HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-25, Page 5THE TIMES.ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 25th, 1948 BABY CHICKS CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY (Continued from page 4) Page 5 JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M. Musical Director 11 a.m.—Easter service, The choir ,will present the cantata, “Hail the Easter King.” 3 p.m,—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“The Empty Tomb.” Anthem “Ring O Bells Easter.” . Fri., Mar. 2 6, 8 p.m.—A Good Friday service will be held in the church. Everybody wel­ come. Mon., Mar. 29, 8 .p.m.—U-Com- I-Com Club meets. of PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor 4.30 p.m.—Sunshine Cor­ at the Pastorate. 8 p.m.—Prayer meeting the home of Mrs. John Wed., ner Wed., at Peart. Fri., S p.m.—Y.P.S. in the Pas­ torate. Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School in the Opera House. Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning ship of a Risen Lord. Sun., 7.30 p.m.—“Justified by the Resurrection.” Wor- ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Crediton Rev. M, E. Reuber, B.D. Mrs. F. W. Morlock, .Organist 6:30 a.m.—Sunrise Services. 10 a.m.—‘Easter Message.’ Bap­ tism and reception of members 11 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—‘What of the Future’ Thurs. (Mar. 25) 8 p.m.— Communion Service. Fri. (Mar. 26) 10:30 a.m.— Community Service in United Church. Thurs. (April 1)—Monthly Meet­ ing of W.S.W.S. and L.A. the CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Miss Nonna M, Knight, Organist Speaker, Rev. Dr. H, H. Turner 10 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—'Public Worship, Anthem, “Christ is Risen/' Solo, Mrs. * Simpson; “The Holy City.’’ 11.30 a.m.- “He ^.rose Organist Resurrec- from the TRIVITT MEMORIAL I — Angliean — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Mr, Robert Cameron, Organist 9 a.m,—Holy ;Communion. 10.30 a.m.—Sunday School. -Holy Communion and Sermon. Good Fi-iday, Mar. 26, 8 p.m.— Evening Service.4 MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard, II a.m.-—“Our Lord’s tion” Anthem: Grave” Ladies’ Trio: “He Lives”. Mrs. N. Hockey, Miss M. Fol­ lick, Miss D. Davis. Junior’Choir: “A Song of Joy” 12 Noon—Open Session of the Sunday School. An attractive Easter message presented by the teachers and pupils. p>.m.—<“I Shall Live On.” Anthems: “Rejoice Jerusalem and Sing”, “He Stood Among the Lilies”, “Christ is Risen” Duet: “Lead Me to Calvary”, Mr. and Mrs. 'Gerald Skinner. Good Friday Service 8:00 p.m. in James Street Church 7 CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Borden Smyth and Beverly visited on Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Herman At­ kinson, of Saintsbury. Gives You All These ADVANTAGES Try it! Youll be Amazed Keep Water Safe with Purina The Miracle Wall Finish Hardware 1. Cover all surfaces—-wallpapers, painted plywood brick interiors, etc. 2. One coat really covers. 3. Dries hard in one hour. 4. No disagreeable paint odor. 5. One imperial gallon does an average room. 6. A hard, durable, -washable surface. 7. A pleasure to put on, no primer—spreads like charm. At the Purina Research Farm 36,000 chicks have been fed Startena during the last 3 years. 97 out of every 100 lived and grew. Similar high livability ' results are common among Startena feeders. It is estimated that at least 1 chick out of every 11 eats from the Checkerboard Bag. EACH CHICK SAVED per 100 STARTED adds 10c to 20c to the worth of a bag of feed Only by living and growing can any chick pay back for the feed it eats. Figure out in terms of what you may lose through use of an unbalanced feed ... or what you stand to gain when you feed Purina Chick Startena. Each extra chick saved adds' 10 to 20 cents to the worth of each bag of feed. Weigh results a- long with costs, and you’ll realize why it pays to feed Startena. Chek-R-Tabs Even with the best of chicks there is always a dis­ ease hazard to guard against/ Even the purest water soon gets germs from litter and droppings. But com­ mon germs cannot live when Cliek-R-Tabs are added to tile water. This powerful germ killer does not dis­ color the water, is harmless to the chicks and does not deter their drinking. Use regularly throughout the