HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-05-13, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 13th 1948 Evening Service $ gj Last Days FIELD MASSEY.HARRIS SALES & SERVICE Open tills Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout the Week One .garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD OTTAWA ||||| .'iSsSZ' :«S -Jy 7 /' “Knowing this .first, that there shall come in the last,, days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and say­ ing: ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’” 2 Pet. 3:3,4 “I will come again.” John 14:3 "For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout.” Rom. 12:19 Be prepared for His coming by accepting Christ as personal Saviour today, for "in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh”. "THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST.” Tune In: Hear Chas. Fuller on Station CKLW, Windsor, 12- 12:30 E.S.T. Sunday noon. Chas. E. Fuller, P.O; Box 123. Los Angeles 53, Cal. “THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST’’ Vi Buy the Co-op Way 23rd annual meeting of the London Conference Branch of the Woman’s Missionary Soc­ iety of the United Church held in James St. United Church, Exeter. Wednesday and Thurs- of last week proved to be a most successful affair. Delegates from 9 Presbyterials were pres­ ent. In the top photograph Mrs. C. Maxwell Loveys, of Toronto, Home Mission Secretary of the Dominion Board W.M.S is speak­ ing of the home mission work along the West Coast. Lower left, Mrs. L. C. White re-elect­ ed conference branch president (seated), goes over the ordei" of program with vice-presidents Mrs. J. C. .Pennington, of Wind,-, sor, and Mrs. R. W. Burton, of Burgessville and with Mrs. Lov­ eys. Four of the presbyterial presidents as they prepared for the skit on the School of Lead­ ers written by Mrs. J. H. Childs of London, are shown at lower right,. From left to right they are: Mrs. E. Sweet of Belmont, president of Elgin Presbyterial; Mrs. G. Murtis, president goma Presbyterial, who •from Sault Ste. Marie to the annual meeting; Mrs. Doan of Merlin, president Kent Presbyterial and Mrs. W. Lavery of Listowel, Presbyterial president. Cut from London Free Press of Al- came attend A. E. of the M. Perth <:■ - UNITED STATES ® Existing regulations make it illegal for any Canadian resident to retain in his possession more than $10 in United States cash. ® You are required to turn in to your bank, for ex­ change into Canadian money, any amount you have in excess of $10 in United States funds, without ^elay. | | > ;< J; •* •J; i-y ,• Look. THERE’S A REASOM © The reason is that Canada must have the U.S. dollars spent here by tour­ ists, in order to make them available for the payment of imported goods and ser­ vices needed to keep pro­ duction and employment high level. I i ‘"s •V what you get in I H; NEW, SMARTER SILVER STREAK DESIGN BY FISHER, UNISTEEL BODY WITH NO-DRAFT VENTILATION MULTI-SEAL HYDRAULIC S:. It is becoming increasingly important to feed well and to feed good clean grain. It is amazing how much dust, and empty hulls we clean out of our grain, as well as countless small seeds. This clean­ ed grain is getting results. YOU try it! Try Vigoro on your gardens and field vegetables. Especially good for corn for feeding.; We still have a good supply. We still have a fair supply of good quality Cedar Shingles and Wire Fence. We are agents now for Hu-Mar, a Humus Fertile zer that cannot be beaten for lawns, gardens, flo­ wers, especially good for formation and. literature. strawberries. Ask foi* in- A few items of interest: 1 l/2 h.p. Electric Motor, 3 Extension Ladders, 32 12 gal. can Asbestos Roof Coating. A good supply of Poultry Equipment. heavy duty. ft. and 36 ft. Motor Oil, Pressure Gun Grease, Paints, and many other farm supplies. - BUY FROM EXETER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Mill 287j PhoneS Office 287w Ju nior Institute Holds Monthly Meeting The May meeting of the South Huron Junior Institute was held on May 5 with a large crowd in attendance. The meeting opened with the singing of the Opening Ode followed Prayer. Times Saves Nine” by Ethelene Johns. the roll call the minutes of the previous meeting were read. The business for the evening includ­ ed arrangements for members to attend the District Annual to be held in Zurich on June 8. Plans for the dance t,o be held on May 14 Were laid. Christine Dobson gave a report on the 'conference which was held in Guelph in April followed, by Current Events by Lillie Miller. Burden© Clarke’s group were in charge of the topic, Travel Talk and Burden© introduced as their guest speaker, iVTrs. Albert Eth- ©rington, who gave a snlendid address on her recent visit to, Florida. On behalf Of the .girls Bessie Johns moved a vote, of thanks to Mrs. Etherington. Following the program the meeting adjourned and the girls retired, to the arena for a joint meeting, lunch and recreation with the Junior Farmers. by the Lord’s The motto “Stitch in was taken Following & BRAKES SMOOTH AND ECONOMICAL SIX AND EIGHT CYLINDER L-HEAD ENGINES ® SHOCK-PROOF KNEE-ACTION TRU-ARC SAFETYTRIPLE-CUSHIONED RIDE STEERING HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE ^Available on certain models at extra cost •Sift:;.’ ? ;:A. ■i A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS