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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-18, Page 9
Page 9 grown from our Registered Seed, O.A.C. 21, than the price we will be paying for Malting Barley. You will also get a better yield from Registered Seed. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 18th, J94S mem- previous PHONE 36 on E. Weighed at the Farmer's Door on His Scales HENSALL ONTARIO ap- Floor Sales and Service Specialize in Repairing and Rewinding MotorsWe Old Floors Re-Finished & Phone 615rl4 received Buildings and Parke were a committee to Miss and at the rear of the property in ten days, For- pro- pres., tables of Mrs. Wm. charge of Winners Anderi Hydro 22.09; Jabox* 43.24; ap- in- re- for point 2 committees as for Public Works and War with the following Foi’ the” Public Works, recently with Mrs. Lee. laughs don’t and Variety re oil HARDWOOD & TILE FLOORS LAID On Electric Grain Grinders, Milking Machines, Electric Grain Rollers, Milk Coolers. If it is Electric give us a call and you will find our prices are reasonable fox' the purposes. That we Brown: That Fire Insurance re chairs, and stated received two loads the drain, also the condition secure one 2 Junior Boys, Graham Junior Girls, Eudora Intermediate Boys, Wial- Maxwell; Intermediate Grace MacLeod. The Board asking grant for .Park and Brown: the usual 1 mill to the Board foi* Park expenses. at re _ the formation Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rl0 WIRING CONTRACTOR Phone Kirkton 27-3 ex- Son, G side We will pay 10 cents a bushel more for Barley Phone 54 Hensall, or Call at Our Office know weren’t speeding ... I stopped you so the boys could see those new Goodrich tires!” Bodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 200 Tom Coates Fred Dobbs Hy-Way Hank [jftpi ©FEWuRtS PUBLICITY INC. Farmers! Woodcutters! Make money and save work with a Hornet Power Chain Saw. It works fast —slices through heavy hard wood with ease. Simple operate. The Hornet is built to do tough jobs. It starts easily in any weather. Weight approximately 60 lbs. Let us give you the facts. Come in and get a demonstration. NEIL AILSA CRAIG, ONTARIO Sales & Service $2.10No. 1 Commercial O.A.C. 21. Galore. Barboff, No. 1 Commercial Moncalm No. 1 Certified Montcalm ... $2.50 $3.50 Oats No. 1 Commercial Victory No. 1 Commercial Beaver, Ajax, Alaska, Cartier and Vicland No. 1 $1.40 HENSALL ml Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Florence Welsh and Mr. Mrs. N. E. Cook attended Basketball play-offs in London on Saturday. Mrs. Donaldson, of London, spent a few days last week with hex’ mother, Mrs. Annie Saund- ercock. Dr. Norma Cook, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson visited in London the latter’s sister, Foi’ a night of miss the Minstrel concert in Carmel Presbyterian Chrurch school room on April 2nd at 8.15, Miss Gladys Luker has ac cepted a position at Mr. W. O. Goodwin’s Dry Goods Store in the absence of Mrs. H, W. Hor ton, who is enjoying a trip abroad. Elocution Contest The W.C.T.U. held an Elocu tion Contest in the school room of the Hensall United Church on Friday evening when Rev. R. A, Brook was chairman, Mrs. E, Geiger, president, gave a brief .address. The following musical selections were given with Miss Gladys Luker accom panist: vocal solo, Mary Ann Rennie; piano solos, Marilyn Mousseau, Peggy Rowcliffe; pia no trio, Joanne Johnstons Jean Lavender, Marilyn Moussean; vocal duet, Mary Ann and Jerry Rennie; duet, Eudora Hyde and Marlene Petskie; duet, Graham Farquhar and Bill Lavender; Mrs. Brooks moved a vote of thanks to the president, Mrs. E. Geiger. Following jire the prize winners: Farqulxai' Hyde; lace Girls, judges were Mrs. P. A. Fergus on, Mrs. J. McAllistex* and Miss Anita Hildebrand, Exeter. Miss Violet Hyde visited this week at the home of her broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde, who celebra- ted their tenth wedding anniver sary^ “Family Niglxt” Sponsored By Women’s Institute A community family