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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-04-22, Page 5
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22nd, 1948 Sunday and Evening Service One garage will be open ip Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week Open this Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout the Week NEWTON Motor Sales Book Display Public School teachers from Usborne, Stephen, -Hay and Tuc kersmith met with the Exeter teachers at a meeting in the Exeter school Monday evening with forty-five present. There was a book display by John Hood, of Stratford, from 7 to 8 p.m. Dr. R. O, Staples, In spector, was chairman for the evening. There was general dis cussion on salaries, ordering supplies, interim certificates, Summer school, H, S. entrance, readers for 1948-49, etc. At the close a dainty lunch was served by the members of the Exeter P.S. staff. JAMES STREET UNITED Speaks in London Mrs. Allan Fraser was guest speaker at Lavina McTavish Mis sion Circle of Calvary United Church, London, on Monday evening. Why Our Local Insurance Service IS Important Phones: Office 24 Residence 162J Exeter. Ontario We know our Pol icies. This enables us to render prompt service Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M. Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—"The Nazareth Plan." Anthem: "O How Amiable." Duet; Mrs. P. McFalls, Alf Wuerth. 7 p.m.™"He took it upon him self." Solo: Harry Dougall. All Times Standard on Sunday W. Herm an Hodgson The Insurance Man Spring is here, Summer’s galloping up ... so get out in the open and down to earth! Well begun is half done,—and with our garden tools for each gar den chore, you are off to a good start. Come in and see us today! PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE EL T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 4.3 0 p.m.—Sunshine Cor ner. The children’s hour in charge of Mrs. Sweigard in the Tabernacle. Wed., 8 p.m.—Mid-week prayer service. Speaker, Mr. E. Cud- more; the song service. Mrs. Sweigard. >Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. A bright service for all. Speaker, Mrs? G. Thomson. Sun., 10 a.m,—Sunday School. •Classes for all ages. Supt. Mr E. Oudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Christ the Centre Sun., 7.30 p.m.—Sheep and Shepard. The Pastor. You are invited to any or all of these services. Come and sed what God hath wrought in the rebuilding of our Church. MWH /W£> /W TH# I Royal Purple GARDEN SEEDS 7 pkgs. 25c Rakes — Hoes Hand Cultivators Wheel Cultivators Spading Shovels Spading Forks ROMAN CATHOLIC Father Fogarty in charge. Schedule of Masses for Mt. Carmel Church and St. Peter’s Ohurcli, No. 4 Highway, South of Exeter. Apr. 4, 18—Mass at Mt. Carmel at 9; St. Peter’s at 11. Apr. 11,'2 5—Mass at Mt. car'mel at 11; St. Peter’s at 9. Taxis will leave the Bus Ter minal one half hour before service at St. Peter’s.—Pop’s Taxi Service. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Miss Norma M. Knight, Organist Rev. H. H. Turner, B.D. PhD., of Ingersoll 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11a.m.—Public Worship. Anthem: "Does Jesus Care?" 7 p.m.—-Members of the Exeter I.O.O.F. will attend church in a body. Anthem: "I Was Glad." Men's Quartette. The men and women, also the members of the Mission Band of Caven Church are invited to attend the 50th anniver sary, Easter Thank Offering’ meeting of the Auxiliary, Wo men’s Missionary Society, to be held on Thursday evening, April 22nd at 8 o’clock in the Sunday School room, The Thank Offering designated for a Life Membership. TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A„ M.A. Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist 10.30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.30 a.m.—Morning Service. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—"The Joy of Christian Service.” Anthem: "Remember now thy Creator." Quartette. 12 Noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—"Road Menders."________ Evangelical-United Brethren Crediton Rev. M. E. Reubei’, B.D. Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist 10 a.m.—God’s Protecting Care Baptismal service. 11 a.m.—'Church School. 7.3 0 p.m.