The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-25, Page 4MEN WANTED ?35, TO $60. A WEEK!—Your own business! No boss, no timeclock, independence! The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital write to-day for FREE information. FAMILEX 160(1 Delorimier, Montreal. 25: 5tc PERSONAL SUFFERING FROM Backaches, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is not necessary. Use RUMACAPS at once for quick relief, At Robertson’s Drug Store. NOTICE I will be absent from business from April 1st until the latter part of April, having to undergo an operation. Mr. ArtEdig- hoffer, the -well known and well qualified bai’ber of Grand Bend, will have charge of my Barber Shop, and I will appreciate the co-operation of my many customers while I am ab­ sent. NORMAN HOCKEY YOUR CAR IS BEING WRECKED FROM BELOW 'heat 1 trademark __ BRAND RUBBERIZED PROTECTIVE ©GATING fights underbody destruction of rust, corrosion, wear Every mile you drive, the underbody of your car is being attacked by flying rocks, gravel, corrosive road chemicals. They cause rust, rot fenders, make your car rattle and squeak. Get car­ protecting “UNDERSEAL,” the new sprayed-on coating that repels rocks, rust, cor­ rosion, and muffles body noises . . . keeps cars new and quiet-riding longer. It’s guar­ anteed to protect for the life of your car. Newton Motor Sales Phone 216 Exeter Attention THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 25th, 1948 A ‘March’ FOR SALE LOSTWANTED WANTED — An apartment, 3 room if possible, furnished or unfurnished, no children, by April 1st. Call Hospital Order­ ly Room, R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia. 25* WANTED—-for the season, about 25 head of young cattle. Ap­ ply Ed Broderick, Box 24 Exeter. 4tfc WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 138 Exeter. WANTED—Furnished or unfur­ nished houses, suites or house-keeping rooms required immediately for married per­ sonnel of R.C.A.F. Airport. These are veterans, too, and deserve your assistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished apart­ ment, and 6 room dwelling. For sale—Buggy. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25* FOR RENT—50 acres of pas­ ture land. Albert Etherington phone Exeter 171 r6. 25c i FOR RENT—7 room brick house on highway, with all modern conveniences, siou April 1st. Apply to Roy Ballantyne, Kirkton. posses- 25tfe FOR RENT—Large upstair, 3- room apartment, clean, priv­ ate entrance, partly furnished, garden if desired. Crediton 17r2 or write I. M. Willis, Clinton, Ont. Phone 25c COTTAGE—Grand Bend. Win­ terized cottage to rent in ex­ change for unfurnished house or apartment in Exeter of reasonable rent. Apply Box F Times-Advocate. c FOR RENT—Vacuum by the day ox- week. Hardware, Exeter, cleaners, Beavers lie REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—100 acres, Stanley Twp., brick house, bank barn, driveshed, electric water pres­ sure system, some bush.—21 acres in edge of Mitchell, has basement barn, 2 deck hen­ house, 11 storey house, fur­ nace, 3 garage, ity. W. Exeter. 11 storey house piece bath, town water, . C. Pearce, f attached electric- Realtor, 25c house, insul- hard^ood floors, .cup- , modern conveniences. 25tfc FOR SALE—New ated, boards, J. Willis, Exeter. FOR SALE—10 0 acres pasture, highway 83, 'water windmill pumped. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 25c COMFORTABLE Cottage For Sale—Located on Highway 23 at Whalen close to store- and school, 6 miles east of ralia, six rooms, hydro 1/5 acre of land. C. V. ard, Realtor, Exeter. Cent- and Pick­ FOR SALE—100 and 150 acre farm in Stephen Twp. These are both good farms with good buldings and the best of land. Both are close to village and school. Reasonable terms. Also 150 acres in Hay Twp. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 15c FOR SALE—100 acres, produc­ tive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter. 8 room brick house, L-shaped barn, 60x40, 40x40, driveshed, garage, never fail­ ing water supply, 5 acres hard wood bush, hydro available. Immediate possession, R. D. Hunter, phone 113w Exeter. 22tfe Vegetable Growers We have been asked to announce that we table Crops. In order of the most advise us as varieties you We will be , varieties and 1947. The important features of seed for production of fresh vegetables are Purity, High Germination and this by The Exeter Rutabaga Co., can supply seed for all Vege- to procure an adequate supply varieties we request that you possible of the quantities and will need. suitable soon 'as able to supply the most suited kinds, strains. All seed will be from crop of Trueness to type. We will be able to supply class of seed. We and bly available when you need them. invite you. therefore to let us know the quantities varieties you will require as soon as you possi- can, so that we can arrange for supplies to be , MacNaughton Seed Co P.O. Box “H” EXETER ------ ONTARIO M Phone 207 -U You is FOR SALE—A Belgian horse 4 years old; ’36 V-8 Truck. Will take in 12 head of cat­ tle for pasture. J. Williams, phone Crediton 47rl5. 25:1.8c FOR SALE-—A pair of new goose feather pillows. Phone 25r4 Kirkton. 25* FOR SALE—500 bus. Galore barley, good for seed. Call Saturdays. Wally Wein, Dash­ wood, phone 25rl. 25:1c FOR SALE —- Harley Davidson 74, 35 model, in good condi­ tion. Apply L. D. Clark, R.R. 2, Kippen. 25c FOR SALE—Jamesway coal brooder, 500 capacity, good as new: 12i horse power gasoline engine in good condition. Ap­ ply Blair Bros. R.R,1, Cent­ ralia. 25* FOR SALE—Sealers, 4 dozen pints and 2 dozen quarts also a baby buggy, sacrifice. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25* FOR SALE—19 37 pick-up truck, neiv tires, $5 50. Dietrich, phone ton. Ford new Apply 23r5 i ton motor, Chas. Credi-* ■9 ft. Massey - Harris 2 walking plows; FOR SALE- 13-hoe -drill; plate disc harrow; drag row; tired buggy; spring tooth cul­ tivator. Phone Jas. McCarthy, 15r5 Lucan. 25* wagon and rack; steel roller; seed 14- har- steel FOR SALE—Baled hay and bal­ ed straw. Fergus Turnbull. Phone 32r7 Dashwood. 25* FOR SALE—Girl’s bicycle, light weight; 'Check writer, in good condition. Apply Box ,W, Times-Advocate. 25c FOR SALE — Beatty electric washer, ,60 cycle, copper tub, good condition; rangette, like new; steel baby crib. Phone Exeter 171r5, 25* FOR SALE—Good firm apples, $1.50 per bushel and up, Sa­ lome, Spy and Delicious, best of quality. C. B. Middleton. phone 906r6 Clinton. 18:15:1* FOR SALE—1 10” feed nearly new, 1 8 ft. disc harrow, 1 2-base plow, 1 steel wheel 10 ton of baled hay. Apply to V. L. Becker. Phone 6 0w Dashwood. 18:25c FOR SALE—Small x 6’ suitable for a well; also U and ted ■der; size Exeter. grinder tractor tractor wagon, building, 6’ setting over h.p., motor pump moun- working or- small rotary and in good green living room rug, 9’x9’. Telephone 226 25* HAY FOR SALE—6 or 7 ton. Mixed alfalfa and timothy. Wm. F. Abbott. 25* SEED FOR SALE—Galore bar­ ley, no.l, $2.00; Beacon oats, no. 1, $1.50; a few bushels of certified no. 1 Montcalm bar­ ley left. Harry Strang, phone Exeter 177rl6. 