night was held in the Town Hall, Hensall, Friday sponsored by the Kippen East Women’s In stitute. All members and form er members were invited, ty-three gressed. was in ments. Emmerson Wren, Mrs. Morley Cooper Jack Sinclair. A program presented with Mrs. James Naughton presiding. Those ing part were Marlene Eyre, Edwin Hay, Ann and Marie Sinclair, Grant MacGregor, Tom Kyle, Bob Caldwell, Audrey Walsh, Mrs. Ross Chapman and Gladys Chapman. Accompanists^ were Mr. Arthur 'Finlayson, Miss Jarvis, Mrs. J. Sinclaii’ and Miss Edna Walsh. Foi’ more Hensall news please .turn to page 11. Euchre . Kyle, the arrange- were Mrs. ■son, Gordon and was Mc- tak- O.E.S. Receives Letter of Thanks For Food Parcels The following letter is expres sive of the appreciation for the food parcels, which the Eastern Britain Hen sail Council The regular meeting of the Village Council was held March 2nd at 8 p.m. with all bers present except Councillor r. ,H. Middleton. Minutes of the meeting read and adopted. F. iSmallecomhe appeared as a delegate from the Community Park usual Jones grant Park Carried- L, Hedden reported re the snow removal from King st., al so the Insulation as completed on the Hall, and the work with the catch basins lately and pairing ,the that we had of tile fox’ ported things at the rink. Fire Chief E, Fink and R. Shaddick appeared as delegates from the Fire Brigade request ing that the water be piped in to the Fire Hall for use in fill ing the extinguishers, also some means for heating the water, and the following supplies, 1 ladder, 40 ft. long, 3 smoke gasoline torch, 2 rub- paix' of Fireman’s 2 firemen’s hats, Aid Kit. The sug- also made that a per year meet- be paid and stat- were 14 men on the walks, 12.00; Lawrence, trucking, SR, 40.00; prysdale's Hardware, supplies Hall, 15.85; Spencer ,& Son, insulation 191.18; W. Pfaff, labor, T. Kyle, labor 17.00; R. Simp- Dept. of Highways, .Truck, 2.00; Hen- Commission, hydro, E. Fink, supplies hall, 35.89, rink, J. Reid, snowplow- 40.50; L. Hedden, Total. 788.07. That By- masks, ber coats, 3 rubber boots, and a First gestion was fee per man ing attended ed there Brigade. Parke and Jones: That we heater, ladder, gasoline torch, 2 coats, boots, 2 garden hose, Kit. Carried. Parke and Brown: That we prepare a By-Law set ting the rate of pay for mem bers of the Fire Brigade as fol lows; $1-0° per meeting at tended, and 50 cents per hour when on calls. Carried. The Reeve and Clerk report ed re the trip to Toronto the meetings attended, also information Parliament Drain, also the School Fair. A numbei* of communications were considered and filed. Brown and Jones: That we join the Association of Asses sing Officers of Ontario. Carried Bills .and Accounts were read and oi'dei'ed paid as follows: Association of Assessing Offic- - ers, membership 10.00; Provin cial Treasurer, insulin, 1.23; County of Huron, hospitaliza tion, 3'2.60; F. C. Bonthron fire insurance, rink, 25.00; Bonthron & Son, repair chairs, hall, 2.50; T. Welsh & wood, rink, 7.00; Novaka Mus ic and Luggage, tarpaulin, Fire Dept., 13.95; Co-Operative, Glad man property, or, rink Paterson, 28.85; A. penses Toronto etc., 20.00; Bell Telephone, service 3.43; AV. R. Davidson, coal hall, 65.00; Schwalm, snowplowing One electric pall 40 ft. aluminum smoke masks, one 2 pair hats and 50 feet of and a First Aid A. hall, 191.18; W. Pfaff, 17.00; T. Kyle, labor R. Dick, labor, 17.00; son, 6.00; license Fire sal! hall, and 7.35, ing streets, salary, ,100.00; Brown and Parke: Law appointing Fire Chief also Motor Mechanic of Fire Depart ment be readings. Brown and Jones; Law No. 8 he given third and final reading ed. Carried. Jones and increase the the Hall and contents to 000.00 or the present policies doubled. Carried. Frown and Parke: That we instruct H. Harburn to remove the truck Town Hall Carried. Kerslake pointed as terview Hyde Brothers as gards procuring a tractor the Village. The Reeve was asked to follows; a Post results; _ __ _____ ,__, Brown, Parke and Kerslake, Reeve. For