The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-05-13, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 13th, 1948 TAKE NO CHANCES with coffee. Choose Maxwell House always. It’s skilfully blended by experts from the finest coffees obtainable to give you the utmost in deliciously rich yet mellow flavor. Not So Dumb James Kirkland, of Usborne, has moved from a house be­ longing to A. W, Morgan into one belonging to E. J. Pym. Having moved MOftt <of- the heavy furniture only some of the sinallei' effects were left. The eat, sensing the situation and finding the car dooi" open, brought her kittens one by one and deposited them in the car. FOR SALE FOR SALE—15 ft. cabin trailer excellent condition, all .con­ veniences, sleeps two, reason­ able. Phone 345R Exeter, Ont. . 13* FOR SALE—1947 Massey-Har- ris 6 ft. Clipper combine, harvested 75 acres only; pick up and baggei’ attachments. Phone 160, Mrs. K. Webster, Blyth. 13* TEACHERS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—DeSota ear, good running condition, real good tires, Ralph Batten, Exeter. 13c FOR SALE—-5 young sows, due first week in June. Apply to Major Baker, Dashwood, or phone Crediton 24r32 13c & CARDIGANS ------ In Grey, Maroon, Blue and Sand. FOR SALE—’One Fawcett Tor­ rid Oil kitchen range with hot water coil and electric fan draft control fox* economy used 10 months. Apply Box A Time-Advocate. 13c FOR SALE—Two black Cocker Spaniels. Apply Herbert, Pfile, Dashwood 62r5. TEACHER WANTED — Applica­ tions are invited for the sev­ eral vacancies in the Usborne Township School Area. Exper­ ienced teachers may expect $1750, Please reply, giving ex­ perience and former Inspec­ tor’s name to A. G. Hicks, Secy. R. R. 3, Exeter, Phone 172r6, Exeter. 13c BABY SITTERS FOR HIRE— Marie Cutbush, phone 187J; Joan Witmer, phone 179w. Exeter. 13* CUSTOM PLOWING, cultivating and discing. Apply to Leon Triebner, R.R.l, Hensall, or phone 171r24 Exeter from 7 to 7.30 a.m. 6:13* FOR RE^T WANTED PULLOVERS ------ In Grey, Maroon, and Yellow. A GOOD SELECTION OF TIES HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING for that new Singer Sewing machine. We have a few Elec­ tric Portable and Cabinet models available, also treadle machines. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine Co., STRATFORD, Ont. 6:13:20c FOR SALE—Two 21-440 tires, nearly new. Joe White, phone Crediton 29r5.13*. FOR SALE—A good Collie pup. Phone Crediton 24rl2. 13* the Corporation, purpose of this dog shall be running at large FOR SALE—>1942 Mercury five passenger coupe, in cellent condition. Apply Alton Isaac, Clandeboye. 118 ex- to 13* FOR SALE—1937 Ford, in good condition, one owner. Harris West, Centralia, phone 27r5 Crediton. , 13* FOR SALE — Simmons walnut bed with panel, single bed size, cable springs, coil spring matt re s s. Apply at Times-Advocate. . 13c FOR RENT—Two rooms, partly furnished, freshly decorated. Apply at Times-Advocate. 13* cleaners,FOR RENT—Vacuum by the day or week. Beavers Hardware, Exeter,11c FOR RENT — 7-room modern house, partly furnished, close to Exeter, suitable for 2 fam­ ilies. Apply Box B, Times- Advocate.Gtf * WANTED once, price, sever > — Curling stones, at State condition and Write Carlof, 537 Bes- Street, Ottawa, Ont. 29:6.13:20c WANTED TO RENT—R.C.A.F. Officer and family require un­ furnished house immediately. Apply Box K Times-Advocate. 13* One day., a famous New York lawyer was walking dowrn the street he meta friend to whom he had recently given some very simple counsel and to whom he had sent his usual not-so-modest bill. “Nice day, isn’t it?” said the friend, and then hastily , “but I’m not asking you—I'm telling you!’ But with us we’re not telling you, we’re asking you. If the brakes on your auto are not good enough for emergency use, you should by all means have us check them over immediately. It’s safer for you, your family, and the other fellow on the road. rtli AIR FOR SALE—Gladiolus bulbs in mixed colors; medium size bulbs at $2.00 per 100; a few large bulbs aft $3.50 sales tax included, charges extra. We supply a few named Prices on request. These bulbs, are not discards, but are prime, young, high crowned, disease free, unflowered stock which should produce fine ex­ hibition blooms. Phone Clin­ ton 618rl2. Tyndall Gladiolus Gardens, Brucefield, Ont. 13:20c per 100, delivery can also varieties. COME AND BUY AND SAVE MONEY—I have many ar­ ticles in my display room which you need. Paint brushes 25 cents up; 3 men’s bicycles, good shape, $23 and up; 1 set of Gainsborough lamps re­ duced in price to $25.00; 1 air rifle, $1.50; shoe laces, 2 paii’ ,5 cents; the new improv­ ed FLEX-I-LITE flashlight, $2.75, it’s a bargain; lawn rakes, 35 cents; comic books and all novels, 5 cents each; clothes other Huron The 13* Gen­ radio, Will Trade Books; pegs, 3 doz. ,25 cents; items. A. H. DAYNES. Street, West, Exeter, house with the signs. FOR SALE—Table model er al Electric electric new. Phone 379W Exeter. »13c BABY CHICKS Neuhauser Cockerels Light hybrid cockerels available Thursdays and Fridays. Make great broilers and fryers. $4.00 per hundred. Neuhauser Hatcheries 81 King St., London STARTED CHICKS. All breeds in our brooders now. This week we can offer you some exceptionally fine started chicks. Some two weeks old. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London. 13c South End Service RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 Distinctive FOR SALE—Hand washer, coil oil stove, battery radio. Apply at Times-Advocate. 13* FOR SALE—Barn with good rafters and siding. Mrs. Valer­ ia Armstrong, Andrew Street, Exeter. Phone 125. 13 FOR SALE—John Deere 2-fur- row tractor plow. Phone 4rS Kirkton. 13* NEW “MESCO” electric oven and extras. Ideal for summer cottage or apartment. Box SI Exeter or phone 233. 13:20* FOR SALE—Cedar chest, beau­ tiful walnut finish, good as new; original cost, $60.00. Phone 221M. 13* PIGS FOR SALE—40 to 50 choice Stocker pigs. Apply to Charles S. Bedard, Zurich, phone 98rl5. 13* FOR SALE—6,00 0 used brick. Apply to Andrew Mathers, Phone 29rl2 Crediton. 13* FOR SALE—Good kitchen table in Exeter North. Wesley Hackney. 13:20* FOR SALE'—3 piece field suite, wine green chair, like 219M. Chester- velour, one new. Phone 13c SALE—Two rol£ brick NEW CABIN FOR rooms, insulated, siding. Apply to Earl Parsons, Exeter. 13* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- ated, boards, J. Willis, Exeter. -New house, insul- hardwood floors, cup­ modern conveniences. 2 5 tic PULLET BARGAINS while they last: 5 week old New Hamp- shires, White Rocks, Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks 50.95. Black Minorca X White .Leghorns 54.95. Assorted Heavies 1.00 • pex’ hundred less. Also six week old pullets, 2, 3, 4 week old pullets, non-sexed and cockerels in many pure breeds and cross breeds. Day old cockerel bargains: White Leg­ horns, Black Minorca X White Leghorn 1.00. White ^Leghorn X Barred Rocks 2.50 pex* hundred. Also heavy breed prices, price Hatcheries Ontario. 52.95. cockerels at bargain Send for complete list. Tweddle Chick Limited, Fergus, 13c FOR SALE—150 acres igopd sandy loam, gfio,d < buildings, hydro, good water supply, 2 acres peach orchard, on coun­ ty road, B mile from pave­ ment, between Grand Bend and Exeter, with or without implements and stock. Immed­ iate possession. Apply to Lloyd Lippert R.R. 3, Dash-a wood. 29:6:13* FOR SACE’-^—A number building lots situated ground, reasonably Ralph Batten, Exeter. of good on high priced. 