HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-04-29, Page 1Seventy-Fifth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29th, 1948 Single Copy 6 cents Awards Presented at High School Commencement The Exeter District High School students held their com­ mencement exercises in the Exe­ ter last one the cates, i awards students, interspersed with very attractive program. Dr. H. H. Cowen, chairman of the District School Board, acted as chairman for the following program: Songs by Junior girls; •orchestral selections conducted by Mr. Wilson; g by Miss Howell; Senior girls songs directed by Miss Siegner; choir; three selections by Glee Club; tumbling by Jr. •directed by Miss Siegner; eluding with a play “The Laid Plans” directed by ' Coutts. Intermediate Certificates Intermediate certificates class of fifty were presented by Mr. McAllister as follows: Lois Alexander, Dolores Allison, Paul Balkwill, Margaret Becker, Don­ ald Brintnell, Audrey Camp­ bell, Jim Cann, Joyce Chambers, Elaine Cooper, Marjorie Cud- more, Ruth Dawson, Virginia Deichert, Theresa Deitrich, Don­ ald Denomy, Christine Dobson, charme, Ferguson, August Kathleen land, Jim Love, Wilbert Luxton, Joanne McCurdy, Betty jMickle, Patricia Mitchell, .gan, Maxine Parsons Rader, Maida Marie Rivers, Dolores Schenk, May Schroeder, Collis Sewell, Helen Shapton, Wanda (Stephen, Minnie hashi, Dorothy Tetreau, Vincent, Morris Webb, Wein, Fred Wuerth. Graduation Diplomas Graduation Diplomas presented by Mr. E. Chambers ♦as follows: Donna Bowden, Elm­ er Campbell, Elaine Coates, Pat­ ricia Doyle, Leo Ducharme, Cath-' erine Elsie, Ina Harris, Edith er Campbell, Elaine Coates, Pat­ ricia Doyle, Leo Ducharme, Cath erine Elston, Ina Harris, Edith Hill, Lillian Hunter-Duvar, Janet Kestle, Ralph Krueger, Milton McCullagh, Grace Penhale, Mar­ jorie Sewell, Helen Tasko. Honour Graduation cate: Donald Bedard, Arena week of the high diplomas, prizes and ; were presented to the a Friday evening of which proved to be outstanding events of school year. Certifi- a play directed folk dances; ;; ribbon dance boys’ the girls co 11- Best Miss to a Donna Desjardine, Donald Du- Jill Elliott, Velma Dorothy Finkbeiner, Gregus, Ted Hannigan, Hess, Malcolm Kirk-' Anne Luther, Ian McAllister, Pearl McLeod, Eileen Miller, Grant Mor- , Margaret Richards, Ann Betty Rowcliffe, Taka- Valeria Arlis were Certifi- Pauline Haberer, Gerald Higenell, Ralph Krueger, Elaine Mitchell, Don­ ald Southcott. , Commercial Certificate: Bierling, Frances Cowan, Gaiser, Patricia Hay, Fahrner. Lions Club Awards Lions Club awards were pre­ sented by H. C. Rivers and G. C. Koch to Misses Marion Woods, IX; Velma Ferguson, X; Frances Taylor, XI; Marjorie Sewell, XII. The Student Council awards for contributions to school life were presented by Janet Kestle and Maurice O’Dwyer Southcott, George Rether, Campbell, Frances Taylor, Hay, Lillian Hunter-Duvar, aid Higenell. The Exeter District School Board awards were ented by Messrs A. W. Morgan and Chas. S. MacNaughton to the Charles Thomp- Picker- Thelma Anna , Barb- Don- tune Elsie Elaine to Don Elmer Pat Ger- High pres- following: Grade IX, Gowen (Shop), Shirley ' son (Hist., Geog.), Jim ing (Math., Sc.), 1 Waldron (Eng., Fr.), Turnbull (Home Econ.), ara Hayter (Music, Art). Grade X Fred Wuerth Theresa Dietrich (Eng., Lat.), Sc.), Geog.), Margaret Rader (Home Ec.), Floyd Stewart (Comm,). Grade (Eng., (Math., Sc.), Anita Datars (Fr. Lat.). Grade XII: (Eng., Hist.), Math., Sc.), (Fr., Lat.). Commercial: Patricia Hay. The Staff and Student Coun­ cil awards for public speaking were presented by Miss Francis Taylor and E. D. Howey as fol­ lows: Velma Ferguson, Evelyn Desjardine, Murray Desjardine, Heimrich, William Arm- Grant McDonald, Anita Helen Sweet, Jean Mc- June Walters. (Shop) Dietrich (Eng., Fr., Dorothy Tetreau (Math., Minnie Takahashi (Hist., XI: Bonnie McFalls Hist.), Bill O’Brien Donna Milton ’ Elmer i Bowden McCullagh Campbell June Bierling, Ronald strong, Datars, Donald, Medals were presented to the winners at the inter-school field meet by Mr.’Laird Mickle to the following: Senior