the Post War, Jones, Middleton, and Kei’slake with the first named to be Chairman. Adjournment at 12.22 a.m. given first and second Carried. That By- and finally pass Plumbing and Heating — AH Work Guaranteed — We Will Give You a FREE Estimate op That Wiring Job HENSALL Highest Prices Paid For Live Riverside Poultry Co. Howard Ferguson, Manager THAMESFORD ONTARIO Phone Kirkton 17r9 or Hensall 80r2 and ■Mr lab- On- J. Hensall District .coal, rink, 2.10; Cochrane, Deed, 5.00; L. Noakes, and tile, 47.25; J. A. expenses Toronto etc., W. Kerslake, BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, of Glendale. Mrs. T. Waugh, Mrs. Morley Waugh and Mrs. Beatty, all of London, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang ford and Walter spent Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. Trewartha, of Holmesville. Mr. Jaques, of Northern tario, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jas. Mossey. Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Thursday with Mrs. Percy Hod gins, of Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Langford and John, of Sainstbury, spent Saturday with Mrs. Fred Patti son. Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Thomson, Marion, Graut and Sharon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt<(l Chxttick, of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins Gordon, Grant, Avis and Allen, of Granton, spent Friday even ing with Mr. and 'Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rinn and daughter, of St. Marys, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson. Mr. Bill Jones, of Glendale, has purchased the 135 acx*e farm formerly owned by Mr. Norman Hodgins, of Granton. ■Miss Madeline Dann, of Loir don, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Danix. Mrs. Milton Hooper spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Carter, of Clinton. Mr. and' Mr. Gladwyn Lang' ford and Edwin spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Glad wyn Hooper.Quite a number of the Sth line attended the Middlesex Seed Show in London last weeli Mr. Wm. Sherrill. and Mr Garnet Baker spent Tuesday ev ening with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper. • Mr. Claren Miss Rhoda Wednesday t and Mrs. Milton Hooper. Stai’ Chapter send to monthly: Dear Mrs. Sanders, It was a big surprise to re ceive the parcel containing” such a splendid varietly of food stuffs. It was really very kind of you to rexnembei’ us, in giv ing our name in to your Frater nal Society, that I would like to say thank you for this vary kindly act. My very best thanks to you .and to the members of your society. Will you kindly convey to all responsible for this kindly act niy best thanks for such a wonderful parcel and extend to them my appreciation of same. I can assure you that these kindly acts in remember ing the folks at home are very much appreciated at this time, and we are truly thankful fox’ the splendid work the members of your society are doing. May this wonderful work receive the credit it so justly deserves. It was a treat to be able to enjoy a meaL of salmon last evening, the first that I have seen fox' many a long day. The most wel come item was the shortening which, maybe you already know, is one of the things we miss most, and to receive a whole pound at once like this, which is equal to sixteen, weekes ra tions for one person, a windfall. It was treat to be able to pudding, this beiflg we have not seen years. Thanking you once again fox* this wonderful parcel Yours very sincerely, *s. G. Atkinson Brin scall, Lancashire, Eng. $1.50 $2.50 $1.75 $2.65 $2.00 $3.10 $2.00 $1.40 1 1No. No.1 No.1 No.1 Nd.1 •to No.1 No.1 $2.50 $3.50 $3*50 $7.50 Commercial Montcalm Gasne Wheat Commercial O.A+C. 181 Peas Masdarin Soybeans Commercial Certified Beaver Registered Beaver Registered Alaska Certified Beacon .. Registered Cartier Mixed Grain ki si • u r.utvmrtt tewut fln K is almost also a great make a rice a commodity for several Thomson v Thomson evening with and ipont ■Mr. ipont