HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-18, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 18th, 1948 Mrs. Wm. Hearing, Huron St. sutfered a heart attach Sunday anti her friends will be pleased t» know that she is improving slowly. i Leavitt’s of Mr. ’Boots”) evening wedding -la Previews its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY March 17 and 18 Two Features —t- s All Stay Cast ‘Hoppy’s Holiday’ ® Hopalong Cassidy ® dabby Hayes FRIDAY, SATURDAY March 19 and 20 — Two Features — ‘Last of the Redmen’ ♦ Michael O’Shea ® Evelyn Ankers ...... .. Bride? and Groom Honored at Dashwood On Wednesday evening of last week a reception was held at the Thomas Klumpp residence in Dashwood in honour and Mrs. Howard (’ Klumpp who had that x eturned from their trip. As the young couple drove into Dashwood they were chari- varid by the employees of the Dashwood Planing then were escorted Mrs. Bob Dinney to home where and friends had spending the I Court Whist ' were led to a : a four tiered I tall pink candles, i tuous lunch was served. After j cutting the cake the bride, as- • sisted by the groom, opened the I many beautiful gifts. In -a few i well chosen words they thanked ■ their friends, who responded by .singing “Foi’ they are i good fellows”, j The following evening j scene was repeated with ; mill employees as guests. On Monday afternoon, Maurice Klumpp, honouring the I bride, was hostess at a recipe . showei’ at her home. The ladies ; brought their favourite recipes i with a gift necessary for its use. L__________ ______ \ CANDY SALE— ' , sisters are planning • Mill, by Mr the Klumpp 50 relatives athered. After playing couple and and over s evening the young table centred with wedding cake and A very sump- served. •ake the bride jolly the the Mrs. The Sorority on holding a home-made candy sale on Sa­ turday afternoon, March 27 th. Keep this in mind. Further de­ tails next week. © Jean Porter ® Jimmy Lydon MONDAY, TUESDAY, March 22 and 23 t Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, En­gagements 50e. BIRTHS CAREY—-At Mrs. Batten’s nurs­ ing home on Saturday. March 13, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cayey, of Mount Car­ mel, a daughter. MILLER — At Dr Hospital, Dashwood, day, March 12, 1948 and Mrs. Dashwood, STONE—-At ing home 11, 1948, Ferguson’s ■on Fri- to Mr. Edwin Miller, of a son. Mrs. Batten’s nurs- on Thursday, March to Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone, of Kirkton, a daughter, Sharon Lynn. ‘Hightmare Alley’ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ® Tyrone Power @ Joan Blondell Saturday, March 20th 3:09 to 3:30 p.m. At the home of Mrs. Allen, Fraser, Huron and Main Streets. Everyone Welcome. Silver Col­ lection. Total Receipts for Can­ cer Research Work COMING . . . ‘THE SWORDSMAN’ March 25, 26, 27 Color by Technicolor Starring Larry Parks, star “The Jolson Story” ‘WORLD CHAMPIONS’ Featuring the Ballerina of of the Blades, Barbara Ann Scott Return Engagement by Popular Request ‘MY WILD IRISH ROSE’ Color by Technicolor April 6 and 7 ‘Welcome Stranger’ ‘Fun and Fancy Free’ ‘Green Dolphin Street’ To Members of the Exeter Badminton Club On Tuesday, March 23rd, the Forest Badminton Club will pay us a return visit. All local club members are invited to turn out. The local club is running a tournament to declare winners for the two plaques donated by local business men. All wishing to compete must hand their names in to Ray Wuerth before Thursday, March 25th. DANCE Roast Ham Supper Farquhar Hail will be held in the basement of Centralia United Church Friday, Mar. 19 Thurs., Mar. 18 Dancing 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.in. MURDOCK’S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 50c Proceeds From These Hances For a Piano Supper to commence at p.m. after which a good gram of local talent will be given consisting of comic solos, quartette, sextette, readings, solos and dialogues. Everybody Welcome CHILDREN 30c ADULTS 60c 6:30 pro- Everybody Welcome COMRADE’S BIBLE CLASS James Street United Church Next Sunday Afternoon Service of Song at 2:45 p.m. Guest Speaker, Dr. Ralph Hooper, of the London Bible Institute. Mrs. Leo Gibson spent the week-end with friends in Toron­ to. Elmer Bell Addresses Junior Farmers/ institute Junior Institute Meeting The March meeting of the South Huron Junior Institute was held in the schoolroom on March 3. The meeting opened with the singing of the^ Opening Ode followed by the Lord’s prayer. Following the roll call the business was discussed and the election of a secretary-treas­ urer took place. Christine Dob­ son was elected to fill this pos­ ition which was formerly taken by Norma Knight elected to go as attend th© District ing at Guelph. It that the Institute of Ten dollars to Appeal for Children Fund. Plans for th© banquet which is to be held on March 18 were made. The program opened with Cur­ rent Events being given by Eve- lyne Taylor, Velma Ferguson's group was in charge