HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-04-22, Page 6Page 6 * Janice, at a .sewing circle: “Did you notice, Laura is get­ ting a double chin?” Marion: “Yes, too much work for one THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22n<l, 1948 Club Mon- ap- Dal- In the ab- F, yice- Thebusiness discussions. Re- of various committees A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times^-Advocate ft s Beauty Shoppe (north of Boll Telephone) NatureRo Permanent Waving Xnistron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon Dorothy G. Reeder, prop. TeJ. 71 Exeter First Aid Topic at Junior Institute You would admire her skill. Alert and poised, she calmly speeds the many calls with deft, sure move­ ments. With switchboards busier than ever because of the many new telephones, this skill is being called on as never before. More telephones are being added right along. Our con­ stant aim is to provide more and better service ... always at the lowest possible cost... to give greater value to every telephone user. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Of CANADA The regular meeting of the South Huron Junior Institute was held in the school rooms Wednesday evening, April 14 with a large crowd in atten­ dance. The meeting opened with the singing -of the opening Ode followed by the Lord's prayer. Following the roll call the min­ utes of the previous meeting were read. Letters of apprecia­ tion from England were read by ■Marion Rundle. Business was I discussed and Current Events {were given by Bessie Johns. Jean Cann’s group took charge of the program, the topic being “How to Render First Aid.” A very enjoyable talk on this sub­ ject was given by Jean Cann and Helen Walper and some helpful demonstrations were giv­ en by Margaret Cann and Del- ores Allison. Following the program the meeting adjourned and the girls retired to the arena for a joint meeting, lunch and recreation with the Junior Farmers. April bridal took in the Pentecostal Taber- Exeter, Saturday April 17 Rev. H. T. Kendrick unit­ marriage Jenny Margaret . and Mrs. Exeter, to 'to' Going Out of Business Selling Out Sale — of — All Millinery — Straw and Felt Hats at bargain prices! G. M. Armstrong na 1 EXETER We Have a Fine Selection of Ladies’ and Children’s Wear — SPECIAL! — Odd Jackets to wear with slacks, etc. $3.98 to $5.98 BLOUSES A SPECIALTY! Christ is Risen! He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives to-day! He walks with me an^. talks with me along life’s narrow way '' He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart. DOES HE LIVE WITHIN YOUR HEART? “The Lord is nigh unto all that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth.’’ Ps. 145:18 “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.’’ Heb. 2:3 Tune In: Hear Chas. Fuller on Station CKLW, Windsor, 12- 12:30 E.S.T. Sunday noon. Chas. E. Fuller, P.O. Box 123. Los Angeles 53, Cal | “THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST” ©■ A charming place nacle, when ed in only daughter of Mr. Thomas Jolly, of : Cecil David Kipfer, younger son of Ezra Kipfer, of Hensall. For- sythia and daffodils formed a lovely floral background for the ceremony. Traditional wedding­ music was played by Miss Glad­ ys Luker, of Hensall, who also accompanied the soloists, Mrs. P. Durand, and Mrs. A. Graham of Exeter. Mrs. Durand sang1 “Because” before the ceremony and "God Gave Me You” dur­ ing the signing of the register. The attractive bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a graceful gown of white brocad­ ed satin. Her finger-tip veil fell from a halo of orange blossoms and she carried a white Bible with streamers of "satin ribbons and red roses. She wore three strands of pearls enhancing the) sweetheart neckline of her gown Miss Irma Kipfer, of Toronto, sister of the groom attended as maid of honor and was costum­ ed in pink muslin, while thd bridesmaid, Miss Mary Kinsman | of Chiselhurst wore kblue muslin. < Both carried white Bibles with i sweet peas and fern. The groom I was attended by Norman Jolly, of Exeter, brother of