25c FOR SALE—Rubber tired wa­ gon, 7x16 ft., 3 ton capacity, roller rack, grain sides for loose grain; also certified Montcalm 'barley, grade no. 1, germ. 98%. W. J. Alexander, Hensail. 25:1c FOR SALE—Buckrake, in good working condition. Garnet Petterson, phone 3 2r4 Dash­ wood. 25* FOR SALE—A team of 4 and 5 years old. Cockwill, Dashwood. 40rl6. mares, G. E. Phone 25c FOR SALE—Girls’ navy serge coat, size 8 years. Phone 143J Exeter. 25c FOR SALE—Large size chester­ field, makes up into double bed. 2 matching chairs, $60. Apply E. R. Johnston, Credi- ton. Phone 36rl5. 25* FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet, good condition, newly painted black and white, masonite top; pink congoleum rug, al­ most new. Apply at Harness’ Barber Shop. 25* FOR SALE—19 28 Whippet se­ dan, excellent condition, good rubber, low mileage. If not sold before Saturday, March 27th, will be offered at the Crediton Community Sale. E, H. Harris, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig Phone 619r33 Ailsa Craig. 25c FOR SALE1—10-20 tractor in good running condition; 5 brood sows, 1st and 2nd lit­ ters; 3 load mixed hay. Apply to Earl Whiteford, R.R. 1, Clandeboye or phono Lucan 42r2. 25* CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less ....... 35c (additional words 1 %c) Succeeding insertions 1c a word (minimum -charge 25c) Classifieds Will be accepted up to Wednesdny noon LOST—-A license plate, 3W844, between Exeter and Zurich. Fender please leave at Times- Advocate. 25* HELP WANTED WANTED—Capable girl man for housework in farm home for month Write full particulars K Times-Adyocate. Ol’ wo- jnodern of May, to Box 25c AUCTION SALES COMMUNITY AUCTION SPRING SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, TRACTOR, FURNITURE, IMPLE­ MENTS AND STOCK at Crediton SATURDAY, MARCH 27th at 1:30 p.m. MOTOR VEHICLES — Ply­ mouth Coach, ’34 model with heater, good tires; Chrysler Coupe, heater and good tires, ’30 model; Nash Sport Coupe, ’29 model with heater, seal beam lights and radio; 3 Tractor for belt work; 35 Case tractor, 1935 Ford n e w, good through-out; •sport coupe, motor overhauled, new brakes; 1947 English motorcycle, single cylinder; steel wagon; 1928 Es­ sex coach in good condition; set of extension rims for W30 or 10-20 tractor also new set spade lugs; lawn mower; two-furrow Oliver plow, tractor hitch. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. 2 fur­ row walking plow; new hand cultivator; push scuffler; seed drill, 11 hoe; electric radio; suit case; defroster; “Queen” oil brooder: electric washing mach­ ine; baby tender; 2 water foun­ tains; 2 iron beds; dining room table, colony house 9x11; Queen oil burner, practically new. HORSES — Belgium mare, rising 8, 1800 lbs. 200 bushel Cartier seed 6 white ash tongues. CATTLE — Durham calf, ris­ ing year old; polled Angus calf, rising year old. Plenty of other Bring anything you Come and buy or .TERMS — Cash. WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Phone 43-2 Crediton AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at MAIN STREET ,EXETER 1 block north of Wein’s Hatchery on MONDAY, MARCH 29th, .1948 at 1.3 0 p.m, the following: Cupboard; range ^kitchen table; settee; hall rack; rocker; 2 couches linoleum; 2 dressers; small stand; heater; Quebec heater; sealers; Good Cheer kit­ chen stove; garden .tools; car­ pet sweeper; ladder; scythe; copper boiler; crockery; bird cage; pots; pans; pails; 2 beds, springs, mattresses; pictures; Coleman lamp; barrel; lawn mower and other .articles- Dining room table and chairs; 2 rockers and 1 bed, springs and mattress; ser; table; 2 stands; hydro plate; radio, new; typewriter; pair j