HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-04-29, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29th, 1948 TO BE POPULAR insist on serving Maxwell House coffee. It’s packed 2 ways. In Super-Vacuum Tin (Drip or Regular Grind) or Glassine-lined Bag (AHPurpose Grind). f.A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Tjmes-Advocate SORE FEET THIS WAY Bob in Minard’s Liniment generously, feel the relief steal over the aching ©macles and joints. For all muscle ana joint pains, aches and stiffness, sprained ankles, twisted limbs—Minard’s has Wen famous for over 60 years. Good for dandruff and ekin disorders, to<M Gst a bottle today: keep it handy. Main St. W.M.S. Airs. Percy Alerkley was host­ ess for the April meeting of the “Never Further than Cross” was the opening the Lord’s Emalie Carter, conducted the Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (north of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon W.AI.S. the Cross” was hymn followed by Prayer. Airs, the president, business. A poem was read by Mrs. R. Balkwill. “There, is a Green Hill far Away” was sung. Airs. Percy Alerkley offered prayer. Airs. Glen AIcKnight read the scripture passage. Airs. Shorey read appropriate articles in connection with our program. Mrs. Penrose was in charge the Worship period assisted All’s, theme vealed ing”. sung and the nounced. served by the hostess. the was of meeting Mission Sunday Thames Road Mission Circle The regular monthly the Thames Road Circle was held in the the church on with the Elford, in meeting 255 followed Dorothy G. Reeder, prop. Tel. 71 Exeter for The very newest kind of Permanent Wave: THE RADIO AV AVE No Heat — No Weight Alake your appointment now the Radio Wave of the moment. Come and let our experienced operators tell you about this new wave Tel: 112 Exeter Vera C. Fraser, prop. Exeter and District’s Most Alodeni Shoppe i to Miss Evelyn Paris, completed and has these last take this all those “Shirley’s Beauty Shoppe’’ for the past year and wish for Miss Par­ is your continued patronage. Miss Shirley Brock, Prop. — NOTICE — Having disposed of my business “ who has her course in Toronto been working there few months, I wish to opportunity to thank who have patronized Ethel’s Beauty Salon Open Monday to Saturday Alake your appointment now for a Cold Wave, Alachine, or Alachineless Permanent Phone 45rl2 Dashwood Prop.: Ethel Jennison GRAND BEND DOUBLE the deficiency must be paid by addressee if postage is Underpaid. Don’t take chances. One sheet of average, lightweight Air Mail paper, Sind one light­ weight Air Mail envelope, weigh i/t ounce or less. The Air Mail rate is 15$ per *4 dunce to Great Britain, Eire and Europe. Ask at your local Post Office for rates elsewhere .«. have letters weighed when in doubt. Issued by authority of Hon. Ernest Bertrand, K.C., M.P., Postmaster General , 707 Andrew Campbell, being “God's Love through Christian The closing hymn benediction Refreshments of by the Re- Liv-* was pro- were Clandeboye Institute Elects Officers The annual meeting and elec­ tion of officers of the Clande­ boye Women’s Institute was held at the home of Airs. John Parks. Airs. Karl O’Neil presid­ ed. The scripture lesson was read by Air. Arnold Blake. A donation of 52.00 is to be sent to the Canadian Institute of the Blind. The secretary-treasurer’s report was given by Airs. James Cunningham. Airs. Frank Hardy gave the port. Election charge of with the president, vice-president, Scott; Hattie Hodgins; urer, Airs. Rupert Williams; sistant, Mrs. Arnold Blake; trict director, Mrs. Frank Hardy directors, Mrs. Cecil Carter, Airs. Ray Hodgins, Airs. Wilfred Dixon; Conveners: Citizenship, H. Tilbury; Historical Re,search, Mrs. Ray Neil, Home Economics, Airs. A. Carter; Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Airs. Ed. Flynn; Social