the bride, and' the ushers were Jolly, Toronto, brother bride, and Ivan Kipfer, brother of the groom, v Receiving the guests home, Mrs. Jolly wore silk jer­ sey, Mrs. Kipfer assisted wear* ing a .two-piece navy ensemble. Both wore corsages of pink roses and sweet peas. For their wedding trip to Northern Ontar­ io, the bride wore a grey suit’ with cape, with accessories in Entertain Niece at Miscellaneous Shower On Friday evening Mr, and Mrs. - - - 1, niece, Miss Brucefield, shower in proaching rymple their families were the guests. While a bridal chorus was being sung, the bride-elect was escor­ ted by her aunt Grave to a pret­ tily decorated chair. An address of good wishes was read by , Ethel Mahaffy were lah Dalrymple and Wilma James, When the gifts had opened, Grace, in a few chosen words, thanked everyone after which “Foi' She’s a Jolly Good Fellow” was sung. The re­ mainder of the evening was spent playing Em-hre and the bride’s book was passed around for every guest to sign. A delic­ ious lunch was served by the hostess. Hugh Dalrymple, R.R. No. Cromarty, entertained their Grace Dalrymple, of to a miscellaneous honor of her marriage. The » uncles and aunts with- families were the and the presented by Misses Miss gifts Beu- Jean been well- Irene Beaupre Hostess To Sorority Sisters The sisters of .Ontario Alpha Pi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi were graciously entertained at the home of the president, Irene Beaupre, on Tuesday evening. A near full attendance entered into ports were heard. The topic of the evening “Before An Audience”, The open discus­ dealing with the Sorority songs, songs was given by Anna Brock, girls joined in an sion period topic. both old and new, were harmon­ ized as the girls gathered around the piano and with Mar­ garet Sangster accompaning, a musical half hour was spent. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted by .Jean Brock and Irene- Sweet, hour girls came After a social was spent amongst the another enjoyable evening to a close at sister Irene’s, ■53 An Excellent Cough Medicine Dr, Wood’s Norway Pino Syrup is a quick and pleasant remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat, spasmodic croup, asthma and bronchial troubles, Pleasant tasting, safe and effective, Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup takes hold almost instantly. It helps to loosen the phlegm and mucus, soothe the irritated membranes, Stimulate the bronchial organs and clear the air passages, , Dr, Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup has been a popular family remedy for nearly 50 years. On sale at all drug counters. The T. Milburn Co., limited, Toronto, Ont. • . lip Harold of thd Lucan, at her Caven Mission Band The Busy Bees Mission Band met on Sunday .April 18, at 3 p.m. in the primary room of the church. The president, Janice Niel presided over the meeting which opened with the call to worship followed by singing hymn 7 23. The Scripture read­ ing John 4, verses 7-13, the woman of Samaria, was explain­ ed by Mi's. Tyerman. Prayer was lead by Phyllis Cann. Mrs. An­ derson , read a very interesting story entitled ‘Bibles in Chains.’ The minutes of the last meeting were read and roll was called by Max Learn. Eighteen were pres­ ent. The treasurer’s report was given by Marilyn Strang. Fol­ lowing the offering, taken by Caroil Hogartii, a solo was sung by Gwendolyn Simpson. Mrs. Sillery had charge of the regular Bible Study period and review­ ed the memory work. Hymn 719 was sung and the meeting closed by repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison. The next meeting is to be held on May 16 at 3 p.m. Memorial Club Enjoy Movies The Trivitt Memorial met in the Parish Hall on day evening last with an atten dance of sence of Newton, president, meeting Rev. C, Walker-Dougall A pretty wedding was solemn­ ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall at 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, April 3rd when their eldest daughter, Marion Fletcher, was united in marriage with George Edward