HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-18, Page 11O Ka M OITS >< THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH JSth, 194$ PISCUSS “OUR MODERN APPROACH TO REFORM” IN Queen’s Park Report No. 9 Friday, March 19th CKNX - 920 - 8:00-8:15 p.m. HENSALL Miss Margaret Glenn spent the week-end with relatives in London. Mrs. Ed Fink visited during the .past week with relatives in London. Miss Barbara week-end with gett and Mrs. Liggett in Exeter. Mrs. R, M. Kirby .visited re­ cently with Mrs. Crockex* in Exeter. Mr, Robert Simpson attended the Prospector’s convention tn Toronto this week and while there saw Miss Barbara Ann Scott. Miss Helen McNaughton, of week-end and Mrs. Michie spent the P.O. Lloyd Lig- held jp the local churches as follows: Tuesday, March 23 in St. Pauls Anglican Church, Rev. P. A. Ferguson, nesday,- United Church. Toronto, spent ,the with her parents, Mr. Lome McNaughton. Mrs. John McEwen spent tire week-end in Toronto with her brother,Mr.Glenn Love and attended a banquet for Miss Barbara An xi Scott. Mr. Bruce Glenn, of the O.A. C. Guelph, spent the week-end with his parents, John M, Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. K) and Mrs. Alex Mousseau left -on Monday • for Hamilton where they will spend a few days prior to sailing from New York on Saturday for a two month's visit in England. Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Cross, ac­ companied by the lattei’’s sister, ■Mrs. Collins, of Galt, left on Sunday fox- Florida where they will spend a month’s vacation. The Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary will hold their Eastex* Thank-offering meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Bonthron on 'Monday, March 22 whexi Mrs. (Rev.) D? G. Lane, of Clinton, will be the special speaker. Holy Week Services Holy Week services will be ?K_. ■■■ -7... .------ ............ ....................*........ .......................................... Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Horton speaker; Wed- Marqh 24 in Hensall ,__ Rev. Langford, speaker; Thursday, March 25 in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Rev. Hinton of Kippen, speaker, Good Friday, March 26, " inunion service in byterian Church conducted by Rev. on. Hensall Institute A delightful event was held in the. Town Hall on Tuesday night when the Hensall Institute members had as their guests the ladies of Zurich Institute, On this ocassion Mrs. Fred Beer and Mrs. Alex Mousseau were the hostesses.' Mrs. A. Kerslake presided for the opening exer­ cises which consisted0 of “The Ode’’ and “Home on the Range” after which the president led in prayer. M’embers answered the roll call by the presentation or a variety of useful items for shipment overseas. In this con­ nection Mrs. ,J. gangster and Mrs. W. Parke offered to attend to packing and shipping same. Mrs. H. W- Horton and Mrs. A. Mousseau, who leave shortly on tlieiy journey abroad, were pres­ ented with compacts, and Miss Ann Tate, who is taking up resi­ dence in Seaforth, received a cup and saucer. The addresses were read by .Miss Gladys Luker and Mrs. A. Kerslake made the presentations. The recipients re­ plied'fittingly. A discussion per­ iod followed. The secretary read a letter from Mr. W. 0. Goodwin expressing grateful thanks foi* the Legion Flag donated by the Institute. It was also mentioned that when the Legion Hall is in shape the ladies may hold their Com- Carmel Pres­ at 11 a.m, P. A. Fei’gus- Golden Wedding of Kirkton Couple Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer, Kirkton, celebrated their golden wedding day last week. The cou­ ple were married on March 2nd, 1898, at the home of the bride's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roy, of Mount Pleasant, by Rev. Peter Scott. Mr, Sawyer is the son Sawyer and Ijazlewood. Following celebrants lived Mount Pleasant, Lucknow, Kin­ cardine, London, and more re­ cently in Kirkton, Mr. Sawyer has., always taken a keen inter­ est in church, choir and Sunday School work. He has been an Orangeman fox* over 60 years and has attended the 12th of July celebrations each year, At one time he was leader of the Woodham Fife and Drum Mrs. Sawyer has always devoted to work in the and the church and has ■aix active part in Red work. On Sunday, February 29th, a family gathering, held at the home of their son and dlaughter- in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Glen Saw­ yer, in St. Thomas, marked the anniversary occasion. Other members of theix* family are: a daughter, Mi’s, Robert O. Cal­ laghan, London, and two otlxex* sons, Otis, Mount Pleasant, and Orville, Mitchell. of the late Aaron the former Sarah. their xnarriage, the ip Woodham, Band, been home taken Cross i I BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Helps to cleanse impurities from the body and tone up the digestive organs. It has helped thousands who suffer from ■dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousness, headaches or minor com­ plaints of 'the liver or kidneys. It should, do the same for you. On sale for more than 60 years, Burdock Blood Bitters is available at drug counters everywhere. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.So D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street. Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36j Closed Wednesday Afternoon ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER. ONTARIO GLADMAN and COCHRANE DR. J. W. CORBETT D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building, Exeter Telephone 273 BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS BXBTJBR, ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday 2 to 5 pan. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. er RING 138 JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist MAIN STREET, EXETER Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 348 ARTHUR FRASER ALVIN WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specializing in Farm and .Purebred^ Livestock Sales PHONE 57r3 R. 1 DASHWOOD Income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, et«. Ann St., EXETER, Phone 355w WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures youSpecial training assures yott of jrour property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terims Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Pheno 43*2 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER. R.R. 1 Phone Zurich D2r7 USBORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President .... Wm. H, COATES Exetex* ...ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1 Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON „ Cromarty JOHN McGRATH .. Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY Kirkton R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS . THOMAS SCOTT ..... T. G. BALLANtYNE, SECRETA RY-TIM) ASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ..... Exeter SOLICITORS GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter Vice-Pres. Mitchell Cromarty Woodham meetings there if they so desii'e. Mrs. W. (B, Cross forwarded a lovely letter of appreciation re­ ferring to the shower of Valen­ tine cards she i*eceived recently. The South Huron District has chosen the District Conference “Personality and Dress” whicn will be held in Seaforth on April 2nd. All interested women ,are welcome. All interested should be in attendance from 10 a.m. to 4 p.xn. Blua Cross Hospitaliza­ tion Cards are to be submitted to Mrs. Beer who will act as group leader and attend to oth­ er necessary arrangements. A letter of thanks .was received from Mrs. Brown referring to card sent to her during her re­ cent illness. A lovely thank you message was received from Mrs. Walks re illness. ' letter of president, means a group. Mrs. Hess and Mrs. C. Forrest were named as a nominating commit­ tee to present the slate of of­ ficers at the next meeing. Mrs. J. Sangster expressed thanks for ing Hall with Mrs. Guest speaker, Mrs. Roll call, A handy dish to leave for the men’s supper. Demon­ stration, an apron parade. The motto will be taken by Jas. McAllister. Home Home was sung. At this Mrs. Kerslake introduced M. Oesch, of Zurich group, who then took charge. The unusually fine program was presented by the visitors as follows: one verse of “O Canada” and “The Old Rugged Cross”: .reading by Mrs. Leonard Erb; duett, Smilin Thru by Miss Belva Truemner and Mrs. Kexi Brakey; playet “A Proposal”; duett “Signed, Sealed and Delivered” and ‘My Wild Irish Rose’ by Mrs. Louis Durand and Mrs. Maurice Dui’- and accompanied by Miss B. Bedard; reading “Sally’s Sur­ prise” by Mrs. Newell Geiger; playet, caste, Mrs. Roche, W. Adams, Mrs. Denome, ■Masse; piano solo by O’Dwyer; playet “Doctor , Quick” and the National An­ them. Mrs. Kerslake called on Mrs. R. Elgie who proposed thanks to all who had taken part in .the affair. At the close dainty refreshments were ser­ ved. Following are the addresses Hensall, Ont., March 9, 1948 Mrs. A. Mousseau and Mrs. IT. W. Horton. Deai’ Friends: In Institute and community life you are always on hand to do .whatever faithfully and that We without showing you are have smooth sailing all the way We ask you to accept these little remembrances from us all. May our present relationship be one of long and happy continu­ ance. -—Signed The Hensall Institute, Mrs. A. Kerslake, Pres.. Gladys Luker, sec.-tx‘eas. card received during The secretary read a resignation from the , Mrs. Kerslake which great loss to the O. Cook, Mrs. G. received. The April meet­ will be held in the Town in the Council Chamber Mrs. P. A. Ferguson and A. D. McEwen hostesses. McKercher, Mrs. Sweet time Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Come is asked of you well. We felt could not let you leave in some small way the esteem in which held. May your ship Hensail, Ont., March 9. 19 4 S Miss Tato. Dear Friend: When you they say that munity’s loss and we do hope you will enjoy your new home which is not so far distant. We have appreciat­ ed your willingness to help in every good endeavour. Wo of­ fer you this token of friendship along with our best wishes for happiness, pority and good health, -—Signed on hebalf of the sail Institute, Mrs. A. Kerslake, Pres., Gladys Luker, sec.