HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-04-08, Page 1Seventy-Fifth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 8th, 1948 Single Copy 6 cents Wein Brothe rs Again Expanding Lakeview Farms The Wein Bros,, Sheldon and Kenneth, owners and operators of the Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery and the Lakeview Turkey Ranch are continuing to expand in the poultry industry This week they are nearing completion a brand new turkey hatchery located on Lakeview Farms at the corner of Highways No. 4 and 83. Although most of their vast business is carried on via C,N,R. shipments and per­ sonal delivery service to their largei’ customers, this ideal lo­ cation for their new plant offers a great advantage to the rural population of the Exetex* district. The red-tile modern in every ■oil- heating and measures 70x30 overhanging flat ed by strong steel beams and de­ vised to hold two inches of water to keep the structure cool dur­ ing the summer months. With a capacity for 60.000 turkey eggs, the Wein Bros, will this season be turning out approximately 10,000 poults weekly. Special were truck the pany cubators to all parts States, Canada and Alaska. The same driver made the trip to Alaska in seven and one-half weeks. Although the exterior of the building is still incomplete, eggs already have been set in these special incubators er to meet the : this spring for celled” poults. Arrangements made with the Air Lines for poults to the Western Provinces, U.S.A. Because of he heavy Ameri­ can demand for poultry, duty only 2 cents per lb.. Canadian feed prices $2,00 hundred lower than in States and further drops expect­ ed, and because the number of turkey breeders has dropped to about 50 per cent of .it is expected that be a big shorage of the fall, and that will soar. brick building, respect with its air-conditioning, feet. The broad roof is support- turkey incubators delivered this week by from Denver, Colorado, by Robbins Incubator Conx- which supplies turkey in- of United in ord­ heavy demands “Quality Unex­ have been Trans-Canada shipments Maritimes, and to of the the with and per United last year, there will turkeys in the prices Mary Ann Carling Miss Mary Ann Carling,a name that has been associated with Exeter since its early days, passed away Thursday of last week at her street. Born which she died was in her 89 th year. Her fath­ er, the late Isaac Carling, was one of the pioneer merchants of Exeter and in the early days conducted a tannery. He was the first reeve of Exetei* follow Ing its incorporation as a village apd was also a member of On­ tario’s first legislature. Her uncle, the late Sir John Carling, one time Her moth- was home on Huron in the home in, Miss Carling of London, was at Postmaster General, er’s maiden name Balkwill. Of a family Ann of ten ■children eight predeceased her, only remaining sistei* being Miss Ida Carling with whom' she has living. Deceased was an active member and liberal supporter oi the Trivitt Memorial church and of every worthy cause fox* which any appeal lias been made. The funeral, private, was held from the late residence Monday after­ noon conducted by Rev. C. L. Langford, assisted by Rev. M. A. Hunt, of Mitchell. Attending the funeral from a distance were Miss Eva Carling, Winnifred Carling, Miss Nina Carling, Mrs. J. B. Wallace, Mrs. Norman Devitt, all of Tor- Mrs. Harold Oshawa; Mr. Carling, of Reg. Bissett, of and Mrs. Thomas The bearers and of Harry Mr. Mr. Miss onto; Mr. Washington, and Mrs. Windsor; Chatham; Carling, of London, were Messrs. G. A. Hawkins, P. B. Browning, Chas. Acheson, Percy Lunsford, Gerald Skinner and Win. May. Interment was in the Exeter Cemetery. Completes Course Mr. Norman Walper, of Gra­ ham Arthur’s Service Station attended a four-day conference in London sponsored McCall-Frontenac Oil completed a dealer course, by the Co. He training Keeping the Ball Rolling Plans for the coming ball •season In the Western Ontario Athletic Association will be re­ viewed at the annual meeting to be held in Wiiigham Town Hall, next Wednesday, April 14th, at 8.15 p.m. Clubs will be organ­ ised again this year in both th. men’s and women’s softball a; •well as in hardball. Church, Clinton, scored a before a packed house in town hall, Hensall, Wednes- evening of last week.The Hem with Dis- Educa- (Dr.) Oakes Clinton Musical Aids Hensall Arena fund A minstrel show featuring “Mammie and her Chocolate Drops” from Wesley Willis Uni­ ted hit the day show was sponsored by the sail Chamber of Commerce proceeds for Hensall and trict Recreational and tional Centre. Mrs. was interloctress and was intro­ duced by Laird Mickle, who spoke briefly* in aid of the rec­ reational centre. Pianist was Mrs. Morgan Agnew. Portraying the part of end men were Mrs. Cooke, Miss Viola Fraser, Mrs, Shearing, Mrs. B. Pocklington, Mrs., O. L. Paisley, Mrs. W. Mc­ Ewan, Mrs. Reg Ball, and Miss Helen Cook. Soloists were Mrs. Oakes, Miss Viola Fraser, Sirs. M. Nediger. Assisting were Ad­ am Stewart- and Bill Mutch, old time fiddlers, with Mrs. F. Day­ man, of Chatham, guitarist. Firm Warren D. May, of Sea­ son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. has joined the firm of Joins Mr. forth, May, Jones .