—Compromise. No Services Next Sunday the election of officers and the following will form the 1948- 49 slate: President, Mrs, Wm. Kyle (re-elected); first vice- president. Mrs. John Sinclair (re-elected); second vice-presi- •dent, Miss Grace Tremeer; third vice-president, Mrs. E- White house; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. J. McLellan; assistant, Mrs. R. Chapman; district director, Mrs. T. Kay; branch 'directors, Mrs. T, Kay, Mrs. W, Broadfoot, Mrs. Cole; vAgriculture and Can adian Industries, Mrs. W. H. McLean, Mrs. A Varley; Citizen ship, Mrs. Hugh McGregor, Mrs. E. Jarrott; Health and So cial Welfare, Mrs. W. Doig; 'as sistant, Mrs. R, Love; Home Economices, Mrs. J. McLean, Mrs. R. Upshall; Historical Re search, Miss M. McKay, Mrs. A. McGregor; Publicity, Mrs. A. Finlayson, Mrs. W. Broadfoot; Sunshine committee, Mrs. N, Long, Mrs. R. Broadfoot, Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. A. McGregor; pianist, Mrs. R. Broadfoot; au ditors, M r s. J, McNaughton, Mrs. T, Kay. Members exchang ed slips and plants at the meet ing. The meeting closed with “The King" and refreshments were served by Mrs. W. Doig, lunch convenor. I iliiADCAifEoe Leaf Brooms Turf Edgers Good Variety of LAWN MOWERS --------------------------s Vigor© - For Lawn or Garden 'Now is the lime to give your lawn a treatment of Vigoro. For gardenings too, Vigoro helps provide I the necessary plant food. Get Vigoro today—feed it regularly to everything you grow. TURKEY STARTENA IN CHECKER FORM Cuts Down Waste & Paste C/iek-R- Tabs When you buy Star- tena i n preparation for chicks and poults, don't fail to get some Chck-R-Tabs. These are a great help in preventing the spread of disease through the drinking water. That’s how 90% of chick and poult troubles spread through the flock. Add one tab to every quart of water to destroy germs in water . . . kills fun gus organisms ... al so act as a bowel as tringent. They’re real 3-in-l protection and it’s cheap insurance. HENSALL Dr. Norma Cook, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mrs. Harold Simpson, of Exe ter, visited recently with Mrs. Melvin Moir. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Little spent the week-end in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore and Norma and Mrs. Harris and Cecil spent a day at Lions Head recently. Mrs. Hannah Workman visit ed over the week-end at the homes of her daughters, Mrs. Norman Stanlake in Exeter and Mrs. I-I. Britton at Dublin. Mrs. Win. Brown, Billie and Carol are visiting with the, for mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Neeb in Tavistock. Bi'idc-Elect Honored A very enjoyable evening was spent on Thursday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Jolly, Exeter, when a number of friends from Hensall gathered in honor of their daughter, Jennie, a bride of the week. A social time was spent during which a "Bride’s Book” was made by the friends. The bride displayed her trousseau and gifts. Jennie was presented with a set of .crystal by Mrs. Harold B'on thr on. The bride expressed her sin cere thanks. Dainty refresh-* ments were served. Wedding Anniversaries A very enjoyable evening- was spent on Thursday at the home of Mrs.* Edna Corbett when members of the immediate fam ilies gathered ip honor of the wedding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. J. Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones. Progressive eu chre was enjoyed by all after which presentations of gifts were made to Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Corbett by George Parker, the accompanying address being read by Ed. Corbett while Mr. Norman Jones presented Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Jones with a .gift, the accompanying address being read by Mr. Wilmer Jones Both couples expressed sincer est thanks after which refresh ment were served. Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary Mrs. Hilton Laing was hostess at her home in Exeter on Mon day for the Arnold Circle Eve ning Auxiliary. Miss Jean Me4 Queen was co-liostess. The presi dent, Mrs. Glenn Bell presided and Opened the meeting with prayer followed by singing "O Spirit of the Living God". Tito scripture Luke 1-7 1-iO was read by Mrs. Harold Bell. Mrs. P. A.* Ferguson led in prayer follow ed by -Meditation by Miss Eve lyn Tayior and hymn "Go Lab our on". The roll call was ans wered by “A Favorite Flower". Mrs, Harold Simpson favored with vocal solos "This Holy Hour" and "Roses of Picardy" I Mrs, C, Kennedy accompanied. The topic on British Guiana was interestingly reveiwed by Mrs: R. Elgie. The meeting closed by singing “Jesus Thou Joy of Liv ing Hearts" after which Miss Alice Pfaff led in prayer. Re freshments were served by the hostess, co-hostess and social committee. W.M.S. Meeting The April meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held in the school room of the church on Thursday, April 8th at 3 p.m. The meeting open ed by singing “Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Heai'ts" and