of the meeting, the topic being Citizen­ ship. Addresses on this subject were very capably given by Mar­ ion Hodgert and Velma Fergu­ son. Miss Durneu, Home Econo­ mist, was guest speaker for the evening and also spoke on this subject. She told of the advan­ tages of Institute work and pointed out the importance of such an organization. Following the program the meeting ad­ journed and the girls retired to the arena for a joint meeting, lunch and recreation with the Junior Farmers. Junior Farmer’s Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the South Huron Junior Farmers was held in the Exeter Arena on March 3. The roll call was answered by the pay­ ing of the fees. The minutes were read and business discus­ sed. It was decided that a mem­ ber of the executive should at­ tend the annual meeting of the Provincial Junior Farmers to be held in Guelph in April. Gerry Nelson outlined the coming seed show to be held in Clinton. A committee of three boys, H. De­ Block, D .Easton and J. Hern were appointed to reorganize the grain club. Clarence Knight gave a report on the Crop Im­ provement Association held in - ----‘{Toronto, The meeting adjourned illness.' for the joint meeting. Joint- Meet big * At the joint meeting Bill Rowcliffe occupied the chair. The meeting opened with O Canada followed by a sing song The final plans for the Banquet wer© made known and at which time Ross Beattie is to be the guest speaker. Mr. Elmer Bell, Exeter lawyer, teresting and dress. June with violin selections. The meet­ ing closed with games and re' freshments. and was also j delegate to Annual Meet- was decided send the sum the Canadian Items qf Social and Personal Interest in and, Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends, Phone 31w BAZAAR AND COOKING SALE —^-Saturday, March 27th, in the Legion Rooms, beginning at 3 p.m. Hurondale W.L 18:25c DEATHS BRIERLEY—In Exeter on day, March 12, 1948, Frank Brierley in his 73rd year. WILDMAN —- Suddenly, after a long illness, on Tuesday, March 9 th, 19 48, at her resi­ dence. 2076 Workman St., Montreal, Anne ’Wilkinson, dearly beloved wife of Arthur W, H. Wildman, and mother of Mrs. M. J. Ryan, Mary, Fred, Harold, Clifford, Gerald and Gordon and 14 grand­ children and brother-in-law of Mr. Fred Wildman, of town. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. A. Leo Cole, of Russeldale, announce the en­ gagement of their eldest daugh­ ter, Helen, to Mr. Hugh Laverne Haynes, only son of Mrs. Fred Haynes, Fullarton, the wedding will take place this month. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. Herman Herdman wishes to express his sincere thanks to all those who so kindly remem­ bered him with treats and cards and also visitors while a patient in Victoria Hospital. I wish to thank those so kindly remembered me visits, gifts friends and ed so much- —Thos. H. Fri- sjt who with theand cards also neighbors who help- , during my Morley. Neil wishes to ex- to all Mr. Earl press his sincere thanks who so kindly remembered him while a patient in ,Victoria Hospital and since his return home. c ,Mrs. Brierley wishes to ex­ press her sincere appreciation to the neighbors and friends for the kindness extended during •Mr. Brierley's illness and in her bereavement, also to those who sent flowers and cards and to Rev. Mr. Hunt, Dr. Hopper. IN MORLEY- Emma J. Morley, who passed away March 18, 1947. Until the day breaks and The shadows flee away. —Lovingly remembered by band and family. Langford, Rev. Milner and Mr. E. Mr. R. MEMORIAM -In loving memory and only Lt. . PENHALE—In proud ing memory pf our and brother, Fit. F, Penhale, who was while on active service st the enemy, March 1945, buried in Heverle tery, Louvain, Belguim. —Lovingly remembered by family. of lius-4# . lov- ' son Allan killed again- 21st, ceme- the * James Street Speaker Miss Patricia Chinnick, Woodstock, a delegate to World Conference for Youth at Oslo, Norway, was the special speaker at the James Street U- nited Church Sunday morning. She was „ accompanied by Miss Daphne Staib, president, of the London Conference Y.P. execu­ tive, who led in prayer, Benson Sutter, of Clinton, who gave the bible reading, and Douglas Wal­ lace, of Walton, president of the Huron Y.P., who introduced the speaker. Miss Chinnick gave a very interesting description of laer experiences at the confer­ ence held at Norway last sum­ mer at which representatives from many nations were sent. of the gave a very in- educational ad- Walters favored Presentation and Dance A presentation and dance for Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth, Hern, newly-wreds, of Usborne, was held in the Exeter Opera House Tuesday evening with a good attendance. Flannigan’s orches­ tra provided the music. During the course of the evening an address was read by Cliff Jaques and the presentation of a tri-light lamp and an occas­ ional chair was made by Emer­ son Penhale and Howard Pym. Mr. Hern expressed their ap­ preciation of the lovely