& May and he and 'Mrs. May have moved to Exetex* into one of the new wartime houses on Ann Street. Mr. May was for nine years with the Canadian Bank of Commerce. He was sta­ tioned at the former Exeter branch for three years when he entered the R.C.A.F. where he served for 4 years. Re-entering the bank following his discharge from the airforce he has been ai the Seaforth branch for the past two years. He is no stranger in this community and he and Mrs. May will be welcomed back theix* many friends. by Returns (From Hospital Mrs. Lewis Kirk returned home on Friday from St. Jos­ eph’s Hospital where she under­ went an operation. Don’t forget Red Cross pack­ ing is this week, Friday, April 9 in the Town Hall. To Graduate Among the nurses who will graduate from Victoria Hospital London on Friday, April 23, are Dorothy Jean Forrester and Marie Lillian Melville, of Exeter and Miriam of Parkhill, ercises fox* the , ___ _ -- Joseph’s Hospital will be Mon­ day, May 3rd. Among the grad­ uates will be Ada Hay, and Patricia O’Dwyer, of Zurich; Shirley Regan, of Ailsa Cr; Margaret Wright, of Parkhill. Insurance Co Honors Retiring Helene Hemstead, The graduation ex­ nurses at St. Sec’y-Treasurer At the monthly meeting Educational Tour For District Pupils and educa- by the School Harvey dozen London All An grain being favourite break- had samples to interesting film the Library on A very interesting tional tour was enjoyed pupils of Winchelsea when their teacher, Mr. Sparling and about *a ladies as guides went to by chartered bus. on Monday. They went through Kelloggs and saw the process of made into their fast cereal, take home, was shown at Art and many art pictures were on display. A lady librarian gave a talk to .the children on Art. As it was a warm day lunch was enjoyed at Victoria Park. A visit to the CNR station and the fire hall was especially, interest­ ing to the boys. At all places those in charge were very cour­ teous and pleased to show the group around. An interesting tour of the London Free Press and broadcasting- conducted by Mr. secretary, Mary group was shown time required to newspaper. 3 6 0.00 0 were run presses in an hour, then shown Telephone Building and were surprised at the number of workers and switchboards re­ quired for telephone calls which we in this day and age take for granted, rather than as one of the wonders of the mechanical world. The trip home in time for supper found all tired and happy after an enjoyable day. was and The and one one, the studios Trestain McAsh. the work • make After .the first off on They were through the Belj Building and at the number and switchboards District News BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, of Blyth. ‘ and dinner and Mrs. LlQyd Mr. John Rinn, Howard Bill were Sunday evening guests of Thompson. Mr. and of Copper their new by Mr. Chas. Upshall Baseline. We extend to them a cordial welcome. •Mrs. and Clare nell-Facey day at Church. .Mr. Mrs. ■Cliff, home Fred Parkinson, have arrived to formerly owned on the Gladwyn Hooper, attended the wedding last Bloomfield Ruth Chan- Satur- United HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Rafuse, of Lon­ don, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham.** Mr. E. L.' Mickle and Mr. Thos. Welsh are in Toronto this wdek on business. Mrs. R. M. Kirby and Miss Roberta Kirby visited recently with relatives in St. Thomas. Rev. P. A.& and Mrs. Ferguson attended the induction in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich on Friday evening when Rev. Robert G. MacMillan, of Athols- tan, Que., was inducted as minister there. Huron Masons Hohl Banquet A Masonic banquet was held in Watson’s Hall, Kippen on Friday evening when the breth- ern of Huron Lodge No. 224 A.F. & A.M. entertained their wives and friends. The guests numbering one hundred were received by Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Mrs, Alfred Moffatt. The ladies .of St. Andrew’s United church served a chicken dinner. Brief addresses were given by presiding master Wor. Bro. Iv­ an Youngblut, Zurich; Bro. Rev A. E. Hinton, Kippen; Bro. Rev. Atkinson, Seaforth; Wor. Bro. Victoi* Dinnin, Zurich. Progressive euchre was played.’ Prize winners were, Mrs. Alvin McBride, Kippen; Mrs. C. Mc­ Bride, Zurich; D. McEwen, Cooper, Kippen; Exeter. Following is a fox* the Hensall Centre. Geo. Thompson .... E. L. Mickle ..... G. M. Drysdale ... Thos. Welsh ....... T. C- Joynt ........ W. Spencer .......... R. Middleton ...... Carl Passmore C. Mrs. O. Cann, A. Hensail; Duncan Stanley Love, list of donors Recreational Dr. J. C. Goddard ....... Scott Welsh ................. Ed Fink ....................... Geo. Bennett ................ J. W. Cochrane ........... W. Shepherd ...........^.... W. Riley ..................... William Brown ........... Milton Russell ............. Wilmex* Adkins ........... Alex Hildebrandt ....... H. Hoy ......................... M. Lavery ................... Jack Traquair ............. Mary Goodwin ............. Wes Caldwell, London .. Elmer Bell, Exetex* ..... Dr. Cowen, Exetex* ..... C. Cochrane, Seaforth .. Norman Jones ............. Bert Horton .............. LeRoy O’Brien, Zurich Howard Klopp, Zurich Stade & Weido, Zurich Gascho Bros., Zurich ... Ivan Youngblut, Zurich Ted Smith, Zurich ....... Ross Johnston Zurich... Dr. Coxon, Zurich ..... Zurich Bakery ........... Jas. Clarke, Hensall ... Mrs. Alice Joy nt ......... D. Sangstex* ................. Jas. Bengough ............. Florence Welsh ........... Lee Hedden ............... Fred Smallecombe ....... I-I. Smith ...................... J. Peebles ................... Bob MlcKenzie ............. C. Harris .................... . Aurdey Russell ........... Donna McEwen ........... Edna Saundercoclc ....... Miss Brandon ............. Laird -Joynt, Toronto.. L. Ortwein, Detroit .... Geo. -Parker ............... Eldex* Bros. ................ Jas. Patterson ...’....... C. Cook ..................... N. E. Cook ................ Tlios. Hudson ........... E. Shaddick .............. W. Parke .................. Lloyd Venner ............ W. R. Davidson ........ Cheerful Givex* ......... A. D. McEwen ..... ..... Ronald McKinnon .... D. E. McKinnon ....... Mrs. J. B. McKinnon , Wm. Park McKinnon Floyd Adair .............. Harold Munn, Perth . P. Buchanan, St. Thomas .............. Jho. Doig, Detroit .. Archie Rowcliffe ..... Herb Stevenson ........ Harvey Coleman ...... Elmer Turner ................. Archie Parsons ........ G, Parsons ...»........ Harold, Donald Parsons Russ Broderick ......... . •s 25.00 20,00 100.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 5.00 2.00 100.00 ___ of the directors of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Company held at tlxe hall on Monday, Mr. Beavers, who for 19 years been the efficient the company, handed over books to the newly-appointed Huronia Choir Second Only two marks separated the Huronia Male Choir from the Stratford choir at the musical festival held in Stratford, Wed­ nesday evening. The local group sang ‘Passing By’ and ‘London Town”, The adjudicator credited them with perfect pitch and tone. Insurance Farquhar B. W. F. has secretary of the W. F. BEAVERS secretary. Mi*. Arthur Fraser who has had considerable exper­ ience as an accountant. Mr. Fraser will have his office at his home on Ann Street. When Mr. Beavers /took over the books in 1929- piere were 1770 policy-holders/with insur­ ance amounting W $3,662,036. To-day there are 3,678 policy- holders with insurance amount­ ing to $20,028,175 according to the last annual statement. Mr. Beavers succeeded the late W. A. Turnbull who for 22 years was secretary and as one gentle­ man has remarked it was Mr. Turnbull and Mr. Beavers who have built up the company to its now enviable position. Mr. W. A. Hamilton, a direc­ tor of the company, severely injured several ago when tree, was meeting on At the meeting Mr. Beavers was sented with an address and a handsome dressing gown. Mr. Beavers expressed his apprecia­ tion and also spoke of the years of happy association the company. The address as follows: Farquhar, April Deai* Mr. Beavers: While you here with us at insurance meeting and yet able to enjoy your kindly assistance in the problems of to­ day’s business. Yet we realize that you will soon be apart from us in a business way, and that as a body we will have to “Carry On”. 