The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-04-15, Page 4H. The Second Sunday in May is ... . Mother's Day A Fine Portrait is an Honoured Gift Arrange for a Sitting To-day ffl' Phone 343 PHOTOGRAPHER Exeter THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 15th, 1948 KIRKTON ■83 At a community gathering at Metropoliton school, Blaxishard Township, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lankin were presented with a silver* tea service by friends and neighbors, prior to making their home in St. Marys, after living at Metropolitan the past 32 years. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Paul and i Mr. Gerald .Paul were at Niag­ ara Falls Thursday evening ! when they assisted with part of the program at a concert. Mr. and Mrs Walker Kerslake I of Londeshoro, were Sunday | guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ' Fletcher. j Mrs. Lome Marshall is a pat­ ient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, having had an appendix opera­ tion. Miss Marian Francis and Mrs. Ross Francis returned from a very pleasant holiday with their aunt, Mrs. .Manford Belling, of Detroit. Mrs. M. Routly. of St. Marys, is holidaying with her daughter Mrs. Alex Crago. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen and family, of Londesboro, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fletch­ er this week. Miss Audrey Scott of Usborne is assisting at Lome Marshall’s store for a few weeks. Pause ’n Profit - Read the Want Ads TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED — Applica­ tions are invited for the sev­ eral vacancies in the Usborne Township School Area. Exper­ ienced teachers may expect $1750. Please reply, giving ex­ perience and former Inspec­ tor’s name to A. G. llicks, Secy. R. R. 3, Exeter. Phone 1721’6, Exeter. tfc. STRAYED STRAYED—Onto the farm of Jackson Woods, Elimville, a female dog, part Terrier, black and white, a child’s pet. Phone Kirkton 2."r4. 15c FOR RENT FOR RENT—100 acres pasture, highway S3, water windmill pumped. M. W. Pfaff, phone 116 Exeter. 15tfc FOR SALE WANTED FOR SALE—Red roan Short­ horn bull, 11 months old, el­ igible for registration, sired by Cloverdale Advance. Apply Fred Brown, Crediton. 8:15c WANTED—Man to tend furnace and clean halls, or woman to clean halls at Elliot Apart­ ments. Sandy Elliot, phone 64w. 15c “Why didn't I Fry them be­ fore?’’ is the lament of “First Time” Times-Advocate Want Ad users, , Beavers Removal Sale Continues this Week | Many of the Items Listed in La st ; Week’s Paper are Sold Out The Following Are Be ing Added to the Sale ® AH Enamelware 10% Off ® All Aluminum Ware 10% Off ® Brooms and Miscellaneous Brushes 10% Off © Children’s Wagons */% Price ® Electric Irons and Toasters 10% Off ® Fishing Tackle 10% Off • Axes 10% Off • Beet Forks 10% Off ® Floor Cleaner 69c a Gallon Beavers Hardware Phone 86 Exeter We are sorry to report that' Mrs. Ross Francis was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London on Sunday for an emergency appen­ dix operation. Word has been received of the death of Mr. Charles Irvine a former resident of this dis­ trict, who died, March 23 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Perk, of Moose Jaw. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine and family left Kirkton 39 years ago for Webb, Sask., where he farmed until 1939. He was predeceased by his wife in 1929 and is sur­ vived by one daughter, Mrs. C. Perk (Ida), Moose Jaw and one son Lawrence, in Reno, Nevada. Funeral services were held at Bellamy's funeral home and burial took place at Webb. Mrs. Louis Kraft Mrs. Louis Kraft, the formed Margaret Flaxbard, died late Wednesday of last week at Zurich in her 81st year. She1 had been in ill health for seven years. Surviving are a stepson, Herbert, Detroit; a brother > Henry Flaxbard, Zurich; and two sisters, Mrs. Michael Meid- inger and Mrs. Chris Hey, both of Zurich. A public funeral was held Saturday afternoon in St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. Rev. E. W. Helmrich officiated LOST LOST—Between Hensall and Exeter license plate No. 4W60> Finder please notify Melville Traquair, Kippen. 