HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-04-08, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 8th, 1948 ........ —.........—......................r.—, Co-op Feeds and.........( Farm Supplies | I ® .Spring* is on the way but there is still a fairly long I spell of time before the new crop year, We urge | you to try oui* top quality Co-op feeds. Consult | the mill manager for grains and feeds. We carry . Lay Mash, Chick Starter, Crow Mash, Dairy Ra- i tion, Dog Grower, Pig Starter and other balanced ’ rations. ' ® We can also supply you with many Poultry sup- | plies and tonics. Try our Poultry Worm X-Pel and Hog Worm X-Pel—a most effective remedy, ® We have a good supply of Wire Fencing but barb­ ed wire supplies are very slow. Wire gates are practically not available; buy your fencing now. ® We offer you 2-32 ft. Extension Ladders and 2- 38 ft. Extension Ladders. j j • We have a fair supply of buff Roll-Brick Siding I ! and smooth surface Roll Roofing. | ® We also can serve you with many other farm J supplies, j ! — BUY FROM — * I EXETER DISTRICT i | CO-OPERATIVE i 1 Mill 287j — Phones — Office 287w I BABY CHICKS "SO WELL PLEASED with Big- 4 Chicks” writes customer Mrs. Wm< Kaufman, of Ches- ley. “Nevqr had hens to lay like them”'. Hundreds of cus­ tomers testify their satisfac­ tion. Behind Big-4 Chicks is a program of planed breeding covering years. You can’t af­ ford to he without them this season. Get prices and order now from J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood, 8 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Strawberry plants and a few loads of hay. W. F. Abbott, Exeter. 8* HELP WANTED Have you tried a classified lately? FOR SALE WANTED LOST NEUHAUSER New Hampshires. The greatest layers of them all. Large eggs right from the Start. Pure Forest Hill strain. Pedigreed sires imported dir­ ect. Chicks available weekly. •816 per hundred. Pullets $28. Phone your order in to-day. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St,, London, Ont. NEUHAUSER Barred Rocks. Real layers with good egg size. Parks and Winthrop strain—best of the Rocks. Sired by Pedigreed males. Available weekly $16 per hundred. Pullets $28. Neu­ hauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ont. MEN WANTED $35. TO $60. A WEEK!—Your own business! No boss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine City and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital write to-day for FREE information. FAMIItEX 1600 Delorimier. Montreal. 25: 5tc This year can be your golden opportunity in the chicken and turkey business . . , HERE’S WHY? 1. Feed Prices are Going Down, Down . . . and likely will continue to do so unless something unforeseen happens. Quotations foi* delivery of grain when navigation opens are down $13.00 to $15.00 per ton. With an early Spring, and prospects of a good seeding xvith a higher acreage and possibly only 50% as much stock, hogs and poultry to feed, the feed prices could, easily take a real tumble. 2. Poultry Meat Prices Are Away Up . . . and look as if they would stay up. Old hens sell for 27c to 30c; 3-4 lb. chicken @ 37c-40c per lb.; Capons 37c-40c; turkeys up to 45c lb.—all prices alive, at the farm. 3-4 lb. broilers are selling for 45c lb. alive in Detroit in truckload lots. There is 2c lb. duty. There is a bigger margin of profit in pro­ ducing Poultry Meat than ever. Broiler producers are reaping a profit of 50c or more per bird in 10 to 14 weeks. One producer we know of made a profit of $5,000 in 12 weeks on 10,000 broilers and on top of that., these were purchased as mixed chicks. The next lot may be even more profitable. ... fdntlian 3. Feed Prices in Canada Are About $2.00 per 100 Less than in the U.S.A., and with 2c lb. duty on chickens and turkeys, we have all the advantages of a big profit. A MID-MARCH SURVEY BY THE U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE A decline of 38% in chicks booked for April and May A 17% reduction in chicks hatched in January and February 26% fewer eggs in incubators in Mid-March A distinct egg shortage is expected Passing of the Marshall Plan calls for 3 million cases of eggs in the first 15 months. Egg production is expected to be down at least 4 million cases from a year ago. Will a Shortage of Eggs in U.S.A, Affect Canadian Prices? ' Yes,, it can in many ways. Hatching eggs may be shipped in large quantities this Summer. Fall, and next year. The Marshall Plan calls for the purchase of all the surplus food Canada can supply. The following is a brief report of a questionaire compiled re­ cently by the Canadian Baby Chick Association: 4 HELP WANTED—G i r 1 wanted for full time in house and store. Apply Box L, Times- Advocate. 