3 We indeed look back to the many pleasant and times we have spent together, not only in business, social way, titude in uplifting ledge and insurance buted pany’s success, will be keenly i cerned and just we would like fdelings by askixi this robe as a the high esteem are and always by this Board a We trust that robe from time remind you of the we extend to you and happy retired will always be a welcome visitor at our Board, and you may ex­ pect a call from any of us when in your locality. —Signed on behalf of Directors and Agents, W. H. Coates, Pres, who was weeks struck by a falling able to attend Monday, conclusion of are still our 5, the the pre­ long with was 1948 gathered monthly we are profitable but in a your cheerful at- all things has been indeed. Your know- good judgment in all matters have contri- much toward the c.om- Your retirement felt by all con- at this moment to express our you to accept slight token of in which you have been held md as to its Agents, you don this time it may 'Well Wishes’ for a long life. You O.E.S. Euchre The euchre held in the O.E.S. rooms on Friday night, 2nd was well good time was prize ladies’ gent’s hands, dutch food cake, donated by Mrs. Fred Dobbs, was won by Mrs. F. Pen­ warden, Centralia. The hooked rug, auctioned off m aid of the Jensen fund, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Dinnin, Zurich, was won by Mr. Sylvester Taylor. winners high, high, Mrs. auction April attended and a had by all. The were as follows: Russell; lone The Mrs. H. Mr. Wilson; S Sanders, of a lovely angel Golden Wedding Congratulations to Mi’S.^Wm. Coates, of town, on Tuesday celebrated Golden Wedding Relatives and friends tertained during the and evening. Mr.and who their anniversary, were on- afternoon Mr., Mrs. Tieman Silver Wedding On Wednesday, March 31st, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Tieman, of Dashwood, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. In the af­ ternoon Mrs. Tieman had open house from 3 to 5 p.m. when tea was served to many of her friends. Joy.ce Merner, niece of Mrs. Tieman, received the guests at the door. She wore a lovely dress of pale blue net. Mrs. Tieman wore a two-piece black dress and hei* corsage of white gardenias was sent to her by her little nephew, Donald Resche, of Detroit. Tea was ser­ ved by hei* sister, Mrs. Bart- cliffe, of Clinton, and served by Miss Doreen Schilbe, In the evening Tieman's relatives foi* dinner, tifully decorated. In the was a flanked tapers, flowers the rooms. Out of town guests were Lieut. Colonel E. E. Tieman and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn, Misses Margery and Donna Mer­ ner, all of London; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bosli, Resche and family, Mr. and Mrs. of Clinton; Merner, Mernex* of Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. were invited The table was beau- centre cakej white spring four-tier wedding by Many added pink and beautiful to the beauty of Mr. and Mrs. Jack of Detroit; Elliott Bartliffe, Mr. .and Mrs. Wes Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and family and Doreen Schilbe, all of ! and Miss Shirley Smith, onto. About 10 p.m. in the everybody was startled crack of guns and the rattle ol‘ saws and anvils. Some forty neighbors and friends had gath­ ered to make whoopy. Mr. and Mrs. Tieman were seated on the platform of much around style. On were when the Happy Gang, Tieman home and spent a ous evening in all kinds of tertainment. Before leaving Happy Gang served a delicious lunch. Miss Zurich, of Tor­ evening by the a truck and with noise were escorted the village in grand Saturday evening they again taken by surprise a large crowd, known as the joy- en- the invaded Mr. and Mrs. Green Mark 59th Anniversary •Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Green, of town, who on Saturday, April 10th, will observe theix* 59 th wedding an­ niversary. Unfortunately Mr. Green has been ill for the past year and is at present confined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs. Green, the former Sarah Carlile, were .... . ..... Rev< e. the bride's Line, Hay a farm in have beexx fox* many consists of married by Fear at the parents on Twp. Retiring from that township they residents of Exeter years. The family two daughters and one son, Mrs. J. W. Stewart, of Usborne, Robt. J. Green, Mrs. daughter, several years ago. tile late •home of the Parr of Port Stanley and Ira Moir, of London. Addie, passed One away Addresses Lions Rev. speakex* supper tral ning troduced by Lion J. A. Traquair He spoke from the subject Ghost of a Chance” remarks on Saul’s visit to Witch at Endor. Desicions 1 we make as individuals