15c LOST—On the Thames Road oh Wednesday a new short ton­ gue. Finder please return to Garnet Frayne, phone 177r34 Eexter. 15c Announcement To the People of Exeter and District It is our pleasure to announce that we have purchased the Foot­ wear and AX allpaper Departments of Jones & May, General Merchants of Exeter. ' ‘ t These departments will be transferred to our new’ly renovated Store on the east side of Main Street in Exeter, the second door south of Jones & May’s present .store. The Footwear Department will be opened for day, April 24th at 8:00 a.m. The Wallpaper Department will open in its Buswells on Saturday, May 1st. Most of the Shoe and Wallpaper lines which_________ ________ by Jones & May will be continued in our store, with special additions. We solicit the generous patronage with which you have favour­ ed these departments for many years. It will be our endeavour to be worthy of your continued confidence. business on Satur- new showroom at have been stocked Please Accept This Invitation to Visit Saturday,' 24th * A. E. BUSWELL Proprietors E. E. BUSWELL ■0 FOR RENT—2 or 3 nicely fur­ nished rooms, mile and half east of Exeter, hydro and' water. Russell Morley, phone 176rl2 Exeter. 15* FOR RENT—3 rooms, furnished light and water. Apply at the' Times-Advocate. 15* FOR RENT—Vacuum cleaners, by the day or week. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, 11c TO RENT—Store and apartment Sandy Elliot, phone 64w. 15c FOR SALE—500 bus. Galore barley, $1.50 a bus. Allis- Chalmers tractor on rubber, 3-furrow 10 inch Case plow, new last fall. Wally Wein, Dashwood. Call Saturdays. ____________ 8:15* FOR SALE—Wheels and axles, suitable for trailer ox* wagon; car window glass; good four cylinder motor; parts for Es­ sex and Durant cars. Apply G. Bonnallie, above Fink’s Meat Market, Exeter. 8:15* FOR SALE—Sweet clover seed, Yellow Blossom, $7.00 a bus. Arthur Bierling, Exeter. 15* FOR SALE—Rubber tired wag ■on $60. (wagons bought). W B. Thompson, Clinton, 3 miles west,_______________8:15:22* FOR SALE—A good horse. Ap- ' ply A, E. Oestreieher, Dash­ wood phone 57rl0. 8:15* FOR SALE—Ivory baby pram Phone 23 4 Exeter.15w FOR SALE—John Deere 15-27 tractor, completely rebuilt, Apply Edwin Milley, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 44r2 Kirktoix. 15c WANTED-—C a 111 e for pasture by the head oi* will rent 200 acre farm outright, Apply to Wilfred Desjardine, R.R. 2, Dashwood, 15,*2 2c WANTED—.Cherry logs, either on the stump or in the yard. Write immediately, Box M, Times-Advocate. 15c WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 138 Exeter. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Level 100 acres, frame house,' basement, barn, shed, silo, driveshed, Zurich, 3 miles. Also 5 0 acres suitable to crop or pasture. Both im­ mediate possession. Wm. 0. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 15* FARM FOR SALE—150 acres productive soil, with comfor­ table house and. fine barn and outbuildings. Hydro and wat­ er. Buildings, fences, etc., in good repair. 18 acres good bush, Close to highway and school. Immediate or fall pos­ session. C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Exeter. 15c APPLICATIONS WANTED Exeter District High z School Board invites applications from residents of the District for the position of Attendance Officer for the year 19 4 8 at a minimum salary of $5o and a mileage al­ lowance of 7 cents a mile. Applications should be ad­ dressed to E. D. Howey, Sec- Treas., Box B, Exeter. 15c Applications will be received by the Township of Stephen for the position of Assessor. All applications must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than April 18. F. W. Morlock, Clerk. 8:15c FOR SALE—Team, 3 and 4, broken; bay Clyde mare, 10 years, in foal; bay Clyde » horse, 12 years; disc with trucks. Frank Parsons, Lot 34, Con, 2, Usborne.15* FOR SALE—Brooder house 12x 12; range shelter; 10 rods chicken wire; Smith Mother Nature brooder. Phone 216 Zurich, Bryce Mack. 15:22c FOR SALE—Fordson tractor in good condition; also 9 chunks of pigs. Phone Kirkton 33r9. 