HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-06-03, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 3rd, 1948
“Heah, Rastus, is that quatah
I borrowed; froii you two years
“Y’all better keep yo’ money.
It ain’t wuth two-bits tor me to
change mah opinion of you.”
Would You Like
Your Dandelions
If so,. call
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Old Floors Re-Finished
Wallace Bowden
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iBS"™ ——-———«— I
Mrs. Fenton Rumble and
Jimmie spent Tuesday with Mrs.I Merle Sparling.
Mrs, Sparling, Harvey -and
Hazel Jean spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parrish, of
Mrs, Sparling, Harvey, Hazel
Jean, and Mrs. Wes Horne spent
Monday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Switzer.
Mr. Carman Herdman, of In-,
gersoll, spent the past two
weeks with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Herdman. Carman
has been sick with rheumatism
since the first of the year and
we are pleased to know he is
able to be around again.
There will be no church ser
vice next Sunday due to Roy’s
anniversary but Sunday School
will be held at the usual hour at'
11.15 a.m.
Elimville Mission Circle will
be held Thursday evening at the
home of Miss June Walters’.
Please bring quilt blocks to this
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Pym were Mr. and
Mrs. James Kirkland, of Thames
Road, Mr. Harry Murch and
Launie, of London, Mrs. Jean
Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carscadden
and Jimmy, of Exeter, visited
Sunday with Mr. ctnd Mrs. Gar
net Miners.
Mrs. Jean Jackson, of Toron
to, is spending a couple of weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns.
■Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym, of
Exeter, visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Pym,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, of
Eden, Mi*, and Mrs. Melville
Skinner visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills, of
For the June Bride
For that Vacation Trip
Whichever it may be, you will be proud to own or
present one of the lovely pieces now on display at
our store. Genuine leather, handsomely designed into
durable luggage.
Matched Ladies’ Sets Overnight Luggage
Phone 109 Exeter, Ont.
Webb-McCI inchey
Spring flowers decorated St,
Peters Lutheran Church, Zurich,
Saturday afternoon, May 29 th,
1948, when Doreen Gertrude
Margie, elder daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Orville McClinchey, of
Varna, became the bride of Ste
wart Glenn, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Webb, Dash
wood. Rev. E. W, Heimrich of
ficiated. Mrs. J. Turkheim was,
at the organ console for the tra
ditional wedding music and the
soloist, Miss Audrey Heimrich,
sang “0 Perfect Love” and “I’ll
Walk Beside You”.
The lovely bride chose swiss
lace over white satin fashioned
on princess style with long lily
point sleeves. The yoke of nylon
marquisette was accented by a
lace frill. Her finger-tip veil
was held in place by a halo of
orange blossoms an d seed
pearls. She carried a white Bible
topped with an orchid with
streamers tied with lily-of-the-
valley. Miss Jean Kreuger, as
maid of honor, was gowned in
turquoise crepe, Victorian style,
with matching headdress and
mittens. She carried Better-time
roses and maiden hair fern. Miss
Donna Joyce McClinchey attend
ed her sister as bridemaid and
wore a gown of peach taffeta
featuring * a ruffled skirt and
neckline with matching head
dress and mittens. Her bouquet
consisted of Talisman roses
and maiden hair fern. The
groom was attended by Wilmer
Desjardine, and the ushers were
Laird Schilbe, cousin of the
bride and Morris Webb, brother
of the groom,
Receiving the guests after the
ceremony at the Little Inn, Bay-
field, Mrs. McClinchey wore a
brown figuered silk frock, tan
accessories and wore a corsage
of briarcliffe roses. The groom’s
mother assisted, wearing a
brown figuered silk dress with
harmonizing accessories and a
rose corsage.
For travelling the bride donn
ed a grey gabardine suit with
black mohair hat and matching
accessories. She wore an orchid.
On their return they will re
side on the groom’s farm on the
fourteenth concession of Steph
en. Guests from a distance were
from Guelph, Detroit, Mt. Cle
mens, London, Thedford, Ailsa
Craig, Greenway.
Fags 3
from the west,
her son
Dr. John
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. MacIntyre,
of Port Sta»ley( visited over the
week-end with Mrs. Daniels.
Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Gardi
ner, of Chicago, Illinois, visited
with the former’s sisters, Mrs. H
McMurtrie and Mrs. Farquhar,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gramm
and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gramm,
of Lansing, Michigan, spent the
week-end holiday with their pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Mrs. Alex Mousseau .. M
ed home on Saturday after
spending the past two months
abroad with relatives.
A play entitled “The Little
Clod-Hopper” will be presented
in tlie Town Hall, Hensall, on
Friday, June 11th by the Varna
and Goshen Line Young People,
under the auspices of the Woh
elo Class of the Hensall United
Mr. Jack Corbett returned
home from St. Joseph’s Hospital
London, where he recently un
derwent an appendix operation.
ThTe Sacrament of the Lord’s
Supper will be dispensed in Car
mel Presbyterian Church on
Sunday, June 6th, at 11:00 a.m.
Preparatory service on Friday,
June 4th, at 8:00 p.m.
Mrs. MacDonald and Miss
Marguerite MacDonald .moved to-
the residence recently vacated
R. H. Middle-
Turnbull’s Grove on June 21st.
Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Hedden fa*
voured with two vocal duets ac
companied by Miss Gladys Luk*
er at the piano. Mrs. David Kyle
then took charge of the topic
on “The Living Pyramids” and
gave a poem entitled “Living
Four Square”. Miss Greta Lam-
mie favoured with violin selec
tions accompanied by Miss Gla
dys Luker at the piano. Miss
Edna Saundercoek, bride-elect of
this month, was then presented
with a gift from the class, for
which she expressed her thanks
in a few well chosen words. The
meeting closed by singing “In
Christ There Is No Fast or
West” and the MUpah Benedic
tion. .Miss Margaret Glenn then
took charge of the recreation. A
delicious lunch was served at
the close.
The young reporter was told
over and over again to cut his
story to the bare essentials. So
his next story came out this
“J. Smith looked up the shaft
at the Wallick Hotel this morn
ing to see if the lift was on its
way down. It was. Age 45.”
them with
isr Rub Pn freely, and note
muck relief. Greaselew.
large economical JTMt-drying, Ko strong
SIZE 65c odor. 18-46
Minimum Mortality
Healthy Growth
When feed prices are high be sure your chicks get an
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STARTER contains the proper balance and variety
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Order through
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Miss Peggy Hauser, of Kitch
ener, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Filkins, of
Howell, Mich., spent a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Nadiger.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke,
of Detroit, spent the week-end
with relatives.
Mr. Sam Witzel, of Toronto,
is spending a few days with his
his mother, Mrs. Witzel.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelk spent
last week visiting with their
son in Bradford.
Miss Anita Ziler, of London,
spent a few days with her fath
er, Mr. Joe Ziler.
Mr. Bobbie Hayter, who un
derwent an operation in St.
Joseph’s Hospital, was able to
return home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Melvin Sherwood
of Allison, and Mr. and Mrs. E
Hutshesou, of Dashwood, spent
a few days in Russell Point.
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Bryant,
ef London., were Sunday visit
ors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Pfile.
The Nu-Health display put on
in the basement of the Evangel
ical church on Monday night
was well attended.
George Tieman was taken .to
London hospital on Tuesday
where he will take treatments.
>Mr. Ross Guenther, who is in
Westminster hospital in London
spent the week-end at his home
“Do you know what good
clean fun It?”
“No, what good is it?”
by Mr. and Mrs.
ton last week.
Mrs. Goddard,
is visiting with
and Mrs. Goddard.
Mrs. Lorne McNaughton
visiting in Toronto with mem
bers of her family.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Law
rence moved to the residence
they recently purchased from
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Dayman.
Miss Elizabeth Slavin, who
has been confined to her room
for the past number of weeks
owing to illness, is slowly im
Bride-Elect Presented
The monthly meeting
Wohelo Class of. the
Church was held in the
room on Monday evening.
Morley Sanders, president, was
in charge of the meeting which
opened by singing “Land of our
Birth We Pledge to Thee” and
the Lord's Prayer in unison.
Psalm 23 was read, responsively
led by Miss Ellis. “0 Master
Let Me Walk with Thee” was
sung. Misses Audrey Walsh and
Marlene Petskie sang two duets
“My Bonnie Lies Over the
Ocean” and “'Let the Rest of
the World Go By”. It was decided to hold the class picnic atl>
of the
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Stylish Sandals-
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