first critical month adding d< Chek-R-Tabs per gal f water. PROGRAM OF PLANN/ED breeding on the Hatchery’s own farm is behind Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. Get the best you can, You can’t afford to lose any .more time ordering chicks. Wide It’s doubtful better so why ■from J. Earl Dashwood. choice if you not order now Burr, R.R, 1, 25c breeds, can do APPLICATIONS WANTED CHIEF CONSTABLE Police Vil­ lage of Grand Bend. Applica­ tions for this position must be in the hands of the clerk by April 1st, 1948. Duties to commence May 1st, 1948. Sa­ lary $1500.00 per year, offi­ cer to supply his own uni­ forms and equipment. Maxi­ mum mileage 1000 at 6 cents ■a mile. W. MacLaren, Clerk, Police Village of Grand Bend, Ont. 25 CHURCH CARDS ROMAN CATHOLIC Father Fogarty in charge. Schedule of Masses for Mt. Carmel Church and St. Peter’s Church, No. 4 Highway, South of Exeter. Mar. 21, 28—Mass at Mt. Car­ mel at 9; St. Peter’s at 11. Apr. 4, 18—-Mass at Mt. Carmel at 9; Apr. 11,-2 5—— at 11; St. Taxis will minal one service at Taxi Service. St. Peter’s at 11. -Mass at Mt. Carmel Peter’s at 9. leave the Bus Ter­ half hour before St. Peter’s.—Pop’s CREDITON The Women’s Institute are packing a case of canned goods to be sent to needy children in Britain. Donations will be grate­ fully received if Jeft at the Crediton Post Office in care of Mrs. Lloyd England within the next week. Mr. Jos. W. Lawson marked his 79th birthday on St. Pat­ rick’s Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lawson. Mr. Lawson is health, we Mr. Jno. out again illness. Mr. and spent several last week. and- Mrs. Gerald Zwicker the week-end in Toronto, and Mrs. ... Albert Hitch- of Rondeau Park, spent days recently with the ZION Miss Hazel Stewart, of Byron, visited recently with her sister, Mrs, Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern at­ tended the golden wedding cele­ bration in ihonor of the latter’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ bert Kew, in Granton, on Tues­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Ja­ ques, of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock visited on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson of Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake of Eden visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Pincombe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter and family, and Mr. John Hunter, of Eden, visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. A number from the communi­ ty attended the Women’s Insti­ tute social in Kirkton on Wed­ nesday evening last. The Junior Red Cross is hold­ ing a euchre party on Wednes­ day, March 31st at 8:30 p.m. sharp . in the school house. Ad­ mission 25c and J 5c. A short program will be provided. Please bring lunch this date in mind and attend. Kitchen Shower Miss Lyda Stephens, lect of this week, was ceiver of a lovely kitchen show­ er on Monday evening last. The ladies of the community gather­ ed at the .home of Mrs. William Dickey to horior Lyda. The pro­ gram for the evening consisted of ia sing song, readings by Kathleen Johns, Mrs. Gerald Hern, Mrs. J. Dykeman and An­ na Brock. Mrs. Warren Brock was chairman for the evening.* Miss Audrey Rodd read the ad­ dress after which Lyda opened a prettily decorated wedding cake, and found many useful kitchen articles. Lyda thanked the ladies in a few well chosen words which were returned the singing of “For She’s a ly Good Fellow”. Jean and na Brock conducted several tests. A delicious luncli served bringing an enjoyable evening to a close. and cards. Keep toplan bride the e- re- in Jol- An- con- was KIPPEN Many from here were in erich on damage c break up, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McBride, Wayne and Sharon spent the week-end in Wingham with Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie and witness­ ed the Wingham flood. Mr. Stanley Love held a very successful auction sale on Thursday- last. The W.A. of St. Andrews United Church were present with their hot dog booth Many local farmers attended the Co-operative banquet held1 in Hensall Town Hall on Thurs­ day evening last. The Kippen Gun Club are holding a trap shoot on Friday, March 26th at 1 p.m. Prizes will be awarded. Many local roads are at pres­ ent impassible