Girls, Lillian Hunter-Duvar, Janet Kestle, El­ eanor Hunkin; Intermediate Girls, Betty Gaiser; Senior Boys Murray May; Intermediate Boys William O’Brien. Salvation Army to Campaign The annual campaign for funds for the Salvation Army will commence Monday, May 3, under the direction of Lt. E, J. Ivauy, of Seaforth, The objec­ tive for Exeter and district is $1,600. Mr. Thos. Pryde, who has been in charge of this drive in past years has resigned and this year Mr. W. I-I. Hodgson will be in charge in Exeter. Elimville Choir Presents Play in James St. Members of the Elimville choir presented their 3-act farce “Grandpa’s Twin Sister” in James St. schoolroom TuesJ day evening sponsored by the Y.P.U. There was a good crowd’ and they were well entertained by the humorous play, ity singing and a solo Dougall mother acts. At the close of the Y.P.U. served lunch to cast, were: tankerous old man”, ly; “Maggie, his Wilma Walters; grandniece”, "Betty, his Mrs. Ross Skinner; grandnephew”, “Clara, Edgar’s Ruth .Skinner; ‘ young doctor”, “Henry Collins, yer”, Lome Ford; Williams, Mrs. son, Ronald Elford. Commun- by Harry by his between the play the The cast of characters “Grandpa Hatcher, a can- Wm. Rout- Irish cook”, “Louise, his* Wanda Stephen; granddaughter”, “Edgar, his Howard Pym; bossy wife”, “Ralph Wyatt, a Harvey Sparling, , a smart law- "The Widow an undying flame”, Bell; “Adam McPher- specialist in saving”, accompanied were enjoyed H. a Attend Service In Caven Church Members of the Exeter lodge of Oddfellows together with the members of the Rebekah lodge celebrated the worship in church last Assembling the church marshalled by D.G.M. Bro. A. 130 the An s trona the centre news anthem “I Was Glad” the anniversary of order by attending Divine Caven Presbyterian Sunday evening, at the lodge rooms members paraded to the Past D. G. Hicks. Over visitors filled of the church, was sung by the choir and a quar­ tette was sung by Messrs. W. G. Cochrane, Neil Morton, Har­ old and Gerald Skinner. Rev. Dr. Turner, charge livered taking his “And Paul of sticks and laid them on the fire”. The central thought of the sermon was that a person had no right to warm himself by a fire to which he had not contributed. In all walks of life man should play his part in order to reap Vhe benefits. Like the viper in the story emies are always present, commended the orders for splendid work they have, complished and drew lessons from the three links of the or­ der, Friendship, Love and Truth On their rooms a tendered managers splendid service. of a Gerald Skinner. of Ingersoll, was in the service and de- very timely sermon text from Acts 26: gathered a bundle en- He the ac- return to the lodge­ vote of thanks to the minister, and the choir for was the the 'Damm Oaths Commissioner W. H. Damm, K-ippen merch­ ant, has been informed of his appointment as a commissioner for taking affidavits. The lack of an official in the Kippen area empowered to take affidavits has on many occasions resulted in citizens of the. vil­ lage able having to travel consider, distances. Louis Ziler Mr. Louis Ziler, of Dashwood, Monday at his residence a in six weeks’ illness. He liis 57th year. Married former Coletta Foster, a son of the late Mal- Surviv- are his wife, six daughters, John Glavin. Crediton: Dorothy, Mary, Gertrude four sons, Henry, 1, and died after was to the he was colrn and Caroline Ziler ing Mrs. Helen and Jeanette; i Peter, Thomas, two brothers, James, Township and Joseph wood. The body is the residence until Thursday at 9.30 a.m. yvhen it will be taken to the Church of Our Lady, Mount Carmel, where requiem mass will be sung at 10 a.m. (D.S.T.). Interment will be in Mount Carmel Cemetery. Lawrence; of Stephen , of Dash­ resting at SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A wealth of understanding and devotion is seen in the faces of their majesties the King and Queen in this new picture taken to commemorate their silver wedding anniver sary which was celebrated on April the 26th This picture was taken specially for the occ asion by Dorothy Wilding. District Public Schools