rods, new; hand tools; bedding; floor lamp; 0 h.p. Rumley h.p. on steel. sedan, motor r u b b e r, c 1 1936 Ford new tires, heater, like e a n V-8 show oats; merchandise, have to sell, sell. 6 chair; dres- rangette; ; toast­ pillows; saw: self box stove, scuttles; wheelbarrow; 3 er; curtain garden heater; •2 coal sets hinges; ,3 yale locks. TERMS—CASH GERALD CAMPBELL, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. EXTENSIVE CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, AND FEED W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 14, Con. 9, HIBBERT TWP U mile east of Staffa on MONDAY, MARCH 29tl>, 1948 commencing at 12 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES — Matched red roan team of Belgian mares. CATTLE -—25 head of high class Holstein cows consisting of 4 springers, 6 cows freshened in March, 2 cows freshened in Feb­ ruary, 10 cows due in October and November, 4 years old, 6 yearling heifers calves, 1 pure calf. 18 of ' five years and under from pure on farm. HOGS - sows due in March and 2 Yorkshire sows with litters; 18 hogs, 175 pounds each; 26 hogs. The above pigs are from a registered sire and dam. FOWL — 250 fowl one year Old, Rock and Leghorn. HAY AND GRAIN — 10 ton of mixed hay; 50 bushel of wheat; 500 bushel of Ajax oats, cleaned for seed; 10 feet of si­ lage. IMPLEMENTS — Allis Chal­ mers tractor, on rubber, 35 h.p.; Goodison separator, 36-50, equip­ ed with grain thrower; water pump, straw cutter in first class these cows old, are bred. all 3 vaccinated sire, and : heifers—>2 heifers, 6 bred bull are under year olds I, and raised Yorkshire brood April; condition; drive belt nearly new, cable and pul­ leys; Mc.D. * ‘ plow, new; power trip, hammer mill No. her tired wagons; loader, new; Mc.D. Mc.D. cultivator Mc.D. mower, binder, 6 foot cut; p rake; Mc.D. manure Champion oat roller, j. oxwmv jliivlu?, new; electric motors; elec- 3 furrow -tractor Case double disc, nearly new; Mc.D. 1, B; 2 rub- Mc.D. hay side rake, nearly 5 foot cut; M.H. new; new; M.H. d u m spreader; new; 2 h.p. electric motor ( 3 % h.p, < ____ trie fence and equipment; Web­ ster spray painter, nearly new and numerous other farm im­ plements. DAIRY, EQUIPMENT — Uni­ versal short-tube milker, 2 sin­ gle units and piping for 25 cows; Viking power cream se­ parator, nearly new; milk pails. ALSO — Large electric Clare Jewel stove, like near; 7 foot Frigidaire refrigerator, nearly new. Positively no reserve. Farm is sold. Terms cash. This being an exceedingly large sale, will start sharp at twelve o’clock., Booth on grounds. No Reserve—Farm Is Sold LORNJ4 HODGE, Prop. W. E, NAIRN, Auct. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on the premises, Lot 28, Con. 15, HAY TWP. 1 kt miles west of Dashwood on TUES., MARCH 3Oth, 1948 commencing at 1 the following: HORSES —- Geldings, borth old; bay mare old. ■CATTLE — 6 years .old, bred 6 weeks; Poll- 6 years, rising 6 red cow July, 3 2 years; 2 years all p.m.sharp Team of rising 9 rising 10 red cow, Bay years years rising ed Angus cow rising due in July; roan cow years, due in April; rising 9 years, due in Durham steers, rising 2 Durham heifers rising 2 young calves. These are very choice Durham cattle. , HOGS -—• Stockers averaging about 125 lbs. each. POULTRY •— 2 dozen choice Rock yearling hens. A good collie dog. HAY and GRAIN — S tons of choice riTixed hay; 5 0 bushels Alaska seed oats; 50 bushels O.A.C. No. 21 seed barley; 30 bushels of wheat; 2 bushels red clover seed; 2 bushels Timothy seed; 1 bushel mixed Clover and Timothy seed. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. 