due to wash outs and mud. Friendship Circle Hold Pot Luck Supper The Friendship Circle met in the Sunday School room of St. Andrews United Church Tuesday evening last. A luck supper was held at p.m. The table was laden abundance of tasty things, lowing the supper Mrs. Winston Workman took the chair and opened the meeting with a hymn. Miss Bernys McClinchey read Hinton musical a duet Nelson Broadfoot favoured with a piano solo. Tom Kyle, Bob Caldwell, Grant MacGregor sang cow boy songs, accompanied by Jack Caldwell. Mr, E. Hayes favour­ ed with a solo. Twelve tables of progressive crockinole was enjoyed. The ladies high prize went to Audrey Faber while the tfonsolation went to Mrs. Emerson Kyle; gent’s high to Mr. R. M. Peck and gent’s con­ solation to Bob Caldwell. A very enjoyable evening was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. The next meeting will be held on Monday evening next, 8.3 0 p.m. The have charge and the east' the lunch. Sunday viewing aused by the God- the ice on pot 6.30 with Fol- sra 9* FOR TROUBLE-FREE THRIFTY DRIVING OUR SPECIAL SPRING CHECK-UP There’s trouble ahead for the driver who continues to operate a winterized car. Our 6-point Spring Check-Up puts every make of car or truck in tip­ top .shape for pleasant summer driving. ® Lubrication • Brake Service ® Engine Tune-up ® Tire Service ® Cooling System ® Steering & Alignment Snell Bros. & Co il Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Case Tactors and Implement Sales Sanford Lawson. ■ not enjoying good .regret to Wade is following Mrs. F. days report, able his to be recent W. in Clark Detroit Mr. spent Mr. cock, a .few latter’s father, Mr. Jno. English Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lowrie Cam- Mrs. Bow- the and daughter Arlene, of lachie, spent Sunday with Cook and Mrs. Roeszler. ■Mr. and Mrs. Rodney man, of Windsor, spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Guettinger. Union service will be held in the United church on Good Fri­ day at 10.30 o’clock. Mrs. Martin Morlock, of Galt, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Young. With the Sick Several 'Crediton residents are confined Mr. Chas. Fahrner Wm. Morlock, whom we iously mentioned, are still hos­ pitalized; ,Mrs. Harry Beaver and Mrs. Jno. Hirtzel were re­ moved to Victoria Hospital on ’Sunday; Miss Saloma Finkbein- er underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital on Monday and Mr. J. E‘. Gunn, who has been ill at his home for the past two months was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital on Satur­ day; Mrs. Chas. Roeszler is confined to her room through illness. We wish all the sick a speedy return to health. Women’s Institute The Crediton Women’s Insti­ tute held their regular monthly meeting in the Council Cham­ bers on Wednesday evening, March 17 th .with an attendance of 30. The president, Mrs. Hugo Schenk presided. The was answered with joke. The sec.-treas., Zwidker gave a very encourag­ ing report on the finances of the society and a motion to donate $10.00 to Children’s lief was passed. Mrs. Wm. ,Gais- er and Mrs. Morris Beaver were appointed delegates to tlfb com­ ing Mrs. were cure bers. the chair for the following pro­ gram; song "Believe me if all those endearing charms”; a pap- by Mrs. B. by -Mrs. Hann “Wake Up”; a Lawson on Flow- Influence and a Mrs. Reuber and Come back to to London hospitals, Mr. pr ev­ and roll call an Irish Mrs. G. re­ demonstrations in Exeter. L. Wein and Mrs. ,S. King elected a committee to se­ nior e chairs for the Cham- Mrs, Elmer Lawson took “Plywood1 songs ,ahd er on King; “Trees' paper by Mrs. erg and their vocal duet by Mrs. E. Fahrner Erin”, A contest was then en­ joyed and a sumptuous lunch was served by Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. Gilanois, Mrs. W. Weber and Mrs, S. King, A Vote of thanks to ,tho hostesses and those assisting in the program was expressed by Mrs. F, W, Morlock and Mrs. C. Sims and Mrs. Chester Stew- and Pamela, of Regina, a few days with Mr. BRINSLEY Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick, Grace and Ruth, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ry Walper, of Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tweddle and children, of West McGilli­ vray, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgson. Miss Gertrude Amos spent the week-end with friends in Grand Bend. Mr. ardson spent and Mrs. Fred Fenton. Mrs. Jack I-Iotson and Jackie spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Scott. Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerald spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Baker, of Shipka. Mrs. Clover Lewis some time with her Sutherland, of Mount Brydges. Mrs. Prouty and son, -of Exe­ ter, spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. George Hodgson. Mr. J. L. Amos spent Wed­ nesday with friends in London. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson and children, of Parkhill, spent Sun­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Mt. and Mrs. Levi White and Mr. and Mrs. Dean White enter­ tained a number of friends at the former’s home on Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Prest spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon. Don’t forget the play entitled “April’s Fool” presented by the Thedford Dramatic Society on behalf of Brinsley Young Peo­ ple’s Union in West McGillivray Hall on Monday, March 29th. Mrs. Major is spending sister, Mrs. WINCHELSEA The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. was held on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Wm. Walters with a large attendance, it being the Easter meeting. Miss Lenore Cooper, of Elim- ville, visited on Wednesday eve­ ning with Miss Margaret Wal­ ters. Mr. spent home Davis at the Miller being Brock and Mrs. George Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy, the occasion their wedding aniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Glenn of Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Margaret visited on Sunday w i 111 IVIr* ’<ind Mrs* No Is oil Clarke, of Farquhar. We are sorry to report that Miss Beatrice Delbridge was ta­ ken to St. Joseph Hospital on Saturday. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton I-Iorton and family, of Seaforth, spent | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Co­ lin Gilfillan, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christie and family, of Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hdrh and Molen, of Zion, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Davis, of Kirkton. PHONE 100 Mr. i with and Ross March 29 th at west group will of the program side will supply the Scripture and led in prayer. A short program followed by Marie Sinclair* McClinchey. Mrs. ALLEN’S APPLE JUICE 20 oz. tins 2 for 23c •—* 48 oz. tin 25c DALTON’S PEANUT BUTTER 1 lb. jars 39c ROYAL YORK TEA i/2 lb. 47c EXETER Today Now' Phone 32 iWmmiumhe WESTON’S OATMEAL COOKIES In bulk, pei’ lb., 25c They Are Exceptionally Beautiful CAMPBELL’S VEGETABLE SOUP 2 tins for 23c QUICK QUAKER OATS Large pkgs., each 23c LYNN VALLEY PEAS Sieve no. 4, 2 tins 23c & May W. R. Cooper, of Kippen, re-elected Secretary-Treas- of the Western Ontario of Threshermen at recent convention held in Mr. was urer Brotherhood and Farm Power Operators their i London. Easter We can supply you with an Easter Lily To avoid disappointment, call Exeter 276 EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276 Lad ies , M isses’ an d Girls’ Coats, Dresses, Suits, etc We cordially invite you to visit our new ladies’, misses’ and girls’ Ready-to-Wear Department. We have an e xceptionally large stock of coats, suits, blouses, dresses, skirts, etc. ready for the Easter trade. Our policy will be to keep good merchandise at reasonable prices. At present we have hundreds of Ladies’ and Misses’ Dresses to choose from. Coats for small girls and boys also in. stock. Men’s Wear Spring Suits, - Underwear, Belts, etc.- Top Coats, Hats, Gloves, Ties, Braces, Sweaters, , ’ •—in the newest styles at reasonable prices. Ra incoats Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Plastic Raincoats— just the thing for the wet spring weather. Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Gabardine Raincoats— fawn and brown shades, clearing at greatly re­ duced prices. Curtain Nets Draperies, etc New Curtain nets, dra­ peries, window blinds, curtain rods, etc., now ready for spring. WESTMINSTER TOILET TISSUE Very nice quality, 4 rolls 29c Prices Quoted are Good for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week.