gifts. i Attend Funeral Six nephews .were pallbearers for the late Mrs. iSamu’l Popple­ stone, of Blyth, whose funeral took place Monday of last week with interment in the Exeter Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Elgin ~ *“ ~ cliffe, Stone, ____ Morgan. Flowerbearers were. H. Rivers, Archie RoWe, Jack John­ ston, R. I). Philip, J. H. R. El­ liott, M. McElroy, Stanley Chel- low, Douglas Kilpatrick, Gerald Rowcliffe, Oliver Row- "Reg” Knight, Percy Fred Dawson, Archie It is imperative that the aver­ age man have some means _ of bearing the heavy burden im­ posed by sickness and accidents. Small premium payments spread over a period of time, provide the ideal method of meeting the increased costs of hospital care. Ernest C. Harvey Insurance A- ,gency, representing Mutual Benefit. MCKNIGHT’S HALL Dr. Hooper was for 40 years a medical missionary. SPECIAL MUSIC A Cordial Invitation is Extended to AU EXETER ARENA at 8:30 p.m. 15 ROUNDS FOWL 10 ROUNDS FOR TURKEYS Turkey Door Prize * Wellesley vs. Exeter This Will be the Third Game of the Finals ADMISSION 50c AND 35c Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsie spent Sunday with Mr. Pat Tyler. Mr. Waltex’ Herbert, of Belle­ ville, Michigan, is visiting with Mr, Wes Culbert and other re­ latives. Mrs, ing in 1 skating „ Gardens, Mr. and Mrs. London, visited er’s father, Mr. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. spent part of Mr. and Mrs. of Stratford. Miss Marie training at London, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Annie Handford, of Lon­ don, is spending the forepart of the week with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Annie Sanders. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Ellis who have been living in the Block Apartments on Huron have moved into one of the Wartime Houses on Street, West. Nelson Statton is visit- Toronto and ^carnival at took in the Maple Leaf Cliristie, ofEli with the fovm- 0. W. Christie Gordon Farrow last week with Freeman Farrow, Melville, nurse-in- Victoria Hospital, Street, Huron Delegates to Convention Messrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Wm. H. Coates and Arthur Fra­ ser are in Toronto this week as •delegates from the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company to the Underwriters convention held in the King Ed­ ward Hotel March IGth, 17 th and lS'th. My, Ted Wialper attended the Band Masters’ Convention in Waterloo last week. •Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rowe spent the week-end in Windsor visiting with their daughter, Mi’, and Mrs. R. D. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones are in Toronto visiting their son Neil and attending the Ice Fol­ lies at Maple Leaf Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe, of Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber and Ronnie, of Crediton, were Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe. DANCE EXETER OPERA HOUSE Thur., Mar. 25 9:30 to 12:30 DON ROBERTSON and his Ranch Boys ADMISSION 50c Auspices of Canadian Legion BADMINTON CLUB St. Patrick’s Dance EXETER ARENA Friday, March 19th LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Dancing 9:30 to 1 Dress Optional ADMISSION 75c The Thorndale AVomen’s Institute is Presenting a Play Frank Traher and his Orchestra PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 19th, 20tli Dancing 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch 167 4 Saturday Night LONDON, ONTARIO Answers An Ad — in — WOODHAM ORANGE HALL at 8:30 p.m. Admission 40c and 25c Under Auspices of Woodham Y.P.U. EXETER OPERA HOUSE ‘The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer with the adorable ® Shirley Temple ® Myra Loy (as a Judge) ® Cary Grant (a high tension guy) All in a Fast and Furious Funfest! Cartoon ‘BOTTLE BEETLE’ Sportscope ‘SKI CHAMPIONS’ MONDAY and TUESDAY March 22nd, 23rd ‘The Woman on the Beach ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ® Joan Bonnett © Robert, Ryan ® Charles Bickford © Nan Leslie Held by a sense of loyalty and guilt she was wasting her youth in a man-made hell of remorse! Edgar Kennedy in Short ‘BROTHER KNOWS BEST* and Cartoon ‘CLOCK CLEANERS’ FOLLOWING NEW YORK SUCCESS March 24th to 27th with Matinee on 27th Dublin Gate Theatre Productions, Ltd (In Association’ With Louis Elliman) WED., MARCH 24—JOHN BULL’S OTHER ISLAND. THURS., MARCH 25—PORTRAIT OF MIRIAM FBI., MARCH 26—-PORTRAIT OF MIRIAM. SAT. EV’Cb MARCH 27—VfaUERE STARS WALK . - SAT. MAT., MARCH 27—WHERE STARS WALK Orders Nowt Evenings: Orch. lower boxes $2.40; 1st 15 rows $2.40, balance $4.80. Balcony! Upper boxes $1.80; 1st 5 rows, $2,40, next 4 rows, $1.80, balance $1.20. Mat.: Orch.: Lower boxes, $1.80, 1st 15 taws, $1.80, balance $1.20. Balcony: Upp.er boxes, $1.20, 1st 5 rows, $1.80; next 4 raws, $1.20, balance 90c. Tax included. Kncfose Self-addressed, stamped envelope for return, of tickets. Out-of-town cheques must include bank Charges. BOX OFFICE SALE OPENS SAT., MARCH 20TH