HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-05-13, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 13th, 1948 Look! Just the shoe for evening for those tired aching feet; ® Men’s “Leather Scampers with the new panolene soles. Sizes 0 to 11, at the money saving cost of $2.10 pr. ® Also Boys’ Scampers, 1 to S, with the panolene soles priced at $1,80 pr. (Panolene is the new sol­ ing that stands hard wear) • See the brand new Gillie Tie Oxford, very smart and at­ tractive. • Men’s and boys’ Work Shoes, priced to suit any pocket. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Attended To Wuerth’s SHOE STORE WOODHAM Messrs. Oscar Brine, Victor Chatten and Robt. Carrol spent last Wednesday at Watford at­ tending the sale of Mr. William Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Atkin­ son and George of Saintshury, Mr. Earl Carroll, of Exeter, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll. Miss Evelyn Bullock is visit­ ing at her home at Greenway. Mrs. W. Wynne spent the week-end with her daughter, Miss Carrie Wynne, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Selves, of Chiselhurst, visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Jaques. Mrs. Verda Gunning and Ross of Granton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller. Miss Audrey Rodd spent Sun­ day with Miss Rhoda Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens, of St. Marys, spent the week­ end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hawkins, of Science Hill, visited on Sun­ day with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll. and Mrs. Clifford Scott Want Aas serve you well when you want to buy or sell. s amazing what a feeling of coinfidenee and, security an Exeter Motor Sales battery check-up will give a man! Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 200 Tom Coates Fred Dobbs ELIMVILX.E Mother’s Day visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin* Pym and' family, of Thedford, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym and family with Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ uel Pym. Messrs. Stephen, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ford and Carman Herdman, pl' Ingersoll, Mr. Clayton Herdman, of Toronto. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wnl. Bradshaw and David, of Sea­ forth, Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman and Helen with Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and family, of Exeter, with Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis, of Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ son Coultis. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Margi- son and Bobby, of London, and^ Mrs. Ed Johns, of Exeter, witlv Mr. j Mr. and Mrs. Reg and family, of Exeter, with and Mrs. Everett Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern family, of Zion, with Mr. Mrs. Wes Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brock Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Brock Mrs. Eli Brown, of Crediton, with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Elford. Mr. Misses Johns, Pybas. Murray and Laurie of London, with Mr Charles Stephen. Hilson White- and Mrs. Delmer Skinner, . McDonald Mr, and and and Mabel Brock, of London, Harry Strang Speaks To J unior Farmers Strang, chairman Improvement As- the guest speaker meeting of the • Junior Farmers. Mr. Hurry of the Crop sociation, was at the Muy South Huron ............ He spoke of the importance of using good seed for our crops, ana also spoke on the "Cost of Production" for canning crops. Mr, LvRoy Brown spoke about the judging competition to be held on the 12tli of June, in conjunction with the Junior In­ stitute's Achievement Day. Mr. Brown introduced Mr. Clarence Rennie, the assistant representa­ tive. replacing Mr, Gerry Nel­ son, who was moved to Elgin County. There were also some arrangements made to hold a coaching class at Mr. E. tieth’s farm previous to junior judging day, Reg. gert and Bob Simpson nominated to organize a team for the sport’s program to be held the same day. and Mrs. Wm. Johns Ethelene and Eilene and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe, of Anderson. Mother’s Day ServiceA special ’ service was held in ElimviEe United Church on Sun- . day. May Sth for Mother’s Day. jtThe pulpit was beautifully dec- I orated with flowers and potted | plants. The program was follow- 3 ed with Mother’s Day leaflets with Mr. Kenneth Johns, day School Superintendent tak­ ing the service. Rev. Wm. Mair gave the address and conducted the Baptism service. The choir rendered a lovely anthem "This is My Mother’s World”. There were six girls and one boy be­ ing baptized, those were, Fred­ erick