ox* nations will either make Win. Mair at the meeting Hotel on last. Mr. was f Lion at the Friday Mair was “A basing his the that • as ox* max* the future of our lives. The chance fox* permanent peace was missed following the first Great Wax* and to-day with the world in its critical condition the de­ cisions that are made will have a tremendous bearing on world events and future welfare of the nations. The speakei* receiv­ ed a great ovation and the thanks of the club were expres­ sed by Lion Sandy Elliot. Lion C. S. MacNaughton, chairman of the Health and Welfare Com­ mittee, reported that three children of a Dutch family re­ cently arrived in Usborne Town­ ship from overseas were in need of having theix* tonsils removed and three of the same family were in need of dental care. The club decided to have them looked after. The secretary, Jas. P. Bowey reported on a trip by members of the club . tq?/,_the County Home at Clinton where a program was given and treats served tai*y i had 1 club I Fund. Worthy Grand Matron, Patron Honored Here On Wednesday evening March 31, guests numbering over 90 sat down to a delightful ban­ quet ixx James St. Church, px*o- vided by the Woman’s Associa­ tion of the Church. The tables were beautifully decorated in mauve and yellow, with daffodils and Easter lilies and lit with yellow tapers. The head table was very attractive with a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers in a silver bowl with silvex* candelabra. The guests theix* places playing the bag pipes, were many Scotch ancestry others enjoyed tlxe pipes. Those seated table W.G.M., Hamilton, Mr. Donald Currie and Mrs. Currie, W.G.P., London, Mrs, Arthur Wilkes, P.W.G.M., London; Mrs. Hero Sparling, Grand .Adah, St, Marys Mrs. A. Gooch Member1 of Grand Chaptex* Benevelance, Strathroy, Miss Winnifred Hardy, D.D.G.M# London; Mrs. Albert Traquair, Worthy Matron and Mr. E. Carter, Worthy Patron, of ter Chapter. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, Patron of Exetex* Chapter, ably acted as toast master, toast list was as follows: 1 King”, Mr. E. McCarter, “The welcome Grand Matron” by Mrs. Albert Traquair, W.M.; by to D. by To D. by were ‘piped’ to by Mr. H. Ince There present of as well as music on guests who the the headat were Mrs. Agnes Dean, Hamilton, Mr. Mc- Exe- Past very The “The W.P.; to the Worthy I the inmates. The also reported that been contributed to the- Food for secre- 8500 by the Britain Mr. and Mrs. Tieman received many beautiful gifts from fives, the Happy .Gang friends. Most of the gifts of silver. Town Topics Mr. Frank Sheere visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding in London on .Sunday. ■Mr. and Mrs. Don Blair, of London, _ spent the week-end with Mrs’ Lillian Blair. Mrs. Earl Parsons, of town, is visiting at the home of her son, Harry at Amherstburg. v Mrs. Max Yelland, of Peter­ borough, spent Thursday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. old Hockey. Mr. and Mrs. K. Werner family, of London, visited Mr. and .Mrs. R. Sunday and Monday. Mr. Janies Sturgis, who was ill in the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, is at present a patient at the Melville Inn. Miss Margaret Dougall atte<n ded the music section of the. Ontario Educational Association? in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eadie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Best, of Brantford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dougall. Misses Margaret, Alice and Frances Taylor and Merna Pym spent a few days in Toronto during the Easter holidays. Recent visitors with Mr. ■Mrs. John Pollard were Artliux* Tapp, of Clinton, Miss Myrtle Pope, of Ottawa. Mr. H. O. and Miss Stella Southcott were in London Sat­ urday attending the funeral of their uncle, the late Alex Wan- less. Fine weather prevails, era are starting land and ,if the ues fine seeding­ full swing. Mr, and Mrs. Har- and wit. E. Russen and Mrs. and Fann- to work their weather contin- will soon be in Percy Atkinson and two sons, of Barrie, visited ovex* the week-end with pier’s parents, Mr. and S. Atkinson. Mrs. Helen Smith, of , is visiting here for a week with her brothers, Henry and Abe Dearing and also with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith. Miss Margaret Dougall atten­ ded the Ontario Temperance Convention in Toronto last week as a delegate of James Street i Young People’s Union. the for- Mrs. 0. London, Abe rela- and' were Jones & week on Caldwell and are Sea- Miss Ella B. Link, of May, is ixx Toronto this business. Mr. and Mrs. John attended: the Weiss-Gallagher wedding in London Saturday af­ ternoon and visited with rela­ tives over the week-end. Mrs. Gordon Appleton Jr., little daughter, Sharon, visating for a few days in forth with hex* uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Crocker attended the Interprovincial Re­ frigeration Association Confer­ ence held in Toronto Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Allan Fraser and Miss Norma Steinback attended the Hairdressers’ Convention held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, the former part of this week. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Will Horney and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson and Velma week-end with Jim Fergus o ix Toronto. Guests with John ing were Mr. Penwarden, Mr. Hodgson, Mr. Godbolt, of Centralia. A window .peeper is reported as having been seen in the south end of the town Monday night. Chief Norry w*as notified and with a couple of citizens madt a search without results. and Mrs. Geo. Clark and of Thedford, spent Sun- witlx Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nancy returned visited Mr. and •Mi*. over the and Mrs. family in and Pollard on Monday and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. Mrs. even- Fred Lloyd Harvey Mr. family, day Sweitzer. Miss with them after spending Easter week with her grandparents. Miss Harriett Knipe, R.N., of Highland Park, Detroit, who visited at the home of her broth­ er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders for a few days, returned to Detroit on Tuesday. Dr. H. Bowers, M.A., D.Paed., principal of the Stratford Nor-’ mal School and at one time a member of the Exeter M.S. staff, was elected second vice-presi­ dent of the Ontario Educational Association at the convention in Torono last week. responded to Mrs. Agnes Dean, W.G.M.; “Grand Chapter” by Mr. W. Sanders, P.P.; responded to Mr. Donald Currie, W.G.P.; “District No. 5” by Mrs. W. Sanders, P.M.; responded to Miss W. Hardy, D.D.G.M. After the toast list was com­ plete Mrs. A. Traquair, W.M., introduced her officers who re­ ceived a all had partaken pf a delicious dinner, -- - Master, words, and invited the members of’ the Eastern Star to rooms on Main many more joined meeting. At the hearty applause. After Mr. Beavers, the Toast in a few well-chosen dismissed the banquet the chapter Street wh.ere them for the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was ser­ ved. Guests were present from Hamilton, London, Detroit, In- gersol, Strathroy, St. Marys, Seaforth and Exeter. William Earnot Gaiser Mr. William Earnot Gaiser, a native of Stephen passed away in al, London, on 5 9 th year. Mr. been well for a and had been three weeks. Born in Stephen he lived on a farm at Shipka where fox* several years he was a trus­ tee and secretary of the Shipka school. Six years ago he retired to Exetex* from a farm on the Bluewatei* Highway. Surviving are his bereaved widow whosi maiden name was Laura Mae Haist, one Bluewatei* daughters. Ruby and also his father, Mr. Fred Gaiser, Zurich; one brother. Lloyd ,of Crediton, and two sisters, Mrs. Ferd. Haberex* and Mrs. Wm. Decker of Zurich; and two grandchildren. The funeral Tues­ day afternoon was held from the R. C. Dinney funeral home con­ ducted by Rev. H. J. Snell and assisted by Rev. M. E. Reuber, of Crediton. Mrs. Thos. Coates sang “We’ll Never Grow Old.’* The pallbearers were Messrs. Nelson Schenk,, Jos. Finkbexner, Ed. Westcott, Clinton Sweet, William and Albert Gaiser. The floral offerings were very beau­ tiful and a large number atten­ ded the funeral. Interment was in the Crediton Evangelical Cemetery. Attending the funeral from a, distance were Mr. and Mrs. Holtz and family and Miss Myrtle Brown, of Kitchener. Township, Victoria Hospit- Sunday in his Gaiser had not number of years ' in hospital for his bereaved was son Arnold, of thr Highway and thr Mrs. Rena Potter Ortha, Of London; Visits Local Canadian Legion Deputy Zone Commander* Comrade Vanwick, of Wingham, visited the Exetex* branch of the Canadian Legidn Monday even­ ing and assisted by Comrade Bean, president of the Listowel branch, initiated four new mem­ bers. Mr. Vanwick later present­ ed Past President R. E. with and a seven barbeque lunch was the close. Pooley a past president’s badge certificate of merit for years' chairmanship. A served at Anniversary Party Friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dykes, Granton, recently on the occas­ ion of their 32nd wedding an­ niversary. Games and singing were enjoyed and refreshments served, d