the Lord’s prayer in unison. Mrs. Geiger presided in the absence of the president, -Mrs. W. B. Cross. The Scripture 1st Cor. 13 was read by Mrs. McMurtrie and Mrs. Fred Appleby led in prayer. Mrs. Hedden sang a solo entitled “God’s To-morrow" ac companied by Mrs. Geo. Hess. The roll call was answered by seventeen members. Mrs. Geiger gave a paper on “Temperance” and Mrs. R. A. Brook gave a splendid address on various ■Missionaries in Canada. The meeting closed by singing “I Would Be True for There are Those Who Trust Me” and the Benediction. Kippen Institute The April meeting, the annual meeting of the Kippen East Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Broad foot Wednesday evening, April 14th, co-hostess with Mrs. Broadfoot was Mrs. J. McLellan. Mrs. William Kyle, president, presided. The meeting came -to order with the singing of the Institute Ode, followed with the Lord’s prayer and a sing-song. Minutes were read and adopted. The roll call was answered with members naming their birthday. Mrs. W. II. McLean gave a re view on the novel by Grace •Campbell, “Fresh Winds Blow ing”. Vocal duet, "I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover" was sung by Margaret Jean Broad foot and Nelson McClinchey with Mrs. R. Broadfoot accom panist. The motto "Friends and promises made should he kept" was ably present by Mrs. James McNaughton. Reports of stand ing committees were read as follows: Agriculture and Cana dian Industries”, Mrs. W. I-I. McLean; “Citizenship", Mrs. Campbell Eyre.: “Home Econo mics", Mrs. J. McLean; “Health and Social Welfare," Mrs. W. Doig; Sunshine Committee, Mrs. R. Broadfoot; publicity, Mrs. A. Finlayson; Historical Research, Miss M. McKay: Financial Re port, Mrs. J. McLellan. It was decided to send $26.00 to the Canadian cancer Fund, and $25.00 to the Appeal for Child ren Fund. A card of thanks w-as .read from Mrs. E. White house. Business was discussed and the books closed for the year. Mrs. R. Wie conducted I2S IF MORE . .. PERFORMANCE POWER ECONOMY. FROM YOUR CAR! Here’s where a small investment really pays off . . , Our special ENGINE TUNE-UP MEANS... Fuel and Oil Savings Sparkling Performance Longer Engine Life Dependable Efficiency DRIVE IN TODAY . . . Snell Bros. & Co. Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Case Tactors and Implement Sales EXETER PHONE 100 Garden Time is Here!! LAWN GRASS: Standard and Special Mixtures. ROOT SEEDS: Mangels (all varieties); Turnips (all feeding varieties) IN BULK: Beans, Beets. Cabbage, Carrot, Sweet Com, Parsnips, Peas, etc. WE HAVE IN STOCK A Full Line of Racketed Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. P.O. Box “H” Phone 207 Summer Wash Dress Fabrics We have just received a shipment of Summer washable dress fabrics, in floral stripes and checked materials to retail at from 65c to $1.65 yd. Awning Stripes Two webs awning stripes—bright colors, for awnings, recover ing outdoor chairs, etc.-—the first we have had in years. Heavy weight at 85c yd. New Arrivals in our Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Department every few days. Skirts and Slacks—new materials and styles—a large stock to choose from. Merfs Ready-to-Wear Men’s ready-to-wear suits and top-coats just arrived in* stock; also a complete new line of men’s socks, ties, hats, sweaters, jac kets, etc. for the coming summer season. 'W EXETER ONTARIO New Arrivals Monarch Swan Yarn This is the most popular yarn we have had in years. Three-ply fine yarn for all purpose knitting—a large range of popular colors including white and black at 35c per 1 oz. ball Announcement l We wish to announce to our many shoe customers that we will be discontinuing the sale of shoes after Wednesday, April 21 st. We have sold our shoe stock to Messrs. Ernest and Ted Buswell and they will operate their new store two doors south of our present shoe department. It is with certain regret that we break this connection, and looking back it has been a great pleasure to have had so many kind friends who came to us so consistently for their shoes. To all whom we have served we wish to say ’’THANK YOU” and to the new “BUS WELLS” Store, we extend best wishes for continued success. This is the second step in our new expansion program. Our first step, the setting up of our new Ladies' Rcady-to-Wegr Department, under the direc tion of Miss Link, has been a splendid success. During our alterations, We may experience some inconveniences incidental to removing and repairing but our ul timate aim is an attractive, well-stocked store to serve this community even bet ter than in the past. Phone 32 Your ' Superior Store