Minor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Brock; Sandra Lee daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters; Margaret Ann, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance; Marion Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns; Janet Elizabeth, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Franklin Skinner; Marilyn Joanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns; Dorothy Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dickey. Sun- parents, Mr. Parkinson. Mrs. Wesley with Mr. and and Shier Mrs. BRINSLEY St. Marys Anglican Church, Brinsley, will celebrate their 38th anniversary of the opening of the church on Sunday next, May 16th. The Rector, Rev. H. Parker, of Ailsa Craig, will be the speaker at 11 a.m. and Rev. Latimer, M.A., Rector of Cronyn Memorial Church, London, will be the guest speaker at 7.30 p.m. Special music by tlie choir, Mother’s Day Service Mother’s Day service was held in Brinsley United Church on Sunday last. Mrs. Janies Treve-, thick took the leading part as "Mother.” The choir consisted' of the Sunday School with Douglas Lewis at the piano. Joyce Schenk gave the Scripture reading and a second reading was given by Mrs. Thos. Lee. The story “The Broken Tubes” was given by Betty Sholdice. " The "Dramatization” was given by Gertrude Amos assisted by Jean Dixon, Betty Sholdice, Grace Trevethick, Helen Lewis and Marlon Allison, Rev. Hann gave a short address on ‘Mother’ The Communion table was adorned with flowers which were distributed to the shut-ins. Communion service will be held in Brinsley United Church on Sunday next, May 16th. Mr. and .Mrs. John Turner, of Arkona, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tweddle and family, of McGillivray, spent Sunday ing with Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J, spent Sunday with Mr. and Earl Neil, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sholdice of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Treve­ thick and family, of St. Thomas Mr. Gordon Hodgson and Mr. Leslie Gaeke, of Montreal, spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick. -Mr. Vic Manquie, of Buffalo, spent the week-end at the .home of Mr. Wm. Morley. Mr. Ray days with Hodgson. Mr. and and children spent Friday with Mr. and Mfrs. Jim Cunningham, of Clandeboye. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Howard Hodgson were married recently. Mr. Wes Watson, Mr. Mrs. Lin Craven attended funeral of her aunt, the Mrs. Wm. Delency, of London, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rod­ gers and children, of West Mc­ Gillivray, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Faulder. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Maguire and family, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Levi White. Those who attended the Graduation Class of Nurses of St. Joseph’s Hospital held at the Beal Technical School, London, on Monday night were Mr. ,J. L. Amos and Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Amos and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Amos. W.M.S. and W.A. Meeting Mrs. Earl Dixon entertained the W.M.S. and W.A. of Brins­ ley United Church on Wednes­ day afternoon last. Mrs. Jack Hodgson, convenor of Group 3, led the meeting. Scripture by Mrs. Thos. Lee, a reading by Mrs. Earl Dixon was followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. The minutes and roll call were read. An instrumental was giv­ en by Mrs. Fred Fenton and the Study Book by Mrs. Wes Wat­ son. Business was discussed by the president, Mrs. Martin Wat­ son. Articles for the Bale of Canadian' Church Relief are to be in not later than A report on the meeting at Seaforth by Mrs. Clover Trevethick, 1st W.A., took the utes and roll Business was .discussed and col lection taken for Flower Fund A contest was conducted b: Mrs. Jack Hodgson and won F Mrs. Jack Trevethick. A vote of thanks was extended by the ladies to Mrs. Dixon for the use of her home. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. A dainty lunch was served by Group ,3. Turner spent a few Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Marwood Prest Poults have to be coddled for the first few weeks and given the best of care. You have to tempt them with the 'right feed ... or they’ll starve to death in the midst of plenty. SHUR-GAIN 24% POULT STARTER 1. Gives poults a feed they enjoy eating and eat more of it. ?. Grows poults faster for it contains a high percen­ tage of the BEST QUALITY PROTEIN available. 