Walker, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker, Edmonton, Alta The double ring •performed by Brook against a spring flowers, pink snap dragons, wore a heavenly blue crepe en­ semble with black accessories and carried American Beauty roses with white heather. Her sister, Mrs. Douglas Hughson, as bridesmaid, wore beige silk jer­ sey ensemble with brown acces­ sories and Talisman roses. Mr. Douglas Hughson attended the groom. Mr. Milne Rennie, of Seaforth, sang “The Lord’s Prayer” prior to the ceremony and “I’ll Walk Beside Thee” during the signing of the regis­ ter. Mrs. Milne Rennie,’ aunt of the bride, played the bridal music and accompanied the soloist. A reception followed at the Knotty ,Pine Inn, London at 2.30 p.m. For travelling the bride wore a navy blue tailored suit and corsage of red carna­ tions. was A. ceremony Rev. R. background of daffodils and The bride Percy Passmore on Wed- afternoon, April 7 th Mrs. 0. Cann presiding, meeting opened with hymn- followed with prayer py O. Cann. Scripture lesson read by Mrs. R. Cann. Roll was answered with an Institute Names Red Cross Canvassers The I-Iurondale Women’s In­ stitute met at the home of Mrs. Benson Williams on Wednesday, March 31st. The meeting open­ ed with the Institute Ode, fol­ lowed by the Lord’s Prayer. The roll call was answered by “My Favorite Breakfast”. The corres­ pondence was read as follows: War Amputations of Canada; Mrs. Sims and Mrs. Rundle were appointed to interview the Le­ gion concerning raising their pension to $100-00. A committee foi' the contest on building and remodelling homes is as follows: Mrs. Moir, Mrs. Case, Mrs. R. Etherington, Mrs. Love, Mrs. W. Kernick and Mrs. P a s s m o r e. The proceeds from the banquet amounted to $68.54 and from the bazaar $63.99. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. William Etherington were appointed as a nominating committee. Mrs. Moir read an interesting letter from England. Red Cross canvassers were nam­ ed as follows. Second concession, Mrs. Jeffery, Mrs. Be -c k 1 e r; fourth concession Mrs. A. Ether­ ington, Mrs. Pym; highway Mrs. Love, Mrs. : Down gram song Mrs. Love gave the topic, “The History of Grand Bend”. Miss Jean McDonald favored with a solo followed by a paper by Mrs. Down on “Breeches Bible”. Cur­ rent events were given by Mrs. Garnet Johns and Mrs. Fergu­ son. A demonstration on graft­ ing was given by Mrs. Jackson Woods. The meeting was brought to a close by singing “God Save the King”, An auction sale was held at the close of the meeting. nineteen the president Mi’ Mr. W- Balfour, was chairman. opened with prayer by L. Langford. Mr. G. Wright moved and Mr. V. Hey­ wood seconded that a euchre be held Monday, April 19 in the Parish Hall. The ladies present decided to hold a rummage sale in the near future, plans to be made later. The business being finished, those present were en­ tertained by Mr. Balfour, who had his movie camera and pro­ jector set up. Beautifully color­ ed scenes of Canada, from the West coast to Ottawa were shown and a very pleasant hour was spent by the members. Lunch was served by Mrs, Rus­ sell, Mrs. Heywood and Mr. Bal­ four. The club will May 3 at Mrs. Wm. V’s Beauty Shoppe The very newest kind of Permanent Wave; THE RADIO WAVE No Heat — No Weight Make your appointment now for the Radio Wave of the moment. Come and let our experienced operators tell you about this new wave Tel: 112 Exeter Vera C. Fraser, prop. Exeter and District’s Most Modern Shoppe next meeting of the be held on Monday, the home of Mr. Chambers. > and Heaviest Mail Train Canada’s heaviest mail is operated by the National Montreal and Toronto, as train No. 18 eastbound and train No. 19 westbound, it car­ ries a volume of letters, parcels, newspaper and registered mail unequalled by any other train in the Dominion. Its mail cars are staffed by a crew of 11 men. train Canadian Railways between Known SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP sure that your hair is its gleaming best for gay season ahead. Make appointment now for your permanent. Shirley Brock, prop. One