7-ft. cut binder, with tractor hitch in good condition; Maxwell hay loader; M.H. mower 6-ft. cut; M.H. mower 5-ft. cut; M.H. 13 hoe drill; M.H. bean scuffler with puller attachment; 13 tooth cultivator; stiff cultivator; Deering 12 out-throw disc, like new; 12-ft rake; 2-drum steel 3-section harrows; gang 2 root pulpers; Chatham fan­ ning mill; 3 walking plows; horse scraper; 2 steel wagons; wagon box with shel­ ves; hay rack; i bob sleighs; tongue and shafts; cutter; bug­ gy; stone boat; 1200-lb. scales; bag truck; 6 good sling ropes; dozen grain bags; chop boxes and feeders of various sizes; 2 se.ts double harness; single har­ ness, new; 4 collars; quantity colony house; chicken h.p. Waterloo gasoline grindstone; large iron large butcher block; barrel; DeLaval cream M.H. M.H tooth plate M.H. roller; plow; 2- tired 18-in. gravel boxj stock rack; ; light sleigh with 14-ft. set of 1J.CDO, Al _ lumber; coops; 6 engine; kettle; scalding separator; strainer pail; 4 large galvanized pails; brace wire; logging chains; small chains; 90 white bricks; quantity of tile, cant hook; pea harvester; horse drawn turnip seeder; shingles; onion seeder; 5 onion crates and stand; .cistern pump with 10-ft. piping; electric fencer; wheelbarrow; barley fork; hay forks; shovels; doubletrees; small tools and numerous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — kitchen stove; 3-burner coal oil stove; galvanized tub; 5-gallon jug; 6'0-gal. lard can; large wooden bake box; and spoon; butter 1-lb. 10-gal. crock; churn; egg i iron bed; large like new; pails of various large tea kettle, etc. TERMS—CASH ALVIN WALPER, Auct. MILFORD MERNER, Clerk. EDMUND KRAFT, Prop. 18:25 galvanized tub; 6'0-gal. lard can; butter dish prints; .butter washing machine; wooden lantern; paper aluminum roasting incubator; Daisy 250 bed; tub; pan, sizes CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK, AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public, auction at Lot, 14, Con. 2, Biddtilph Twp. 1 Umiles east of Mooresville on TUESDAY, MARCH at 1 p.m. Horses-—Roan team 6 and 7 years, 3100 30. of lbs. 1948 mares. ; Per- Cheron gelding, lbs.; Percheron year. CATTLE —7 Shorthorn and Hereford grade cows, freshened, 4 Shorthorn and Hereford cows, due .April gnd May rising young, rising steers heifers bull rising i year calves just born. PIGS — 2 Yorkshire bred; 2 Yorkshire pigs, lbs. each; 17 Yorkshire 125 lbs. each. HENS — 175 hens, Hampshire and Rocks. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. der, 6 ft. cut; McCormick er, 5 ft. cut; M.H. 13 disc Bain tired wagon with M.H. bean puller and .scuffler 1-horse plow; section set of cultivatox’ for tractor or .horses; M.H. 16-plate disc; flat rack with sliding platform; 2 cutters, buggy; fanning mill; cutting­ box; hay fork rope and pulleys; sling ropes; ,3 oak barrels; set of brass mounted breechen har­ ness with tops; set of back-band harness; set of single harness; Jamesway brooder stove and feeders; colony house 10x14, new; colony house 6x10; rain shelter; new electric Viking cream separator, SOO lbs.; 2 gasoline engines, H and 3 horse power; 3-burner electric stove; some household effects; other articles too numerous to men­ tion. Positively no reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming. TERMS—Cash. GARFIELD LATTA, Prop. W. S. O’NEIL, Auct. CLIFFORD ABBOTT, Clerk 4 farrow. All 2 steers and two years; 6 rising 1 year; 6 rising 1 year; r; 7 wagon on gray cow cows are 2 heifers, Hereford Hereford Hereford Hereford sows, 150 Pigs, New bin­ mow- drill; steel; rubber 600-16 tires; scuffler; Quebec