Hold Musical Festivals Exeter Lion Honored Past President Lion J. Albert Traquair was on Wednesday of last week elected as Deputy Dist­ rict Governor of the Lions Clubs of Zone 2 at a meeting held at Strathroy. Mr. Traquair suc­ ceeds D.D.G, Verne Fullarton, of Sarnia. Accompanying Mr. Tra­ quair to the district meeting were Lions C. S. MacNaughton, J. P. Bowey and E. S. Steiner. The clubs of the district include Lon­ don, St. Thomas, Sarnia, Petrolea Arkona, Strathroy, Zurich, Park­ hill, Bayfield and Exeter. Attend Annual Convention Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. town and Mr. Bonthron, of the annual < Western Ontario District funer­ al Service convention held latter part of last week in Hotel London. Mr. Hopper re-elected a director of the sociation. The entertained at Paul Brothers Kirkton. Hopper, Ken Hockey and R. C. Dinney, of . and Mrs. Harold Hensail, attended convention of the convention dinner by comedy team the the was as- was the of Three Portraits Exhibited Mr. -.Jack Doerr, who attend­ ed the convention of the Ont­ ario Society of Photographers held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto submitted four prints and had three of them ac-* cepted and exhibited at convention. tlie Successful Opening Buswells had a successful opening of their new shoe store Saturday evening. The store is a real addition to the Main street. Coloured Slides Shown At Community Night On Monday April 19th, ondale under Elgin .Rowcliffe. Hensall, assisted by Mrs. showed beautiful coloured slides of many scenes visited by him in his travels, Hensall, gave piano instrumentals were played and Hyde with Mit- chair Hur- had a social evening the chairmanship of Mr. Dr. Bell, of Bell Miss Ellis, of a reading and by Miss Norma Knight Miss Peggy Rowcliffe. Mr. of near Hensall, violin selections, chell, president, for the business decided to have close of the school term. Those on Picnic committee to be the president, Joe Ferguson, Harvey Hyde, Elgin Rowcliffe and Mrs. Love. Mrs. Sillery led in munity singing while lunch being served. favoured Mr. Earl took the session. It was a picnic at the com- was Honored in London A birthday party was held at the C.P.R. Hotel honoring Mrs. A. H. Gambrill, of Briscoe street London, formerly of Exeter. Later the guests were entertain­ ed at the home of Mrs. Walter Hedden, Lockyer street, where she and Mrs. Ernest Hedden were hostesses. Mrs. I. Doan made a presentation as a gift was presented to the guest pf honor. “ ved at Guests Squire, ter, Mrs. Bridges, Mrs. C. bottom brill. Refreshments were ser- the close of the evening, included Mrs. H. W. Mrs. Teale, and Mrs. James Anderson, Exe- Shannon, Three G. Greenwood, Mrs. F. Winter- Miss Violet Gam- Girls Graduate Exeter young ladies Exeter Two were among the graduates frqm the Victoria Hospital school of nursing vocation of last Dorothy Mr, and Miss Marie Melville, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. W. J. Melville. Among those who attended the graduation were Mr. and Mrs. Forrester, Mr. and Mrs. Melville and Magaret, Dr Dunlop and Julia, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ida Mrs. Mrs. which was held at Con- Hall, London, Friday week. They are Miss Forrester, daughter of Mrs. F. Forrester and and Mrs- also Mrs,Martin, of town M. Sanders, Dr, Borden and Sanders E, B, Fergus, of Seaforth, of London and Beavers Move to New Location On Saturday Hardware will ess in their south of the Ou September W. F. hardware business of Hugh Spackman, and on the business in the south of Jones & May store. The new building has been completely renovated, and made modern, an American store B. W. F. Beavers through New York June. A new receding front has been installed, mezanine built in the back for an . office, new shelving built, and a basement show room add­ ed. New lights and fixtures have been installed. A new shop and storeroom is .being built at the rear, which when finished will make the whole structure thoroughly modern. Apartments will be built in the upstairs later on. On January 1st, 1946 the business was sold by B. W. F. Beavers to his son Reg, who is now carrying on the Hardware business with many new depart­ ments added, such as Electrical Appliances, Fess Oil Burners, Air Conditioning, Radio and El-i ectrical service,, Sporting goods, Chinaware etc. , The business has steaaily in­ creased until today, eight ployees are required to care of the ever increasing; of customers. ‘Fair dealing Courtesy’ of the store all through years of business. B. W. F. Beavers having- signed as sec.