13c 9 HELP WANTED WANTED—Assistant for “Snack Shop” kitchen, June to Labor Day. AV. Eric McIlroy, Lake­ view Casino, Grand Bend. c Portraiture Jack Doerr PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 343 FOR SALE—^Kitchen cabinet in good condition. Apply to A. D. MacEwen, Hensail. 13:20cWedding PAULETTE GODDARD, star of Cecil B. DeMille’s epic, “Uncon­ quered”, now showing at Lea­ vitt’s Theatre. , 0 . . CENTRALIA BRICK house with conveniences, extra lots and barn. W. C, Pearce. FOR SALE—Small acreage, good house with conveniences barn, henhouse. Early pos- ession. W. C. Pearce. FARM FOR SALE—Hay Twp., 100 acres, barn with good stabling, strawshed, reason­ ably good house. W. C. Pearce. CREDITON HOME —'Comfortable house, hydro, been completely and is furnished. Reasonably priced. Immediate C. V. Pickard, Realtor Main St. Exeter. FOR SALE IB storey first floor has redecorated possession. HOUSE FOR SALE—Well locat­ ed in Exeter, IB storey brick. All modern conveniences. Nice lot. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. Exeter. Reliable Used Cars LOTS FOR SALE—Desirable building lots for sale. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. SUMMER WAITRESSES WANT­ ED—Girls of neat appearance fox’ “Snack Shop”, Grand Bend. Season, till wages; nice living overlooking lake; very onable working hours; supervised; charactei’ ences required. Apply in own handwriting to W. Eric Mc­ Ilroy, Lakeview Casino. Grand Bend. c Shop”, May or June Labor Day night. Good quarters reas- girls refer- WANTED—Application for the position of caretakei* of the Court House, Goderich, will be received until 12 o’clock noon, Friday, May 21st. Ap­ plicant to state age and qua­ lifications. Salary $1,500 year. Please apply to the dersigxied. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario per un­ FEMALE HELP WANTED—Re­ liable girl for companion and care of child fox’ summer months. Room, board and sal­ ary. Mrs. H. Osborne, Box 81 Grand Bend. 13*- GIRL WANTED—Part time or full time fox’ housework. Ap­ ply 13 ox B, Times-Advocate. 13c Our 37 years in the automobile business is your as­ surance of getting good car value for your money. We now have the following cars for sale: 1947 Mercury Tudor, I M<, with built-in Radio, Gabardine slip covers, Heater, and under coating. New cai’ condition in every 1’espect. 1946 Hudson Super Six Sedan, Radio, air condi­ tioned, % leather trim, new car condition. 1941 Hudson Coach Six, with heater. 1937 Terraplane Coach, reconditioned, a good car. 1939 Ford Deluxe Coach, reconditioned, a smart car. AH These Cars Are in Excellent Condition and Our Prices Are Right! CASH TRADE TERMS ✓ COOK BROS. PHONE 54 HENSALL, ONT# Conference —Continued From Page One Leaders which, is being held at Alma College, Aug 30 to Sept. 3, 19 48. Wednesday, Sept. 1st will be Baby Band Day with special programs foi’ Baby Band Leaders. The. 19 4 8 staff includes Dean. Mrs. Herbert Childs, Lon­ don; Hostess, Mrs. L. C. White Talbotville; Registrar. Mrs. E. J. Roulston. 137 Wellington St, St. Thomas. The registration is limited to 150 women and reg­ istration fee and board is $9.00. The staff will include Dr. S. Queen's Theological College; Dr. Winni- fred Thomas, General Secretary Dominion Board, Mrs Harris, formei’ Circle secretarv Dominion Board; Mrs. J. A. Murray, president of Children's Work Board, Toronto and Mrs. John Mills, Baby Band secretary Dominion Board. Rev, H. J. Snell, pastor of James Street United Church, Exeter, presided at the evening meeting. Mrs. Mary Neil, Miss Irene Sweet and Miss Ardys Me- Falls, of the Mission Circle, conducted the devotional period. NOTICE The Centralia Farmers Co-Op. Co. Ltd., requests that all accounts owing this company will be settled by June 1st as this place of business will be sold. 13:20:27c MAN WANTED — For night work or one interested in learning the hakery trade; also pastry man. Mayfair Ba­ kery, Exeter. 