3. Guards their health because it contains the OPTI­ MUM amount of all VITAMINS and MINERALS —as specified bv the National Research Council of the U.S.A. 4. Is FRESH feed—manufactured as you need it. Raise your poults this year on SHUR-GAIN Feeds —and see them grow fast into big, healthy birds with a minimum of mortality, IT COSTS LESS TO FEED SHUR-GAIN! New Bags SHUR-GAIN 24% Poult Starter $4.90 SHUR-GAIN 20% Turkey Grower $4.10 BUY THE BEST FOR LESS AT YOUR SHUR-GAIN MILL Bulk $3.80 Exeter, Ont 7 held a birthday party in honour of their daughter Jean’s birth­ day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Ronnie o,f Shipka, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levy .and Rachel, of Transvaal, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rundle and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott and Audrey. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lambert, of Melbourne, visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Jaques and family Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, of London spent the week-end with the latter’s Mrs. Frank Mr. and are visiting Fred Foster, of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hern and family, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern. Mrs. McGaw, of visiting with Mrs. two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Courtney, of Toronto, Mr. bur Wynne, Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. Chatten and family and Betty Mills spent Sunday Mrs. Chatten, Sr. Young People’s Meeting The regular meeting of the Young People’s Union was held on Sunday evening with the Citizenship committee, Marian Mills and Helen Webber, in charge. The meeting opened with the Theme Song. The Call to Worship was given by Mar­ ian Mills. Hymn 63 was follow­ ed by the Lord’s Prayer in uni­ son. Scripture lesson was read by John Rodd, Roll call and minutes were read and adopted. The following program was giv­ en' Poem, "The Other Choice” by Bessie MeCurdy; hymn 174; poem "The Lamb of God” by Jean Copeland; story "Stopped in his Tracks” by Florence Kirk; vocal duet by Merle Haz- lewood and Verla Wheeler; poem "The Way” by Annie Spence; and hymn 438. The meeting closed with the Young People’s Benediction. Marian Mills led in Bible Baseball. Mothers’ Day Program A combined service of Sunday school and church was held on Sunday, being the annual Mo­ thers’ Day service. The follow­ ing took part in the service: L Thacker conducted the service Reading ,by Jean Copeland; Flo­ rence Kirk and Leonard Thack­ er read the Scripture vocal duet by Merle and Verla Wheeler, rendered a number. George Levy. Rev. conducted the rites when Sharon Agnes-, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson was baptized, Rev< also gave a short address beautiful hydrangea plant was presented to Mrs, James Mills, the oldest mother In the com- munity. Toronto, is Chatten for Argue,Mrs. Wil- John Vic Miss with lesson; Hazlewood The choir Poem by Mr*. Laing of baptism Mr. Laing A May 26 th, Presbytery was given Mrs, Jack of the The min Lewis, vice-pres, chair call were read Studio Couches - All Colours and who Mon­ th e Hod- were ball West even- Geo. We have a fair range of sizes and maturities on hand at present but will not be able to replace when sold out. Also several standard varieties of Open-Pollenated Corn. Mr Joint Meeting At the joint meeting with the Junior Institute the club was privileged t0 hear Rev. William Mair, who spoke on "The Cov­ ered Wagon”, Christine Dobson, delegate to the annual meeting of the Provincial Junior Farm­ ers held at Guelph on the 25th, 26 th, and 27 th of April, gave an interesting report of the meeting. The meeting adjourned and lunch was served bringing to a close a very successful meeting. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE OPENING A f £ If I y * ORDER NOW! HERE! Bray Chicks have done well for others — why not for you? 100% live delivery guaranteed. Just let me know what you want. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 246, Exeter Eric Carscadden, Manager GRAND BEND THREE DOORS EAST OF LAKEVIEW CASINO On or about June 1st for the convenience of our many customers holiday­ ing at the resort during the Summer months. The same high quality of pastries, breads and steak pies will be maintained at the Bend that our customers receive in Exeter and district. SEED CORN IS SCARCE THIS YEAR! Sorghum and Sudan Grass Now in Stock Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. P.O. Box “H” Phone 207 ONTARIO We Have Some (Stock-Reducing Specials for Balance of May that will SAVE You DOLLARS! It will Pay to Investigate! By the Yard and in Rug Sides By the Yard Axminster Rugs % and Scatter Mats Odd Pieces and Samples Sofa Beds in Velour Covering Chrome Chairs and Tables Simmons and Marshall Mattresses — Krcehler Chesterfields — Sunshine Products VENETIAN BLINDS Made to Measure We Deliver € * * >• f. * V ( A < $ 7 9 t I < * ( I