riding plow; harrows; log sleighs; M.H, walking 4- land roller; Cockshutt CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, GRAIN, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Entire herd of high quality Dairy Cows The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction at LOT IO, CON. 9, HAY TWP. Babylon Line, 1% miles east and 24 miles south of Zurich on WED., MARCH 31, 1918 1.00 p.m. sharpcommencing at the following: HORSES — black Percheron 7 and 10 year <old; eron mare rising 8 years; Percheron mare These horses lbs. each. , DAIRY CATTLE — Highly bred Holstein bull rising 2 years old; Holstein cow 5 years old due in April; Holstein cow 5 years old due in Oct.; cow part cow with 5 years old Holstein cow time of sale; years old bred Mar. 10 with calf at foot;- Holstein cow 4 years old, vaccinated, fresh since Mar. 10; .Holstein heifer, vaccinated, fresh since Mar. 8, with calf at fqot; part Ayrshire and Jersey cow 4 years old, due at time of sale; 2 Holstein heifers 2 years old due in Oct.; Holstein cow 5 years ,old due end of May; part Durham and Holstein cow 7 years old, heavy with calf; Hol­ stein heifer 2 years old, vaccin­ ated, due in June; Holstein heifer 2 years',old, vaccinated, with calf at foot; 2 Holstein heifers, vaccinated bred in Feb., 2 Holstein yearling heifers, vac­ cinated; 5 Holstein heifer calves, vaccinated, 1 year old. This is a very choice herd of fine Dairy Cattle. HAY and GRAIN — Quantity of mixed hay; 50 (bushels of mixed Galore barley and Alaska seed grain; 4 bushels mixed Clover and Timothy seed. A good Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS — Deering 11- hoe drill; New Ideal No. 10 spreader, like new; M.H. side delivery rake; McC.D. 12-ft. steel rake; Cockshutt 3-horse cultivator; No. 21 M.H. mower 6-ft, cut; Olivei* 2-furrow riding plow; McC.D. walking plow; 2 wheel trailer with stock rack; wagon; 1-man harrows; new; M.H, light Matched team geldings rising grey Perch­ roan rising 5 years; are all good quality averaging about 15 00 4 years old Jersey 4 years calf at Holstein in June; Holstein in Feb,, due part bred J-Iolstein cow calf at foot; and old foot; with 5 years old due at Holstein cow 5 McC.D. walking plow; trailer with low steel tired flat rack; horse horse light vel box 3 rolls 14-foot 10-ft. fencers; her; 4 double Britchen ness; lars; buffalo clipper; tity of cross-cut chicken feeders chains veis; i other articles. DAIRY EQUIPMENT — Glean 16-ft. sliding 1- 2- wagon; sleigh; buggy; cutter; gra- ; stock rack; hog crate; 14-ft. snow fence; 6 rolls fence for portable silo; steel gate; 2 electric quantity of mixed lum- good..sling ropes harness; harness collar tops '2 hay rack; 4 section scuffler, scuffler; 2 set.b brass mounted ; single liar- 6 horse col- new horse blankets; robe; Stewart 60-gallon kettle wood; saw. power quan- 2, tons of coal, new; barrels, ; stable broom; i; doubletrees; forks; sho- small tools and numerous (Easy milking machine with gas- motor, in first .class condition; Viking cream separator 950 lb, capacity; strainer cans; milk pails HOUSEHOLD Empire kitchen condition tension radio like new spring­ beds; ....... studio couch; dining pail; milk of various sizes, EFFECTS — range; Royal both in good 4-leaf ex­ battery 15x15 ft., beds with 2 steel dresser; kitchen range, ; gas stove; - table; Philco linoleum rug 2 steel •felt mattress; ,2 small stands; ____; 5 leather covered .......o room, chairs; 6 strong kitchen chairs; rocking chair; washing machine; galvanized tub; pails and many other ar­ ticles. TERMS—CASH LEWIS