13 c WANTED—Cook general, to live in. Apply Central Hotel. Ex­ eter. 13c McLean Gilmour, of WARNING Owners of dogs take notice that according to By-Law, during the months of May, June, July and August in each year, no dog shall be allowed to run at large within the limits of the Corpor­ ation. It is tile intention of the Municipal Council to have this By-Law enforced. Penalty under the By-Law may he $50.00. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk J. Russell NOTICE RE CORN BORER All corn, growers of South Huron are notified to have all corn stalks or refuse destroyed before June 1, 1948, All garden plots and corn along toms or headlands cleaned up they grounds motli. inspection Huron, are for I will of fence bot- must be and destroyed as prolific breeding the Corn Borer make a thorough the whole of South G:13* Elmer Corn Borer Pickering, Inspectoi*. the limits of (A) Fox* the paragraph a deemed to be When found on a Highway ,or Private property or Public place, and not under the con­ trol of any person. Every dog found running at large contrary to,paragraph 4 hereof may be impounded and unless redeemed within 4 8 hours thereafter may be des­ troyed. The ownei* thereof whether the dog be impound­ ed or not shall incui' a pen­ alty not exceeding $50.00 en- clusive of costs to be recover­ ed under the Summary Con­ victions Act. All By-Laws oi' parts of Laws previously passed hereby rescinded. This By-Law No. 13-1948 en first, second, third Final reading and Finally passed in open Council this 3rd day of May 1948. James A, Paterson, Clerk A. W. Kerslake, Reeve I hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of By-Law No. 13,1948. 13c James A. Paterson, Clerk 5. 6. i 7. By- are giv- and WANTED—Old brick house for wrecking and reclaiming brick. R. Sears. Phone London Metcalf 59 4j (reverse charge) Write W. A. Wright, 577 Dundas St., London. 13:20* WANTED—10 head of cattle for season’s grass. Apply W. C. F. Oestricher, Phone 12j Crediton. c NOTICE TO CREDITORS WANTED—3 room furnished apartment in Exeter. Apply at Times-Advocate. 13* WANTED—4 or 5 head young cattle to grass. Apply to Reg. Hodgson, Centralia, phone Crediton 18r3. 13* WANTED THREE OR FOUR ROOM APARTMENT WITH ALL CONVENIENCES IN EXETER Furnished or Unfurnished Apply Box 188, EXETER, ONT. FOUND FOUND—A valuable oil con­ tainer. Owner can have same by proving property. Gordon O’Rourke, R.R. 3, Dashwood. * HENSALL BY-LAW before the each year the Clerk I HELP WANTED — For pastry ( and ice cream store; also woman to manage pastry store at Grand Bend starting Juiie 1 or 15. Some experience preferred', good charactei’ ref­ erences required. Best wages paid. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. 13c TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 8 p.m. May 25, 1948, for the sale of bridge 12’x30’ steel truss frame and nearly new plank floor of 3° oak, situated on sideroad 15' con. 13, one-half mile east No. 3 school. Removal to made at such time as contractor wishes to begin construction Oh new bridge or approximately June 15, 1948. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W, J. ROUTLY, Twp, Road Superintendent R.R. 3, Exeter, Ont. 13:20 16, of be By-Law No. 13, 1948 Providing fox' the procuring of Dog Tags, the price of same, and regulating the running at large of all Dogs. The Council of the Corpora­ tion of the Village of Hensall enacts and it is hereby enacted that a By-Law be passed regu­ lating the procuring of dog tags, the price of the same and prohibiting the running at large of all dogs during the months of April, May, June, July, August, September and October. This By-Law No. 13, 1948, passed under the pi’ovisions of the Dog Tax and Live Stock protection Act R S O 1937 and all amending acts. In this By-Law . . . a. Dog shall mean any dog, male or female. b. Owner of dog shall include any person who possesses or harbors a Mog. 1. Every person on or 1st day of May iix shall procure from ox* Assessox1 oi’ other person appointed, a tag for each dog owned by him and shall keep the tag securely fixed oix the dog at all times during the year and until he possesses a tag for the 2. The fees to tags are as lars for the dollars for eacli“additional dog, and four dollars for the first bitch and six dollars for each additional bitch owned, harbored or possessed by him. The fee fox- the tag shall be twenty-five cents unless the owner shall at the time of ap­ plication foi* such tag pay the Dog tax in respect of the dog for which the tag is issued. All Dog taxes unless paid at the time of issue of the tag shall be entered on the Col­ lector’s roll and collected ac­ cording to the Statutes in behalf, Every owner of a dog xieglects to obtain a tag keep it securely fixed on dog or who uses a tag upon a dog other than for which it was issued shall to a penalty not Ten Dollars During the May, June, September each year no dog shall be al­ lowed t© run at largo within following year, be paid for such follows: Two dob first dog and four that 3 4 $10.00, months July, and October who and his be liable exceeding of Abril, August, in In tlie Estate of Hairy E. Rader. ALL CLAIMS of Harry Township County of Huron, ceased, who died on the 1st of December, 1947, are hereby notified to send in full particu­ lars of their claims to the un­ dersigned on oi’ before the 1st day of June, 194 8, after which date the assets will be distribut­ ed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 5th. day of May, 1948. McConnell & hays, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administra­ trix. 13:20:27c PERSONS HAVING AGAINST the Estate E. Rader, late of of Stephen, in , Farmer, AUCTION SALES the the de­ day AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS In Zurich On the premises occupied by Mr. Milton Dietz, in the northerly part of the Village, SATURDAY, MAY 15, at 1.30 p.m., D.S.T. Glass cupboard; kitchen sink; kitchen chairs; chairs; wash tables: rocker; battery 3-piece felt springs and new; 2 dressers; tables; side board; wooden bed, springs, mattress, 2 single wood­ en beds; new linoleum 8x10 ft.; ironing board; sausage grinder; lard press; galvanized tub; small churn; settee with chair to match; 2 odd chairs; cutlery; quilts; blankets; dishes; cook­ ing utensils; glasses; ,etc.; crose ; shovels; combination and writing dining room tools; on 1948 cabinet,, 4,-leaf extension table; 6 6 dining room dining room heater; stands; 2 oak oak rocker; studio couch; A-l condition; suite; spring mattress, like 2 small centre radio in bedroom 2 centre^ leather Marconi I cut saw; book case solid oak various garden tired buggy; Clare Jewel en range, just like new and’ numerous other .articles. TERMS—CASH JACOB ORTWEIN, Prop. R. F. STADE, Clerk. ALVIN WARPER, Auct. desk; table; rubber kitch- AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND PROPERTY in Village of Hensail (3 streets north of Post on Mill Street) SATURDAY, MAY 22nd, at 2 o’clock D.S.T. 2 storey frame, shingled rooms and bedroom, Office 1918 house closet upstairs, dining room, 4 pantry, , ____w kitchen downstairs, lean "at back with well inside, full length cel­ lar. Household Effects—-7 dining room chairs and cook stove. TERMS—House sold subject to reserve bid. 10% day of sale balance in 30 days. MISS EDITH FORREST, Prop. WARD FORREST, Clerk ED CORBETT, Auctioneer Fertilizer for all kinds of crops now in stock at my warehouse at the- farm. 0-14-7 2-12-6 4-12-6 2-12-10 24-Hour Service Phone Dashwood 36r2