shorthorn cows Ap­ ply Chas. Miller, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 44r2 Kirkton. 3*' DISCOUNT RE TAXES Ratepayers of Exeter will kindly take notice that the time for securing .a 2& per cent, dis­ count on the second instalment of Taxes has been extended from the 1st to the 12tli day of June. B. W. Tuckey, Reeve. @1 1 Shirts by Arrow in solid col­ ors are now on display. Col­ ors are blue, tan and green. An attractive shirt styled by a leading manufacturer. Ankle-length Socks in cottons black full length line, too. an*s >s ar a Chicken in the Rough, SOUTHERN STYLE Election —Continued from Page One to a close. He added that Province of Ontario was first province to accept the vitation of the Federal Govern­ ment for a conference on health to be held in Ottawa next week. The grant to Clinton Public Hospital for maintenance would be increased to $2.75 per pati­ ent. This already was on the statute .books. Regarding the by-election, he understood “the boys (Liberals) have been kicking themselves ever since they contested the by­ election. Farquhar Oliver came up here and forced the issue be­ cause he thought it would be a feather in his cap if he could win.” Mr. Kalbfleisch thanked the audience for its attention. He declared it was our democratic right to vote for the candidate and the party of our choice. We have a lot to be thankful for. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. i I at "Pafs Shanty in the Pines 77 Enlarged with Modern Equipment, We Are Now in a Better Position Than Ever to Serve You Why Cook Your Sunday Dinner? Order from Pat and Take It Home Ready to Serve Th ree Miles South of Grand Bend 'And, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilder- so must the Son believeth in Him nes% even whosoever eternal life. BY FAITH ARE WE « WANTED WANTED—3 rooms, furnished or apartment. 4 Apply at Times- Advocate. 3* WANTED—Studio couch in good condition, will pay reas­ onable price. Apply S. E. Shikowy, Grand Bend. 3* of man be lifted up; that should not perish, but have 15, SAVED.” John 3: 14, Eph.2:8 FOR SALE—One .colony house,' 9’xl2’, in good condition. Apply Norman Kleinfeldt, R. R. 1, Exeter or phone Exeter 36rll. 3c FOR SALE—Philco radio-phono­ graph, new 2 months ago, ex­ cellent condition. Apply Box S Times-Advocate. 3* FOR SALE—19 28 Essex coach, good tires, 2 new; good body, if not sold in a week will be wrecked. E. L. Johnston, Exe­ ter, phone 183. 3* FOR SALE—1941 Chev coach; 2 Daschund puppies; 13J ft. boat; 16 gauge double barrel; 12 gauge pump; ,22 automatic rifle and fishing tackle. Ap­ ply Cpl. Wrightson, at Doug. Triebner’s, Huron St. West, or phone SlrG local 38. 3* i FOR SALE—Electric refrigerat­ or, new electric washing ma­ chine, electric stove, sewing machine, studio couch and 2 chairs, 4 chrome kitchen chairs, buffet. Art Campbell, phone 303j. 3* WANTED—Urgently needed, 4 rooms unfurnished or home, preferrably with indoor toilet facilities, winthin radius of twelve miles of airport. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. 3* FOR SALE—Team Clyde mares, 6 ands'9 years old; also frame house wired rods. Kippen, phone 791’21, Hensail. 30 18X30; steel’ roof, for hydro, lightning Thos. Kay, R.R. 3. WANTED — Unfurnished house or 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms, in or close to Exeter. Apply Box J Times-Advocate. 3* FOR SALE—Wine folding pram perfect condition. Phone 40r3 Crediton. REAL ESTATE CENTRALIA BRICK house with conveniences, extra lots and barn. W. C. Pearce. 27* FOR SALE—Small acreage, good house with conveniences barn, henhouse. Early pos- ession. W. C. Pearce. 27* FARM FOR SALE—Hay Twp., 100 acres, barn with good stabling, strawshed, reason­ ably good house. W. O. Pearce. 27* HOUSE FOR SALE—Well locat­ ed in Exeter, IS storey brick. All modern conveniences. Nice lot. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE —- Windmill and pump, 55 ft. of pipe, cylinder, all in good working order. Allen Jaques, Granton, phone Kirkton 351’10. 3* FOR SALE—Red ipaple sofa, matching chair and end table in excellent condition. Phone 40r2 Crediton. 3c MISCELLANEOUS FARCEUR DE ROOSBEKE (6837) BELGIAN STALLION Chestnut, Star On Forehead Born January 7, 1938, bred by Fred C. Penny & Son, Nor­ wich, Ont. Inspected May 21, 1948 and passed, TERMS—On request. R. D. ETIIERINGTON, Prop Hensail, Ont. Telephone Exeter 171T15. 3:10:17:24c Tune In: Hear Chas. Fuller on Station CKLW, Windsor, 12:30 E.S.T. Sunday noon. Chas. E. Fuller, P.O. Bott 123. Los Angeles S3, '•THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST.” 12- CaL LOTS FOR SALE—Desirable building lots for sale. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. Exeter. TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE — We ean give immediate pos­ session on this Exeter home, All modern conveniences. 0. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter, PERSONAL Are you a victim of constipation ? Try proven FRUIT-A-TIVES, famous herbal medicine used successfully for 45 years. Brings relief quickly • tones up liver — keeps bowels ac­ tive — restores good health —RELIABLE. COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE will be held at James Street EXETER on SATURDAY, JUNE 2 beds; 2 springs; 2 wash stands; form; table; 2 linoleums; rug; 40 records; sealers; cabinet; chairs; rockers; dry stove; stands; cook cupboards; dishes of all Bring in anything you Come and buy or sell. Phone Frank Taylor 138 m Shed 5th, 1948 2 dressers; organ; dress sewing machine; kitchen 12 kitchen chairs; clock; linoleums; rug; phonograph, records; sealers; kitchen laun- stove; kinds, have. public tons buck­ clover b i n - i Positively NO TRESPASSING around Bell’s dam, except adult members of the fishing club.— Stewart Bell, Hensail. 27:3:l’0c HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will .be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Monday, June 14th, at 2:00 p.m. D.S.T. All accounts notices of de­ putations and othei^ business re­ quiring the attention of Council should be in County Clerk turday, June the hands of the not later than Sa- 12th, 1948. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. 3:10c TENDERS WANTED TENDERS Federal FOR COAL & COKE Buildings—Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addres­ sed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender foi' Coal” will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), 1948, .for and coke Buildings throughout the Prov­ ince of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifi­ cations and conditions attached can be obtained from the Pur­ chasing Agent, .Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ade­ laide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the De­ partment and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attached thereto. Coal dealers’ licence numbers must be given when tendering. The Department reserves ,the right to demand from any suc­ cessful tenderer, before award­ ing the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tend­ er, oi’ Bearerr Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Com­ pany and its constituent .com­ panies unconditionally guaran­ teed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified clique, if required to make up an Odd amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil­ ment of the contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 26, 1948. 3:16 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Live Stock, Farm Imple­ ments, & Household Effects The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by auction On Lot 20, Con. 13, Hay Bronson Line, 1% miles of Zurich, oil TUESDAY, JUNE 8th, 1948 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sharp. HORSES—1 bay mare, 9 yrs. old; 1 black gelding, 9 years old; 1 bay general purpose mare 10 years old, reliable in every way. CATTLE*—4 choice Durham cows; 1 red-roan heifer, 2 years old; 2 light roan heifers, 2 yrs. old; 1 spotted yearling heifer; roan bull, 1 year old; 3 young calves. These cattle are of very choice quality! HOGS—3 s h o a t s, averaging 45 lbs. HAY AND GRAIN—10 mixed hay; 45 bushels of wheat; 2 bushels mixed IMPLEMENTS—Deering d e r, 6 ft. cut; Deering mower, 5 ft. cut: grain drill; Deering hay rake, 10 'ft. wide; M.-H. 3- horse cultivator, like new; steel ■tired wagon; gravel box; 16 ft. hay rack; set of sleighs; Clin­ ton fanning mill, complete with sieves; furrow gang plow; plows; extension ladder, stoneboat, new wheelbarrow; scalding trough, 2 large meat barrels, 3 wooden trussels; pig crate; buggy; car­ riage; wagon jack; 2,000 pound scales; quantity grain bags; set sling ropes; 2 logging chains; 2 sets double harness; harness; lars; clone grass seeder; onion seeder; onion vels, forks, and many articles too numerous to mention! HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—.Kit­ chen stove; 3-burner stove; Daisy butter churn; butter "bowl; kitchen bench; 3 cider barrels, meat barrel, sauerkraut large size Renfrew cream ator, like new; strainer galvanized pail; cabbage cutter; large wooden . tub, etc. Positively No Reserve, as the Farm Is Sold TERM£>—CASH MRS. JACOB MEIDINGER, Prop. R. F. STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALKER, Auct. 4 section harrows; 2- 2 walking 1-horse scuffler; 30 ft. set* string cross-cut saw; set single bells; new Cy- chop box; sieve; sho- col­ coal oil large table; small tub; separ- pail; for* be received until 3 Tuesday, June 15, the supply of coal for the Dominion AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND REAL ESTATE The undersigned has received instructions to .sell by public auction at Main Street, Exeter, — on — FRIDAY, JUNE 11th, 1948, at 1:00 p.m. ■ the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Chesterfield suite; 3 beds, mat­ tresses, springs; 2 dressers; 2 commodes; chest of drawers; book case; desk; radio; enamel kitchen stove; glass cupboard; refrigerator; books; chairs; blinds; leum rugs; chair; desks; stove; kinds; quantity wheelbarrow; roller; step ladder; all kinds of carpenter tools; tools; robe; 3 warmer; pails; stand; s washing machine; tubs; iron pot; bedding; pillows; _ scales; clothes rack; iron water pump; settee ing chair; verandah chairs; ker chairs; 2 benches; rack; lamp shades; boxes; 4 bedroom chairs; tity of lumber; and many other articles too numerous tion. ' REAL ESTATE—2 brick house, lot 546, Main Street; new garage and hen house; large garden; rasp­ berry bushes; small fruits; new bath room; hard and soft water. This is a fine place to live. Lots of shade trees. Fine property. Sold subject to .reserve bid. Immediate Possession. TERMS—On Real Estate, 10 per cent down. Balancp in 30 days. Chattels, cash. The property of the late GEORGE HOWARD GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. flower •ubber hose; lamps; ; large coal sewing r garden buffalo floor lamp; foot crock; pots, pans) heater; wash machine; electric boiler; 3 steam cooker; platform electric rock- : wic- paper flower quan- to men- storey 547, on Rutabaga Co wishes to announce the successful candidates for their committee by ballots as follows: BRUCE TUCKEY HAROLD HUNTER HILTON FORD CORNELIUS FABER TED POOLEY EXETER RUTABAGA CO.) A . MELVIN’S FEATURE We have a large variety of © SUN SUITS • PLAY SUITS © for Ladies and Children BATHING SUITS © SLACKS © SMART Ideal for BLOUSES Comfort If You Choice and Quality 14 s Melvin*s Want i Are You Ruptured? Our Service is Different. We Sell You a Fit in Our Private Truss Room Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 years experience. Your drugs at Robertson's Phono 50 Exeter