HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-04-22, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22nd, 1348 MEN WANTED BABY CHICKS several mem4 FOR SALE—Double lot on Mill Street. Apply at. Times-Advo- cate, 8:15:22* repair. 18 acres good Close to highway and Clayton of London, on sun- FOR SALE—100 acres good brick house, bank hen house and garage, to highway and school, fall possession. FOR SALE- ated, , boards, J. Willis, Exeter. -New house, insul- gardwood floors, cup- , modern conveniences. 25tfc Wild- I Furniture Buyers’ Bureau SEED CORN IS SCARCE THIS YEAR! i Exeter FAM/LY footweaA & muuwtii Milky Lupdd Ardcna Skin *T< Velva Cream AL..,..,---------- . Astringent Cream, 2.50 and 4.50 Lille Lotion, 1.85 or AlLDay Foundation, 1.25 Cleanser, 2.50 uric, 1.25 to 9.75 isk, 2.50 and 6.00 A splendid opportunity to furnish your home with these extra special values. WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT Now’ that furniture conditions more near normal than they have been, the things you need and want are becoming increasingly available. We think you will enjoy seeing the smart new furnish­ ings now in stock to dress up your home. Such furnishings as Kroehler suites, Simmons springs and mattresses, Fry and Blackhall living room furniture and Giddard furniture, all point to quality merchandise that you’d be proud to have in your home. Special Merchandising EARLY IN MAY Hopper-Hockey Furniture Store PHONE 99 EXETER PASHW0QD NOTICE ’ommeueliig Sunday, April 25 at 2 a,in, Dashwood will go on Daylight Saving Time, Also anyone using the Dashwood Dump ground, who is not a rate­ payer, will be prosecuted, 22c The Blue Water' Zone of the Ontario District Walther League will hold its annual Spring Rally at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Monkton on Sunday, April 25 th. 1 Rally will be to the Lord” Representatives to attend from Dashwood, an, London, Mitchell Sarnia, Seebach’s and Wartburg as Ontario District bers. Mi', and Mrs. fong and daughter, visited with relatives day. Miss Amelia Willert, of De­ troit, Mich., spent the week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller­ man and son, John and Mrs. Elgin Merner and Joyce spent the week-end in Hanover. - Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Calfas and family, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Thos- Hopcroft and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Arth­ ur, of Exeter, motored to Toron­ to on Sunday where they visited Mr. Hopcroft’s sister who is con­ fined to the hospital there. Mr. A. Getz, of Brantford, spent the Aveek-end with his brother, Rev. and Mrs. Getz. Glen Haugh and Lois Gaiser, of London, spent the week-end at their homes here. Mrs. Clayton Pfile is in Lon­ don hospital taking treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Humble' of Sarnia, visited with Mr. Mrs. R. Goetz on Tuesday. Mr. Vyrne Weido has chased the fine farm of Fred Schlundt. We wish every success. i its Redeemer Monkton The theme of the - “Giving Ourselves 11 Cor. 8:5. are expected Log- Monkton, Hill, Stratford well as board We have a fair range of sizes and maturities on hand at present but will not be able to replace when sold out. Also several standard varieties of Open-Pollenated Corn. Sorghum and Sudan Grass Now in' Stock Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. P.O. Box “H” Phone 207 EXETER ONTARIO Footwear Department You are invited to visit our new store, where modern appointments will add to your comfort while being fitted with your footwear needs. LADIES; You will find a comprehensive stock from which to choose your dress, casual, or sport shoes to complete your Spring ensemble. GENTLEMEN: Fathers and sons, you will be able to choose from many pairs of fine calf oxfords, sturdy brogues and sport shoes; along with toug'h, hard wearing work boots and rubbers. MISSES: You will be delighted with our oustanding range of the popular Baby Doll slipp ers to accent you New Look, for- dates and school. CHILDREN : You have a Special fitting section all your own. Neat shoes, on correct lasts, can be chosen from our large new stock, to pro­ tect your growing feet. All Th ese Shoes are Now at Attractive Prices Wallpaper Department will Open on Saturday, May 1st REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAILEDFOR SALE TEACHERS WANTED FARM FOR SALI'L-150 acres productive soil, with comfor­ table house and fine barn and outbuildings. Hydro and wat­ er. Buildings, fences, etc., in good bush. school.. Immediate or fall pos­ session. C. V, Pickard, Real­ tor, Exeter. 15c FOR SALE—Rubber tired wag on $60. (wagons bought). W. B. Thompson, Clinton, 3 miles west. 8:15:22* FOR SALE-—Brooder house 12x 12; range shelter; 10 rods chicken wire; Smith Mother Nature brooder. Phone 216 Zurich, Bryce Alack. 