block east of Trivitt Memorial Church ’’ Andrew St. Phone 245w Be looking the an Ethels Beauty Salon Open Monday to Saturday Make your appointment now for a Cold Wave, Machine, or Macliineless Permanent Phone 45rl2 Dashwood Prop.: Ethel Jennison GRAND BEND South Huron Women’s Executive Meets The district executive meeting of South Huron Women’s Insti­ tutes was held Hensail, with sented from dale, Zurich, East, Elimville, Exeter Juniors, Grand Bend and Hensall. Mrs. Gordon Papple, district presi­ dent, was in the chair, discussion centred around district annual which held this year in the ical Church, Zurich, The guest speaker will Hamilton from the Department of Women's Institutes, Toronto, and other speakers will be ent. read man land, sheets and pillow slips sent to them. A welcome was .extended to Elimville institute, newly or­ ganized, which branches in the Alvin Moir, Mrs. Earl Mitchell, of I-Iurondale, and Mrs. Glenn MacLean, of Kippen, contribut­ ed readings. in the Town Hall branches repre- Crediton, Huron- Seaforth, Kippen Much I the will be Evangel* June 8. be Miss A letter of thanks from the Women’s College, Alrlugdon, expressing thanks pres- was/ JPen- Eng4 for makes nine district. Mrs. Th ames Road W.A., W.M.S. Joint Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Thames Road W.M.S. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. nesday with The 115' Mrs. was call Easter Message. Minutes of the last meeting were read and ap­ proved. Business was discussei. It was decided to join the Per­ sonal Parcel Service with head­ quarters in London, Ont., to send food parcels overseas every month. Mrs. Chas. Allison and Mrs. Victor Jeffrey were chosen as the committee to make a list of the names of the families of our congregation who would’ help with this work and to be responsible for packing the first box as soon as a name or fam­ ily was obtained from this Ser­ vice in London. It was decided to have a Mothers Choir for Mother’s Day service. Mrs. Mor­ gan was chosen as leader to look after the music for that day. Communications were read by Mrs. Jeffrey which consisted of letters of thanks from those who bad received gifts when ill and letters of sympathy in time of bereavement. Delegates were appointed for the Presbyterial which meets at Seaforth, April 27th. These, being Mrs. P. Pass- more and Mrs. L. Harris. Min­ utes of the W.A. were read by Mrs. V. Jeffrey and business discussed. The matter of extend­ ing the platform in the .Sunday School parlor was discussed and it was decided to leave this matter over until the meeting of the Sunday School was held. The program consisted of; The work of John Elliott and Dr. Craig in Bible into terestingly told by Mrs. Elf ord; a splendid ship reading by Mrs. Chas. Mil­ ler; reading by Mrs. on the “Pacific Coast Indians”; instrumental by Alice Passmore: Collection was taken. Hymn 385 was sung and the meeting .clos­ ed with all repeating the Lord’s Prayer1 in unison. A delightful lunch, was served by Group 3 of the W.A. and a social time was spent over the tea cups. the printing of the English was very in­ Christian Steward- Wiseman i Accounts of weddings, church meetings and other news items for the women’s page should reach the Tlmes-Advocate Monday if opssible day rfoon at the latest, or hy Tues- Published in the Public Interest by John Labatt Limited Mrs. Cann; Thames Road, Moir, Mrs. Rundle. Mrs. was in charge of the pro- which opened with the ■ “Grandfather’s C 1 o c k”. R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. CANADIAN ONTARIO BRANCH To Make a Long Story Short Spring Housecleaning doesn’t have to be such a hard job. Not if you have a modern vacuum cleaner with all the special attachments to make the cleaning a much easier chore. We have both the tank and up­ right models. We’ll be glad to demonstrate them to you. ^"C” Day represents the day when man has finally conquered Cancer. Every­ thing and anything that is done, individually and collec­ tively, to bring “C” Day one precious second nearer means countless millions of lives will be saved.