HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-25, Page 8THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 25th, 1948 Previews its Coming Attractions thur., fri., sat. March 25, 20 and 27 Saturday Matinee at 2:30 pan. Romantic adventure of the Scot­ tish Highlands filmed in all the glory of technicolor Blue Ribbon Award Winner — Starring — ® Larry Parks (Star of ‘'The Jolson Story”) © Ellen Drew - Featurette — BALLERINA OF THE BLADES Usborne Farmers Aid Children*? Fund The following donations for the Canadian Appeal tor Child­ ren from Usborne farmers have been received to date: S.S. No. 7, Zdon Good Friday Services A special Good Friday prayer service will be held in the James Street United Church Friday evening of this week. Rev. H. J. Mahoney will be the speaker. Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w Week-end visitors at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Doug Triebner were, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willert and family, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner and family, Mr. Mike Heanon, Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob Wrightson and Gary. Daniel Hicks .............. Roy Johns .................. Jud. Dykeman ............ Norman Jaques .......... Wesley Jaques ............ Enos Herdman ........... Ray Brooks ................ Alvin E. Pym ........... Howard Pym ................ Squire Herdman ........ Bert Tate .................... I Ross Skinner .............. Dehner Skinner ......... ‘Barbara Ann Scott’ EVENING PRICES: Children 25c, Adults 42e MATINEE PRICES: Children 15c, Adults 30e MON., Tl’ES., WED. March 20, 30 and 31 ‘Welcome Stranger’ Special Blue Ribbon Award Winner, starring ® Bing Crosby ® Barry Fitzgerald EVENING PRICES: Children 25c, Adults 42c Warren Brock ................ Wellington Brock ......... Milton Brock ................. Harold Hern ................. Angus Earl .................... i Ross Hern ...................-.. Everard Miller ................ (Edgar Baker ................. Morris Hern .................... Allen Jaques .................. William Morley .............. Melville Hern ............... Gerald Hern ................... Ernest Knowles ............. Stanley Knowles ........... Thomas Hern ................. ■Garfield Cornish ........... Frank Cornish ...■■........... Edgar Rodd ................... Laverne Rodd ............... Harry Rodd ................... Clarence Johns ............... William Stephens ........... Norman Brock ............... § 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Total $102.00 Delmer Skinner, secretary­ treasurer of Usborne Federation of Agriculture. COMING . . . April 1, 2 and 3 ‘Sitting Pretty’ First Canadian premiere now showing in Nortown and Victoria Theatres, Toronto — Starring — ® Clifton Webb (Broadway stage star) ® Robert Young ® Maureen O’Hara ® Richard Hayden Walt Disney’s ‘Bambi’. — In Technicolor — BAZAAR AND COOKING SALE —Saturday, March 27th, in the Legion Rooms, beginning at 3 p.m. Hurondale W.I. 18:25c Don’t forget the S o r o r i t y girls’ Home Made Candy Sale in Beavers’ Hardware Store on Sa­ turday, March 27th, from 3 to 5 p.m. COMING ATTRACTIONS: ‘My Wild Irish Rose’ ‘Fun and Fancy Free’ ‘Green Dolphin Street’ ‘Road to Rio* ‘Carnegie Hall’ ‘Treasure of Sierra Madre’ A THREE ACT PLAY Entitled “Grandpa's Twin Sister* will be presented in Elimville United Church Friday, April 2 at 8:00 p.m. by the Elimville Choir ADMISSION 40c AND 25c tun tututiifuti tiriiiiif HinitiiMHitiitiiiiiiut MiiiinniniKii I Ready-Made | Suits and I Topcoats | for Easter | A smart line of Single and j Double Breasted Suits are now s on display for Spring and Eas- | ter. You’ll like the styles, tai- = 1 oring and fabrics tn these re- = cent arrivals. | Topcoats | Both Gabardine and Tweed are = here for your choice. Drop in ■i and look them over. j Taman’s Men’s We ar | ...—>—■— .........................— ...........................