15:22c Applica­ tor the sev- the Usborne Area. Exper- may expect giving ex- and former Inspec- TEACHER WANTED tions are invited eral vacancies in Township School ienced teachers $1750. Please reply, perience ' ; tor’s name to A. G. Hicks, Secy. R. R. 3, Exeter, Phone 172r6, Exeter, 22c FARM with barn, Close Immediate or C. V. Pickard, Exeter, Ontar­ io. 15c FOR SALE—3 Collie pups, Gor­ don Moir, phone 92r31 Hen­ sail. 15:22* FOR SALE—21 acres, edge of Mitchell, basement barn, 2-deck henhouse, storey house, furnace, 3 piece bath, garage, town water, electricity. 10 acres, Varna, house, garage, double-deck henhouse, hydro, immediate possession. Also in Centralia 5 lots, brick house furnace, water pressure, 3-piece bath, barn. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 15* FOR SALE-—Good strawberry plants of several excellent varieties for early planting. Apply to Mrs. Emalie Carter, on highway south of Exeter. 15:22;29d FOR SALE—Some elm tops and limb wood. Apply to Oliver Fee, P.O. Box 111, Exeter. 15:22* FOR ’ SALE- pigs to hydraulic Stewart 36rl6 Dashwood, -Three wean; pump. Triebner, litters of Farm-All M Apply to phone 15:22* FOR SALE—9 0 tillable, 100 acres, Hay Twp., well situated, reasonably useful buildings, Bargain price. Good chance for young couple to get a starts Wm. Pearce, Exeter. 15* $35. TO $60. A WEEK!—Your own business! No boss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital write to-day foi’ FREE information. FAMILEX 1600 Delorimier. Montreal. 25: 5tc KITCHENER BIG - 4 Chicks. They’re wlrat you want if you’re ordering April chicks. You want to catch up with the markets. For eggs or meat you can’t beat Big-4. Scores of satisfied customers writing every year with repeat orders. They’d buy none but Big-4. Lose no time getting’ prices and giving us your order. Get our special prices on started chicks, J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1. Dashwood. Associate Helpers The Associate Helpers of the W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Charles MacNaughton on Mon­ day evening, Edna Farrow’s group was in charge. The group leader opened the meeting with a reading entitled “Thank God for our Many Blessings” follow­ ed by a prayer. The minutes of the meeting were read and ap­ proved and the roll call was taken. The new president, .Helen Anderson, conducted the busin­ ess part of the meeting. The evening was spent in knitting children’s mitts to be sent in a bale. Lunch was served by the group in charge. All repeated the Benediction to close meeting. SIMPLIFIED SKIN CARE Oiiy S&itt Designed to do the most for the skin in the shortest mea­ sure of time. ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 FOR SALE- automatic condition, warming Exeter. —5 burner Florence oil stove in baking oven oven. Phone good and 283w 22c FOR SALE—Deep water 'pump and rectangular white enamel piping. 22* sink complete with Call 52, Crediton. FURNITURE FOR SALE—Used only 3 months. Phone 374w., Exeter. 22* FOR SALE—Davenport, used; only 6 weeks. Phone Exeter 300. 22c FOR SALE •— 2-burner Chrome- plated hot plate, 4 way .switch oven to fit over one burner. Apply at Times-Advocate. 22* FOR SALE—Two young calves. Apply Geo. Barkner, Exeter North. 22c POTATOES FOR SALE—Apply Wm. Pepper, Hensall. 2,.* FOR SALE—1932 Ford V-S coupe with rumble seat, seal beam lights, new tires, car in good running condition. See Sam Elsie, Dashwood, phone Dashwood 123. 22c FOR SALE—Quebec heater, large size, new pipes, stove board, 2 new coal scuttles, i Phone 5 8 Crediton. 22c, FOR SALE—A g irl’s bicycle, Phone lS9j Exeter. 22c FOR SALE—Maple and elm stove wood. At the pile $5.00 a cord, trucking extra. Emer­ son Glenn, R.R. 2 Ailsa Craig phone 619r2, Ailsa Craig. 22:29* FOR SALE—Clothes et heater with 20 also 20 gal. tank ric heater. Phone reel; gal. with 112 Exeter. 22c Jack­ tank; elect- SALE—200 bus. barley, $1.45 per 3-furrow, 10-inch plow, last fall. Apply to Wally FOR seed Case new Wein, phone 25rl Dashwood. 22*' Galore bus.; FOR SALE—10 tube Phonola console radio ip. very good condition. $22.00. Roy Kirk; Exeter. 22* FOR SALE—Strawberry plants, Eacrett variety. Mrs. G. Broderick, phone 83r25 Hen­ sail. 22c FARMERS—Place your order now for a new Dion all-steel roller bearing thresher or Dion ensilage cutter and be sure of early delivery. Frank Routly, agent, Kirkton, phone Kirkton 28rl3. 22c FOR SALE—Quantity of hay' and 400 tile 3 inch at Wood’s farm, one mile and a half east of Hensall. 22* FOR SALE—Heavy duty ' hot watei* tank equipped with el­ ectric heater, also annex with hot water coil attached. W. E. Middleton, phone 280j. 22:29:6* -One Royal Brooder hoover, also gaso- and Acme-D hand machine, priced to All in good condition. Phone 31rl7 Kirkton. 22:29* FOR SALE- stove and line iron washing sell. FOR SALE1—About 20 00 good used white brick. Apply Coop­ er McCurdy, phone 178r2 Exeter. 