SCIIRAG, Prop. R. F. STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct. 6 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 21, Con. 3, Stejihen Twp., on FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1948 at 1 p.m. the following: HORSES — Matched blacks, 5 years old; 3 .years old. CATTLE — Roan June 12; roan cow 27; red cow due red cow due July 10; cow due Oct. 30; due time of sale; May 12; cow fresh; 30; red heifer due Sept 16; red heifer due Sept. 3; red heifer due Sept. 10; 4 steers rising 3 years old; 6 heifers 2 years old; 5 yearlings; 7 calves; Shorthorn bull, 14 months old. PIGS — Brood sow due May 1; brood sow due Apr. 25; chunks weighing 175 lbs.; chunks weighing 100 lbs. Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS — Farmall tractor on rubber equipped with pullei’ der, 7 11-h oe drill; Deering dump rake; stone; lever steel roller; section bay team mare, due■cow due Sept. Sept. Hereford. Holstein cow roan cow due black cow fresh; red' red heifer due June- 28; 8 11 H and scuffler; M.H. bin- ft.; Deering mower, 5 ft.: fertilizer drill; 15 .disc manure spreader; i rake, new; M.H. hay loader; grind­ harrows; 3-drum tractor disc .harrow, 5 section harrows; 2 furrow tractor plow; walking plow; set sleighs; grain crusher; rubber tired wagon; steel tired scuffler, buggy; cutter; hay fork; sling ropes; flat rack; set scales; set double harness; gravel box; Deering cream separator; exten­ sion ladder; electric brooder; gas drum; stone boat; forks; shovels; hoes; whiffletrees; neckyokes; chains; boxes; bar­ rels and other articles. 20 tons of mixed hay; 400 bushels of mixed grain. Kitchen stove. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR ALVIN WALPER, Aucts. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk ELMORE McBRIDE, Prop M.H. ' side CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public- .auction at Lot 8, Con. 1, Tuckersniith Twp A mile north of Hensail on No 4 Highway on FRIDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1948 at 1 p.m. the following: HORSES —• Black matched team Clydes, rising 10 years; black Percheron mare rising 6. CATTLE — ly; cow fresh; 1 6; cow due April May 12; yearling­ calf. 9o Barred Rock IMPLEMENTS — M.H. bind­ er, 6 ft.; International mower, 5 ft; 11 hoe fertilizer drill with grass seeder attachment; M.H., spring tooth cultivator; Frost 6 Wood disc; dump rake; hay hay loader; 3 drum 1-furrow Cockshutt walking plow; 3 cart; with M.H. fan- Cow bred recent­ cow due April 23; cow due steer; young hens. tedder; steel roller; sulky plow; section harrows; harrow Cockshutt bean cultivator discs; walking scuffler; bean puller; M.H. pulper; ning mill with bagger attach­ ment; set scales; wheelbarrow; set sleighs; low .wagon; Bain low wagon; flat rack with slid­ ing platform; stock rack; hog stone boat; hay fork barrels; XVYV IV (A £5 VIA, X. ing platform; crates; gravel box; Stanhope top buggy; and rope; sling ropes; grass seeder; chicken shelter; Vega cream separator; DeLaval separator; neckyokes; chains; wire stretcher; whiffle- ■trees; shovels; forks; hoes and articles; grain hook. Set breeching set backband rubber-mounted l collars and No. 12 wire stretcher; shovels; numerous other bei* elm planks; sacks; thresher's HARNESS — harness set ness horse blankets. GRAIN — About Alaska oats and 100 bushels mixed grain, suitable for seed; about 75 bushels: fall wheat; a few ,bushels seed beans; quan­ tity hay, mangels and turnips. TERMS—CASH is Sold. num­ bags and harness; single har- collar tops; 100 bushels Farm R. Y. MaeLARBN, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Allot.