15* FOR SALE—Belgian colt, rising 3 years old. Apply .Times-Ad­ vocate. 15* NOTICE ‘Notice Re Warble Fly Township of Stephen Owing to a petition being pre­ sented to the Council of the Township of Stephen by a suf­ ficient number of ratepayers, the Council have passed a By­ law making it compulsory to treat all cattle for warble fly, also all cattle brought into the township for pasture before the 30th of June. The Council will provide insecticide material, owners of cattle to pay for treatment. Geo. Eilber, Inspector 8:15 F. W. Mdrlock, Clerk TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for two grader tires 14x20, traction tread, 14 ply and also 16 ply; one truck tire, 11x20, 12 ply. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by 12 o’clock noon April 22nd. Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. A. D. Steeper, R.R. 3, Ailsa. Craig, Twp. of McGillivray 8:15c The Huron County Home Com­ mittee requests Tenders for the supplying of 100 ton of Stoker Coal for the County I-Iome at Clinton. Prices to be on the track at Clinton. Analysis of coal to be shown. Tenders to be in the hands of the under­ signed not later than. April 30th, 1948. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, 8:15c Goderich, Ont. GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HAY For crushing and hauling gravel —Sealed tenders plainly mark­ ed will be received by the un­ dersigned until 6:00 o’clock p.m Saturday, April 17th, 1948, for crushing and hauling 4000 cu. yds. of crushed stone % inch size. Gravel to be used from the Welsh pit. Tenders to state price for hauling on a flat rate, also at a rate per cu. yd. per mile. Contractor to supply crusher, power and trucks; Hay Township to supply one truck. Work to be completed by Octo­ ber 1st, 1948. All work to be done under the direction of the Road Snporinf endent. Marked cheque for $200 to accompany tender. No tender necessarily accepted. Contractor to satisfy the Council as to Compensation Insurance carried. Contract to be signed before work com­ mences. James Masse, Road Sup’t. Zurich, Ont. R.R.2. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk. Zurich, Ont. 8:15o FOR SALE—1928 Pontiac sedan in good condition. Broderick Bros., Exeter, phone 277. 15* FOR SALE—3 Collie pups. Gor­ don Moir, phone 9 2r31 Hen­ sall. 15:22* FOR SALE—Feed turnips. Earl Campbell, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 36r9 Dashwood. 15* FOR SALE—Good strawberry plants of several excellent varieties for early planting. Apply to Mrs. Emalie Carter, on highway south of Exeter. 15:22:29c' FOR SALE—Bissell disc harrow 14 plate, in-throw. Cecil Canxm, phone 22rl5 Kirkton. 15* FOR SALE—Bike, small size, child’s, $10.00, old clock, new electrolux. Apply at Times- Advocate. 15* FOR SALE—193 6 Chev. Deluxe sedan, A-l condition. Gordon Ratz, phone 24r31 Crediton. * FOR SALE—'Coal brooder stove in good condition. Leesome Lafond, R.R. 3, Parkhill, or phone Dashwood 3Sri. 15c FOR SALE—One 2-horse 25 cycle 110-220; one 3-horse, 25 cycle 110-220 with starter. Jensen & -Co., Exeter.15c FOR SALE—Some elm tops and limb wood. Apply to Olivei’ Fee, P.O. Box 111, Exeter. 15:22* FOR SALE—Three litters of pigs to wean; Farm-All M hydraulic pump. Apply to Stewart Triebner, phone ’3 6rl6 Dashwood.15:22* FOR SALE—5 burner Florence automatic oil stove in ^ood condition, baking oven and warming oven. Phone 2 83w Exeter. 15c FOR SALE—Beatty gas washing machine, used 2 years; also' RCA Victor battery radio. Percy Campbell, R.R.l, Exe­ ter._____________________15* FOR SALE — Dual purpose Shorthorn bull, 12 months old, dark red in color, from good milking dam; also some youngei' calves, herd governs ment tested for T.B. Clarence J. Switzer, phone 6r5 Kirk­ ton __________________15* FOR SALE—1931 Essex car, good running condition, new battery and license, new tires ' cheap for quick sale; 74 Har­ ley Davies motorcycle, good condition. Gerald Lewis, Clan- deboye. 