-treas, make a change, what is one com- is another’s gain; our very pros* Hon­ Usborne Council The Council of the Township of Vsbornd met on ,the after­ noon on Monday, March Sth With Reeve Hugh Berry presid­ ing and Councillors Wellington Brock, ~ - - - Simpson and present, Minutes of the last meeting held oxi February 6th were ad­ opted as printed on motion of Councillors Simpson and Brock. Three bids were received .in response to the call for tenders for the township gravelling job. These were duly considered by the Council and the bid of Claude Smith of London at 64 cents pex* yard was provision­ ally accepted, - subject to the ap­ proval of the District Highway Engineer, on motion of Council­ lors Brock and Simpson, The Township Auditor, T. A. Wiseman, presented his ,report for the township and fox* the township schools for the year 1947. He x-eported that the books of all offiicais were cor­ rect and records well kept. He recommended that all inactive Municipal Drain accounts owing the Township be closed out by making the necessary assess­ ments this year. The Auditor’s Report was adopted on motion of Councillors Tuckey and Simpson. The final appointment of an Assessing Officer was left over until the April meeting. R. L. Beattie of Seaforth, drainage contractor submitted a tender on the machine work in connection with the Wurm and Cann Mitchell Drains, His bid at 15 cents pei* foot, including catch basins at $20 each and the necessary headwalls at the Engineer’s estimate, was accept­ ed by tlxe Council and the con­ tract signed. Mr. Beattie agreed to complete the contract as soon as possible next summer after the hand work part of the drains have been completed. The Council agreed to arrange for the spreading of the tile. Contract price $1,616.00. The Tax Collector, Wm. Johns, reported that a total of $1,507.07 Of the 1947 Tax Levy was still outstanding. He stated that he would send all delin­ quent ratepayers one further notice before turning the un-’ .paid accounts over to the Coun­ ty Treasurex* fox* collection. C. L. Hawkins agreed to settlement of his claim against the Township foi* injuries and loss of time arising out of an accident while working with a Township snowplow last March 29th for the sum of $350 plus his medical expenses of $82.50 and Council so settled on mot­ ion. of Councillors Simpson and Brock. A grant of $10 was made to the Huron Co. Crop Improve­ ment Association in support of the Seed Fair to be held in Clinton oxi March 13tli. The following .correspondence was tabled and. dealt with as follows: From Oliver Amos, sec.-treas. of the Ausable River Conserva­ tion Authority re Township rep­ resentative. Filed. Name of representative already forward­ ed. From of Canada asking fol­ in their petition government have totally disabled increased to $10 o olution endorsed Councillors Tnckey combe. From Ross W. Hern ilig Daylight the Township of Usborne. No action. From Crops. Seeds & Weeds Branch of the Department of Agriculture regarding the feed grain produetioxi program ixi the province for 19 48. Filed. From re their Filed. From Old Age Township. Filed. T ■ f f ■y’q of W. R. Laing and Lyle Roberts for gift rings received were read. From the Treasurer of the Township of West Zorra re­ garding J. Rand and family said to have been residents of Usborne Township records were Searched and no record found. Approval by the Department of Highways for the payment of the balance of the 1947 road subsidy of $5,821.94. Council instructed the Clerk to make the necessary assess­ ments this year to close out all the inactive Municipal Drain Accounts owing the Township. The treasurer reported re­ ceipts since the last meeting of $7,448 The seated of $1 orders Treasurer to to the amount Councillors Tuckey and Simp­ son moved that the bills be paid. All were .... Council adjourned again in regular Monday afternoon, Oscar Tnckey, James Verne Pincombe Rage H DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED ’ Manufacturers of Tex-made products THAT'S a fine thing about cotton; whether it’s a shirt, a handkerchief, bedsheet, or even a graceful wedding gown, you are sure of your money’s worth, Cotton gives value for the money. Long service, resistance to laundering, fastness to sunlight, and above all a clean freshness that makes life worth living in winter or summer; these are the things your dollars buy when you spend them on cotton goods. THE FAMOUS Wow improied to give po the War Amputations support to the Federal pensions to was veterans monthly. Res- on motion of and Pin- regard- Saving Time in the Bell Telephone Co. assessment for 1948. the County Clerk re Pensioners in the appreciation from ■M 10.Road superintendent pre­ vouchers to the amount 888.29 for payment and were drawn on the wer current bills of $777.20. mo lions and resolutions unanimously carried and to meet session on ...... , April 12th. Harry Strang, Clerk. “To keep your moral strength in healthy tone, each day you should, do something Hite, .very much to do a psychologist. We do, We work you dis- EXTRA BLOWOUT protection cooi£* STRONG^ Co^STRUCTU)n N482D AVAilASlE IN TWO POPUIAR TREAD DESIGNS - THE AlUWEATHER SHOWN HERE NOW—Canada’s most popular tir© —Goodyear’s famous DeLuxe—has been improved to deliver 34% more mileage ... yet it sells today at less than pre-war prices. Millions of rugged road-test miles have proved that this new DeLuxe averages 34% more miles than the big-mileage Goodyear^it replaces. It’s a tougher tire in every way! Huskier shoulders mean greater strength. A wider, flatter tread puts mote rubber on the road to give you extra wear . . « give you extra sure-footed traction, at all times, on all roads. Stronger Supertwist cord provides extra stamina and extra protection against blowouts. Enjoy this Deluxe performance right now ... see your Goodyear dealer for t|ie greatest tire Value ever offered.GOODYEAR MORS PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR HRK THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND THE WORK OF MERCY NEVER ENDS — TO efltoss ,