-treas. of the borne & Hibbert Insurance will now continue with his Reg in the new Beavers Hard­ ware. May 1st Beavers open for busin- new store just telephone office. 10th, 1920 Beavers purchased the the late carried location Grocery Returning Officer. Mr. F. R. of Goderich, turning in the election. Darrow, will be Officer for forth-coming barrister the Re­ Huron Provincial Office Moved B. following the plan of as seen by in a state plate trip last glass a em- take flow and has been the motto the re- Us- Co. son Mr. Ivan Prouty has purchas­ ed the brick house of Mr. Geo. Barknei' in Exeter Barkner is moving to Zurich. North. Mr. Clerk’s The office of the Clerk, C. V. Pickard, has been moved from Mr. E. Lindenfield’s build­ ing on Main St. into the rooms formerly occupied by the late D. Tindall, on the second storey of the building opposite the postoffice. Mr. Kirkton Couple Mark Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, Wednesday, April 21st. The immediate family was present: Mr. “and Mrs. William Blackler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock and daughter, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatchford and family, of De­ troit, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dob son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mont Dobson and, family. All met at the Hotel ’ London for six o’clock dinner. Miss Alice Blackler played the Wedding March for thg bride and groom ana 24 guests* eat down to a lovely dinner ’acpompanied by the 3. storey brides’ cake. We ( join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Dobson many more anniver- sarys. Caven W.M.S. i Official Visit Mr. Clark Fisher, D.D.G.M. of the I.O.O.F. paid his official visit to his home lodge Tuesday evening. The was introduced by Bros. Wm. Middleton and Wm. Kernick and given the honors of the order. Mr. Fisher spoke' of the work of the' district and of the importance of Oddfellow­ ship giving a very excellent address. He also presented lodge with a picture of the stalling team. Several of brethren spoke commending Fisher for the efforts he put forth in promoting Oddfel­ lowship in the district. Lunch was served at the close. the In- the Mr. had C?C.F. Riding Convention The C.C.F. executive members of the South Huron riding are planning to hold an open convention early in May to consider placing a candidate in for the forthcoming election. All parties in the C.C.F. invited to the advertisement and i the riding | provincial interested ment are Watch for next week for further particu­ lars. move- attend. t Makes Survey of Seed Mr. W. R. Dougall, of Hen­ sall, has been making a survey of the County of Huron to as­ certain the quality of the seed that is being sown this spring. He has visited several farms in each township and has taken from each seeddrill samples of the seed being sows. He reports the seed in most cases has been pretty well cleaned of weed seeds before sowing. Frank Fingland, K.C., Chosen as Liberal Candidate in Hu ron the unanimous Liberal standard­ forthcoming Pro- at the nominating Mr. Frank Fingland, K.C., of Clinton, was j choice as the bearer in the vincial election convention held in the Hensall Town Hall Wednesday evening. In a hall that was packed with delegates eight names were plac­ ed in nomination and seven with­ drew leaving the field to Mr. Fingland and his nomination was made unanimous on motion of B. W. Tuckey and Roy Ratz. With President Albert Kalb­ fleisch, of Zurich, in the chair and with W. L. Whyte, of Sea­ forth, as secretary, were made by ballot, land was nominated ferent parties and nominated were B. of Exeter. Pryde, the