« G. E. Refrigerators Immediate d e 1 iv e r y is now possible on some sizes of “The Refrigera­ tor Most Women Want Most”-—t h e G e n oral E 1 e c t r i c. With war­ mer weather approach­ ing, you’ll appreciate a n e w refrigerator that combines the many ex­ cellent features and de­ pendable mechanism of these popular models, R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. ... THAMES ROAD Mr, and Mrs. Ted McIntyre, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Ballantyne on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Earl and Mrs. Alice Gunning, of Zion, vis­ ited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore. Miss Alice Passmore spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tookey, London. Mr. Aimer Passmore returned home on Tuesday evening of last week after undergoing an operation for appendicitis in St. Joseph’s Hospital a week ago. Mildred Ballantyne, Lexie Lo- stell, Barry Jeffery and Lome Ballantyne rendered two vocal musical numbers at Roys Church service on Sunday last in the form of a quartette. Mrs. Keith Weber returned home from St. Joseph's Hospit­ al, London, Thursday of last week. Several of the young folk at­ tended the Junior Farmers ban­ quet in Exeter Thursday evening of last week. Misses Eleanor Dawson and Nona Pym, of London, spent the week-end at tlieir homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns left by motor on Saturday for Toronto to visit with their son, Professor Walter Johns, of the West, who was in Toronto for a few days this past week on business. The sympathy of the com­ munity is extended to Mrs. Vic­ tor Jeffrey in the passing of her father, Mr. Hay, in Exeter last week. A combined meeting of the four Farm Forums met for the last meeting of the season in the Thames Road Sunday School parlors on Monday evening. The broadcast was heard after which Rev. H. Mahoney, of Main St. Church, Exeter, gave a splendid address. Four’ reels of educa­ tional pictures were shown. Lunch was served and a social time spent during the lunch hour. Heavy rains last week caused several wash-outs on the gravel roads and the water was high in many .places. Mr. and Mrs. H. Broom, of Exeter, were visitors at the Manse on Tuesday evening of this week. The "Y.P.U. will meet on Thursday evening of this week at 8.30 p.m. in the church for “Devotional Service” prior to Easter. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Choir practise will follow this meeting. Easter services win be at the usual hour on Sunday. Sunday School at 10.15 a.m. and Church service at 11.15 a.m. Let us ail worship together for this Easter service. Mission Band Meeting The Thames Road Mission Band met during church service hour on Sunday with Doris Dun­ can and Mrs. Mair in charge. The meeting opened with the vice-president, Bobby Miller, in the chair. Hymn 180 was sung followed with prayer by Bobby Johns after which all repeated the Mission Band Purpose. Roll call was answered with the name of an Easter hymn. Min­ utes of last meeting were read and approved. The program con­ venor for the April meeting is to be Barbara Allison and the roll call is to be answered with the name of a spring flower. The program consisted of a reading by Raymond Cann and a reading by Lexie Lostell. Doris Duncan read the Scripture lesson. Collection was taken and Mrs. Mair told the Easter story using the flannelgraph. Hymn 4G1 was sung and the meeting closed with prayer by Donald Maver. Mission Circle Meeting The Thames Road Mission Circle met at the home of Misses Jean and Margaret Cann on Saturday afternoon with the president, Annie Elford, in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn 82 after which all repeat­ ed the Lord’s prayer in unison. The Easter lesson was read by Margaret Cann. Roll call was taken and the minutes read. It was decided to have the Elim­ ville play "Grandpa’s Twin Sis­ ter” at an early date. Mrs. Mair gave out patches for a Crazy quilt to be made for the over­ seas relief. Hymn 112 was sung. The program consisted of a reading by Helen Passmore, “A Tribute to Miss Caroline Well­ wood”; instrumental, by Betty Mair; Temperance reading by Jean Cann; reading by Anne Simpson, "A Letter from Mrs. Taylor in China”. Dalores Allis­ on save the topic on the Study Book. Mrs. Mair read a letter from Miss Allen telling of the use of used stamps to raise money for the children’s hospit­ al in China. Each member is requested to collect as many used stamps as possible for this worthy cause. Another hymn was sung and the meeting clos­ ed by all repeating the Mizpah Benediction. A delightful ten cent tea was served and a social time spent duNng the lunch hour. Miss Janett Davis, qualified hairdresser, of London, has ac­ cepted a position with V’s <Beau- •ty Shoppe. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp and Miss M. Libke, of Hamilton, have been visiting with Mrs. C E. Zurbrigg, W. C. Pearce reports the sale of the 100 acre farm of Jas. Douglas, Mitchell, to Earl S. Reid, Wyoming. Mrs, James Adam, of Goder­ ich spent Thursday of Hlast week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hockey and children. Spring came to this commun­ ity with a rush. Snow disappear­ ed rapidly and the robins reappeared in large numbers. Mrs. Ken Rilyea and twins, Ann and Freddie, of Granton, visited at the home of Mrs. Gar­ net McFalls over .the week-end. Good Friday will be a public holiday with Easter coming on Sunday. Special Easter services are being arranged for in the various churches. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber were in Toronto the latter part of last week. Mr. Eilber attend­ ed the annual meeting of the Insurance Underwriters. Mrs. J. Thomson. Mrs. John Grainger, Miss Edith Bowey and Mr. Andrew Swan, of Brucefield visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Bowey over the week-end. Mrs. Garnet Miners, of Elim­ ville, underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London on Friday of last week and is pro­ gressing favourably. Mr. Jack Irving, of Grenfell, Saskatchewan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Coates and other relatives in the community over the week-end. Mr. Ross Herbert, of Cana­ dian Canners, who has spent the past two weeks at the head of­ fice in Hamilton, returned to his duties here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Tuckey, of town, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dolphin, of Sbarthroy, spent a few days in Toronto last week and attended the carnival at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Messrs. Harvey Perkins, of Usborne, and Win. Butler, of London, spent a few days in Toronto last week attending the ice carnival and a hockey match at Maple Leaf Gardens. Attends Convention The editor of the Times-Ad- vocate was in Toronto the latter part of last week attending a meeting of the executive of the Ontario and Quebec division of the Canadian Weekly Newspap­ ers Association. Arrangements were made for the holding of a convention in Toronto the mid­ dle of June and a trip to the mining country at Timmins and New Liskeard. Move to Exeter Pilot Officer and Mrs. Verne Rutherford and family moved to their new home at Exeter on Saturday. Last Wednesday night members of the Bridge Club gathered at the home of Mrs. C. Galbraith and during the even­ ing Mrs. Joe Marks read an ad­ dress to Mrs. Rutherford and Mrs. Bert Gray presented her with a lovely pearl necklace and matching earrings. On Thursday night friends of Mr. Rutherford held a stag party in his honor. The evening was an enjoyable one and wound up with a mid­ night turkey banquet at the Hu­ ron Grill. A host of friends re­ gret the departure of the Ru­ therford family very much and commend them to the good peo­ ple of Exeter.—Blyth Standard. Main Street W.M.S. The March meeting of the Main Street W.M.S. Church was held at Mrs. Andrew Campbell’s home. Easter hymns were sung. Mrs. Emalie Carter', the presi­ dent, conducted the business. Mrs. Willis Powell led the devo­ tional part of the meeting. Miss Margery Broderick gave a very interesting synopsis of the Study Book chapter on India. Mrs. E. Carter pronounced the Benedic­ tion. Delicious cookies and tea were served by the hostess. The date has expired for 1947 motor licenses. v Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Teller, of Parkhill visited in Exeter on Saturday. Mrs. Frank Brierley is spend­ ing this week with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Ford, of Brantford. Mrs. William Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Penpybaker, of Clinton, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Higgins. Misses Mary Easton, Marion Forbes and Alice Pfaff, and Mrs. Robert Elgie, of Kippen, attended the Ice Carnival in Toronto ovei’ the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Knight and daughters Arlene and Don­ na, of Kitchener, were week­ end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Higgins and other rela­ tives. Mr. and Mrs. Win. C. Allison and H. O. and Miss Stella South- cott were in Toronto the latter part of the week. They took in the ice carnival and the sports show. Mrs. Tillie Tetreau, of near 1-Iensall, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc­ Adams and Mrs. Harry McAd­ ams, of Zurich, visited one evening recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. McAdams at London. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Keddy, who have been visiting the for­ mer's sister, Miss Nettie Keddy, left for their home at Melfort, Sask., on Monday. They were ac­ companied by their son, Douglas of Saskatoon, who has been spending his holidays here. Trivitt a very euchre Trivitt Club The T.M.C., Club of Memorial Church held successful St. Patrick’s last Wednesday evening. There were eighteen tables in play. Prizes were won as follows: men's high, H. Lawrence, Hen- ? salt; men’s low. H. F, Riley, j Hensail; ladies’ high, olive (Fisher; ladies’ low; Marion Bis­ set; special, Mrs. H. Lawrence. The cake raffle, which was spon­ sored by the Ladies Guild, was won by .Mrs. Goo. Wright. After lunch several cakes were auc- ! tioned off by Mr. Frank Taylor. (Mrs. Wright donated her cake (and it also was auctioned. The next, meeting of the Club will I be held on Monday, April 5 in ’the Trivitt Parish Hall at 8 : p.m. Less speed . . . more con­ science in driving. Let us each contribute his part to safe driv­ ing on our streets and highways. Ernest C. Harvey Insurance A- gency representing Lumbermens. By kind permission of Group Captain M. D. Lister, Command­ ing Officer R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia DANCE R.C.A.F. STATION, CENTRALIA Wed., Mar. 31 Dancing from 9:30 to 12:30 with music by FRANKIE TRAHER and his Orchestra Admission 50c EVERYBODY WELCOME a----------------------------------—g Saturday Night Dancing EXETER OPERA HOUSE Frank Trail er and his Orchestra Dancing 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch 167 i----- --------- -—----------------® ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS The South Huron District lias chosen the District conference "Personality and Dress" which will be held in Seaforth on Fri­ day, April 2nd from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; also in ’Exeter on Thurs­ day, April 1st from 10 a,m, to 4 p.m. Institute members desire to make it known that all inter­ ested women are welcome to attend. # 25:1 3-ACT COMEDY April’s Fool will be presented in West McGillivray Hall by the Thedford Y.P.U. Mon., Mar. 29 Sponsored by Brinsley Y.P.U. — Admission — Adults 40c, Children 25c Presentation and Dance ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON — for — Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johns Thurs., April 1st ADMISSION 50c Flannigan’s Orchestra Waterloo Arena Fri. Mar. 26t& WELLESLEY vs. EXETER This is the third of the best-of-five game series Notice A CHURCH PARADE — will be held on — Good Friday at 8:00 p.m. JAMES STREET CHURCH Members are requested to attend the service. Please meet at the Legion Rooms at 7:15 p.m. Dress: Berets and medals Len McKnight, Pres. A. M. Easton, Sec. DANCE EXETER OPERA HOUSE Thur., Mar. 25 9:30 to 12:30 DON ROBERTSON and his Ranch Boys ADMISSION 50c Auspices of Canadian Legion FRIDAY and SATURDAY Match 20tli, 27th © Sharyn Moffatt and her champion dog ‘Banjo’ ADDED ATTRACTION Zane Grey novel with ® Tim Holt ‘Under the Tonto Rim’ MONDAY and TUESDAY March 29111, 30th ® Wesley Ruggles — in —- ‘My Heart Goes Crazy’ a musical in ■technicolor starring ® Sid Fields Newsreel, and Short Subject ‘FISH FACE’ Exetej Rutabaga Co. Announces PROF. T. O. GRAHAM, O.A.C. Guelph LEROY BROWN, Agriculture Representative J. J. JOHNSTON, District Inspector will speak at the TOWN HALL EXETER Tuesday, March 30th 2:30 p.m. All interested growers please attend as they will speak on proper seed requirements, varieties, soils and marketing as it pertains to the scheme advanced by the Exeter Rutabaga Company. This meeting will be of interest to all growers in this district as Exeter Rutabaga Company will pion­ eer in the packaging and marketing; also advanced storage of turnips and mixed vegetables. Contracts will be Available at this Meeting ia«—-— ......... ............................................ .......■— "4 FARMERS \ See this sound and colour motion picture "Beans of Bounty” and profit from afn interesting discussion on modem soil conservation and rotation planning. At McKnight’s H$ll, Exeter Thursday, April 1st - 8 p.m. All farmers interested in soil conservation and suc­ cessful cropping practice, particularly concerning the place of soybean in today’s rotation planning, should be sure to attend this meeting. Admission free. Film showing and meeting sponsored by the Agronomy Department of Victory Mills Limited TORONTO - ONTARIO