Welfare, Airs. David Henry; Langford; Hardy; Simpson drie. Airs, the motto were reviewed by Airs. H. Hod­ gins. district directors re­ was in Hardy results *. O’Neil- Wilmer 2nd vice-president, Aliss secretary-treas- as- dis- of officers Mrs. Frank following Mrs. Karl Mrs. Airs. Welfare, pianist, Mrs. H. assistant, Airs. C. auditors, Mrs. Maurice and Mrs. Aimer Hen- Rupert Williams read and current events Elimville W.M.S., W.A. Hold Meeting The Elimville W.M.S. at W.A. held their April meeting at the home of Airs. Alvin Pym on Wednesday afternoon, April 21 with thirty-five present. Airs. Don Penhale and Airs. AV. Bat­ ten were jn charge, the former presiding. The meeting opened with a hymn and scripture read­ ings by Airs. Gordon Prance, Airs. J. Coward, Airs. N. Clarke and Airs. AV. Batten followed by prayer by Mrs. Don Penhale and the Lord’s prayei’ in unison. Airs. Horace Delbridge reading and Airs. Ross and Miss .Leona duet. A reading by Airs. H. Ford was followed by a piano instru­ mental by Mrs. F. Horne. Mrs. A. Pym, president of the AV.M.S took charge of the business. The supply secretary reported that an overseas bale had been pack­ ed and sent valued at $85. It was decided to bring articles for layettes for overseas relief for next meeting. Airs. Alair explain­ ed sending .overseas parcels to Britain. A name of person send­ ing a parcel is given, to a London agency, who sends parcels at re­ duced rates to parties who have no other relatives or friends sending parcels to them. The secretaries and presidents of both societies were to prepare list of names for .donations. The flower committee were to look after planting flower bed at cemetery and the church com­ mittee were to have a plaque made church be pu tees- for the Old Boys Reun­ ion were read. A reunion of AVinchelsea School pupils and teachers is to be held in August. A letter from Mrs. Don Collier was read. Appreciation for help with societies was to be sent to her by the secretary. ,The May meeting is to be held at the home of Airs. H. Ford. Mrs. F. Horne is in charge assisted by the W.A. treasurer. The meet­ ing closed with hymn 385 and repeating hymn ..316 in unison. Pym gave a Skinner sang a ie name of the the pastor to outside. Cornmit- Accounts of weddings, church meetings and other news iteths t for the women’s page should reach the Times-Advocate by Monday if opssible or Tues­ day noon at the latest. School room of Saturday afternoon president, Annie charge. The meeting opened with hymn 255 followed by prayer by Annie Elford. Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Marion Hodgert. Roll call was answered by a -favourite popular song. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Busin­ ess was discussed. Agnes Bray and Anne Simpson were appoin­ ted delegates to the Presbyterial to be held in Seaforth April 27; Airs Alair. read a letter from Dr. Murray, of Korea, Japan, the Alissionary for prayer year. Some highlights work of the different Circles of the London enee were read from sent by the Mission Circle sec­ retary, Airs. E. Hocking. Dr. Alurray stated in her letter that paper and pencils were very scarce in Korea and a single sheet of paper costs 25 cents. The Circle made a motion to ob­ tain paper, pencils, pens and ink and send to Dr. Alurray for her school. Collection was taken. Hymn 4.9 0 was sung. Jean Cann gave a very interesting article on Temperance. Eleanor Hunkin took the topic from the Study book. Hymn 4 88 was sung and the meeting closed with all re­ peating the Alizpali Benediction. thisfor of the Mission ■Confer- a letter Elimville W» L The April meeting of Elimville Women’s Institute held at the home of Airs. Ken­ neth Johns on April 14 with Airs, Kenneth Johns presiding for the business of the meeting. The meeting opened with Institute