successful Conservative candidate in A. Y. Gordon J. K. Roy Ratz, McMurray of who newninations Mr. Fing- by five dif- the others W. Tuckey, opposed Mr. Progres- sive the February by-election McLean, of McGavin, of Hunter, of G of Stephen; Clinton and Mr. Fingland was speaker and stated that he never saw a better crowd at anr nom­ inating convention an. that Liberalism was awake in Huron. He announced that he Seafohth; McKillop oderich A. J, Albert Kalbfleisch. the first evidence was letting his name stand. Mr. Tuckey was pleased with the opportunity to express appreciation of the splendid sup­ port that was given him in the by-election. He believed that Hu­ ron could again be won to the Liberal ranks if all who believed in the Liberal cause would get out and work. Speaking of Hon. Farquhar Oliver he said that he was a man to be proud of as a leader. Being unable to accept the nomination he pledged his whole-hearted support to ever was chosen. The other candidates all withdrawing their names the ballot. Mr. Fingland on rising cept the nomination was accord­ ed a rousing reception. He dis­ agreed with Hon. Mr. Drew that hydro conversion was an issue in this election. How could it be an issue when every member of the House had voted for it and there was no opposition? He 'cri­ ticized the Drew government for putting Huron to the trouble and the expense of a by-election only a few weeks before calling a general election, Other speakers were Mr. Hugh Hill, the recently selected Liber­ al candidate in the Huron-Bruce riding and Mr. Chas. Ross, of London. his who- spoke from to ac- 50th Anniversary The 50th anniversary Thank- ! offering meeting of Caven Aux­ iliary, Women’s Missionary So­ ciety was held on Thursday evening, April 22nd in the Sun­ day School room with Mrs. H: H. G. Strang presiding. Mrs. Moir conducted the devotional ’ period- reading Psalm 27 follow­ ed by-prayer. A quartette, Mrs.’ Laing, Mrs. Simpson, Miss El­ liott and Mrs. Lawson, accom­ panied by Miss Norma Knight, sang “Hark, I Hear Him Call Your Name.” Mrs. W. Sillery gave a very full and interesting history of the society over the fifty years, paying tribute to officers and members who gave valuable inspiration and service. Miss Norma Knight played a piano selection. Mrs. Earl Mit­ chell gave an appropriate read­ ing entitled “Mrs. Carafford’s Mite Box.” Greetings and congratulations with best wishes for the future were extended by Mrs. Bissett, of Goderich, the president, of Huron Presbyterial, Mrs. Goderich, secretary of Presbyterial, also Mrs. hart, Miss Campbell, Thompson and Mrs. Russell, of Seaforth. Mrs. Bussett paid tri- bute to Miss Jeckell who served so faithfully and was given a certificate of Honorary Life Membership the highest honor in the W.M.S. Mention was made of the service of Dr. and Mrs. Graham who went to Formosa and tribute paid to Dr. Margaret Strang Savage who served in the Peace River District. Miss Alice Young People’s Russell for the Circle, Mr. Hen- the Session and for the Sunday School and Managers, brought greetings and good wishes. The thankoffering, designated for a Life Membership Certificate, was taken by Julia Dunlop and Marjory Taylor with Mrs. Whil- smith offering the dedicatory prayer. Mrs. Strang called on Mrs. Bissett to preside over a candle lighting ceremony to honor past and present presidents, when 50 candles were lit around a birth­ day cake as follows: Mrs. F. W. Gladman, by her daughter, Mrs. Warren Sanders; Mrs. (Rev.) Sharpe, now of Alliston, by Mrs. Henry Strang; Miss Jean Mur­ ray, now of Hensall, by Mrs. J. Kydd; Miss Hannah Kinsman by Miss Hatter; Mrs. Amos Fis-’ sette by Miss Brown; Mrs. John Morgan by Miss Norma Kuiglit: Mrs. Thos. Cameron by Mrs. C. Harris of Dutton, Mrs. J. G. Stanbury, now of St Catharines, Miss Laura lar; Mrs. Winnipeg, chell; Mrs. H. G. Strang. The meeting clos­ ed with singing “Breathe on Me Breath of God” and Rev. Mr. Anthony pronounced the Bene­ diction. The would Young I A series of musical festivals, [ sponsored by Mr. L. Wein, dir ector of music in have been held and will compete later