22c FOR SALE — 1932 Studebaker sedan, in excellent, condition, new battery and 'tires, priced right. Apply 5 36 English St., London. 22* FOR SALE—-Radio, nearly new, two-bumer hot plate, nearly new; dressbr; stand. Apply ac Tiines-Advocate. 22* FOR SALE—-Red cow, six years old, just freshened. Chas. Fisher, phone 176r5 Exeter. 22c FOR SALE—Studio couch, wine rep with arms. Apply Mrs. Tigroid Hrodei’ickj Exeter. 22*'Head the want ads and .get results. FOR RENT TO LET—1 single room; 2 rooms vacant May 1st. Apply Mrs. White, Carling St. 22c FOR RENT—2 rooms furnished and 3 rooms unfurnished, hydro and bath. Apply at Times-Advocate. 22* FOR RENT—Garden in Exeter, centrally located or to work on shares. Apply at Times- Advocate. 22* FOR RENT—-Vacuum cleaners, by the day or week. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, 11c APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received by the Township of Stephen for the position of Assessor. All applications must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday, May 3. F. W. Morlock, Clerk. 22:29c LOST LOST—-In " Exeter, a license No. 3W512. Finder please leave at Newton’s Garage. 22* WANTED WANTED—An apartment, three rooms furnished, needed by May 1st. LAC Knight, Box K, Times-Advocate. 22c WANTED—2 or 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms. Phone LAC. Cooper, Station Hospit­ al, R.O.A.F. Centralia. 22 WANTED—Small apartment or 3-4 rooms by air force officer and wife, no children. Apply) Box F, Times-Advocate. 22* WANTED—Either a duplex or 4 rooms with bathroom facil­ ities. Apply Mr. S. G. Dove, Box D, Times-Advocate. 22* WANTED—2-section set of lever' harrows; also army truck for sale. '42 model, new motor. Roy McDonald, Exeter. 22* WANTED—C a 111 e for pasture by the head or will rent 200 acre farm outright. Apply to Wilfred Desjardine, R.R. 2, Dashwood. 15:22c WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone, 138 Exeter. FARM WANTED—We have a client interested in buying a good farm of 100 to 200 acres in the Exeter district) Buildings must be better than average and land pro­ ductive. If you have such a farm and would consider sel­ ling see O. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Main St.. Exeter HELP WANTED WANTED—Young girl to assist with housework, short hours, week-ends off. Apply Box V, Times-Advocate. 22c HELP WANTED—Two men for employment on highway work, veterans preferred. Contact A. M. Easton or Len McKnight. 22c MISCELLANEOUS WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR Cement Work. Charles GlanJ ville. Crediton. 22:29c BE SURE TO READ Cook Bros, add of used cars on page 8 of this issue. NOTICE Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time will take effect in the Village of Exeter at midnight, Sunday, April 25th until midnight, Sun­ day, September 26th, 1948., By Order of Council, B'. W. Tuckey, Reeve. Municipal Assessor The Municipal Council Of the Village -of Exeter calls for ap­ plications for the position of Municipal Assessor. The work of assessing to be done under the new system and the remunera­ tion to bo $400.00 per annum. The present assessor, Mr. Rich­ ard Welsh, to act in an advisory capacity at the expense of the Corporation. Applications for the position to be in the hands ■of itbe Clerk not later than 12 a.m., May 3,^ 1948, C. V. Pickard. Clerk\ COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE EVERYBODY’S SALE — at —- James St. United Church Shed SATURDAY, APRIL 24th, 1948 at 2:00 p.ln. Dresser, commode, beds, 2 large arm chairs, dining room sideboard, ironing table stand, white iron bed, kitchen table, >2' toilet sets, round table, set scales 1200 lbs., baby prhm^ electric iron, electric toaster, dozen tumblers, gold band; half dozen white handled knives, sherbert .glasses, reed work, pic­ tures, mirror for table, bassin­ ette, rockers, chairs, dishes, kit­ chen stove with warming even,, white enamel back; electric washing machine. You can bring anything you have to sell, or ydu can buy. table, and If you have anything to sell phone FRANK TAYLOR, 138 Howdy Folks! “Keep on fighting, boys,” the general, “never say Nevei* give up till your last is l'ired. When it is fired, run. I’m a little lame so starting now.” said die. shot then I’m —o- Talking about running, your car run smoothly or it need one of our good lubrica­ tions? Our boys do a thorough job! does does South End Service Station RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 — Manufactured by Wilkins Frosted Food and Ice Company Stratford, Ont. DELIVERIES: WED. & SAT. E.R. Witmer & Son Tel. 179w Exeter For Sale 1946 Mercury 3 Ton Truck with hoist, plat­ form and racks. Low mileage Newton Motor Sales Phone 216 Exeter Fertilizer for all kinds of crops now iro stock at my warehouse at the farm. * 0-14-7* 2-12-6 4-12-6 2-12-10 24-Hour Service — N. Phone Dashwood 36r2 EFFECTIVE Sunday, April 25, i948 Full information from Agents