Ode followed by Lord’s prayer. The roll call answered by “What I like about rural were read Wm. Johns committees for the year. District Executive in Hensail April 5 was given by Aliss Ruth Skinner. Plans were made for an Apple Blossom Tea in Alay. The meeting was turned over to Airs. Jackson Woods, the leadei* of Agriculture and Canadian Industry. Airs. Gilbert Johns gave Current Events on Home Economics. The motto “Let nothing valuable be lost or forgotten, love, friendship and kindness’’ was given by Mrs. Wm. Johns. Mrs, J. Woods gave a very good reading on Synthet­ ic Rubber. A reading was given by Airs. Clarence Hawkins Cheap Food” also one by Newton Clarke “Daughters bute to her Father.’’ The meeting will be held in evening of May 12 at the home of Airs. Jackson Woods, The roll call to be “My ancestors in their original home.” The meeting closed with the Nation Anthem. A dainty lunch was served the close. the the was best life." The minutes and adopted. Airs, the different were planned report of the meeting held read that A Kirktpn Institute Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of ton Women’s Institute was held at' the home of Airs, C. J. Swit­ zer with the president, Mrs. A. Biekell, presiding. Airs, E. Paton read the scripture, Roll call was answered by paying fees and ex­ changing roots and bulbs Five dollars was donated to the Perth Huron Unit, Canadian Cancer Society. The secretary-treasurer gave the year’s report and re­ ports of Convenors were presented. District Director’s the District Annual held on June 17th at Plans were made for course “Your Money’s Food” to be held next Monday and Tuesday at the home of Mrs. E. Patou. Airs. Wm. Hard­ ing presented a slate of officers for the following year which is as follows: Honorary president, Airs. Biekell; president, Airs. C. J. Switzer; 1st vice-pres., Airs. S. Shier; 2nd vice-pres,, Airs. T. Near; sec.-treas., Airs. N. Wat­ son; assistant, Airs. R. Alorrison, pianist, Mrs. C. Campbell; assis-* tant, Mrs. R. Humphrey; Dis­ trict Director, Airs. R. G, Rat­ cliffe; card secretary, Aliss L. Russell; directors, Mrs. E. Pat­ on, Airs. A. Rundle, Mrs. E. Robinson, Airs. Al. Dobson; aud­ itors, Airs. F. Roger and Airs. E. Humphrey; Standing Committee Convenors, Agriculture adian Industries, Mrs. ing; Citizenship, Mrs. Historical Research, Biekell; Home Economics, Airs-. T. Near, Social Welfare, Mrs. W. Alullen; Publicity, Airs. N. Wat- Kirk- Standing Committee The report stated would be' St. Pauls, the short Worth in Kirk A quiet but ; was solemnized 1 Road Manse on 24 when Alary daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kirk was united in marriage to Arnold Frederick Bruce, son o£ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, of Os­ borne. The ceremony was per­ formed by Rev. Mair. The bride looked lovely in a dove grey suit with navy blue accessories and a corsage of roses and sweet peas. Miss Gen­ eva Elliott, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid and wore a grey suit with black accessories and a corsage of roses and sweet peas. Air. Roy Kirk, brother of the bride was best man. The groom’s gift to the bride was a double String of pearls. pretty wedding at the Thames Saturday, April Ella Grace, For an education in BUY-olo- gy . . , Read the WANT-ADS I Shower for Bride-Ekct On Wednesday evening of last week a miscellaneous sliowey was held at the home of Mrs. Thos. .Smith1 in honor of Miss Mary Kirk, An address was read by Mrs. Art Frayne. A decorated wagon laden with gifts from about forty-five friends and neighbors was drawn in by Peter Frayne. After the gifts were open Mary, in a few well- chosen words thanked each and everyone for the lovely gifts. A bountiful lunch was served and enjoyed by all. Doan’s Kidney Fills Help Baek Ailments Backache may be