musical festival to James Street Church. Last week a report was given of the win­ ners from the Exeter (school at a contest held in Main Street Church. Following are the winners of a festival held at James Street Church In which the pupils from school sections 1, 3, 4, and 14 Stephen and 2 and 10 Hay com­ peted, Unison chorus, 3 Stephen; two part chorus, 2 Hay; junior girls’ solo, Shirley Bell (10 Hay), Ruth Kleinfeldt (2 Hay); junior boys’ solo, Robert Graham (1 Stephen), Dwayne Hay); intermediate girls’ Connie Ostland (2 Hay), Labelle Hill (3 Stephen); intermediate boys' solo, Robert Wilds (4 Ste­ phen, Stuart Taylor (2 Hay); duets, Mary Campbell and Marie Wildfong (2 Hay), Harry Schroeder and Audrey Wilson (1 Stephen. At a festival held at Dash­ wood for the pupils from Credi­ ton, Zurich and Dashwood, the following were the winners: Senior chorus, Zurich, Dash­ wood, Crediton; intermediate chorus, Zurich, Crediton, Dash­ wood; junior chorus, Zurich, Crediton, Dashwood; junior girls’ solo, Connie K1 u m p .(Dashwood), Phyllis Jesney (Crediton); junior boys’ solo, Billie Klumpp (Dashwood), Ronald Klopp (Zurich); inter­ mediate girls’ solo, Irene Deit­ rich (Zurich), Shirley Gossman (Dashwood); intermediate boys’ solo, Billy Geromette (Zurich), Niei Wildfong (Dashwood) sen­ ior girl’s solo, Marion Wildfong, (Dashwood), Katherine O’Brien, (Zurich) Clare John duets, Nancy senior Swartz Peachey Anna Tiernan the the -at be schools, winners a final held in. Tinney (2 solot boys’ solo, (Crediton), (Dashwood), and of of Messner (Dashwood), Sherman Hill and Clare (Crediton). At a festival held at Road United Church for pils of Usborne and Kirkton, the following were the winners; Unison chorus, two part chorus, junior girls’ solo, Marilyn Bis­ set (5 Usborne), Rosemary Dob­ son (Kirkton); junior boys’ solo David Rogers (Kirkton )o, Jack Taylor (4 Usborne); intermedi ate girls’ solo, Donna Stone (3 Usborne), Anna Routly (6 Us­ borne) ; intermediate boys’ solo, Donnie Pullen (12 Usborne) Dal ton Skinner (6 Usborne); duets, Patsy Kerslake and Katherine Hunter (4 Usborne); Jane Dykeman and Marion Brock (7 Usborne). Swartz Thames the pu- 2 Usborne; 4 Usborne; Taylor Huron Aber- Mrs. Creamery Safe Carried Off Thieves broke into the Lucan Creamery Thursday night of last week and .carried away a 250- pound safe, containing ledgers and papers, but no cash. The break-in was discovered about ten o’clock by Creamery Mana­ ger John McLean. The office had been closed for the night at six o’clock. Pfaff, for the Society, Mrs. Congregational ry Strang, for Mr. Cochrane Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, now by Mrs. C. Cann; J. Sandersby Mrs. jeckell by Mrs. Mil* (Rev.) Hill, now of by Mrs. Earl Mit- W. Sillery; Mrs. II. members of the Auxiliary like to take this oppor- People's Society who so > X Fortieth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, of Hensall, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at their home in Hensall with a family dinner. Attending the celebra­ tion were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and daughter, Diane, their son Mr. all of Toronto. Miss staff pital, tend. daughter, and daughter-in-law, and Mrs, Donald Walker, Their daughter Olive Walker, R.N., on the of Pampa Municipal Florida, was unable Hos- to at­ Attend Reception Representatives of the were at London Saturday eve­ ning attending a reception for the Worthy Grand Patron, of the Grand Chapter of Ontario, Donald Currie, of London, at which between 350 and 400 members were present. O.E.S. Property Transfers Mr. ed the residence of McGregor, Ann St. Mrs. McGregor intend Grand Bend to reside The real estai made through C. Geo. Wright has purclias- Mr. John Mr. and moving to im future, transfer was V. Pickard. A lot belonging to the estate of the late Miss L. M. Jeckell north ,of the Jeckell home has been purchased by a Mr Bridges of Aylmer, now stationed with the R.C.A.F. at Centralia, who expects to erect a new home on the property. social by all ably took charge of the hour which was enjoyed present. tunity tp say Thank-you to the I