150 PERSONAL BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, of­ ten after first dose. RUMA- CAPS two-way action attacks the cause, relieves the pain. At Robertson’s Drug Store. For an education in BlfY-olo- gy . , . Read the WANT-ADS’ FARM FOR SALE—10 0 acres’ with good brick house, bank barn, hen house and garage. Close to highway and school. Immediate or fall possession. C. V. Pickard, Exeter, Ontar­ io. 15c FOR SALE—21 acres, edge of Mitchell, basement barn, 2-deck henhouse, storey house, furnace, 3 piece bath, garage, town water, electricity. 10 acres, Varna, house, garage, double-deck henhouse, hydro, immediate possession. Also in Centralia 5 lots, brick house furnace, water pressure, 3-piece bath, barn. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 15* FOR SALE—9 0 tillable, 100 acres, Hay Twp., well situated, reasonably useful buildings. Bargain price. Good chance for young couple to get a starts Wm. Pearce, Exeter. 15* FOR SALE—Double lot on Mill. Street. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. 8:15:22* FOR SALE—New house, insul­ ated, hardwood floors, cup­ boards, modern conveniences. J. Willis, Exeter. 25tfc FOR SALE—100 acres, produc­ tive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 room brick house, L-shaped barn, 60x40, 40x40, driveshed, garage, never fail­ ing water supply, 5 acres hard wood bush, hydro available. Immediate possession. R. D. I-Iunter, phone 113w Exeter. 2 2 tfc MEN WANTED $35. TO $60. A WEEK!—Your owxx business! No boss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed fox- routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital write to-day for FREE information. FAMILEX 160 0 Delorimier. Montreal. 25: 5tc BABY CHICKS ORDER BIG-4 Chicks from local agent. Soon. It’s April and buying chicks now you want extra good chicks. Before you get too busy on the land or- dex’ Big-4. Behind them is a program of planned breeding- on the Hatchery’s farms cov­ ering years. Lose no time. Prices are right. Get oux’ spe­ cial prices on started chicks. J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dash­ wood NEUHAUSER LIGHT SUSSEX Neuhausei* sturdy Light Sussex are great layers. Extra largo eggs. Chicks grow fast and feather* evenly and cockerels are wonderful meat chickens. Two pure strains, Turney and Smith; Thousands available weekly $16 per hundred; Pul-' lets $28. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ont. AUCTION SALES COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE will be held in the James Street Church Shed on SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 194S This is your sale. If you liavo anything to sell please notify Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exetert EASY POULTRY MONEY! You get more profits from chicks that grow fas­ ter, mature quicker, and lay earlier. Use Dr. Salis­ bury’s REN-O-SAL, the drinking-water med­ icine t ha* s t i m ula t es growth and prevents the spread of cecal coccidiosis, in larger doses. Just mix two tablets in each gallon of water. Get REN-O-SAL when you get youi* chicks. Use it from the time you start your brood. Your personal problems in Poul- try and Stock difficulties are our special coxicem. R. A. Finn’s and Dr. Salsbury’s Remedies and all their scientific research is at your service at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter Bargain Stock Reducing Sale QUEEN OIL-BURNING BROOPER STOVES BRAND NEW — $20.00 while they last or $21.00 delivered to your station Act Now! With the coal strike and steel shortage they may be impossible to buy next Fall at even $30.00 each. It will pay you to act and buy now, even if you don’t need a stove this year. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice You must enclose this ad with order for special sales price. QUEEN OIL RANGE BURNERS $45.00 while they last. Good for summer or winter! Lakeview Hatchery and Supply Company, Exeter For Sale 1946 Mercury 3 Ton Truck with hoist, plat­ form and racks. Low mileage 1936 Chev Sedan 1939 De Soto Coupe Newton Motor Sales Phone 216 Exeter Coal Car of Nat Alberta Just Arrived! Exeter District Co-op Fertilizer for all kinds of crops now in stock at my warehouse at the farm. 0-14-7 2-12-6 4-12-6 2-12-10 — 24-Hour Service — Phone Dashwood 36r2