8c PERSONAL RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lumbago quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS. Recom­ mended by thousands who have gained putter health. At Robertson’s Drug Store. NOTICE Notice Re Warble Fly Township of 'tephen ■Owing to a petition being pre­ sented to the Council of the Township of Stephen by a suf­ ficient number m' ratepayers, the Council have passed a By­ law making it compulsory to treat all cattle for warble fly, also all cattle brmrrlit into the township for pasture before the 30th of June. The Council will provide insecticide material, owners of cattle to pay for treatment. Geo. Eilber, Inspector 8:15 F. W. Morlock, Clerk FOR SALE-—A Belgian horse 4 years old; ’36 V-8 Truck. Will take in 12 head of cat­ tle for pasture. J. Williams, phone Crediton 47rl5. _______________________25; 1.8c SEED FOR SALE—Galore bar­ ley, no.l, $2.00; Beacon, oats, no. 1, $1.50; a few bushels of certified no. 1 Montcalm bar­ ley left. Harry Strang, phone Exeter 177 r 16. 8 FOR SALE—Holstein bull calf. Oliver Rowcliffe, Hensail. 8 FOR SALE—Bay mare, rising 6. Roy Dietrich, phone 24r43 Crediton, 8c FOR SALE —. 1933 Plymouth car. Apply to Eldon Robinson, near Kirkton, phone 29r3 Kirkton. Sc FOR SALE—3-burner Coleman gasoline stove, like new; quantity of barley and mixed grain suitable for seed; also 2 Holstein calves, week old. Russell Morley, phone 176rl2 Exetei'. 8 c FOR SALE—193 6 DeLuxe Ply­ mouth sedan, good tires and heater, good condition. A, Snelgrove, Exeter.8c FOR SALE—Bath tub; flush toilet; basin; kitchen sink; Beaver 3 6” wood lathe; coal brooder .stove. R. E. Balkwill, Exeter. 8 * WANTED—Around the 1st of May, three or four roomed, furnished or unfurnished apartment, Airforce couple, no children. Write Box G, Times-Advopate. 8* WANTED—Man to roll and rake lawn and other outdoor work. Mrs, Hyndman, Huron St., Exeter.8c WANTED—A young, steady man, around 17 or 18, ap­ prentice to learn welding trade. Apply Box H, Times- Advocate. 8c WANTED—6 or 7 head of young cattle for the season. Ed Broderick, Exeter. 8tfc WANTED—Sewing machine „ in good condition. Phone Hen­ sall. 831-25. 8* WANTED—By airforce couple and one child, furnished rooms, house or apartment. Apply Box II Times-Advocate. S* WANTED—By airforce couple, furnished , or unfurnished rooms, house or apartment, no children. Apply Box E. Times-Advocate.8* WANTED—Man to tend furnace and clean halls, or woman to clean halls at Elliot Apart­ ments. Sandy Elliot, phone 64w. ‘ e LOST —- Logging chain between Zion and Winchelsea corners; Tuesday afternoon. Finder please notify Warren Brock,, phone Kirkton 4r3. 8c FOR RENT FOR RENT—Heated, unfurnish­ ed apartment. Apply to Ernest Willard, 1% miles south of Exeter. 8c FOR RENT—-Vacuum cleaners, by the day ox* week. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, lie TO RENT—Store and apartment Sandy Elliot, phone 64w. tfc APPLICATIONS WANTED THE QUESTIONAIRE 1. How do sales so far this year compare with last year, up or down, on Unsexed Chicks............... Pullets................ Cockerels? 2. What estimate have you on advance bookings, up or down, for March............... April............... May................? 3. In your opinion does the increased price for export eggs offset the increased price of feeds? ................................................. 4. Do you expect a very large Spring influx of chick orders ? ..................... THE UNSEXED CHICKS No. 1 Ques. Up No. Hatcheries Ave. Per Cents No. 2 Ques. No. Hatcheries 3 Ave. Per Cents No. 3 Ques. No. 4 Ques. In sales or advance in which section. It seems cent government reports show’ above except theirs is for the season, Vai only. 1 Down Same 28 11 48% MARCH 2 13 42 % 34 Hatcheries 37 Hatcheries looking RESULTS PULLETS COCKERELS Up Down Same Up Down Same 11 26 3 2 35 3 49 %85% APRIL MAY 4 28 8 2 32 6 49%63% replied NO; 4 YES; 2 INDEFINITE replied NO; 2 YES; 1 INDEFINITE Lakeview Chicks Are as Good as or Better Than Ever of produc- it is more start with With the higher cost tion and higher returns, important than ever to LAKEVIEW Super-bred and Super­ ior-hatched chicks. 