caused by dis­ orders of the kidneys. Consequently, if you suffer from backache, Doan’s Kidney Pills may be helpful to you. Because of their stimulating action on the kidneys and urinary passages, Doan’s Kidney Pills assist in the elimination of wastes from the body. Safe, dependable and quick-acting, Doan’s Kidney Pills can be used by both young and old. Backache as well as minor urinary and blad­ der ailments may be quickly relieved by this time-proven treatment. Sold at all drug stores, The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. in “No Mrs. Tri­ next the Thousands of readers are easy answering distance of your want-ad and Can- W. I-Iard- F. Roger, Mrs. A. at 3/10c DATES 2 lb. .. SULTANA RAISINS 2 lb. 10 Percent Discount on ALL PAINT Bought During This Sale Our Stock is Fresh Prices in Effect April 29 Until May 8 Inclusive You Can't Afford to Pass up these Bargains! SPIC & SPAN 2 pkgs.............. BON AMI 2 tins ............ SUPER SUDS Large ........... TIDE Large ............................. RINSO, CHIPSO, LUX Small pkg’s................. 2/25c MAPLE LEAF Soap Flakes Family size ................ 81c BROOMS Velvet ........ Capitol .................... $1.39 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 tins ........................... 2 LONDON SPECIAL and ENGLISH LAUNDRY Soap 3 bars J A VEX 16 oz. bottle 32 oz. bottle SUNNY SOL and MAGIC WHITE BLEACH Bottle VEL Large and small pkg., DREFT Pkg. Try Us for Men’s and Boys’ Work Overalls, Caps, Smocks, Shirts, Pants, and Socks CORNFLAKES (Kellogg’s) 8 oz. box ................. 2/27c 12 oz. box SHREDDED WHEAT 3 pkgs................... RICE KRISPIES 2 pkgs................... CORN TOASTIES 2 pk PLANTER’S PEANUT BUTTER Dge. Med. Sml. bottle bottle bottle jaai 4 lb. pail .............. 24 oz. jars .............. LARD (all brands) Lb................................ DOMESTIC SHORTENING Lb..................... GRAPEFRUIT 112’s PEARS 20 oz. tin PEACHES 20 oz. tin TOMATOES 28 oz. tin , CARROTS DICED 2 tins BEETS PEAS Standard ......... Choice, Aylmer Honey Pod, Stokely’s- .. 21c CORN, SUCCUTASH, AILXED VEGETABLES, SPINACH 2/27e 2/35c PUMPKIN and SQUASH Aylmer, 28 oz. tin 2/27c VEGETABLE SOUP Clarke’s, 3 tins ....., HEINZ Bottle CATSUP HEINZ Tin ..... PORK & BEANS TOMATO JUICE 28 oz. tin .......... GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 28 oz. tin .................... ORANGE JUICE 20 oz. tin .......... SWEET PICKLES 16 oz. jar ............ 2/25c . 29c We Deliver Baby Supplies AYLMER BABY FOOD 3 tins ............................ 23c HEINZ’S and LIBBY’S BABY FOOD Tin ...................................8c 10% Discount on Baby Food and Canned Milk by the Case Beverages SALAD A TEA (Jib. pkgs.) Yellow label Brown label Orange label Maxwell House Coffee PABLUAI Box ......45c JOHNSON’S Baby Powder, Lotion, Oil and Cream ZBT BABY POWDER BABY BOTTLES Pyrex and Even Flo J lb. pkg 59c NEILSON’S COCOA Lb. tins .................... GINGER ALE 2 large bottles ....... BUY A CASE! IODIZED SALT Box ....................8c CORN SYRUP (all brands) 10 lb. pail ................. $1.29 5 lb. pail 2 lb. tin .. VELVEETxl CHEESE Pkg.................................. CHATEAU CHEESE' Pkg................................. laiPPER SNACKS 3 tins ........................... PURITY (FLOUR 24 lb............................. 7 lb................................. DRUAIMER FLOUR 24 lb............................. $1.10 7 lb....... . POTATOES A large stock of certified seed and table potatoes, bought before price rise. $1.25 LEMONS Doz. 300’ 2 pkgs 19c CURRENTS 2 lb.............................. SUNMAID RAISINS Seeded .... BUTTER 1st grade BANANAS Lb............... PUDDING POWDERS 0 pfcffs. CUSTOMERS • Keep Your Counter Check Bills During this Sale and for Every $5.00 Spent You Will Receive 35c Worth of Goods FREE or 25c in Cash