45,000 Lakeview Chicks Weekly Even though the total average production of chicks is down to 40% or more as shown on results of the Questionaire to Hatcheries, the pro­ duction and .gale of Lakeview chicks is 85% to 90% of last year’s. This speaks well for the quality, health, vigour and livability of LAKEVIEW CHICKS. “I have 100% Livability! M a n y thanks for your fine shipment of Started Sussex Pullets,” from John C. Coles, Gravenliurst. “Received 100 chicks . . . lost one. They matured into nice pullets and were laying at 4 months.” Francis Greenslade, Strathroy. “Lost 8 chicks out of 1600” reports William Henry, Blyth, Ont. “Wonderful Success, laying 75% to 80% and there were no roosters in them.I am From Mrs. Ont. placing my order again.” Arthur Aryere, Osgoode, pleased for 4 years. For g “Very well the past 4 years I have been buyin chicks from you and have been very well pleased with them.”—Keith Hutton, Renfrew, Ont. FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Ap­ ply Allan Westcott, phone 176r32 Exeter. 8c FOR SALE—Mixed grain, 1946 crop; Ajax oats; No-barb bar­ ley and a few bushels Mont­ calm barley. Warren Brock,’ phone Kirkton 4r3.8c FOR SALE—One cow four years old, freshen in. about two weeks. Apply Wood’s 1*4 miles east of Hensall, 8** FOR SALE—New black shortie coat, worn four times, half price. Apply at apartment ■over Southcott’s store. 8* FOR SALE—Red roan Short-, horn bull, 11 months old, el-’ igible for registration, sired by Cloverdale Advance. Apply Fred Brown, Crediton. 8:15c FOR SALE—Beaver seed oats, grade 1 commercial, $1.3 5 per bushel, sacks free. Apply to Russell Broderick, R.R. 2, Hensall. 8c WHEN SELLING your car phone 63 Hensall for highest prices. 1:8c WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 138 Exeter. Exetei’ District High School* Board invites applications from residents of the District for the position of Attendance Officer for the year 1948 at a minimum salary of $50 and a mileage al­ lowance of 7 cents a mile. Applications should be ad­ dressed to E. D. Howey, Sec- Treas., Box B. .Exeter._______8c Applications will be received by the Township of Stephen for the position of Assessor. All applications must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than April 1*8. F. W. Morlock, Clerk. S;15c TENDERS WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Level 100 acres, frame house, basement, barn, shed, silo, driveshed, Zurich, 3 miles. Also 50 acres suitable to crop or pasture. Both im­ mediate possession. Wm. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 8c FOR SALE—DoubTe Jot on Mill Street. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. S: 15:22* Tenders will he received by the undersigned for two grader tires 14x20, traction tread, 14 ply and also 16 ply; one truck tire, 11x20, 12 ply. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by 12 o’clock noon April 22nd. Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. A. D. Steeper, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig, Twp. of McGillivray 8:15c FOR SALE OR RENT—50 acVes of pasture, concession IS, South y2 Lot 18, Stephen Twp. Apply to Curtis Gratton Grand Bend. 1:8* FOR SALE—500 bus. Galore barley, $1.50 a bus. Allis- Chalmers tractor on rubber, 3-furrow 10 inch Case plow, new last fall. Wally Wein, Dashwood. Call Saturdays. 8:15* FOR SALE—Wheels and axles, suitable for trailer or wagon; car window glass; good four cylindar motor; parts for Es­ sex and Durant cars. Apply G. Bonnallie, above Fink’s Meat Market, Exeter. 8:15* FOR SALE—Sweet clover seed, Yellow Blossom, $7.00 a bus. Arthur Bierling, Exeter. 8c FOR SALE—Rubber tired wag­ on $60. (wagons bought). W.' B. Thompson, Clinton, 3 miles west. * 8:15:22* FOR SALE—1’3 hoe Massey- Harris seed drill; 2 walking plows; 14-plate disc harrow; drag .harrow; wagon and rack steel tired buggy; spring tooth cultivator. Phone Jas. McCarthy, 15r5 Lucan, 8* FOR >SALE—A. good horse. Ap­ ply A. E. Oestreicher, Dash­ wood phone 571T0. , 8:15* FOR SALE—Webster paint sprayer, model Q, complete outfit. Apply to Gerry Moffat Kippen. 8* FOR SALE—100 acres, Stanley , Twp., brick house, bank barn, driveshed, electric water pres­ sure system, some bush.—21 acres in edge of Mitchell, has basement barn, 2 deck hen­ house, Igt storey house, fur­ nace, 3 piece bath, attached garage, town water, electric­ ity. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 25c FOR SALE—10 acres at Varna, house, garage and double deck henhouse, electricity, hens optional, quick posses­ sion. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, lc FOR SALE—New house, insul­ ated, Jiardwood floors, cup­ boards, modern conveniences. J. Willis, Exeter.25tfc FOR SALE—100 acres pasture, highway 83, water windmill pumped. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 25c COMFORTABLE Cottage For Sale—Located on Highway 23 at Whalen close to store and school, 6 miles east of Cent­ ralia, six rooms, hydro and 1/5 acre of land. C. V. Pick­ ard, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—100 and 150 acre farm in Stephen Twp. These are both good farms with good buldings and the best of land. Both are close to village and school. Reasonable terms. Also 150 acres in Hay Twp. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 15c The Huron County Home Com­ mittee requests Tenders for the supplying of 100 ton of Stoker Coal for the County Home at Clinton. Prices to be on the track at Clinton. Analysis of coal to be shown. Tenders to be in the hands of the under­ signed not later than April 30th, 1948. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, 8:15c Goderich, Ont. GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HAY For crushing and hauling gravel —Sealed tenders plainly mark­ ed will be received by the un­ dersigned until 6:00 o’clock p.m Saturday, April 17th, 1948, for crushing and hauling 400 0 cu. yds. of crushed stone % inch size. Gravel to be used from the Welsh pit. Tenders to state price for hauling on a flat rate, also at a rate per cu. yd. pei* mile. Contractor to supply crusher, power and trucks; Hay Township to supply one truck. Work to be completed by Octo­ ber 1st, 19 48. All work to be done under the direction of the Road Superintendent. Marked cheque for $200 to accompany tender. No tender necessarily accepted. Contractor to satisfy the Council as to Compensation Insurance carried. Contract to be signed before work com­ mences. James Masse, Road Sup’t. Zurich, Ont. R.R.2. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk. Zurich, Ont. 8:15c Fertilizer for all kinds of crops now in stock at my warehouse at the farm. 0-14-7 2-12-6 4-12-6 2-12-10 — 24-Hour Service — FOR SALE—100 acres, produc­ tive -clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 room brick house, L-shaped barn, 60x40, 40x40, driveshed, garage, never fail­ ing water supply, 5 acres hard wood bush, hydro available. Immediate possession. R. D. Hunter, phone 113w Exeter. 22tfc FOR SALE—Beaver Oats, an early, heavy yielding variety, grade 1, .commercial, $1.35 bushel, sacks free. G. Broder­ ick, Exeter, phone Hensall 83r25.___________________8* FOR SALE—Two Holstein heif­ ers, due In June, T.B. tested and vaccinated. Alf. Ropp, phone 9 6r4 Zurich. 8* Book Yo ur Ord er Now for (April or May Delivery Most breeds available for April but some breeds are already nearly booked for April and early May. STARTED CHICKS—-A limited number of well-started pullets. FREE RANGE, 8-10 WEEKS TO READY-TO-LAY pullets 3.000 to 4,000 available for booking now! 4-WEEK-OLD READY-MADE CAPONS—booked up to May I. Book your order for May or June delivery. Capons are profit­ able ! N. Stanlake & Son Phone Dashwood 36r2 FOR SALE'—1946 Dodge sedan, ’$1,650. Apply to W. Cunning­ ham, Officer’s Mess, Centra­ lia. 8* FOR SALE—60 stocker pigs, weighing from 50 pounds up. Charles Bedard, 98rl5, Zurich 8* I Hy-Way Hank Queen Oil-Burning Brooder Stoves Brand new! Never uncrated! $20.00 (while they last) Lakeview Hatchcry, Exeter or wup.es ftmny iw. .................. Bl “He bought all wo had and turned them loose — wanted to prove that any one mechanical minded would head straight for Exeter Motor Sales for car Service!” is little or large difference in hatcheries, or “spotty”. Re­ down as the over the returns closely, there bookings, whether they are small all over the lot, and decidedly about the same percentage and (in Ontario) applies to Appro- FOR SALE—1947 model John Deere BR tractor, starter and lights, reason for selling, bought a larger tractor. Clem­ ent Boland, 1 mile east of Mt. Carmel, 8* Lakeview Poultry Farms and Hatchery Wsin Bro s, , Phone 78 and 92 Exeter, Ontario i FOR SALE—Massey-Harris low steel wagon (nearly hew); Frost & Wood 13 spring tooth cultivator; International 9 stiff tooth cultivator, Mas­ sey-Harris 14 plate disc with forecarriage; heavy set brass mounted harness. Apply J. McCarthty, 1% miles east and 1 mile- south of Mt, Carmel, R,R. 3, Ail^a Craig. 8c Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 200 Tom Coates Fred Dobbs f i t I